Smolensk Institute of Cooperation. Smolensk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation

All-Russian competition for young professionals Kontur. Start! Students of the Smolensk branch Russian University cooperations annually participate in All-Russian competition young professionals...

Career guidance meeting with students of the Bryansk Cooperative College In early February, as part of a visit to exchange experiences and best practices in cooperative cooperation, a meeting was held...

On-site master class 03/03/2020 Youth orientation towards higher education and its priorities A career guidance visit took place to the municipal budget educational institution Koshchinskaya...

On-site master class How to use a personal brand on the Internet For 11th grade students of the Bogoroditskaya Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution high school Smolensk region...

Visiting master class Youth orientation towards higher education and its priorities Teaching staff of the Department of Economics and Management Kramlich O.Yu., Sazonova E.A. and a 4th year student majoring...

On February 13, 2020, a chess tournament between students and teachers was held at the Smolensk branch of the Russian Cooperation University. The purpose of the tournament is to develop chess as...

On February 05, 2020, a scientific master class event was held at the Smolensk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation under the leadership of Magnit store manager Natalya Viktorovna Zakharkina....

January 30, 2020 at the Smolensk Regional Universal scientific library named after A.T. Tvardovsky hosted a thematic exhibition: Youth orientation towards higher education and its priorities...

January 28, 2020 at the Smolensk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A.T. Tvardovsky held a literary hour on the Personality and Fate of A.S. Griboyedov, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of...

As part of the implementation of scientific methodological work, was held methodological seminar on the topic Application of modeling methods in research activities students. The seminar was held...

Russian University of Cooperation today is the main educational and scientific center of the Russian cooperative education system; it has rich traditions and many years of experience in training personnel. Founder of the university - Centrosoyuz Russian Federation.

The Russian University of Cooperation has the right to implement educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational, higher education, programs vocational training, as well as under additional programs vocational education And additional education children and adults and the issuance of educational documents established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science to graduates who have confirmed their final certification development of relevant educational program.

Our university traditionally occupies high positions in the ranking of Moscow universities. Modern lecture halls and specialized laboratories, computer classes and language laboratories, classrooms equipped with interactive equipment provide creative work. The fund of educational, scientific, fiction libraries. Winter garden, dormitory, dining room, sports complex, youth Cultural Center constantly work for undergraduates, graduate students, and teachers.

Tens of thousands of students are currently studying at the university and its branches. The regional network of the Russian University of Cooperation includes branches from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, including Cheboksary, Saransk, Volga Region, Volgograd, Kazan, Krasnodar, Bashkir cooperative institutes (branches).

The university has an effective system continuing education, which includes pre-university education, secondary vocational, higher education, including the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, as well as doctoral studies, advanced training and professional retraining specialists.

A high level of professional training allows university graduates to find application for their knowledge and abilities in a variety of areas National economy, government agencies, municipal government, cooperatives, joint-stock companies, financial structures.

In accordance with the rating of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the university is included in the top ten economic universities Russia. The Russian University of Cooperation is included in the register of the collection “Federal Directory. Education in Russia".

We invite you to take part in our educational, scientific, youth, including international, projects and programs.

Smolensk branch Russian University of Cooperation today- these are strong and authoritative scientific schools that provide training for certified specialists not only for enterprises in Russia, but also near and far abroad.

Highly qualified teaching staff ensures that the educational process with students is carried out at a modern scientific and methodological level. Today, the branch employs more than 70 teachers, of which more than 73% have academic degree, and 22% doctor of sciences and the title of professor. Many teachers were awarded honorary titles and became laureates of various prizes for their scientific developments.

Currently, about 2,000 students and trainees are studying at the branch.

The university develops and implements new educational technologies. They take into account the requirements of fundamental international and national standards, reflect the best global trends in the field of new technologies and forms of education, methods of managing educational activities and the quality of the learning process.

Historical information about the Smolensk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation

The Smolensk branch of the Russian University of Cooperation was opened on the basis of the resolution of the Central Union of the Russian Federation dated January 17, 2001 No. 16-P and the order of Moscow University consumer cooperation dated No. 74-O dated 04/21/2001

In 2002, the branch received a license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher professional education No. 24G-1707 dated February 18, 2002, issued by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. In 2006, in connection with the reorganization of the university, the license for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher and postgraduate education was replaced by a series A license No. 165352 dated February 28, 2006, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for a period of February 18. 2007

Educational activities in the branch have been carried out since 2002. full-time training and since 2003 full-time. The branch trains specialists highly qualified for consumer cooperation, commercial and non-profit structures of the region and the Republic of Belarus.

In February 2007, the Smolensk branch was re-licensed and increased the maximum number of students to 360 full-time students (License series A No. 227799 dated 02.12.07). In 2007, the branch passed certification and accreditation (Order No. 1304 of 05/04/2007) in four educational programs: 080109.65 “Accounting, analysis and audit”; 080502.65 “Economics and management at an enterprise (trade and catering)"; 080401.65 “Commodity research and examination of goods; 080301.65 “Commerce (trading business).” In July 2008, the branch successfully passed state accreditation of the educational program 080801.65 " Applied Informatics(in economics)" (order No. 1601 of July 21, 2008).

In 2009, a new specialty 230201.65 “Information Systems and Technologies” was opened in the branch; 4 areas of training were also licensed: 080100.62 “Economics”, 080300.62 “Commerce”, 080500.62 “Management”, 080800.62 “Applied Informatics”.

Currently, the branch implements the following specialties and areas:

35.05.02 "Customs"

38.03.01 "Economy"

38.03.02 "Management"

38.03.06 "Trading business"

38.03.07" Commodity Science"

27.03.02 "Quality control"

43.03.01 "Service"

09.03.02 "Information systems and technologies"

03/09/03 " Applied Informatics"

In 2013, the branch was accredited for a period of six years (Certificate of state accreditation series 90A01 No. 0000885 dated November 11, 2013).