Muse Where Are Your Wings read online. “Muse, where are your wings?” Yana Frank


On Saturday, June 1st, our only summer book festival opened. As a result of an incredible chain of events that developed in exactly this way and not in any other way, I found myself in the center at that time and took a little photograph of what was happening. The rarity of book festivals/exhibitions on the blog is due to my dislike of large gatherings, but it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone sometimes.

In time, I arrived at the beginning of Dmitry Bykov’s lecture about Fazil Iskander. I can’t say anything about the lecture, but Bykov, it seemed to me, had lost a lot of weight after the recent sad events. The audience listened. The guy opposite furiously whispered in the girl’s ear, “This is Bykov, you know that?”

The organization of the festival remained the same as in previous years. Tents of various themes, inside which books from the publisher are sold. Between them are smaller tents where meetings with authors, interviews, and lectures are held. You can just come and wander around, you can look at the program and go specifically to meet the author.

There were a lot of people, but if you make it to the beginning, you can safely sit on an Ikea folding chair. At the beginning of the conversation between Mikhail Nozhkin and Gennady Ivanov, the half-empty tent before my eyes was filled with listeners.

All major and even small publishing houses are represented at the festival, as well as some large bookstores - Biblio-Globus, Read-Gorod. Biblio-Globus gave a discount card for any purchase. Publishers gave away bags containing books (probably not all of them, but I saw a few of them).

I stood for a long time and sadly in front of the counter of the Sinbad publishing house, but the toad grabbed me tightly by the neck and reminded me of the shelves of unread books at home. As a result, I didn’t buy Knausgaard, which was finally published by us, which I later regretted. It's not on sale anywhere yet.

The festival was lucky with the weather.

Neat volumes of Rick and Morty are waiting for their owners.

Prices for books are different everywhere. Somewhere above online, especially if you take into account any bonuses, etc. Somewhere below. People go more for the atmosphere and communication with the authors. Some, in the rush, just piled up books. It’s still easier for me to order and pick up from a point closer to home. But Knausgaard...

The festival will close on Thursday. Next year, I think, I won’t go to it on purpose - there are few really interesting meetings and authors that I would like to see.


“ be honest, the dead have never scared me.

I'm truly afraid of the living.

The dead are much more predictable and forgiving.”

Sue Black

I enjoyed reading this by Sue Black. Professor Black turned out to be a most pleasant lady. "Lady" in in this case not a polite designation of gender, but the most serious title “Lady Commander” British Empire", which Sue was awarded by the Queen for her services to anthropology.

Technical side

Some facts about the author:
  • born and studied in Inverness (the same one from where Claire Randall from) comes into the past;
  • Black has worked as a forensic anthropologist since 1987;
  • in 1999, she became the leading anthropologist of a team of investigators from Great Britain in Kosovo, investigating mass grave sites;
  • in 2003 she went to Iraq twice for work (but for some reason this is not mentioned in the book);
  • in 2005, she helped identify the corpses of those killed after the tsunami in Thailand;
  • constantly helps the police solve cases and prove the guilt of criminals. One of the brightest cases: in 2014, she helped the Manchester police arrest and prove the guilt of a 34-year-old man who abused a child and filmed it on video. Black proved that it was him, although the video only shows the hands of the pedophile.
Black is married and has two daughters.

Already from these dry facts it is clear that Susan Black extraordinary personality. In the book she describes in simple language scientific and research work.

Professor Black with his daughter

The first 5 chapters are devoted to memories of the beginning of her journey (working in a butcher's shop), her studies at the university, and memories of the death of her parents. To be honest, these chapters seemed redundant and even superfluous to me for the book. Those who start them and get stuck are seriously tempted to give up everything. In this case, I advise you to go directly to Chapter 6 "These Bones", where Black finally takes the bull by the horns.

The author describes in sufficient detail how killers usually dismember corpses (but they do it incorrectly, and she won’t tell us how correctly), what the stages of post-mortem changes in a corpse are called and look like, methods of preserving bodies for scientific purposes after death (one of them Black herself improved and introduced at her university) what the work of a forensic anthropologist looks like “in the fields” - under a tent, in the mud, under the scorching sun or monotonous rain, in a protective suit and rubber boots.

Professor Black's humor is quite dark and dry, which makes perfect sense. However, this and the descriptions of the dissection of corpses scared some of the girls from my reading club away from reading. I wouldn’t recommend the book to the squeamish, and you definitely can’t read it while eating.

It was horrifyingly interesting to me how the remains are identified even 30-40 years later, the appearance is recreated several centuries (!) later, how anthropologists participate in police work and, finally, how a person is not blown away by everything he sees. With the roof it turned out to be simple:

“Compartmentalization,” or separate thinking, is a kind of cognitive choice that you need to accustom yourself to. I don’t consider myself indifferent and cold, I’m just sensible. At work, I deliberately become rigid, making every effort to reduce emotional reaction and involvement to a minimum by opening an imaginary door to a separate, professional “room” in my head.
If I'm studying decomposing human remains, I go into a room where there's no smell. If I work with murders, dismemberments or injuries, I choose the one where calm and safety reigns. If I study samples related to crimes against minors, I go to the far end of the room in order to remove myself from sensory information and not transfer what I see and hear from this alien space of unimaginable cruelty into my own. real life. In these rooms, I try to be just a bystander applying my scientific knowledge, rather than an emotionally involved participant. The real self remains outside the room, shielded and protected from the psychological bombardment that occurs inside.
Sorry for the long quote, but this is very interesting.

I wonder if all doctors use such “doors”? Surely, dentists are not happy about picking around canals with decaying dental nerves, and surgeons are not very happy about cutting into the stomach of a living person, and successively pushing apart the skin, fat, muscles, internal organs etc. I suspect it’s not easy for proctologists to work every day either.


The book will definitely interest fans of thrillers and true crime. For those who have to stay in hospitals, it’s probably better to skip it - there are too many chances of triggering some kind of injury. Although I like to pick off the crusts and see what happens next.

"All that's left. Notes of a Pathologist and Forensic Anthropologist by Sue Black. "All That Remains: A Life in Death", Sue Black.


A little late, I’m returning from my “vacation” and continuing a new format of posts. You can see the previous month

I read it

  • "The Wonderful Journey of Edward Rabbit" , Kate DiCamillo. Iconic in in a good way a children's book about the development of the character of a toy rabbit. He was very beautiful and very empty in every sense - his head was made of porcelain and full of a sense of his own superiority. He would have remained that way if fate had not decreed otherwise. NB! Everyone cries while reading, adults and children. To understand my callousness, I didn’t cry while reading “White Bim”, but here I had to. Good for ages 8-10, but still not for younger grades.
  • “Freedom, equality, sisterhood. 150 years of women’s struggle for their rights" , Martha Breen. The book made a contradictory impression. Yes, it's beautifully drawn and a quick read. But the level of introduction to the topic of feminism/equality is right for teenagers. I would even say the book is intended for a reader of about 12 years old, if not for one “but” - the 18+ recommendation on the cover. Therefore, it’s somewhat difficult to recommend it, despite everyone’s enthusiasm. If you’re going to spend a thousand rubles, then it’s better to buy a book by Pelenope Bazhye
  • "Manifesto. From woman to woman" Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. A friend from a “mom’s” forum advised me to read this book. A friend has a son, but that didn’t stop her from reading a book with 15 tips on “how to raise your daughter to be a feminist.” Chimamanda writes easily and with humor; “manifesto” is too serious a word for the content. Rather, these are thoughts about. I would like to buy the book and give it to everyone I know with children of both sexes, because the author writes about universal things that everyone notices, but not everyone analyzes.
  • "Cat's Eye" , Margaret Atwood. This book from 1998 (!) has not been translated or published. Much to my regret, because the book deserves reading. I would call it a classic in Atwood’s work, because it has everything that the writer is loved for: intricate language, pain and suffering, a sarcastic view of the world, honest and sometimes unpleasant observations of others. I'm planning a detailed review.

  • "Silent Patient" Alex Michaelides. An average, fresh thriller that pulls you in and provides a distraction, if that's what you're looking for. The idea is a 4, the style is a 2, overall a C. It's best to skip, and if you're looking for a thriller, check out the recommendations.
  • I'm reading

    • "Year of the Flood" Atwood, the second book in the “Mad Addam” / “MaddAddam” trilogy. I read the first part of “Oryx and the Crake” in May, so it was not included in the books I read above. The second part is read worse than the first, but I do not lose hope.
      • "All that's left. Notes of a pathologist and forensic anthropologist" , Sue Black. The name speaks for itself. I read in Russian because I don’t understand anatomical details in English. Not suitable for the squeamish, but perfect for detective lovers.

      I plan to read


      While searching for Russian publications, I came across an extremely interesting blog by the translator of Margaret Atwood’s books into Russian. The author writes about the difficulties of translation, mistakes and editorial work. As it turned out, in the Russian edition of Oryx and Crake, the editor significantly censored the contents of the book, in particular, “everything that related to “pedophilia” and “drugs” was thrown out.”
      "Sorry, honey. Only trying to help." Sorry honey, just wanted to help. It says just above that it is a sultry female voice whispering to him. And some Georgian translated: “Yzvyny, daragoy...”
      Most people don"t do that because we"ve been taught since a very young age at school and at home that we start what we finish... It"s the author"s job to convince you to read the book. It"s not your job to convince yourself that you need to read the book."

      An endless list of 11 books about children, parenting and parenting from a mother of what appears to be three children (I can’t count exactly on her Instagram) who looks like a Vogue model. I, perhaps overly optimistic, hope to avoid my own mistakes by learning from others, and relying on parents with more experience to choose books. I’ve already started reading one book from her list and I don’t understand why the other 10 are needed. It’s not in Russian.

      The basic premise is that our current culture is one of disrespect and a lack of authority by parents. Without that parental authority, children don’t care much for what their parents think and they care WAY more about what their peers think about them, and children grow up without gaining the skills to deal with life’s challenges. After the general setup, the book focuses on three main things that parents can do to raise healthy, happy, and self-reliant children.
      I love this standard greeting question, “How’s business?” Remember, business is when “Mr. General Director, it seems it’s time for our company to go public.” And when “Mr. General Director, can I take two books at thirty rubles for fifty dollars, I don’t have enough for travel?”, then this is not a business, this is some kind of ***.

      The blog is going on hiatus for the next couple of weeks of the holidays. Then there will definitely be news, reviews and everything in the old regime. As usual, quotes and notes in

    What is this book about?

    If a person is busy with something other than his own business, he loses the meaning of life. But if this very “own business” implies pure creativity, then often the desire to do it encounters a sharp misunderstanding of others. Life turns into an exhausting struggle, after which there is no strength left to create or enjoy anything. The world around is strewn with fallen feathers from wings, and many people who have lost access to a source of inspiration are busy doing something they don’t like and are angry at everyone and everything. And their ranks are constantly growing.

    And if without creativity you feel like a fish in the sand and don’t feel support from anyone, arm yourself with this book.

    Why we decided to publish this book

    To refute the common belief that creative professions are frivolous.

    So that there are more inspired, happy and self-realized people.

    Who is this book for?

    For those who are looking or have been looking for themselves in creativity.

    For those who have found themselves in it, but are forced to overcome the resistance of loved ones.

    For those who have overcome everything, but are now tormented by doubts about their creative viability.

    Book chips

    The project is completely original: text, design, illustrations, working materials - everything was created by Yana Frank. The book has a pronounced supporting effect. If you are overwhelmed by self-doubt, open it on any page - it should help..

    Perhaps one of the readers always wanted to be a real artist, writer or fashion designer, but at one time did not dare. He succumbed to pressure from all sides and acquired an “understandable profession.”

    And someone is at a crossroads right now. The relatives have almost pushed the unfortunate man to the edge of the abyss, and he is almost ready to jump into the terrible abyss (having surrendered to long years a task that you really don’t want to do at all). But he's still toying with the idea of ​​turning around and going the other way.

    And some have lost their way. They knew who they wanted to be, and they repeated it with early years. But even they somehow mysteriously managed to redirect them in a different direction. Without noticing it themselves, they agreed to become just a little bit someone else.

    Others have even already started doing exactly what they wanted. They stubbornly entered exactly the university that they considered necessary, tried their hand at the very thing that inspired and seemed like theirs, and even began to achieve some success. Some of them have even been making money from this for a long time. But somehow I still can’t explain to my family and friends that this is serious.

    Although my closest people - my parents - have always supported me in my creative impulses, I had to fight a lot for the opportunity to rush into all the abyss of my dreams and do what is important to me, without compromise or remorse.

    Later, many readers asked me for advice when it seemed to them that the whole world had turned against them, no one understood them or supported them. Some were actively and openly interfered with. They explained to others that they were ready to support them in anything, but in reality they cut off all Muse’s wings. When we put some dramas out there for everyone to see on my blog, there were hundreds of readers who had experienced very similar stories. It became clear how difficult it is sometimes to win the simplest things from society. Such as understanding, openness towards bold dreams and slightly different pictures of the world.

    Maybe my experience will help someone. Or my arguments will come in handy. And the recipes that I discovered for myself or received as a gift from those who figured everything out before I did. Here are stories about the salvation of Muse and Inspiration. Because there are rumors that art and beauty can even save the soul.

    And most importantly

    If we are inspired by something, we want to live, because there is something that evokes the joy of being in us. At the same time, inspiration can move from one person to another, it is contagious. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want to light up with. The state is transferred, and it is the same for all activities.

    Therefore, there is no need to fight for your happiness with enemies! We need to make our comrades those who initially wish us happiness and whom we please most when we feel good.

    Yana Frank (known online as Miu Mau) was born in 1972 in Dushanbe into a family of graphic artists. In 1990 she moved to Berlin, where she became a designer and later a creative director in a large agency. Trying to combine work, home and raising her son, she formed her own system for organizing creative processes, as a result of which she achieved success and great efficiency in her work. In 2003, another aggravating circumstance appeared - a serious illness - taking into account which I had to relearn how to correctly distribute my resources. Today Yana writes books about her profession, draws illustrations for glossy magazines, teaches and does art. Despite the fact that she still has to spend a significant part of her time in hospitals, she manages to do everything that is important to her.

    On our website you can download the book "Muse, where are your wings?" Yana Frank for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

    Yana Frank

    Muse, where are your wings?

    A book about how to defend your desire to make creativity a profession

    and learn to live on inspiration without tearing off the Muse’s wings

    To my mother - for always mending the wings of my Muse!

    The book future has arrived

    Surely, dear readers, you were all raised like me: with the idea that books should be protected, that every book is a treasure. They are something magical. A door to other worlds, a path to knowledge. Many still remember the stories of their grandparents about times of famine. When the textbooks were used one by one, blowing away dust particles. Throughout my childhood I was surrounded by books. And examples of how to handle them. And legends about barbarians who dared to fold the corner of a page in a book or - God forbid - to emphasize some interesting idea right in the text!

    When I moved to Germany, it took me a long time to get used to the fact that books are treated differently here. My academic friends, who had old publications on their shelves at home, clearly distinguished between antique masterpieces and books for work. The latter were bought used, if possible, they were written in them, and multi-colored bookmarks were glued to half the pages.

    In response to my astonished exclamations, they shrugged their shoulders: “This is a work book! The more I work with her, the better she gets! Look, next time I’ll take it off the shelf and I’ll easily find what I liked there so much, why I even got into it again. Here are all my bookmarks, here it is already emphasized that in this chapter I wanted to remember. I’ve made myself at home in the book, then I’ll live in it!”

    I was even more shocked by contemporary artists who turned old books into collages and sculptures. And this didn’t just apply to books: I was also offended by the scratched and paint-stained vinyl records turned into art objects of old musical instruments. All these were things from which we were taught to blow dust. And now?

    But times are changing. Today, readers are taught: it is not the person who should serve the book, but the book - the person. Do what you feel comfortable with, it is designed to benefit you! At first, the reader was carefully led to the idea that “working with a book” can be understood in any way. That every book is a little notebook in the soul, Notebook, problem book. In cheerful and playful books on psychology, spiritual exercises began to appear like: “Let your friend draw on this page, or do whatever he wants with it! Try not to watch what he does and don’t get nervous!”

    Nowadays, most books shout: “I’m not a book at all,” “Throw me off the fifth floor!”, “Tear out a page from me, roll it into a bag and drink water from it!” Why is this being done? So that the reader can finally overcome everything that is blocking him and simply do what is convenient for him. While e-books are taking the world by storm, boasting of their interactivity, paper books are ahead of them in this too! Not in every e-book It's easy to find your favorite place. There are few places where you can make bookmarks, and even name and describe them as desired. How many times have we scrolled up and down an endless white sheet of paper in search of that very place? Or they flipped through electronic pages, trying to identify what they needed from the miniature preview images.

    You can put your finger in a paper book and look at several places in turn. You can push bookmarks into it by writing what you need on them. If you want, you can glue “ears” to the beginnings of the sections and paint them in different colors. Circle a line right in the text so you can see it from afar. You can write additions in the margins, draw, fold the pages! And let such a book cease to be “just a book” - consider that it turns into something much more interesting and precious: a working tool. Your. Tailored to your personal wishes.

    Oct 11, 2016

    Muse, where are your wings? Yana Frank

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    Title: Muse, where are your wings?

    About the book “Muse, where are your wings?” Yana Frank

    Yana Frank is a contemporary artist and writer. Her book entitled Muse, Where Are Thy Wings? talks about how creative people not to miss inspiration, exchanging endless explanations to others that what they do is actually important and serious work, in which they see the true meaning of their life. The author also pays a lot of attention to the question of how to make your creative activity profitable. The main purpose of this work is to refute the widely held belief that creative work not serious and can only act as a hobby. The work is designed to help people realize themselves, find inspiration and happiness. Therefore, reading it will be useful not only creative individuals, but also to all connoisseurs of high-quality motivational literature.

    In his book “Muse, Where Are Your Wings?” Yana Frank focuses our attention on the fact that if a person does not work according to his calling, is engaged in a business for which his soul is not in, then he loses the meaning of life. However, if his favorite pastime is pure creativity, he often faces a wall of misunderstanding from his family and friends. As a result, the life of such a person turns into an exhausting struggle, which leaves no strength to create and enjoy life. In the most deplorable cases, a person withdraws into himself, loses contact with the source of former inspiration, stops being creative and dooms himself to a gray and dull existence associated with routine work for the sake of money and universal approval. In our time, the ranks of such people who failed in life and in professional activity people are constantly replenished.

    Yana Frank in her work “Muse, where are your wings?” expresses the firm conviction that if we experience a surge of inspiration, we want to live and create, since something appears that provokes the joy of being in us. In addition, inspiration has such characteristic feature, as the ability to be transmitted from one person to another, that is, it is endowed with contagious power. It doesn’t matter what exactly you want to light up with. The state itself is transmitted, and it is identical for any type of activity. That is why you should not fight for your happiness with your enemies. It is necessary to make our supporters those who have always wished us the best and who are most happy when everything is wonderful with us. Thus, the book “Muse, Where Are Your Wings?” It is a must-read for everyone who is looking for themselves in creativity, as well as for everyone who is tormented by doubts about their own professional viability. It provides invaluable ideas and advice that will help each of us improve the quality of our lives.

    What is this book about?
    If a person is busy with something other than his own business, he loses the meaning of life. But if this very “own business” implies pure creativity, then often the desire to do it encounters a sharp misunderstanding of others. Life turns into an exhausting struggle, after which there is no strength left to create or enjoy anything. The world around is strewn with fallen feathers from wings, and many people who have lost access to a source of inspiration are busy doing something they don’t like and are angry at everyone and everything. And their ranks are constantly growing.
    And if without creativity you feel like a fish in the sand and don’t feel support from anyone, arm yourself with this book.

    Why we decided to publish this book
    To refute the common belief that creative professions are frivolous.

    So that there are more inspired, happy and self-realized people.

    Who is this book for?
    For those who are looking or have been looking for themselves in creativity.
    For those who have found themselves in it, but are forced to overcome the resistance of loved ones.
    For those who have overcome everything, but are now tormented by doubts about their creative viability.

    Book chips
    The project is completely original: text, design, illustrations, working materials - everything was created by Yana Frank. The book has a pronounced supporting effect. If you are overwhelmed by self-doubt, open it on any page - it should help.

    From the author
    Perhaps one of the readers always wanted to be a real artist, writer or fashion designer, but at one time did not dare. He succumbed to pressure from all sides and acquired an “understandable profession.”
    And someone is at a crossroads right now. The relatives have almost pushed the unfortunate man to the edge of the abyss, and he is almost ready to jump into the terrible abyss (having devoted himself for many years to a task that he really does not want to do at all). But he's still toying with the idea of ​​turning around and going the other way.
    And some have lost their way. They knew what they wanted to be and they said it from an early age. But even they somehow mysteriously managed to redirect them in a different direction. Without noticing it themselves, they agreed to become just a little bit someone else.
    Others have even already started doing exactly what they wanted. They stubbornly entered exactly the university that they considered necessary, tried their hand at the very thing that inspired and seemed like theirs, and even began to achieve some success. Some of them have even been making money from this for a long time. But somehow I still can’t explain to my family and friends that this is serious.
    Although my closest people - my parents - have always supported me in my creative impulses, I had to fight a lot for the opportunity to rush into all the abyss of my dreams and do what is important to me, without compromise or remorse.
    Later, many readers asked me for advice when it seemed to them that the whole world had turned against them, no one understood them or supported them. Some were actively and openly interfered with. They explained to others that they were ready to support them in anything, but in reality they cut off all Muse’s wings. When we put some dramas out there for everyone to see on my blog, there were hundreds of readers who had experienced very similar stories. It became clear how difficult it is sometimes to win the simplest things from society. Such as understanding, openness towards bold dreams and slightly different pictures of the world.
    Maybe my experience will help someone. Or my arguments will come in handy. And the recipes that I discovered for myself or received as a gift from those who figured everything out before I did. Here are stories about the salvation of Muse and Inspiration. Because there are rumors that art and beauty can even save the soul.
    And most importantly
    If we are inspired by something, we want to live, because there is something that evokes the joy of being in us. At the same time, inspiration can move from one person to another, it is contagious. And it doesn’t matter what exactly you want to light up with. The state is transferred, and it is the same for all activities.
    Therefore, there is no need to fight for your happiness with enemies! We need to make our comrades those who initially wish us happiness and whom we please most when we feel good.

    about the author
    Yana Frank (known online as Miu Mau) was born in 1972 in Dushanbe into a family of graphic artists. In 1990 she moved to Berlin, where she became a designer and later a creative director in a large agency. Trying to combine work, home and raising her son, she formed her own system for organizing creative processes, as a result of which she achieved success and great efficiency in her work. In 2003, another aggravating circumstance appeared - a serious illness - taking into account which I had to relearn how to correctly distribute my resources. Today Yana writes books about her profession, draws illustrations for glossy magazines, teaches and does art. Despite the fact that she still has to spend a significant part of her time in hospitals, she manages to do everything that is important to her.
    4th edition.