Why is Poetry Day celebrated on March 21st? World Poetry Day


“...Poetry is painting that is heard...”
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

“Poetry is the music of words”
Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

The word "poetry" comes from the Greek. poieo - create, create, build, create.

Once the pathology disappears, everyone becomes a creator. Let this be understood as deeply as possible: only sick people are destructive. Healthy people are creative. Creativity is a kind of aroma of true health. When a person is truly healthy and whole, creativity becomes his nature, a thirst for creativity arises in him.

Humanity has come to a crossroads. We have lived the life of a one-dimensional person, and it is exhausted. What we need now is a richer, three-dimensional human being. I call it the three C's, just like the three R's. primary school: writing, reading and mathematics). The first “C” is consciousness, the second is compassion, the third is creation, creativity.

Consciousness is a being, compassion is a feeling, creativity is action. In my vision new person must be all three at the same time. I give you the hardest of tasks, the greatest of challenges. You must be meditative like Buddha, loving like Krishna, creative like Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci. You have to be all together, at the same time. Only then will your totality be fulfilled; otherwise you will be missing something. And what is missing in you will make you one-sided, unfulfilled. You can reach a very high peak by being one-dimensional, but you will only be a peak. I would like you to be the entire Himalayan range, not just a peak, but peaks among peaks.

The one-dimensional man has proven himself to be a failure. He could not create a beautiful Earth, he could not create heaven on Earth. He was defeated, completely defeated! He created several beautiful people, but could not transform all of humanity, could not raise the level of consciousness of all of humanity. Only a few individuals have become enlightened. This won't help anymore. We need more enlightened people, three-dimensionally enlightened people.

Definition of a new man

Buddha was not a poet - but the new humanity, the people who will now become Buddhas, will be poets. When I say "poets", I don't mean that they will write poetry - you have to be poetic. Your life must be poetic, your approach must be poetic.

Logic is dry, poetry is alive. Logic cannot dance, it is impossible. Seeing logic dancing is like seeing Mahatma Gandhi dancing! It would look ridiculous. Poetry can dance; poetry is the dance of your heart. Logic cannot love. She can talk about love, but she cannot love; love seems irrational. Only poetry can love, only poetry can take the leap in love.

Logic is cold, very cold; it is good as far as mathematics is concerned, but it is inappropriate when applied to humanity. By becoming too logical, humanity will disappear; then there will only be numbers, not human beings - interchangeable numbers...

Poetry in love gives you depth and warmth. You become melting, you lose your coldness. You become more human.

A person must be creative. If your love is only a feeling that does not transform into action, it will not affect most of humanity. You must turn love into reality, materialize it.

These are your three dimensions: being, feeling, action.
The action consists of creativity, all kinds of creativity - music, poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, technology.
The feeling consists of everything that is aesthetic - love, beauty.
And being consists of meditation, awareness, consciousness.
© Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Faces of poets

Poets, tonka Heart connection -
We are sacredly surrounded by the energy of Love.
Without being ashamed of God's awareness,
Words have been poured into the cup of conscience.

We are beads on a ray of light,
Constellations in the sky, crosses on the body.
We are the wind waiting for summer,
With the desire to move the leaves of the trees.

We open the pages without fear -
Look into the Souls through the lines-eyes.
So what if the face is not recognizable?
Today our faces are a rhyme of an image.

A rain of thoughts and words falls on the poet. If the Spirit of God ignites in the poet, then God himself participates in this process. And God mixes the words chosen by the poet into the consciousness of his soul, crushes them like a potter’s clay, and then with the poet’s pen or computer he sculpts the sculpture of the verse, creates its trembling, illusory, flickering image, if you like, a living fabric of life. Here, for example, are flowers trembling in their own lilac haze. The pointy-nosed sage in the image of Pinocchio began like this:
« The artist depicted for us...”
This somewhat silly beginning of Mandelstam takes on a landslide when the end of the line is added to it: “the deep swoon of the lilac.” Impressionist paintings and Russian artists and lilacs instantly appear on the screen of associations - heavy, moist, filled with life and juices. It’s all lilac, terry, a reflection of happiness. Wonderful enough! But, suddenly, a genius speaks and Dante’s “Faust” appears, hell joins heaven, and great things are created:
« And the colors of the sonorous steps
He laid it on the canvas like a scab...” Here the conversational simplicity of life disappears and poetry and fate arise. According to Pasternak:
« And this is where the art ends
And the soil and fate breathe..."

The words are easy and the thought is submissive to the soul,
And the cup of the heart is again full of goodness.
The poetry of love is beneficial for the world,
I create it with a tremulous pen.
The noise will subside, all desires will cool down,
And saving peace will come to us.
And there will be someone who will understand my messages
With your pure, enlightened soul.
Now I'll leave quietly, unnoticeably
IN distant world love and eternal dreams.
And my thought will be kept inconspicuously
At the bottom of the seas of my shed tears.

How sweet it is to soar above the world of vanity,
Flapping the wings of truth in time with eternity.
And in the world of muses, works and beauty
Write poems and sheets with a maraya pen.
Even though I am nobody, even though my life is empty,
And I only deserved laughter and humiliation,
But I believe that my dream will smile at me
And God will give my soul consolation.
I'll get drunk on beauty with divine wine
And I will let the light of the soul into my consciousness.
I will be forgotten forever in a great, eternal sleep,
Leaving the world its joy and suffering.


What is my life? - A beautiful dream?
Is poetry a great start?
Heaven's punishing law?
Or is truth looking wearily?
What is my life? - Past years?
Drunken reasoning, friends?
Are there only “yes” to all questions?
Is it a big delusion from the mind?
What is my life? - End or infinity?
A wise decision or the ravings of a blind man?
A short moment or a holy eternity?
The suffering of Hell or the Heaven of the Creator?

© Veretennikov Sergey


I don't read poetry out loud
And I hear the universal spirit
Sings, stories of wondrous dreams
offering me;
I, like a diligent secretary,
Turning on the consciousness lantern,
I’m writing after him, as if I myself
I’m composing a quatrain...

At the midnight hour, in the routine of the day
He doesn't lag behind me,
What I myself do not see,
He notices
All the signs, symbols and dreams,
Motives of autumn, spring,
And the world of divine love
opens to me.

And there, in the heavenly heights
My spirit paints an image for me
The One who created light with thought,
and, the Word became
The living movement of existence,
Where, whoever I could be...
But, having touched this mystery,
I'm writing from the beginning...

© V. Stra@nnik


The moment of eternity is approaching,
And it immediately becomes distant...

Tempting time - silence,
Open to thoughts and dreams.
Trusting shadows intertwine,
And they spin lazily by the window...

When the paths diverge
Between reality and light
Your soul must come
There is only one space, fly, fly,
Meaningful to the soul of the poet.

But he's intoxicated with love
And remains inaccessible
There are no steps, he is in heaven,
AND higher mind captivated
He is detached and incorruptible.

The spiritual world will open the light,
Have a wonderful flight for the soul,
And then a poet is born,
No matter where, in the circle of planets,
Or the universe turning.

In places forgotten by memory,
On the endless surface of water,
Magical midnight dreams,
Other, unknown worlds,
The soul of the poet will be eternal.

© Trofimov Nikolay

World Poetry Day

The initial initiative to establish an official Poetry Day dates back to the late 1930s: in 1938, the American state of Ohio, on the initiative of the poet Tessa Sweezy Webb, proclaimed October 15, the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, as Poetry Day. By 1951, the date was recognized by thirty-eight US states, as well as Mexico, and was celebrated as National Poetry Day. Then this day began to be celebrated in other countries as World Poetry Day.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year.

The first World Poetry Day took place in Paris on March 21, 2000, where UNESCO has its headquarters.
“Poetry,” says the UNESCO decision, “can be the answer to the most pressing and profound spiritual questions modern man“But for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it.”
World Poetry Day is intended to provide an opportunity for small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly bring the work of modern poets to readers, to express themselves more widely, and for literary clubs that revive the age-old tradition of the living, sounding poetic word. This Day, UNESCO believes, is intended to serve as a means of creating mass media positive image poetry as a truly modern art, open to people.

It is believed that the most ancient hymn poems were created in the 23rd century. BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana, about whom it is only known that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the goddess of the morning star Inanna.

Currently, this Day is celebrated all over the world - in cultural institutions, educational institutions, creative groups, etc. - various poetry concerts, author readings, conferences and seminars dedicated to poets and their work, presentations of new poetic literature are held.

In Moscow, the first Poetry Day was held on March 21, 2000 at the Taganka Theater. Its initiator was the Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies (DOOS), headed by the poet Konstantin Kedrov.
The annual celebration of World Poetry Day in Russia is celebrated with various poetry events in theaters, literary clubs and salons.
Since 2009 events, dedicated to the Day poetry, are organized at the Central House of Writers with the support of the literary portal Stikhi.ru in partnership with the UNESCO Office in Moscow and under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

National Literary Award "Poet of the Year"

The National Literary Award "Poet of the Year" was established with the aim of finding new talented authors who can make a contribution to modern literature. The selection of laureates is carried out by the Grand Jury, whose composition has been significantly expanded in the current competition year. Members of the jury review works published in special almanacs of the “Poet of the Year” award and evaluate the work of each author.
The award competition is held in the following categories: “Poet of the Year”, “Debut”, “Lyrics”, “Humour”, “Children’s Literature”.
The prize is the publication of a book with the winner's works at the expense of the competition organizers. The author independently sets his own fee for each copy sold. The circulation of a book is determined based on demand: depending on reader interest, the publishing house prints the required edition. The symbol of the award, which is awarded to each laureate, is a figurine in the shape of a feather on a pedestal of stones.
The announcement and awarding of the prize winners is carried out at a ceremony dedicated to the celebration of World Poetry Day, held annually on March 21 in partnership with the UNESCO Bureau and under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The presentation of the award for 2014 will take place on March 21, 2015 in the Great Conference Hall of the Moscow Government.


A wonderful gift from the gods!
O fiery hearts, joy and love,
O quiet beauty, charm of the soul -
Poetry! With you
And sorrow, and poverty, and gloomy exile -
They are losing their terror!
In the shadow of an oak grove, above the stream,
Friend of Phoebus, with a clear soul,
In his wretched hut,
Forgotten by rock, forgotten by rock -
Sings, dreams and - blissful!
And who and who is not alive
By your divine influence?
Rough lanterns with thoughtful clanging
Laplander, wild son of the snows,
Glorifies his foggy homeland
And the unartificial harmony of poetry,
Looking at the stormy waves, he depicts
And your smoky hut, and the cold, and the sound of the seas,
And the fast running of the sleigh,
Flying through the snow with fleet-footed elk.
Happy with the wretched lot,
Oratai, leaning on the plow,
Drawn slowly by tired oxen, -
Sings its forest, its peaceful meadow,
Carts creaking under the sheaves,
And the sweetness of winter evenings,
When, with the sound of blizzards, in front of the shining fireplace,
In the circle of my sons,
With a foamy and boiling drink,
He pours joy into my heart
And peacefully falls asleep at midnight,
Forgetting the spilled sweat on the wild reins...
But you, whom the ray of heaven revives,
Singers, friends of my soul!
In the sad journey of this minute life
Cover the thorny path with flowers
And pour your flame into ardent hearts!
Yes by the sound of your loud lyres
A hero awakened to glory,
Divites and shocks the world!
Yes, the young man is inflamed
They shed tears of delight,
The altar of the fatherland kisses
And death for him, as a blessing, awaits!
May the poor worker's soul blossom
From your blessed songs!
But let your thunder fall
On these cruel and depraved ones,
Who, in shame, with an exalted brow,
Innocence, valor and honor trampled underfoot,
They dare to call themselves demigods!
Friends of the heavenly muses! Will we be captivated by vanity?
Disregarding momentary successes -
An insignificant voice of praise, a cymbal ringing
empty, -
Having despised the luxury of joy,
Let's follow in the footsteps of the greats! -
The path to immortality is open to us by fate!
Let us not shame ourselves with praise
High in lot, contemptuous in soul, -
Let us dare to crown the worthy!
Should Febov's favorite chase a ghost?
Should Febov's favorite grovel in the dust?
And to seduce Fortune with humiliation?
Posterity distributes crowns and shame:
Let us dare to transform our mausoleum into an altar!
O glory, hearts' admiration!
O sweet lot - in love
posterity to live!
December 1804
© Vasily Zhukovsky

"Poetry is the devil's wine"
Aurelius Augustine (354 - 430)

“...Poetry is painting that is heard...”
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

"Poetry is the music of words"
Thomas Fuller (1654 - 1734)

The word "poetry" comes from the Greek. poieo - create, create, construct, create.

It is believed that the most ancient hymn poems were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess Enheduanna, who was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (territory of Iran). Enheduanna wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the goddess of the morning star Inanna. The hymns of Enheduanna were considered sacred.

Until the Renaissance, the poetic form was revered in Europe as one of the main conditions of beauty and was practically the only tool for transforming words into art. In Russian literature in the “golden age” of Russian literature, and sometimes even today, poetry was often called all fiction as opposed to non-fiction.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year.

Date - March 21, day spring equinox hemisphere, was chosen as a symbol of the renewal of nature and the creative nature of the human spirit.

The first World Poetry Day took place in Paris on March 21, 2000, where UNESCO has its headquarters.

On this day in different countries Festivals, quizzes and competitions of famous and aspiring poets are organized around the world.

“Poetry,” says the UNESCO decision, “can be the answer to the most pressing and profound spiritual questions of modern man - but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it.

In addition, World Poetry Day should provide an opportunity to more widely express themselves to small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly bring the work of modern poets to readers, and to literary clubs that revive the age-old tradition of the living, sounding poetic word.”

This Day, UNESCO believes, is designed to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art, open to people.

The first initiative to establish an official Poetry Day dates back to the late 1930s. In 1938, the American state of Ohio, on the initiative of the poet Tessa Sweezy Webb, proclaimed October 15 as Poetry Day - it was the birthday of the ancient Roman poet Virgil. This date was later recognized by thirty-eight US states, as well as Mexico, and was celebrated as National Poetry Day. Then this day began to be celebrated in other countries as World Poetry Day.

In Moscow, the first Poetry Day was held on March 21, 2000 at the Taganka Theater. Its initiator was the Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies (DOOS), headed by the poet Konstantin Kedrov.

The annual celebration of World Poetry Day in Russia is celebrated with various poetry events in theaters, literary clubs and salons.
Since 2009, events dedicated to Poetry Day have been organized at the Central House of Writers with the support of the literary portal Stikhi.ru in partnership with the UNESCO Moscow Office and under the auspices of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

Poems.ru - Russia's largest server of modern poetry

National Literary Award "Poet of the Year"
The national literary award "Poet of the Year" was established by the Russian Literary Club together with the publishing house "Author's Book" with the aim of finding new talented authors who can make a contribution to modern literature.

"Poetry Calendar"- Dmitry Shevarov’s column in Rossiyskaya Gazeta

"Anthology of Russian poetry for family reading" - website http://antologia.xxc.ru/

A space for audio and visual communication with the world of Russian poetic classics has appeared on the Internet: the site “Anthology of Russian Poetry for Family Reading.”
Here you can hear (and see!) how ancient lines are heard performed by modern actors, how landscapes by Russian artists come to life to the music of Tchaikovsky. Poems, many of which have been completely forgotten by the Russian reader for a century, or even a century and a half, are now spreading like fresh news on Facebook and VKontakte.


Poem as a gift
Vasily Zhukovsky
To poetry
A wonderful gift from the gods!
O fiery hearts, joy and love,
O quiet beauty, charm of the soul -
Poetry! With you
And sorrow, and poverty, and gloomy exile -
They are losing their terror!
In the shadow of an oak grove, above the stream,
Friend of Phoebus, with a clear soul,
In his wretched hut,
Forgotten by rock, forgotten by rock -
Sings, dreams and - blissful!
And who and who is not alive
By your divine influence?
Rough lanterns with thoughtful clanging
Laplander, wild son of the snows,
Glorifies his foggy homeland
And the unartificial harmony of poetry,
Looking at the stormy waves, he depicts
And your smoky hut, and the cold, and the sound of the seas,
And the fast running of the sleigh,
Flying through the snow with fleet-footed elk.
Happy with the wretched lot,
Oratai, leaning on the plow,
Drawn slowly by tired oxen, -
Sings its forest, its peaceful meadow,
Carts creaking under the sheaves,
And the sweetness of winter evenings,
In the circle of my sons,
With a foamy and boiling drink,
He pours joy into my heart
And peacefully falls asleep at midnight,
Forgetting the spilled sweat on the wild reins...
But you, whom the ray of heaven revives,
Singers, friends of my soul!
In the sad journey of this minute life
Cover the thorny path with flowers
And pour your flame into ardent hearts!
Yes by the sound of your loud lyres
A hero awakened to glory,
Divites and shocks the world!
Yes, the young man is inflamed
They shed tears of delight,
The altar of the fatherland kisses
And death for him, as a blessing, awaits!
May the poor worker's soul blossom
From your blessed songs!
But let your thunder fall
On these cruel and depraved ones,
Who, in shame, with an exalted brow,
Innocence, valor and honor trampled underfoot,
They dare to call themselves demigods!
Friends of the heavenly muses! Will we be captivated by vanity?
Disdaining momentary successes -
An insignificant voice of praise, a cymbal ringing
empty, -
Having despised the luxury of joy,
Let's follow in the footsteps of the greats! -
The path to immortality is open to us by fate!
Let us not shame ourselves with praise
High in lot, contemptuous in soul, -
Let us dare to crown the worthy!
Should Febov's favorite chase a ghost?
Should Febov's favorite grovel in the dust?
And to seduce Fortune with humiliation?
Posterity distributes crowns and shame:
Let us dare to transform our mausoleum into an altar!
O glory, hearts' admiration!
O sweet lot - in love
posterity to live!

December 1804

Phoebus- (Greek - shining), second name of the god Apollo
Cevnica- folk wind musical instrument, a type of pipe
Oratay- plowman, ploughman, tiller, plougher (who holds the plow)

On the day of the spring equinox, the world celebrates - world poetry day.
This holiday will be celebrated for the 12th time all over the world. This is only the first time in our school as part of Children's and Youth Book Week, but it certainly won't be the last!

Thanks to the competition" Poems of my own composition"Little stars have already lit up. There is an idea to create and publish an almanac of young poets and poetesses...

From the history
World Poetry Day was established at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Assembly in 1999. The assembly delegates decided to celebrate this holiday annually on March 21.

The first day of poetry on March 21, 2000 was held simultaneously at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris and at the Taganka Theater in Moscow. The initiator of the celebration of this day in Russia was DOOS (Voluntary Society for the Protection of Dragonflies), led by the poet Konstantin Kedrov. The core of the holiday was the works of members of the DOOS. Andrei Voznesensky, Elena Katsyuba, Alina Vitukhnovskaya, Mikhail Buznik and Konstantin Kedrov himself read their poems from the stage of the Taganka Theater that evening. Despite the rather short preparation time, the event received a very wide response, and the Kultura TV channel released a separate television film dedicated to this holiday.

Since then, this Day has brought together poets of our country more than once. IN different years World Poetry Day celebrations took place in various art galleries and clubs. The 2nd, 6th and 7th poetry festivals were again held at the Taganka Theater. And the 10th anniversary of World Poetry Day took place at the Central House of Writers with the support of the largest literary portals in our country, Stihi.ru and Proza.ru. Not only Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region, but also poets from other regions came to celebrate the 11th World Poetry Day in 2010. In total, more than a thousand people came to the Central House of Writers that evening.

Poet and nominee Nobel Prize in literature, Konstantin Kedrov proposed to UNESCO the idea of ​​celebrating World Poetry Day on the vernal equinox 12 years ago, in 2000, and for the first time this holiday was held on the stage of the Taganka Theater with the support of the famous director Yuri Lyubimov.

“Poetry,” says the UNESCO decision, “can be the answer to the most pressing and profound spiritual questions of modern man - but for this it is necessary to attract the widest possible public attention to it.”

Moreover, World Poetry Day is intended to provide an opportunity to better express themselves to small publishing houses, whose efforts mainly bring the work of modern poets to readers, and to literary clubs that revive the age-old tradition of the living, sounding poetic word.

This Day, UNESCO believes, is designed to create a positive image of poetry in the media as a truly modern art, open to people.

It is believed that the oldest hymn poems were created in the 23rd century BC. The author of the poems is the poetess-priestess En-hedu-ana, about whom all that is known is that she was the daughter of the Akkadian king Sargon, who conquered Ur (territory of Iran). En-hedu-ana wrote about the moon god Nanna and his daughter, the goddess of the morning star Inanna.

Interesting Facts
March 21 is celebrated:

International Puppeteer Day
International Nowruz Day
Youth Day in Tunisia
Tree Day in Italy

March 21 in history:
1999 (13 years old)- After a 478-hour journey, Bertrand PICCARD and Brian JONES became the first people to circle the Earth in a hot air balloon.
1990 (22 years old)- The independence of Namibia, which had been under the rule of South Africa for 75 years, was declared.
1975 (37 years)- A three-thousand-year-old monarchy is being overthrown in Ethiopia.

All poets, poetesses
Gently congratulations,
Cool muse, inspiration
And we wish you love!

Well, you, our poet,
Always be with love
Physical education and exercises -
Right way to health!

Let it be easy and relaxed
The verse falls on the sheet,
Let your creative spirit
Will last a lifetime!


Don't forget to tell your friends

Poetry is the most brilliant invention of mankind. How does an openwork thread, invisible to the eye, suddenly weave from ordinary words to which we have all become accustomed for a long time? This obviously cannot be done without the Supreme Providence... Poetry helps to express feelings, saves, heals, calls to new achievements!

The date for the Poetry Festival - March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere, was not chosen by chance. And as a symbol of the renewal of nature and the creative nature of the human spirit. The purpose of this Day is to unite poets, give them the opportunity to express themselves and emphasize the most important role of poetry, and art in general, in life modern society. Congratulate your fellow poets!

There are different ways to celebrate Poetry Day. But most people associated with this day would prefer to celebrate it in the library, and for good reason, because the library is a kind of temple of poetry. The holiday scenario can be different - you can have a tea party and read your favorite poems to each other, or you can share poems of your own composition with like-minded people.
Happy Beautiful Poetry Day,
Sometimes a little sad
But always unique
And immortal from the beginning!
Let the poems excite the soul,
Makes you smile
Become more thoughtful and better
Plunge into a beautiful world!

Write a beautiful poem
And dilute the speech with a bright word -
You have no equal in this matter,
I wish you to save all this in life.
On World Poetry Day I wish
Peace, inspiration and happiness,
Let the muse not leave you,
And masterpieces are created often.

Being a poet sometimes hurts
Taking phrases from the heart...
You can’t help but be responsible for everything,
Yes, passing everywhere along the edge,
The world is intelligent, but stingy in soul,
And feelings are completely in short supply.
After all, indifference is a great evil,
We need protection again!
When love comes to victory
...and the day of poetry will begin
All neighbors will become family,
Suddenly everyone's youth will return!

To the poets of the world - the nightingales of love,
To those who weave wreaths from ordinary words,
Bless their souls, Lord,
Add some gentle, poetic talents!
Give them happiness, joy and peace
Leave it for those who peacefully plow the land,
The poets of the world will all be with You,
Having drunk the power of the Divine cup!
Let the sun shine for you, let the thunder roar,
Everything in the world is sweet to the poet's soul,
Great success is flying towards you,
To make your soul ache with happiness!

All poets, poetesses
Today I want to congratulate
Wish you inspiration,
Loudly glorify your talent.
Let the rhyming lines
Born from the soul
Let your poems always
People really like it.
Let the muse come more often
Let her live with you
Let him throw up thoughts
So that your eyes burn with excitement.

Beautiful rhyming lines are a great way to congratulate loved one Happy birthday, express admiration and gratitude. Only talented and gifted people are capable of writing poetry. This world holiday is dedicated to them. Poetry Day brings together authors around the world. Its main goal is to introduce people to beauty, giving young talents the opportunity to express themselves in the best possible way. The event is celebrated annually on March 21.

history of the holiday

The history of celebrating this event goes back to 1938. The author of the idea for the founding of the celebration is a poetess from Ohio, Tessa Sweezy Webb. Under her initiative, the holiday was celebrated for the first time on October 15. It was dedicated to the birthday of the famous ancient Roman poet named Virgil. In 1951 of the last century, it became national in the USA. 38 states of America and Mexico joined the solemn event. It received official world status at the 30th UNESCO meeting. Help for him is the resolution adopted on November 15, 1999.

For your information, the UNESCO decision states that it often answers the most pressing and deepest spiritual questions modern people person - but for this purpose it is necessary to attract the broadest public attention to it. It was first celebrated on a relatively large scale in March 2000. This Day serves to create a positive image in the media of poetic art, which is open to people.

Among other things, it was thanks to the celebration World Day poetry, each creator has an excellent opportunity to express themselves to small publishing houses, whose efforts make it possible to bring the living work of modern poets to mass readers, as well as to literary circles that revive the eternal tradition of beautiful rhyming lines.