Self-education health-preserving technologies through club activities. "Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Tatiana Filatova
Report on the topic of self-education "Application of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions"

Long ago, at the dawn of pedagogy, Janusz Korczak shared his observations: “It seems to adults that children do not care about their health ... no... Children, just like adults, want to be healthy, strong, only the children do not know what to do for this. Explain to them and they will be careful. "

In accordance with the Law "On education" health children belongs to priority areas public policy in the field of education.

In the Federal State educational standard before school education main task is an: protection and strengthening of physical and mental children's health, including their emotional well-being.

The challenge of early culture formation health is relevant, timely and difficult enough. How to strengthen and preserve the health of our children? How to instill skills healthy lifestyle and develop cognitive activity? When should you start?

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of the physical and mental health... After all, up to seven years, there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, the character is formed.

V recent times increasingly obvious catastrophic deterioration children's health... Based on the results of the annual monitoring of the condition health of preschoolers by g... Lipetsk for 2008 Absolutely healthy only every third child. On the 1st place are diseases of the respiratory system, on the 2nd place are chronic diseases of the digestive system, the 3rd place is the diseases of the genitourinary system.

Therefore, my theme self-educational work sounds like this: « Application in a preschool educational institution in order to form the foundations of pupils healthy lifestyle and the development of cognitive activity ”.

The organization wellness I build work taking into account the requirements of the main general educational program of preschool education MBDOU d / s "Birch" with. Kalikino, developed on the basis of " Approximate the main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

The main goal of my work with children is to preserve and strengthen them health.

To achieve this goal, I decide the following tasks:

Protection and strengthening children's health, improving their physical development, increasing the resistance of the protective properties of the body;

Formation in children and parents of a conscious attitude towards their health;

Improving efficiency to the learning process at the expense of funds health-saving technologies.

Into the system wellness works include the following health-saving technologies:

Morning exercises are one of the important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children. Daily physical exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit in children to start the day with morning exercises.

Physical minute. Every day, in the process of GCD of children and as needed, I spend physical exercises, mainly at the time of the appearance of signs of fatigue in children. In work I use different types physical education: with text, with musical accompaniment, in the form of an outdoor game.

Finger gymnastics, which is in an efficient way increasing the resistance of the child's body to colds. The famous teacher V.A.Sukhomlinsky owns utterance: "A child's mind is at his fingertips.".

Respiratory gymnastics, carried out in various forms of physical education wellness work... Breathing depends a lot on human health, his physical and mental activity. Even the ancient oriental sages attached great importance to breathing exercises... It was believed that in addition to oxygen supply with the help of respiration, energy supply of the body also occurs.

Exercise for the eyes. Eye strain modern child huge, and they rest only during sleep. This is why doing eye exercises is beneficial for hygiene and the prevention of visual impairment.

Invigorating exercises after sleep, helps to improve the mood of children, to raise muscle tone, and also helps to prevent posture and foot disorders. The form of its implementation is different (gymnastics of waking up in bed and self-massage, gymnastics of a game nature).

I use barefoot massage a lot. Massage paths are made up of aids and items to help massage the foot (ribbed track, rubber mats, footprints).

Relaxation - carried out depending on the condition of the children and the goals set, for all age groups (during the final part of the class, before bedtime)... For this I use calm classical music, sounds of nature.

Game massage. Its essence lies in the implementation of the complex play exercises with nose, hands, feet, ears. It is based on stimulation of biologically active points.

Outdoor games - serve as a method of improving the motor skills already mastered by children and the upbringing of physical qualities.

Active participation in outdoor games enriches children with new experiences.

Extensive washing - as an effective type of hardening, it is recommended for middle-aged and older children. I spend it after sleep.

Phytoncides are substances formed by plants. Phytoncides of garlic and onions kill many types of protozoa.

Kinesiological exercises. They stimulate creativity, help mobilize children before intense mental stress.

In an environment of psychological comfort and emotional uplift, the working capacity of a group of children increases markedly, which ultimately leads to a better assimilation of knowledge, and, as a consequence, to higher results.

Integrated use technologies gives a positive result in health improvement of children... The incidence rate has decreased by 3.5%, the number of absences due to illness has been significantly reduced. Number of children with high level physical development increased by 10% and is 45%.

The number of children with a high level of understanding of healthy lifestyle, increased by 44% and is 82%.

To achieve positive results in this subject, of course, there may be obstacles, that is, difficulties arise in the work. First of all, it is not possible to cover all children of the group with each species. health-saving technologies... Since the state health some children require only an individual approach. And, of course, not a little important reason is the lack of understanding of some parents in the need to harden the body and application of these technologies... Initially, they are distrustful of advice, so it takes some time for it to get better. joint work families and preschool educational institutions.

For a positive result, I try to use both traditional and non-traditional forms. work: I introduce them to the methods and techniques health-saving technologies, through the creation of information stands, folders - travel.

Holidays with parents give a positive emotional mood.

The system of my work is not aimed at achieving high results in a short period of time. The main thing in it is to help children show their own potentialities, so that, as they grow up, each of them realizes their individuality, is ready to lead healthy lifestyle, appreciated his health and health of others.

With the help of the material I studied, I selected and created a card index of outdoor games, a card index of gymnastics complexes after a nap, a card index of finger games.

In conclusion, following the great humanist and teacher J. - J. Rousseau, I would like to tell: “To make your child smart and sensible, make him strong and healthy».

The results convince in the correctness and effectiveness of the measures I have chosen to improve wellness work... However, I do not stop at the achieved level. My creative search continues.

Self-education plan

Topic: "The use of health-saving technologies in working with children preschool age»

Target : keep increasing professional qualifications on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

Tasks :

1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health savings.

2. Learn to simulate work on the basis of the studied types, techniques and methods of saving health (complexes of respiratory gymnastics, awakening gymnastics, outdoor games, physical exercises)

3. To direct the vital activity of children in a preschool institution to preserve and strengthen health.

4. To systematize the studied literature.

Long-term plan work

Plan section

Form of work

Practical exits


Work with children

Health Day

Conducting an autumn holiday

Organization of outdoor games (daily)

Conducting physical education (throughout the year)

Teach children to protect and strengthen their health

Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality.

Form the need for physical activity.

Working with parents

Individual conversations with parents on the topic "Sportswear and footwear for physical education"


Work with children

Conducting dynamic breaks during classes (throughout the year)

To prevent fatigue

As a prevention of disproportionate load on muscles

In order to strengthen the body.

Relaxation (throughout the year)

Carrying out morning exercises


Working with parents

Consultation for parents "Take care of your eyes" Appendix # 1

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Work with children

Holding a thematic event "Mother's Day"

Working with parents

Consultation for parents "Aggressive children" app.№2

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Renovation of the sports corner

Creating conditions for maintaining health


Work with children

Carrying out a New Year's party

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Working with parents

Consultation for parents

"We meet New Year together with the child "Appendix No. 3

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Work with children

Carrying out themed days of New Year's holidays

Form the need for physical activity, develop the ability to consciously develop useful habits.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents "What is preparation for school?" Appendix # 4

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Continuation of the study of the program educational area"Physical education"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Conducting a matinee for the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Working with parents

Consultation "Father as a teacher"

Appendix No. 5

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Work with children

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Working with parents

Consultation "Happiness is when you are understood" Appendix No. 6

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Work with children

Entertainment "Earth Day"

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Working with parents

Consultation "Ready for school" Appendix # 7

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Work with children

Celebration of the Victory Day holiday

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Working with parents

Consultation "What is patriotic education"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Summing up the results of the work.

Literature :

1. The program of education and training of L.A. Vasilieva.

2. " Preschool education", Scientific and methodological journal; LLC Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", Moscow

3. "Health of the preschooler", scientific and practical magazine; LLC Publishing house "Education of a preschooler", Moscow

4. An approximate general developmental program of preschool education "The World of Discovery" edited by L.G. Peterson

5. Tkachenko T.A. "We develop fine motor skills." - M .: Eksmo, 2008

Appendix # 1

Consultation for parents

"Take care of your children's eyes!"

The role of vision and eyes in human life can hardly be overestimated. It is very difficult for visually impaired or blind people to live in our world. They perceive everything in a completely different way: by touch, by smell, by ear, it is not easy for them to navigate in space. These people need constant care from other people, they need help. According to statistics, every third adult and every fourth small inhabitant of the planet have vision problems. This is not surprising, because 90% of all information about the world around a person receives precisely with the help of sight. It is difficult to imagine what a colossal load this is, and especially for children, because the eyes rest only when the child is asleep. Therefore, it is so important to protect your eyesight from a young age. To maintain "vigilance", it is worth paying special attention to your eyes from early childhood.

Eye care starts with nutrition. It is known that the health of our body as a whole and of all its organs separately directly depends primarily on how well we eat. And our eyes are no exception here: it is very important for them what we "feed" them with.

Our eyes are very fond of blueberries, blueberries and pomegranates, which contain powerful antioxidants that help prevent retinal degeneration. It is retinal dystrophy that is one of the main causes of irreversible loss of vision in old age. Cherries and cherries are also useful. They are rich in bioflavonoids, which strengthen the small blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the eyes and brain tissue. Therefore, in the summer season, try not to deny yourself these berries and fruits.

There are rules to help preserve good vision that you need to teach children to do.

1. Do not allow children to watch TV for more than 30 minutes.

2. While watching TV, the child should be no closer than 2 meters from the screen.

3. Children can spend no more than 10 minutes at the computer. in a day.

4. It is necessary to monitor the child's seating position at the table, when he looks at the illustrations in books, draws: the BACK should be straight, the book or sheet of paper should be at a distance of 30-35 cm. this is a consequence of cerebrovascular insufficiency. Due to oxygen starvation, all body systems suffer. The work of the optic nerves in the cerebral cortex is inhibited.

5. In order not to damage your eyes, you must not: - throw stones, ice, sand, earth; - Do not throw toys in your face; - you cannot rub your eyes with dirty hands; - it is necessary to handle very carefully with piercing and cutting objects.

8. It is necessary to closely monitor the child and in case of detecting that the child is looking closely, take a squint to the ophthalmologist to check the visual acuity and prescribe glasses.

9. It is necessary to teach children to protect their eyes from the sun, bright light, burns with the help of tinted glasses.

10. Teach children to protect their eyes from dust, water, strong air jets. In these cases, protective goggles must be worn.

One of the most convenient and proven ways is children's eye gymnastics. Doctors have developed thousands of complexes that will help strengthen and preserve the baby's vision. All of them are aimed at relieving stress from children's eyes, which is especially important in modern times, when a child from an early age sits at a computer. Most eye exercises for children involve the movement of the eyeball in all directions. Let the baby move his eyes up and down, left and right. Ask the child to close their eyes, relieve tension, counting to ten. If he can, let him count himself. If not, help him. To relieve tension in the eyes, the baby must switch his vision once every 1-2 hours. To do this, ask him to look into the distance for 5-10 minutes. It is important that he periodically also close his eyes to rest for 1-2 minutes. Invite your child to introduce himself to Pinocchio. The child should close his eyes and look at the tip of his nose in this way, and let the adult count to 8. The child needs to imagine that his nose is growing, and he is watching this entertaining process with his eyes closed. Then the nose should also decrease - this time count the turn: from 8 to 1. Ask the baby not to turn his head, but at the same time let him look first slowly to the right, then straight, then slowly turn his eyes to the left and again straight. You should do the same, only up and down. Repeat twice. One more good exercise- close the eyelids, massage them in a circular motion with your fingers. The upper eyelid from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, and the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa. This exercise for the eyes of children weakens the muscles and improves blood circulation. For the baby to train his eyes, it is useful for him to play with bright, mobile toys. Let them jump, roll, roll, and spin. And remember - vision is impaired slowly. And it is also slowly recovering. This, of course, if in a natural way.

By observing these simple rules, children will be able to maintain good eyesight, protect and preserve their eyes. And gymnastics, which the child will regularly perform, will train his eyesight, preserve and improve it, protect against myopia and other eye diseases

Appendix # 2

Consultation for parents

"Aggressive child"

An angry, aggressive child, a fighter and a bully is a big parental chagrin, a threat to the well-being of the children's collective, a "thunderstorm" of the courtyards, but also an unhappy creature that no one understands, does not want to caress and regret. Aggressiveness in children is a sign of internal emotional distress, a complex of negative experiences, one of the inadequate methods of psychological defense.

Such children use every opportunity to push, beat, break, pinch. Their behavior is often provocative. To evoke aggressive retaliatory behavior, they are always ready to anger their mother, caregiver, and peers. They will not rest until the adults "explode" and the children get into fights. For example, such a child will consciously dress more slowly, refuse to wash his hands, put away toys until he pisses off his mother and hears her scream or receives a slap. After that, he is ready to cry and, only having received comfort and affection from his mother, he will calm down. Isn't that a very strange way of getting attention? But for this child, this is the only mechanism for the "release" of psycho-emotional stress, accumulated internal anxiety.

In our life, unfortunately, there are many events that in themselves can exacerbate, embitter, bring to despair and cause negative experiences. Children clearly capture the mood of others. Therefore, parents should not allow a discussion of troubles with a child, watch programs about disasters and films about murder and despair, evaluate negatively the actions of others, reproach and threaten the offenders with violence. Such manifestations of their dissatisfaction and resentment are not the best example to follow and can boomerang back to the family in the "performance" of the child. Adults should not be surprised why their child repeats their abusive expressions word for word, is in a position of constant resistance and rejection of the people and events around him. If you begin to notice that your child is electrified with anger, calls names, fights, offends and is cruel to animals, then the first thing you should do is ask yourself questions:

    When it started?

    How does a child show aggression?

    When does the child show aggression?

    What caused the aggressiveness?

    What has changed in the child's behavior since that time?

    What does the child really want?

    How can you really help him?

The reasons for aggressiveness are almost always external: family trouble, deprivation of something desired, the difference between the desired and the possible. Therefore, it is necessary to start working with the aggression of your child with an independent analysis of intra-family relations. This will be the main step in solving the existing problem.

When you see signs of aggressive behavior in your child, play the games below with him. This can be done with your family, with the participation of close relatives (brothers, sisters), as well as with your child's friends.

The most important thing is to try to relax yourself, give yourself up to the game, because the child will certainly feel your sincerity and appreciate it.


(for children from 5 years old)

A tall tower is being built from pillows. The task of each participant is to take it by storm (jump), uttering victory shouts like:

"A-a-a", "Hurray!" etc. The winner is the one who jumps onto the tower without destroying its walls.


    Each participant can build for himself a tower of such a height, which, in his opinion, he is able to conquer.

    After each assault, the "fans" emit loud cries of approval and admiration: "Well done!", "Great!", "Victory!" etc.


(for children from 5 years old)

A fortress is built from the unbreakable objects that come to hand (slippers, chairs, cubes, clothes, books, etc. - everything is collected in one big heap). The players have a "cannonball" (ball). In turn, each with all his might throws the ball into the enemy fortress. The game continues until the whole pile - "fortress" - is scattered to pieces. With each successful hit, the storming men emit loud victory cries.


(for children from 5 years old)

Invite the children to quarrel, but not with bad words, but ... with vegetables: "You are a cucumber," "And you are a radish," "You are a carrot," "And that one is a pumpkin," etc.

Note: Before you scold your child with a bad word, remember this exercise.


(for children from 5 years old)

The pillows are laid out on the floor at a distance that can be overcome in a jump with some effort. The players are "frogs" living in the swamp. Together on one "hummock" capricious "frogs" are cramped. They jump on the neighbors' pillows and croak: "Kwa-kva, move over!" If two "frogs" are cramped on one pillow, then one of them jumps further or pushes a neighbor into the "swamp", and she is looking for a new "bump".

Note: an adult also jumps over "bumps". If between the "frogs" it comes to a serious conflict, he jumps up and helps to find a way out.

Appendix # 3

Consultation for parents.

Who among us adults does not like a Christmas tree and beautiful, almost magical gifts under it ...
New Year is the most mysterious and wonderful holiday, favorite for most of the grown-up children. The only magical holiday in the Soviet era.
But in the thirties, when it was forbidden to put a Christmas tree in houses, many dads and mothers secretly carried several spruce branches under their coats, and, closing the curtains so that the neighbors would not see, they hung the miraculously preserved toys on these branches.
Then the power softened and the New Year trees returned to their homes, forever taking a place in the hearts of the kids.
New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - they are located so close, there are New Year's holidays in the country, parents can fully devote themselves to children and family, make these days festive and eventful.

But why, by the end of the Christmas holidays, there are so many visits to neuropathologists, psychologists, allergists?
The answer is simple - the child was "overfed". Both sweets and impressions.
I would like to talk about "safety precautions" during the New Year holidays.

The smallest children:
These are children up to two and a half years old.
These kids, as a rule, still speak poorly, do not remember the previous New Year - after all, they were still very small. If they have heard about Santa Claus, or seen him in a picture in books, then they have not met him live yet.
And often parents wait - they can't wait for the child to stand up to introduce him to Grandfather Frost.
But their two or even three year old baby may not be happy, but very frightened.
For the youngest children, it is important that during the New Year itself and Christmas holidays in general, life does not lose its clarity and predictability. Too strong impressions often unsettle the child and lead to behavioral failures.

So, how to make a meeting with Santa Claus safe for a child. Time to take a closer look:
Going to a children's party, or inviting Santa Claus home, remember the golden rule relating to the communication of a small child with strangers.
In order for your baby not to be frightened by a stranger, and even more so one so bright in a red robe, he needs time to take a closer look, get used to the presence of a stranger in the room and get used to his unusual appearance.
The quieter and more intimate, the better:
Parents, especially those who love colorful and mass spectacles, should not forget that "each vegetable has its own time." That is, what is interesting and attractive to an adult may not be suitable at all. For example, adults are often lovers of spicy and smoked food. spicy cuisine that is definitely not suitable for a small child.
So, the mode of impressions on New Year's holidays for the baby must also be "dietary", otherwise all sorts of "allergies" are possible.
For example, little children can be so scared of a noisy, loud, huge Santa Claus that then for a long time any figure in a red caftan will cause panic attacks in the child.

When choosing a candidate for Santa Claus and planning a scenario for a home holiday, you must, first of all, give Santa Claus clear instructions.
Santa Claus is the main character of the New Year and Christmas holidays: whether to call him home. "And daddy's eyes":
Even the smallest children, even in the best costume and makeup, can easily recognize their own dad, grandfather, godfather or just good friend families.
Before the time, I would not advise destroying the beautiful legend of Santa Claus. Moreover, a child may, after such a revealed untruth, stop believing his parents in something else. And that in itself is not good for a relationship.

Where is the real Santa Claus?
Older children who already well understand that there are many Santa Clauses, and they are all different and the costumes are also different. In the garden on a holiday - one Santa Claus, in kids club- another, and the theater - the third, and they are all different, and even in every supermarket according to Santa Claus, it is quite possible to explain that the real Santa Claus is one, he is invisible to the ordinary eye and it is he who puts gifts under the Christmas tree, and these are all grandfathers Frosts are his assistants, because he alone cannot be in time everywhere, for a holiday in every kindergarten. So we have to send assistants - younger Santa Clauses. The child's consciousness is quite ready for just such a version of events - remember the Russian fairy tale "Two Frosts".

Should I invite Santa Claus home?
If it comes about a child between the ages of 3 and 6, the answer to this question is likely to be yes.
At this age, children are already big enough not to be too afraid of Santa Claus, but still small enough and therefore they believe that this is really Santa Claus, and not an uncle in disguise.

For older children, whose milk teeth have already begun to change, and, accordingly, magical thinking begins to give way to logical thinking, such a close, in fact individual, contact with Santa Claus can raise doubts in the child's soul ahead of time.

Choosing Santa Claus:
The ideal Santa Claus for a small child should be:
A) sober.
It seems that this condition is obvious for everyone, but the reality is that not all parents, who themselves are waiting for Santa Claus in their souls, will have the determination not to let the long-awaited guest on the threshold, smelling the smell of alcohol.
Nevertheless, the adequacy and sobriety of Santa Claus is the main condition for you and your child.
B) not very loud voice and not too noisy behavior: C) the ability to take into account age characteristics and change the visit scenario in accordance with the child's reactions:

We instruct Santa Claus: First and the main condition for a child who is not yet four years old is not to touch him with his hands, especially with his hands in “frosty” mittens, until he himself wants to.
Children are generally sensitive to tactile contacts with strangers, and even such an exotic figure as Santa Claus can cause horror mixed with delight.

Second, don't expect your child to be active.
For young children, it is not at all necessary to have an ardent desire to tell Santa Claus a rhyme, sing a song, or even just say your name.
The child may not utter a single word, but at the same time he will be completely delighted.
The main thing is not to try to break through his silence - this can turn into tears and a complete rejection of contacts.
If the kid is suddenly ready to talk to Santa Claus, and wants it himself - very well, rejoice and shoot with a video camera. If he is silent and only looks closely, tell yourself that this is the first, not the last New Year in his life, and it will still be.
From 5-6 year old children, Santa Clauses sometimes simply do not know how to get rid of, such a strong desire in these grown-up children to show their achievements - to sing a song or tell a rhyme.
Set yourself up for the fact that in a year, well, in a maximum of two, you will be able to proudly record in photos and videos the joy of your dear child at the sight of Santa Claus.
Try to remember your childhood feelings from the holiday, impressions of kindergarten matinees and massive Christmas trees in the Kremlin or Luzhniki.
Remember how huge Santa Claus seemed to you then and how exciting your experiences and doubts were.
Memories of childhood will help you to understand much better your baby's behavior, shyness or overexcitement.

Appendix No. 4

Consultation for parents

"What is school preparation?"

Preparing for school is a multifaceted process. And it should be noted that one should start working with children not only immediately before entering school, but far before that, from a younger preschool age. And not only in special classes, but also in the independent activities of children - in games, in work, in communication with adults and peers.

In kindergartens, children acquire the skills of counting, reading, thinking, memory, attention, perseverance, curiosity, fine motor skills and other important qualities develop. Children receive the concept of morality, a love of work is instilled.

School readiness is divided into:

1. Physiological

2. Psychological

3. Cognitive

All types of readiness should be harmoniously combined in the child.

Physiological readiness child for school means that the child must be physically ready for school. Namely, the state of his health should allow him to successfully complete the educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers), coordination of movement. The child should know in which hand and how to hold the pen. It also includes the fact that a child, upon entering the first grade, must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: the correct posture at the table, posture, etc.

Psychological readiness a child to school includes three components:

1. Intelligent readiness

3. Emotional-strong-willed

Intelligent readiness to school means:

By the first grade, the child has a stock of certain knowledge;

Knows how to navigate in space, that is, know how to go to school and back, to the store, and so on;

The child strives to acquire new knowledge, that is, he is curious;

Indicators of memory, attention, perception, thinking are age appropriate.

Personal and social readiness implies the following:

The child is sociable, that is, he knows how to communicate with peers and adults; in communication he does not show aggression, and in case of a quarrel with another child, he knows how to evaluate and look for a way out of a problem situation; the child understands and recognizes the authority of adults;

The child accepts the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completing it, he adequately evaluates his work, admits his mistakes. If there are any.

a child for school assumes:

- the child's understanding of why he goes to school, the importance of learning;

- having an interest in learning and gaining new knowledge;

- the child's ability to complete a task that he does not quite like, but this is required by the curriculum.

Cognitive readiness child to school.

This aspect means that future first grader must have a certain set of knowledge and skills that will be needed for successful schooling. So, what should a child of six to seven years know and be able to do?

1 Attention.

Do something without distraction for 20 - 30 minutes;

Find similarities and differences between objects, pictures;

Be able to do work according to the model;

Easy to play mindfulness games where quick reflexes are required.

2 Mathematics.

Know numbers from 0 to 10;

Direct account from 1 to 10 and reverse account from 10 to 1;

Arithmetic signs "+", "=", "-";

Dividing a circle, square in half;

Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper: right, left, top, bottom, above, below, etc.

3 Memory.

Memorizing 10 - 12 pictures;

Telling from memory rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales;

Retelling of the text from 4 - 5 sentences.

4 Thinking.

End a sentence, for example, "The river is wide, and the brook ...";

Find an extra word from a group of words, for example, "Table, chair, boots, bed";

Determine the sequence of events, what came first and what then?

5 Fine motor skills.

Correctly hold a pen, pencil, brush in your hand and adjust the strength of their pressure when writing and drawing;

To paint objects and hatch them without leaving the outline;

Cut with scissors along the line drawn on the paper;

Perform applications.

6 Speech.

Make sentences from several words, for example, "cat, yard, go, sun bunny, play"

Understand and explain the meaning of proverbs;

Compose a coherent story based on a picture and a series of pictures;

Tell poetry expressively with correct intonation;

Distinguish between sounds and letters in words.

7 The world around.

Know basic colors, pets and wildlife, trees, mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Name the seasons, natural phenomena, migratory and wintering birds, months, days of the week, your last name, first name and patronymic, the names of your parents and the place of their robots, your address, what professions are.

Appendix # 5

Consultation for parents

"Father as a teacher"

A person leaves himself, first of all, in a person. This is our immortality. And if you want to stay in the human heart, educate your children. It is in the family that the personality of the future worker and citizen is formed. We cannot and should not limit today's child's world to the walls of an apartment and only family impressions. Education is a multifaceted and all-encompassing process. Everything that surrounds the child - people, things, events - everything leaves an imprint on his personality, changes and develops him. And the paternal duty is to consciously, sensitively direct this development.

Paternity is an examination of a man's social and moral maturity. Sometimes there are young people getting married, but afraid of paternity, in other words, not ready for it. The child is a great test of the strength of the family. In fairness, it should be noted that the feeling of fatherhood is born somewhat later than the feeling of motherhood. Even Aristotle noticed that men become truly fathers later than women become mothers.

Just as a child needs to be taken care of, and this gives him a feeling of the reliability and strength of the world, so an adult man feels the need to take care of another, to be a support for the weak, thus feeling his own strength and significance. This is most fully manifested precisely in paternal feelings. Only under this condition husbands are happy, they have a feeling of satisfaction.

LN Tolstoy, busy with writing and teaching, willingly spent whole hours playing with his children. He completely devoted Sundays to them. In the company of children, he rested, restored strength, vigor.

Being close to children, the father shows the best human qualities, such as kindness, loyalty, responsiveness. In this sense, not only the father brings up the children, but also the children of the fathers. A prominent Russian writer and historian N. M. Karamzin wrote: "Without good fathers there is no good upbringing, in spite of all schools and institutes." The state, school, school and country camps and so on take care of raising children, but nothing can completely replace the influence of the father. In our age of feminization, when mainly women work with children in kindergartens and kindergartens, in schools and out-of-school institutions, there is an acute shortage of male influence on children. Fathers must make up for this deficit in family conditions, for male influence on children is necessary in the same way as female influence. Without it, the family upbringing of children will be flawed, because it is not for nothing that a very bitter meaning has been put into the concept of "fatherlessness" from time immemorial. The wonderful teacher VA Sukhomlinsky said well about the happiness of fatherhood: “The only thing that makes a person's lot easier at the end of his life is the sincere, devoted, faithful love of children. All other joys pale before this highest, truly human joy. Truly happy is the one who knows how to accumulate this wealth bit by bit all his life. This is the only capital on which you can live in old age, feeling calm confidence that you have not lived your life in vain. "

Children need a father.

The husband and wife parted. Another family broke up. There are many reasons, it is difficult for an outsider to understand them. If a family breaks up, both sides are to blame: both the husband and the wife, since the family is the creativity of two. Today, almost 70% of divorces are initiated by women. They are forced to get rid of their husbands - drunkards, parasites, rude people. These husbands were beyond the power of family concerns. But this percentage is still alarming. This is alarming, because we, teachers, observe in kindergartens and schools a significant percentage of children without their own fathers, fatherlessness with living fathers. Some children become aggressive, others - timid, oppressed, somehow flawed in character. An incomplete family is, no matter how they calm themselves down, trouble, misfortune.

Without strong paternal guidance, the mother will raise the child to be effeminate, just as without the mother's affection, the child will become rude. A person needs family, blood ties. He always needs to consult with someone, share his joy, talk. Whether he chooses a profession, suits his personal life or becomes a parent himself - he always needs a father and mother. From his mother he receives affection, tenderness, kindness and sensitivity to people, and from his father - courage, willpower, courage to seek, the ability to fight and win. Only the combination of these qualities forms a full-fledged personality.

The influence of the father's personality on the upbringing of children, especially boys, is very great. Inattention to the child cannot be justified by any responsible post, or academic title.

The father is not needed to punish, suppress, forbid, he is needed to help his children. In the workplace, the father is a hard worker, in the family the father is the educator, and together both of these functions constitute a civic duty, from which no one has the right to evade in good faith. Having finished the working day, we hurry to our home, and here we are awaited not only by rest, the warmth of the hearth and worldly joys, but also by numerous fatherly duties. From the father is required love, communication, mutual understanding. Now the title of father does not give guarantees: filial respect must be earned.

If parents love each other and their children, the family is calm and happy. Family strife is very difficult for children. You can deceive the whole world and your wife to boot, but nobody succeeds in deceiving your children. A child needs a family, he needs an atmosphere of kindness, truth, trust and purity. It is difficult to imagine the happiness of the child and the immoral behavior of the father or mother. This is unacceptable and incompatible.

Family happiness is not only the happiness of two people. This is happiness for many who come into contact with them: for their children, for friends, acquaintances. In such a family, children grow up humane and resistant to the hardships of life, because in childhood they receive required amount"Calories" of parental warmth.

Happiness is when there is not only a mother in the family, but also an intelligent father. Popular wisdom says that one father means more than a hundred teachers. Therefore, a father is needed for full development and upbringing.

A living example of a father.

Sons largely copy the way of life and thoughts of their fathers: they adopt a gait, manner of speaking, gestures, and more. From their fathers, they perceive such traits as fortitude, strength, masculine reliability, endurance, efficiency, enterprise, a sense of duty to the family, chivalrous attitude towards a woman. The formation of some of these traits in boys without the influence of fathers is almost impossible. "A falcon rarely flies out of a kite's nest," says popular wisdom. A son, whose father is attentive to his mother, having married, considers it natural to treat his chosen one in this way.

Do not listen to your mother, son: all this is nonsense that she inspires you, - the father remarks.

It is clear that this attitude towards a woman is subsequently passed on to her son. Therefore, the father's word, which means a lot in the upbringing of a son, should be deliberate and weighty.

A loud tone should be avoided when talking to your son. V. A. Sukhomlinsky advised:

"As the highest value, take care of the pride, the inviolability of the child's personal honor." You cannot rudely insult your son, publicly punish him, humiliate him.

The father's behavior is an example not only in the upbringing of the son, but also in the formation of the daughter's personality. Girls also need fatherly influence. Girls require a particularly delicate and gentle treatment from their father, their soul strings can break if pulled too tight. The father must make sure that in the family the girl does not grow up spoiled and coquettish, but prepares for the role of a toiler and mother.

A father is a person who is the best in what he is rich, what nature and the people around him have endowed him with, what he gets in a tireless search, knows how to pass on to children.

Appendix No. 6

Counseling for parents

"Happiness is when you are understood"

Communication and relationships with people is one of the foundations human life... According to S. L. Rubinstein, a person's heart is all woven from his relationship to other people; connected with it is the main content of the mental, inner life of a person. It is these relationships that give rise to the most strong feelings and actions. The attitude towards another person is the center of the spiritual and moral formation of the personality and largely determines the moral value of a person.

Relationships with other people begin and develop during childhood. And this experience of the first relationship is the foundation for the further development of the child's personality and determines the characteristics of a person's self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

The theme of origin and formation interpersonal relationships extremely relevant. Because of the cruelty and increased aggressiveness observed recently among young people, which have their origins in early and preschool childhood.

For a child, adults are an example in everything. Children learn verbal communication by observing, listening and imitating their elders. The younger student, in contrast to the older, has a more concrete thinking. He assimilates well what is presented visually, he wants to learn everything from his own experience. He is especially attracted to those activities that adults try to hide from him. The kid remembers not everything, but only what struck him. Children constantly study what they observe and understand much more than they can say. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Not knowing how to distinguish between good and bad, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one should refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them. The speech of children develops better in an atmosphere of love, calmness, when adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read. Parents should spend more time with their children, as early childhood family influence on speech and cognitive development(cognitive, i.e., cognitive skills that a child masters in preschool age, further determine his ability to read, write, count, as well as abstract and logical thinking) and the child's involvement in the life of society are decisive. It was during these years that the foundations of self-confidence and successful communication outside the home were laid, which contributes to the further advancement of the child at school, in the company of peers. The process of personality development is a stage in the development of the relationship between a child and an adult. Educators, parents, grandparents, older sisters and brothers should better understand the child and try to meet his important needs. If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from others, then he has a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can persist for a lifetime. In the process of developing a child's communication skills, great attention should be paid to the formation personal qualities baby, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to relationships with others.

In preschool age, the baby only gropes for ways to relate to others, he develops a stable personal style and an idea of ​​himself appears.

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge impact on what the baby will consider important in life, on the formation of his system of values. No matter how long a person lives, he turns from time to time to the experience from childhood, to life in the family: "what did my father and mother teach me?"

Each person should be able to listen to another person, perceive and strive to understand him. His future success in interpersonal communication depends on how a person feels another, can influence him without offending or causing aggression. Very few among us can and are able to really listen to other people well, to be sensitive to nuances in their behavior. But the ability to listen and understand oneself is also of great importance, that is, to be aware of one's feelings and actions at various moments of communication with other people. And all this children need to learn. Skill does not come to a person by itself, it is acquired at the cost of the effort spent on training.

“Happiness is when you are understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned. "Learn to love and understand people, and you will always have friends by your side."

Appendix No. 7

Consultation for parents

"Child's readiness for school"

The child's readiness for schooling is one of the most important developmental outcomes during preschool childhood and the key to successful schooling. In most children, it is formed by the age of seven. Content psychological readiness includes a certain system requirements that will be presented to the child during training and it is important that he be able to cope with them.

Entering school is a turning point in the life of a child, in the formation of his personality. With the transition to systematic education at school, preschool childhood ends and the period of school age begins. With the arrival at school, the child's lifestyle changes, a new system of relations with the people around is established, new tasks are put forward, and new forms of activity are formed. If at preschool age the leading type of activity is play, now educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life. Successful fulfillment of school responsibilities requires that children reach a certain level of physical and mental development by the end of preschool age. It must be remembered that “readiness for school” does not mean individual knowledge and skills, but a certain set of them, in which all the basic elements must be present, although the level of their development may be different.

Physical readiness of the child for school means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, the state of his health should allow him to successfully complete the educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers, coordination of movement.

Psychological readiness of the child to school includes the following:

Motivational readiness - This is the presence of a desire to learn in children. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school and, therefore, they have a motivational readiness. However, this is not quite true. First of all, the desire to go to school and the desire to study differ significantly from each other. The school attracts not by the external side (the attributes of school life - a portfolio, textbooks, notebooks, but the opportunity to gain new knowledge, which implies the development of cognitive interests.

Emotional-volitional readiness necessary for the normal adaptation of children to school conditions. It is not so much about the ability of children to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what the adult is talking about. The fact is that the student needs to be able to understand and accept the teacher's task, subjecting him to his immediate desires and impulses. Perseverance is important - the ability to listen carefully to an adult for a certain time and complete tasks without being distracted by extraneous objects and affairs.

Personal and social readiness implies the following:

The child must be sociable, that is, be able to communicate with peers and adults; in communication, there should be no aggression, and in case of a quarrel with another child, he should be able to evaluate and look for a way out of a problem situation; the child must understand and recognize the authority of adults;

Tolerance; this means that the child must adequately respond to constructive comments from adults and peers;

Moral development, the child must understand what is good and what is bad;

The child must accept the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completing it, he must adequately assess his work, admit his mistakes, if any.

Intelligent readiness - many parents believe that it is she who is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the reason for the mistakes parents make when preparing their children for school, as well as the reason for their disappointment in the selection of children for school. In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific formed knowledge and skills (for example, reading, although, of course, the child must have certain skills. Age-appropriate development of memory, speech, thinking is important, the child should strive to acquire new knowledge, that is, he must be curious.

Great importance It hasspeech readiness for school:

Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must own the correct, clear sound pronunciation of the sounds of all phonetic groups;

Formation of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate sounds native language;

Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech;

Ability to use different ways word formation, correctly use words with diminutive meaning, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use expanded phrasal speech;

The presence of even mild deviations in speech development in first graders can lead to serious problems in the assimilation of programs comprehensive school... However, parents often do not pay due attention to the fight against one or another speech impairment... This is due to the fact that parents do not hear the speech defects of their children; do not attach serious importance to them, believing that with age these shortcomings will correct themselves. But the time favorable for correctional work is lost, the child from kindergarten goes to school, and speech shortcomings begin to bring him a lot of grief.

Strengthening their health and increasing efficiency, developing thinking, curiosity, educating certain moral and volitional qualities, and forming elements is essential for preparing preschoolers for school. learning activities: ability to focus on learning task, follow the instructions of the teacher, control your actions in the process of completing the assignment.

Important question. What does the diagnosis “your child is not ready for school” mean? A parent with fright reads something terrible in this wording: "Your child is underdeveloped." Or: "Your child is bad." But if we are talking about a child under seven years old, then the stated unreadiness for schooling means just what it means. Namely, that the child should be postponed with admission to school. He hasn't finished yet




Stupinsky municipal district

"Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions."

(self-education report)

Prepared by the teacher

Streltsova Yu.V.



Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve the health of children in the process of education and training.

The problem of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and rather complicated. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health... After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, which is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits, attitude towards oneself and others are laid. It is important at this stage to form a knowledge base and practical skills in children. healthy way life, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

By a healthy lifestyle, we mean the active activities of people aimed at maintaining and improving health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin already in kindergarten. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

Any teaching activities should be started only after information on the health status and level of physical development of preschoolers has been obtained and analyzed.

Target : To form the child's idea of ​​himself, a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-preserving technologies.


1. Formation of a health-preserving environment.

2. Education of healthy lifestyle habits in children to increase the protective properties of the body, in accordance with the age and individual capabilities of children.

3. Development of the need for physical activity.

4. Educating parents about raising a healthy child.

Expected results:

1.Reduction of the incidence rate of children;

2. Creation and maintenance of a positive microclimate in the group.

3.According to age, children understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle, mastering various types of physical activity and hardening;

4. Active assistance of parents in organizing the health improvement of their children;

5. Replenishment of the subject-developing environment in the direction of "Physical culture" and "Health".

As part of the work on this topic, the following work was carried out:

    studied various finger games;

    daily children receive juice, fruits, vegetable salads;

    positive results in the health preservation of preschoolers are possible only through interaction with parents: parenting meetings, conversations. During the conversation, parents learn to better see the complex multifaceted process of raising a child, master practical skills. In our work, we used visual information in parenting corners, where consultations for parents are periodically changed, reflecting the rules of personal hygiene, hardening, tips, brochures, guidelines for a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers;

    sunbathing, walking on the street; every day we do exercises in the morning (10 minutes), exercises after a nap (5-10 minutes), walk barefoot, on massage paths, sleep with fresh air, ventilate the group daily, motor warm-ups (including games m / n), outdoor games and physical exercises, independent physical activity (daily), light clothing, washing, self-massage of hands, ears, eye gymnastics;

    to ensure full-fledged physical development, to meet the needs for physical activity of children, in the group, together with a partner, they organized an appropriate object environment, created the necessary conditions, made non-traditional physical training equipment;

    replenished the sports equipment of the sports corner in the group with the help of parents: balls of different sizes, hoops, massage balls, dumbbells, skipping ropes, massage mats, etc .;

    it is also planned to equip a sports ground on the site with an “obstacle course” for the development of endurance, for the organization of physical activity of children in the fresh air;

    physical culture entertainments were held: "Merry Starts".

    music therapy - musical accompaniment of rhythmic moments, musical background of classes.

    replenishment of the card index: morning exercises; invigorating gymnastics; outdoor games; word games with movement; communication games;

The model of a child's life in a group is compiled taking into account the change in static activities and physical activity, various activities of children during walks, sufficient time for sleep, classes and games (in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the total volume of the compulsory part of the main general educational program of preschool education and the requirements of SanPiN) ...

In a fascinating, visual and practical form, we tried to enrich children's ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. Using games - dramatizations, story games, conversations on the formation of a habit to a healthy lifestyle.

I hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten will become the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and as a result, the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, its properties and qualities.

ISS (C) OU "Izhmorskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school VIII species "

Self-education plan


Compiled by:

L.V. Lokteva,

teacher primary grades

v. Izhmorka-2ya,


Caring for a child's health is not

just a complex of sanitary

hygiene standards and rules and not a set

requirements for the regime, nutrition, labor,

rest. This is, first of all, taking care of

harmonious completeness of all physical and

spiritual forces, and the crown of this harmony

is the joy of creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Healtha person is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount.

According to medical experts, 75% of all human diseases are inherent in childhood. This is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, which has become the norm of existence not only for adults, but also for children. There are quite a few numbers and facts that speak for themselves ... For example, the age from 1 to 15 years is much more important for maintaining future health than from 15 to 60 years, so I use in my workhealth-preservingtechnologiesin order to preserve the health of students during the period of study in primary school.

Health-savingtechnologiesis a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment, aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of his education and development. The concept of school education provides not only for the preservation, but also for the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and health.

Health-preservingthe school's activities are medical examination, and preventive vaccinations, morning exercises, days and weeks of Health, three physical education lessons per week, hot meals, sports school holidays, talks about health with students and parents.

Health-saving technologiesat work and after school hours.

The use of health-preserving technologies in the classroom is the key to the success of the educational process. The health and state of mind of students depends on each of us, teachers.


the rise professional competence on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.


    study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health preservation;

    learn to simulate work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation ( different kinds massage, self-massage, complexes of general developmental exercises, physical education, rhythmic dances, outdoor games, etc.);

    to direct the life of students to preserve and strengthen health;

    organize work to prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vision, colds;

    systematize the literature studied

    to increase the interest of children and their parents in health promotion.

Expected results of the work:

1. Improving the health of students.

2. Increasing the attention of schoolchildren and their parents to the issues of a healthy lifestyle.

The intended result is:

1. Conducting open lessons, master classes for teachers using health-saving technologies.

2. Reports, speeches.

Method of demonstrating the results of the work done:

    Presentation of the results of work in front of the teaching staff at the methodological association of primary school teachers.

Directions of self-education

Main directions

Activities and activities




1.Meet new ones pedagogical technologies through subject publications and the Internet.

2. To improve qualifications in courses for primary classes.



Psychological and pedagogical

1. Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy.



1. To improve knowledge of the modern educational content of primary students


2. Get acquainted with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching.

3. To take an active part in the work of the MO of primary school teachers.

4. To take part in scientific and practical conferences, competitions of creative works, olympiads.

5. To study the experience of teachers of the school, district and other regions via the Internet.

6. Attend the lessons of colleagues and participate in the exchange of experiences.

7. Periodically carry out self-analysis of professional activities.

8. Create your own database of the best lesson scripts, interesting techniques and findings in the lesson.

9. Conduct open lessons for colleagues at work.

10. Make presentations on the topic of self-education.









according to the plan of the Ministry of Defense


Information and communication

1. To study ICT and introduce them into the educational process.

2. Browse the Internet for information on the subject, pedagogy and psychology.

3. Create email... Teacher site for contact with like-minded people.



Health protection

1. Implement in educational process health-saving technologies.

2. Lead a healthy lifestyle.



Stages of work

Stages of work

Kind of activity



1. Analysis of professional difficulties.

2. Determination of the goals and objectives of the topic.

3. Drawing up a work plan on the chosen topic of self-education.

4. Courses for professional development of teachers.

5. Study of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature.


2016 -201 7 y.

1. Presentation with a report on the results of the implementation of the practical stage at the MO of primary school teachers.

2. Studying the experience of teachers on the chosen topic.

3. Systematization of materials of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature on the topic.

4. Correction of work.



2017 -201 8 y.

1. Open lessons at the school level.

2. Participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences.

3. Attendance at seminars.

4. Self-reflection and self-assessment of your lessons.

5. Speech at a meeting of the MO of primary school teachers on the topic of self-education.

6. Registration of work results... Placement on ped.sites.

Long-term work plan


Plan section

Form of work

Practical exits

Implementation report


Work with children

Health Day.

Organization of outdoor games (daily)

Conducting physical education (throughout the year).

Health Day.

Teach children to protect and strengthen their health

Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality.

Form the need for physical activity, health-preserving skills.

Photo report

Photo report

Working with parents

Individual conversations with parents on the topic "Sportswear and footwear for physical education"



Study of the program in the educational field "health"


Work with children

Dynamic pauses during lessons

(during a year)

To prevent fatigue

As a prophylaxis for a disproportionate load on the muscles.

In order to strengthen the body

As a development of motor skills.

Reveal the level of physical development of children. Collection and processing of data

Photo report

Relaxation (throughout the year)

Carrying out morning exercises


Finger gymnastics (daily)

Diagnostics of the level of physical fitness of children.

Health Day.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents "Take care of your eyes"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Working with the book Tkachenko T.A. "We develop fine motor skills"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Carrying out an event

(according to plan).

Health Day.

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation for parents "Aggressive children"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Updating the corner of health.

Continuation of work with the book Tkachenko T.A. "We develop fine motor skills"

Creating conditions for maintaining health

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Carrying out a New Year's party.

Health Day.

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation for parents

"We celebrate the New Year with the child"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Analysis of morbidity in winter

Collecting analytical information


Work with children

Carrying out an event

(according to plan).

Health Day.

Form the need for physical activity, develop the ability to consciously develop useful habits.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents "What do we know about health?"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Continuation of the study of the program in the educational area "Physical culture" "

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Conducting a matinee for the Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Health Day.

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Photo report

Working with parents


"Father as a teacher"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Working with the book by T. A. Shorygina "Conversations about Health"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Health Day.

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation "Happiness is when you are understood"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Working with methodical literature

for health


Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Outdoor games.

Health Day.


Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Summing up the effectiveness of the use of modern health-saving technologies

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation "Readiness for grade 5"

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Continuation of the study of the main sample program"World of Discovery" in the educational field "Health"

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Work with children

Celebration of the Victory Day holiday

Health Day.

Develop emotional and volitional sphere and play activities

Photo report

Working with parents

Consultation "What is a healthy lifestyle? »


Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Summing up the results of the work. Analysis of the results of joint activities



Continuation of the study of the basic exemplary program "The World of Discovery" in the educational area "Physical Culture"

Collection of information

Increasing knowledge, collecting material

Replenishment methodical piggy bank


Kovalenko N.V. School of health and development: monograph by N.V. Kovalenko.-Novokuznetsk: MOU DPO IPK, 2007.

Menchinskaya, E.A. The basics of health-promoting education in primary school: Guidelines to overcome the overload of students - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2008.

Simkina, P.L. The ABC of health: Physical education minutes of health-preserving orientation / P.L. Simkina, L.V. Titarovsky. - M .: Amrita-Rus, 2006.

Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in primary school. 1-4 grades. M .: "VAKO", 2004.

Kukushin V.S. Theory and teaching methods. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2005.

Our choice is health: a leisure program, development of events, recommendations / author-comp. N.N.Shaptseva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Orekhova V.A. Pedagogy in questions and answers: textbook. Benefit. - M .: KNORUS, 2006.

Smirnov N.K. educational technologies v modern school... - M .: APK and PRO, 2002.

Sovetova E. V. Effective educational technologies. –Rostov n / Don: Phoenix, 2007.

Shchukina G.I. "Revitalization cognitive activities students in the educational process ”. M., Enlightenment. O. A. Sokolova. Health-saving educational technologies.

In accordance with the Law “On Education”, children's health is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education. The issue of strengthening and maintaining health today is very acute. Doctors note a tendency towards an increase in the number of preschoolers with various functional deviations and chronic diseases. Based on this, one of the annual tasks of our preschool educational institution is aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, forming a conscious attitude towards their own health among parents, teachers, pupils. "

The topic of my self-education is directly related to the solution of this problem - "The use of health-saving technologies in working with children of primary preschool age."

Purpose: to improve their own professional qualifications in the implementation of modern health-saving technologies.

  • Study modern health-preserving technologies.
  • To create conditions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health, based on the comprehensive and systematic use of physical education means available for kindergarten.
  • To involve parents in solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle.

Plan section



  1. 1. Study of literature on this topic.
  2. 2. Conducting an analysis of the incidence of children in the group.
  3. 3. Development of a list of necessary equipment for health corners.
  4. 4. Registration of "Passport of children's health".
  5. 5. Development of a synopsis of the OOD "Travel to the Country of Health".
  6. 6. Self-analysis OOD "Travel to the Country of Health".
  7. 7. Development of the project "In the country of Zdorovyachkov".
  8. 8. Registration of card indexes: "Gymnastics for the eyes", "Breathing exercises", "Outdoor games for children of younger preschool age", "Physical culture minutes", "Games for healthy lifestyle", "Finger games".


October, April

Work with children

  1. 1. Conducting morning exercises, hardening activities, finger games, dynamic pauses, physical minutes, etc.
  2. 2. Conducting physical education classes, incl. with a physical education instructor.
  3. 3. Monitoring of the educational area "Health".
  4. 4. Open event of the OOD "Travel to the Country of Health".
  5. 5. A week of health at a preschool educational institution.


3 times a week

October, April December

Working with parents

  1. 1. Individual conversations with the parents of newly admitted children on healthy lifestyles.
  2. 2. Consultation on the topic: "The system of health-saving technologies in MBDOU".
  3. 3. Exhibition of literature and visual material for the implementation of health-saving technologies.
  4. 4. Visual agitation "Corner of health".
  5. 5. Questioning among parents "Healthy baby!"
  6. 6. Individual conversations "What you need to know about hardening."
  7. 7. Seminar - workshop: "Making health tracks".
  8. 8. Parent meeting "Seriously about health."
  9. 9. Design of the wall newspaper: "Nebole-ka".


Working with teachers

  1. 1.Consultation for teachers: "Types of health-preserving technologies and features of the methodology."
  2. 2.Participation in a workshop for teachers "Formation of valeological consciousness in preschoolers in conditions preschool and families ”with an open view of the event“ Travel to the Country of Health ”.
  3. 3.Visiting the GCD at preschool educators on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  4. 4. Master - class: "Game massage".
  5. 5. Generalization of the results of work on the topic at a meeting of the methodological association. Presentation of the project "In the Land of Zdorovyachkov".