Secret developments of the Nazis: truth and myths. Where are the "flying saucers" of the Third Reich hidden? Flying saucer 3rd Reich

When studying disk-shaped flying machines, sooner or later you will certainly come across a considerable layer of historical and ufological mythology dedicated to “flying saucers” created in the “thousand-year Reich”. How successful were the Germans in this? Who helped them? Was the work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret areas? globe? How true are the rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

It is interesting that in the archives of the Third Reich, drawings were found that explain the principles of “twisting” subtle physical fields, allowing the creation of certain techno-magical devices. One of the developers of technomagical devices is considered to be the famous scientist dr. IN. Noise. According to evidence, his electrodynamic machines, which used rapid rotation, not only changed the structure of time around them, but also floated in the air. (There is a hypothesis that flying disks were a by-product of attempts to create a “time machine”)

American UFOlogist Vladimir Terziski claims that in the late 30s. Almost an entire alien flying saucer fell into the hands of Nazi researchers from the Ahnenerbe. Using occult techniques, the Germans were allegedly able not only to understand the control of an alien machine and begin to fly on it, but also to recreate extraterrestrial technology, and even create several devices of the same design, but of different sizes, under the general name “Haunebu”. The last of them allegedly had a diameter of more than 70 m, an armored bottom with a tank turret on it, and could easily go into space...

The IV SS Experimental Design Center, subordinate to the Black Sun society, was responsible for the development. In his book “German Flying Saucers,” O. Bergmann provides some technical characteristics (Haunebu-II). Diameter 26.3 meters. Engine: "Thule-tachyonator 70", with a diameter of 23.1 (!) meters. Control: pulse magnetic field generator. Speed: 6000 km/h (estimated - 21000 km/h). Flight duration: 55 hours and above. Adaptability to flight outer space- 100 percent (What kind of characteristic is this?). The crew is nine people, with passengers - twenty people. The three rotating turrets at the bottom were designed to arm: 6 8-inch cruiser salvo guns and one remotely controlled 11-inch KZO in a separate upper rotating turret.

However, the most important achievement of German designers was the adaptation of the saucer to the most extreme conditions, which turned it into a real spacecraft, and its normal carrying capacity was no less than 100 tons. Serial production of this model was scheduled for 1944, but by that time the next, more advanced version was tested - "Hauneburus-I", intended for air combat with enemy naval squadrons. The diameter of the “plate” was 76 meters, and four gun turrets from the battleship Lützow were installed on it, each of which had three 203 mm caliber guns mounted. In March 1945, this “saucer” made one revolution around the Earth at an altitude of more than 40 kilometers and landed in Japan, on naval base Japanese fleet in Kure, where at the local shipyard the side guns were replaced with nine Japanese 460 mm guns from the super-battleship Yamato. "Hauneburus-I" was driven by a free energy engine, which used the practically inexhaustible energy of gravity....""

After the war, naturally, not a single clear evidence of such developments was found. Proponents of the conspiracy-occult theory claim that these projects were carefully hidden in the depths of Sonderburo 13 (Special Bureau 13) of the Luftwaffe, and that Nazi occultists allegedly managed to build giant disks (139 meters in diameter), working on anti-gravity, and fly to the stars - that's why on No traces were found on the ground.

The Spanish historian claims that at least three experimental vehicles (with rotors with a diameter of 6, 8 and 12.6 m) flew, one (with a diameter of 14.4 m) was under construction, and combat versions were already being prepared - high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft with a diameter of 14.4 and 24 m, take-off weight, respectively, 10 and 40 tons, and a ceiling of 17000 m...

Articles about disc planes resembling UFO flying saucers, which appeared in the mid-20th century, aroused great interest and a lot of controversy and speculation. There were reports that they were spotted in Germany, Italy, on the coast Mediterranean Sea. One of the articles was written by an aviation expert and aroused particular interest. Such notes were followed by a denial from the authorities, who insisted that such disc planes had not been discovered. Of course, many guessed that these statements were implausible.

"V-7" - flying disc of the Third Reich

Someone named Miethe Richard stated that such devices existed, and there was confirmation of this. He said that 10 years ago Germany began implementing the V-7 project. However, the exact location of the laboratories and other details were unknown. Release of the book “German weapons and secrets and their further development“only fueled the scandal and rumors surrounding flying objects similar to saucers. Its translation has been carried out into many languages ​​of the world. According to some versions, the V-7 (flying disc) could have been manufactured in Siberia, and the inventor could have been the Austrian Schauberger (despite his talent as a brilliant designer, he was a patient in a clinic for mentally ill people).

Base in Antarctica

There are many versions that under Antarctic ice there is a laboratory hiding where these flying objects can be hidden. The first mention of this theory appeared in Landing's novels. However, according to the original version, the location of the laboratory was in Northern Canada. Perhaps the author decided that Antarctica is a more reliable shelter, and the V-7 flying saucer could most likely be hidden there. Despite the frivolous attitude of many towards these theories, some are still trying to solve the mystery of the location of the laboratory among the ice. These ideas were also fueled by the fact that there were speculations about a prepared German base in Antarctica, where the scientific minds of Germany were brought and where Hitler himself subsequently planned to take refuge in the event of an unfavorable outcome of the war.

Tests at Peenemünde

The Peenemünde training ground has become another “loud” place associated with the discovery of German UFOs. Some have argued that this is where the data was built and was a favorable location for the first tests. Work force was not enough, and on the initiative of General Dorberger, prisoners from concentration camp. One of them witnessed the events taking place at the training ground. He claimed that he saw a round apparatus, which in its shape was similar to an inverted pelvis. In its center was a transparent drop-shaped cabin.

When starting up, the device made a hissing sound and vibrated all over. A former prisoner of the camp saw with his own eyes how the object rose into the air and hung at a distance of 5 meters from the ground. The UFO held this position for some time, and then spun around and began to gain altitude. There was instability during the flight. The gusts of wind had a very strong effect on it, and one of them turned the plate over in the air, which led to the descent of the device. According to him, it ended unsuccessfully, the saucer exploded, and the pilot died. Also, information about a similar object was received from nineteen officers and soldiers. They claimed to have seen an object in flight that looked like a saucer with a transparent cockpit in the center. Scientists have concluded that this device is Zimmerman’s “Flying Pancake”. This object was designed in 1942 and had a speed of 700 km per hour in horizontal flight.

"V 7"

German engineers developed several UFO models, each time improving the design and adding new solutions. The first modification was called "V-7". Its development was carried out within the framework of the “Weapons of Retribution” program. This device had more fuel and a more powerful engine. To stabilize the saucer in flight, it was used like the one found on an airplane. The first tests were carried out in 1944 (May 17) near Prague. "V7" had excellent technical characteristics- ascent speed of 288 km per hour and horizontal movement of 200 km per hour.

Cymbal models

To this day, information about the existence of eight projects has been preserved. The first of them was named “Wheel with Wing” and was tested in 1941. It is considered the first object in the world that could take off vertically. After the V-7, the Discolet modification appeared. Her test took place in 1945. In subsequent years, the Belonce Disc appeared. This was an even more advanced model. The designers of this device were Belontse, Miethe, Schriever and Schauberger. The model with a diameter of 68 meters was available in a single copy. The engine compressed the consumed air, which was then released through the nozzles. The flying object was equipped with a noise-resistant control system, which Schauberger is believed to have been developing since the beginning of World War II.


Jet aviation and rocket science of the Third Reich, without a doubt, received a great impetus and development during the Second World War. However, the new developments of the Germans were late. The most modernized ones “saw the light” at the end of the war. Once the "Weapon of Vengeance" was created, the need for it disappeared. Those projects that were ahead of the time of their creation (bombers, fighters, etc.), as well as the V-7, the flying disc of the 3rd Reich, were often available in one copy and did not have time to strike - the war was already ending. Anticipating their defeat, the Germans destroyed laboratories and testing grounds where UFOs were tested. Some of the documentation also disappeared, and the flying objects themselves also disappeared. However, thanks to the speed of the Red Army's advance, much went to the victors. After the end of the war, these materials were used as reference materials when working on aviation projects.

What do we know about UFOs? Not much, if not nothing at all. From the testimony of witnesses, unidentified flying objects most often have the shape of a disk, less often - a cigar. They have the ability to instantly move, hover and disappear. Many cases of their flight at low altitudes and hulls have been recorded. At the same time, not a single scientist or ufologist is ready to declare that UFOs are of purely extraterrestrial origin. On the other hand, all flying objects that have ever been created by human hands: a balloon, an airship, an airplane, a helicopter - have nothing in common with flying disks.

In the twentieth century, unidentified flying objects were practically seen. They were especially often seen over Mexico, the USA and Canada. But ten years before alien ship crashed into the McBrazelle ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, the flying saucer fell in one of the villages of Nazi Germany. Then alien technologies fell into the hands of German engineers, which actually became the basis secret project

V-3, and allowed them to create a prototype flying disc. The USA and the USSR hid this fact behind seven seals for many 70 years.

PLATES OF THE THIRD REICH: HOW IT STARTED. In 1937, when“rose from the ashes” of the old German republic and became a real superpower in the European space, an incredible event occurred: an alien ship crashed in a German village. A team from the Luftwaffe and the German Ministry of Defense collected everything that had survived the accident and sifted the soil in the impact area twice. At that time, the Germans were incredibly lucky. Since 1930, they had been actively working on creating disk-shaped aircraft, but a fallen object significantly advanced them in this direction: the Nazi disk was launched into the sky already in 1938.

At one time, American and Soviet researchers tried to convince society that Nazi Germany could not have possessed such technologies. And the story of the space discovery is nothing more than a fiction to instill fear in nearby enemies. But in 1950, the newspaper Il Mattino dell’Italia Centrale plucked up courage and published an interview with Italian engineer Giuseppe Belluso. The publication claimed that he was one of those who worked on the V-3 project - Hitler's flying saucer. They managed to create an object that was faster than any other known aircraft at that time. It used a special type of engine that allowed the disc to move in the air along any trajectory and perform complex pirouettes.


The prototype of the flying saucer could not be created without the unique engine of Viktor Schaubergen. (It looks like Belluso was right - such a machine existed.) The Austrian scientist from a family of hereditary foresters is known to the world as the author of fundamental ones. He gave humanity new and limitless sources of energy. Many of his discoveries were in demand only after decades, and only because they did not find understanding among his contemporaries of the 20-40s.

One of his scientific discoveries, vortex engine – . The scientist learned its principle of operation from nature, observing the turbulence of water in a river. Thanks to him, the Germans received power plant creating colossal lifting force. They managed to create a flying saucer and conduct a number of successful tests.


The active phase of development of the Belonce project occurred in 1943-1945. Germany at that time suffered greatly from night bombing. German engineers built experimental wheels from steel and aluminum. Steel was too heavy for the bodies of the new aircraft. And aluminum is too soft and not strong enough to withstand internal stresses during the casting process of disc molds. The Germans tried to unravel the formula of the metal from the crashed saucer in 1937, but could not. Frustrated, they created their own version of the alloy from aluminum and magnesium. The metal turned out to be light and durable.

It is assumed that it was Belonce who received power plant Victor Schauberger. Surviving archival documents indicate that the disc-shaped device had incredible technical characteristics: a flight altitude of up to 15 km. horizontal speed – 2,200 km/h. The aircraft instantly picked up speed, performed complex maneuvers and could hover in midair. But the war went on faster than the Germans could technically develop this and other projects of remotely controlled flying saucers. According to eyewitnesses, Belontse was destroyed before Soviet troops took the area where the plant was located.

In 1952, numerous eyewitness reports of flying discs were recorded in the United States. Suddenly the world remembered Hitler's plates. There remains hope that at least one prototype of flying discs has survived time. Or, at least, they were able to recreate it from surviving Nazi documents.

100 great records of aviation and astronautics Zigunenko Stanislav Nikolaevich

"Flying saucers" of the Third Reich

The fact that during the Second World War the Germans worked on disc-shaped aircraft can be considered a proven fact. But were their flights record-breaking? Most experts believe that not a single disk has ever risen into the sky, and everything ended at the prototype stage.

So, let's say, it is known that model No. 1, created by German engineers Schriever and Gibermohl, was tested in February 1941 near Prague. This “saucer” is considered the world’s first vertical take-off aircraft. In design, it resembled a lying bicycle wheel - a wide ring rotated around the cabin, the role of “spokes” in which was played by the blades of a helicopter rotor.

The device brought a lot of problems to the developers. For the slightest imbalance of the “wheel” led to significant vibrations, which was the cause of numerous accidents.

The situation was not saved by model No. 2, which was an improved version of the first. The power of the engines was increased, and an additional steering mechanism, similar to an aircraft one, was introduced for stabilization. They say that this car could reach speeds of up to 1200 km/h, which, of course, was a world record at that time. But this option also had problems with stability.

Model No. 3 of the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger was codenamed “Belonce disk”. It was distinguished primarily by the presence of “smokeless and flameless” engines, which probably worked on the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen and their subsequent explosive reaction.

In winter, on February 19, 1945, the “Belonce disk” seemed to take off, making its first and last flight. In 3 minutes he reached an altitude of 15 km and a speed of 2200 km/h! However, this device of record capabilities was blown up as soon as Soviet troops approached Breslau (now Wroclaw), where the tests were carried out.

However, if this is so, then why did Schauberger, who moved to the West, not resume his record-breaking development after the war? After all, the Americans offered him 3 million dollars - huge money at that time - for just the secret of the engine. But he, they say, refused because he believed that his development would be used exclusively for military purposes, and he had seen enough of the horrors of war...

In fact, most likely the development, if such a thing actually existed, was so imperfect that neither the Germans nor the Americans were able to bring it to fruition...

However, myths about the superpowers of the designers of the Third Reich are tenacious. Just remember the legend about the secret Nazi base in Antarctica, the “flying saucers” from which destroyed the American fleet...

There are also opinions that the designers of the Third Reich advanced so far in their work that their “flying saucers” continue to fly in space to this day, occasionally descending to Earth to replenish fuel, water and food supplies. These visits fuel the myth about the existence of aliens who have long chosen our planet for some kind of global experiments on a universal scale.

They even have a base on the Moon, where the Germans first landed back in 1942 using their large Muthe and Shriver space saucer rockets. These interplanetary ships had 50–60 m in diameter and a dozen compartments to accommodate equipment and crew.

I leave the further development of this legend to your imagination and move on to discussing more realistic projects and records.

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There are many mysteries, theories and assumptions firmly associated with the Third Reich - both frankly fantastic and completely scientifically reliable or at least explainable. "Flying saucers" of the Nazis, bases on the Moon and Antarctica, as well as developments nuclear weapons: Which of this is true, and which is fiction of the yellow press of the nineties?

"Base 211" - a Nazi stronghold in Antarctica

At the beginning of the last century, the so-called “hollow Earth theory” was popular. Its supporters believed that inside our planet there is empty space where organic life can exist. Famous Russian geologist, geographer and writer V.A. Obruchev even wrote a science fiction novel “Plutonia”, where he described a journey into the Earth. The scientist himself, however, had no intention of popularizing views that were not confirmed scientific evidence. He used the “hollow Earth theory” to give the new generation knowledge about the prehistoric past of our planet in an accessible and interesting way (the book’s characters meet representatives of ancient fauna and primitive people).

The ardent followers of this theory believed that people really lived underground, and dreamed of someday meeting the “underground Aryans.” It was claimed that one could get into these dungeons through a system of caves in the Himalayas, Tibet, Pamirs, the Andes, the Carpathians and other mountain formations. The easiest way, in their opinion, this could be done in Antarctica.

Influenced by the “hollow earth theory”, as well as esoteric teachings about ancient civilizations, ice continent The Nazis also became interested. It is known that they actually sent two expeditions to Antarctica - in 1937-1939. One of them was led by Captain Alfred Richter.

Luftwaffe planes accompanying the expedition took aerial photographs of vast Antarctic territories, and dropped several thousand pennants with swastikas in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. In April 1939, Ritscher reported to Goering that about 9 thousand square meters of Antarctica were covered with pennants, and 350 thousand square meters had been photographed. The part of the territory where the pennants fell was called New Swabia and was declared part of the future thousand-year Reich.

It is alleged that after the end of World War II, the Allies received certain documents indicating that German submariners managed to discover in Antarctica a system of interconnected caves with warm air. Allegedly, the Nazis called them “paradise.” There is no direct evidence of this, but it is very likely that there were some attempts by the Germans to build fortifications in New Swabia. For example, in 1943, Admiral Karl Dönitz stated:

“The German submarine fleet is proud to have created Shangri La, an impregnable fortress, for the Fuhrer on the other side of the world.”

Proponents of the theory of the existence of a Nazi base in Antarctica suggest that cargo for construction was transported by submarines from the Fuhrer Convoy, which included 35 submarines. There are unconfirmed reports that two aircraft-carrying cruisers, including the Schwabenland, took part in the operation. They also say that at the beginning of 1942 in New Swabia began to transfer Ahnenerbe specialists, scientists and selected members of the Hitler Youth - carriers of the “Aryan gene pool”. It is also alleged that at the very end of the war, in the port of Kiel, several submarines were removed from their torpedo armament due to the fact that they were strictly prohibited from engaging in combat while sailing. To top it off, they were loaded with containers of unknown cargo and received mysterious passengers whose faces were hidden by surgical bandages (presumably due to plastic surgery). There were reports in the press that at least 100 submarines were busy transporting people to Antarctica.

It is believed that the mysterious passengers of the submarines were not only privileged Nazis, but also concentration camp prisoners who were supposed to carry out the construction of underground bastions. Obviously, others were brought in to replace those who could not stand the hard work in the harsh climate. As a result, none of them, apparently, survived, since not a single witness to the grandiose construction remained.

There is a hypothesis according to which Hitler and Eva Braun managed to stay alive, and the version of their rescue is the use of one of these submarines, on which the Fuhrer and his girlfriend, as well as many other mysteriously disappeared leaders of the Reich, were taken to Antarctica. In January 1948, the Chilean magazine Zig-Zag even published an article in which it was reported that on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart took Hitler on board his plane and delivered him to the deserted coast of Norway. There, the Fuhrer allegedly boarded a submarine, which headed for Antarctica.

Most often, the underground Nazi shelter in Antarctica appears under the code name “Base 211”. Over time, it gradually grew to the size of a huge underground city New Berlin with a population of about two million people. Supporters of the existence of this object believe that it exists in our time. It is even claimed that its inhabitants are engaged in space flights and genetic engineering. There is an opinion that at the end of the war the Nazis created interplanetary aircraft capable of reaching the Moon and other objects of the solar system.

The large-scale American expedition “High Jump” (1946-1947) under the command of polar explorer Richard Evelyn Byrd is used as confirmation of the Germans’ success in the field of creating a new generation of aircraft. This expedition included 14 ships, as well as 25 aircraft and carrier-based helicopters. The number of participants exceeded 4000 people. The main goal of this expedition, as stated by the authors of numerous publications, was the elimination of the Nazi “Base 211” and German submarines based off the coast of Queen Maud Land. But something strange happened - at the end of February 1947, the expedition hastily left Antarctica. According to the official version, the reason was the completion of all assigned tasks. However, supporters of the hypothesis of the existence of “Base 211” argue that the American landing force sent ashore to eliminate the German base was destroyed and the ships were bombed from the air. One of the destroyers was sunk, 9 aircraft were destroyed, and Baird was forced to enter into negotiations with the Germans and accept their terms.

This story has a seemingly unshakable basis - an interview given to the press by Admiral Byrd himself. In it, he said that he was very concerned that the flying ships he saw in Antarctica could attack the United States. He cited certain discoveries that “are of great importance for the security of the United States” as the reason for curtailing the expedition. The press seized on this sensation, which periodically appears in the modern press. Meanwhile, fellow journalists, as a rule, omit one very important detail in this whole story: after the completion of the expedition, Admiral Byrd ended up in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent five long years. This is generally considered to be the result of shock from what he saw, but the researcher’s mental problems were discovered during the second American expedition of 1933-1935. Byrd, then a rear admiral, spent the winter of 1934 alone at the Bowling Advance Base weather station. Staying in polar night conditions with temperatures of minus 50-60 degrees and faulty heating greatly undermined his health. It is noted that during the evacuation he was found to have carbon monoxide poisoning and mental disorders.

Over time, the story of “Base 211” acquired more and more fantastic details. The admiral's widow, referring to her husband's logbook, reported that Baird came into contact with a highly developed civilization that had mastered new types of energy and with their help received food, lighting and fuel for aircraft. According to the woman, residents of Antarctica tried to make contact with the Americans, but were attacked.

Then even more shocking information appeared - allegedly, Admiral Byrd met with a representative of the German Antarctic base, who conveyed demands to the US government to stop nuclear tests threatening the well-being of the settlers. Later, the admiral met with the leadership of the base and signed an agreement on peaceful coexistence and the exchange of American raw materials in exchange for German advanced technologies...

Despite the fact that the existence of a German base in Antarctica is questioned, it can be assumed that there were attempts to create one. It is known that during the war the Germans managed to build a jump airfield in the Arctic and, based there, shot down planes ferrying from the USSR to the USA. The remains of this airfield were discovered only in the 1970s.

Nowadays, the Russian polar stations “Molodezhnaya” and “Novolazarevskaya”, as well as the Japanese “Mizuho”, South African “Sanae” and others operate on the territory allegedly occupied by the Nazis. It is difficult to imagine that the mysterious “Base 211” itself, or at least traces of its presence, have not yet been discovered by polar explorers. The “settlers” themselves, having the ascribed to them powerful weapon, would hardly have tolerated the presence of strangers in New Swabia.

Nazis on the Moon

In 2012, two films on the theme of myths about the Third Reich were released worldwide - the American “Nazis at the Center of the Earth” and the European “Iron Sky”. The first exploits the myth of the German base in Antarctica, the second talks about “ space program Nazis" and their lunar settlement. The American film, judging by its quality, was put together hastily and with minimal investment, and therefore it did not gain much success. The joint work of Finland, Germany and Australia, according to many critics, became a real masterpiece of political satire, alas, not recognized by the general public.

We, of course, mentioned this film in the article for a reason - it is based on another popular myth associated with the Nazis. We are, of course, talking about the “German space program”.

A few months after the crash Berlin Wall A sensational message appeared in the Western press - allegedly, one former resident of the GDR, who served in the Luftwaffe, declared that he was the first cosmonaut in history. According to him, in 1943 he took a rocket into space. The piquancy of this story was given by the fact that in his native GDR, the “cosmonaut”, after his confession, was immediately placed in a psychiatric clinic, from where he was not released for a long time.

The story has been discussed in the media for some time mass media, after which, of course, they happily forgot. But the “German space exploration program” itself was popular for a long time, and periodically materials on this topic still appear. For example, there is a version that, under the leadership of Wernher von Braun, back in 1945, a rocket capable of reaching New York was created. A person had to control this rocket. It is believed that at least one such flight took place.

Other interesting stories they say that during World War II, German cosmonauts not only went into orbit, but were also able to visit the Moon - two decades before the Americans. There was also an explanation for the “saucer boom” of the late 40s: it was believed (and some still believe) that UFOs are spaceships of the surviving Nazis, which are based not only on the “Base 211” described above in Antarctica, but also on the dark side of the Moon.

And just a few years ago, pictures taken by the Cassiopeia space probe from that same dark side our companion. The photo shows a swastika-shaped structure in Schrödinger Crater near the Moon's south polar region. The photographs immediately aroused conspiracy theorists, who announced that they had finally received documentary evidence that the Nazis had conquered the Moon back in 1945.

The official NASA report, according to which the mysterious image appeared due to interference from a weather balloon between the satellite and Cassiopeia, was, of course, immediately declared “indistinct.”

The casket actually opened simply: at the beginning of 2010, Jarmo Puskala, marketing director of the Iron Sky film project, created a sensational photograph in just 15 minutes using a graphics editor, after which he posted it on one of the sites dedicated to conspiracy theories. In just a week, the photo gained sensational popularity, Puskala admitted to being the author of the “duck,” but it was too late. The photograph still circulates on the Internet as if it were genuine, despite the confession of the Finn’s joker and the fact that all this was intended for one of the episodes of the film we have already mentioned. The NASA report, called "muddy", was also originally a fabricated canard.

"Flying saucers" of the Third Reich

In the late 80s - early 90s, publications about “secret developments of the Nazis” often began to appear in the domestic press, equipped with suspiciously clear photographs of “flying saucers” with German crosses on the sides.

It was reported that work on flying discs began in 1941. They were handled by four designers: the Germans Schriever, Habermohl, Mithe and the Italian Bellonzo. Schriever and Habermohl worked in Prague, where they tested their brainchild - a “flying saucer” with a diameter of about 68 meters. The test took place on February 14, 1945. The device reached an altitude of more than 12 kilometers in just three minutes and reached a speed of over 2000 km/h in horizontal flight. already before the attack Soviet troops the prototype “plate” was destroyed. The third designer, Mithe, worked in Breslau (Wroclaw), testing a 42-meter jet-powered disk.

Different sources provide contradictory information, to put it mildly. For example, it is reported that the first “flying saucer” was built by Schriever and Habermohl back in 1940, and the 68-meter disk was created by Bellonzo together with the Austrian engineer Schauberger. All that is known about the engine, “smokeless and flameless,” is that “the principle of its operation was based on an explosion, and during operation it consumed only water and air.” Schauberger, who moved to the United States, was allegedly offered three million dollars by the Americans for the secret of the flying disc, but he allegedly showed integrity and refused to do so until the signing of an “international agreement on complete disarmament.”

However, a number of serious military experts, for example, G. Mielke, and even the recognized authority Professor Oberth, who ended up in the USA after the war with Wernher von Braun. We are, however, talking about a device of more modest size, equipped with a screw engine, which in turn was driven by a conventional piston motor. “Saucers” with a diameter of almost 70 meters, reaching speeds of over 1000 km/h, obviously should be classified as fiction or at least an exaggeration.

According to experts, to achieve such a speed, a seventy-meter “saucer” would require an engine with a power of over 100 thousand hp. - of course, reactive. All turbojet engines of those years (no matter whether English, German or Soviet) had power of the order of several hundred hp. Therefore, an engine that consumes only “air and water” and has such monstrous power, of course, could hardly have been created in those days.

So “flying saucers” with crosses and swastikas on their sides can also be safely relegated to the category of tales for the yellow press.

"Underground boat" and other developments

Perhaps it’s worth saying a few words about the projects that German specialists actually worked on during the Third Reich.

For example, the Nazis had a project for a real underground train. The Midgard Serpent, capable of moving underwater, on land and underground, was supposed to drill through the earth's thickness, detect and destroy the enemy's secret underground bunkers, lay mines under enemy fortifications and land troops.

The length of the car was 7 meters, their number varied depending on the task and could reach several dozen. The project provided for the presence of a camp kitchen (a kind of “dining car”), periscopes, a radio station, repair shops and bedrooms for staff. The air was planned to be stored in compressed cylinders. It was assumed that the speed of the train (or “subterrine”, underground boat) through soft ground should have been 10 km/h, through hard rock - 2 km/h, on the surface of the earth - 30 km/h. The project itself dates back to 1934; in 1935 it was accepted for consideration and... rejected due to the “lack of sufficient quantity calculation data".

The above-mentioned Hermann Oberth seriously thought about creating space weapons capable of burning cities and evaporating water bodies. It was planned to build a huge mirror in Earth's orbit - a project worth 3 million marks was to be implemented within 15 years. Initially, the purpose of the space mirror was not to destroy the enemy, but to provide people with sunlight on demand anywhere in the world.

Despite the fact that the implementation of this project was obviously difficult, the Nazis seriously envisaged the creation of such a mirror. The altitude at which construction was planned to begin was 22,236 km above the Earth's surface. The object was supposed to be controlled by a manned space station, which could move it to the required point.

And we will end our story, perhaps, with projects of super-heavy tanks, the dimensions of which simply amaze the imagination. We are talking about the so-called P1000 Ratte (“Rat”) and P1500 Monster. These were supposed to be real mobile fortresses on tracks, weighing 1000 and 1500 tons, respectively (for comparison, the Tiger tank weighed only 60 tons). The crew of the “Rat” was supposed to consist of 20 people, the “Monster” would have needed much more - about a hundred.

Shells for the “Monster” had to be transported by truck and supplied on board by cranes. Upon closer examination, both of these projects were rejected, since for all their threatening appearance, such vehicles would be too vulnerable to air attacks and anti-tank mines.


Of course, conspiracy theories about the “first German cosmonaut”, a military base in Antarctica and a settlement on the Moon will be popular for a long time, despite all the counterarguments. People are always interested in sensations, but it’s a pity that truly interesting facts pale in comparison to outright fiction.

For example, the Germans had their own nuclear program - in 1939-1945. The Nazis were actually developing nuclear weapons. Fortunately for all mankind, they ultimately failed in this field. Otherwise, reality would be much worse than the fantastic “Base 211” and “flying saucers” with crosses on their sides.