Why chew goodness what is at stake. Redesigning texts

On one of the forums, I found an interesting question. Many parents wondered why children ask: Why chew good?

When I found out who he was and why he was eaten, I felt funny.

Little children, and even adults, sometimes do not perceive what they read properly.

  • For example, they said from the hatch, but you can hear a spiteful person.
  • From mint - crumpled.
  • Awkward things - I carry different things.
  • The mute is not mine.

There are a lot of options.

This phenomenon is called homophony, and there is an article on this on Wikipedia.

Let's return to the question: "Why are they chewing good?"

Parents often read fairy tales. My child and I love to read a book before going to bed.

As a rule, literature with fairy tales always ends in good.

Often in Russians folk tales and not only the work ends with these words: "they began to live and make good money."

Now we take it and, with the help of homophony, say "Good to chew".

Explain to the child that the good does not exist, and that it is necessary to perceive the good in the right way.

That the main characters began to live and do good deeds.

Previously, I did not know about homophony, and even more so about Dobraan.

By the way, my daughter and I never had such questions. But now I can definitely answer the question: "Why are they chewing good?"

"Why are they chewing good?" - about what in question?

    I remember this phrase since childhood AND GOOD TO LIVE... I read a lot of books, especially fairy tales, and therefore I have this phrase until now, when we are small, we very often paraphrase a lot of things, a lot of words, and so on. Moreover, many people read fairy tales at night, and already almost asleep, children can hear anything. So this phrase appeared in children. Why chew good?... That only children do not see and hear.

    Many children, listening to fairy tales read to them, perceive the phrase They began to live and live and make good money, in a completely different way. The prefix on in the word get rich they attach to the ending in the word good and therefore, the children do not hear good to make money but good to chew. That's the whole secret why children ask: Why are they chewing good?. In general, this is from a series of the famous book by Korney Chukovsky From two to five , in which there are a lot of such funny children's expressions.

    This question is peculiar only to small children who still do not know how to read fairy tales on their own and perceive everything by ear.

    So, many fairy tales end with a standard and familiar phrase to all of us:

    The kid isolates the combinations familiar to him, respectively, he comes across the familiar word live which he perceives as chew. And since is kind he does not know, hence the above question itself arises.

  • Let's answer the question why chew doran? so: in order to have more!

    This mysterious one is finished! The more it chew, the more it becomes ...

    And all because children often hear in the speech of adults the word chew than make money - so they hear about the mysterious kind in a fairy tale :).

    Here is such a task can be found in the Russian language:

    First you need to guess that we are actually talking about the ending of many fairy tales: they were left to live, live, and, as they say, make good money. A child, on the other hand, does not always hear the way adults hear, and it is likely that many babies perceive the phrase as Good to chew.

    So, we figured it out. Now you need to understand what is meant by the word good. Probably under good material values ​​are meant, which, as you know, are bought for money. That is, in order to settle down with good, you need to be a rich person. From this we can draw the following conclusion: the correct answer in the task is C) about wealth.

    Young children (and sometimes adults, too, why hide there) do not always perceive the spoken text aloud as written. As an example, we can cite the name (and perception of the first lines of the chorus) of Igor Sarukhanov's song Violin-fox - you can clearly hear Wheels creak ... - the author himself has repeatedly spoken about this. V this case we are dealing with a phenomenon homophony when words, phrases (or parts of words or phrases) are perceived completely differently from how they are written. It's good to chew - this is the phrase Good to make money, which is incorrectly recognized by children; it is very often used in Russian folk tales as a conclusion.

    (A source).

    Small children have not yet formed a correct speech, and therefore they sometimes find the words in fairy tales read aloud incredible, and sometimes we hear not what they say, for example, we hear obscene words in foreign songs.

    So, children hear:

    Yes, it's good to make money,

    but it seems to them:

    Good to chew.

    And the logical question is: what kind of got? Why chew it? Here you can dream up and even draw this Dobran. At the same time and laugh.

    I suppose that small children, not hearing that the end of the fairy tale And it's good to make money, think of it themselves). As one of the options It's good to chew).

    I think that in this case we are talking about Kindness.

    But these are just my assumptions. Which seem to me to be true, because I simply have no other explanation.

    Although I still found such a page on the net. Apparently this is from modern books that I have not met.

    Most likely, children are confused by the phrase Good to make money. It sounds strange in their head, so they get confused and think that someone is going to chew good. I'll have to explain. In general, children's pearls are cool. Their thinking is sometimes fascinating.

    For many children, instead of the pronounced Good to make money Dobrana is heard to chew. Very often, many fairy tales end with this phrase.

    It is necessary to explain to the child what good is and what the words “make money” mean.

    I explained to my child that good deeds and things are good and the heroes of fairy tales always live good.

One of my acquaintances, who now already has grandchildren, recalls that as a child she sobbed bitterly, pitying poor Rapunk (such a name!), Who seemed to her in the lines of A.S. Pushkin "And the poor SLAVE died at the feet of the invincible ruler." The case with this very RAPUNCOM by no means the only one. She also says that she once made her parents laugh a lot, pestering them with a request to sing a song to her. "YOU WON'T GIVE YOUR DOG." Nobody knew such a song. And only much later it turned out that it was about the lines “ That you are burning for me with a tender passion " from the "Neapolitan Song".

Everyone can give a lot of such examples. We hope that with the help of readers our card index will be significantly replenished: usually the memory of any person tenaciously keeps such amusing cases of childhood.

It is not necessarily the lines of poetry that may be redesigned. One of the residents of Tashkent races

said that his little daughter thinks that the metro station is not called "Alshiera Navoi Square", a "SQUARE FOR TWO" Five-year-old Lenochka, a resident of St. Petersburg, is convinced that there is a metro station called "SQUARE WITH TAILS". She heard this every time an automatic voice spoke in the train carriage: "The next station is Vosstaniya square").

We are able to register only an insignificant part of cases (in our book we are talking about children, but this phenomenon is also known in the speech of adults), when the child does not notice that he perceives certain fragments of the text differently from everyone else. This is revealed if the child begins to ask questions about RAPUNKA or something else, or an adult notices some inconsistency in the transmission of sound.

We will talk here about the deformation that poetic and song texts undergo, although much of what will be discussed can be extended to prosaic texts, as well as to the "mishearing" so well known to us in our everyday conversations.

Why do such transformations occur? All of these phenomena have deep linguistic and psychological reasons. Truly, everyone hears not what is actually pronounced, but what he is able to comprehend.

Children often do not understand individual words or expressions in the text and sometimes do not fully grasp the content of the text. "Emptiness" can be filled with other content - the child reconstructs the text, introducing a meaning that is acceptable to him. In this case, the sound may not change at all, change slightly and change dramatically.

Examples of occasional perception in which the sound does not change at all:

What we plantWhat we plant

planting forests!A COTTAGE FOX?

Planting interpreted as an adjective to fox, the meaning of which is not clear, but the grammatical agreement is correct. Will I burn in the crucible of passion Will I burn in the crucible of passion Or will misfortunes temper me? Or will they temper me ON THE PAST?

These are lines from the TV movie "Dog in the Manger", addressed to adults, but very much loved by children. Word attack the child has not met yet, but to fall - met often. True, it is not entirely clear how it is possible to temper someone on someone else's mouth, but after all, children have long since come to terms with the fact that the speech of adults is full of absurdities and not everything can be fully understood.

They began to live, liveThey began to live, live,

Yes, it's good to make money.AND GOOD TO CHEW.

Who it RECEIVED and why chew it? Some people think it's someone's name. To make good - a stable expression that is often found in fairy tales. But the unmotivatedness of the combination leads the child away from the correct understanding of the meaning of the word, since it is used here in a meaning unusual for the child and in the genitive case that is unmotivated from the point of view of modern language norms.

Satan rules the ball there.SATANATAM reigns supreme.

SATANATAM - a creature, of course, mysterious to a child, but no more than Satan. Expression rule the ball only partly understandable. It turns out that one unknown is replaced by another, nothing more. Stress on there, extremely weightless, helps two words merge into one whole.

In the majority of such cases, a sound restructuring of the text also occurs in the child's speech, sometimes accompanied by a change in its rhythm and size. The favorite poetry meter for children is trochee. This was shown by K.I. Chukovsky. It is no coincidence that most of the first two-syllable children's words are stressed on the first syllable. Examples of restructuring poems accompanied by resizing can be cited:

Little Christmas treeThe tree is cold in winter

Cold in winter.We took the Christmas tree home.

End of work -

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Language and child. Linguistics of children's speech

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Tseitlin S.N.
C32 Language and the child: Linguistics of children's speech: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. study, institutions. - M .: Humanit, ed. center VLADOS, 2000 .-- 240 p. 15VY 5-691-00527-8. The manual will consider

Linguistics of children's speech
Linguistics of children's speech is a science both young and ancient at the same time. Interest in the way a child speaks has not waned for centuries. It especially intensified in the middle of the 19th century. End of XIX- first

Language rules and their assimilation by children
To start speaking, it is necessary to master the language as a device that provides the perception and generation of speech. From the point of view of its organization, a language is a collection of linguistic units

L.V. Shcherba Language system and speech activity
rial (both the linguistic units themselves and the rules for their use and construction) must be ordered in a certain way, since “the speech organization of a person cannot simply be equal

Coseriu E. Synchrony, Diachrony and History // New in Linguistics
mal-structural (for example, the prohibition on the formation of a comparative degree of adjectives with a suffix -SK of the friendly type), lexico-semantic (n

Baby talk
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^ -number of months, sound complex. In the beginning, as noted, the syllables were repeated many times, but each repetition was preceded by a certain pause. Except yes-d

Sign language
Gestures are actively used in our communication. In most cases, they accompany oral speech, being its attribute, testifying to relaxedness, ease of behavior. With gesture

How a mother speaks to her child
In this case, the speech of the mother, grandmother, older sister, nanny is considered, i.e. all female caregivers. In Western works there is a special word cagegueer - literally "then

Imitation and its role in language acquisition
Even babies are able to imitate the lip and tongue movements of adults. They can be induced to imitate certain sounds. But first, they should see the facial expressions of an adult, and later, if a connection has already occurred

Different ways of language acquisition
Every child comprehends native language in my own way. The differences are determined by objective factors. The main factors are biological. No wonder the lot of pedas is so detailed rassp

Elementary children's vocabulary
The transition from the pre-speech stage to the first words is the most serious period in speech development child. By this time, in his passive vocabulary, there are approximately 50-70 words (according to observation 1

Andryusha A
0.10.03. NYA-NYA (yum-yum) - eat. I said it when they called him to eat. 0.10.10. ON - when it gives and when

Asks for something
1-00. DAD, MOM, BA - about grandmother, DIDYa - about grandfather, PAY - asks for something (the former ON and

Tanya K
0.11. MOM, DAD, GIVE. 1.00. SHOULD, BABA, ON. 1.03. GLGL - Sasha (brother's name), AM - eat, BUKH, PA - fell, NA - give

The main groups of words in the speech of a small child
14. Bathing 1. Faces surrounding the child mom dad baba - grandmother grandfather, didya - grandfather

Nizya, azya (with a gesture), ai-ai

Nizya, azya (with a gesture), ai-ai
Attention is drawn to the absolute predominance of words from the so-called language of nannies, and in their composition - onomatopoeia, that is, onomatopoeic words. Some words that are widely used and

Mastering the sound basis of speech
What do we mean by the sound side of speech? When we say,] we produce sound units in a certain sequence ^. The longest of them is a phrase, the boundaries of which usually coincide.

KOSI - bone DANIAI - catch up with GAZIN - shop
Trisyllabic words with stress on the first and last syllable e are shortened in accordance with the reduction rule, that is, 1 accelerates with

Assimilation of morphology
With the appearance of the first words, the child enters a new phase of his linguistic development. The first word is at the same time the first utterance - a holo phrase. It serves to mean global, nothing else

Assimilation of the category of number
When a child learns the difference between one and not one! (It is this that underlies grammatical category numbers: for grammar a lot - everything that is more than one.) If you take in

Mastering cases
One of the difficulties that a child has to face when learning a language is a six-term system of cases, each of which has a large and ramified system of meanings. So, create

Previous sshlst
noun case, here duplicated in the function of a direct object). At the same time, Tanya K. still continues to use the frozen nominative for other nouns "MOM, DAYIKA!" -

Declination of nouns
By the age of two or two and a half years, almost any child can already, constructing his utterance, choose correctly one of the case forms existing in our language in accordance with the required semantic

Assimilation of the category of the genus
Linguist A.Meye, discussing the category of gender in various languages ​​of the world, called it one of the least logical and most unforeseen categories. This is especially true for the Russian language.

Masculine gender Female gender Male gender Female brother sister table desk wolf * splinter * nut fox (I have a splinter (Do you want a delicious

Adjectives in a child's speech
What appears first in a child's speech: nouns, adjectives or verbs? Or, more precisely, words denoting objects, actions of objects, or signs of objects? if

to feel these deep linguistic potencies and follow them without being afraid of any specific patterns. It is significant that not any noun can undergo such a modification, but

Assimilation of the category of belonging
"Whose eyes are you?" - this question puzzled more than one child. They usually do not know what to answer, and if they are told that they have mother's or father's eyes, they are very upset

Formation of verb forms
During the period of holophrases, the child uses a certain number of words denoting actions. Basically, these are amorphous words from the language of nannies (TPRUA, BY-BY-BY, BO-BO, BAKH, TOP-TOP, etc.). To the verbs they and

Assimilation of the verb form
The existence in the Russian language of the category of the verb type I is a serious difficulty for those who master it. Very many actions are represented not by one verb, as in other languages, but by the so-called

Mastering reflexive verbs
The particle -СЯ serves in Russian for the formation of some verbs from others, as well as for creating a form of the passive voice. The mechanism for the formation of reflexive verbs and is simple,

We rely on the theoretical concept of causation set forth in the monograph "Typology of Causative Constructions" (1969)
common irreversible verb: "Who woke me up?" To the question of an adult: "Why are you sitting here?" - the answer follows: "This is my dad AT VILLAGE." More examples of the same kind: “Where are you

Assimilation of causative relationships
"Who burst my balloon?" They are not allowed by the rules of speech, which is why we perceive

Types of innovation
A child's speech innovation is understood as any linguistic fact recorded in a child's speech and absent in general use. Different types of innovations are revealed in the speech of children: word-formation

Constructing new words
In 1911, addressing mothers and urging them to be more attentive to the speech of their own children, K.I.

I will take a look
Children say: I harmonized. Depot car. The sock is full of holes. He is a forgetter. I chewed candy. You are all of me

The child says: lampazhur car transporter catobus Anechkin bridge recepteka lawn week

rotator violet rowed, lucky (Give me LUCKY, I will carry you.) rowed accusatory

Ferocious mower
half-garden spider's stick pivala pijama (As an adult, the girl explained that this word in her mind ka

Chess wardrobe excavator yakut
brick (key) spit the coupler dorakan watch the crowd machine-gun (juice) etager toptutar trubdispensary uvrache kill Gudelny park vkol voshist

Expanding and narrowing the meanings of words
Almost any phenomenon can be designated using at least a few words, differing in the degree of generalization. The difference in the degree of generalization can be determined by the number of den

Verbal substitutions
The use of one word instead of another is a familiar phenomenon. It is also found in the speech of adults, especially in those situations when they are agitated by something or in a very hurry and cannot

Interpreting derived words
A derivative word differs from a non-derivative one in that it is related in form and meaning to another word. modern language, which in relation to him is productive. Formal deducibility

Assimilation of figurative meanings of words
Does the nettle bite? But how does she bark then? The question of a child in the epigraph contains a reproach and even a hidden polemic with adults. The child wants to say: “Oh, you foolish

Mastering phraseology
The existence in the language of phraseological units - verbal combinations that have a holistic meaning, complicates the assimilation of language by a child. First, the phraseological unit in form resembles a free combination of com

In broad daylight on bare feet with folded arms at breakneck speed
Not quite clear prepositional-case forms are also eliminated. It is not entirely clear, for example, from the point of view of the modern language, the expression is put aside (accusative case

Mastering syntactic constructions
The first words of a child are at the same time the first utterances of a child. After all, he does not pronounce a word just like that, but with the help of words expresses certain communicative intentions that an adult about

Subject - Time - Predicate - Direct Object - Sender Object - Locative *
From simple sentences we build complex ones, when it is required to convey a variety of relationships between facts - cause-and-effect, comparative-adversarial, temporary, conditional, etc. Children on

with the most different in meaning holo phrases. So, the word mother, pronounced by a child at the stage of one-word statements, can have different meanings: a call for communication;

Little linguists
... Beginning from the age of two, every child becomes for a short time a brilliant linguist, and then, by the age of five or six, this genius loses. (K. I. Chukovsky) One and

We took home
Instead of a brooding dactyl, there is an energetic and clear trochee. KI Chukovsky once gave an example of the restructuring of Onegin, where also the famous Pushkin's iambic was replaced with a cheerful chorea:

Learning to read and write
How many tears were shed, how many quarrels and disputes there were in families about mistakes in children's notebooks! Something else is forgiven to the preschooler, but if you have already become a first grader, be kind - write competently, ved

So we have finished our little journey into the world of a child's speech. Alas, much else in this world is unknown to us. I would like to find out the specifics of mastering the language of different children, but for this it is necessary

Linguistics of children's speech
Tutorial for university students educational institutions Head edited by T.E. Slizkova Editor I.K. Sveshnikova Head. artistic editing by I.A. Pshenichnikov

Yesterday at our school the kids were writing the Russian Bear Cub - Linguistics for Everyone Olympiad. Of course, the tasks for grades 6-7 were more difficult than for the third. But the child coped well with them. Hope for a good place... We will wait for the results of the competition on the official site of the "bear cub".

The Olympic questions were interesting, and not as bad as last year. Of course, I had to puzzle over many of the answers, but at least the tasks were logical and it was in the Russian language, and not on what topic, as then. Here, check out the questions of the contest "Russian Bear" - 2016-2017 for grades 6-7. I also wrote our answers to them, which I think are correct.

Problems with a score of 3

1. The next morning after the hike Kostya was as fresh as ....

The options are:

A) tomato;
B) carrot;
B) cucumber;
D) parsley;
D) sunflower.

Answer: V. The next morning after the campaign Kostya was as fresh as a cucumber.

2. Here are the first syllables of two-syllable words: ba-, be-, bu-, but the second: -ran, -ton. How many words can you get by connecting the first syllables with the second?
The options are:

A) two;
B) three;
At four;
D) five;
E) six.

Answer: G - five: ram, loaf, concrete, blizzard, bud.

3. In what phrase does the word sensible usually sound like praise?

The options are:

(A) an explanatory book;
(B) an intelligent person;
(B) an intelligent colleague;
(G) explanatory dictionary;
(D) explanatory guide.

Answer: G - an explanatory dictionary from the word to interpret.

4. In which of these words does the suffix have a different meaning from the others?

The options are:

(A) salty;
(B) bald;
(B) oldish;
(D) lukewarm;
(D) guilty.

Answer: D - Guilty. In other words, the suffix means decrease.

5. Here is a description of a virtual animal in one computer game:

It feeds on strawberries and dishes made from them.
A real bundle of energy.
It is very difficult for her to sit in one place.
Therefore, it needs an eye and an eye.
He just turned away, and her light had already gone cold!

Which phrase has a mistake?

The options are:

(A) in the first;
(B) in the second;
(B) in the third;
(D) in the fourth;
(D) in the fifth.

Answer: D - in the fifth. Not light, but a trace. He just turned away, and her trace was gone!

6. Four of these five words are difficult and one is not. What?

The options are:

(A) Capricorn
(B) unicorn
(B) rhino
(D) hippo
(D) porcupine

Answer: G is a hippopotamus. All others are composed of two words: goat + horn, one + horn, nose + horn, wild image

7. Subject, predicate, definition, circumstance, noun. Which word most likely got on this list by mistake?

The options are:

(A) subject;
(B) predicate;
(B) definition;
(D) circumstance;
(D) noun.

Answer: D is a noun. The noun is part of speech, everything else is the members of the sentence.

8. Bori's parents are Lena and Lenya. If you write their names without putting a period over the letter e, then in some cases it is not clear which of them we are talking about. How many cases are there?

The options are:

(A) in one;
(B) in two;
(B) in three;
(D) four;
(D) at five.

Answer: B - in two, in the dative and prepositional: (to whom?) Lena - Lena, (about whom?) About Lena - about Lena

9. Misha was reading a book on the computer, and the text was displayed a little strange.
Above the first chapter was written L, above the second - LL, above the third - LLL, above the fourth - Lk, and what was inscribed above the fifth chapter?

The options are:

(A) LC;
(B) CL;
(B) kL;
(D) K;
(D) to.

Answer: D - k. L - corresponds to the Roman numeral I, LL - II, LL - III, Lk - IV, k - V

10. Long ago, recently, now, soon, not soon. Events that follow one after another correspond to this series. Where in this row to put just what?

The options are:

(A) after a long time;
(B) after recently;
(B) after now;
(D) after soon;
(D) after a long time.

Answer: B - after recently

Tasks with a score of 4

11. Tell the following story. During Battle of Stalingrad one of the soldiers wrote on the wall of the house behind which the fighting was going on: "We will defend you, dear Stalingrad!" Later, when the fighting ended and the city lay in ruins, a teacher walked past this wall. Seeing the inscription, she added one letter to one of the words. Which one?

The options are:

(A) and
(B) a
(B) o
(D) n
(D) p

Answer: Dr. "Let's rebuild you, dear Stalingrad!"

12. Prepositions for, before, below, above and about can be used in the composition of uncommon circumstances of the place: outside the city, in front of the house, under the mountain, above the forest, near the school. Four of them can also be used as part of the uncommon circumstances of the time. And which one cannot?

The options are:

(A) for
(B) before
(B) under
(D) over
(D) about

Answer: G - over

13. In Italian fairy tales, the king and queen act - re and regina. How to translate zarina from Italian into Russian?

The options are:

(A) the princess;
(B) the queen;
(B) the prince;
(D) Tsarina;
(D) Tsarevich

Answer: B - queen

14. Which of these names for clothing and footwear is derived from the name of a part of the body?

The options are:

(A) mitten;
(B) a glove;
(B) boots;
(D) felt boot;
(D) dress.

Answer: B - glove, from the word finger

15. Making fine twisted gold wire was a slow and tedious job. And this wire was called ...

The options are:

(A) mute;
(B) a roll;
(B) glitch;
(D) gimp;
(D) scrawl.

Answer: G is a gimp.

16. The particle -ka is sometimes added to the forms of the imperative mood. And can she connect to forms singular indicative mood?

The options are:

(A) yes, but only to the 1st person form;
(B) yes, but only to the shape of the 2nd person;
(B) yes, but only to the 1st and 2nd person forms;
(D) yes, but only to the forms of all three persons;
(D) no

Answer: A - yes, but only to the form of the 1st person;

17. Misha composes a story. At some point in his story, a truck should appear for the first time. Which offer suits Misha better?

The options are:

(A) Truck on great speed flew around the corner.
(B) A truck flew out from around the corner at great speed.
(B) The truck flew around the corner at high speed.
(D) The truck took off from the corner at great speed.
(D) A truck took off at great speed from around the corner.

Answer: B - A truck departed from around the corner at great speed.

18. Here are 4 suggestions:
1) Almost everyone was present in the class.
2) The fairy tale was almost ready, it only remained to come up with a name.
3) By this time, Beethoven had practically lost his hearing.
4) It is almost impossible to test his theory.

In which of them can the word be practically understood in two different senses?

The options are:

(A) in the first;
(B) in the second;
(B) in the third;
(D) in the fourth;
(D) in no way.

Answer: D - in the fourth.

19. Which of these words unites a raven with a hat?

The options are:

(A) swallow
(B) blink
(B) take a walk
(D) keep silent
(D) cough.

Answer: B - blink

20. The English poet John Harrington, in his poem "A Simple Truth," rightly notes:
______ cannot end with luck,
Otherwise, his name is different.
(translation by S.Ya. Marshak)

What is the word in the poem in the place of the pass?

The options are:

(A) hike;
(B) mutiny;
(B) sonnet;
(D) escape;
(D) plot.

Answer: B - mutiny

Problems with a score of 5

21. The names of which days of the week contain the sound [in]

The options are:

(A) Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday;
(B) Tuesday and Sunday only;
(B) Thursday and Sunday only;
(D) Tuesday only;
(D) Sunday only.

Answer: D - only Sunday

22. In the words rice and drawing there are two different homonymous roots: rice and rice. How many different roots are there in the words water carrier and erect?

The options are:

(A) two: water and cart;
(B) three: water, cart and cart;
(B) three: waters, waters and cart;
(D) three: water, cart and erection;
(D) four: water, water, cart and cart.

Answer: B - three: water, water and cart

23. According to some researchers, one Russian word owes its origin to the fact that in the French word couvert "closed" one letter was ...

The options are:

(A) skipped;
(B) underlined;
(B) inverted;
(D) printed twice;
(D) printed with emphasis.

Answer: B - inverted

24. A sentence from a poem by Boris Pasternak is given:
I grew up, and now the heat of the forearms.
The embrace of an eagle is cold.

Select the option in which in the correct order
lists the cases of the nouns included in this fragment.

Variants: A - im..rod.vin.rod

(A) them..rod.wine.rod .;
(B) them.rod.vin.vin;
(V) named after a guilty child;
(D) wine, birth name, birth name;
(D) wine, name, gen.

25. Which of these words can be pronounced with stress on the first syllable?

The options are:

(A) leaving;
(B) finding;
(B) in passing;
(D) passing;
(D) going down.

Answer: B - in passing

26. Some young children ask their parents, "why are they chewing good." And what are we talking about?

The options are:

(A) about the disease;
(B) about the feast;
(B) about wealth;
(D) about kindness;
(D) about children.

Answer: B - about wealth. When parents read to their children the end of a fairy tale: "They began to live well and make good money." They hear not goodness to make money, but good to chew.

27. A remarkable Belgian artist became famous under the pseudonym Hergé, And his real name is ...

The options are:

(A) Robert Van Oudenarde;
(B) Jean-Pierre-Francois Lamorinier;
(V) Jan Tönink;
(D) Rene Magritte;
(E) Georges Remy.

Answer: D - Georges Remy

28.____ sound, ____ wind, ____ breath, ____ shore. In all these phrases, adjectives are missing, differing only in prefixes. Having restored common part all adjectives, define what correct order prefixes.

The options are:

(A) from-, by, pre-, about-;
(B) on, pre-, about-, from-;
(B) pre-, by, about-, from-;
(D) from-, pre-, about-, by;
(D) on, from-, pre-, about-.

Answer: A - ot-, po, pre-, ob- (abrupt sound, gusty wind, irregular breathing, steep coast)

29. How many words from the list
power, fall, blade, fall, abyss, fall
can be understood as verbs?

The options are:

(A) one;
(B) two;
(At three o'clok;
(D) four;
(D) five.

Answer: G - four: fall, fall, abyss, fall

30. In Serbian - krava, in Polish - shelter. In Serbian - gold, in Polish - zuoto. In Serbian - chapter, in Polish - guova. 5 more statements are given, of which one is incorrect. Which? (Polish words are written in Russian transcription).

The options are:

(A) brother in Serbian, brot in Polish;
(B) in Serbian class, in Polish kuos;
(B) in Serbian blato, in Polish buoto;
(D) in Serbian Vrana, in Polish Vrona;
(D) in Serbian slama, in Polish suoma.

Answer: A - in Serbian brother, in Polish brot

"Why are they chewing good?" - this question can baffle anyone who hears it for the first time. Those who are already familiar with such questions of some young children and the situations in which they appear will only smile.

What is it about the phrase "Why chew good?"

Despite the widespread belief that similar question can only ask Small child not possessing even more vocabulary, many of us may confess that sometimes we do not understand what is being said in songs or poems. It seems that all the words are clear, but the meaning is difficult to grasp. This is due to the fact that our hearing isolates familiar combinations in oral speech, and the brain rethinks them. This effect is called deafness, in English version- mondegrin. Unlike homophones, - words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings (threshold - park, ball - point, fetus-raft), deafness can form where there is a sound convergence different words accompanied by misunderstanding general meaning by virtue of various reasons... One of the most popular children's mishearing is the final phrase from most Russian fairy tales: "And they began to live, make good money", interpreted in "Good chew" and "Let the pedestrians run awkwardly through the puddles", which turned into "Let the Clumsy run." The most famous adult version of this expression is I. Sarukhanov's song "Violin-Fox" or "Squeak of the Wheel", and it is currently registered under two names.

Young children are more likely to find themselves in situations where an unfamiliar combination of sound combinations is replaced by a formally familiar one. For example, K. Chukovsky talked about how he read to his son an epic, in which the words “I’ll take Kiev City to its fullest” were understood by the child as “I’ll take Kiev City to Apollo” (“Apollo” was the name of the magazine , in whose editorial father he was often taken). Questions arising from children in connection with such deafness, and asked by them to adults, often cause confusion, so they are not obvious to those who heard everything correctly.

Such errors of speech communication were committed by both F.M.Dostoevsky and A. Bely, and they do not mean at all that the authors should be accused of ignorance of grammatical constructions. Therefore, there is nothing shameful in the fact that sometimes unknown animals are born - "good", no. On the contrary, deliberately incorrect recognition of phrases and individual words often becomes a feature of certain TV or radio broadcasts or show programs - N. Fomenko's jokes, humorous releases of the Ural dumplings.