All objects in Rostov region (Russia). Don villages are emptying Abandoned villages of the Rostov region

There is no point in hiding that abandoned villages and other populated areas are the object of research for many people who are passionate about treasure hunting (and not only). There is a place for those who like attic searching to roam, to “ring through” the basements of abandoned houses, to explore wells, and much more. etc. Of course, the likelihood that your colleagues or local residents very high, but, nevertheless, there are no “knocked out places”.

Reasons that lead to the desertion of villages

Before starting to list the reasons, I would like to dwell on the terminology in more detail. There are two concepts - abandoned settlements and disappeared settlements.

Disappeared settlements - geographical features, today, have completely ceased to exist due to military actions, man-made and natural disasters, and time. In place of such points one can now see a forest, a field, a pond, anything, but not standing abandoned houses. This category of objects is also of interest to treasure hunters, but we are not talking about them now.

Abandoned villages precisely belong to the category of abandoned settlements, i.e. towns, villages, hamlets, etc., abandoned by residents. Unlike the disappeared settlements, the abandoned ones for the most part retain their architectural appearance, buildings and infrastructure, i.e. are in a state close to the time when the settlement was abandoned. So people left, why? A decline in economic activity, which we can see now, as people from villages tend to move to the city; wars; disasters of various types (Chernobyl and its environs); other conditions that make living in a given region inconvenient and unprofitable.

How to find abandoned villages?

Naturally, before heading headlong to the search site, it is necessary to prepare a theoretical basis, saying in simple words, calculate these most likely places. A number of specific sources and tools will help us with this.

Today, one of the most accessible and fairly informative sources is Internet:

The second quite popular and accessible source- these are ordinary topographic maps. It would seem, how can they be useful? Yes, very simple. First of all, enough famous maps The General Staff has already marked both tracts and uninhabited villages. It is important to understand one thing here: a tract is not only an abandoned settlement, but simply any part of the area that is different from other areas of the surrounding area. And yet, on the site of the tract there may not be any village for a long time, but that’s okay, walk around with a metal detector among the holes, collect metal garbage, and then you’ll get lucky. Not everything is simple with non-residential villages either. They may not be completely uninhabited, but may be used, say, as summer cottages, or may be occupied illegally. In this case, I don’t see any point in doing anything, no one wants problems with the law, and the local population can be quite aggressive.

If you compare the same map of the General Staff and a more modern atlas, you can notice some differences. For example, there was a village in the forest on the General Staff, a road led to it and suddenly the road to more modern map disappeared, most likely, the residents left the village and began to bother with road repairs, etc.

The third source is local newspapers, local people, local museums. Communicate more with the natives, interesting topics There are always people available for conversation, and in between times you can ask about the historical past of a given region. What can locals tell you about? Yes, a lot of things, the location of the estate, the manor's pond, where there are abandoned houses or even abandoned villages, etc.

Local media is also a fairly informative source. Moreover, now even the most provincial newspapers are trying to acquire their own website, where they diligently post individual notes or even entire archives. Journalists travel a lot on their business and interview, including old-timers, who like to mention various interesting facts during their stories.

Don’t hesitate to visit provincial local history museums. Not only are their exhibitions often interesting, but a museum employee or guide can also tell you a lot of interesting things.

A five-story building consisting of three connected buildings. It is 70 meters long and 15 wide. Most of the windows on the first floor are boarded up, main entrance It is bricked up, but you can enter from the stairs, of which there are two in the building. On the ground floor, in many rooms, the entire wall is covered with drawings of various Soviet themes, from space to the traditions of Russian peoples. There is a tower behind the building cellular communication most operators in the city...

Rest →

In accordance with the plan for the development of the coal industry, mine No. 142 was founded in 1926, and in 1929 - mine No. 142-bis, which was put into operation in August 1931. In 1935, mine No. 142-bis was renamed the Kirov mine. Closed in 1995. On the territory there is an administrative and amenity complex for the mine, a health center, a VGSCH, a lamp room, a laundress, a bathhouse and much more. Not far from this complex of buildings there is...

Construction sites →

The workshop is divided into completed and unfinished spans in the form of a reinforced concrete skeleton. The total length of the object is 370 by 160 meters. In the unfinished spans there is no roof and trees and shrubs have been growing for decades. The completed ones have equipment and security. Dogs live around the clock, barking at any sound.

Institutions →

Building primary school in one of the villages in the region. Abandoned around 2010s. The two-story building has a symmetrical structure with two wings, staircases and toilets. The gym is located in the center of the second floor. At first, the building was guarded by a watchman, but in 2016 he was removed and glass in the building began to break and interior items disappeared. The piano is missing. Most of the building's doors are now open. Free admission.

Cities →

A small abandoned farm consisting of 5 plots with dilapidated houses. The areas were quite densely overgrown with small trees and shrubs. Residents left their homes before 2013 and the maximum number that were registered in this village. Several half-collapsed cellars and one well without a foundation or superstructure, into which one could fall, were discovered. Residents of neighboring villages dismantled their houses for building materials and firewood, so only one had...

Rest →

An old Soviet store that has been empty for several decades. The door on the side is not closed. There is almost nothing inside, except for the old Soviet wooden section of the counter and four chairs held together. The glass is intact because locals are watching the building due to the fact that the store is located almost in the center of the village.

Rest →

The three-story administrative building of the mine administration has two wings and a U-shape. Abandoned before 2013 and bought up by tenants. The central and largest building of the building is abandoned and admission is free at the end of summer 2018. The building, despite the devastation, still has Soviet interior attributes inside. The assembly hall is empty, but on one of the walls Lenin and scenes from the times of industrialization of the USSR are depicted. On the third floor there is access to two...

Construction sites →

Construction stopped earlier than 2008. The building, 30 meters long and about 18 meters wide, has stood since that time without interior decoration or other communications. Over time, the stairwells were dismantled to prevent unwanted visitors. It has one entrance and 5 apartments on each floor, judging by the layout. The construction site is surrounded by a fence that can be easily climbed over. No security was found during the visit.

Ghost farms remember Sholokhov and keep treasures

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Friends who were traveling around the region and accidentally came across it told me about the Chiganaksky ghost farm. What we saw was depressing: abandoned houses, devastation. We met one resident, and he ran into the reeds at the sight of people. Apparently, he went wild all alone. So we decided to visit the local Robinson Crusoe... - Yes, you will never get there in your “ten”! You need an all-terrain vehicle, but you won’t find one on weekends during the day. It’s unfortunate that you arrived,” Alexey Blagodarov, the manager of the administration of the Sholokhov district, besieged our impulses. We didn’t know then what last years The sands have swallowed up several dozen farms, and the future of many is now in question. And not only farms. Look, the village of Elanskaya a century ago was larger than Veshenskaya (population - about 10 thousand), but now there are only 125 people in it. The history of the disappeared farms would have remained hidden from descendants for centuries if not for our fellow countrymen Alexander Zhbannikov and his mother Tatyana Dmitrievna. All free time They are in the archives and searching for the last of the Mohicans - those who still remember that there were such farms on the Don as, for example, Kurshovka and Khryankovka. “We were captivated by the old Cossacks with the idea of ​​collecting information about the disappeared farms. Somehow they started talking about populated areas, which are now not on maps, about their grandfathers who lived there, says Tatyana Zhbannikova. - I went to the Department of Architecture and got a list of these farms. Most of them fell into oblivion in the 60s - 80s of the last century, when the state came up with the idea of ​​consolidating them.

Erik - Don floodplain. In 1945 there were 44 households here. It was a good farm. Watermelons were grown in enormous sizes. They say it was impossible to lift it. The farm disappeared as unpromising. The last residents of Erinsky, the Garanin family, gave the Zhbannikov researchers ancient photographs inserted into the glass of gas masks. These hung in many houses in memory of the war.

Khutor Ostrovskoy or Shpynevka

The founder of the farm is Natalya Ushakova. The woman was of rare beauty. Her uncle served as the bodyguard of Nicholas II himself. The descendants of the Ushakovs (they live in Veshki) still eat okroshka from plates with the royal coats of arms. Natalya Ivanovna wore skirts with brushes: bristles were sewn on the hem so that they wouldn’t fray, brush them off and there would be order. Everyone envied her. But they were also respected. The famine of the 30s of the last century ruined this strong woman. Khutor Ostrovnoy IN mid-19th century centuries there were 22 courtyards here. The last resident of Ostrovny, Spiridon Vypryazhkin, whiled away a century here alone. Mikhail Sholokhov loved to take guests to him, because the fish almost jumped out of the river on Spiridon’s fishing rod. He stayed here with the writer Charles Snow and his wife, as well as Nikita Khrushchev. Once Vypryazhkin made an unsuccessful joke about the brother of Sholokhov’s wife Maria Petrovna. I fed him raw pike, which made his brother-in-law feel sick to his stomach. The joker left the farm in the 60s of the last century; he ended his days in Veshki. Stories about Spiridon still circulate among people. Khutor Otrozhensky It was founded at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and was located two kilometers from the village of Veshenskaya on the Spur spring, which is now one of the attractions associated with the name of Mikhail Sholokhov. It was founded by a miroshnik (miller). The mill just stood on the spring. According to the stories of old-timers, the miroshnik was incredibly rich. He had only daughter Sophia. They say she suffered slightly from dementia. A rogue took her in marriage, coveting his father’s wealth. The father died soon after. The husband convinced Sophia that the money needed to be hidden better, and together they buried it in the garden. Of course, hubby later dug up the cache and hid it. They say that people still believe that the Miroshnik’s legacy is still in the ground. Then Captain Kargin settled in Otrozhenskoye. On every Trinity Sunday he organized a religious procession. They say that Esaul atoned for some sins and made a vow. As a result, the church recognized the Spur spring as holy. Near the spring stands an old cross - either to the miroshnik, or to the esaul. The answers are lost. Now there is only one water pump left from the farmstead, which supplies water to the entire Veshenskaya. By the way, in one of the interviews, Sholokhov’s daughter Svetlana said that the teacher took them to the Spur, they read Pushkin’s “Rusalka” aloud and took pictures against the backdrop of a destroyed mill.

Behind this mountain are the so-called Proval steppes - speaking scientific language, "the largest area of ​​unplowed rocky steppes, formerly widespread on the Donetsk Ridge, with bedrock outcrops and petrified vegetation"(petrophilous - stone-loving), and you can read about the joint Russian-Ukrainian reserve organized on their part.

It has been quite rightly noted that the main life is in full swing along the Rostov-Moscow highway, but as soon as you drive away from it to the right or left for a couple of tens of kilometers, you will find yourself in a sleepy, dying kingdom of poor rural life.

Anikin Farm - several houses scattered in the middle of a field, interspersed with the remains of destroyed buildings. In 2010, according to the census, 170 people lived here, how many live now is unknown, but during our entire stay we saw only a lonely shepherd on the mountain, looking after the cows and sheep, and a lost taxi that flashed on the road towards the farm.

Houses and other household structures were built by local residents from available materials - flat stone, of which there was plenty on the nearby rocks.

Walls were made from plastic sheets, holding them up under their own weight; for those richer, they were additionally coated with clay. After people left these lands, lush green thickets regained their power over the previously lost territory in a matter of years.

There was once either a house or a barn here -

It’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there was Anikin, and they tell about the history of his emergence So -

At the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries, several peasants who fled from serfdom reached the outpost village of Zamchalovo, where they settled, accepted by the Cossacks. One of these settlers, named Anikei, married a local Cossack woman and left the hill down a ravine for a whole ten kilometers. He set up his kuren in dense thickets of trees at the confluence of two rivers.

With the pushing of nomadic tribes further south, the Cossacks began to actively settle around the Anikeya kuren. They really liked these places: the blue valley, protected from all winds, fertile black soil, crystal clear, soft water of two rivers with an abundance of fish.

On the slope of the right bank of the river, vineyard plantations were cultivated. Soon the farm stretched for several kilometers and began to be called Verkhniy Anikin - before the confluence of the rivers and Nizhny Anikin - after the confluence of the rivers. In the 19th century, there was a water mill in the farmstead, built by one of the enterprising Cossacks; a church and a parochial school were also built.

Even today, luxurious gardens grow along the rivers in the village, delighting residents with huge juicy fruits of pears and apple trees.

Although the remains of the foundation of the water mill are still preserved, practically nothing reminds of its former greatness - the ruins are covered with a thick layer of vegetation, healthy thickets of nettles have grown along the banks of the river, the remains of houses have turned into hills overgrown with grass, fruit trees are crowded out by their more successful competitors, and grapevines the vines dissolved into wild grasses.

When looking at these ready-made post-apocalyptic scenery, I remembered the lines from “Mowgli”:

- We tore their roofs to pieces, the jungle swallowed up their walls, Hachi explained.

- What happened then? - asked Mowgli.

“I must walk two nights from east to west and three nights from north to south in order to cross the length and breadth of the region that the jungle has taken over; they also swallowed up five settlements; in these villages, in the fields, in the pastures, among the loose arable land, there is now not a single person who extracts his food from the ground.

This is how I and my three sons plundered the fields of Burtpor. But tell me, human cub, how did the news of this reach you? - said Hathi. True, in the role of Kipling's elephants in in this case spoke economic policy

post-Soviet government, since forty years ago people lived in these ruins. Even deep Cossack cellars with characteristic finials, isolated from the house, have been preserved, but there is absolutely no time left to get to know them better.

Having left the dead farm, we climbed a nearby rock, in the stones of which real rock crystal sometimes originates.

The appearance of the grass cover is deceptive - underneath there is a very mobile scree - It is from that side that the quarry developments of the Anikinsky GOK are moving in our direction - perhaps in a few years the beautiful landscape will be completely destroyed, and tiny inclusions of rock crystals will go into crushed stone dumps, bobps

I showed samples along the way, but we couldn’t find anything similar on the mountain - better luck next time.

And behind the ridge of the mountain a “mountain” lake was suddenly discovered, located several dozen above the plain below, and around the lake there was a herd sitting at a watering place.

In general, such lake-sheep landscapes are very reminiscent of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia -

however, more about them later, after analyzing the materials from Kislovodsk.

and on the horizon, near Anikin we left behind, either a collective farm or a farm appeared -

I refer those interested in the route to the creator and author of the excursion, and we moved back towards Shakhty and Rostov-on-Don, to the Osinovskaya Krinitsa.