Free-minded pre-revolutionary books. Interesting books of pre-revolutionary Russia

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Year of issue: 1894
Author: Grotto Ya. K.
Publishing house: Typography of the Imperial Academy of Sciences
File format: Djvu.
Totalpages: 164
Description: Many of us want to know the spelling of the Russian language in the original, and the beta version of the Beta version of Lunacharsky in 1918. For many centuries in a row, our Russian language was redone, cut, added. And the author of this book led to uniformity russian spellingHaving collected together all the rules and leaders acting at that time in pre-revolutionary Russia.

The size:: 2.7MB Year of issue: 1915
Author: Petrov K.F.
Publishing house: Typography Sytin I.D.
Book format: Djvu.
Quality: Scan.
Total pages: 164

Before you a pre-revolutionary textbook grammar. Complete theoretical and practical skills of grammar are given. Intelligibly and clearly explain the questions, tasks and examples

Year of issue: 1913
Author: Livanov N.
Publishing house: Petersburg training shop
Format: Djvu.
Quality: Scanned Pages
Number of pages: 248
Description: All in general phenomena mental life We are divided by three classes: 1) the informative phenomena, in which the human soul ability is found, called the mind; 2) on feelings, or heartlocks, and 3) on the phenomena of will.

Released: 1916
Author: A.Ya. Otrogorsky
Publishers: Trenka and Fusno
Format: Djvu.
Quality: Scanning Pages
Total pages: 408
Description: Many of us have thought about the question - what to read our children? This is a very difficult pedagogical task - to choose reading for the young mind. The first goal is to support a deep humane feeling. The compiler of this book tried to instill a child and aesthetic taste for preparing for reading the works of great Russian writers.

Released: 1840
Author: A.M.
Publishers: Kharkov
Format: Pdf.
Quality: Scanning Pages
Total pages: 74
Description: Russia, like God's world, is extensive: there is where the king is keen to edit and reign, there is where the people to live and obey the people; There is where and the strength of the growing and the power to shoot, - there is where the king serve - the fame to get, and get bread - to live himself.

Released: 1887
Explored: Mikhail Sokolov
Publishers: Typography A.T.Tokarev
Format: Djvu.
Quality: Scanning Pages
Total pages: 181
Description of historical and ethnographic research: Almost all pagan religions had gods in their pantheon - the sun. And Russia is no exception. Prokokii Caesarian in his chronicles mentioned that the Slavs and Ants have the main god of thunder and zipper - Perun, and that they sacrificing bulls.

It is for this reason that the solar cult is quite brightly reflected in the pagan Rus

God is not refuted by science. First book

The size: 56.3MB
Year of issue: 1895
Author: I.A. Karyshev
Language: Russian
Genre: Textbooks of Officers of the Tsarist Army
Printed in
A series of books: Basics of true science
Book format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 248
Description: Many argue to argue; they like the most dispute process; Today they protect one opinion, and tomorrow it is the opposite and brags that in both cases remain winners. This love for winning the victory in the exchange of opinions is not at all uncommon and is incomparably more common than they think about it; On the contrary, it should be sophisticated to some extent in each of us and in every dispute, for people who can judge unprepacely and rejoice in the success of very little; Most never refuses the case to point out to another, as in his although the right thing is rude.

Revealing the entire picture of the history of scientific knowledge by this edition, the author evokes evidence that the world's truth is one and that the beginning of it is in God and that he owns it entirely.

Composition of a human being; Life and death. Book II

Year of issue: 1895
Author: Karyshev I.A.
Language: Russian (to reform 1918)
Publishing house: Steam pearprit and lithograph "Hope"
Series: Basics of true science
Number of pages: 248
Description: Themes affected in the second book: an abstracted element of a person, phenomena from the afterlife, the soul of materialists and positivists, the soul of spiritualists, the three elements of the human being, the search for the fourth eetem, the teaching of physics about matter, a semi-ester sheath, life and death of a person.

The size: 59 MB

. Book III-I

Year of issue:1897
Author: I.A.Karyshev
Language: Russian (to reform 1918)
Genre: Textbooks of officers of the royal army
Publishing house: Steam pearprit and lithograph "Hope"
Series: Basics of true science
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 257
Description: The book talks about life on the planets solar system. Perhaps it is more correct to say about the ideas of people of the XIX century about life on other planets.

The size: 52 MB

The size: 4 MB

Year of issue:1912
Author: N.A. Rubakin
Language: Russian
Genre: Pre-revolutionary statistics
Publishing house: "Bulletin of Knowledge"
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 216
Description: The experience of the static characteristics of the classroom-class composition of the population of the Russian state. To this books suggested the author to the author. He received many letters and here in one of them it is written: "I must, I want to know that country in which I live. And know not only that deaf corner in which the fate threw me and where I was born and grew up, and now Chodes, no, I want to know my my native country in the whole, - to at least the most significant and specific traits Her, and not on rumors, and not according to newspaper phrases, and not by party ideas. "

Year of issue:1865
Author: S. Maximov
Language: Russian
Genre: Customs of the Russian people
Publishing house: "Public use"
Format: Pdf.
Number of pages: 48
Description: In Russia, at the time of writing, this book lived more than sixty people who have their nickname and their features. After reading this book, you will learn how to distinguish one people from another, how foreigners live in Russia, how the stray peoples live, who were our ancestors, from what we began to be called Russians, learn the customs of Velikorsov and Maloros and what does not get and what the people of Russian.

Year of issue:1897
Author: Dustyev Mikhail
Language: Russian (to reform 1918)
book genre: Rites and customs in Russia
Publishing house: Typography A.S. Svorin
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 320
Description: Essays and stories about the exhausted time of rites, customs and orders in the home appliance and public Life. How ate in the old days. - Gambling in the old days. - Fashion and fashion old time. - Beginning of spectacles, balls, masquerades and other public passions in Russia. - The era of knightly carousels and allegic mascaras in Russia. - Our theater in the era Patriotic War. - Day of Generalissimus Suvorov. - Father Suvorov. - Russian elders, vigors and freaks. - Historical bells.

A description of all peoples living in the Russian state. Tom 1 - 4

Year of issue:1776-1799
Author: Georgi I.-G., Miller K.V.
Language: Russian
Genre: Investigation
Publishing house: Book executive Ivan Glazunov
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 883
Description: In this book, the results of the first common ethnographic chosenses of all nations of Russia. Catherine II highly appreciated these works.

Collection of anti-alcohol content

The size: 1 MB.

Year of issue: 1914
Publishing house: Moscow
Author: Belyaev M.M. and S.M.
Language: Russian (to reform in 1918)
Genre: Arithmetic
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 47
Description: Manual when teaching arithmetic in the lower schools of all departments. The problem book was compiled by a teacher M. M. Belyaev and a doctor S. M. Belyaev on the basis of research and development data for the period from 1900 to 1914 and issued a circle of workers to combat school alcoholism. Tasks are divided into the following groups: statistical, social, interpretative alcohol, mixed. There are also household tasks in the textbook. The material is designed for students of 3-7 classes (the number of thousands of thousands and millions, percentages, parts, fractions of ordinary and decimal). Unsuccessful tasks: 101 and 126. The authors advise to use tasks as an additional material, no more than 2 tasks per week. The textbook is interesting not only as a problembook for schoolchildren in mathematics, but also as a statistical manual to assess the problem of drunkenness in Russian EmpireEspecially for the period from 1910 to 1913.

The life of the village in the days of sobriety (according to Zemsky and Other Questionnaire)

The size: 1 MB.

Year of issue: 1916
Publishing house: Petrograd. State printing house.
Author: Voronov D. N.
Language: Russian (to reform in 1918)
Genre: Arithmetic
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 71
Description: Reports read in March 1916 in the meetings of the Commission on alcoholism in the Russian society of Folk Health. Day January 30, 1914, when the highest rescript was followed by the Minister of Finance, which concern about the People's Spacement was put in a number of paramount state issuance and is indicated on the need to find other government revenues, instead of peteed proceeds, new era in the history of the fight against drunkenness.

And the collection of statistics in several provinces testifies that 70% of the population was supported by the will of the Sovereign, because the country appeared in the country and the crime was decreased.

Year of issue: 1914
Publishing house: Jurisprudentsiya
Author: Gimpelson Ya.I.
Genre: Royal laws before the revolution
Format: Pdf.
Number of pages: 2043
Description: This book includes all legal connotations, according to the official text, and equal to the decisions of the Governing Senate, ministerial circulars and explanations and orders in St. Petersburg Graduality.
The reasoning about the Jewish question was eliminated, in view of the appointment of a book, as leadership to the applicable laws of Jews.
Distribution consists of volumes:
1. Collector laws on Jews with clarification by definitions Governing Senata and Circulars of ministries.
2. Consumption to Russian laws on Jews. / Sost. jury. Stand. M.I. Mouse
3. Jews about Jews: syst. Overview of the existing laws on Jews with explanations of the Governing Senate and the Center. Governments. Installations: with aged, chronol. and alf.-line. Decree, 1, 2 tons.

Size: 14 MB

Year of release: 1864
Publisher: Bakhmetev printing house
Posted by: Iost
Genre: Religion
Format: PDF.
Number of pages: 317
Description: The proposed book is abbreviated translated the presentation of the essay of IOSost "History of Jews and its sects."
"In order for printing, to release from the printing house, it was presented to the Provisional Committee a legal number of copies." - Czestor Archimandrite Mikhail.

The size: 21MB.

Year of issue: 1902
Publishing house: Suvorin typography
Author: Collective
Genre: Pre-revolutionary
Format: Pdf.
Number of pages: 406
Description: The book begins with the story of A.V. Kruglov "Funny Funeral" - many it immediately repels, but it is worth reading this story. A story about one guy, as he was propheted in the theologian, and he went to doctors in the physician. And other stories of authors.

The size: 718MB.

Year of issue: 1824-1874
Publishing house: Typography of Folk Enlightenment
Author: Collective
Genre: Pre-revolutionary magazines
Format: Pdf.
1824. Pocket book for domestic lovers for 1825
1870. Tom 001. Issue 1-6
1870. Volume 002. Mac.7-12, pointer to 1-2 volumes
1871. Volume 003. Issue.1-6
1871. Volume 004. Mac. 7-12, pointer to 3-4 volumes
1872. Volume 005. Issue.1-6
1872. Volume 006. IP.7-12, pointer to 5-6 volumes
1873. Russian pedigree book
1873. Volume 007. Issue 13-6
1873. Volume 008. IP.7-12, pointer to 7-8 volumes
1874. Notes of Manstein About Russia 1727-1744
1874. Volume 009. MOT.1-4, pointer to 9
1874. Tom 010. POS.5-8, pointer to 10

The size: 8.1mb
Year of issue: 1902
G. Vagner, K. Freier
Genre: Leisure
Publishing house: S.Petherburg Electric Printing
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 226
Quality: Scanned Pages
Description: What kind of children's games have a huge educational value, developing the thought, imagination and memory in children, - we will talk about this in more detail in the general part of the book: it has long been a common place of rational pedagogical system. The proposed book is a meeting of all sorts of books for children of different ages; The case of parents and educators - to navigate in this extensive material and choose some kind of games, conforming to the individual inclinations and the intelligence of this group of children.
Additional information: 183 drawing in the text

File size: 3MB
Printed in 1860.
Tales collected I.A.Hudyakov
Genre : Fairy tales
Publishing house: Typography V. Grachev
Book Format: PDF
Pages Total: 158
Description: Ivan Khudyakov gathered this wonderful collection of Velikorvsky fairy tales in the cities of Tobolsk, Moscow, Kazan and Ryazan. The censor forbade it to print most, but still the fact that it remains very interesting and old and the Mlad. Also in the collection there is a story about a witch and two saga. Read with pleasure.

File size: 1MB
Printed in 1905
Genre: Pre-revolutionary
Publisher: T-Va i.D. Sitina printing house
Book Format: PDF
Pages Total: 95
Description: The question of the split - sectarianism belongs to the number of issues, still too little developed by our literature.
"From St. PetersburgSkago spiritual and censorship Committee to print is allowed"

The size: 17.6MB
I recommend to those who want to know how they treated the clergy before the revolution
Year of issue: 1911
Author: Z.V. Zosimovsky
Publishing house: St. Petersburg. Typography magazine "Builder"
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 564
Description: Zosimovsky Zinovy \u200b\u200bVasilyevich - compiler commentary of the issues of the construction and road part and the author of the book "Does the Russian Religion?" (1911), architect engineer. The book is devoted to the issues of morality and ethics of Russian people before the revolution. The author cites many examples from everyday life and clashes with law. The policemen just stand on the avenue for beauty and do not follow the order. Permanent brand and dismissive attitude towards Popam - it pertures to the depths of the soul and it argues the opposite. Just among the Russians - it is in the blood - contempt for the clergy

Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language Vladimir Dalya. 4 volumes

Published in1880-1882
Compiler: Vladimir Dal.
Publishing house: M.O.Volf, SPb., M.
Format files: Pdf.
Number of pages: 808+810+582+710
Description of the dictionary: Famous " Dictionary Zhivago Great Russian Language Vladimir Dal "appears before your eyes in the original publishing house of the 1880s. In it, it was collected by an excellent lot of Russian words, which we betrayed the caustion or we were imposed to consider them archaic. But it should not be. We need to know and use all words and letters in writing and pronunciation. After all, our language is great and difficult to teach in comparison with any other language. And therefore I propose to take the read and love Russian, such as it is in fact.

Year of issue: 1891
Author: Vladimir Dal.
Publishing house: M.O.Volf, SPb., M.
Format: Djvu.
Number of pages: 750+642
Description: If someone wants to learn Russian proverbs and sayings - it is necessary to go to the people - everyone knows about it, because there are no proverbs in the educated society.
Vladimir Dal collected two volumes of sayings not as instruction and not for fun, but for learning and searching. Therefore, we all want to know what is really. Does not scare the author and the directness of the expressions of the Russian man - what is that is on the Holy Rus.
But we, formed people not only did not compose a single remarkable proverb, so we still do not fully understand the ready-made proverbs, like: "Do not take out litter from the hut" - after all, it will be dirty in the hut.
This book of enlightenment is in the seplace of the place and waiting for the Cvovo reader - read and comprehend the soul of Russian. file size: 3MB
Year of issue: 1827
Author: Fuchs
Publishing house: St. Petersburg
Format: RTF.
Number of pages: 55
Description: Not many know that Suvorov became known after the attack took ... The Women's Monastery - without permission, not notifying anyone. After, I called him Catherine and raised him in the rank. It was since then that Suvorov became an eccentric, who we all know him.
Despite the fact that this book in no case cannot be viewed as a reliable source of information about Suvorov, read and think. Moreover, no historian in their research passed by this book. But the smoke without fire does not happen ...

file size: 1MB
Year of issue: 1912
Author: Christopher-Ludwig von Ielin
Publishing house: Typography T-Va I. D. Sittina. Moscow
Format: RTF.
Number of pages: 41
Description: An excerpt from the memoirs of the officer of the Württemberg army, who took part in a campaign to Russia, captured by the Russian troops who passed through the "Russian hospitality" and subsequently liberated. This copy is small, but very interesting with its horrific facts when Napoleon's retreat.
Extra. information: The author of this publication was the son of a priest, who wanted to create a merchant from him. However, the joy of victories and bitterness of defeats chose Christopher more, and he became a soldier.

List of killed and wounded heroes of the 2nd Patriotic War 1914. For Iyul, August and September

Release: 1880
Edited by and with Notes V. Bourgertov
Publisher:St. Petersburg Energy 1906
Description: The case of the nobleman Alexander Kvyatkovsky, the peasant Stepan Shiryaev and others, devoted to the military court of the time-in-making troops of the guard and the St. Petersburg Military District on charges of them in state crimes.

Immortality of the human person as scientific problem

file size: 1MB
Year of issue: 1916
Author: V.M. Bekhterev
Publishing house: Petrograd, Psychoneurological Institute
Format: RTF.
Number of pages: 22
Description: This was speech, was uttered at the solemn act of the psychoneurological institution in February 1916 and then printed in the "Bulletin of Knowledge". The author explores the concept of death - whether it comes or not.

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Chargeless pre-revolutionary books

To everyone!
Pre-revolutionary books download free.

Free-revolutionary books are presented here. The topics of these books are very different - from children's games to descriptions historical events. Pre-revolutionary publication Now enjoy extraordinary demand - after the revolution, many of them have been banned and the people fills their knowledge of pre-revolutionary literature.

Russian pre-revolutionary language is increasingly used on the forums; This, this, stout - it pleases it, then people want to know the Rusky language in the original. It is for this that there is a tutorial of spelling and the focus of books are presented excerpts from pre-revolutionary magazines and newspapers so that the reader can feel in pre-revolutionary Russia

The link contains books
1. Russian spelling.
2. Russian. Experience in the practical textbook of Russian grammar.
3. Training course Theories of literature.
4. Live word. Book for learning native language, Part II, for students of secondary school class II.
5. Monuments for history, language and literature of South Russian (Malororsia and Chervonorussia).
6. Staroral sunny gods and goddess.
7. God is not refuted by science. The first book.
8. The composition of the human being; Life and death. Book II.
9. Essence of life. Book III.
10. Russia in numbers. Country. People. Estate. Classes.
11. About Russian people.
12. A description of all living in Russian state Peoples. Tom 1 - 4.
13. Collection of anti-alcohol content.
14. The life of the village in the days of sobriety (according to Zemsky and Other Questionnaire).
15. Laws on Jews in pre-revolutionary Russia.
16. Historic Bulletin. Volume 88.
17. Children's games and entertainment.
18. Velic Russian fairy tales.
19. Does the Russian religion?
20. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language Vladimir Daly. 4 volumes.
21. Proverbs of the Russian people. Volume I and II.
22. Word Cooking.
23. Guide to the study of Sanskrit.
24. Jokes of Prince Itali Count Suvorov-Ramnica.
25. 1812 Napoleon Napoleon Napoleon Army Note-Ieline.
26. List of killed and wounded heroes of the 2nd Patriotic War 1914. For Iyul, August and September.
27. The process of sixteen terrorists.
28. Mossless of the human person as a scientific problem.
29. The rebellion of Stepan Razin. Letters eyewitnesses.
30. Jiacomo Casanova and Ekaterina II (according to unnecessary documents).
31. Description of the celebration on the occasion of Izmail in the house of General-Field Marshal Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky.
32. Waste shelves of Peter the Great.
33. Saltychikha.
34. Prisons in Russia. His own draft Empress Catherine II, 1787.
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Books on history, archeology, geography, ethnography, philology, linguistics, genealogy, philosophy, published mainly until 1917