There is no arguing about points: appeals to the Unified State Examination. Is it possible to appeal the results of the Unified State Examination and within what time frame - how to file an appeal under the Unified State Examination correctly? How to File a Biology Appeal

According to Rosobrnadzor, in 2019, almost 750 thousand people registered to participate in the unified state exams, of which 662 thousand were graduates of this year. On June 13, united state exams in Biology and Computer Science who have completed the core period. Until July 1 main Unified State Exam period will continue reserve days for delivery of all items. As the department reminds, graduates who do not agree with the results of the unified state exam can file an appeal.

In what case can I file an appeal?

There are two types of appeal. The first is about violation of the established order conducting the Unified State Exam. It is submitted directly on the day of the exam. The decision is made after consideration by a special commission. If satisfied, the graduate has the right to re-write the exam.

The second type of appeal is about disagreement with the assigned points. This is what graduates most often submit. tells you how to do this correctly and how to avoid getting fewer points in the end.

How to prepare for an appeal?

The graduate has the right to file an appeal within two days from the official publication of the Unified State Examination results. After receiving the results, seek help from teachers and tutors. For objectivity, it is better to ask the opinion of several experts. Discuss in detail which criteria you disagree with, and formulate a clear argument for your position. You cannot revise the content and structure of the tasks themselves, as well as the answers to short answer questions.

How does the appeal work?

The commission appoints a time and place for the appeal, where the graduate can come either alone or accompanied by parents or other legal representatives. If you prepare in advance, you can issue a power of attorney for the teacher. In this case, he will be required to be allowed in with the student.

All necessary materials are presented to the exam participant, who confirms in writing that he has been presented with the examination work he completed.

If the commission immediately states that the work has already been checked, no points have been added and nothing will be discussed with you, you should not be afraid to ask for a detailed explanation of why such a decision was made. Do not sign any documents, fight to the last. If this dispute is not resolved, request an appeal at the federal level. However, you need to be as sure as possible that the work deserves such a painstaking assessment and that there really is a controversial point.

The student may not be present at the appeal: in this case, the decision is made solely based on the results of the commission’s inspection.

How to achieve higher Unified State Exam scores?

The graduate, together with the commission, considers controversial answers to tasks with a detailed answer. Both sides express their reasoned position. And here a lot depends on the graduate’s ability to speak clearly and cogently. If you are a shy or nervous person, do not be afraid to come to the appeal with your parents. They will help if you are confused.

What to do if they want to lower rather than increase their score?

Indeed, the conflict commission can either increase or decrease the score. Graduates of past years often share their sad stories and advice on how to avoid this. The most important of them is not to sign any documents if you do not agree with the outcome of this appeal. Without your signature if you are present, the results of the appeal will not be valid.

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The best appeal is the one that never happened! Physics, mathematics and computer science tutor Alexander Vitalievich Chudnovsky reminds you of the rules for filling out the exam form and tells you how to prepare for an appeal - just in case.

The best appeal is the one that never happened! Physics, mathematics and computer science tutor Alexander Vitalievich Chudnovsky reminds you of the rules for filling out the exam form and tells you how to prepare for an appeal - just in case.

Check if your points are enough for admission to the budget.

Try to avoid an appeal

To avoid the need to appeal the exam results, you need to clearly formulate the solution to the problems with a detailed answer and enter the answers to the problems of the test part into the form, following simple rules:

  • Each designation you entered during the solution must be explained (for example, “Let V be the volume of the immersed part of the body...”) so that the examiner does not guess what exactly you designated with this or that letter, because if he does not guess your idea - then you will not receive points.
  • Before applying a mathematical theorem or physical law, it is very advisable to write their names (for example, “By the theorem of sines for triangle ABC..." or "From the condition of equilibrium of the load..."). This rule is of particular importance in qualitative problems in physics - there, according to assessment criteria, points can be given for mentioning certain laws.
  • It is not advisable to use facts that are not included in school curriculum, without proof, as points may be deducted for this. But any facts from official school textbooks can be used without proof, simply by mentioning the name of the theorem or law.

There are other rules for making decisions, full list Your tutor will give you the information during your consultation.

Appeal procedure

If you still get fewer points than you expected, it’s time to prepare for your defense. You have three days to file an appeal: the one when you found out the results, and two more subsequent days - they must be working. I advise you to take a time out to calmly review your work and weigh the chances of success.

The appeal form will be issued at the school - be sure to check the box next to the item about personal presence at the meeting of the conflict commission.

Your appeal should be considered within four working days, the date will be announced in advance, but be prepared for the fact that this could happen tomorrow and there will be little time left to prepare a clear and reasoned speech in defense of your points.

Make an appeal plan

If you believe you deserve more points than you received, start preparing for an appeal. First, you need to download a scan of your work, re-solve the problem again and compare the new solution with the scan - an independent solution often helps to identify errors.

Then download the rubric and review your work from an expert's perspective. If you've been studying for an exam with a tutor, be sure to discuss your exam paper with them! You must fully understand the task in case you are asked tricky questions during the appeal in order to understand how consciously you wrote this or that phrase.

The most important thing is to build an appeal plan: what exactly will you defend, and what issues are best not to raise (if your decision contains dubious statements). Careful preparation for an appeal is half the success.

The second half is the willpower demonstrated by the student during the appeal itself. Almost always, the student finds himself alone against several experts who support each other. The tutor is unlikely to be able to go with you even with a notarized power of attorney from your parents, so immediately get ready to defend your position alone.

Prepare yourself psychologically

Unfortunately, appeals for the Unified State Exam differ from appeals for All-Russian Olympiads(I have had the opportunity to be both on the side of the participant and on the side of the jury in almost a hundred Olympiads) with less goodwill and more formalism. And these formal rules lead to the fact that experts are interested in leaving the scores unchanged, since each change in scores is associated with a certain bureaucracy - for example, re-checking the quality of the experts’ work by higher authorities.

To reduce the number of cases of points being changed, some experts may even use incorrect techniques, for example, intimidating students by saying that they will now recheck all the work and will definitely find something to remove points for. Although in last years appeals under the Unified State Examination are carried out noticeably more correctly than before, similar psychological pressure from the experts is not excluded.
If before the appeal you have discussed all the tasks in detail with a tutor, such threats will not frighten you: you will know how to answer tricky questions about any phrase in your decisions.

Important! You need to know two things about threats to deduct points: firstly, there are very few cases of its implementation even throughout the country, and secondly, deduction of points is also a change in the exam result, which experts do not need at all, that is, this threat is a bluff with the purpose of convincing the student to abandon the appeal.

If the appeal does not help

There are situations when you are confident that you are right, but the expert refuses to give points for some of his reasons. Then it’s time to remember about the “heavy artillery”, that is, about the possibility of appealing to the conflict commission, which should be at every appeal point.

If you disagree with the Unified State Exam scores, cancel the assessment results, or illegally remove a child from the exam, parents - and the student himself - can file an appeal.

Let's consider what the procedure for appealing score results is, when and how you can challenge the received document. You will also find out what the practice of Russian courts is in relation to this issue- and whose side the judges take.

In what cases can you file an appeal against the Unified State Examination - deadlines for filing an appeal

A student undergoing the Unified State Examination procedure can challenge the commission’s decision, but the deadlines for appeals and filing an appeal are different.

We list when and in what cases a student can appeal the decision.

Cases of appealing the results of the Unified State Examination


Deadline for filing an appeal

Violation of the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

The student was illegally kicked out of the exam.

The Unified State Exam participant was given a cheat sheet, but he did not use it. The commission had no evidence of violations.

Member admissions committee I found a phone next to the student that did not belong to the child.

The child or his teacher or legal representative must write an appeal without leaving the school where he took the Unified State Exam, on the same day - the day of the exam.

Once the student submits the form, he can write an appeal. You can't pull!

Disagreement with the assigned points

The student knows and remembers that he entered the correct answer on the form, and the commission members, due to inattention or mistake, indicated the wrong result.

You can file an appeal within 2 days, not from the moment the exam is held, but from the moment the results are announced.

Let us remind you , that the student should have been informed 2 weeks before the exam about how the passing procedure will take place, within what time frame it will be possible to appeal the decision, and in what place.

It will not be possible to challenge the commission’s decision in any way if a student or parent wants to emphasize incorrect content test tasks, the child’s failure to fill out forms incorrectly, the student’s failure to comply with the requirements set by the commission members.

The procedure for appealing the Unified State Examination in case of violation of the rules of the Unified State Examination - instructions

In order to challenge the decision of the commission if a child was illegally expelled from the exam - or the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam was violated for some other reason, you must follow the instructions:

Step 1. After handing in the forms, going out into the corridor, the student must contact the organizer.

Step 2. Explain that you want to appeal and state the reason.

Step 3. Ask for an application form. If the organizers stand their ground and try to persuade you, don’t write an appeal, don’t listen to them. If you decide that you were illegally expelled from taking the Unified State Exam, then it is better to write an appeal immediately. Then they won't consider it.

Step 4. Write a statement. In it, be sure to indicate for what reason the Unified State Exam procedure was violated. Prepare the application in two copies.

Step 5. Give the organizer one copy of the application and keep the other, but just ask the teacher to sign it. This will serve as proof of your application.

Step 6. Wait for the results of the commission - they will be ready within 2 days. The student and parents may be invited to the committee meeting. You must have your passport with you.

Results of the conflict commission can be obtained from the school where the child is studying.

The documentation must indicate the decision, as well as the date and time of retaking the exam.

How to challenge the results of the Unified State Exam if you disagree with the points received for the exam - instructions

To challenge scores already received, parents, or the student himself, must follow the following instructions:

Step 1. Contact educational institution where you are studying.

Step 2. Ask for an appeal form.

Step 3. Write a statement. It must be issued in the name of the director.

Step 4. Ask to sign the document. The parent or student must keep one option for themselves in order to have evidence of their appeal. The other should be given to the director.

Step 5. Wait for the commission's decision. The director must transfer the appeal application to the conflict commission. The student may be notified of the date if his presence is required.

As a rule, the application is processed quickly - within 1 week. After receiving the documentation, the student will either be assigned a retake day, or will have their scores increased/decreased, or will retain their existing scores.

Procedure for considering an appeal to the Unified State Exam and deadlines

The procedure for considering applications to appeal the results of the Unified State Exam is as follows:

  1. The organizers must accept the student's appeal.
  2. The application is submitted to the conflict commission, which does not include members of the subject commission.
  3. If necessary, the participants of the conflict commission send a request to the Regional Center for Inspection of a certain object of the Russian Federation to provide information regarding the student’s passing the exam. Videos, audio recordings, copies of protocols and other paper documentation may be submitted for review.
  4. The conflict commission must check how the student’s examination work was assessed, whether it meets all the requirements, and make a decision.

IMPORTANT: Parents or students may be invited to the meeting. They may be provided with a response form filled out by the graduate to confirm that the applicant was the one who performed the work. Members of the subject commission may also be invited to the meeting to establish the correctness of the student’s assessment.

The student will be able to receive the committee's decision within 4 days at the school where he studies.

Judicial practice of appealing the results of the Unified State Examination - how and when can you file a lawsuit?

After contacting the conflict commission, if the decision is not satisfactory, the student or his legal representatives can submit statement of claim to court.

Deadlines for applying not defined by law.

Of course, the sooner a claim is filed, the better. The child will have time to retake the exam this year.

In practice, judges do not always side with students.

Here are a few examples where the court agreed with the decision of the conflict commission:

Example 1. Petrov was kicked out of the exam due to cheating. Violations have been proven.

Example 2. Sokolova used a wristwatch with the function of receiving and transmitting data.

Example 3. Ivanov's cheat sheet fell out, but he was not caught cheating. Later, a video was sent in which Ivanov was seen cheating.

Here are examples when parents and a graduate achieved recognition that they were right:

Example 1. Sidorov found himself next to someone else's phone - it was lying on the floor when the student went into the toilet. The organizer demanded to take his phone, but Sidorov refused - he said that it was not his device. The organizer kicked the graduate out of the exam - thus, he was wrong.

The first thing you need to know about the Unified State Exam. All exam results are posted on the official website. Moreover, the graduate can not only familiarize himself with the number of points scored for each task, but also view a scan of his work. To do this, you just need to go to the appropriate section and enter your full name and passport details.

Usually, controversial issues in assessment arise in the written part. Test part checks the computer and there are no failures. It happens that the examinee wrote an incorrect answer, and the system simply could not parse it; in such situations, an appeal is not filed, because the fault here lies entirely with the graduate.

So, you reviewed the written part and decided that the inspector underestimated your scores - this is not yet a reason to file an appeal. Take your work, check the assessment criteria (everything is described in detail there) and consult with your teacher on the subject. If after all this your opinion has not changed, file an appeal. And now more about this procedure.

Who hears the appeal?

The rights of participants during the Unified State Examination are protected by a specially created conflict commission. She will resolve all controversial issues regarding the examination procedure and work evaluation.

When considering the appeal, the Unified State Exam participant and (or) his parents (legal representatives), as well as public observers, may be present. You can (and even need) to take your teacher with you, but for this you will need to issue a notarized confirmation that he is your legal representative.

In what cases can you appeal?

There are two types of appeal: about violation of the established procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination according to the relevant academic subject(there weren’t enough drafts, renovations were being done in the corridor and there was noise, etc.); about disagreement with the assigned points.

The Commission will not consider issues related to the content and structure of CIMs, i.e. the claim “It was a stupid question” will not be accepted. They will also not accept applications where the claims are related to:

  • assessing the results of completing assignments exam paper with a short answer;
  • with a participant in the Unified State Exam violating the requirements established by the Procedure (if you violated the rules, for example, carried a cheat sheet with you or started making noise and you were expelled, then only you are to blame);
  • with incorrect formatting of the examination paper.

The CC does not consider the USE participant's drafts as appeal materials (once again, you filled out the form incorrectly, did not have time to copy something from the draft - your problem).

How and when to appeal?

Appeal for violation of the exam procedure must be submitted immediately upon completion of the Unified State Examination, i.e. without leaving the office. To do this, you must inform the inspector that you have a complaint. The application to the conflict commission is filled out in two copies (you keep one for yourself).

Next, your application is sent to the commission on the same day, after which it is checked by: organizers who are not involved in the classroom in which the appellant took the exam; technical specialists and assistants; public observers; law enforcement officers; medical workers are sent to the examination point. There, exam participants are interviewed and CCTV cameras are viewed.

Based on the results of the inspection, the appellant is informed of the decision within two working days. If the appeal is approved, the Unified State Examination participant takes the exam again on a reserve day.

Appeal about disagreement with the assigned points submitted within two working days after the official day of announcement of results in the relevant academic subject. So don't wait for the school to announce the scores. Monitor the Unified State Exam portal yourself.

The appeal must be made in writing and in two copies. The application must be submitted to the school where you took the exam. It must be signed by the head of the State Examination Commission (director or head teacher). This application is then submitted to the conflict commission, which will decide the fate of the graduate. The appeal is considered within four working days.

How does the appeal work?

If a complaint is made about the results of the test part, the presence of the graduate is not required. If you are not satisfied with the assessment of the written or oral part of the exam, then you should be given a package of documents: a copy of your work and audio recordings of the answers, copies of the assessment protocols with all notes.

Prepare all your arguments in advance, not independently, but together with the teacher based on the FIPI assessment criteria. You will only have 20 minutes to prove your point.

Don't forget that your scores can be increased or decreased. Although according to statistics, scores are rarely lowered. If the appeal is successful, it is possible to increase 1-4 points.

In reality, the chances of increasing your scores are not that high. Inspectors - experienced experts. They practically do not make mistakes. Still, there are some tips:

  • do not go to the appeal alone, be sure to take one of your parents with you, they will help you in your dispute with the commission;
  • remember that your work should be checked in front of you, under no circumstances in absentia;
  • the commission must explain to you the reasons for lowering the scores, following the wording from the evaluation criteria. General phrases “This is too cleverly written” are not reasons.


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A list of key points to pay attention to when filing an appeal.

Started passing the Unified State Exam and the first results will appear soon. Some of the graduates will breathe a sigh of relief when they see them, while others will think that in fact he deserves more, and the grade given by the inspectors does not reflect his real level of knowledge. What to do in this case?

The answer lies on the surface - graduates who want to challenge the result of the Unified State Examination can resort to an appeal - a procedure aimed at protecting the rights of examinees. Whether or not to do this is ultimately a personal matter. On the one hand, this, of course, is additional stress and risk. But sometimes one or two extra points can be decisive when entering a university, and therefore there are always those who are ready to go all the way.

In what cases can you file an appeal?

There are two such cases. The first is challenging the exam procedure itself, violations of which led to the fact that you were unable to write the exam as successfully as possible.

The second option is to challenge the points received on the Unified State Exam. Let's look at each of the options listed above in a little more detail.

Appeal in case of violation of the Unified State Examination procedure

In this case, the appeal must be filed immediately after the end of the exam, and before the student leaves the class. You must write an application in two copies - the first of them goes to the conflict commission, and the second remains with the graduate. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that a member of the examination committee puts a note on the application that the document has been accepted for consideration.

The application must also be registered in a special journal and reviewed within two days after submission. The date, place and time of the procedure must be communicated to the student and his parents or legal representatives.
As a result, the commission may satisfy the student’s demands, or, on the contrary, decide that they are groundless. A positive decision by the commission means that the result of the work will be canceled, and the student will be able to rewrite the Unified State Examination - special days are allocated for this in the schedule. If the decision is negative, the exam result remains unchanged.

Appeal in case of disagreement with the results of the Unified State Examination

In this case, the appeal must be submitted within two working days from the announcement of the Unified State Examination results in the subject. As in the previous case, you will need to write two copies of the application, sending one of them to the conflict commission, and keeping the second for yourself. The application must be marked with a note that it has been drawn up in accordance with the form and has been accepted for consideration.

The decision to appeal must be made no later than 4 working days after the conflict commission receives such an application. Each application goes through a registration procedure, and information regarding the date, time and place of the appeal is communicated to the student (his parents or legal representatives).

During the appeal, the student must be shown a package of his documents and the written conclusion of the commission on the subject. At this stage, you need to be especially careful: the student will have to sign that, for example, the scanned work with answers belongs to him. Members of the appeal committee must give a clear answer as to why certain points were assigned. The procedure usually takes no more than 20 minutes per student. Based on its results, the commission can make the following decisions:
- reject the student’s requests and retain the assigned points if no technical or other errors were found during the assessment process;
- satisfy the appeal and change the points if errors were identified. It should be remembered that points can be revised in either direction (increased or decreased).

What is important to do before appealing?

First of all, you need to refresh your memory of your work as much as possible in order to have arguments to defend your own point of view.

You should also carefully read the scoring criteria to understand how objective you consider the commission’s decision on each point;
go to the subject teacher or tutor with whom you prepared for the Unified State Exam - they will help you sort out ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion.

It is also important that for each point with which you disagree, it is necessary to formulate an exact question to the commission in advance so that the conversation is substantive in nature, and you can explain why you did it this way and not differently. Argumentation supported by specific facts always looks more compelling.

How to behave during an appeal?

Here's some advice:
First, go to the appeal with a parent or other adult who can represent you. Yesterday's schoolchild will most likely be at a loss in the face of a conflict commission. In addition, he may be given an answer that is devoid of specifics. Mom, dad or other close person will help you feel much more confident, and their opinions and arguments can play a decisive role in the dispute.

Second: insist that the work be rechecked in your presence. Quite often, a graduate is told that the work has already been rechecked, and the commission decided to leave the result unchanged. Remember that this state of affairs grossly violates your rights - an appeal in absentia is possible only if the student and his representatives simply did not appear for the procedure. Final decision for work must be accepted in the presence of the appellant, and the members of the commission must explain each point removed.

Third: do not leave the appeal venue until a comprehensive explanation of the work and decision of the commission is given. All underestimated scores must meet the criteria for evaluating the work, so do not accept as an answer the general formulation that the scores for the solved CMM are already high enough. Until you are satisfied with the explanation for each point deducted, do not sign the appeal paperwork.

Fourth: don't give up halfway. If you have already decided to appeal, then, by and large, there is nothing to lose.

Fifth: don't be afraid of an appeal. Behave calmly and confidently. Take this procedure as an opportunity to defend your interests. Remember that a significant portion of students who are not happy with their results are simply afraid to appeal so as not to lose the points they have earned. Of course, if a member of the commission finds additional errors during verification, the points may be revised downward. However, general statistics indicate that scores are usually raised more often than scores are lowered.