Rules game lotto in English with translation. Games for learning English, educational games for children download, learn English game

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NOT., Wed Loto, IT. Lotto. The game that players are closed on special maps called numbers (or pictures), and he wins the one who earlier will close full range Figures (or pictures). Bass 1. But Sitting to play Lotto .. Must must ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

LOTTO - (IT. Lotto Trawberry Vessel). The game consisting in removing the foals with the numbers and in the closing of them of the corresponding numbers on the maps splitting on the cells, with numbers in them. Who will close 5 cells in the cell, he wins the entire bet. Foreign dictionary ... ... Vocabulary foreign words Russian language

LOTTO - Lotto, NK., Wed. (Franz. Loto). The gambling game, which is that players should close the ladded numbers on their special distributed maps, and the winners are the one who earlier will close a well-known number of numbers on their map. || ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

LOTTO - Lotto, NK., Wed. The game on special maps with numbers, closed with chips, or with pictures. Play Children's l | arr. Lottus, Aya, OE (acceleration). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

lotto - Lotto, NK., Wed game, in which participants closed on special maps called the leading randomly dropped numbers or pictures until one of the participants close a number of numbers or pictures. In the evenings, the family of duel ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

lotto - Probably from Franz. Loto is the same, from IT. Lotto, which is erected to Goth. Hlauts Lot (Gotze 365) ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Max Fasmer

lotto - Lotto, NK, with ... Russian verbal emphasis

tray - Tray, tray ... Russian verbal emphasis

Lotto - NOT. cf. The Russian game, which consists in the fact that playing on special maps closes the names or pictures, and wins the one who earlier will close a full range of numbers or pictures. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

lotto - South., Number of synonyms: 2 Gosloto (1) Game (318) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

lotto - Neism.; cf. [Franz. Loto] The game that plays is closed on special maps called, randomly dropped numbers (or pictures), and wins one who earlier will close a number of numbers (or pictures). Play encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Lotto "Seasons of the Year" ,. Lotto "Seasons of the Year". 6 cards, 36 chips. Children's lotto is aimed at the development of attention, observation and expansion of the horizon of the child. Lotto is an excellent option for joint ... Buy for 455 rubles
  • Lotto "Who lives" ,. Lotto "Who lives". 6 cards, 36 chips. Children's lotto is aimed at the development of attention, observation and expansion of the horizon of the child. Lotto is an excellent option for collaborative ...
Help Translate text from Russian to English? :)) There are many superstitions in different countries, but I want to say about the Russian people and about the road

If you meet a man before the trip - you will be lucky if a woman - the path will not succeed.
It is not advised to wash hair in front far away, You can call for trouble.

Cut on the road to a nail or a sharp object - means trouble.
Before going to the far route should be held by the corner of the table.

Help please, it is very necessary, or translate at least half ..))

It is necessary to disassemble the verbs to the correct and wrong help very necessary .... here's the words: to be, to run, to jump, to speak, to open, to leve, to like, to

work, To Live, To Arrive, To Go, To Play, To See, To Get Up, To Do, To See, To Take, To Stay, To SWIM, To Know, to Invite .... Help please really need to tomorrow((

Help please, urgently, in writing to ask 10 questions in English: Hello, my name is Dima Sokolov. I am 12 years old. I was born on April 14 in 199 .. I

born in Kaluga, where I still lively withers my family. Our family is quite small - this is my father, my mother, my younger sister and me. But in fact there are five of us, I forgot to say that we have a chuck dog. He is a member of our family too.

I am a high guy, but rather slim, with dark blond hair, oval face and brown eyes. I love wearing Casual clothes, jeans usually and a T-shirt. In addition, I prefer sneakers. But I wear a form to school.

As for my character, I think I am rather modest and calm. I'm not sure, but my friends say that I have a good sense of humor. I, like all active - active games, active sports, outdoor activities.

I have a lot of friends and acquaintances. But sometimes I have these mood swings when I'm sad and want to be alone for some time. I think it is quite normal, because everyone has such moments. I love everything positive and when I have some problems, I always try to find positive moments in them. I like to help people around and see how they become happy. I, as a kind, honest, polite, reliable and responsible person. And I hate when the people are rude and aggressive. Aggression is bad.

My father is 40. He is a dentist. He works in a hospital. Very often he is busy before late night. And therefore he has very little free time. But my father loves his work, because he likes to help people.

My mom-translator of English. Therefore, she travels a lot, because it works for a large foreign company. She has business trips every month. But she finds the time to do homework. I and my sister always help her.

My sister is 10 years old. Her name is Lida. She is studying at my school too. It is in the 4th grade. She is very interesting person. She likes to read books and she has a large collection of dolls. It is very smart and intelligent. I love to talk with her and she always asks me to give her advice. Here is a favorite book - "Alice in Wonderland." We looked at the film about Alice together. She really liked her. Lida is studying French and English. And our mother speaks English to us and help us.

I'm in 7th grade. I learn a lot. But when I am free, I love to read my favorite adventure books and communicate with friends. My friends and relatives say that I have a good musical rumor. I took the lessons on the piano, but now I play the guitar. My friends love when I play. Now I am engaged in sports, I play tennis this year. But I also love to play volleyball, basketball, tennis, sometimes football in school.

I am quite sociable and talkative, and I like to be around people. I have many friends. I think friendship is a very important thing in a person's life. I have wonderful people around me. They are always ready to help me and support me in everything.

Speaking about our apartment, I want to say that she is not very big. It is located in a nine-story building. We live on the sixth floor. In the apartment three rooms - not much, but this is enough. Our apartment is very cozy. And this is thanks to my mom. It has a very good taste.

What do I want to do in the future? How do I see my future? My future profession There will, of course, technical. I like to do something with your own hands, so I think I will do into a technical university.

So that this is what I want to tell about myself.

Games for learning English can be invented and make it yourself, there would be time, desire and fantasy. The authors of the site site for the children are engaged and trained only in the form of the game - fun and interesting. To do this, we come up with a variety of educational games that you can always download and print home on the printer or in the Printed Center.

Here we offer you a wonderful developing lotto for learning English " English letters and words. "

It consists of 2 types of cards:

  • 26 cards with pictures, letters and words
  • 26 cards with large letters.

You only need to download the file and make all these cards.

  1. Print files with cards.
  2. Stick them on cardboard.
  3. Plug on top of the scotch and cut out, it will turn out 52 cards.
  4. You can also make pockets from paper, by template, for storing cards.

How to play a developing lotto "British letters and words" with children

If the child does not know the English alphabet, then you just just gradually familiarize the baby with letters and sounds, use cards with large letters. Learning the letters, call them and correctly pronounce sounds that each letter means. For the first time, 3-5 letters are enough, and every day.

Then you familiarize the baby with pictures and words that are denoted. Only after that, go to the lotto game.

We decline in front of the baby a few cards with letters and alternately show him pictures, the child must properly guess, select pictures to the letters and cover their cards.

So continue while the child does not get tired, then you can postpone the game and return to it the next day.

Bright and fun illustrations and colorful letters will definitely like the kid and he will gladly study English with this developing lotto.

Good luck to you and interesting things!

Cards with English alphabet letters in pictures

Cards with English alphabet letters in pictures

Cards with English alphabet letters in pictures

Cards with English alphabet letters in pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for children 3,4,5,7, pictures

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for studying English to children 3,4,5,6,7 years

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for studying English to children 3,4,5,6,7 years

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for studying English to children 3,4,5,6,7 years

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for studying English to children 3,4,5,6,7 years

Developing lotto "British letters and words" for studying English to children 3,4,5,6,7 years

In the process of studying with a child of English, I tried many ways to improve the memorization of English words, and one of the most effective was the game Lotto on english language. Words are remembered easily and with pleasure. I began to look for a lotto in English other topics, but it turned out that the market does not replete the varieties of this wonderful game. Therefore, I made my version of the lotto in English and printed it. Below I post it, it is free to download.

In my lotto, a vocabulary of the topics of the "household appliances", "useful things", "dishes" and "furniture", total 84 words.

Rules game Lotto in English:

You can even play a lotto with a child. To be more fun, "invite" a few dolls into the game. My daughter always hurts for your favorite doll and is in a hurry to find out if she has a voiced item on the playing field.

So, the master takes the map and, without showing the image of children, asks: Who HAS KETTLE / LID / FORK?Who is the first to say I have kETTLE / LID / FORK,or DOLL HAS KETTLE / LID / FORK,he picks up a card and closes her found item. Wins the one who first closed all the fields. My daughter was so impressed with the game that now acts as a lead.