Read about the life of successful and. MUST-READ

A lot of useful knowledge can be found in books. You get the experience of people who have already figured out - learned how to solve problems, build relationships, formulated their knowledge in a form accessible to all interested. This is why self-help books can change your life. In matters of self-development, they are simply irreplaceable. There are tons of amazing pieces out there that can help you become better, stronger, and happier. Here is a list of twenty must-read books. They can seriously affect your life, as they have already influenced the lives of thousands of people.

Dale Carnegie, "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

This book really helps you achieve what it promises. This classic was published in 1936 and has since been reprinted numerous times in different formats. The book contains simple steps to improve your communication skills and strengthen relationships, each illustrated with examples from real life from Carnegie himself and people he knows. Even one piece of advice - using the person's name more often in conversation - can already transform your life.

Manuel Smith, "When I Say No, I Feel Guilty"

Many people have trouble setting boundaries - it is difficult for them to stand up for themselves, learn to refuse and defend their beliefs. Some become dependent on others, believing their problems and emotions to be their responsibility. In Smith's book, you can find information on how to learn how to defend your boundaries using simple techniques, how to open up to those who deserve the energy spent on them, and how to exclude from life people who spoil your mood.

Bren Brown, The Power of Vulnerability

This book is impeccable motivation, a source of incredible change. In modern society, no one talks about their weaknesses, no one wants to admit their shortcomings. At the same time, the ability to recognize them is a real advantage. The book will help those who are ready to think wider, to change themselves and their approach to weaknesses. To be successful, you need to be vulnerable and willing to take risks.

Gary Chapman, Five Love Languages

Many people believe that love is a simple exchange of words and it exists without any effort. And this is wrong. In fact, maintaining a relationship is not easy at all. After the honeymoon, the relationship gets worse. This book will help strengthen them. You will be able to find out what kind of manifestations of love your partner and you need, start using them and notice a quick result. The principles described in the book apply not only to personal life, but also to everyday communication.

Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of the Present"

This book teaches you to live in the present. Perhaps its content is repeated in places, but this helps to understand the essence. It contains examples of how people behave during the day in relation to others. This book will help you cope with the clutter of your thoughts and find the calmness of the present moment.

William Irwin, Stoicism

Irwin presents the classic philosophy of Stoicism, which is being transformed in modern days, supplementing his reasoning with tools and practical advice that will improve the quality of your life. The information is based on personal experience and really helps to become happier and calmer.

Timothy Ferris, "How to Work Four Hours"

This phenomenal book has pushed many people to forget about the standard work schedule. Most likely, you will either like it, or it will be annoying, but it will definitely not go unnoticed. Ferris tries to make people realize that their time is limited and sitting these hours in the office is not the best option.

MJ DeMarco, "A book for those who dared to make money"

This book has a lot of repetitions of the same ideas, but it is motivating enough to start doing your own thing, and it gives a lot. useful information that will be useful to everyone.

Chip and Den Heath, "Resolute"

Decisions are difficult for many people. It seems like you need to make a list of pros and cons, but sometimes it doesn't lead to the best results. The Heath brothers help divide the decision-making process into four phases. It transforms your behavior.

Gary Vaynerchuk, "Hobby is business"

Vaynerchuk is the owner of a large Internet empire. His book will help you learn how to create a successful online business with a multi-step instruction manual.

Robert Glover, "Stop Being Nice Guy!"

This is a very short book, but effective. She describes the good guy syndrome - what makes men lie, manipulate, cheat and pretend instead of facing reality.

David Deida, The Way of a Real Man

This book is a spiritual guide for a man who wants to be a man - in the traditional sense of the word. How should women be treated? What is the male energy? How to achieve happiness? The book contains answers to all these questions.

Mark Manson, "Models"

There are many books out there on how to get started dating women, but most of them contain only ready-made phrases or overly complex theories. Others concentrate too much on sex. Manson transforms the approach to dating the opposite sex and teaches how to get the most positive emotions from communication, behave naturally and feel comfortable.

Viktor Frankl, "A Man in Search of Meaning"

This book is filled with inspiration. Frankl talks about his life in captivity and a concentration camp, about returning home. He is confident that as long as a person has a purpose in life, he will be able to survive in any conditions. Just find your goal.

Maxwell Maltz, Psychological Cybernetics

In the book plastic surgeon it tells that many people want to change their appearance, but in fact they need internal changes... Maltz talks about relaxation techniques that can help.

James Allen, "How Man Thinks"

A short essay that contains an important thought - your thoughts define the reality in which you live.

Dan Ariely, Predictable Irrationality

Arieli analyzes why people do what they do. People think that they are logical, but everyone controls emotions. This book will help you to understand the subconscious and become better.

Robert Cialdini, "The Psychology of Influence"

This book will help you learn how to manage people, not only in personal relationships, but also at work, in interviews.

Matt Ridley, The Red Queen

Why do men tend to look for multiple partners? Why are women so selective? What is hidden in our genes? Ridley's book will help you understand a lot about relationships.

Rolf Plotts, Vagabond

This book will inspire you to travel. Plotts believes it is worth traveling at a leisurely pace, and he shares a must-have checklist and many helpful tips.

Reading books prolongs life. Don't believe me? According to a Yale University study, those who read books live on average 2 years longer than those who do not. On our own behalf, we add that they live not only longer, but also more interesting.

We have found successful entrepreneurs who have proven by their example that this is true. And we asked them about their favorite books, which they consider must-read for all business owners and top managers, as well as those who plan to become them.

Our research clearly shows that you don't need to be in a successful industry to become a great company. Every company that has achieved outstanding results has created its own economic machine, regardless of the situation in the industry.

This is a handbook by David Yan, founder of ABBYY. The book analyzes the experience of companies that have made the transition from good to outstanding performance, such as: Abbott, Circuit City, Fannie Mae, Gillette, Kimberly-Clark, Kroger, Nucor, Philip Morris and others. These companies have maintained strong performance for 15 years. The authors are convinced that the consistent implementation of the ideas and concepts outlined in the book will help almost any organization to dramatically improve its activities and achieve truly outstanding results.

Here is what David Yang says about this book: “I don’t know a smarter book on the issue of company management and team life. After reading this book, I analyze the situation in different companies and I see that the guys have done a really gigantic job and identified the main principles.

It is always quiet at the meetings of leaders of the fourth level, mostly the leader says, everything is neatly written down. There are practically no questions. Then everyone disperses and everyone does it in their own way.

And the situation is with the leaders of the fifth level - at meetings everyone proves their point of view, banging their fists on the table, even getting personal. In this case, the leader either expresses his point of view in the same manner, or is silent. And then everyone sits down and makes a single decision. And they execute this decision regardless of what point of view they defended during the discussion.

This disciplined, but open to discussion, leadership position is characteristic of the companies that Jim Collins classified as great. And the leaders who managed to create such an atmosphere of creativity, openness and at the same time discipline, this is a very important point - not anarchy, but discipline, they called such leaders the leaders of the fifth level. "

Effective leader

Peter Drucker

All our experience shows that the goals that subordinates set for themselves almost never coincide with the goals set for them by their superiors. Subordinates and younger employees see reality with different eyes.

This book is recommended reading to all entrepreneurs and managers Pavel Annenkov, founder and managing partner of Florista. Most management books usually focus on managing other people. The theme of this book is self-management. To work effectively, it is not enough to be smart, work hard, or be erudite. It doesn't take special skills, talents, aptitudes, or training to be effective. To be effective, a leader needs to do certain - and quite simple - things. These include a small set of rules that Peter Drucker created.

  1. Effective managers need to know where they are spending their time.
  2. They should be focused not on getting the job done, but on the end result.
  3. Effective managers must build their activities on advantageous, strong qualities.
  4. Effective managers focus on a few critical areas where assignments will deliver the most tangible results.
  5. Finally, managers must make effective decisions. There should be few solutions, but they should all be fundamental. In making decisions, you need to be guided by the right strategy, and not by momentary tactical considerations. "

It is not who you are that matters, but who you want to become.

Paul Arden

Photo: tsibikova_tanya.

Everyone wants to reach the top. But few are willing to make sacrifices. For the majority, it is much more important to please others. It is logical, but not worth confusing these two crafts: being a professional and liking.

This book is recommended by Mikhail Kuchment, co-owner and vice president of Hoff. A pocket bible for the talented but timid, to help make the impossible possible. Global advertising guru Paul Arden offers his wise advice on the most different topics- problem solving, communication and everything else that is needed in modern realities. An excellent selection of quotes, wisdom, facts and illustrations in this book is combined with the incredible energy of the author, which will charge you with creativity and motivation for new achievements!

R Mikhail Kuchment's recommendation: “Paul Arden is a great advertising specialist, but his advice is applicable in any area. If you want to succeed as a person, your path does not have to go only along the beaten path. You must walk through an area of ​​the unknown where excitement and creativity will help you shape new reality and where all your abilities will unfold. What matters is who you want to become. This is the road to success. "

First person retail

Evgeny Butman

On September 1, 1996, we signed a contract. It was a victory, but at what cost! Apple has set a trial period for 9 months. We were charged higher prices than their predecessors, the shipment of goods was prepaid. And the product that we wanted to buy was sold out by the time our money arrived at Apple's account.

The author of the book is Evgeny Butman, founder of ECS Group (Apple distributor in Russia) and re: Store chain of stores. The story written by Yevgeny Butman about his business is filled with events and characters. It is about how ideas were born, authorities grew stronger and collapsed, how the steel was “tempered” and was trained in “apple” universities. "Apple", because this book has three main characters: the author, his company and the famous Apple brand. And of course, people, a team - both from the Russian side and from Apple. At the same time, the supercompany of our time is presented in this story in a rather unusual perspective and plays an important and rather controversial role.

This book is for those who see the future, know how and want to create it. On one's own. Those who are not afraid to work hard, who have ambitions, a sense of their own potential, who want to become a professional manager or start their own business.

This is what Yevgeny Butman himself says. “It's trivial,” said an acquaintance of mine, “everyone who goes out of business starts writing books.” But this is in America. And in Russia there are almost no such books, because no one goes out of business. Or because our business is such that you cannot write the truth, and you don’t want to lie. I was lucky with that. Here I am telling the true story of how my company started, grew, improved, experienced crises and grew again. How I grew up together with the company, my colleagues and employees ”.

Sincere service

Maxim Nedyakin

Photo: Alexandra Grebenshchikova.

In Russia, a smile is an act! After her - immediately to the registry office. Why? Because we are the country of Dostoevsky. The very fact that someone smiled at us as they walked by on the street is not enough for us. We need to understand why? Why did he smile at me? What does he want from me?

This book is a must read, according to Vladimir Sadovin, general director of the Azbuka Vkusa company. This is a book by a Russian practitioner on how to achieve good service, taking into account national specifics. And so that they do not just smile, but be friendly to the client, strive to really help him, sometimes doing something that goes beyond the scope of daily duties. How to turn a service from paper instructions and slogans into a real advantage.

Vladimir Sadovin: "Sincere Service" is a ready-made formula for how to make your company successful in the market and build a brand "for centuries." As a businessman striving to create the world's best retail network, I am impressed by the author's creativity and the ability to clothe my thoughts in an accessible form. I am sure that the reader will find on the pages of the book a lot of bright ideas and practical advice. "

They want to communicate with me

Nina Zvereva

I give this advice because long years worked in journalism, interviewed various famous politicians, including Chernomyrdin, Yeltsin, Clinton, Arafat. I understood for sure that I have the only chance to extend my conversation beyond the appointed time, and to make a full-fledged exclusive is to ask questions that they will answer with enthusiasm, since these questions are based on what interests them.

The author of the book is Nina Zvereva, business coach and director of the PRACTICE Center. People are very different from birth. Nina Zvereva is sure: there are talker people and there are listeners. There are charismatics who are always in the spotlight, and there are those who are hard to remember, and whether this person was in this company.

Charismatics - bright, cheerful, active, or vice versa - silent and mysterious, invisible people are incredibly jealous. Because inside themselves they realize that they deserve no less attention. Maybe more. They know a lot, can do a lot, have gone their own way of mistakes, falls and success. But they just do not know how to present themselves in society. Communication errors accumulate. Becomes a nightmare and complex. Nina Zvereva proves that the laws of communication are no more complicated than the alphabet. And gives step-by-step instructions.

Blaise Pascal said: "To foresee is to manage." There is a lot to anticipate and know to be a good leader. A selection prepared by Rusbase in cooperation with the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" will help you understand all the intricacies of management.


Maxim Batyrev. 45 manager tattoos

A tattoo is something that will stay with you for life. Maxim Batyrev, one of the most successful Russian managers, tells what 45 “tattoos” are on his “body”. These are 45 rules that he developed during the time he was the head of the company. How to motivate employees? How to create an atmosphere that would help people open up? How to behave if you are going to fire from the company loved one? What does it mean to be a leader in Russian? How to deal with ups and downs? The author's experience will be close and recognizable to all Russian leaders! And you yourself decide whether to accept it or challenge it.

Richard Branson. To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!

Richard Branson, perhaps, is known to many. Even those who are far from the business world. After all, Richard is not only a cult entrepreneur, founder of Virgin and one of the richest people on Earth, but also the number 1 business hooligan in the world. His company today unites almost 400 companies from various business areas under its brand. From the outside it seems that everything comes very easily to Richard. It embodies the rule: "Take everything from life!"

How does he do it? What lessons did Richard have to go through before he got to the business Olympus? Richard is sure: "Anyone can achieve anything if he has a head on his shoulders and he loves what he does." In this expanded version of his bestselling book, Branson offers the “rules of life” that led to his success. She will charge any leader with the spirit of optimism and motivate him to new achievements.

Itzhak Adizes. The ideal leader

Itzhak Adizes is considered one of the most renowned and effective business consultants in the world. He has worked not only with hundreds of companies around the world, but also advised entire governments of individual countries. Yitzhak believes that ideal managers are like unicorns. Do you know why? Because neither one nor the other exists in nature.

But at the same time, Yitzchak has an answer to the question of how to become an ideal leader. Agree, this is always relevant. In this book, Yitzhak Adizes explains how to increase personal effectiveness and learn real leadership wisdom.

Jim Collins. Good to Great

How do you make an unremarkable company great? Business consultant Jim Collins knows the answer to this question. He has spent years studying the issue of business greatness.

Why do some companies succeed and others fail? Why do some companies manage to shine for decades, while others go out in the first years? Thanks to what some achieve phenomenal results, while others are forced to collect themselves each time in pieces?

The book is a must-read for everyone who wants to build a business "for centuries."


Philip Kotler. Marketing Basics

One of the "fathers of marketing", Philip Kotler, discusses its key concepts. What does “balanced marketing” mean? How much attention and resources do you need to devote to marketing? How to quickly adapt your marketing machine to a world that is changing at lightning speed? How to find a compromise between the needs of consumers and the commercial interests of the company?

All this is under the cover of the book. It will be useful for any executive or manager to read it to understand how marketing works.

Dmitry Rumyantsev "Business Promotion Vkontakte"

Vkontakte is the largest social network in Russia and, perhaps, one of the main communication tools in our country. 55 million users visit the site every day. Such traffic can only be compared with the traffic on the pages of major search engines.

How to promote your Vkontakte business? How to create an effective community that will help you position your product correctly? What promotion tools work best? Dmitry Rumyantsev is ready to answer all these questions. You just have to take it and do it.


Dan S. Kennedy "Tough Management"

Dan Kennedy is convinced that subordinates can and should be forced to work towards results. And all because no one will be as burning with your business as you are. If suddenly your business starts to fall apart, no one will help you: employees will simply leave for another place.

Employees who are endlessly late and show disdain for work do not deserve mercy. Is it worth "re-educating" people? Is it possible to “rewind” them? And in general, how to make a real team out of those who just “work for the uncle”? By Dan Kennedy. After reading the book, you will learn how to get the most out of your business.

Project management

Jeff Sutherland. Scrum

Have you already heard about the scrum method? This is a unique method that will allow you to implement projects much faster! Many companies that have implemented scrum admitted that thanks to this, projects were launched several times faster. For example, when a well-known insurance company was planning to create its own online store, managers put 15 months into the whole process. But the scrum technique made it possible to implement the project in 2 months.

The creators of the system assure that in the future historians will divide all knowledge about business process management into "before scrum" and "after".

Time management, stress resistance

David Allen. How to get things in order

This is an updated version of David Allen's bestselling book Getting Things Done. The book is widely regarded as the best guide to organizing yourself. David talks about his author's GTD methodology, which will help to increase personal efficiency and productivity many times over. The reader will learn how to keep order in the head, diary and desktop, as well as how to work with huge amount incoming information and minimize distractions.

In addition, this technique will allow you to find free time for those important matters for which you just can't find a minute.

Edward Hallowell. Don't distract me

Do you know that modern man, by the most conservative estimate, checks his smartphone 118 times a day? Can you imagine how much time we can save if we stop distractions?

Psychiatrist and attention concentrator Edward Hallowell offers an affordable system that teaches you to stay focused when you need it. You will learn if multitasking exists, how empathy helps you become more focused, how to stop depending on gadgets and achieve your goals faster.


Larry King. How to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere

Whatever one may say, but our whole life is a negotiation. And a lot depends on the ability to conduct them. Having mastered all the techniques of verbal kung fu, you can make your life much easier. For example, getting a better contract or a first class seat on an airplane.

The legendary Larry King teaches you how to learn to talk to people, as well as how to overcome fear and embarrassment, perform in public skillfully, negotiate, whatever. King gives you real working tools and dozens of helpful tips that you can use immediately.


Eric Bertrand. With no self-pity

Eric Bertrand Larssen is one of the most popular people in Norway. At first, he served for 8 years in the special forces, where he studied how to be unbending and develop willpower. Then, as a psychological coach, he helped athletes prepare for the Olympics.

And after that, Bertrand published the book "No pity for myself", which was bought in Norway by every 20th inhabitant of the country. In it, the author tells how to learn how to motivate yourself and others, achieve goals and push the boundaries of your capabilities.

We often want to change our life, but sometimes we lack something, and we cannot even understand what exactly. But in our age of accessible information, it is not at all necessary to “reinvent the wheel” yourself - you can use the experience of people who have already passed this path and achieved success. We present you with a selection of seven useful books on self-development.

1. Tina Seelig, DIY

This book will be useful, first of all, for those who want to create their own business, support and develop it: "Do it yourself" not only contains practical advice, but also helps to learn to think in the right way - the way real entrepreneurs think. The book teaches not to accept difficulties, such as a lack of start-up capital, as an insurmountable obstacle, but to consider them as an incentive for self-improvement, as milestones on the way to the "yourself" you want to become - a successful, self-confident person who sees the opportunities presented the world around him, and can apply them at his discretion. No idea? The book will help you find it. Hands down? The book will tell you where to get the energy and enthusiasm needed to start a businessman's career, and how to use your imagination to the maximum.

It is noteworthy that the author of the book, Tina Seelig, is a practicing entrepreneur, in addition, she teaches a course on entrepreneurship and innovation at Stanford University: her strong point is a non-standard approach to business in general and thinking in particular. By the way, many of her students did not finish the course, because they understood what and how to do, and left the university to start their own business - now they have become successful entrepreneurs.

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2. Kelly McGonigal, Willpower

Kelly McGonigal in her book helps to educate and strengthen willpower, her method is suitable for every person. The reader is offered a ten-week course, during which he, performing practical tasks and following the recommendations indicated in the book, he will be able to better understand his capabilities - in other words, to realize that he is capable of anything he wants to: get rid of bad habit, start your own business, play sports, or find a job that you love. It is not necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations: you can find and apply in your life a technique that is right for you.

In addition, the book can teach you to control yourself when it is especially difficult, and to manage your emotions and desires when necessary. The technique has already helped many people to find success, and training courses Kelly McGonigal, which served as the basis for the book, has received many awards and prizes.

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3. Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen "Life Whole"

Often the main difficulty in achieving your goals is the inability to prioritize - to define a goal for yourself and plan the steps to achieve it. In addition, the book will help you understand which of the intended goals are really important and can help you in the future, and which should be abandoned, since they do not carry anything useful in themselves.

Another stumbling block is that, having set a goal, a person cannot always find time to implement it, or, on the contrary, plunges headlong into work, forgetting about rest and personal life. The book contains techniques to help you find time for everything and in equally enjoy all aspects of life.

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4. M. J. Ryan, "This Year I ..."

This Year I ... is another book on how to improve your performance. If you are afraid of changes in your life, in the book you will find useful tips how to overcome your fear and learn to enjoy change. Thanks to the advice in the book, coupled with practical techniques and illustrations from the lives of people who have managed to make their lives exactly the way they want, anyone can understand their own unique advantages, learn to use them for their own good and make their life in every sense. richer and more interesting, to make plans and dreams come true.

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5. Neil Fiore, "An Easy Way to Stop Procrastinating"

The book primarily contains advice on how to deal with procrastination - the constant postponement of unpleasant thoughts and deeds that you do not want to do at all, despite the obvious need. Many people in modern world really tend to do this, and in the end, with an incredible effort, they do everything in one day. The result is often not satisfaction, but, on the contrary, stress and a complete reluctance to move on.

Practicing psychologist Neil Fiore believes that procrastination is just one of the symptoms of deep manifestations of the subconscious: he believes that it is necessary to influence not the manifestations, but the reasons - the loss of motivation for certain activities and the desire for perfectionism. Fiore has been practicing his method for over 30 years, and his book has been published in all languages ​​of the world since 1989.

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6. Josh Kaufman, "My Own MBA"

Many outstanding entrepreneurs do not have an MBA, which does not prevent them from being successful people and create a business. The fact is that the essence of a successful businessman is not a diploma, but his personal qualities: as a rule, such people are not afraid to take risks and learn something new, because they believe in themselves. They understand the aspirations and needs of others, understand the laws of business, and simply do what is most beneficial in the given circumstances.

Josh Kaufman is an outstanding manager who does not have an MBA. Instead of going to university, he preferred learning "by doing" - he started working for "Procter & Gamble" and quickly achieved success. Accordingly, he wondered why a diploma was needed, if it was possible to learn without any unnecessary information. He soon found out that many people are interested in the same question and wrote the book "To My Own MBA", which describes in detail how to start your own business, do not stop there and learn the things that will be useful for you. In addition, Kaufman talks about pitfalls and pitfalls in the business world, which is especially useful for a budding entrepreneur.

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7. Kerry Gleason "Work less, do more"

This book is about how to work as efficiently as possible, and at the same time not experience stress, but get pleasure from work, in addition, the book teaches you to do all the necessary work on time and at the same time find time for yourself. Kerry Glisson details how to get rid of constant work-related overwork and organize your workflow so that not a second is wasted.

The reader will learn how to properly keep a diary, how to work with incoming information and by e-mail and how not to be buried under an avalanche of papers and orders. Kerry Gleason is one of the leading practicing trainers of the PEP Personal Effectiveness Program. The book will be useful for managers who want to help their subordinates work with maximum dedication and develop their merits.

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Books for review are provided by the publishing house " Mann, Ivanov and Ferber»

Do you want to change your life for the better? Become more successful, more confident, more sociable? Make dreams come true and find freedom? Then the best books on psychology and self-development from this collection will definitely come in handy.

1. Essentialism

This book is about a new approach to business and responsibilities that will make your life easier and you happier.

In the modern world, in addition to virtual attacks, an incessant stream of work and personal requests, we are daily faced with a choice: which of our hobbies to spend time, what projects to do, where to go to study ...

Writer and business coach Greg McKeon tells how to change the rhythm of life, get rid of everything superfluous and find your own path. His advice will be useful to anyone who does not have enough time for the most important things.

2. Be the best version

Anyone can become outstanding no matter what they do. After all, it is not what you do that matters, but who you are.

This conclusion was made by Dan Waldsmith, who studied more than 1000 stories. ordinary people who have achieved success in business, science, politics and sports. It turned out that they all had several common features, which the author talks about.

This book will inspire you to new achievements in work and any other area of ​​life. You will learn why you are not where you want to be and how to fill your life with incredible opportunities.

3. Important years

Someone calls the years from the twentieth to the thirtieth the second youth, someone - the beginning of adulthood. Dr. Mag J, clinical psychologist, claims that this is the most important decade in a person's life.

In her opinion, during this period it is worth seriously thinking about work, love, physical and intellectual development. A smart and constructive book about years not to be wasted.

Real life stories and fresh Scientific research... As well as observations of psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, economists and top managers involved in personnel policy.

4. Dreaming is not harmful

Bestseller with 35 years of experience on how to make dreams come true. This legendary book will help you discover your strengths and hidden talents, and then outline the path to the goal and implement the plan.

Barbara Sher is sure: becoming the creator of your own life is easier than it seems. You just have to be bolder: dream, read, do.

The book is truly admirable (it was not for nothing that it was published in 1979 and is still popular). It's written to make you a winner. A person who gets what he wants.

5. Development of willpower

The book is for those who want to learn self-control and become the master of their own destiny.

The renowned American psychologist Walter Michel explains how to develop and apply willpower in the face of everyday challenges: the need to lose weight, quit smoking, prepare for a layoff and other important problems.

The publication is included in the top 100 in the "Cognitive Psychology" section.

6. Mindsight

Many people suffer from "mental traps": obsessions, mood swings, anxiety, unpleasant memories. How to get rid of these problems and become a happy person?

Psychiatrist Daniel Siegel talks about an important skill that can make a difference in your life. This skill is the ability to focus on your inner world and abstract from "autopilot" - ingrained irrational habits.

Real stories from the book prove: we are able to change ourselves, our brain and our life.

7. Memory does not change

Neuroscientists say that there is no good or bad, short or long memory. Have a memory well or poorly trained.
"Improving memory is not only possible, it is also interesting," says psychologist Angels Navarro. You will agree with this statement when you see the fun brain training exercises in this book.

By doing them, you will not only train your memory, but also develop other cognitive abilities, including attention and thinking.

8. Energy source

This book will help you get rid of overwork and stress. The author, a productivity expert, explains how to stay energized 15-19 hours awake without feeling tired.

Work days will no longer seem too heavy and busy to you, and in the evenings you will be active enough to take care of personal goals.
The book is for everyone who wants to do more at work and find time for family, rest and hobbies.

9. An easy way to stop procrastinating

This book will be useful to everyone who constantly postpones difficult and unpleasant activities, and then tries to do the impossible in one day.

Renowned psychologist Neil Fjork has been ridding his clients of procrastination for 30 years; and he believes that the tendency to procrastinate is a symptom of deeper phenomena, namely: loss of motivation and perfectionism.

10. Never eat alone

Forbes called the author of this book “one of the most sociable people in the world". And for good reason: Keith Ferzia is the # 1 network. He knows like no one else that the most important skill in business (and not only) is the ability to build relationships.

Keith states: "Of course, building an extensive network of connections is not the only thing that is required for success, but if you build your career and life with the support of friends and acquaintances, then this is an undeniable advantage." The book is recommended for reading to everyone who wants to communicate openly and sincerely with people, while building a network of useful contacts.