Types of communication in sentences. Types of communication in sentences


Checked unstressed vowels in the root of the word


Since ancient times, people have noticed the shape of clouds, the color of the sky, and how plants and animals behave. You can’t count such signs! The sun sets in the clouds - to the rain. Reddened sunset - by evening. Grasshoppers chirp - the day will be fine. Mice will settle under a shock - by a dry autumn. Hens molt in September - the winter will be warm. (According to M. Krivich.)

(53 words.)

We still do not notice anything, and many animals already feel the change in the weather and change their behavior. How to explain the surprise

deep intuition? Before the rain, the air is humidified. At midges, the wings get wet and become heavy - you can’t fly far. Therefore, swallows, swifts and other birds fly low, near the ground. Fish splash on the surface. (According to M. Krivich.)

(50 words)

The wind dispersed the clouds and the stars sparkled. It was cold to stand, but I did not want to go home. Suddenly, a bright star broke from above and, leaving a fiery tail behind it, rushed to the ground. I stared up at the black sky and stared for a long time until my eyes lit up. But the stars didn't fall anymore. (V. Stepanenko.)

(47 words)

Unchecked spellings of vowels and consonants

Magnificent urema surrounded us and struck us with amazing beauty. Bird cherry covered with darkened berries; bunches of mountain ash and viburnum began to turn red; blackcurrant bushes spread an aromatic smell in the air; lithe stalks of blackberries curled around everything they touched. (According to S. T. Aksakov.)

(36 words)

Adelaide Fyodorovna dreamed of all sorts of confusion. And Vovka? Vovka saw that a huge steamer had entered the bright meadow river from the ocean. It had a massive black hull, shiny portholes, multi-storey white superstructures and yellow masts. The steamer filled the river from shore to shore. He moved slowly and silently. Its sides hung over the sunny grasses. Large daisies affectionately touched the sides with their petals. (According to V. Krapivin.)

(58 words)

He (Pushkin) was amazed by the sounds. The music was in ordinary words. To extract it, it was necessary to hit the words against each other, then they began to sound like a melody: “willow branches”, “the forest turned gray”, “the daylight went out” ... He sat and listened to the words. They shot up like fireworks and scattered like stars in the darkness. (According to Yu. Tynyanov.)

(45 words)

Vowel alternation at the root of a word

You are beautiful, wonderful land! Your rivers are full of water between the branches of the Ural Mountains... All breeds of trout live in fast spring streams, soon disappearing when a person begins to touch with his unclean hands the virgin streams of their cool dwellings. Your fat, luxurious meadows and fields shine with wonderful vegetation ... (According to S. T. Aksakov.)

(43 words.)

The rain gathered for a long time somewhere in the darkness and poured immediately. The narrow streets instantly turned into puddles. Water was pouring into the windows of the trolleybuses, but I did not close my window. At the crossroads, a guy, wet to the skin, jumped into the car with a dog in his hands. The guy put the dog on his knees and began to wipe his furry muzzle. The dog fought back from the handkerchief, whined, yawned and tore his pink mouth up to his ears. Then he calmed down and gleamed his eyes from under the wool hanging over them. (According to N. Shmelev.)

(73 words.)

Checked voiced and voiceless consonants in the root of the word

Autumn, clear, slightly frosty day, when the birch, as if in a fairy tale, all golden, is beautifully drawn in the pale blue sky, when the low sun no longer warms, but shines brighter than summer, a small aspen grove sparkles through, as if it is fun and easy for her to stand naked, frost still whitens at the bottom of the valleys, and a fresh wind drives the fallen warped leaves ... (According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(53 words.)

I run across, barefoot, to the window, jump onto a cold chair, and I am bathed in a glow of green, blue ice. Its mountains are all around, to the roofs of the sheds, to the very well... And gray-winged doves on it: they have nowhere to go! In the shade it is blue and snowy, leaden. And in the sun - green, bright. The sharp edges of its blocks shoot arrows in the eyes like sparks. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(56 words)

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word

The move was multifaceted. A wonderful road went through a sparse forest, beautiful groves could be seen all around ... We stopped near a Chuvash village to buy oats and food supplies. The view from there was very good on the whole picturesque surroundings of the Karmalka River. But I was not up to the views! My dreams of fishing in the evening scattered like smoke. When my mother looked at me, she felt the impossibility of making me unhappy. I begged her not in vain, but her permission was stern and joyless. (According to S. T. Aksakov.)

(73 words.)

I sneak into the kitchen. The wide furnace is burning. What smells! It smells of various dishes: meat pies, cabbage soup with pork, goose and piglet with porridge - after fasting it is so sweet. These are the thick smells of Christmas, homemade. In the ice-floes of the sparkling windows, the sun stomps sharply. And everything is festive: there are new bast mats on the floor, the pine floor shines, the ceiling and walls are whitewashed. Hot, light and tasty. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(57 words)

Letters o-e after hissing and c

The crackling of wooden rattles, the staccato human voices, drum rolls, the crackling of branches and the shrill sounds of horns drowned out the rustle of the breeze in the treetops. (R. Shtilmark.)

(19 words)

The frozen door creaks, and a man who is called "the padded master" enters. He is dressed in a summer coat, so narrow that it is bursting between the buttons, and you can see the cotton shirt underneath. The coat is greasy and shiny. On his head is a cap with a red band, with a torn visor. Dance shoes on feet. They are thin, and you can see the ridges of the fingers, how they fidget from the cold. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(56 words)

On the woman's lap is a boy, in a coat with anchors, in a gray cap with ears, in knitted red mittens. There are pink streaks of dirt on his cheeks, a steaming pie in his hand. The cook, Marya, touches his wet nose, looks pitifully like that, and gives him a chicken foot. And the pale woman, who for some reason is crying, sticks her paw into his pocket. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(52 words.)

Use b and b

And then you order to lay the racing droshky and go to the forest for hazel grouse. It's fun to make your way along a narrow path where tall rye stands like a wall. Ears of wheat hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul; and the surroundings are so drowsy and quiet. (According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(53 words.)

Shit, robbers! I you, catechumens!
I smiled involuntarily: it was Egor Petrovich, the eternally drunk supply manager, nicknamed Bird's Death, chasing starlings early in the morning. His voice is shrill, caustic. His hair is tousled, his faded shirt puffed out like a sail on his back. So he threw away the pole, grabbed an old gun from somewhere in the bushes and fired shot at a huge flock of starlings. (According to V. Chudakova.)

(52 words.)

Spelling prefixes. Vowels s - and after prefixes

Formed a circle. Vanka put his hips up and went. When you need to touch people's hearts, provoke someone, or take the punishing hand away from yourself, Vanka dances the "lady". And how she dances! Adults praise him that he, the imp, "tearing the brisket from the tail." (According to V. Shukshin.)

(35 words)

When I get tired of counting chickens on the stove or looking at a hut, I for a long time I look at the pattern of black and brown circles from the knots on the light yellow wooden ceiling. It was especially cozy to examine the ceiling when illegible reflections and shadows from the firewood burning in the stove glided across it. Then the eyes stick together sweetly, and the door to the next room is ajar, from there a wide strip of yellow color falls to the floor and muffled voices are heard. (V. Antonova.)

(65 words)

We galloped along the paths of a well-groomed grove along the river under the cover of its steep bank and were safe without loss. Even the wounded horses did not have to be shot, they were sent for treatment. We found shelter in the lower floor of a three-story building, transformed by shells into a shapeless pile of rubble.

To advance is always a joy, multiplied tenfold by pride, curiosity and some kind of immutable feeling of victory and increased glory. People are more youthfully seated in the saddles. The horses step up. (According to N. Gumilyov.)

(65 words)

Gavrik and Petya played one game for trial with Gavrik's ears, but this irritated Petya even more. “Gavrik, give me a dozen for a living,” Petya asked. Gavrik took pity on his friend and lent him two ears to win back. After the game, only a package from grandma could help Petya win back. (According to V. Kataev.)

(46 words)

Spelling compound words

It seems that Professor Chainikov's lectures have interested the people. The next day, half of Moscow was talking about flying cakes and sonic scrap metal boots. Professor Chainikov appeared in the television studio in slippers, a bow tie, and a buttonless vest. He said: “The space around us is filled with air. Particles push each other, and the sound runs in all directions. Do you understand, my dear seekers of knowledge?

The telephone rang in the TV studio. (According to E. Uspensky.)

(55 words)

The boy had never, ever seen real white-winged sailboats. At the word "ship" he imagined a swift clipper ship with blue-and-white piles of square sails, or a schooner. Strictly speaking, only a three-masted frigate with straight sails is called a ship. And the rest of the seaworthy sailboats: brigs, schooners, beautiful brigantines - are simply called ships. But let's not be overly picky about the Boy. (According to V. Krapivin.)

(49 words)

Spelling of suffixes and endings of nouns

Our yard was paved with chipped cobblestones. He lay unevenly, there were bumps and depressions on him. We loved the yard. There was no place for boredom and sadness. In addition, we knew a lot of games: bast shoes, hide and seek, trunks, chizhik, knives and “spoiled telephone”. But especially in our company, we loved to play beauty. We were in that just ignorance when beautiful was considered good man, and ugly - trashy. Ninka from the seventh apartment was a standing girl - we chose her as a beauty. (Yu. Yakovlev.)

(76 words)

Already when the bombers lay down on the return course, one of the "Messers" returned back and, at low level flight, began to pour fire on the slopes. Everyone was shooting at him: machine gunners, scouts, and infantry... And yet he was shot down! And not anti-aircraft gunners. How could they shoot if the ace pilot was running almost belly along the edge of the ravine. The plane was shot down by an armor-piercer with an anti-tank rifle. "Messer" howled and crashed in the location of our company. (According to V. Chudakova.)

(65 words)

Spelling of suffixes and endings of adjectives

The sun touched the peaks of Altai and began to slowly sink into the distant blue world. And the deeper it went, the more clearly the mountains were drawn. They seemed to move forward. And in the valley - between the river and the mountains - the reddish dusk was quietly fading away. And a thoughtful soft shadow was approaching from the mountains. Then the sun disappeared behind a sharp ridge, and immediately a swift fan of bright red rays flew out into the greenish sky. It did not last long - it also faded quietly. And in the sky in that direction the dawn began to blaze. (V. Shukshin.)

(75 words)

Behind my cart, four bulls dragged another as if nothing had happened, despite the fact that it was overlaid to the top. Her owner followed her, smoking from a small Kabardian pipe with silver trim. He was wearing an officer's frock coat without an epaulette and a shaggy Circassian hat. His swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun. His prematurely gray mustache did not match his firm gait and cheerful appearance. (According to M. Yu. Lermontov.)

(68 words)

First days of winter. The trees are covered with snow sparkling under the sun. A bird jumps on the snow with a scarlet chest, a snow-white uppertail, a blue-gray back, with dark wings and a tail. This is a snowman. He is a great imitator, perfectly adopting any melody. The song is sometimes interspersed with squeaky notes.

The gullible bullfinch easily gets into the net and quickly gets used to the owner. But in captivity, the bullfinch turns black. Bullfinches are caring parents: they peck hard seeds themselves, and feed the chicks with soft ones.

(66 words)

In order to reach this secluded cave from the village of Palitsyno by the shortest route, one had to swim across the river and walk for two versts through a swampy valley dotted with hummocks, bushes and covered with high reeds. Only a few local residents were able, according to various signs, to make their way through this dangerous place, where the insidious greenery of mosses deceives an inexperienced traveler and high reeds hide the pit and mud. (M. Yu. Lermontov.)

(54 words.)

H and nn in adjective suffixes

The boys brought Anna Apolosovna's leather suitcase and put it on the table. Mother opened it and began to take it out: sheets of gold embossed paper, sheets of silver, blue and orange, boxes of candles, cardboard, a box of blown glass balls, bunches of thread, lanterns with colored mica windows, and a star. With each new box, the children moaned with delight. (According to A. N. Tolstoy.)

(51 words.)

The city where they began to live was very special. He was old. There were such narrow streets that the Boy jumped from sidewalk to sidewalk even without a running start. From the houses, stone lion muzzles looked at passers-by, and tin lanterns creaked in the wind at the heavy lattice gates. And near a small brick fortress lay cast-iron cannons rooted into the ground. (V. Krapivin.)

(55 words)

Spelling of adjectives with not

When they took me to Riga, to my grandparents in Riga, I resisted and almost cried. It seemed to me that I was being taken to the homeland of my father's incomprehensible philosophy. An artillery of cartons, baskets with padlocks, plump, uncomfortable household luggage set off. Winter things were sprinkled with coarse naphthalene salt. Armchairs stood like white horses, covered in blankets. The preparations for the Riga seaside seemed gloomy to me. I used to collect nails then: the most ridiculous collector's fad. I poured piles of nails like a miserly knight, and rejoiced at how my prickly wealth grew. (O. Mandelstam.)

(79 words)

One of the unknown Danish sailors began to serve in the Russian fleet. Not superficial, but deep love fell in love with the country and the Russian people. He served unfeignedly, bravely and rose to the rank of captain of a sixty-gun ship. The name, unusual for Russian hearing, was changed to him and nicknamed Ivan Ivanovich. And the surname remained the same - Bering.

In this by no means calm time, Tsar Peter Bering entrusted a great deed - to sail to the unknown shores of Kamchatka. They prepared for a whole year: the campaign was not close. (According to O. Orlov.)

(67 words)

Spelling of numerals

The number thirty-seven has a wonderful property. If you multiply it by the numbers three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, you get an interesting series: one hundred and eleven, two hundred and twenty-two, three hundred and thirty-three, four hundred and forty-four, five hundred and fifty-five and six hundred and sixty-six. (According to L. Vinogradova.)

(39 words)

Pronoun spelling

That evening Kazbich was gloomier than ever, and I noticed that he was wearing chain mail under his beshmet. “It’s not for nothing that he is wearing this chain mail,” I thought, “he must be plotting something” ... I make my way along the fence and suddenly I hear someone’s voices. I immediately recognized one voice: it was the rake Azamat, the son of our master. The other spoke less frequently and more quietly. (According to M. Yu. Lermontov.)

(55 words)

Some artists have been collecting etude material for years. Aivazovsky did not invent anything, did not imitate anyone. He painted his paintings with exceptional visual memory. If he portrayed something, he saw it in reality and felt it several times. I made some sketches on whatever I had to: on some kind of turned up sheet of paper or on the cloth of a card table. (According to M. Andreeva and others)

(51 words.)

Spelling of suffixes and verb endings

At the onset of spring, every person will certainly be seized by excitement. Fishermen will prepare fishing rods, hunters will clean their guns, prepare cartridges, tourists will put things they need on a hike in a backpack; city ​​dwellers will get out with pleasure to the dacha. Everyone is rushing into the wilds of the wild - to settle there and explore new places. (According to N. Verzilin.)

(43 words.)

The word should be according to the growth of the thought... Sometimes we clothe a poor thought in magnificent clothes, and it gets confused and lost in the unnecessary folds of its own shell, and it is difficult to reach it. And sometimes we express a healthy, fresh thought in such a way that it withers and fades in our expression, like a flower that has fallen under a heavy and hard sole. (According to V. O. Klyuchevsky.)

(52 words.)

Of course, the Boy envied those who went to sea. But he knew that his time would come. In the meantime, here, on the dam, he absorbed the sea wind and listened to the music of ship everyday life: to the roar of anchor chains, to the strict voices of commanding captains and dispatchers, to the mischievous roll call of fishing crews. With all his soul he was here, among the seagulls and ships. Sometimes he stayed up until evening, when the pink sun rolled down behind the towers. (According to V. Krapivin.)

(68 words)

Autumn is coming. The sun is no longer warm, storms have begun, and the breeze is increasingly pulling from the north. The sea lion rookeries are flooded. And then, you see, frost hit at night, and ice appears. It's time for the people of the island to pack up. The young have grown up, the chicks fly in such a way that you cannot distinguish them from adult birds, and the sea lions have become quite adults. True, they cannot be compared with the old ones in size, and the dark coloring betrays them, but in swimming they will not lag behind anyone. (V. Arseniev.)

(75 words)

Spelling of participles. H and nn in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives

You look from the mountain - what a view! Round, low hills, plowed up and sown to the top, scatter in wide waves. Gulches overgrown with bushes wind between them; small groves are scattered in oblong islands; the river sparkles, intercepted by dams in four places. Here it is, finally - the boundless, boundless steppe! (According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(39 words)

Constantinople. Again, this never boring, although frankly decorative beauty of the Bosporus, boats with white sails, with cheerful, grinning Turks; houses clinging to the coastal slopes, surrounded by cypresses and blooming lilacs, battlements and towers of ancient fortresses, and the sun, the special sun of Constantinople, bright and not burning. (According to N. Gumilyov.)

(43 words.)

We spent the summer in Serebryany Bor, in an old abandoned house with small staircases and carved wooden ceilings. Everything in this house creaked: doors, shutters. One large room was boarded up tightly. Raincoats grew in the attic, foreign books lay unbound. Persian greenery grew thickly around the collapsed pavilions. (According to V. Kaverin.)

(45 words)

Uncle's house was a sight to behold. Tall, painted and covered with white slate. A glass veranda clung to the side of the spacious five-wall. It hasn't been painted yet. Probably, the father will bring drying oil, paint. Uncle will paint the veranda blue and let the summer residents in. (V. Kozlov.)

(36 words)

Spelling of gerunds

The wolves crossed the pond and stood in the reeds, sniffing the residential smell of the estate. Emboldened, they made their way through the garden, sat down on the snowy glade in front of the house, and, looking with luminous eyes at the dark, frozen windows, raised their muzzles into the icy darkness. And low, as if grumbling, then louder, taking everything higher with a hungry throat, they began to howl, not taking breath, - higher, higher, more piercing. (A. N. Tolstoy.)

(53 words.)

Ignoring the voice of Sancho, who warned him that he was going to fight not with giants, but, no doubt, with windmills, Don Quixote spurred his horse. Barring himself with a shield and letting Rosinante into a gallop, Don Quixote plunged his spear into the wing of the mill. At this time, the wind turned the wing with such force that only splinters were left from the spear, and the wing, picking up both the horse and the rider, who found himself in a very miserable position, threw Don Quixote to the ground. Sancho, approaching and ascertaining that the valiant knight was barely alive, began to lament. (According to M. de Cervantes.)

(79 words)

Spelling of adverbs

Carnation struggled to get out of his shoe, secretly hoping to finally find out what kind of mistress he had and how she was doing, and immediately heard: “Oh!”

Deciding instantly that she must be in big trouble, Gvozdyk leaned out a little more so that he could look at both of them. But the hostess hastily drove it back into the depths. “Look, go-horde! he whispered in his heart. “She doesn’t want others to see how she lives.” (According to F. Krivin.)

(60 words)

And they really became friends - The boy and the frog. They were good together. They bathed together. They raced across the dam, and it must be said that the Boy was not always ahead. When he jumped, he was afraid to fall into the water, but Chip was not afraid of anything and flew like a green bullet.

But they especially liked to talk. Chip would sit on the Boy's knee and politely say, "May I ask a question?" And, opening his wide mouth, he listened to stories about cities, brands, about human life, about the movie "The Elusive Avengers" and the complex science of arithmetic. (According to V. Krapivin.)

(83 words.)

Roads stretched away from every horizon. And along them, either alone or in small columns, loaded dump trucks crawled. Cars with difficulty got out of the pit. The engines hummed and roared uncontrollably.

The excavator boom floated to the right, up, and it became even more convenient to observe. Soon the rumble of the winch of our excavator was somewhere behind, and from below, from the ground, growing and multiplying, new sounds were already rushing. (V. Stpepanenko.)

(60 words)

Spelling service words: conjunctions, prepositions, particles

I confess that no matter how hard I tried to discern in the distance something like a boat, but to no avail. Ten minutes passed like this, and then a black dot appeared between the mountains of waves: it either increased or decreased. The swimmer was brave, who decided to set off on such a night through the strait, and there must be an important reason that prompted him to do so! (According to M. Yu. Lermontov.)

(48 words)

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at Marusya. She was sitting in the same corner in which Valek had seated her, and still sorting through the flowers; the movements of her thin hands were slow; his eyes stood out a deep blue in his pale face. Undoubtedly, someone is sucking the life out of this strange girl who cries when others laugh in her place. But how can this be done gray stone? (According to V. G. Korolenko.)

(59 words)

Also, no one could positively say how he lives; he was not engaged in any craft, did not go to anyone, did not know

almost with no one, and he had money, however, small. He behaved not only modestly - there was nothing modest in him at all, but quietly; he lived as if he did not notice anyone around him and definitely did not need anyone. (I. S. Turgenev.) (63 words.)

And how beautiful this very forest is in late autumn, when woodcocks arrive! They will not stay in the wilderness, they must be sought along the edge. There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; a thin mist hangs in the distance over the yellowed fields. Through the bare brown boughs of the trees, the still sky peacefully whitens. (According to I. S. Turgenev.)

(52 words.)

Usually the storm of the gymnasium was the teachers of the Latin language. Latin is a subject that requires rigorous study, never vanishing attention for a moment. You can't figure out where the most insignificant screw from this language-machine is pushed - the whole machine collapses, burying the unfortunate schoolboy under it. (Yu. Olesha.)

(36 words)

They were much more interested in my journey, asking the usual questions in such cases, whether there were many lions there, whether hyenas were dangerous, as travelers do in the event of an attack by the Abyssinians. And no matter how I assured them that lions had to be looked for for weeks, that hyenas were no braver than hares, that the Abyssinians were terrible lawyers and never attacked anyone, I saw that they hardly believed me. (N. Gumilyov.)

(61 words.)

Uppercase letter

The last shots in Stalingrad had already died down, the fighters, black with soot, climbed out of the drain hatches and looked at the incinerated city they had recaptured. Among the granite hills of Polyarny, an echo resounded great victory. We have done everything to make it roll on, where German caravans of ships carefully sneak from foreign country to foreign country. (According to V. Kaverin.)

(50 words)

Anna Dmitrievna walked along the Arbat and thought that any cab driver jogging to Dorogomilovo, or a student running from lectures, was more right, even happy, than she, who lives in her mansion and spends thousands. Having passed along Vozdvizhenka, she went out to Mokhovaya, rounded the Manege, and headed along the lattice of the Alexander Garden. The snow behind the fence was vaguely blue, crows were flying, tall towers The Kremlin went into the darkness. (According to B. Zaitsev.)

(59 words)

General spelling repetition

Dim, like a bubble, the sun hung for half a day behind the spruce wasteland and set. Dark red light spilled over the entire sky. Like coals, the edges of the lead clouds burned, covering the sunset for a thousand miles. Puffs of black-and-red mist rose up from there. Crimson, gloomy, the Neva flowed. The puddles in the square, the ruts, the mica windows of the houses and the trunks of the pines—everything reeked of this glow. And not bright, but pale, the large bonfires strewed with sparks, laid out in the places of work, seemed to be pale. (According to A. N. Tolstoy.)

(68 words)

The thaw is getting more frequent, the snow is getting oily. On the sunny side, icicles hang like a glass fringe, melting and clinking on ice. You jump on one skate, and you feel how gently it cuts, as if on thick skin. Farewell winter! This can be seen from the jackdaws, how they are circling the “wedding”, and their chattering hubbub beckons somewhere. You chat with a skate on a bench and watch the black porridge in the sky for a long time. It smells of baked bread, delicious birch smoke, pancakes. (According to I. Shmelev.)

(65 words)

Everything still seemed clear on the ground and quiet in the sky. The sun leaned to the west and, gliding with oblique rays over the boundless masses of snow, dressed them with a diamond bark, and a grove disfigured by adhering hoarfrost, in its snow and ice attire, presented from a distance wonderful and varied obelisks, also showered with diamond brilliance. (S. T. Aksakov.)

Option 11

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3

(1) The idea of ​​biogenesis comes from ancient Hindu and Persian religious beliefs about the absence of beginning and end in natural phenomena and is one of the hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth. (2) this version of life exists in the universe forever. (3) Protozoa

organisms or their spores (“seeds of life”) could be brought from space to Earth, where they found favorable conditions, multiplied and gave rise to evolution from simple shapes to more complex ones.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The idea of ​​biogenesis, based on the ancient Eastern religions, is a hypothesis of the cosmic origin of life on Earth, according to which life exists in the Universe forever.

2) About cosmic origin life on Earth, as the idea of ​​biogenesis says, is evidenced by the rock carvings of the “seeds of life” - objects that look like aircraft.

3) According to Persian religious ideas, the “seeds of life” that appeared on Earth multiplied and gave rise to evolution in the Universe.

4) In accordance with the idea of ​​biogenesis, based on the ancient Eastern religions, life in the Universe exists forever, and on Earth it appeared due to the simplest organisms brought from space or their spores.

5) The biogenesis hypothesis says that life on Earth from space could be brought with the help of spaceships sent extraterrestrial civilizations.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Thanks to

According to


3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word REPRESENTATION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1) Knowledge, understanding of something. Have no idea about anything. Make yourself a paragraph about something. The book gives a good paragraph on the subject.

2) A written statement about something. (official). P. prosecutor (act of prosecutorial supervision).

3) Presentation, message of something. to someone P. documents to the court.

4) Theatrical or circus performance, performance. The first paragraph of the new play. Self-employed p.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

1) airports

2) withdrew

5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write the chosen word in the form that is required in the sentence.

1) M.Yu. Lermontov wrote ROMANTIC Poems.

2) That year the water was very HIGH: the Volga flowed straight through the fields.

3) This year the publishing house released a calendar for the first time MEMORABLE DATES.

4) FOREST red ants bring invaluable benefits to humans.

5) The GUARANTEED coupon must contain the date of sale, the name of the product, its serial number.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

over SIXTY years


towards HER


LOOK at the picture

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

B) incorrect sentence construction with participle turnover

C) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

D) build error complex sentence

D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

1) Successes that are achieved without much difficulty should not reassure us.

2) An official sitting at the table asked the visitor what business you have with me.

3) Significantly differing in vocabulary and grammatical structure, the languages ​​of the world have common structural properties.

4) Contrary to the prediction of weather forecasters, a snowstorm began.

5) The work of the late Beethoven did not correspond much to the tastes of the Viennese public of his day, who gave their sympathy to chamber music.

6) Thanks to various stylistic inclusions in artistic speech, an ironic or humorous nature of the narrative is created.

7) Having highlighted all the grammatical foundations, the structure of the sentence is established.

8) Moscow State University celebrated its anniversary.

9) As a result of excavations, scientists have established that even in ancient times, amber was used as an ornament.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


fire up



9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..grad, pr..hut

be..helpful, ..burned

about .. warmed, pos .. threw

pos..yesterday, week..boron

go .. go, r .. pick up







11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.

fell out .. sh



correct .. be


12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

A (NOT) HIGH cloudy sky could be seen over the mountains.

There are, as it often seems to us, nothing (UN) SIGNIFICANT meetings with people, but communication with them can be the beginning of a long friendship.

In this city you rarely meet an idle, (UN) BUSY person.

A short acquaintance did not (NOT) prevent us from talking in a friendly way.

The buildings of St. Petersburg with its brown iron roofs are (NOT) DESIGNED to be viewed from above.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

A pond in the park, covered with (DARK) GREEN duckweed, stood a BUD(TO) huge black mirror.

(B) DURING an hour, the conversation did not stop: they talked mainly (ON) ABOUT the upcoming trip.

I am not a rich person; my affairs are upset, and besides (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR a whole year.

(B) OTHER, only an unexpected snowfall can make the birds fly further, (NOT) LOOKING at the wind and cold.

From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which N is written.

The rooms were furnished (1) with remarkable luxury: the walls were upholstered with colorful Bukhara carpets, the ceilings were painted (2) with oil (3) paints, and there were real Persian carpets on the floors.

15. Use punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) There were both magazines and newspapers and books on the table.

2) Great masters worked in Suzdal and Pskov and Rostov the Great.

3) The book not only introduces the reader to the rich world of the Russian language, but also reveals the laws of linguistic harmony.

4) We went to the highway and soon passed the village and the church standing near it.

5) Remember the stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral near Novgorod or the wooden fairy tale of Kizhi!

16. Put all the punctuation marks:

In the morning the blizzard subsided, it was quiet, only occasionally a cool wind came up (1) lifting (2) the manes of horses covered with hoarfrost (3) (4) and moving the branches of trees.

17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Everything (1) seemed to (2) freeze before the oncoming storm.

Fortunately (4) there were no people or cars on the streets (3).

18. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

19. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Thaws are becoming more frequent (1) but (2) while the nights are frosty (3) the glass fringe of icicles does not melt (4) the snow does not melt.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

The rich luxury of nature did not touch the old man, but on the other hand, Sergei, who was here for the first time, admired a lot.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! (2) How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? (3) These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best for me.


(4) Having run to your fill, you used to sit at the tea table, on your high chair. (5) It’s late, I drank my evening cup of milk with sugar a long time ago, sleep closes my eyes, but you don’t move, you sit and listen. (6) Maman speaks to someone, and the sounds of her voice are so sweet, so friendly. (7) These sounds alone speak so much to my heart!

(8) With eyes clouded by drowsiness, I gaze intently at her face, and suddenly she became all small, small - her face is no more than a button.

(9) But it is still clearly visible to me: I see how she smiled at me. (10) I like to see her so tiny. (11) I squint my eyes even more, and it becomes even smaller. (12) But I moved - and the charm collapsed. (13) I narrow my eyes, turn around, try my best to resume it, but in vain. (14) I get up, climb up with my feet and comfortably fit into a chair.

- (15) You will fall asleep again, Nikolenka, - maman tells me, - you'd better go upstairs.

- (16) I don’t want to sleep, maman, - you will answer her, and vague but sweet dreams fill your imagination, healthy childhood sleep closes your eyelids, and in a minute you will forget and sleep until you wake up.

(17) You feel, it happened, in waking hours, that someone's gentle hand is touching you; by one touch you recognize her, and even in a dream you involuntarily grab this hand and firmly, firmly press it to your lips.

(18) Everyone has already dispersed; one candle is burning in the living room; maman said she would wake me up herself. (19) It was she who sat down on the chair on which I sleep, ran her wonderful gentle hand through my hair, and a sweet familiar voice sounds over my ear: "Get up, my darling: it's time to go to bed."

(20) Nobody's indifferent looks do not constrain her: she is not afraid to pour out all her tenderness and love on me. (21) I don’t move, but I kiss her hand even harder.

- (22) Get up, my angel.

(23) She takes my neck with her other hand, and her fingers move quickly and tickle me. (24) The room is quiet, semi-dark; mother sits beside me; I hear her voice. (25) All this makes me jump up, wrap my arms around her neck, press my head to her chest. (26) She kisses me even more tenderly. (27) After that, as you used to, you come upstairs and start packing in your quilted bathrobe, what a wonderful feeling you experience when you say: “I love dad and mom.”

(28) I remember, you would wrap yourself up, it used to be in a blanket; the soul is light, light and gratifying; some dreams drive others, but what are they about?

(29) They are elusive, but filled with pure love and hopes for bright happiness. (30) Remember your favorite porcelain toy - a bunny or a dog - stick it in the corner of a down pillow and admire how good it is,

It's warm and cozy for her to lie there. (31) You’ll still think about making everyone happy, so that everyone is happy and that tomorrow there is good weather for walking, you turn to the other side, thoughts and dreams get mixed up, and you fall asleep quietly, calmly.

(32) Will that freshness, carelessness, the need for love and the strength of faith that you possess in childhood ever return? (33) What time can be better than that when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need of love - were the only motives in life?

(according to L. N. Tolstoy *)

*Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy(1828-1910) - Russian writer, thinker, educator, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) After drinking a cup of milk with sugar, Nikolenka lay down on an armchair, to the sound of his mother’s voice he fell into a dream, through which he felt how she ran her gentle hand through his hair.

2) The narrator's mother was always embarrassed by the looks of strangers and avoided caressing her son in public.

3) The narrator's memories of childhood are associated with the image of his loving mother and are a source of pleasure for him.

4) As a child, the narrator felt carefree, cheerful, experienced a strong need for love.

5) Nikolenka's mother never allowed her son to stay in the living room in the evenings and took him to bed.

22. Which of the following statements are erroneous? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 1–3 present an argument.

2) Sentence 8 contains elements of description.

3) Sentences 12-14 present the narrative.

4) Sentence 25 gives the reason for what is said in sentence 24.

5) Sentences 32, 33 present the narrative. .

23. From sentence 31 write out synonyms (synonymous pair).

24. Among sentences 1-7, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a personal pronoun. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

25. “When talking about the hero’s childhood, the author often uses the technique - (A) _______ (“happy” in sentence 1). Warm memories are associated with this sometimes, which expresses the trope - (B) _______ (“ sweet dreams" in sentence 16, " gentle hand” in sentence 17, “pure love and hopes for bright happiness” in sentence 29). The syntactic means - (B)________ ("Nikolenka" in sentence 15, "my darling" in sentence 19, "my angel" in sentence 22) - helps to create the image of the hero's mother. The syntactic device used at the end of the text - (D)________ (sentences 32 and 33) - allows the author to address the readers directly.

List of terms:

1) colloquial vocabulary

2) appeal

3) phraseological unit

4) impersonation

5) interrogative sentences

6) exclamatory sentences

7) opposition

9) lexical repetition

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

1. Answer: 14|41

2. Answer: according to

3. Answer: 1

4. Answer: airports

5. Answer: warranty

6. Answer: six hundred

7. Answer: 87692

8. Answer: acclimatization

9. Answer: helpless burned out

10. Answer: dogmatic

11. Answer: abandoned

12. Answer: low

13. Answer: however, regardless | regardless, however

14. Answer: 123

15. Answer: 13|31

16. Answer: 14|41

17. Answer: 1234

18. Answer: 1

19. Answer: 1234

20. Answer: rich

21. Answer: 134

22. Answer: 45

23. Answer: calmly

24. Answer: 2

25. Answer: 9825


Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of perception of the surrounding world by a child. (How do children perceive the world?)

1. The world is perceived through the prism of love, the child wants to see all people happy.

2. The problem of perceiving childhood as a happy time. (Is childhood the happiest time in a person's life?)

2. The author calls childhood a happy time and believes that it cannot be better than that time, “when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need for love - were the only motives in life”

3. The problem of the value of childhood memories in human life. (What is the value of childhood memories?)

3. “These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me ...”

4. The problem of the relationship between mother and small child. (What should be the relationship between mother and child?)

Sincere, touching love and care of the mother makes the child happy, and he answers her with endless love.

* To formulate the problem, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the table. The problem may also be cited from the source text or indicated by reference to sentence numbers in the text.

Shrovetide... Even now I still feel this word, as I felt it in childhood: bright spots, ringing - it evokes in me; flaming stoves, bluish waves of fumes in the contented rumble of the gathered people, a bumpy snowy road, already oiled in the sun, with merry sleighs diving along it, with merry horses in roses, in bells and bells, with playful picking of an accordion. Or has something wonderful remained in me since childhood, unlike anything else, in bright colors and gilding, which was cheerfully called "Shrovetide"? She stood on a high counter in the baths. On a big round gingerbread, - on a pancake? - from which it smelled of honey - and it smelled of glue! - with gilded hills along the edge, with a dense forest, where bears, wolves and bunnies stuck out on pegs, - wonderful lush flowers rose, similar to roses, and all this shone, entwined with golden thread ... Zaryadye, some Ivan Yegorych. The unknown Yegorych died - and the "Shrovetide" disappeared. But they are alive in me. Now the holidays have faded, and people seem to have cooled off. And then ... everyone and everything was connected with me, and I was connected with everyone, from a beggar old man in the kitchen, who went to the "wretched pancake", to an unfamiliar troika, who rushed off into the darkness with a ringing. And God in heaven, behind the stars, looked kindly at everyone: Shrove Tuesday, walk around! In this broad word, even now, a bright joy is alive for me, before sadness ... - before fasting?

The thaw is getting more frequent, the snow is getting oily. On the sunny side, icicles hang like a glass fringe, melting and clinking on ice. You jump on one skate, and you feel how gently it cuts, as if on thick skin. Farewell winter! This can be seen from the jackdaws, how they are circling the "wedding", and their clattering hubbub beckons somewhere. You chat with your skate on a bench and watch their black porridge in the sky for a long time. They disappeared somewhere. And then the stars appear. The breeze is damp, soft, it smells of baked bread, delicious birch smoke, pancakes. Drips in the dark - carnival is coming. For a long time, a huge box was placed on the window in the dining room: they planted an onion, "for pancakes"; his green feathers are large, pleasant to stroke. The boy from the tormenter brought flour to someone. They have already brought us: a bag of blue grains and four bags of "human". They also brought dry firewood, birch. "Spruce goads," Mikhail's rider told me, "the checkmark hasn't been baked. We'll eat blinks with you!"

I am sitting on a leather sofa in my office. Father, under a green lamp, knocks on the abacus. Vasil-Vasilich Oblique shoots from the door with his eye. They talk about terribly interesting things, no matter how the barks with hay are cut off by ice near Simonov, and about wood-burning rafts that will go from Mozhaisk.

And what do you order with oiled butter? Flour was brought to the robots just now ...

How much are we eating?

Yes ... forty carpenters shy away home, to the Masleny ... - Vasil-Vasilich nods, - Volodimers, beat on fists, shake out pancakes, you know our custom! .. - sighs, chuckling, Oblique.

Hold on people, spring... as cockroaches scatter. Are there sixty people?

Rob something sixty-four. Salty sevryuzha should be...

Take it. How is Zhirnov?

Parquet workers, capricious people! The Belugas bought them a herring each...

Also ours. Three pancakes, start on Friday. Let's have plenty of pancakes. Oils are fatter. On the bake of a gray smelt, you will give it headiness to cabbage soup.

And naschot wine, as you order? - affectionately says Oblique, politely covering his mouth.

To pancakes on a scale.

As if not enough, sir?.. For the forgiven... to say goodbye, as they say.

I know your goodbye!

I’ll start talking, until Easter, not a drop in my mouth.

Two buckets - will it be?

And enough! - having estimated, cheerfully says Oblique. - Deserve, sir, our business is with water, chizholoe, sir.

The father gives orders. At Titov, from Moskvoretsky, for the table - fresh caviar, triple, and ruffs to the ear. Take vyazigi from Kolganov, he also has pike-perch with caviar, and Arkhangelsk saffron cod, seven-vershkov. In Zaryadye - Belozersky smelt, washed. At Vaska Yegorov's from the sterlet cage...

His Eminence will be at my pancakes on Friday! You will tell Vaska Yegorov, the burbot gave a measured pair for the fat so that, and the splash of catfish. Paltusov has caviar for kali, with a thinner, fatter, from the sludge ...

P-may-sss ... - creates Oblique, and squelching in his throat. Squishes and I have, with festivities.

In Okhotny at Trofimov's - a pair of whitefish, pinker. I'll choose the white salmon myself, I'll drop by. To a botvinie of fresh cucumbers. At Yegorov's in Okhotny. Understood?

P-may-sss... More Breshchik, maybe?.. His High Priesthood, they said?..

Definitely, bream! Very reverend respects. For jellied and pies - Garanka from the Mitriyev tavern. Say - from me. Guilt to him - not a drop until he does it! .. Like a master - so a drunkard! ..

Weakness ... And he doesn’t drink wine, he spoiled himself with rowanberry. That's why they kicked him out of the palace... How can you not give him... he carries supplies with him!

There's no way you can kick you out, you scoundrel!

Last year he took it away, and he attacked me with a knife! .. Yes, he won’t spoil even an unintelligent one, he can beat the cook ... she’ll have to get out. And he is mischievous with dishes, everything is not for him. He ordered the stove to be shifted, such and such a Solomon king! ..

I am glad that there will be Garanka again and there will be smoke as a rocker. The carpenters will tie him up in the evening and take him on wood to a tavern with accordions.

Shrovetide in ruins. Such a sun that warmed up the puddles. The barns are gleaming with icicles. Guys are walking with cheerful bundles of balls, hurdy-gurdies are buzzing. Factory workers, in bulk, ride in cabbies with an accordion. The boys "play pancake": hands back, pancake in the teeth, they try to pull out each other's teeth - not to drop it, they beat their muzzles merrily.

The spacious workshop, from where the machines and buckets of paint were taken out, shines with tables: the tables are planed, for pancakes. Carpenters, sawyers, water pourers, roofers, painters, foremen, riders - in shirts with a belt, with oiled heads, eat pancakes. The wide furnace is burning. Two cooks do not keep up with the oven. In frying pans, the size of a plate, "black" pancakes are baked and buckwheat, ruddy, are put in piles, and the dexterous foreman Proshin, with an earring in his ear, slaps them on the table, as if giving bald heads. Heard juicy - lyapp! Everyone in a row: blunder ... blunder ... blunder! .. Steam comes from pancakes with screws. I watch from the door as they are stacked in fours, dipped in hot oil in bowls, and munched. Steam comes out of the mouths, from the heads. It smokes from red cups with heady cabbage soup, from women-cooks with scarlet shawls strayed, from their flushed faces, from oily red hands, along which, shining, yellow tongues from the stove run. Turns blue under the ceiling. There is a blessed rumble: satisfied.

Butterflies, bake ... with a broth - with a smelt! It smells of sourdough spirit, burnt butter, chintz from shirts, residential. More and more respite, respite, sighs. Somebody stumbled, the herring head is gnawing. From a copper cube - a ferry, to the ceiling.

Well, how are you, robyatki? .. - Vasil-Vasilich, who has looked in, shouts, - have you eaten everything? - Looks into the pots. - Bake-bake, Matryosh ... do not spare the grease, we'll give the putty! ..

They buzz, they're funny.

On the scale would be more, Vasil-Vasilich ... - is heard from the corners, - fill the pancakes.

Wa-llai! ... - famously shouts Oblique. - We meet the Bishop, wherever it goes ...

They are buzzing. The green quarters tinkle against the scale. Rippled pancakes are falling.

The owner is coming! .. - they shout cheerfully from the window.

Father, as always, running, looks around smartly.

How's the carnival, guys? Is everyone happy?

Thank you humbly ... satisfied! ..

Add to scale! Just look, scoundrels ... do not disgrace! ..

They are not offended: they know - weasel. The father takes the pancake that blurted out in front of him, pulls a flap from it, and dips it in oil.

Taste better, guys, ours! Cookers - according to the ruble. All for two kopecks, for Shrovetide!

So buzzing - nothing can be disassembled. Spiraling in my chest. The tall carpenter picks me up, throws me up to the ceiling, into the smoke, presses me against my hot, wet beard. They give me pancakes, sunflowers, pink gingerbread in shag motes, give me a painted spoon, wiping it cool with your finger, - try ours! All of them are familiar to me, all are affectionate. I listen to their speeches, jokes. I run out into the yard. A large puddle is melting, the boys are squirming. Fall out - get some air, Shrovetide spring. Steam from the heads swirls. They stretch sleepily, wander into the drying room - to sleep on the shavings.

They are waiting for the carriage with the bishop. Vasil-Vasilich keeps running to the gate. He is without a hat. From under the new jacket, the shirt under the waistcoat turns pink, a copper chain dangles. Hair is well combed and shiny. The face is purple, the eye shoots "double shot". Oblique already managed to go, but until the evening "worthy." Gorkin is looking after him, he wouldn't have whipped him into his office. There is a padlock on the desk. I see how Vasil-Vasilich suddenly rushes to the desk, but something prevents him. Conscience? The bishop will come, and he gave his word that he is "worthy." Gorkin follows him like a nanny:

Hold on tight, Vasilich... Afterwards, you'll have some rest.

D-hold on! .. - famously shouts Oblique. - Am I ... dda not up to ... holding on? ..

Sand sprinkled up to the front door. Doors open. Maryushka went upstairs, they evicted her from the kitchen. The cook reigned there, red-haired, thin Garanka, in a huge cap with a fan, flickers in a couple, like fear. Through the window from the yard, I can see how he beats his henchmen with a rolling pin. Noisy since evening. He runs out into the snow, smears the dough on his palms, peeps into the light for some reason.

A wise man is wise! Vasil-Vasilich says with reverence. - He served in the royal palaces! ..

Will your bishop soon come?.. My deadline is coming!.. - shouts Garanka, wiping her hands with a snowball.

From the roof yelling - rides! ..

Carriage, with remote, boy. The cell attendant jumps off the goat, throws back the door. The protodeacon, who arrived earlier, meets with the priests and the clergy. They lead the bishop along the sand, to the stairs. The protodeacon stepped forward, closed the window with himself, and shook with horror:

"Ispolla e-ti de-spo-ta-aaaaa..."

His growl rolls out into the passage, rattles on the windows, into the street. Garanka shouts from the kitchen:

Hey, I'm starting pies! ..

Zachina-ay! .. - Vasil-Vasilich shouts in an imploring voice and for some reason dances.

The table is huge. What is not on it! Fish, fish ... caviar in crystal, in ice, whitefish in parsley, red salmon, salmon, white fish-pearl fish, cucumber with green eyes, lumps of pressed, lumps of cheese, sturgeon cartilage in vinegar, porcelain vases with sour cream, in which upright spoons, pink oil-cans filled with golden boiling oil on camphor, decanters, bottles... Black frock coats, white and fawn shawls, "heads", lace caps...

They carry pancakes, under cover.

Your Eminence!

The bishop is lean, strict, - as they say, lenten. He eats little, modestly. The protodeacon is against him, huge, terrible. From the corner I see how his mouth opens to a pharynx, and heaped pancakes, gray from flowing caviar, pour into the protodeacon in feet. A whitefish swims towards him, and sails away with a torn side. Oil pours into caviar, into sour cream. It pours over the rare beard of the protodeacon, over soft lips, crimson.

Your Eminence ... and a pie to the ear! ..

Ah, we gluttons... Truly, an amazing pie!

The most famous, Garankin pies, your Eminence, throughout Moscow, sir! ..

I heard, I heard ... The Lord will reward us with a talent for our temptation! .. An amazing pie ...

Your Eminence .... may I ask for more? ..

Bless, Eminent Vladyka... - growls the protodeacon, having chewed, and throws back a mop of hair with his hand.

Well, well, open your mouth, archdeacon, give thanks ... - affectionately says the bishop. - Take a breath...

Vasil-Vasilich is waving something, and suddenly he squats down! There is a dam on the stairs, a crush in the front. The protodeacon is in glory: he extinguishes the lamps with his voice and bulges out the glass. He starts from the depths, where he now has pancakes, it seems to me, in a grumbling voice. His hair is rumbling. Lafitniks begin to tremble - with a small ringing. The crystal tremble on the chandeliers, the windows answer with a rattle. I watch how a vein trembles and swells on the archdeacon’s neck, how a spoon bends in sour cream ... I feel how it spirals in my chest and cuts in my ear. Lord, the ceiling will fall now! ..

To His Grace and to all the consecrated cathedral ... and to this honest house ... -

many-ga-i... le... t-ta-a-aaaaaaa!!!

There was a crackling noise in the piano, a lamp went out in the corner in front of the icon!.. Knives and forks were falling. Lafitniks are knocking. Vasil-Vasilich squeals, sobbing:


From the protodeacon heat and smoke. Stretched out on three chairs. Drinking kvass. Behind the ear and pies - again and again pancakes. Pancakes with baking. Behind them is aspic, again pancakes, already with double baking. Behind them are steam sturgeon, pancakes with baked bread. A bream of unusual size, with fungi, with porridge ... seven-corner navy, with Belozersky smelt in breadcrumbs, poured with mushroom sour cream ... milk pancakes, light, pancakes with testicles ... still boiled fish with zander caviar, fried ... orange jelly, almond ice cream - vanilla...

The bishop rode off, having eaten a cup of tea with an orange - "for the draft." They took the protodeacon, who had stuffed pies into his pockets, and they forced him into a bag of outlandish navaga - "navaga beast!" Shawls and frock coats are sitting in the drawing room, sighing, drinking tea with an orange. Noisy downstairs. Garanka demands another bottle of mountain ash and does not want to leave, he broke the window. Vasil-Vasilich is required to take Garanka, but Vasil-Vasilich "got out of touch, he was worthy", and now he locked himself in the office. What can you do - carnival! Garanka is given a bottle and left in the kitchen: he will sleep through in the morning. Maryushka sits in the hall, without a berth, angry. It's a shame: everyone has a holiday, but she ... cannot make pies! They messed up the whole kitchen. She is a respectable old woman. Blinks with caviar are put on her, they bring Madeira lafitniks, they still bring them. She starts crying and wrinkling her handkerchief:

I can do all sorts of pies, both puff and custard ... and with panshet, and all sorts of kulebyaks, and any kind of pinched ... But here, wow ... you can’t make an unpinched pie! I'll poke his nose in the morning with pies! She lived with the Rastorguevs... the metropolitans visited me, my kulebyaks praised me...

She is taken into the hall, persuaded to sing a song and brought more lafitniks. She is pleased that everyone respects her very much, and begins to sing about the "graf, ruddy handsome":

He wears a hat with a feather

Snuffbox with tobacco! ..

And also, how "well done leading a horse by the bridle ... the horse beats the ground with its hoof, knocks out a white-pebble ..." - and more amazing songs that no one knows.

On Saturday, after pancakes, we go skiing from the mountains. zoological garden, where our mountains are arranged - they are made of wood and filled with ice - littered with deep snow, paths in snowdrifts only. One can see empty cells with dry trees; there are no birds or animals to be seen. Yes, now and not to the animals. Tall mountains on the ponds. Flags play colorfully over fresh plank pavilions on the mountains. With a roar, tall "coaches" from the mountains collapse, rush along the icy paths, between the shafts of snow with Christmas trees stuck in them. Black on the mountains by the people. Vasil-Vasilich gives orders, shouts hoarsely from the top; you can see his tall figure, in a fur seal, father's hat. The sedate carpenter Ivan helps Pashka the clerk to cut and give out tickets on which it is written - "once from both ends." People with a long tail at the checkout. Maslenitsa is fine, today it has fixed a little, and after pancakes it rides.

Million people! - meets Vasil-Vasilich. - For a thousand earnings, the rollers do not have time, they got lost ... what a turn! ..

From the cash register so that they don’t steal, ”the father says and waves hopelessly. - Who will count you here! ..

Oh, my God! .. - Vasil-Vasilich cries out, - every five minutes I take money, I pour it into a bag, but you can’t figure it out with the people, they throw nickels, they climb without tickets ... Ena, the merchant threw it! I don't have the patience to wait... Yes, Pashka is a conscientious one... well, a trifle will slip through, he won't steal any more, be calm, sir.

A high sleigh with velvet benches, "dilighans," returning from another mountain, is dragged along the knurled tray with ropes for six. Rollers knocked off their feet, stately fellows leading "coachs" from the mountains, standing on skates behind, are merrily drunk to the best of their ability. The work is strict, do not blink: hold on tightly to the handrails, drive harder on the slope, "on the trough."

Nobody was mutilated. God have mercy? - asks the father of the tall wheeler Sergei, my favorite.

God forbid, drunks are not allowed, sir. Yes, now it’s still not enough, they haven’t warmed up yet. We’ll roll with the lights, well, then they’ll grow bolder, they’ll start to overcome hard ... we give in the neck!

And as soon as the mountains do not collapse! The tops are crammed, the supports creak. But the construction is strong: the people of Vladimir built it to the conscience.

Sergei rolls us on the "dilijan". The spirit captures, and the heart falls on a roll. Fir-trees flash, multi-colored glass balls hung on wires, white ribbons of snow. The wheeler slows down with his skates, cuts and grinds with ice. Vasil-Vasilich has already warmed up, he smells of corks and mint. The father goes to count the proceeds, and Vasil-Vasilich says - "instruct the reliable one to ride!" Vasil-Vasilich grabs me like a bundle under my arm and whispers: "I'm not reliable here." He takes a low sledge - "American", upholstered in green velvet with a fringe, and invites me - to slide down.

Do not be afraid with me, I ride merchants! - he says, sitting astride the sled.

I lean against him, under my beard, I look ahead in fear... Far below is an icy path in fir trees, a mountain, with a black spot of the people, and flags curl. Vasil-Vasilich quacks, touches my nose with a mitten, looks at me with a squinting eye. I know by a cloudy eye that he is "ready". Rollers interfere, do not allow to roll, they say - "you can kill!". But he pushes with his foot, the sled pecks from the platform, and we fly ... gasp into the trough of the descent and dashing out onto the straight.

In-how we-ta-ah-ah! .. - Vasil-Vasilich cries out, - you won’t topple over with me! .. - grabs me lovingly, and we crash into a snowy shaft.

Snow dust is flying, a Christmas tree is falling on us, the sledges are up with runners, I am in a snowdrift: Vasil-Vasilich is winding felt boots in the snow, under the Christmas tree.

Didn't you hurt?.. The Lord saved... They didn't please a little, nothing! he says in an anxious voice. - Just don't tell dad ... I'll ride you better on our sleds, those are more true.

Rollers run up to us, and we laugh. They ride me on "ours", on some other "spreaders". Rollers are funny, they want to show themselves. They skate down the mountain, hands behind their backs, fall headfirst. Sergei rolls backwards. Squatting down, squatting backwards. Screaming - hurrah! Sergey slaps his hat:

I’ll take it for an oily ... look, on one leg! .. It collapses so terribly that I can’t look. En, where is he, rolling, throwing his leg back. They shout - hurrah-ah-ah! .. The merchant in a fox coat rolled, without anything, on the slope he shook like a bag - and straight with his head into the snow.

If you please, on a broomstick! - shouts some desperate, heavily drunk. Falls on a mountain, a broom flies over his head.

Light up the illumination. The echoing mountains roar with emptiness. They roll with sparklers, in sparks. They hum in tambourines, squeak harmonicas - the drunks piled on the mountains, yelling: "Taganka perish-ah! .." . Sergey grabs me:

I respect you, I'm jumping on skates! Just look, don't move!

Drags me to the edge.

Don't be stupid, you'll kill me!.. - I hear someone's cry and I'm terribly flying into the darkness.

The mountain growls under me, grumbles with a screech on the slope, and now - the lights on the Christmas trees! ..

You are a young man, by God! .. - Sergey hisses in his ear, and we fall into loose snow, - the gates were full.

Dad, look, don't tell! Sergei threatens me and pricks my cheek with his mustache. It smells of wine, frost.

Not cold, gulena? the father asks. - Well, let me jump you.

We are served "American", he leans back with me - and we rush, fly like the wind. Rolling with sparklers, multi-colored balls are burning, - and below us, in the ice, lights ...

Maslenitsa ends: today is the last day, "Forgiveness Sunday". The snow in the yard has melted. They bring "Shrovetide" from the baths - as a gift. Such joy! On a large round gingerbread are ice mountains made of gold paper and paper carved Christmas trees; in fir trees, standing on pegs, bears and wolves fashioned from dough and painted with soot, and above the mountains and fir trees - lush roses on splintered, blue, yellow, crimson ... - the top of flowers. And over all this "Shrovetide" thin golden gossamer threads tremble in brilliance. Bath attendants wear "Shrovetide" for all the "guests" they washed, and then they bring them to us. They are brought wine and pancakes in the kitchen.

And other pancakes today are called - "wretched". Beggars come - old men, old women. Who bakes pancakes for them! They are given a large buttered pancake - "for the memory of the soul." They hide the pancakes in their bosoms and go to other houses.

I admire, admire the "Shrovetide", I'm afraid to touch it - it's so good. Everything is alive! And Christmas trees, and bears. and mountains... and a golden game over everything. I look and think: Shrovetide is alive ... and flowers, and gingerbread - everything is alive. Something seems to be in it, but - what? I can not say.

Much later, recalling the wonderful "Shrovetide", I was surprised to think of the unknown Yegorych. Yegorych died - and the "Shrovetide" disappeared; never saw them anywhere. Why did he do this? Nobody could tell me. Something flashed to me? .. Gingerbread ... - but isn't this the earth, with forests and mountains, with animals? And wonderful lush flowers - the joy of the coming spring? And the trembling golden cobweb - Sun rays, spring? .. The unknown Yegorych died - and the “carnival”, alive, ended. Nobody can do it without him.

Calls in the evening. Gorkin comes in to watch Shrove Tuesday. Praises Yegorych:

A good old man, completely poor, feeds on handicrafts. Then he turns mills out of pieces of paper, but when it comes to buttermilk, he prepares his "carnival" in baths all over Moscow. They pay him three rubles for each ... he invented this himself, and everyone is pleasant. And what fairy tales he tells, what songs he knows! .. They went to him from the baths for "Shrovetide", but he, they say, does not even get up, he is weak ... and lies in the cold. Maybe this last one will die soon. Well, I went to vespers, tomorrow the "standing" will begin. Well, let's ask each other for forgiveness, now a forgiven day.

He bows at my feet and says - "forgive me, my dear, for Christ's sake." I know what to do, although I am very ashamed: I fall at his feet, I say - "God forgive me, forgive me, a sinner," and we bump our heads and laugh.

Conspired tonight, and tomorrow the strict days will begin, Great Lent. You really "Shrovetide" - then fuck it until night, tomorrow it's a sin to look. Look, admire - and take it apart ... eat the gingerbread, give it to someone to start talking.

Evening comes. I pull bears and wolves out of the gingerbread ... I break the golden mountains, is the piglet stuck, I pull out all the Christmas trees, I take off the roses, I tear off the golden threads. There remains a desert gingerbread. It's incredibly tasty. He stood for a week in the bathhouses, at the “assembly”, where they collect the proceeds, poured money into the “hills” - for tea for Shrovetide, dragged him around the city ... But it is unusually tasty: it must be with honey.

Late evening. Start talking before the Post. Tomorrow will be a sad bell. Tomorrow - "Lord and Master of my life..." - will be. Today is the "forgiveness day", and we will ask for forgiveness: first from relatives, then from servants, from the janitor, from everyone. You will meet a crooked Vassa, who lives in a "dark room", and you have to ask for forgiveness from her. Go to Grishka and bow at your feet? Recently I split a shovel and he got angry. What if he takes it and says - "I do not forgive!"?

We fall at each other's feet. A little funny and embarrassing, but after that it becomes easy, as if the sins were cleansed.

We sit in the dining room and after dinner we finish the nuts and marshmallow so that there is nothing left for Clean Monday. The door from the kitchen knocks, someone climbs the stairs, pokes his head at the door. This is Vasil-Vasilich, disheveled, with swollen eyes, in an unbuttoned waistcoat, in a pink shirt underneath. He drops to his knees loudly and hits his forehead on the floor.

Forgive me, for Christ's sake ... for the holiday ... - he carries his tongue and thumps again. - They celebrated the carnival ... they sinned ... tomorrow at five o'clock ... like a piece of glass ... be-p-koins-s! ..

Get up, sleep. God will forgive! .. - says the father. - And forgive us, and go.

And I forgive ... I forgive! .. I forgive everyone, like the Lord ... Jesus Christ ... ordered to forgive! .. - he sits down on his heels and feels his vest. - In God's way ... everyone should forgive ... And all your money ... to the penny!

They pick him up and escort him into the kitchen. You can not be angry - a forgiven day.

After praying to God, I crawl under the cotton curtain at the window and open the window. Listen how quiet it is. Black night, deaf. Sipping damp wind. Heard. how it drips, gurgles boring, boring. Bells, as if? .. A scream breaks out somewhere, it is unclear. And again silence, deaf. Here it is, the silence of Lent. His sad days come in silence, under the dull gurgling of a drop.

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, a phrase, a number or a sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the task number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and do tasks 1-3.

(1) The idea of ​​biogenesis comes from ancient Hindu and Persian religious ideas about the absence of beginning and end of natural phenomena and is one of the hypotheses of the origin of life on Earth. (2) this version of life exists in the universe forever. (3) The simplest organisms or their spores (“seeds of life”) could be brought from space to Earth, where they found favorable conditions, multiplied and gave rise to evolution from simple forms to more complex ones.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The idea of ​​biogenesis, based on the ancient Eastern religions, is a hypothesis of the cosmic origin of life on Earth, according to which life exists in the Universe forever.

2. The cosmic origin of life on Earth, as the idea of ​​biogenesis says, is evidenced by rock carvings of "seeds of life" - objects that look like aircraft.

3. According to Persian religious ideas, the “seeds of life” that appeared on Earth multiplied and gave rise to evolution in the Universe.

4. In accordance with the idea of ​​biogenesis, based on the ancient Eastern religions, life in the Universe exists forever, and on Earth it appeared due to the simplest organisms brought from space or their spores.

5. The biogenesis hypothesis says that life on Earth from outer space could be brought with the help of spacecraft sent by extraterrestrial civilizations.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Thanks

2. Contrary

4. According to

5. Regardless of


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word REPRESENTATION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.


1. Knowledge, understanding of something. Have no idea about anything. Make yourself a paragraph about something. The book gives a good paragraph on the subject.

2. A written statement about something. (official). P. prosecutor (act of prosecutorial supervision).

3. Presentation, message of something. to someone P. documents to the court.

4. Theatrical or circus performance, performance. The first paragraph of the new play. Self-employed p.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.




In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. M.Yu. Lermontov wrote ROMANTIC poems.

2. That year the water was very HIGH: the Volga flowed straight through the fields.

3. This year the publishing house for the first time released a calendar of MEMORABLE dates.

4. FOREST red ants bring invaluable benefits to humans.

5. The GUARANTEED voucher must contain the date of sale, the name of the product, its serial number.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

over SIXTY years


towards HER


LOOK at the picture


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 1) Successes that are achieved without much difficulty should not reassure us.
B) incorrect sentence construction with adverbial turnover 2) An official sitting at the table asked the visitor what business you have with me.
C) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 3) Significantly differing in vocabulary and grammatical structure, the languages ​​of the world have common structural properties.
D) an error in the construction of a complex sentence 4) Contrary to the prediction of weather forecasters, a snowstorm began.
D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech 5) The work of the late Beethoven did not correspond much to the tastes of the Viennese public of his day, who gave their sympathy to chamber music.
6) Thanks to various stylistic inclusions in artistic speech, an ironic or humorous nature of the narrative is created.
7) Having highlighted all the grammatical foundations, the structure of the sentence is established.
8) Moscow State University celebrated its anniversary.
9) As a result of excavations, scientists have established that even in ancient times, amber was used as an ornament.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


fire up




Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

pr..grad, pr..hut

be..helpful, ..burned

about .. warmed, pos .. threw

pos..yesterday, week..boron

go .. go, r .. pick up


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.







Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap

fell out .. sh



correct .. be



Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. (NOT) HIGH cloudy sky could be seen over the mountains.

2. There are, as it often seems to us, nothing (UN) SIGNIFICANT meetings with people, but communication with them can be the beginning of a long friendship.

3. In this city you rarely meet an idle, (UN) BUSY person.

4. A short acquaintance did not (NOT) prevent us from talking in a friendly way.

5. The development of St. Petersburg with its brown iron roofs is not at all (NOT) DESIGNED to be viewed from above.


Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. A pond in the park, covered with (DARK) GREEN duckweed, stood a BUD(TO) huge black mirror.

2. (B) FOR an hour, the conversation did not stop: they talked mainly (ON) ABOUT the upcoming trip.

3. I am not a rich person; my affairs are upset, and besides (SAME) I got bored of wandering from place to place (B) FOR a whole year.

4. (B) OTHER, only an unexpected snowfall can make birds fly further, (NOT) LOOKING at the wind and cold.

5. From the first pages, I experienced a strange feeling: AS if (WOULD) from a gloomy world I (THAT) HOUR was transferred to another world - sunny and bright.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one N is written.

The rooms were furnished (1) with remarkable luxury: the walls were upholstered with colorful Bukhara carpets, the ceilings were painted (2) with oil (3) paints, and there were real Persian carpets on the floors.


Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. There were magazines and newspapers as well as books on the table.

2. Great masters worked in Suzdal and Pskov and Rostov the Great.

3. The book not only introduces the reader to the rich world of the Russian language, but also reveals the laws of linguistic harmony.

4. We went to the highway and soon passed the village and the church standing near it.

5. Remember the stone bulk of St. George's Cathedral near Novgorod or the wooden fairy tale of Kizhi!


In the morning the blizzard subsided, it was quiet, only occasionally a cool wind came up (1) lifting (2) the manes of horses covered with hoarfrost (3) (4) and moving the branches of trees.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

Everything (1) seemed to (2) freeze before the oncoming storm. Fortunately (4) there were no people or cars on the streets (3).


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

Thaws are becoming more frequent (1) but (2) while the nights are frosty (3) the glass fringe of icicles does not melt (4) the snow does not melt.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write out this word.

In this novel, I found it especially interesting that the hero purposefully strives for the intended goal.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! (2) How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? (3) These memories refresh, elevate my soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures for me ...

(4) Having run to your fill, you used to sit at the tea table, on your high chair. (5) It’s late, I drank my evening cup of milk with sugar a long time ago, sleep closes my eyes, but you don’t move, you sit and listen. (6) Maman speaks to someone, and the sounds of her voice are so sweet, so friendly. (7) These sounds alone speak so much to my heart!

(8) With eyes clouded by drowsiness, I gaze intently at her face, and suddenly she became all small, small - her face is no more than a button.

(9) But it is still clearly visible to me: I see how she smiled at me. (10) I like to see her so tiny. (11) I squint my eyes even more, and it becomes even smaller. (12) But I moved - and the charm collapsed. (13) I narrow my eyes, turn around, try my best to resume it, but in vain. (14) I get up, climb up with my feet and comfortably fit into a chair.

- (15) You will fall asleep again, Nikolenka, - maman tells me, - you'd better go upstairs.

- (16) I don’t want to sleep, maman, - you will answer her, and vague but sweet dreams fill your imagination, healthy childhood sleep closes your eyelids, and in a minute you will forget and sleep until you wake up.

(17) You feel, it happened, in waking hours, that someone's gentle hand is touching you; by one touch you recognize her, and even in a dream you involuntarily grab this hand and firmly, firmly press it to your lips.

(18) Everyone has already dispersed; one candle is burning in the living room; maman said she would wake me up herself. (19) It was she who sat down on the chair on which I sleep, ran her wonderful gentle hand through my hair, and a sweet familiar voice sounds over my ear: "Get up, my darling: it's time to go to bed."

(20) Nobody's indifferent looks do not constrain her: she is not afraid to pour out all her tenderness and love on me. (21) I don’t move, but I kiss her hand even harder.

- (22) Get up, my angel.

(23) She takes my neck with her other hand, and her fingers move quickly and tickle me. (24) The room is quiet, semi-dark; mother sits beside me; I hear her voice. (25) All this makes me jump up, wrap my arms around her neck, press my head to her chest.

(26) She kisses me even more tenderly.

(27) After that, as you used to, you come upstairs and start packing in your quilted bathrobe, what a wonderful feeling you experience when you say: “I love dad and mom.” (28) I remember, you would wrap yourself up, it used to be in a blanket; the soul is light, light and gratifying; some dreams drive others, but what are they about?