Paired consonants at the end of the word test work. Russian language test "Paired consonants"

In this lesson, we will learn that the paired consonant in the root of the word (in the middle and at the end of the word) needs to be checked. Let's learn how to check paired consonants in the root using a vowel. Let's do a lot entertaining tasks.

Stunning paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word

We already know that Russian has paired consonants:

B-P, D-T, G-K, Z-S, V-F, F-Sh.

Rice. 1. Paired consonants ()

Let's observe what happens to paired consonants at the end and in the middle of a word.

Let's name the items. Let's highlight the last sounds.

Train d

Ta h . We hear the sound C - we write the letter Z.

Let's check how a paired consonant sounds in the middle of a word before deaf consonants.

Lo d ka. We hear the sound T - we write the letter D.

Lo and ka. We hear the sound Sh - we write the letter Zh.

We conclude: voiced pairs at the end of a word and in the middle before deaf consonants are stunned, which means that the spelling of paired consonants must be checked.

Three ways to check paired consonants

This spelling occurs at the root of the word, therefore it was called "Spelling of paired consonants at the root of the word." And what words will be test?

Consider examples.

The first way to check the spelling of paired consonants is to change the form of the word so that a vowel appears after the paired consonant.

For example: cargo - cargo, snowdrift - snowdrifts, fruit - fruits.

The second way: mentally substitute the word "no".

For example: flag - no flag, frost - no frost, beak - no beak.

The third way: choose a single-root word so that a vowel comes after the double consonant.

For example: leg - leg, foot - sweetheart, grass - grass.

Rice. 6. Words with double consonants ()

The most dangerous.

Double in the word check

Substitute a vowel next to it.

And also, in order to check a double consonant, you need to change the word so that after the checked consonant sound, a voiced consonant sound H is heard.

For example: fish - fish, book - book.

Consolidation of knowledge in practice

And now we will consolidate the acquired knowledge by completing the tasks.

Insert the missing letters, name the test word.

Skirt, pipe, blouse, cold, exhibition, eyes, snowballs, mud, cow, mug, bell, walrus.

Let's check what happened: skirt - skirt, pipe - pipe, blouse - blouse, cold - cold, exhibition - expose, eyes - eyes, snowballs - snowy, mud - dirty, cow - cow, mug - mug, bell - calls, walrus - walruses.

Let's take a root at related words, insert a double consonant.

Tra…ka - tra…a, tra…ear, tra…inka.

Doo ... ki - doo ... ok, doo ... points, doo ... new.

Moro ... - frost ... s, frosty ... ny, frost ... it.

Herb ka - herb a, herb abalone, herb inca - root of herbs. Inserted the letter B.

Oak ki - oak ok, oak glasses, oak ovy - oak root. Put in the letter B.

Frost - frosts, frosty, frost - frost root. Insert the letter Z.

Let's name the items. In what words does the spelling differ from the pronunciation? Choose test words for them. Let's highlight the roots.

Bread, nail, hat, cake, dove.

Let's check. The pronunciation differs from the spelling of the words:

Bread, nail, dove.

Test words:

Bread - bread a, bread of ears, bread. Root bread.

Nail b - nail and, carnation ik. The root of the nail.

Dove b - blue and, blue ok, blue other. Pigeon root.

We write words that are suitable in meaning with a double consonant at the end. All words start with the letter C.

…… blooms in spring.

Mom made ...... from cucumbers.

Winter is coming....

…… swept during a blizzard.

After the fight under the eye……

…… hay was removed from the field.

Let's check what happened (one of the options).

Garden blooms in spring.

Mom made a cucumber salad.

There is snow in the winter .

Snowdrift swept during a blizzard.

After a fight, a bruise under the eye.

Stack hay was removed in the field.

In the next lesson, we will learn the rules for writing words with a separating soft sign and consolidate this knowledge in practice by completing many interesting tasks.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. ().
  3. Festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ().
  • Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. Do exercise. 165 p. 109, ex. 167, 168 p. 111.
  • Insert the necessary consonant at the place of the gap in the words.

Rice. 7. Task for spelling paired consonants at the root of the word ()

  • * Using the knowledge gained in the lesson, solve the puzzles, explain the spelling of the answer words.

past simple(simple past tense) is one of the most common tenses in the English language. By using past simple we can convey events that took place in the past, and in some cases, events in the present. Therefore, at any level of ownership English language you will learn something new about past simple.
How is the Past Simple formed?
In order to form past simple, we add the ending to the verb - ed if the verb is correct ( work - worked, learn - learned, ask - asked). If the verb is irregular, then we are looking for a form for past simple in the second column tables of irregular verbs. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you to immediately determine which verb is in front of you. You will find the irregular verb in the table. If it's not there, it's correct. Negation
In a negative sentence past simple auxiliary verb appears did(second form of irregular verb do) and particle not. IN English sentence only one verb can be in the past tense, so as soon as it appears did, the main verb takes the form of an infinitive without a particle to (go, look, feel). IN colloquial speech did And not combined to form an abbreviated form didn't:

  • He didn't tell.
  • We didn't discuss.
To ask a question in past simple, we put in the first place did, followed by the subject, then the main verb. Verbto beVpast simple
As you already know, to be- This irregular verb, so the form of the past tense must be remembered. But in the past tense, he has not one form, like all other verbs, but two: was(for nouns and pronouns in singular) And were(for plural nouns and pronouns). In denial was (were) combines with not and forms an abbreviated form:
  • I wasn't at work.
  • They weren't happy.
Using the Past Simple
Let us immediately pay attention to the fact that the main functions past simple And present simple match up. We only need to transfer the action from the present to the past.
  1. past simple shows a fact in the past or a single action that ended in the past.
Here are often used words indicating the time of action: yesterday(yesterday), two weeks ago(two weeks ago), the other day(one of these days), a long time ago(for a long time), last month(last month), in 2010 (in 2010), on Monday(on Monday), during my holidays(during holidays), etc. These words must necessarily indicate a completed period of time.
I saw him yesterday. - I saw his yesterday. (single action in the past, already ended yesterday)
The Titanic sank in 1912. - Titanic sunk in 1912. (fact)
He went to Italy last month. - He traveled to Italy last month. (single action in the past)
Words indicating the duration of an action may not be used in this function.
She spoke to him in a low voice. - She is quiet spoke with him. (single action in the past)
Aivazovsky painted"the Ninth Wave". - Aivazovsky wrote painting "The Ninth Wave". (fact)
  1. Also past simple used to describe a state in the past.
They were friends years ago. - They were friends many years ago. (now they are not friends)
Museum had a great collection of paintings. - In that museum was huge collection of paintings. (now the museum does not have a huge collection)
  1. We use past simple to talk about old habits and repetitive activities. These actions have repeatedly occurred in the past, but are no longer being committed. Such sentences may contain adverbs often(often), sometimes(Sometimes), always(always), etc.
We took evening courses two years ago. - We went for evening classes 2 years ago. (we don't go to evening courses now)
He always bought newspapers on Sunday. - He always bought newspapers on Sundays. (he doesn't do it now)
    • We can also use the used to construct when talking about old habits.
  1. We use past simple when telling a story or listing several events that happened one after the other in the past.
She Came in, sat at the table, and started writing. - She entered, villages to the table and start write.
He entered the café, he ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake. - He has entered in the cafe, ordered a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
Where else is the Past Simple found?
  1. We use past simple to tell the details of some news or some event that happened in our lives. We report the news itself in time Present Perfect. We can use other past tenses to give details, but past simple used in these cases more often than others.
I've hurt my leg. I fell off a ladder when I was repairing the roof. My telephone rank unexpectedly. - I hurt my leg. I fell down the stairs while fixing the roof, because all of a sudden rang telephone.
I've got this job. It was a hard and exhausting interview, but it turned out that I was a perfect applicant. - I got this job. This was hard, exhausting interview, but it turned out that I'm the perfect candidate.
  1. past simple used in subordinate tenses after conjunctions after(after), before(before), when(When), until(not yet) as soon as(as soon as). In such a proposal past simple shows completed action in the past.
as soon as she graduated from the university, she found a suitable job. - Howonly she graduated university, she found a suitable job.
He was astonished when I told him the news. - He was amazed When I informed him this news.

Elena Satina
Russian language test "Paired consonants". Second class

Test. « Paired consonants» 1 option

1. Specify paired consonants deafness and sonority:

1) b 3) l 5) k 7) e 9) w

2) h 4) c 6) h 8) r

2. Specify unpaired voiced consonants:

1) d 3) s 5) d 7) m 9) f

2) f 4) w 6) n 8) p

agreement must be checked:

1) crane 4) giraffe 7) dove

2) floor 5) table 8) boot

3) scar 6) sleeve 9) pencil case

4. Point out words with a deaf consonant at the end:

1) bus (h, s) 4) city (d,t) 7) factory (t,d)

2) ball…. (v,f) 5) dream…. (b, p) 8) cold…. (d,t)

3) loaf (b, p) 6) pyro (g, k) 9) naked (h, s)

5. Specify the words with a call consonant at the end:

1) gara (w, w) 4) globe (s, h) 7) side (w, w)

2) zu (b, p) 5) sleep (k, g) 8) cabinet (v,f)

3) moro (h, s) 6) su (p, b) 9) cro (d,t)

6. Choose words from the text with consonants at the end that need to be checked.

It's hot outside. The guys went to the beach. A white sail is visible in the distance. Sea water washes the shore. The boys took off their clothes and shoes and dived into the water. The sea was warm. And swimming is fun.


"d" "With"

1) fat .... 4) golo…

2) city .... 5) gla...

3) cold ... 6) but ...

8. Indicate the test words for given:

mushroom baby

1) mushrooms 4) baby

2) fungi 5) babies

3) fungus 6) baby


6) beach, sail, shore, shoes

8) mushrooms, fungus, kids, baby

Test. "Spelling paired consonants at the end of a word» Option 2.

1. Specify paired consonants deafness and sonority:

1) f 3) d 5) p 7) m 9) n

2) w 4) s 6) w 8) d

2. Specify unpaired voiced consonants:

1) k 3) x 5) w 7) m 9) h

2) w 4) c 6) f 8) p

3. Indicate the words at the end of which consonant the letter is necessary check:

1) captivity 4) fetus 7) hare

2) bread 5) lily of the valley 8) cart

3) sleeve 6) faucet 9) food

4. Indicate the words that need to be voiced at the end consonant:

1) couple (h, s) 4) loaf (b, p) 7) shala (w, w)

2) snowy (p, b) 5)fat (v,f) 8) poco (h, s)

3) factory (t,d) 6) beach (w,w) 9) moro (h, s)

5. Indicate the words that have a deaf at the end consonant:

1) small (w,w) 4) city (d,t) 7) gara (w, w)

2)) Globe (s, h) 5) hay (h, s) 8) naked (h, s)

3) gri (b, p) 6) bus (s, h) 9) snowy (p, b)

6. Choose words from the text with consonants at the end, which are necessary check: ___

People have invented many machines. Some are carrying cargo. Others make shoes, clothes. Powerful machines produce gas and coal. What if you have a toothache? The grinder will help. Bread is harvested by machines. All these machines are manufactured by the factory.

7. Indicate the words at the end of which you need to write letter:

"G" "sh"

1) dream…. 6) side ....

2) uro… 7) shala…

3) sheep ... 8) small ...

4) flag… 9) Pari…

5) history ... 10) stones ...

8. Indicate the test words for given:

oak city

1) cities 4) oak tree

2) town 5) oak trees

3) urban 6) oaks


6) cargo, shoes, gas, tooth, bread, plant

7) snow, ravine, flag, hut, baby, reeds

8) cities, town, oak, oaks

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Test on the topic "Paired consonants at the end of words"

2 UMK class"School 2100"

1. Choose a word with the spelling of paired consonants at the end of words

A) dew

B) bench

B) fruit

2. In which row do all letters denote paired voiced consonants

A) p, s, f, k

B) b, d, c, h

C) l, m, n, r

3. What letter is missing in the last word of the sentence?

Behind the lake there is a green lu…

4. Name the test word for the word rain

A) rainy

B) rain

4. Choose a misspelled word

A) a train

B) threshold

B) soldier

5. In which row in all words should the letter g be inserted

A) east .., steam ..., circle ..

B) zapa ..., total ..., four ...

C) chilly ..., tomorrow ..., historically ...

6. In which row are all the test words?

A) snakes, poles, oaks

B) hawk, soups, treasure

C) crossbills, walrus, nose

7. In which sentence in words with missing letters should the letter be inserted into?

a) The driver paid the fine.

B) At sea, there is a tide ... and a difference ...

c) We bought a new cabinet...

8. Mark the row in which the letter d is missing in all words?

A) Narya ..., plane ..., run ...

B) entrance ..., sa ..., fence ...

C) drank ..., fat ..., cro ...

We bring to your attention a test with answers on the topic “Paired consonants at the root of the word”, which can be used in the Russian language course for grade 2. The structure of the test is presented as follows: a question, and then an answer on a gray background. To successfully pass the test, we recommend refreshing your knowledge on this topic at this link.

1. Complete the rule.

To check the double consonant at the root of the word, you need to change the word so that after _______________________________________.

To check a paired consonant at the root of a word, you need to change the word so that after consonant was a vowel.

2. Read. Highlight the words in which the missing letter needs to be checked in a different color. Insert the missing letter:

Tra_ka, loading, boiler, smooth, dressy, frosty, horse, careful, cook, du_ki.

Tra V ka, dive h ka, to P ilka, gla d cue, Narya d ny, moro h ny, horse d ka, carefully and ny, goto V it, doo d ki .

P.S. Words: elegant, frosty and cautious do not need to be checked, for the reason that after the consonant, in each of these words, there is a sonorous consonant "H".

Unpaired voiced: N, M, L, R, Y have an additional name - sonorous consonants.

You should also supplement the rule: in order to check a double consonant, you need to choose such a test word so that after the consonant there is a vowel, or sonorant (N, M, L, R, Y), or the letter V.

3. Highlight the word being checked in blue, the test word in red.

Fish - fish, fabulous - a fairy tale, pie - pies, pipe - pipe, birch - birch, watchman - watchman, eyes - eyes, notebook - notebook, jump - jumps.

4. For these words, select and write down the test words. Fill in the missing letters

kru_ka - ______ loading - ______ taking_ka - ______

carrot_ka - ______ ka_ka - ______ lid_ka - ______

flasks - ______ zaga_ka - ______ ry_ka - ______

transfer - ______ transfer - ______ road -______

Crewe and ka - kru and Ichka immersion h ka-gru h take it h ka - take h a morco V ka - morko V and uka h ka - uka h roofs w ka - kry w a fla and ki - fla and ok zaga d ka - zaga d face-to-face b ka - ry b and perez d ka - peresa d it ska h ka - ska h point doro and ka - doro and ek

5. Read. Choose and insert the correct letter in the words.

snowballs (w, w), sharp (d, t), s__ka (b, n), paper (w, w), points (c, f), boots (w, w), close (h, s), bula__ka (c, f), soft (g, x), sweet (d, t)

Dream and ki ( and, w), re d cue ( d, t), u b ka ( b, n), boom and ka ( and, w), sharp V ki ( V, f), sapo and ki ( and, w), bli h cue ( h, s), bula V ka ( V, f), me G cue ( G, x), sla d cue ( d, T)

6. Insert the missing letters. Write the test words in brackets. Write the text on a separate sheet, underline the studied spelling.

Lebe. b (____________) is called the king of all water birds. It is white as snow, with shiny, transparent small eyes. kami (_________), with a black nose and black la..kami (__________). He has a long, gi. kaya (____________) and a beautiful neck. He is beautiful when he swims. which (__________) surface of the water.

Lebe d b (lebe d i) is called the king of all water birds. He is white as snow, with small, shiny, transparent eyes. h kami (chapter h a), with a black nose and black la P kami (la P s). He has a long gi b kaya (gi b ok) and nice neck. He is beautiful when he swims d koi (chapter d ok) the surface of the water.

  1. Circle the paired consonants: h n t h b x r f f k
  1. Select test words. tooth, teeth, teeth, tooth, dental
tooth, teeth, teeth, clove, dental
  1. Highlight the words in the text with consonants at the end that need to be checked.

It's hot outside. Gleb and Oleg went to the beach. A white sail is visible in the distance. Sea water washes the shore. The boys took off their clothes and shoes and dived into the water. The sea was warm. And swimming is fun.

It's hot outside. Gleb And Oleg went to beach. White is seen in the distance sail. Sea water washes shore. The boys took off their clothes and shoes and dived into the water. The sea was warm. And swimming is fun.

Online test on the topic "Paired consonants"

We also offer you an online test to test your knowledge on the topic: "Paired consonants in the root of the word."

city... by choosing a check word:



Insert the missing letter in the word take... by choosing a check word:



Insert the missing letter in the word myo... by choosing a check word:



Insert the missing letter in the word by choosing a check word: