Will test tests. Moral and ethical ideas of students and coping strategies4

Individual test psychological task No. 4 "Will"

100 tests for the head. Part 1 Kiev, 1990, p. 61-64

Task: Reply to the proposed questions as one of the following options: "Yes" - 2 points; "Happens" - 1 point; "No" - 0 points.

1. Are you able to complete the uninteresting work if you can temporarily postpone it?

2. Do you overcome without much effort internal resistance, making something unpleasant?

3. Will you take yourself in hand, hitting conflict situation?

4. Can you overcome culinary temptations if a diet is prescribed?

5. Do you find the strength to get up earlier than was scheduled on the day before?

6. Will you (voluntarily) remain at the scene to give testimony?

7. Do you quickly answer letters?

8. Are you able to overcome fear and not change the intention to fly on the plane or visit the dentist?

9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine?

10. Do you determine this sorry promise if his execution will bring you a lot of trouble (are you a person's person)?

11. Do you go to an unfamiliar city without oscillations?

12. Do you stick the routine of the day?

13. Are you disapprovingly to library gibbons?

14. Do you make you postpone the fulfillment of a complex and important work of an interesting TV show?

15. Will you be able to silence in a quarrel, whatever the words "Nasty side" do not seem like?

Calculate the total amount of points!

Decoding test

Individual task number 4 - "Will"

Check yourself over the amount of points typed:

0-12 points - with the power of Will you do not matter (your life principle is "What do I need more than all?"). We must seriously engage in your will!

13-21 Clear - the willower of the will is medium with you (you begin to act only when there is a real difficulty, but if there is a search - you will use it and do not take it over). Will need to train!

22-30 points - with the power of will, you are all in order (but you need to have more and flexibility, and indulgence, and kindness).

1) direct predensive experience life sense phenomena and situations caused by the attitude of their objective properties to the needs of the subject is. . . A) emotions b) the personal meaning of the situation c) feelings d) thinking 2) experiences arise and change due to changes occurring in environment or the body is. . . Emotion function. A) regulating b) signal c) communicative d) interfering

3) V.. . Emotion theories The degree of emotional voltage is determined by the need and deficit of the information necessary to meet this need. A) cognitive dissonance b) biological c) information d) peripheral 4) according to the theory. . . It's fun to man because he smiles. A) cognitive dissonance b) biological c) information d) peripheral

5) According to the theory. . . Positive emotional experience occurs when real results Activities are expected, and negative - when they do not match. A) cognitive dissonance b) biological c) information d) peripheral 6) the basis of the separation of emotions on the lunatic and asthenic is (in). . . A) needs b) mobilization of organism resources c) power and duration of manifestations d) sign

7) the criterion for the separation of emotions to the lower and higher is (by). . . A) the strength and duration of manifestations b) mobilization of the body's resources c) needs d) sign 8) a strong, persistent, long feeling that captures a person and owns them, called. . . A) feeling b) affect in) mood d) passion

9) Strong emotional condition An explosive nature that affects the entire personally characterized by a rapid flow, a change in consciousness and a violation of volitional control, is. . . A) affect b) passion c) frustration d) stress 10) the state of a person caused by insurmountable difficulties arising from the goal to achieving the goal is defined as. . . A) affect b) passion c) frustration d) stress

11) The longest emotional state, staining all human behavior is called. . . A) affect b) passion c) frustration d) stress D) mood 12) Estressing the satisfaction of the need for something is called. . . A) joy b) interest in) surprise d) bewilderment

13) The experience of its own inability to be at the height of the requirements that a person imposes to itself, the experience of dissatisfaction with itself is. . . A) grief b) shame c) anger d) fear 14) will -. . . Regulation by the person of his behavior associated with overcoming the internal and external obstacles. A) intuitive b) unconscious c) conscious d) involuntary

15) To describe the volitional processes, use (s) parameter (s). . . A) Only the force and orientation b) only focus c) only focus and freedom d) force, focus and freedom 16) The ability of a person to a long and non-boiled energy voltage, the steady movement to the intended purpose is manifested as. . . A) perseverance b) consciousness c) optimism d) hardworking

17) the possibility of a person to identify his actions on the basis of his beliefs, knowledge, and not the pressure of others, characterizes it. . . A) self-confidence b) principle in) consciousness d) perseverance

There is no man in the world, whose life would be smooth. At some point, the ups are happening, and sometimes there are awaits. White and black stripes replace each other, regardless of our desires. And there are such moments when just hands are lowered. It was then that it will take everyone that helps us consciously manage acts and actions, abandon the momentary benefits and pleasures in order to achieve more significant results.

What is the power of will?

  1. This is one of the fundamental features of a business person. Many believe that the power of the will is character. Over this indicator, everyone should work constantly.
  2. Each person is eating the power, but not all use it and strive to develop. So, when a person is trying to quit smoking or then without citing these goals, he believes that he has no willpower. But in fact, everyone is able to force himself to do something right and useful.
  3. If a person wants to achieve heights in his life, create a career, it is simply necessary to develop the power of the will.

Recently, scientists have shown that the power of the will is a completely measurable resource. It is depleted during use. When we eat certain products - increases. And it can be met. Passing the power test, you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Surely, in my life you have to pass more than one test, but this will help you become more confident, think about how you live, how do you feel about yourself. Do not waste time in vain, pass the test self-esteem for the power of the will.

So, let's begin. Before you, the test for the definition of the power of the will. It has fifteen questions. You can answer "yes", for which you get two points, "happens" - one point, "no" - 0 points. For every answer immediately put the scores depending on how you answered.

The text of the questionnaire

  1. Is it able to complete the work started, which is not interesting for you, no matter what time and circumstances allow you to take off from it and then go back to it again?
  2. Have you overcome without much effort internal resistance when you needed to do something unpleasant (for example, go to duty on a weekend)?
  3. When you fall into a conflict situation at work or in everyday life, is you able to take yourself in your hands to look at her with maximum objectivity?
  4. If a diet is prescribed to you, can all the culinary temptations be overcome?
  5. Do you find the power in the morning to get up before usual, as was planned in the evening?
  6. Will there be at the scene to give testimony?
  7. Are answering letters fast?
  8. If you have a fear of the upcoming flight on an airplane or a visit to the dental office, will it be able to overcome this feeling without much difficulty and at the last moment not to change your intention?
  9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that a doctor recommended you?
  10. Do you determine the promise, even if its execution brings you a lot of trouble? Are you a word of the word?
  11. Without oscillations, do you go on a trip to an unfamiliar city, if necessary? 12. Strictly whether the routine of the day is strictly: the time of awakening, eating, classes, cleaning and other affairs?
  12. Are we refresan to library gibbons?
  13. The most interesting TV show will not make you postpone the fulfillment of urgent and important work? Is it so?
  14. Can you interrupt the quarrel and silence, whatever the words of the opposite side seemed to you?

If your indicator from zero to twelve, then you have a rather weak willower. You like to do what is easier and more interesting, so you are not trying to show the power of the will and do something necessary by your desires. You feel about the duties of the sleeves, and very often it becomes the main reason for various troubles that happen to you.

In the event that an indicator of thirteen to twenty-one, the result is your own power of the Will. As soon as obstacles appear on your path, you start overcoming it. But in the event that this obstacle can be circumvented, you do it. With unpleasant work you will handle, although reluctant. In general, according to the good will, you will not take extra obligations.

Your result from twenty-two to thirty? This means you can congratulate you - you have big power Will. You can go into intelligence - you will not let go. You are not afraid of new orders, as well as cases and tasks that others will seem difficult and insurmountable.

Passing the test for the power of will, you decide for yourself what to do next. If you have quite low indicators - it does not matter. The main thing is that you have already taken the first step towards the journey above.

There are special techniques that train the power of will.

Never postpone important decisions for the evening - at this time your power will have already managed to exhausted day care. It is best to do everything in the morning after you have breakfast.

This technique according to the procedure of its application is similar to the previous one: it also also needs to choose the most suitable for each of the following judgment.

1. Do you often think about what impact your deeds are on the surrounding people:

a) very rarely;

c) often enough;

d) very often.

2. Do you have to tell people anything that you yourself do not believe, but approve from stubbornness, on the other:

a) yes, b) no.

3. Which of the following qualities you most appreciate in people:

a) perseverance,

b) width of thinking,

c) skill show yourself.

4. Do you have a tendency to pedanthide:

a) yes, b) no.

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you:

a) yes, b) no.

6. Do you like to analyze your actions:

a) yes, b) no.

7. Being among people, well-known people, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of the behavior adopted in this circle;

b) Strive to remain ourselves.

8. Getting started to fulfill a difficult task, do you try not to think about waiting for you to problems:

a) yes, b) no.

9. Which of the following features are most suitable for you:

a) dreamer,

b) "Rubaha guy",

c) died in work

d) punctural and accurate,

e) loves philosophy

e) fussy.

10. When discussing one or another question, you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority;

b) you think that in this situation it is best to silent and not express your point of view;

c) externally support most, internally remaining in their opinion;

d) Take the point of view of others by refusing the right to have their own opinion.

11. What feeling you usually cause an unexpected challenge to the head:

a) irritation

b) alarm,

c) concern

d) no feeling causes.

12. If your opponent breaks up in the heat of the controversy and allows for personal deposition against you, then you:

a) answer him the same

b) do not pay attention to it,

c) demonstratively insult

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down.

13. If your work was rejected, then you:

a) are annoyed,

b) feel the feeling of shame

c) angry.

14. If you suddenly come to see, whom we blame in this first:

a) himself;

b) fate, bad luck,

c) objective circumstances.

15. Do not you think that people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge:

a) yes, b) no.

16. If friends or colleagues begin to undergo, then you:
a) are angry with them;

c) they themselves turn into the game and start playing them, filling over them;

d) Doing indifferent look, but in the shower there are no means.

17. If you are very hurrying and suddenly do not find our thing in the usual place, where you usually put it, then:

a) you will be silently to continue its search;

b) you will search, accusing others in disorder;

c) leave, leaving necessary thing at home.

18. What, most likely, will bring you out of equilibrium:

a) a long queue in a reception room from some official to which you need to urgently get;

b) tasty in public transport;

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue.

19. Having finished the dispute with someone, whether you keep it mentally, leading all the new arguments in defense of your point of view:

a) yes, b) no.

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant to fulfill the urgent work, then whom from the following possible candidates for assistants you will prefer:

a) executive, but a misintermetative person;

b) a person who knows the case, but a disputes and an inconspicuous;

c) a gifted man, but with Lenza.

Assessment of results

The table indicates how many points in this technique can get a test for a particular response.

Sequence number of judgment

Sequence number of judgment

Will Power Test

Name _______________ Surname ________________ Paul ______



Instruction: You are invited to answer 20 questions by choosing one of the answer options. Do not think long over the answer.

Questionnaire test:

1. Do you often think about what impact your deeds are on the surrounding people:

a) very rarely;

c) often enough;

d) very often.

2. Do you have to tell people anything that you yourself do not believe, but approve from stubbornness, on the other:

a) yes, b) no.

3. Which of the following qualities you most appreciate in people:

a) perseverance,

b) width of thinking,

c) skill show yourself.

4. Do you have a tendency to pedanthide:

a) yes, b) no.

5. Do you quickly forget about the troubles that happen to you:

a) yes, b) no.

6. Do you like to analyze your actions:

a) yes, b) no.

7. Being among people, well-known people, you:

a) try to adhere to the rules of the behavior adopted in this circle;

b) Strive to remain ourselves.

8. Getting started to fulfill a difficult task, do you try not to think about waiting for you to problems:

a) yes, b) no.

9. Which of the following features are most suitable for you:

a) dreamer,

b) "Rubaha guy",

c) died in work

d) punctural and accurate,

e) loves philosophy

e) fussy.

10. When discussing one or another question, you:

a) always express your point of view, even if it differs from the opinion of the majority;

b) you think that in this situation it is best to silent and not express your point of view;

c) externally support most, internally remaining in their opinion;

d) Take the point of view of others by refusing the right to have their own opinion.

11. What feeling you usually cause an unexpected challenge to the head:

a) irritation

b) alarm,

c) concern

d) no feeling causes.

12. If your opponent breaks up in the heat of the controversy and allows for personal deposition against you, then you:

a) answer him the same

b) do not pay attention to it,

c) demonstratively insult

d) interrupt the conversation with him to calm down.

13. If your work was rejected, then you:

a) are annoyed,

b) feel the feeling of shame

c) angry.

14. If you suddenly come to see, whom we blame in this first:

a) himself;

b) fate, bad luck,

c) objective circumstances.

15. Do not you think that people around you underestimate your abilities and knowledge:

a) yes, b) no.

16. If friends or colleagues begin to teach you, then you: a) are angry with them;

c) they themselves turn into the game and start playing them, filling over them;

d) Doing indifferent look, but in the shower there are no means.

17. If you are very hurrying and suddenly do not find our thing in the usual place, where you usually put it, then:

a) you will be silently to continue its search;

b) you will search, accusing others in disorder;

c) leave, leaving the right thing at home.

18. What, most likely, will bring you out of equilibrium:

a) a long queue in a reception room from some official to which you need to urgently get;

b) tasty in public transport;

c) the need to come to the same place several times in a row on the same issue.

19. Having finished the dispute with someone, whether you keep it mentally, leading all the new arguments in defense of your point of view:

a) yes, b) no.

20. If you have the opportunity to choose an assistant to fulfill the urgent work, then whom from the following possible candidates for assistants you will prefer:

a) executive, but a misintermetative person;

b) a person who knows the case, but a disputes and an inconspicuous;

c) a gifted man, but with Lenza.

Assessment of results

The table indicates how many points in this technique can get a test for a particular response.

Sequence number of judgment

Sequence number of judgment

If the amount of scored points 14 and lessthis man is considered a man with a weak will.

With the amount of points from 15 to 25the nature and will of a person is considered quite solid, and the acts are mainly realistic and weighted.

With the total amount of points from 26 to 38the character of a person and his will is considered very hard, and his behavior in most cases is rather responsible. True, the risk of hobbies by the power of will with the aim of self-esteem.

With the amount of points above 38.the will and character of a person are considered close to ideal, but sometimes there are doubts whether a person appreciated himself and objectively and objectively.