How interesting to explain about the child's child's words. "Studying related words in working with children with ONR" Educational and methodical material for the development of speech (senior group) on the topic

Hugo_PUGO_rupodeliy message quote

Fig. - Skan games for single-colored words from the portal of merction

Studying at school, all children get acquainted with the theme "Single words", where they should be able to consciously find, draw up, determine the words originating from one root. But this topic is not absolutely new for schoolchildren. One way or another, many have come to the concept of "single-handed words" in the preschool age as part of some educational programsimplemented in kindergartens, or on the preparatory school classes, or when working with a speech therapist, a defectologist. And in six to seven years, this topic was determined as "related" words.

It is related words and dedicated to the article. Post contains materials thanks to which children preschool age Can more fully comprehend the features of their own speech.

So, it is originally a series of pictures, clearly revealing the relatives of words. When a child can independently determine the main word from which all other words of relatives appeared, you can go to the games (exercises) without using visibility that will enable the material learned.

Games on the theme "related words" are placed below, after a selection of pictures.

It should be noted that considering relatives in kindergarten in kindergarten, rely on the natural linguistic language of the child and on their artistry, intelligence and originality in the supply of material, and the terms of type "single-handed words" in no case apply.

Considering the proposed clarity, it is desirable that an adult helped the child will independently guess what the main word is hiding in all the words of relatives. At the same time, at the initial stages of the work should not be paid to the words in which the change of letters is observed. For example, snow - snowman - Snow Maiden \u003d good example; Snow - Snowflake - Snowball - a less successful option that prevents children to catch the logic of the formation of single-handed concepts.

Unified, generally accepted and rigidly approved methodology for familiarizing children with related words is not developed, so the task and visibility are approximate, and their use can be variable and painted by your creative modifications and nuances.

























Approximate games and tasks. Theme "related words". Please note that in each game it follows in the beginning, in the course and at the end to mention the concept of "related words" and clarify the children of obscure moments.

Di "Explainers". The adult explains the word, and the child himself guess and calls the concept that the teacher spoke. We constantly focus on the concept of "snow", and that words were formed from it. At the end of the game, summarize - the words of relatives and they all occurred from the word "snow".
If the child's development allows, the teacher calls the word, and the child explains him. We also constantly focus on the concept of "snow". And that other words were formed from him. At the end of the game, we summarize - the words of relatives occurred from the word "snow".

  • Snowflake - water droplets frozen and having a hexagonal shape.
  • Snow - accumulation of snowflakes.
  • Snowfall - moment when snowflakes fall from the sky.
  • Snow winter - winter with a large number of snow dropped.
  • Snowballs - lumps from snow.
  • Snowman - Figure made of three snowballs.
  • Snow Maiden - a fabulous character from the snow.

Let me pick up the relationships to the word frost.

1. D / and "Pick" words - relatives " (subject "Winter" ) .

On the board picture "Winter" . There is a conversation in the picture.

Submire "Words - relatives" by the way "winter" . What word can be affectionately called winter? (Zimushka.) And how can you call the day in winter? (Winter.) What are the birds that we have for the winter are called? (Winter.) What winter birds do you know? And how to say differently "Stay for the winter" ? (Winter.) So what you remember the words-relatives to the word "winter" ? (Zimushka, Winter, Winter, Wintering.) What can I say "winter" (forest, garden, day); "Winter" (road, weather, it's time, sway); "Winter" (Sky, Sun, Morning).

2. D / and "Boarding Sloves"

Look at the picture. In winter, on the roofs, on Earth, on the trees of les ... (snow). We will pick up "Swords of relatives" by the way "snow" . And will help us with this game "Boarding Sloves"

Quietly, quiet, as in a dream,

Falls on the ground ... (snow)

From the sky, all the gunki slide -

Silver ... (Snowflakes)

Spin over the head

Carousel ... (snow)

On the clearing, on the meadow

Everything decreases ... (snow)

White earth, clean, gentle

Stopped a bed ... (snowy)

Here is fun for the guys

All stronger ... (snowfall)

All run food

All want to play ... (Snowballs)

Snowball - on a snowball,

All decorated ... (snow)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up ... (snowman)

Near the snow figure -

This is a girl ... (Snow Mary)

On the snow, see -

With a red breast ... (bullfinches)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream,

Earth has all decorated (snow).

Similar work is carried out during the selection related words by the way "house" (subject "House and its parts" )

Lived yes was a fun gnome

He built in the forest ... (house)

Nearby lived smaller gnome

He did half a bush ... (house)

The smallest gnomischko

Under the mushroom folded ... (Domishko)

Old, wise gnome-gnome

Lined a big ... (Domyschi)

He was old and he was he

And the big was ... (homebody)

And behind the stove behind the pipe

I lived at the gnome ... (house)

Very strict, businesslike

Orderly… (home)

Moss, Kalina, St. John's wort

All from the forest ... (home)

There was loved he soup yesterday

He drank only kvass ... (home)

Every day neighbors-gnomes

We visited the grandfather ... (at home)

Everyone met a welcoming gnome

Everyone loved this ... (house).

Such work is carried out in the future with the following related words:

Forest, fishing rods, forest, forester;

mushroom, fungus, mushroom, mushroom;

water, water, water, diver, flood;

sugar, sugar, sugar bowl;

worn, tray, porter;

mountain, slide, mountainous, mountain, hillock;

leaf, leaf, leaf, foliage, larch, deciduous;

oak, oak, oak;

yozh, hedgehog, high, hedgehog, hedgehog, hedgehog;

spring, spring, spring, freckle.

3. D / and "Find" Excess " word"

Mountain, mountain, mountain;

Pain, big, hospital;

Led, water, water;

Forest, forester, staircase;

Sea, wrinkles, sea;

Conversation, gazebo, neighbor.

4. D / and "Name the general part of the words-relatives"

Winter winter, winter;

Animal, lives alive;

Graze, shepherd, shepherd;

Stove, burning, bake;

Courtyard, janitor, yard;

Sorry, garbage, number;

Call, call, ringing.

7. D / and "Find in the poem related words"

Pines and pines - in pine,

A spruce and Christmas tree - in Ylannik.

Dubs and dubs grow in Dubnyak,

And you will not find juniper in it.

Oak has a strong bark

Beautiful leaf oak.

Double to wear time

By winter prepares new.

Ivushka, willow grow by the river,

Low leaning over the water.

Starikov's IV rods

Baskets for long winter.

Osinki grow in Osinnik

And stretch to the sky blue.

Under the aspen - boosts,

Such mushrooms are beautiful.

In the wooded terrain of the head and forest,

Here the foresters work around,

To the forest marvel

Not suffered for some reason suddenly

We are oily blood oiled,

Store him in Maslock.

Clothes Zamouslil -

Hold her on the sidelines.

In the seas, sea steamers,

In the seas there are always sails,

And I want to be a sailor,

But not now - then.

There are houses, houses and houses,

Household we lead

And I study homemade.

We will find our home homes.

Winter has come, winter winter,

I got all the clothes winter myself.

It can be seen, for a very long time you have to winter

And about the summer red with sadness to remember.

Foliage falls from deciduous trees

All leaflets Yellow autumn brought.

The leavefall is large in the fall.

The leaves will reappear early in spring.

We all live in the homeland,

In his native edge.

I love my parents

And I love my homeland.

In the process of all work with the texts, it is necessary to try to fully emphasize the meaningful relationship of the words allocated in them so that the child can feel it. In the future you need to take any other "Close" The child of the word and exercise it in the selection of related words to them, widely using the leading questions. For example:

  • If the frost is small, light, how can you call it? .. (frost)
  • Late in the fall begins small ... (freezing)
  • What does frost do? .. (frost)
  • On the frost, you can ears and nose ... (frozen)
  • Rivers and lakes in winter ... (freeze)
  • Sometimes water in them throughout ... (freezes)
  • What weather happens during frost ... (frosty)
  • And how at this time it happens on the street? .. (frost)
  • What is the camera for freezing products in the refrigerator? .. (freezer)
  • Frozen foods then ... (defrost)
  • What is very tasty made of frozen cream? .. (ice cream)

Brief abstract: For 2 years, I was made attempting to select and systematize speech material for working on related words. A variety of techniques, exercises, games were selected.

Formation of word-forming operations in preschoolers in the system of working on related words

Working with preschoolers indicates difficulties in mastering word-based operations with children.

Word formation is, on the one hand, the path of development vocabulary language, and on the other - is part of Morphological language system.

One method of forming word-forming operations in preschoolers 5 - 6 years old is working on related words.

Within 2 years, I was made attempting and systematizing speech material for working on related words. A variety of techniques, exercises, games were selected. All material is decorated in the form perspective Plan; The abstracts of classes have been developed, recommendations to educators and parents to consolidate the knowledge gained. The abstracts of classes and practical material was developed in accordance with the lexical themes.

I started working with the children of the senior group. Initially, in September, the initial level was diagnosed speech Development Children, and the ability to form related words, then it was assumed to trace the dynamics of the assimilation of the proposed material and the final diagnosis, in order to identify the level of assimilation of the material passed.

Working with children over relatives is designed for 2 years, and it is divided into three stages.

First stage.

First Year of Education (September, October, November)

The purpose of this stage of working with children was acquaintance with the basic rules of word formation based on approximately - research activities Children.

At this stage, it is important to teach children to navigate the structure of words based on such criteria as the length of the syllable circuit and sound similarity.

(Looking at the sound) pairs of related words. To do this, we used the reception of the paired comparison of the producing and derivative words, which are accompanied by comparison (on the designation) of words of words: Garden - gardener, courtyard - janitor, etc.

Selecting the original and derivative words into the pairs, the following conditions were observed:

The presence between the words of the semantic difference (courtyard - janitor, etc.);

The use of productive word formation models: suffixal for nouns and adjectives, prefixal - for verbs;

Selection of words with clear borders of segments (fire - firefighter);

With a contextual definition, one-items should be located in minimal remote on the text (within one sentence).

The first stage of the work was implemented on individual classes and in classes in small subgroups (2-3 people) in the subgroup.

At the first stage, I offered children the following tasks "What word is longer?"

With the use of pictures (courtyard - janitor, snow - a snowman, a mushroom - a mushroom and other words). With the help of questions, the importance of these words was specified, the semantic community of words was established. The task was given to determine which word is longer.

"Graphic writing words"

The child was offered two pictures, for example, the forest - Lester, explained the meaning of these words, and then the child calls a long word, it is denoted by a long strip, respectively, a short word - a short strip. Children explained that words sound like, because they have the same word in the sound. Caps of words, intonationally highlighting the root. Clarifies what "piece" the word sounds like - at the beginning or in the end of the word? Then, along with the child, hatching strips: a short whole, and the long one is just the beginning.

It is important to speak: "Pain the" piece "of a word that sounds like".


The child was offered one big card divided into two parts. In the left half of the card, there is some image, for example, a shoemaker. Refine the value of this word. Then the child is offered to call two substitution, for example: "shoes and boots".

The task. Choose from two pictures that like sounding with a picture on a card and put this picture on the right side of the card.

Second phase.

First year of study (December - May)

The purpose of the second stage of work was - the formation of the skills of education of derivatives.

At this stage, children learned to find single-handed words in the context and allocate root bases in them. The work was carried out individually and in small subgroups (2 - 3 people). The lexical material for work was selected in accordance with the subject matter.

Here are the main techniques of work:

Selection of related words from context; familiarity with the concept of "related words";

Selection of related words on issues;

Drawing up a chain of related words, with a support for clarity (subject pictures);

Finding a "extra word" (repeated) from a number of related words;

Determination of the total part of the kind

To solve this task, various games and play exercises were used.

Third stage

Second year of study (September - May)

The purpose of the third stage of the work is to secure the skills of the informed formation of derivatives.

At this stage, tasks were solved:

Fastening the skills of the selection of derivative words on familiar word-forming models;

Fastening the skills of applying word formation rules.

The lexical material was selected in accordance with the topic of classes.

Along with the newly known children's tasks, new exercises included:

Explain why the so called? (In working with complex words formed by the junction of the root morpheme);

Invent one word instead of two (word formation based on words addition);

Remember the related words to the given word;

Independent selection of related words to a given word;

Work with rebuses.

The use in the correctional process of work on related words made it possible to significantly increase the level of word-forming operations in children.

So, if at the beginning of the first year of study, low level The development of word formation skills was noted about 85% of children, and only in 15% - medium, then by the end of the first year of study all the children were on the average level of word formation operations. By the end of the second year of study, about 80% of children reached high level Development of word formation operations.

Thus, we can say that working with children on the formation of related words has a positive effect on the development of word formation skills in children 5 - 7 years.

Kotovshchikova T.N.,
teacher speech therapist

Sections: Logopedia.

Children of younger school age with ONR III level have poor vocabulary. During the examination, it turns out that they do not understand and do not know the meanings of many words, they often do not know how to use familiar words correctly, i.e. Their vocabulary is quantitatively and qualitatively different from the norm of speech development. In the correction and formation of the lexical side of speech in children with HSC III levels, the establishment of related links between single words is particularly played. The appropriate selection of the didactic language material and the strict system of tasks and exercises to it allow to achieve the necessary correction effect when familiarizing children with relatives. In this case, the language material becomes a source of knowledge, a means of promoting the development of speech skills. In children, the ability to allocate related words, use related words in connected speech.

Entertaining verses, rhymed texts, riddles. Helping revealing those in the form available to children. Promotes the awareness and assimilation of related words.

For consistent familiarization of children with related words, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bobservations that cause children to aware of related words in the text; Exercises in determining related words in the text; Exercises for the grouping of related words and their independent selection; Exercises aimed at using child words in their own speech.

Children are summarized to understand that. That many words can have "relatives". The words relatives do not just have a similar part, but should be associated with meaning.

We are similar,
As relatives are similar.
We live in one family
Want to play with you.

For the exercise of children in the definition of related words in the text, various poems are used in classes.

On the hill, the apple tree stood
An apple on an apple tree quickened.
The sun is noded - the apple ripened.
The breeze has shown the apple ...
On the path of the apple rolled
At the jam, the apple was useful.
It turned out apple jam,
And the cake with it apple -
Just sodium!

The sun woke up in the morning
Sunny smiled to everyone.
Will be a sunny day -
Sunflower does not hide in the shadow.
The sun walks through the sky,
Sunflower watching him.
Sunflower outfit
Sun showing glad.

Snow, snowflakes, snowfall!
Name words I am too happy ...
Cheerful snowy winter
We play snowballs with you.
From the snow there will be a snowman.
After all, he used to the snowfall,
And Santa Claus on New Year
Snow Maiden leads.

I walked into the forest, came in the fishing line.
Forest flower grows.
On the forest edge - berries, waves.
It's time to go home.

And the roads do not find ...
Suddenly the forester towards me,
With the forest, he is used to be friends.
The forester pointed the road
And I ran home.

I came up with three words:
River, river and river.
Well, and a cunning boy
Suggested the word ... (Richonka).
Bearded Starchishche
Suddenly called the word ... (speech),
And with pigtails girly
The word remembered ... (robust).

These exercises develop the thinking of children, as it is help to solve the problem: explain the meaning of the word, pick up the related.

To expand the vocabulary of the vocabulary, morphological charaks are offered.

You are very glad to inform you:
Compiled for you charade.

The root is the same as in the word weaving,
Suffix the same as in the word cab,
The prefix is \u200b\u200bthe same as in the word transition (bookbinder).

My root find you in the word urban,
In a word close Find a console
Suffix find you in the word soft,
And the painter painted me paint (fence).

Root S. thinkrelives
Prefix in the word take out lightening
Suffix - as in the word mark,
And she is suitable not only in intelligence ( artifice).

Suffix - in the word factory,
The end will tell the word mischievous,
And so there is a stone and surf ( nautical).

The root of S. fairy tale Relives
Prefix in the word the chin lightening
Suffix as in the word frying
And for her, the teacher will not praise at the lesson (prompt).

My root find you in the word retelling
Suffix - in the word pointer,
The end will tell the word network
Listen and read them love children (fairy tales).

The exercises and tasks proposed in our article can be issued in independent classes or use as fragments of other classes for the formation of lexico-grammatical ideas and the development of a connected speech.

Abstract Classes on the topic "Related Words"

Purpose:form the concept of the concept of related words Exercise in the selection of related words.

Equipment:poster with a picture of a tree miracle, cards with words Garden, seedlings, landing, gardener, planted.

Structure occupation

I. Organizing time.

The speech therapist offers students to remember and repeat in the same sequence of the row of words:

  • Garden, garden, plant, landing, gardener;
  • Salt, salty, salting, pickles, brine;
  • Forest, forester, armor, fishing rods, forest;
  • Mountain, slide, hillock, miner, mountain.

II. Work with text.

The speech therapist reads the text of the story: "The spring will give birth to a river, and the river is pouring - the land flows through the entire Mother of Mother, through the whole homeland, feeds the people. You look like this folder comes out: Spring, Motherland people. All these words as if relatives.(K. POUST).

Speech therapist. Do you understand the meaning of words: rodnik, Motherland, relatives.These words are called related.

Then the speech therapist reads the poem:

How the words grow.
Somehow many years ago planted strange garden.
There was no fruit garden - he was only a word.
This word, as if the root began to grow soon,
And we brought the fruits - there was a lot of new words.
Here from the garden you seedling,
Here's another landing nearby.
And here gardener, with him gardener Going.
It is very interesting to walk in the garden verbal.
(E. Izmailov)

It turns out the understanding of the meaning of words: seedling, landing, gardener, gardener.

Speech therapist. What words "grown" words: gardener, gardener, seedling, landing?(from the word "garden"). The word "garden" is the word root.

Then the speech therapist puts a poster on the board with a picture of a miracle tree. The word "garden" attaches to the root of the tree.

Speech therapist. Name the words that "grew up" from the word root garden. (Students call words and exhibit cards-pictures in wood slots). All these words occurred from one root and are called single-colored, relatives. Record the related words in the notebook, highlight the root.

Sample recording:garden - seedlings, landing, gardener, gardener.

III. Work with single-colored words that are not related.

The speech therapist writes a couple of words on the board: rice - Figure, Mountain - Sorry, Driver - Waterand suggests students to find a common part of these words. Then suggests to write down the words of words, allocate their common part - the root of the word. Compare words of words in meaning. To say whether these words will be related. Why?

IV. Working with words having close in meaning not related to the meaning.

Speech therapist. Explain the meaning of the word. Is the following pairs of words close?

  • Cow - calf
  • horse - foaming
  • Pig - piglery
  • sheep - Yaghnok

The conclusion is made: Related words are words that have the same root and close to meaning.

V. To the words from the first column, select the words from the second column.

Write down in the notebook, highlight the root.

  • Mountain, grieve:mountain, Gorushko, hillock, grief, mountainous, hill, haughtily.
  • Figure drawing:drawing, rice, sketch, paint, rice, drawings, rice water.

Vi. Outcome.

Thus, corrective tasks are solved: clarification and expansion of passive and active vocabulary in the expense of the development of practical skills of word formation; Development of the mental abilities of children.


  1. Study individual features junior schoolchildren Based on the diagnosis of their readiness for school learning: Uch.-method. For pedphak students / Sost. L.S. Bushueva. - Magnitogorsk, 1997.
  2. I.N. Sadovnikova. Violations of written speech and their overcoming among younger students: Tutorial - M.: Vlados, 1995.
  3. Lopatina L.V. Surgical work With children of preschool age with minimal disartric disorders: Tutorial / Ed. E.A. Login. - SPb.: Ed - "Union", 2004.
  4. Lviv M.R. Dictionary - Directory by the method of Russian language. - M., Enlightenment, 1988.
  5. Learning reading and writing in primary school / Sost L.S. Bushueva. - Magnitogorsk, 2006.

Slide 1.

Related words. Games and exercises.

Kopylova Elena Vladimirovna Teacher-speech therapist

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Child Development Center - kindergarten "Rodnichok" Vyborg

Slide 2.

the limitations of the active dictionary reserve of children is the reason for many words of unfamiliar to children in lexical significance, grammatical forms, for pronunciation, according to regulatory stress, inability to select from his vocabulary and properly use the words most appropriate for any particular statement

Preschool age:

School age:

hardly absorb the main morphological principle of spelling; cannot successfully apply grammar rules spoken Speechnor with a letter

Speech flaws

Slide 3.

r'Odnaya ,y ,y; -Evened, -noun - close to another (other) by origin, content, some signs ( Dictionary Ushakov)

Slide 4.

Objectives: Show wealth native language and it expressive means attract children to active participation in the process of word formation

Slide 5.

Objectives: the formation of the ability to analyze, compare words in meaning and sounding, classify their high-quality and quantitative enrichment of vocabulary, practical distinguishing of related words on accessories to the main parts of speech (noun, adjective, verb) enrichment of the vocabulary in the expense of word formation development, the development of visual perception, auditory attention, verbal memory, logical thinking

Slide 6.

Project participants

Slide 7.

Communication principle

Principle of sequence

The principle of selection of linguistic material

The principle of individual personal orientation

Slide 8.

Basic learning methods

Slide 9.

Algorithm of work on teaching children The concept of "related words"

Slide 10.

First stage. First year of study (September, October, November) Purpose: - familiarity with the basic rules of word formation based on the approximately research activities of children - familiarity with the concept of "related words"

Formation of word-forming operations in preschoolers in the system of working on related words

Slide 11.

"What word is longer?" Purpose: Develop the ability to form related words with a support for the picture of the exercise. With the help of questions, the meaning of words was specified (yard - janitor, mushroom - a mushroom) depicted in the picture, the semantic generality of words was established. The task was given to determine what the word is longer "remember, repeat" purpose: to increase the volume of hearing linear memory up to 5 units of exercise. The teacher offers children to listen and repeat the chain of words in the same order, in which he pronounces them (fungus, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom, mushroom)

"Lotto" goal: learning to distinguish words in meaning and on sound, find a "unnecessary" word course of exercise. The child is offered a card divided into two parts. In the left half of the card, an image, for example, a shoemaker. Refine value this word. Then the child is offered to name two substal pictures (shoes and boots), choose from two pictures that looks like a picture with a picture on a card and put its own in the right parts of a big card.

Games and game exercises

Slide 12.

Second phase. The first year of study (December - May) Purpose - the formation of the skills of education of derivatives of the work of work: - the allocation of related words from the context - the selection of related words on issues; - drawing up a chain of related words, with a support for clarity (subject pictures); - finding an "excess word" (repeated) from a number of related words; - Definition of the total part of the related words.

Slide 13.

"Answer questions" Objective: Learning to form related words on speech therapist's course of exercise. Teacher asks children questions, children answer: what is the name of the clothes that we wear in the winter? Winter what birds remain wintering? Name them in one word. Winter Name Zipa gentle. Zimushka If bread sank under winter, then what is it? Winter beast in the forest survived the winter. What he did? I turned the "Find an extra picture" Objective: to learn to allocate a "unnecessary" word in the group of related words. Develop visual attention, thinking, memory course of exercise. The teacher offers children pictures with related words, among which one is superfluous. Children should guess and call it. Explain why it is superfluous

Slide 14.

Third stage. The second year of study (September - May) The goal is to secure the skills of the informed formation of derivatives. Tasks: - fixing the skills of the selection of derivative words on familiar word-forming models; Fastening the skills of applying word formation rules: individual sessions In small subgroups (2 - 3 people), subgroup classes (5-6 people)

Slide 15.

"Relatives" Objective: Learn to form related words on supporting schemes equipment. Word schemes 1st option. The teacher calls relative words. Children pick up a scheme for each word and make up the provision with it the 2nd option. Children independently choose related words to the main word, using the scheme and makes up a proposal with a memorable word - the main word - a complex word - the word-subject (not the main thing) - plural Noun - Word-Action - Word with a diminutive-laquating suffix - Word - Sign - a noun formed with an increase suffix - a word formed from human interaction with the main word

Slide 16.

"Rebuses" Objective: Teach children to navigate in the sound composition of words. Improve reading skills. Develop visual perception, arbitrary attention, logical thinking equipment. Quest cards

Alexandrina Irina Nikolaevna,
GBOU city of Moscow "School with in-depth study french № 1265 ", pre-school department number 3.
The article was first published in the magazine "Logoped", No. 1, 2008.

Studying related words when working with children with general underdevelopment Speech
(from experience)
The article emphasizes the importance of learning children of senior preschool age with ONR III level of consumption of related words. The technique and technology of familiarizing children with related words are given. Painted lexical material and proposed original corrugated author texts, contributing to the awareness and assimilation of children's words.
Senior Preschool Children with ONR levels have poor vocabulary. During the examination, it turns out that they do not understand, do not know the meanings of many words, they often do not know how to properly use familiar words, that is, their vocabulary is quantitatively and qualitatively different from the norm of speech development. Usually, preschoolers of 5-6 years of age are well performing tasks for word formation, children with ONR independently, without prior training with these exercises do not cope.
One of the directions in the correction and formation of the lexic side of speech in children from the ONR level is the enrichment of the vocabulary by learning their word formation skills. Children practically learn to establish related links between single words. In the classroom, entertaining poems, rhymed texts, riddles that help reveal the topic in the form available to children are offered.
Work on related words was carried out with children on individual, subgroups and frontal classes. Separate tasks The children were performed with parents at home.
You can offer the following sequence of familiarizing children with related words.
Observations that supply children to the awareness of related words in the text.
Exercises in determining related words in the text.
Exercises for grouping related words and their independent selection.
Exercises aimed at using children in their own speech (for example, making sentences with given words, retelling texts, drawing up stories).
Children explains that there are signs of relatives. These words are somewhat similar to each other. With what? In all words repeats a common part. The words relatives should sound like. In the family, relatives are similar to each other. You look like your moms, dads, grandmothers .... Children are summarized to understand that many words can have "relatives". Words are relatives not just have a similar part, but should also be connected within a sense.

We are similar,
As relatives are similar.
We live in one family
Want to play with you.

Children read the poetic text "Apple".

On the hill, the apple tree stood
An apple on an apple tree quickened.
The sun is noded - the apple ripened.
The breeze under the apple knocked

On the path of the apple rolled
At the jam, the apple was useful.
It turned out apple jam,
And the cake with it apple -
just arms!

Children explain that in this poem "hid" words-relatives that they look like the word "apple". At the same time, an apple image is displayed on the board. The verse is read by a speech therapist for the second time, and together with children there are related words, and new pictures are displayed on the board.
Then, with the help of pictures, children are invited to remember and independently call words - relatives to the word "apple".
For the exercise of children in the definition of related words in the text, the following verses were used in class.
The sun woke up in the morning, everyone smiled so much. It will be a sunny day, sunflower does not hide in the shadow.
The sun walks through the sky, the sunflower is watching him. Sunflower on its outfit sun showingly glad.

For mushrooms.

Mushroom has time
We go to the forest we in the morning ...
On the edge
mushrooms Waves,
But hemp,
and on them fungi.
Under the oak mushroom Borovik,
Under the birch fungus of the boletus.
Mushrooms about mushrooms are all known,
And mushrooms in their baskets are closely.
And beautician - Magnifier
Let him stand like a traffic light!
Snow, snowflakes, snowfall!
Name words I am too happy ...
Cheerful snowy winter
We play snowballs with you.
From the snow there will be a snowman.
After all, he used to the snowfall,
And Santa Claus for the new year
Snow Maiden leads.
But suddenly bully will fly away,
And pitted lobbery
Snowdrophry is the firstborn of spring
Wills in a snowy cradle.
I walked into the forest, came in the fishing line.
Forest flower grows.
On the forest edge - berries, waves.
It's time to go home,
And the roads do not find ...
Suddenly the forester towards me,
With the forest, he is used to be friends.
The forester pointed the road
And I ran home.
Birch Grove.

On the hill in the birch grove
Bird songs are heard in the spring.
Switch the nest on birch easier,
What spring wait in winter.

All birch trees are elegant,
In Kosy tape green,
In their white sundresses
From afar of birches are visible.

Warm summer subbrazoviki
Appear here and there.
Mushroom skins will collect these carnations,
Rada Grove Mushroom rain.
Scene illustrations and subject pictures are selected for each poem. Scene illustrations while reading the speech therapist poems are exhibited on the board, and the subject pictures are on the tables in children. After re-reading the poem, children independently identify words - relatives, subject pictures play auxiliary role. As the related words are found in the text, the subject pictures are exhibited by children on the board. The task is complicated if the substantive pictures are not distributed. In this case, the speech therapist shows the subject picture after the child calls a relative word, thereby reinforcing the correct answer.
Exercising children in determining related words in the text, you can use riddles. These riddles were specially drawn up to the topic "related words". Children are offered to guess the riddle. Find in the text of the word riddles - relatives for the word - a guess.

If he sings a song,
If the ferry he sneezes,
It means the cups he calls
And the tea invites us.
Here is an oxovaya grove,
Under Osinka I'm ragu.
In Bright Red Take ...
I will notice me for the mile.
Flowers appeared from under the snow in the handset. Snowball, Rastai! We give Protalyanka!
Long and warm shoemake sewed from the skin, in the winter to shore them.

Loves the beast of Malina, honey.
He is very terrible.
Summer goes without a road,
And in the winter he sleeps in Berorga.

Skworts will arrive in the spring,
For them we will build palaces.
Put the grains
In the summer he became a sun.
Stands at the track
On a green leg.
With the sun is friends
All summer does not fade.
Autumn will properly give up.
In sober grains,
What was friends with the sun.
Working with riddles is always interesting for children, because in the riddle there is a poetic, metaphorical description of the subject, pays attention to some separate features for which it can be recognized. At the same time it turns out that the riddle has another secret, these are self-relatives who are hidden in it, and they must be heard and called.
After children begin to easily recognize related words, learn to allocate them from texts, it is advisable to start doing exercises on their grouping and independent selection.
Children are invited to finish the rhymed lines with the necessary words-relatives. The speech therapist asks for children along with Katya doll to decompose food in the desired dishes.

Mom Salt Salon Salon.
I put oil in ... (Oilka).

A lot of bread in the breadshop,
And candies in ... (candy).

Floating tea from the kettle,
Coffee - from ... (coffee pot).

Here is a salad in Saladice,
And the tear in ... (Sukharnitsa).

All decompose in places
And now finished yourself!

With repeated reading, the children independently finish each line with a word - relative.
Remember the names of young animals. Children are summarized to understand that the words known for them are related.

Here is a mustache cat
and leads ... (kitten).

On the glade of red fox,
and next two ... (Lytenka).

Protein sleeps in a hollow with ... (Belchonkom),
Bunny jumps with ... (bunny).
The ability to quickly pick up the relationships says that children are deeper than begin to realize their meaning, semantic ties between them.
In the exercises on word formation, simple, light shapes are called children themselves, and complex the speech therapist, and then children.
I came up with three words: river, river and river.
Well, and the cute boy suggested the word ... (Richonka).
Bearded Starchishche
Suddenly called the word ... (speech),
And with the pigs, the girl remembered the word ... (river).
At the river the sand?
Everyone answered: ... (river).
On the river flowers what?
Well, of course ... (river).

And what water in the river?
Clear everything, she ... (river).
One, two, three, four, five! It's time to call relatives!
The text is pronounced with the help of children again, then the speech therapist suggests calling relative words from it. The one who remembers the most words-relatives will be defeated. Performing this task, children hear more than once verbal chains from related words, which allows them to be better remembered by lexical material.

Children with ONR often select related words in one external, sound signs, without thinking into the meaning of words. For them, relatives may be such words: gas - newspaper, forests, domino. At this stage of training, personal observations of the child over the word-forming phenomenon allow it to carry out differentiation between related and sounding words, but having another meaning. For this purpose, this task is recommended: listen to a chain of words and call a word that does not fit. Children were offered to analyze the following word chains:
baran, barracks, drum, lamb, lamb;
house, house, home, domino, domic;
forest, fishing razes, forester, fox, forest;
dog, doggy, doggy, dog, dog;
lis, fox, fishing, fox, fox;
sand, dog, sand, sandbox, sandy;
baranca, Baranochka, Baran, Banching;
bogatyr, rich, boys.
To the unnecessary word "was not offended," the children pick up real relational words to him. This task produces in children the habit of thinking about the meaning of the word.
Empirements in the independent selection of related words, you can use the following tasks.
1. Pick up with the help of pictures of a couple of related words:
forest - Forest Fish - Fishing
oak - Dubok House - Domysch
stump - Poek Nose
mushroom - Pencil Mushroom - Pencilist
suk - Albom Succ - Albomitis
2. Finish the chain of words.
Volleyball volleyball player ... (volleyball player)
Tennis-tennis player ... (tennis player)
Journalist -... (journalist)
Telegraph Telegraph-Chist -... (Telegraph)

Teach - teacher- ... (teacher) write writer -...
Sell \u200b\u200bseller- ...
Trainer-dressingman -...

Kottenok -... (kitten)
Lisenok -...
Los-Loenok -...
Bear is a bear -...
3. The game with the ball "call the word - relative".
The speech therapist calls the word and throws the baby to the child. To the word, the child should quickly choose his relative word and return the ball. The game activates the mental abilities of children, teaches the use of speech material accumulated on the topic, independently establishing meaning communication between the words. Conducting it gaming exerciseThe speech therapist has the opportunity to see how quickly the children pick up the relationships, whether they know them much how consciously selection is.
4. Finish the explanation of the word.
Builder-one who ...
Fisherman-one who ...
Teacher, who ...
Vegetable breeding - the one who ...
Gardener, who ...
5. P. this explanation call the word relative.

Tableware, which is needed for herring, -... (herring)
Tableware, which is needed for sweets, -... (candy)
Tableware where bread is stored, -.... (bread bag)
Tableware, where Pepper is stored, - ... (List)

He who is very kind, -... (Dobryak)
One who is very strong, -... (strong)
The one who is very brave, -... (brave)
One who is very wise, -... (sage)
One who cooks - ... (cook)
He who helps, -... (assistant)
He who grabs, -... (shepherd)
One who frees, -... (liberator)

6. Come up with words, the remedies of the word "flew" (went, drove).
flew flew flew flew
flew flew flew flew
owned flew flew flew
Children, inventing related words - actions, explain their importance, making sentences.
The leaves on the trees have long shielded.
From the cage flew the shoe.
Fallen a strong wind.
Bullfinches flew, coughed feed and flew away again.
These exercises develop the thinking of children, as they summarize them to solve the problem task: explaining the meaning of the word that allows you to choose a related word. Thus, the speech therapist constantly pays attention to the awareness of children of possible related links between words.
Prior work allows you to go to exercises aimed at using child words in your own speech. At this stage, we teach children to retell texts with the installation that the words-relatives should not be "lost", pre-please children to find these words. You can offer the following texts.

In the fall, the grandfather put in our garden Kostika Rasina. He said: "Soon we will have Malinik. Malinka- useful berry. " In the spring, we noticed that some kind of bird whine in Malinnik's nest. It was Malinovka. All summer we taped Malina, and the grandmother welded fragrant crimson jam.
Spring came. Snowdrops looked out from under snow and opened their tender petals. Only one flower was in no hurry to open. Spring sunlight his palm stroked him. The petals were quietly revealed, and everyone saw that the girl was sleeping there, and she had golden freckles on her nose. Smiled affectionate sun and said: "Wake up, a spring, your time has come!".
Gradually complicate the tasks and ask children to come up with their small stories from 4 - 7 and offers so that they have relatives in them, for example:
forest, forest, forester;
snow, snowballs, snowman;
snow, snowball, snowdrop;
fish, Fisherman, Fish, Fish, Fish;
mushroom, fungus, mushroom, mushroom.

Approximate options for children's stories.
In the summer we went to the forest. There were a lot of forest colors and berries. In the forest we got lost and for a long time they walked along the forest path. We met Lester. He pointed us the way home.
Spring has come. In the forest began to melt the snowball. The first snowdrop appeared on the protaly from under the snow.
It's snowing frequently in the winter. Yesterday we played snowballs, and today we will sculpt a big snowman.
In the summer I was at sea and caught fish fishing rod. Nearby were other fishermen. They also fish. I saw how a huge fisherman was broken from the hook, everyone was very upset. And when I caught a little fish, I was very happy. Then I caught another small fish. Fishing was successful. When we cooked fish soup. It was delicious.
Evaluating the work of children, we note whether all these words, relatives entered the story. This task can be offered to fulfill the house with parents. The child, together with adults, makes minisses with given related words, the essay is recorded and colorfully drawn up. Children love when their home essays are read and discussed in the group. They like to compare their work with the work of other children.
The topic "related words" for parents is issued by Shirma, on which the lexical material described in the article is partially represented. For educators, cards with verses, riddles and stories are prepared. The material of the cards is practiced by an educator with children in the afternoon.
The exercises and tasks proposed in the article can be issued in independent classes, and can be used as fragments of other formation classes lexico-grammatical Representations and development of connected speech.
We got acquainted with the words - relatives. What kind of "friendly families" do you remember? Children call chains from 2 - 4-family words. Evaluation of the work of children.
The appropriate selection of didactic language material and a strict system of tasks and exercises to it allows to achieve the necessary correction effect when familiarizing children with related words. In this case, the language material becomes a source of knowledge, a means of promoting the development of speech skills. In children, the ability to highlight related words on their two signs; They are close in meaning and have a common part.
The presented sequential system of exercises and tasks allows the speech therapist to plan the guide to the mental activity of children.
The use of related words makes a child's speech richer and expressive. Thus, the correctional task is solved: clarification and expansion of passive and active vocabulary due to the development of practical skills of word formation.
The mental abilities of children are developing, as the habit of thinking over the meaning of the word is produced.
Exercises contribute to the development of their memory, since relative words are grouped by children into word-forming chains.
Language flairming develops and a propaedeutic task is carried out: the basis for spelling competent letters in school is laid.