Methodology for using ICT in the educational process. Use of information and communication technologies in educational activities

Litvinets Irina Igorevna,

teacher of informatics and ICT GBOU gymnasium №155

St. Petersburg

The modernization of the education system is considered today as the potential for innovative development of society and is based on the implementation of new conceptual approaches to the development of education.

The central problem remains to ensure a high level of quality in education. The new federal state educational standards imply the introduction of a system-activity approach to teaching students based on the use of advanced pedagogical technologies aimed at developing students' key competencies and universal training activities(UUD).

The introduction of ICT technologies into the practice of schools is one of the priority areas of modernization, which allows not only to improve the quality of education, but also contributes to the development of information competence, disclosing the intellectual and creative potential of the student's personality.

E. I. Ogarev under competence understands the evaluative category, which characterizes a person as a subject of activity, capable of planning and carrying out effective actions aimed at achieving the set goal.

In the structure of competence he identifies five components: a deep understanding of the essence of the tasks and problems being solved; knowledge and experience gained in the field of activity; mastering advanced achievements; the ability to choose adequate means and methods of activity; a sense of responsibility for the results of their activities in the process of achieving the goal.

The main components of a student's information competence are:

  • the ability to correctly select sources of information;
  • the ability to find and transform information from various sources
  • possession of specific skills in the use of technical devices
  • the ability to use computer information technologies in their activities;
  • knowledge of the features of information flows in the required area.

Under information and communication technologies we understand the system of methods, techniques and methods of working with information, the application of which ensures the solution of the central tasks of education and upbringing.

The use of ICT in the educational process allows:

  • to intensify the cognitive activity of students in the classroom and after school hours;
  • maintain a steady interest in the subject;
  • to model and visualize complex processes and phenomena considered in the lessons on different subjects;
  • students to engage in independent search, selection and analysis of the necessary information on the Internet;
  • develop creative abilities, form a general and information culture among students.

In our opinion, the main advantages of using ICT are:

  1. The ability to implement a differentiated approach to students of different levels of readiness for learning.
  2. Using visual, audiovisual and video support in the lesson.
  3. Maintaining a high pace of the lesson, class.
  4. Providing effective feedback between the teacher and students.
  5. Implementation of operational and objective control of the UUD of students.
  6. Achievement High Quality assimilation of the material by students.

In lesson, extracurricular and extracurricular activities with students, such forms of ICT technologies as: presentations, interactive tests, work on searching for information on the Internet, preparation of projects, the use of ready-made electronic resources, digital educational resources are used.

One of active forms pedagogical technologies that develop high motivation for educational and cognitive activities and contribute to the formation of information competence of students are design technologies. Collaborative work on an electronic project demonstrates a wide range of opportunities for collaboration, during which students are assigned roles that help to fully demonstrate the competence of the individual.

Advantages of using multimedia resources in the educational process:

1. Presentation:

Visibility when announcing a topic, when considering photographs;

Quick check of students' independent assignments in basic notes: formulas, diagrams, conclusions;

Solving problems and viewing the result;

Collective discussion of typos in texts presented on a large screen, slips of the tongue, physical defects in photographs, etc. Discussion of these signal distortions by random influences, or, as they are also called in information theory, noise or interference, allow students to develop critical thinking.

2. Video fragment:

Allows you to save the teacher's time for preparing and conducting this experience in the lesson.

3. Animation:

It is impossible to carry out a real experiment, and the animation shows how the objects in question will actually behave.

4. Test on a computer:

Provides an opportunity to quickly check the knowledge of students obtained in several previous and this lesson;

Allows the teacher to see the degree of mastering the material and the ability to check the knowledge gained to solve quality problems;

Correct mistakes immediately.

5. Computer modelling is one of effective methods studying complex systems.

Computer models are easier and more convenient to study due to their ability to carry out computational experiments in cases where real experiments are difficult for various reasons. The consistency and formalization of computer models makes it possible to identify the main factors that determine the properties of the original object under study (or a whole class of objects), in particular, to study the response of the simulated physical system to changes in its parameters and initial conditions.

All these advantages of using ICT in the educational process, combined with the teacher's story, allow developing attention and visual thinking - the ability to imagine and manipulate images in the imagination. And visual (figurative theoretical) thinking is the basis of understanding.

Thus, the use of ICT technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities allows you to optimize the educational process, to involve students in it as subjects of the educational process, to develop creativity, independence and critical thinking.

The use of ICT in the educational process of primary school is a step towards the formation of a new person

There are more than 50 educational technologies in pedagogy, but the key technology of the 21st century is the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).
Computer technologies are designed at the moment to become not an additional "makeweight" in teaching and upbringing, but an integral part of a holistic educational process, significantly increasing its quality

The role of ICT in the educational process

Using ICT in the educational process is a rational way to increase the efficiency and intensify education and self-study. ICT allows you to automate information processes: store it for a long time and compactly, quickly search, quickly process, produce a new one, transmit over any distance and present multimedia (text, tabular, graphic, animated, audio and video) information in the required form.
The use of multimedia technology leads to the use of more effective approaches to education and is the most effective means of education. Another advantage is the emotional impact on students. Especially if videos are included and there is a soundtrack to the slides, which allows students to form a personal attitude to what they see and hear.
The use of ICT makes it possible to move from an explanatory-illustrated, edifying method of education to an activity-based one, in which the child becomes an active subject of educational activity. With the help of ICT, real virtual travel can be carried out. ICT is of great help in the preparation of holidays, in the research and project activities of children.
The main educational value information technologies in that they allow creating a multisensory interactive educational environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities available to both the teacher and the student. Unlike conventional technical means of education, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large number of concepts, but also to develop the intellectual, creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and work with various sources of information.

The goals of ICT in the educational process
The priority goal of educational work is the formation of a morally rich, harmoniously developed personality, capable of creativity and self-determination. One of the main tasks for achieving this goal is the development of the cognitive interests of students through the introduction of innovative technologies and the humanization of the educational process. These tasks are aimed at developing the educational system of the school, which is based on the creative activity of children and adults in different directions.
In order to improve the quality of educational work, the development of cognitive interest, information and communication technologies are introduced into the education system. Each of the areas of educational work presupposes a certain angle of application of ICT. The desire to use ICT not only in educational, but also in educational work is dictated by social, pedagogical and technological reasons. First, a social order has been formed for the inclusion of such activities in the education system; secondly, pedagogical reasons are due to the need to find means to increase the effectiveness of education; thirdly, ICT allows you to enhance the motivation not only of learning, but also of other things useful for the development of the personality, and to involve students in active activities.

The use of ICT in educational work makes it possible

Increase the productivity of teachers and students;
- Automate information processes;
- For qualitative changes in the structure educational systems;
- To form an information society.
And also information technologies provide an opportunity:
The use of ICT in educational work provides ample opportunities for the implementation of various projects. The main "pluses" in the use of ICT: visibility and accessibility.
In the age of developed technologies, the activity of the influence of natural factors, the inconsistency of social economic development society, an avalanche-like increase in information, fundamentally new spiritual, moral and socio-economic requirements are imposed on the education system.
Information technologies provide an opportunity:
rationally organize the cognitive activity of students in the course of the educational process;
to make education more effective by involving all types of student's sensory perception in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;
build an open upbringing system that provides each individual with their own upbringing trajectory;
to involve in the process of active upbringing the category of children with different abilities;
to use the specific properties of the computer, allowing you to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means;
to intensify all levels of the educational process.

Socio-economic requirements:
A graduate of a modern school must:
- be able to independently acquire the necessary knowledge, skillfully apply it in practice to solve various problems;
- independently think critically, be able to see in real world difficulties and look for ways to overcome them;
- clearly understand where and how the knowledge they have acquired can be applied in the surrounding reality;
- to work competently with information;
- be sociable, contact;
- flexibly adapt to changing life situations.
It is these realities of modern society that dictate the need to update the content of education. Information and communication technologies are becoming the leading ones in education, in educational work.

The use of ICT in educational practice:
"... in the 21st century, digital environments have become as essential to intellectual work as writing was to centuries past."
Modern computer equipment acts as a means of organizing and equipping the educational process:
as a means for creating information teaching materials and documents (plans, abstracts, methodological developments, etc.);
as a means of providing visibility (presentations, videos, video films and other demonstration forms);
as a means of information retrieval (text, video and audio);
as a means of information processing (photo and video images, text, statistical information for a portfolio, processing questionnaires, building diagrams, graphs in the study of the dynamics of certain processes in educational activities);
as a means of storing information (databases, methodological developments and collections, photo and video archives, electronic storages);

As a means of communication (website, e-mail, forums, chats, etc.).

ICT for me:
Search and collection of information;
Databanks in various areas of educational work;
Development of children's research abilities (creation of projects); Formation and development of cool media;
Diagnostics ( psychological testing, express diagnostics);
Development of a cool site;
Development of certificates, diplomas, etc .;
Preparation of conversations, class hours on educational topics;
Data for parents (reminders, recommendations, presentations for parenting meetings etc.);
Virtual Museum;
School student's portfolio;
Games, contests, quizzes;
Generalization of experience.

Where children use ICT for educational purposes
Search and collection of information;
For research works(project creation);
Preparation of materials for class media (newspaper)
Preparing material for a cool site. Photo gallery;
Virtual encyclopedia;
School student's portfolio;
Piggy bank of games, contests, quizzes;

Advantages of ICT
1. They make the educational process more modern, varied and rich.
2. Significantly expand the possibilities of presenting educational information. They have a complex effect on different channels of perception, on different kinds memory, provide operating with large amounts of information.
3. Provide visibility, beauty, aesthetics of the design of educational events.
4. Make the upbringing process more attractive for children, increase interest in activities.
5. Contribute to the adaptation of the child in the modern information space and the formation of information culture.
6. They are used in various forms of educational activities and are combined with various information sources and educational technologies.
7. Allows to better implement the system of diagnostics and monitoring of the educational process.
8. Improve the quality of pedagogical work.
9. Contribute to the effectiveness of educational activities. Competent, systematic use of information, communication and communication technologies can and should become a powerful modern means of increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

The educational orientation of the lessons and all activities of the educational process is of paramount importance. With the help of ICT, the theoretical section of the subject can be presented vividly, figuratively, visually. The practical section of the subject contains practical tasks in various forms, including tests. After the end of the lesson, when using tests, you can immediately get information about the level of assimilation of the material. We already have lessons (mainly in literary reading, themes: Fables, Russian folk tales…), Where students present educational conclusions in the form of mini - presentations (2 - 3 slides) with oral accompaniment. Such work allows everyone to be involved in discussion, commenting, expressing their opinion. The use of ICT gave impetus to the development of project activities in the classroom, which also contributes to the development of information and communication competencies of students.
My class lives by tradition. But to maintain them today, either new forms, or new content, or new technologies of work are required. Therefore, information technology is firmly included in the organization of traditional educational events. So, a good tradition to create an electronic creative photo report after each event helps to accumulate material by the end of primary school (presentation for parents and students) “With love for native school". Using a digital camera allows you to replenish your video archive with quality materials and prepare unique collections of materials. There are undeniable advantages of the aesthetic design of events with the help of high-quality sound on CD, original screensavers and thematic video sequences made with the use of a computer.
For example: in the 2nd grade last year using ICT the following were carried out cool activities:
Russian Heritage about the customs of the Russian people;
"About beauty and courage";
A Lesson in Kindness;
"The country of polite words";
"Good New Year spirit";
“The book will help everywhere: in study, leisure, work”;
Lessons of Courage are taught with the use (for the Submariner's Day, for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, for the Victory Day) For example:
"We must not forget the feat of our great-grandfathers"
"Wars Sacred Pages"
"Trees also fought"
Classroom and informational hours are accompanied by computer-based presentations made either by the teacher or by the teacher with the assistance of the students.
Finding information for conversations, trainings and round tables has become much easier with the help of Internet resources. Keeping an electronic classroom photo album preserves bright moments of school life in the memory of children. The most effective creation and replenishment of such an album by the efforts of students with the support class teacher.
Organization of vacation employment for students is simply impossible without ICT. Starting with the compilation of a database (lists of children with the necessary information about the child and family), the preparation of various documents, ending with reporting at the end of work and keeping records of the employment of children. These are various creative reports along with traditional writing. And the use of a camera and other digital technology, the use of the entertainment and cognitive capabilities of a computer make children's recreation varied, interesting and useful.
The use of ICT in organizing effective interaction with the family is justified by the need to meet the requirements of the modern information society. An electronic magazine has already appeared. It has become customary to survey parents, inform school life through printed and electronic versions of class messages, and use electronic presentations for parent meetings. With the introduction of the new subject "ORXE" in the 4th grade, the plans are now to offer parents and children to create a family magazine "Parents' House - the Beginning of Beginnings", which will help to reveal the moral foundations of the family, family values, history, occupations, traditions, suggests further work on the study of their roots, family lineage, and all this will then help to prepare the project work, which will be needed to assess knowledge at the end of the course, since the family is one of the three values ​​(Family, Fatherland, culture)
Preventive work is directly related to the replenishment (adjustment) of the electronic database of registered students. With the user skills, various information can be tracked and captured in spreadsheets. Today, requests from various services and departments within the framework of preventive work are often carried out in electronic version(by email). The main thing here is the efficiency of information transfer, its accuracy and timeliness. Considering that this is a documentation of strict accountability, the importance of using ICT in this direction is seriously increasing.
When organizing health-preserving activities, the potential of ICT is used in carrying out campaigns for healthy lifestyles, preventive conversations, compiling tables, diagrams when monitoring physical development, tracking results. Students not only watch popular science films offered by the teacher, but they themselves are included in the search for information.
Additional education goes to new stage development. Participation in competitions, festivals, olympiads, communication via the Internet, e-mail. The creation of creative works, the design of exhibitions from them also acquired a new color.
Student self-government also represents a promising direction for the application of modern information technologies in educational process... Preparation of campaign materials and questionnaire forms, processing information, its further broadcasting, timely informing about the activities and results of the work of self-government bodies - this is an incomplete list of cases involving ICT. We are trying to create a student portfolio. The portfolio is viewed as a business card, which contains information about achievements and successes, creative deeds and future plans. The degree of complexity of filling the portfolio in in electronic format may be different and depends on the student's level of knowledge, ability to use and apply ICT in practice. After all, it is in the portfolio that children can place photographs, projects, films and other materials telling about themselves and the class team. The use of ICTs makes it possible to publish the print and electronic version of the classroom newspaper. Since the guys are still small, these are only the first tests. While working on a release, children learn to interview, write articles, search for information on the Internet, etc. Individual and group work increases cognitive interest, develops the ability to overcome difficulties, look for answers to questions that have arisen, and contributes to the independent development of new opportunities of information technology.
The most motivated students are able to:
- work with sound;
- work with a photo camera, a video camera;
- make presentations (insert pictures, sound, collect information);
In the process of using ICT, one can observe the development in children of independence, self-confidence, and the ability for self-realization. Students become decision-making, independent, and resilient to group pressure. As indicators of the development of the ability for self-realization, their desire to use the knowledge gained about software products in extracurricular activities, and especially in relation to themselves, for example, when creating self-presentations, is considered. Individuality can only reveal itself when compared with another, reveal its peculiarity in the course of general activity, when the difference between each becomes obvious and when the characteristics of each contribute to the overall success of everyone's work. You can assert yourself as a person in the creation of something. It is possible to assert oneself as an individuality only in the same work, when the abilities and individual peculiarities of each are clearly manifested. By educating students using ICT, we develop their independence, creative activity, and reflection.
A computer base has been created, which contains information about my extracurricular work - scenarios, about the winners of competitions and contests. Information and communication technologies are successfully used to increase the efficiency of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, in organizing students' leisure time.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is not limited to the use of a computer as a typewriter for the preparation of any illustrative materials. And it is not limited only to the demonstration of presentations. This is the use of the full potential of digital educational resources to achieve the goals set by the educational institution. The use of ICT helps to increase the interest of students in everything that happens, stimulates the cognitive and creative activity of children. All of the above confirms the growth of the quality of educational work, an increase in the level of its organization to a qualitatively new level, makes the educational process modern in terms of form and content.
Thus, the use of ICT makes it possible to optimize the educational process, to involve students in it as subjects of the educational space, to develop independence, creativity and critical thinking. How is this happening? First of all, audio and video sequences help to recreate the situation, immersing us in certain states. It is this mechanism - emotional immersion - that underlies new opportunities. Computer technology allows information to be concise and at the same time vivid. And if we take into account the interest of schoolchildren in computers, then we get the inclusion of the emotional sphere, which forms a special attitude to the world, the very “value sieve”.
The use of ICT has made changes in all aspects of life. First of all, the role of the student has changed. He became an active participant in the educational process, turned into a partner of the teacher (helps in the preparation and conduct of lessons and extracurricular activities). The use of ICT helps to maintain interest in learning. The school has evolved from a place where they teach to a place where they learn.
My role is also changing. The use of ICT gave impetus to self-improvement. If earlier, when preparing lessons and extracurricular activities, I mainly used printed materials and TCO tools, today it is possible to use electronic textbooks, electronic encyclopedias and Internet resources. Finding and preparing information for conversations, trainings, have become much easier with the help of ICT.
Thus, the use of ICT makes it possible to optimize the educational process, to involve students in it as subjects of the educational space, to develop the independence, creativity and critical thinking of children.

« The use of ICT as a means of improving the quality of students' knowledge, the development of their creative abilities. "

One of the requirements of the new state educational standard is the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process. In this regard, the need arose for a new teaching model based on modern information technologies.

The 21st century is the century of high computer technologies. Computer technologies have penetrated into all spheres of human activity. Today, the use of information and communication technologies in the education system is becoming necessary. The modern student lives in the world of electronic culture. The role of the teacher in information culture is changing, he must become the coordinator of the information flow. A teacher who keeps up with the times is today psychologically and technically ready to use information technologies in teaching. Any stage of the lesson can be revived by the introduction of new technical means.

The inclusion of ICT in the educational process allows the teacher to organize different shapes educational and cognitive activities in the classroom, to make students' independent work active and purposeful. The computer can be used at all stages: both in the preparation of a lesson and in the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring ZUN.

Today, much attention is paid to the use of information technology in teaching. Our task should be aimed not so much at transferring specific knowledge from various fields to students, but at providing conditions for their self-determination and self-realization. The ability to process information is a very valuable asset. In this regard, I would like to consider this topic from the point of view of the ability of ICT to help the teacher in achieving this goal.

ICT means:

    technologies that allow you to search, process and assimilate information from various sources, including the Internet.

    using the computer itself, a variety of programs.

The main purpose of using ICT:to ensure an increase in the effectiveness of education.

Application of information technology in the classroom it is necessary, and it is motivated by the fact that they

    allow you to effectively organize group and independent work in the lesson;

    contribute to the improvement of practical skills and abilities of students;

    allow you to individualize the learning process;

    increase interest in the lesson

    intensify the cognitive activity of students;

    develop the creativity of students;

    update the lesson.

When preparing for a lesson using ICT, the teacher should not forget that this is a LESSON, and therefore, draw up a lesson plan based on its goals, when selecting teaching material he must adhere to the basic didactic principles: systematicity and consistency, accessibility, differentiated approach, scientific nature, etc. In this case, the computer does not replace the teacher, but only supplements him.

The use of ICT in the learning process of schoolchildren increases general level educational process, enhance the cognitive activity of students. For this, the teacher needs to master a number of skills.

The main ones are:

Technical, that is, the skills required to work on a computer as using standard software;

Methodical, i.e. the skills necessary for the competent teaching of students;

Technological, that is, the skills necessary for the competent use of information teaching aids in different lessons.

The use of ICT in the classroom helps students navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical ways of working with information, and develop skills that allow them to exchange information using modern technical means.

Relevance and novelty due to:

First, the formation of a new style of thinking has become the most important social task in the information society.

Second, the use of a computer in Everyday life becomes an element of the general culture of a person. Students have a great interest in computers, motivation to study subjects increases.

Thirdly, the introduction of specialized training presupposes in-depth study special items. At the same time, the role of ICT as a means of modernizing the education process is steadily increasing.

The success of educational institutions today is assessed by the level of formation personal qualities capable of independent creative activity, possessing modern information and communication technologies (ICT). This is due to a number of factors:

First, a person who knows how to work with information systems and telecommunication networks necessary in everyday life, who has an information culture, acquires not only new tools of activity, but also a new worldview.

Secondly, having the experience of creative activity, he is in a more advantageous position in relation to people using standard, established methods.

Thirdly, he is able to raise his intellectual level, develop and introduce progressive technologies, and self-develop in any educational direction.

Only a society consisting of individuals with a high creative potential and level of information culture can provide itself with decent living conditions.

Improving the effectiveness of education is impossible without creating new forms of education. Currently, the teacher cannot work as before. He must teach students to use information and communication technologies and independently obtain information. One of the main directions of my work with students is the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. Independent work involves highest degree activity. To do this, it is necessary to organize educational activities in such a way that students have an interest in work, satisfaction with the result, but at the same time they are essentially independent.

To achieve the set goals, it is necessary:

    Formation of students' skills to work with information;

    Development of communication skills;

    Personality training for the "information society";

    Formation of research skills, the ability to make optimal decisions.

The personal computer is not just a masterpiece of modern high technology - it is a door that has already opened wide the way to world information. The PC in education is a device that provokes both teacher and student to creativity and innovation, making it possible to move to new forms of learning.

The use of information and computer technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject. Studying any discipline using ICT provides an opportunity for reflection and participation in the creation of lesson elements, which contributes to the development of students' interest in the subject. Classic and integrated lessons, accompanied by multimedia presentations, on-line tests and software products, allow students to deepen their knowledge, increase the effectiveness of learning, the intellectual level of students, instill self-study skills, self-organization, and facilitate the solution of practical problems.

Computer technologies have opened up new opportunities for the teachers themselves to create illustrative material: videos, slides, slide films. It is known that such teaching aids make it much easier for students to understand and memorize educational material, arouse their interest in the phenomena under study. Perception of information is an important stage in the assimilation of material, it depends on correct formation concepts, awareness of their essence. In this regard, the importance of a computer is increasing, the graphic capabilities of which make it possible to provide visual-figurative, graphic information in combination with symbolic information.

When explaining new material and conducting practical work you can use the computer programs Excell, Payint, Adobe Photoshore, Word, PowerPoint. Even beginners are able to work with them.

Knowing how to make computer presentations with the help of the PowerRoint program, you can make educational visual aids for any section of the program.

Mastering the Adobe Photoshop program can allow teachers and industrial training masters to create original stands for classrooms or training workshops, which will save money on their purchase.

Using special test shells in their subject, the teacher will be able to test knowledge in an interesting electronic form for students, while saving his time on testing them, since the skillful setting of such programs allows you to do this automatically. Testing students' knowledge using a computer significantly speeds up the procedure for summing up the results of the work performed and reduces the number of errors in their assessment.

Unfortunately, today we have a number of limitations in the use of ICT.

    Insufficient material base college

    Insufficient competence of teachers in the use of ICT

    Not perfect data transmission system

Today, information communication technologies (ICT) are widely developed all over the world. The need to introduce new information technologies into the educational process is beyond doubt. Modern society characterizes the process of active use of an information resource as a social product in the conditions of the functioning of the world information network, which allows access to information without any significant restrictions on the volume and speed of transmitted information. The emergence and widespread use of ICT makes it possible to use them as a means of communication and education. Information and communication technologies open up fundamentally new opportunities in the field of education, in educational activities and the creativity of students. When using ICT in the classroom, the motivation for learning increases and the cognitive interest of students is stimulated, and the efficiency increases. independent work... For the first time, a situation arises when ICT learning becomes the main tools for further professional activity person. The development of research skills and interest in the research activities of students is possible during the development of project assignments.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have affected all spheres of human activity and have made qualitative changes and new realities in the life of the entire world community. Informatization modern life comparable in importance to the creation of the alphabet; According to a number of authors, it was the possession of ICT that made the definition of "information society" more applicable to the present civilization, which supplanted the term "post-industrial society", which until recently dominated the scientific literature. The ability to use ICT has become tantamount to the ability to read and write in an industrial society and sharply drew a socio-psychological divide between people who own and do not own them. Since modern society is characterized by an avalanche-like accumulation of knowledge (information boom), the emergence of a new concept of education - "education throughout life", which involves, among other things, the development of the ability to accept independent decisions and communication skills. Such educational inclusiveness presupposes going beyond the borders of national states, into a single space that is at the same time economic, informational and educational. Such an environment requires the most effective international communications. Information technology acts as an optimizing factor in the development of the necessary intercultural communication skills. Global networks and, first of all, the Internet, in addition to practically unlimited communication, make it possible to practically unlimited access to information. Learning to use this colossal resource, to select what is really valuable and necessary to optimize learning is an important aspect that requires attention and study.

The use of information and communication technologies in the classroom at school has both positive and negative aspects.

Example 1. The most used resource in the classroom at school is presentations. However, even if a good presentation on the topic of the lesson is created (slides with good design, drawings good quality, the slides are not overloaded with text, there is nothing superfluous on the slide, all the information is clear and colorful), even with such good presentations, problems arise. Here are some:

1. To make the presentation clearly visible, use darkening. And in all seven lessons, the students and the teacher are forced to be under artificial lighting, without daylight.

2. Reading the information on the slide strains your eyesight. And if there are several presentations, then the eyes get tired from the strain. From a medical point of view, this is unjustified.

3. Sometimes, if there is a problem with discipline in the classroom, the teacher does not explain the new teaching material, but forces the students to rewrite the information from the slide.

4. When copying all the information from the slide, students often listen to the teacher's explanations.

Example 2, which deals with the use of Internet resources by students. The student is asked to prepare an essay, report, or any other type of work related to finding information on the Internet. Having found what is needed, the student must comprehend, analyze, select an interesting and really necessary information and compose your own version of the message. But, as a rule, this does not happen. Having spent a lot of time finding the necessary information, the student does not consider it necessary to process the material found.

Example 3. Suppose a student in a lesson used various educational software products (controlling, training, demonstration, teaching), performs tasks and uses a text and graphic editor, performs calculations and creates diagrams in a spreadsheet, works with data in a DBMS, reads electronic textbooks and benefits. Then this student works great in the lesson at his own pace, and the teacher selects individual and differentiated teaching. Everything is good, if you do not take into account that then the student each lesson is forced to work a lot at the computer, and this has a bad effect on health.

Efforts spent on the development of lessons using ICT are compensated if the use of IT is methodologically justified, productive. In addition, if a teacher systematically prepares material in electronic form, then after a certain time an extensive database is accumulated.

But the use of information and communication technologies in teaching various subjects of the school course is impossible without a sufficient technical base, appropriate software and Internet connection, and sufficient computer skills of the teacher himself.

Our teachers have begun to use computers more often in the educational process. Today, media equipment is becoming more and more in demand. Teachers are gradually evaluating the benefits of the computer to improve the lesson methodology.

So, the use of a computer is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions in the classroom, but it must be expedient and methodologically justified. IT should be used only when this use gives an undeniable pedagogical effect and in no case should the use of a computer be considered a tribute to the times or turn it into a fashionable hobby.

1. Make the most of the benefits of ICT to improve the quality of student education.

2. Improve qualifications through self-education, participation in professional associations of teachers and seminars, master classes

3. Introduce information technology at various stages of the traditional lesson

4. Develop and use our own software and digital educational resources, create and use a media library.

If we take the first revolutionary stages in the development of education, then we can draw analogies and predict what difficulties are possible. Students get the broadest opportunities in choosing the way to study a particular subject or subjects, but there is no teacher nearby. And here the supposed negative consequences occur: the passivity of students, low level communication skills, lack of independence, misleading the teacher about understanding the material. Therefore, it is necessary to look for new forms of work to solve this problem. This can be the creation of a creative collective project, during the assessment of which each participant of the project is negotiated (in person or virtually) and is subject to assessment.

Another problem is the increased responsibility of the student for the learning outcomes in such a situation when he has a choice between different forms of education, between the lack of time it is necessary to choose useful and necessary information from the mass of unnecessary ones. This is where teachers need to help students to properly organize their learning activities, taking into account their individual abilities and capabilities.

The relevance of the use of ICT in the modern educational process.

The onset of the XXI century already at the end of the last century began to be called the “information age”, since in the XX century the role of information was continuously increasing and became of paramount importance in the development of society, in the progress of the economy, science, technology and culture. However, the XXI century is called not just the “information age”, but, moreover, “the age of the global information society”. In such a society, education, knowledge, information and communication form the basis for the development and well-being of the human person. To better adapt to social and professional changes, today more and more citizens need to acquire the skills of critical analysis of the information of any symbolic systems (figurative, sound, text).

In this regard, a new task is set for teachers: to prepare a new generation for life in modern informational conditions, for the perception of various information, to teach to understand it, to understand the consequences of the impact on the psyche, to master methods of communication based on non-verbal forms of communication using technical means.

The introduction of new information technologies into the educational process changes the traditional view of education. The main principles of modern IT are:

· Interactive (dialogue) mode of work with a computer;

· Integration (interconnection) with other software products;

· Flexibility of the process of changing both the initial data and the setting of tasks.

Development of multimedia teaching aids has become an urgent task in the context of the development of the modern education system and the widespread introduction of new IT into the educational process.

The relevance of using ICT technologies in teaching children with special educational needs

Once Gorky defined: "Culture is science and art, civilization is technology and economy." Education through the transfer of information, the achievement of its understanding and assimilation by the subject of education is one of the main ways of transferring culture and the development of civilization.

Information culture is closely linked with communication culture - the culture of communication, dialogue in the broad sense of the word: dialogue of peoples, man with man, man and computer, internal dialogue, mental dialogue between the reader and the writer, the actor and the viewer, the learner and educator. Information culture requires, first of all, from the teacher and from the student new knowledge and skills, a special style of thinking, provides them with the necessary social adaptation to changes, and guarantees a worthy place in the information society and performs the following functions:

Regulatory, since it has a decisive impact on all activities, including information;

Cognitive, because directly related to research activities the subject and his training;

Communicative, since information culture is an integral element of people's interconnection;

Educational, because information culture actively participates in the development of the entire culture by a person, the mastery of all the wealth accumulated by mankind, and the formation of his behavior.

The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the ways to increase the motivation of learning. ICTs contribute to development creative personality not only the student, but also the teacher. ICT helps to realize the main human needs - communication, education, self-realization. The introduction of ICT in the educational process is designed to increase the efficiency of the lessons, free the teacher from routine work, enhance the attractiveness of the presentation of the material, differentiate the types of tasks, and diversify the forms of feedback.

The use of ICT opens didactic opportunities related to the visualization of material, its "revitalization", the ability to make visual travels, to visualize those phenomena that cannot be demonstrated in other ways, allows you to combine control and training procedures.

"The golden rule of didactics is visualization" (Yan Kamensky). Multimedia systems make it possible to make the presentation of didactic material as convenient and visual as possible, which stimulates interest in learning and allows you to eliminate gaps in knowledge.

The main directions of the teacher using ICT in the educational process of the correctional school:

1. Review and analysis of educational material presented on electronic media. Selection and structuring of this material into meaningful blocks, taking into account the individual abilities of students.

2. Thinking over ways to motivate students to master the educational material.

3. Assisting students in mastering computer skills, tracking specific difficulties associated with the attitude to the computer form of communication, the peculiarities of the presentation of information.

4. Development of control tasks, assessment criteria, methods of error analysis. Development of tests in the "Notepad" program.

5. Organization of consultations during the study of the training course aimed at facilitating the solution of personal, educational, communication problems of students.

6. Tracking and fixing the dynamics of achievements of both the group as a whole and each student separately.

Model of using ICT in the lesson:

Demonstration of a computer presentation;

Multiple choice testing;

Practicing technical skills using a computer simulator.

This contributes to the saving of time and efficiency of the educational process.

Model of using ICT outside the lesson:

Search for information on the Internet and other sources;

Fixing a record about the world around;

Preparation of the speech and the presentation itself using presentations.

The main means of monitoring and evaluating the educational results of students in ICT are tests and test tasks, which allow for various types of control: input, intermediate, midterm and final.

Tests can be conducted in on-lain mode (carried out on a computer in an interactive mode, the result is automatically assessed by the system) and in off-lain mode (an electronic or printed version of the test is used; the teacher evaluates the results with comments, work on errors).

Using the capabilities of IR technologies in teaching children with special educational needs.

“They will tell you - you will forget. They will show you - you will remember. You will do - you will understand ”- this statement once again convinces us of the need to use information technology in the educational process for children with special educational needs.

Information technology enhances children's learning opportunities and can be especially effective in teaching children with special educational needs.

Individualized learning takes into account the unique needs of all students, especially those with learning difficulties or physical disabilities. It is necessary to develop in students a responsible attitude towards learning and a willingness to use technology to acquire knowledge and skills. Therefore, the school must provide accessibility technologies that can be adapted to the needs of each student.

Learn about accessibility and accessibility technologies to help educators around the world provide students with the same experience when learning using modern technologies developed by Microsoft Corporation. Accessibility support allows students with disabilities to get more information, make it easier to work on a PC. Improving the level of convenience and safety makes the child's education more effective. Thus, the use of these functions is another way to ensure equal opportunities for all members of society.

“Accessibility technology has three dimensions.

Accessibility or options built into the software and allowing you to customize the product according to the visual, auditory, motor, speech and educational needs of the user. Accessibility settings include, for example, changing the font size and color and mouse pointer settings in the Windows operating system . Microsoft® Windows®, Microsoft® Office, and Microsoft® Internet Explorer® products support a variety of accessibility features and options to make audio and visual information easier to read and to improve the computer experience.

Accessibility products ( special hardware and software) that are carefully selected to meet the needs of users with one or more disabilities. These products include a screen magnifier for a visually impaired user or an ergonomic keyboard for a user with wrist pain.

Product compatibility with special technologies opportunities with an operating system and other software. This is a very important aspect of how assistive technology products work well. ”

The use of information and communication technologies in mathematics lessons in a special school.

The concept of modernizing Russian education requires a qualitatively new approach to the professional level of teacher training, to mastering the technique and technology of designing objects of professional activity. The shift in priorities towards modern information and communication technologies in education is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. These changes are associated with: updating the content, methods and organizational forms of training; with the achievement of new learning outcomes; with the formation of ICT en masse - the competence of subject teachers; using a computer in teaching everyone academic subjects.

When using a computer in teaching mathematics, I encountered some problems:

Most of the available electronic editions are "closed", that is, it is impossible to use individual fragments of content in the educational process: either all or nothing.

Sometimes there is no methodological support for the introduction of electronic publications.

The solution to the issue of effective use of ICT opportunities in mathematics lessons in a special school required the search and creation of new teaching aids. A person, by nature, trusts his eyes more, and a huge part of the information is perceived by him through the visual analyzer. Taking this into account, I decided to try to mobilize the visual perception of children with developmental disabilities, using multimedia presentations, while organizing work to develop visual-figurative thinking, attention, memory, and create positive motivation. Positive motivation for cognitive activity can be the result of an emerging interest in unusual lessons with whom the schoolchildren have not met before.

Why do I use my presentations in the educational process? The material of the presentations is focused on the contingent of my students, taking into account their mental, physical, emotional level of development. Each slide is a training episode that includes an independent didactic unit. They allow you to apply various types and forms of educational activities: obtaining information, practical assignments, control of the level of knowledge, etc. The content of the presentations helps to create visual images. The presentations provide methodological and didactic support for the various stages of the lesson. The use of presentations allows me to enhance the cognitive activity of students.

When designing a multimedia lesson (like any other), I think over what goals and objectives it pursues, what role this lesson plays in the system of lessons on the topic being studied or the entire course, its type, structure, methods, forms of educational activity of schoolchildren. I analyze the content of the educational material for the possibility of using ICT, the forms and methods of presenting information on the screen. I take into account the purpose of the lesson:

To study new material, present new information;

To consolidate what has been passed, to develop educational skills and abilities;

To repeat, practical application acquired knowledge, abilities, skills;

For generalization, systematization of knowledge;

To control knowledge, abilities, skills.

The multimedia presentations I have created provide methodological and didactic support for the various stages of the lesson. The stage of updating basic knowledge is necessary for better perception and assimilation of new knowledge. All information on updating basic knowledge is presented in a certain sequence of slides, in a certain sequence of presentation of images to the screen using animation. The colors are thought out. (Application)

Learning new material is a key element in the structure of many lessons. Relying on it or in conjunction with it, other issues are solved in the classroom: whether it is consolidation, control, etc. In the process of teaching mathematics, it is most often associated with solving problems that arise in the study of mathematical concepts.

At the same time, three main stages can be distinguished: preparation for perception, introduction and initial comprehension of new material. Among the various ways to learn new material are the following: new material explained by the teacher himself or understood in the course joint activities with students. The choice of each of these methods depends, first of all, on what time the teacher has in the lesson to learn new things, on the degree of readiness of schoolchildren to perceive it and on the content of the concepts being introduced.

The combination of my story with a presentation demonstration allows for a step-by-step, very detailed introduction of new material, which is more accessible for its assimilation by children with disabilities, as well as focusing the attention of students on especially significant moments of the educational material. At the stage of studying new material, I try to ensure that students are not passive contemplators of what I present to them on the screen. I try to organize the learning process in such a way, to create such an atmosphere in the classroom so that students not only receive knowledge, but also obtain it. Work in the classroom becomes a living action that arouses genuine interest in children.

The developed presentation for studying new material makes it possible to use it to further consolidate knowledge. This is a great help for students who missed a lesson on this topic (Appendix)

Of course, when studying new material, only the issues related to its assimilation are just beginning to be resolved, i.e. understanding, memorization, skills to apply it. To understand what is being studied, I pay great attention to the updating of basic knowledge, the step-by-step introduction of new material, since a large amount of information is difficult for children to perceive. For a better memorization of the main thing in the studied material, I use in presentations its highlighting in bold, italic, frame, color. Students should be able to apply the studied material in various tasks. Therefore, a series of exercises is suggested in the presentations after the introduction of the new material.

Management of students' activities in the study of new material should be carried out taking into account the psychological and pedagogical laws. In this case, special attention should be paid to the fact that with passive participation, much escapes the attention of the student. Active mental activity leads to a fuller, richer perception, which, in the course of acquaintance with the material, increases if the following conditions are met:

The student, getting acquainted with the material, simultaneously performs a specific task that helps to understand deeper this material;

This task directs the student's efforts to use a certain method of mental activity (comparison, concretization, etc.)

This technique corresponds to the content of the material, and the more, the more the activity is activated;

The student has the knowledge necessary to complete the assignment and the skills to apply this technique;

The material is not overly light or very difficult.

However the lesson is designed, a lot depends on how the teacher prepares for it. He must not only confidently own a computer, know the content of the lesson, but lead it at a good pace, at ease, constantly involving students in the cognitive process. It is necessary to think over the change of rhythm, diversify the forms of educational activity, think about how to withstand a pause if necessary, how to provide a positive emotional background for the lesson.

During the lesson, you need to take care of feedback from students. The information should be accompanied by questions to them, calling the guys for a dialogue, for commenting on what is happening. In no case should you allow disciples to turn into passive contemplators.

When using multimedia presentations, I have the opportunity to constantly “keep my finger on the pulse”, see the reaction of students, and respond in time to a changing situation. This is especially important in working with children with disabilities, the level of development of which is characterized by a lack of cognitive activity, a reduced level of working capacity, underdevelopment of attention, memory, emotional and personal sphere. Working with such children involves organizing the vigorous activity of the child himself. It is not easy to induce such activity; this requires a special attitude of the student to perceive the information offered to him. I consider one of my tasks to be the development of the cognitive activity of such children through the implementation of the principle of accessibility of educational material, ensuring the "novelty effect". A lesson using a computer presentation, created methodically competently, helps well to cope with this task.

Such lessons will activate and mental processes students: attention, memory, thinking. The increase in cognitive interest is much more active and faster. Cognitive interest in educational material cannot be supported all the time only by vivid facts, and its attractiveness cannot be reduced to surprising and striking imagination. K. D. Ushinsky wrote that a subject, in order to become interesting, must be only partly new, and partly familiar. The new and the unexpected always appears in the educational material against the background of the already known and familiar. That is why, in order to maintain cognitive interest, I teach schoolchildren to see new things in their acquaintances.

The use of the tests I created and entered into the computer showed that the students' motivation for learning increased, which can be seen in the results of the diagnostics carried out during the school year. The effectiveness of training has improved, interest in the subject has increased. Behavior of lessons using tests entered on a computer is a powerful stimulus in learning. At the same time, the teacher has the opportunity to show a creative approach to creating and conducting a modern, full-fledged, interesting lesson.

Information technologies in general and tests introduced to a computer in particular allow: increasing the motivation of learning by using means of attracting attention and developing interest, making the best use of time in the lesson, developing thinking, attention, memory, students, and improving the effectiveness of learning.

Information and communication technologies in the educational process.

At present, the strengthening of interactivity leads to a more intensive participation in the learning process of the student himself, contributes to an increase in the efficiency of perception and memorization of educational material. The great possibilities of computer presentation of information allow the intensive use of computer presentations at school, not only in teaching students, but also in organizing the educational process. Therefore, in last years an important task is the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the organization of the educational process of the correctional school.

One of the software tools for the implementation of presentations is the Microsoft PowerPoint office application, which allows you to provide computer support for various activities of participants in the educational process.

In this regard, there is a need for further development of methods of using ICT in teacher's activities for organizing and conducting classes with students. . Another direction of creating presentations is computer support for school-wide events. School holidays, thematic weeks, reports of circles are of great importance in the education and social adaptation of students.

Together with the teacher of informatics Semyonova E.I. the release of the school newspaper was organized "L @ stick". Children are happy to collect material for the release of the new issue of the newspaper. Interview teachers. Work in a text editor. Search the internet. Learn to use the scanner.

The newspaper reflects the events of school life. Children's drawings are published. Children dream and fantasize ...

Thus, my experience in organizing the creation and publication of the school newspaper " L @ ​​stick”Shows that the motivation for learning has significantly increased in children. There is an improvement in visual memory and attention.


It is easier to interest and teach a learner when he perceives a coordinated stream of sound and visual images, and not only informational, but also emotional impact is exerted on him. Multimedia creates a multi-sensory learning environment. Involvement of all senses leads to an exceptional increase in the degree of assimilation of the material in comparison with traditional methods. Teaching with the use of audiovisual means of complex presentation of information is the most intensive form of education. Individual dialogue communication with the help of video, graphic, text and musical-speech inserts is so intense that it makes the learning process as easy as possible. Solving the problem of connecting streams of information of different modality (sound, text, graphics, video) makes the computer a universal teaching and information tool for almost any field of knowledge and human activity. And this is not accidental, since according to UNESCO, only 12% of information is assimilated in audio perception, about 25% in visual perception, and up to 65% of perceived information in audio-visual perception.

An important condition for the implementation of ICT capabilities at school are: equipment in the school of a computer class, preferably a local network and Internet access; teacher's readiness to use ICT in the educational process.

According to the requirements of SanPin during the week, the number of lessons using TCO should not exceed 3-4 lessons for students of the first stage, students of the second and third stages - 4-6 lessons. After training with a video display terminal (VDT), it is necessary to carry out exercises for the eyes, which is performed at the workplace.

It should be noted that the use of ICT is advisable with the use with other teaching technologies, not denying, but mutually complementing each other.

The practice of conducting lessons using ICT technologies shows that they have a greater corrective effect than conventional ones.

Students in such lessons are more actively and willingly involved in the work, the time during which the students are ready and willing to concentrate and independently complete the tasks necessary for mastering the topic increases noticeably.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

Activities. An experience. Perspectives.

Azizova R.R. - Deputy Director for SD of the Vakhitov Gymnasium in Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan

What is technology? Translated from the Greek "techno" - art, craftsmanship, "logos" - science, literally - the science of craftsmanship. We are teachers, and we are interested in pedagogical technologies - this is a scientifically grounded set of joint actions of a teacher with students, precise design and implementation, which in the educational process are guaranteed to lead to a result.

One of the priority directions in the education system of modern society is the informatization of education, i.e. introduction of new information technologies in the education system.

This trend corresponds to the changed goals of secondary education, which require updating methods, means and forms of organizing education. Education in the new millennium faces the task of moving to a higher quality level that meets modern requirements not only in terms of its goals, but also in its structure. General education institution is the central link of the entire education system, the sociocultural base of the upbringing and development of children

In practice, all technologies that use special technical information means (computers, audio, cinema, video) are called information technologies of teaching.

Generally speaking, any pedagogical technology is information technology, since the basis of the technological learning process is information and its movement (transformation)

The introduction of a personal computer in the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication have determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, a change in its name due to the addition of one of the synonyms, computer or new information technology of education.

Computer technologies develop the ideas of programmed learning, open up completely new, not yet investigated technological options for teaching, associated with the unique capabilities of modern computers and telecommunications.

^ New information (or computer) teaching technologies are the processes of preparing and transmitting information to the student, the means of which is the computer. The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process allows us to intensify the learning process, implement the ideas of developing education, increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the volume of students' independent work.

In a broad sense, information and communication technologies (ICT) are the use of computers and telecommunication facilities for the implementation of information processes in order to efficiently and efficiently work with information on a legal basis. In the production aspect, ICT is a set of technological processes implemented on the basis of software and hardware, information and human resources, integrated with the aim of searching, collecting, creating, processing, storing, distributing information and providing products and services to meet information needs.

Why is so much attention paid to new information technologies today?

Potashnik M.M. in the book "Quality management of education" noted that it is unacceptable in the school of the 21st century to use ineffective, outdated teaching technologies, exhausting both the student and the teacher. New information technologies for seekers and those who love to learn new things, for those who are not indifferent to the level of their professional competence who cares how much he is a teacher of modern Russian school meets the requirements of the age to come.

In which country is information and communication technologies best developed?

The top five included: Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, South Korea, Norway. The USA is in 11th place, Japan - 15th. Russia is in 64th place, Ukraine is in 89th place, Kazakhstan is in 98th, etc. Thus, we are far behind many countries.

At present, the program "Development of a unified educational information environment" is being implemented in Russia. 2 billion dollars have been allocated for its implementation, this is the most significant amount in the entire history of Russian education.

Several quotes from this program: "The state of informatization of the Russian school can be assessed as unsatisfactory."

Trends in the development of society require an urgent solution to the problem of advanced development of the education system based on information technologies, which will create opportunities to improve the quality of education. "

What is the challenge facing every teacher today?

The teacher must own a computer and use it in the same way that a fountain pen or chalk is used today in a lesson. The computer becomes a methodological addition to the educational process, makes up for the lack of visual aids.

^ Each educational institution works in this direction. But for the system to work, you need a program.

The Lyceum successfully implements the Informatization program, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the use of modern computer technologies in the educational process, increase the information culture of participants in the educational process, and form a single information educational space in the Lyceum.

We consider informatization as a fairly broad process and identify six main areas for the implementation of information technologies in schools:

Extracurricular and extracurricular work. The use of information technology for organizing the leisure of schoolchildren

^ Informatization of teacher's work

Informatization of organizational and managerial activities at school

Information and communication technologies in the school library (creation of a media library)

Information and communication technologies in work with parents

^ The introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process

Learning activity is one of the main activities of schoolchildren, aimed at assimilating theoretical knowledge and methods of activity in the process of solving learning objectives.
The computer gives the teacher new opportunities, allowing, together with the student, to enjoy the fascinating process of learning, not only pushing the walls of the classroom with the power of imagination, but with the help of the latest technologies allows you to immerse yourself in a bright colorful world.

Features of the technique

Computer teaching aids are called interactive, they have the ability to "respond" to the actions of the student and teacher, "enter" into a dialogue with them, which is the main feature of computer teaching methods. The computer can be used at all stages of the learning process: when explaining (introducing) new material, consolidating, repeating, monitoring ZUN.
At the same time, he performs various functions for a child: a teacher, a working tool, an object of learning, a collaborating team, a leisure (play) environment.

^ In the function of the teacher, the computer represents: - a source of educational information (partially or completely replacing the teacher and the book); - visual aid (a qualitatively new level with multimedia and telecommunication capabilities); - individual information space; - training apparatus; - diagnostic and control tool.

^ In the function of a working tool, the computer acts as: - a means of preparing texts, storing them; - text editor; - plotter, graphic editor; - a computer of great potential (with the presentation of results in various forms); - a modeling tool.

^ The computer performs the function of the learning object when:

Programming, teaching the computer to the given processes; - creation of software products; - the use of various information tools

The collaborating team is recreated by a computer as a result of communication with a wide audience (computer networks), telecommunications on the Internet.

Leisure is organized with the help of:

Game programs; - computer games over the network; - computer video.

The work of a teacher in computer technology includes the following functions. 1. Organization of the educational process at the level of the class as a whole, the subject as a whole
(schedule of the educational process, external diagnostics, final control). 2. Organization of intra-class activation and coordination, arrangement of workplaces, instruction, management of the intra-class network, etc. 3. Individual observation of students, provision of individual assistance, individual "human" contact with the child. With the help of a computer, ideal options individual training using
visual and auditory imagery.

4. Preparation of the components of the information environment (various types of educational,
demonstration equipment interfaced with PC, software
and systems, teaching aids, etc.), their connection with the subject content of a certain educational course.

Informatization of education requires teachers and students to use computer
literacy, which can be seen as a special part of the content of computer technology

The structure of the content of computer technology (computer literacy) includes: - knowledge of the basic concepts of computer science and computer technology; - knowledge of the fundamental structure and functionality of computer technology; - knowledge of modern operating systems and mastery of their basic commands; - knowledge of modern software shells and general operating tools
assignments (Norton Commander, Windows, their extensions) and ownership of their functions; - possession of at least one text editor; - initial ideas about algorithms, languages ​​and programming packages; - initial experience of using utility software applications

Completely unique opportunities for a child's dialogue with science and culture are presented by the World Wide Web:

correspondence-conversation with peers from all parts of the world;

attraction of scientific and cultural information from all museums, repositories of the world;

interactive communication.

Lessons are practiced using the Internet .. Outside school hours, students and teachers work on the Internet for more than 200 hours a month.

One of the directions of information and communication technologies is the use of audio-video means (TCO). Therefore, along with computer technologies, we are talking about ayduotiayaiuHtix learning technologies, in which a significant part of the management of students' cognitive activity is carried out with the help of specially developed audiovisual teaching materials.

The combination of computer training programs with a telecommunications network is a form of distance learning (distance learning).

Types of computer programs





Reference and information


Multimedia tutorials

Educational (mentoring) programs - focused mainly on the assimilation of new knowledge. Many of them work in a mode close to programmed learning with a branched program. The same group can include programs for problem learning that exercise indirect control over student activities. Simulator programs - designed for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, as well as for self-training of students. The use of these programs assumes that the theoretical material has already been mastered by the trainees. Control programs - designed to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of programs is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in a test form. Demonstration programs - designed for a visual demonstration of educational material of a descriptive nature, a variety of visual aids (paintings, photographs, video clips).

The introduction of new information technologies in the educational process allows to intensify the learning process, implement the ideas of developing education, increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the volume of students' independent work.

The peculiarities of computer learning are step by step in the organization of the educational process, the presence of operational feedback, on the basis of which individualization and differentiation of learning is carried out, continuous monitoring of the student's activities at each stage is ensured.

Management of education with the help of a computer leads to a sharp increase in the efficiency of assimilation, activation of the mental activity of students. One of the main purposes of a computer as a teaching tool is to organize the work of students using software - pedagogical tools, on the degree of perfection of which the effectiveness of training depends.

Therefore, the teacher sets a goal for himself - to maintain children's interest in learning. In addition, each of us faces certain pedagogical tasks, in particular, the search effective techniques and technology.

In their practice, teachers use multimedia scripts specifically for specific lessons. These scripts are multimedia lesson notes containing Short text, basic formulas, drawings, drawings, video clips, animations. Typically, these scripts are prepared in the form of multimedia presentations using Power Point from Microsoft Office.

Commercially available multimedia discs ( training courses and encyclopedias), materials on the Internet and our own developments. Multimedia courses. Among them, first of all, it should be noted the multimedia courses on subjects (Fizikon firm, "Tutor" firm 1C, electronic collections and encyclopedias "Cyril and Methodius", "The world around us", etc.).

Among the sources of information, the Internet should be especially noted, where a large number of photographs and fragments of video films of various physical phenomena are freely available.

The teachers and students of the Lyceum take part in videoconferences. Over the past academic year there were 16 of them, 2 of which were organized by the Lyceum. Organizer of the videoconferencing "Sports Center of the Moskalensky Lyceum - an effective model of health preservation in the educational institution," Network organization of profile training in the Moskalensky district "

^ Extracurricular and extracurricular work. The use of information technology for organizing the leisure of schoolchildren

Is it possible today to imagine the work of a class teacher without using a projector, digital cameras and a camcorder? Any event is recorded, processed and collected in a photo and video file ..

Extracurricular activities are one of the activities of schoolchildren, aimed at socializing students, developing the creative abilities of schoolchildren in extracurricular time.

Information and communication technologies can be successfully applied to increase the efficiency of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, in organizing students' leisure time.
Extracurricular work in any school is an essential element of the lifestyle of schoolchildren, the professional activities of teachers and leadership. educational institution... In this regard, such activities, as a rule, consist of three main components:

extracurricular activities of schoolchildren,

extracurricular work of teachers with schoolchildren,

management systems for extracurricular activities.

It should not be forgotten that for educational institution the system of general secondary education, extracurricular activities are an integral part of their functions. Its specificity is related to the fact that such activity is carried out in free time from the educational process and most often depends on the student's own choice. It is no coincidence that special attention should be paid to the informatization of schoolchildren's activities after lessons. The informatization process includes the creation of methodological learning systems focused on the development of the intellectual potential of the student, on the formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge, carry out information and educational, experimental research activities, and various types of independent information processing activities. The relevance of informatization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren is due to the fact that the ability to search and select information is one of the most important components of the standard of general secondary education.
Information and communication technologies can be used in different ways in different types extracurricular activities classified by:

venue (classroom and extracurricular (extracurricular) activities);

time (lesson and extracurricular activities);

relation to solving educational problems (educational and extracurricular activities).

In the classroom, both lessons and extracurricular activities... Many of the lessons are taught outside the classroom (nature studies in the park, exercise in the sports stadium). Excursions, hikes are carried out outside the classroom and after hours.
In connection with the above, it is permissible to identify the concepts of class and lesson activities, as well as extracurricular and extracurricular activities.
It is impossible to draw a relationship between classroom and extracurricular activities, because in the classroom, the assigned educational tasks are directly solved. Many extracurricular activities, such as circles and electives, are designed to solve educational problems. Artistic, theater studios, sports sections are held after school hours, but may not be associated or indirectly related to the solution of educational tasks, which refers them either to extracurricular or extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, respectively. Extracurricular work is focused on creating conditions for informal communication of schoolchildren of the same class or educational parallel, has a pronounced educational and socio-pedagogical orientation (discussion clubs, evenings of meetings with interesting people, excursions, visits to theaters and museums with subsequent discussion, socially significant activities, labor actions ). Extracurricular work is closely related to the additional education of children, when it comes to creating conditions for the development of children's creative interests and their inclusion in artistic, technical, ecological-biological, sports and other activities.

Various electives, school scientific societies, professional associations, optional training courses. Depending on the goals and tasks solved by them, the content and methods of work, they can be attributed to both areas of the educational process. In the system of general secondary education, preference is given to the educational direction of extracurricular work - the educational activities of schoolchildren.

the effectiveness and quality of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

increasing the activation of the cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren through computer visualization of educational information, the inclusion of game situations, the possibility of management, the choice of the mode of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren;

development of the ability of free cultural communication of schoolchildren using modern communication means.

Taking into account the listed features, teachers are tasked with organizing extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, based on the use of the advantage of information and communication technologies and providing:

increasing the efficiency and quality of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

activation of the cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren due to computer visualization of educational information, the inclusion of game situations, the possibility of management, the choice of the mode of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren;

deepening interdisciplinary connections through the use of modern means of processing, storing, transferring information, including audiovisual, when solving problems in various subject areas (for example, automated, intelligent learning systems, electronic textbooks used in organizing extracurricular activities and leisure activities for schoolchildren);

strengthening the practical orientation of knowledge gained through extracurricular activities;

consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of informatics and information technology;

the formation of a stable cognitive interest of schoolchildren in intellectual and creative activity, realized with the help of ICT tools;

increasing the educational impact of all forms of extracurricular activities;

implementation of individualization and differentiation in work with schoolchildren;

development of the ability of free cultural communication of schoolchildren using modern communication means

The main goals of informatization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are:

involvement of schools in building a single information space;

shaping the outlook of an open information society among schoolchildren, training members of the information society;

the formation of an attitude towards the computer as a tool for communication, learning, self-expression, creativity;

development of creative, independent thinking of schoolchildren, the formation of skills and abilities of independent search, analysis and evaluation of information, mastering the skills of using information technologies;

development of cognitive and creative activity of students;

the formation of a stable cognitive interest of schoolchildren in intellectual and creative activity;

development of attention, memory, imagination, perception, thinking, intelligence;

increasing the educational impact of all forms of extracurricular activities;

development of the material and technical base of the general secondary education system;

organizing effective communication teachers, students and parents;

development of information resources of an educational institution (maintenance of intra-school sites, newspapers, stands, annals, media library, etc.);

the introduction of ICT tools in social and educational work;

implementation of individualization and differentiation in work with schoolchildren;

developing the ability of free cultural communication;

training in methods of constructive interaction and mutual understanding;

all-round development of the child's personality;

organization of meaningful leisure time for children and youth.

To achieve the goals of informatization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, it is necessary to organize:

conducting and consulting project activities;

access to ICT tools, other resources and assistance in their use for schoolchildren, teachers and school staff (cognitive and developmental activities of students);

extracurricular activities using ICT tools (circles, subject laboratories, organizing competitions and olympiads, other forms of educational work and activities to socialize the personality of schoolchildren, etc.);

the work of school media using ICT tools (updated school page on the Internet, newspapers, magazines, videos, design of classrooms); leisure of children in the school computer club (for example, a programmers' club, an Internet club, "a computer for junior schoolchildren", computer presentation club, computer chess club, etc.).

^ Students of the Lyceum take an active part in telecommunication projects, 238 people took part in 24 projects, 43% over the past academic year. Informatization of teacher's work
^ Calculation, planning and administration educational activities

Every year the work of a teacher becomes more and more difficult. Content changes academic disciplines, new means and methods of teaching appear. In many cases, the increasing complexity of the teacher's work is associated with an increasing flow of information that the teacher must take into account in his work.
The use of ICT tools in many cases can lead to the automation of such activities and reduce the burden on the teacher. As a result, such use of informatization tools in calculation, planning and administration teaching activities can have a positive effect on the effectiveness of the education system for schoolchildren.
More precisely, the use of ICT tools by teachers allows them to more effectively manage the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, quickly monitor the results of training and education, take reasonable and appropriate measures to increase the level of learning and the effectiveness of the system of qualities of knowledge of students, purposefully improve methodological skill, have prompt, targeted access to organizational information collected at the school.
As a rule, a sufficiently effective automation and administration of teacher labor can be carried out using a set of computer equipment that is fairly standard for a school. In some cases, a pocket computer can be added to it.
Among the software tools aimed at increasing the efficiency of teacher work, which are currently being created and falling into the system of general secondary education, it should be noted:

means of access to information resources and electronic publications necessary for a teacher to carry out his professional activities, while these resources and publications can be located in the local computer network of the school, stored in an electronic library fund or be published on the worldwide computer network;

means of planning content and teaching methods;

means of a short and extended description of educational and methodological materials at the disposal of the teacher, including subsystems for planning the use of each educational and methodological resource;

means of planning and dispatching training sessions, extracurricular activities, independent activities of schoolchildren;

automation tools for monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of teaching each student;

systems and databases that allow you to take into account personal information for each student and each lesson;

system of accounting for the progress of each student;

automation tools for maintaining documentation and drawing up reporting documents;

telecommunication means, allowing to establish prompt communication with students and parents, means of informing parents about the progress and results of education of each student.

monitoring and measuring the effectiveness of training for each student;

promptly informing parents and school administrations on all issues arising in the course of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren;

documentation management and preparation of accounting documents.

The lyceum has 2 computer classes, 11 classrooms are equipped with computers and multimedia installations. From 70% to 100% of lessons in these classrooms are held using multimedia.

93% (37 people) of teachers of the Lyceum have a computer at home, use the Internet - 85% (34 people)

Have mastered computer literacy on their own or through coursework

98% of teachers, 92% apply

^ Informatization of organizational and managerial activities in the Lyceum
In the process of informatization of the organizational and managerial activity of educational institutions, information of "managerial character" should play a significant role, the content of which should include several basic structural components. Among them it is necessary to highlight:

information reflecting the material and social parameters of the school's activities;

data on the norms, standards, incentives governing the educational, social, cultural and other activities of the school;

information materials and documents defining all areas of the educational institution, in particular, legislative and other regulatory legal acts and contractual obligations, instructions from higher authorities, data of control acts, etc.;

information on the quantitative and qualitative composition, the level of training and qualification growth of the teaching staff, the totality of all data characterizing the available human resources;

information about the curriculum and load distribution;

information about events in the life of the school (schedule, one-time events);

data on the progress of schoolchildren;

data on external relations of the educational institution;

information about educational, methodical, technical and financial support educational institution;

The use of ICT tools in the organizational and management activities of general secondary education institutions can lead to the emergence of many advantages, namely:

For the school administration:

prompt receipt and generalization of information about the educational process for making management decisions;

maintaining alphabet books, personal files of employees, students, parents to create operational reports;

monitoring the movement of students;

creation of a school document management system;

automated reporting for education management;

for the head teacher, teachers, students and parents:

receiving final and current reports on progress and attendance, incl. designing your own reports;

access to the diary, in which grades are automatically set and arrears on subjects are noted;

for subject teachers:

keeping a cool journal, calendar-thematic plans, viewing reports;

maintaining individual portfolios of teachers and students, as well as a portfolio of projects, with flexible configuration of access rights;

for all participants in the educational process:

the formation of a unified environment for the exchange of information within the school, which improves mutual understanding and cooperation between all participants in the educational process.

^ Information and communication technology in the school library

An essential area of ​​application of modern information and communication technologies in the activities of general secondary education institutions is the school library used by teachers and schoolchildren.
The quality of the information and telecommunication support of library resources and the degree of their information integration with other areas of the educational institution's activity determines both the quality of the educational process and, ultimately, the quality of the graduated specialists.

The library, which is part of any educational institution, is always a cataloged repository of information and knowledge and is designed to solve the following main tasks:

accumulation of knowledge - collection and processing of information on various material carriers;

knowledge archiving - long-term storage of information;

bibliography of knowledge - description of sources of information and the provision of a quick and multidimensional search for the necessary information;

transfer of knowledge in space - dissemination of information;

transmission of knowledge in time - and transmission of knowledge through generations due to the storage of information sources. (Photo)

Until recently, the work of most school libraries was based on technologies based on operations with paper carriers: books, brochures, scientific periodicals. In modern conditions, the latest ICT tools are able to raise the quality of the library of an educational institution to a fundamentally higher level. ICT tools can significantly expand information