What to do if grades are lowered at school. How should parents react if their child is humiliated at school for looking unconventional, grades are lowered, and they are not accepted because of physical disabilities?

We often feel that the grade the teacher gives us is unfair. This is very disappointing, especially if you really tried. Before you conclude that you are being picked on, you need to understand the situation. There may be several of them:

  • You didn't learn the topic very well, but you certainly didn't deserve the bad grade the teacher gave you.
  • You try your best, sit for hours at the textbooks and answer everything correctly at the blackboard, but the teacher finds something to complain about and lowers your grade?
  • Your grade was reduced for bad behavior.
  • The teacher thought that you had copied the work and gave you a low score.

Each of these situations has its own solution.

Between two and three

Between three and four

Just a few trivial mistakes, and the teacher is already drawing you a C in the magazine? Ask your classmates for their opinions. If you get a C for written work, look at the tests of other students and check why their grades were lowered. If you see that they are picking on you, ask the teacher to explain why he gave a C.

Perhaps he is right about something and you just need to improve your knowledge or be more attentive.

Try to adequately assess the situation, do not justify your laziness. But if the situation does not change and the teacher still does not want to give you a well-deserved B, then it makes sense to tell everything to your mother and talk to the teacher together. In addition, there are school acts (documents) that clearly outline the grading system. You can always evaluate whether the teacher is doing the right thing by giving you a low grade.

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Between four and five

Despite all your efforts and correct answers, the teacher always finds something to complain about or asks additional questions not from the textbook. As a result, instead of the well-deserved A's, you get 4 points. Just as in the previous case, you first need to talk calmly. Ask directly why the teacher does not want to give you the highest grade? What are you doing wrong and how to fix it? Perhaps you really missed something...

If the teacher is clearly biased towards you, then you can take measures:

  • Involve your mom in this, a conversation between adults on such topics will be much more useful.
  • Check the school reports on the grading system and compare your grades with this report.
  • If you are sure that you know the subject with an A, then your parents have the legal right to contact the school principal with a complaint against the teacher. In this case, your test will be checked by a special commission or you will be examined by other teachers.

Why do teachers find fault?

Teachers are living people, they can make mistakes, including in their work. They may dislike someone or take revenge. You may ask, why? There are many reasons for hostility towards a student. Perhaps your behavior is annoying - you chat in class, are late, or have a habit of arguing with the teacher.

Even the fact that you are dressed too fashionably or are popular with boys can cause hostility from your teacher.

Just like your wrinkled clothes and sloppy appearance may cause irritation and a bad opinion of you. This does not mean that this is the reason why your grades are lowered, but it is quite possible that the teacher cannot cope with his attitude towards you and is not fair to you. Either way, he's wrong. He should evaluate your knowledge, not your appearance and behavior.

Any human work should be appreciated, even if it is to gain knowledge, and the workplace is a school. But while the work of a mature person is assessed in accordance with the Labor Code, time worked and established wages, school grades are assigned individually at the discretion of the teacher.

For most parents, the main goal of learning is to acquire knowledge, and marks in the diary are just a formality. But for children, especially those studying in primary school, low grades may not have the best impact on subsequent motivation to study and on the development of intellectual assessment in general. If in graduation classes low grades, as a rule, stimulate to obtain the highest score, because this will undoubtedly help to obtain a certificate with good grades, medal, to enter a higher educational institution, then low performance in children can forever discourage the desire to study.

In this situation, the main thing is to figure out the reason: does the child not understand something or is the teacher lowering grades? In the first case, everything is simpler - you just need to study more, but what to do in the second case, what to do if the teacher lowers your grades?

The teacher deliberately lowers grades or the child does not know enough material

If you think that the teacher is deliberately underestimating your child's knowledge, you should first try to objectively assess the situation. Any parent considers his child to be the smartest, for this reason he cannot receive unsatisfactory grades at school, so the problem is with the teacher. It is worth understanding that it is not profitable for a teacher to simply underestimate scores, since this spoils his image in front of his colleagues, and besides, at the end of each quarter he submits a report on his progress.

Don't know what to do if your teacher lowers your grades? If a child is studying in primary school, then parents definitely need to get to know the class teacher, find out his opinion about the behavior and mental abilities of the student, and also understand which subjects are difficult for him and what to do to improve his performance. Or, on the contrary, the child could become seriously interested in some individual subjects, and then one should think about additional classes to deepen knowledge. In addition, you can agree with the teacher about the opportunity to attend some lessons under the pretext of getting acquainted with teaching methods and comparatively studying the progress of your child with other children.

Don't know how to understand that a teacher is lowering grades? The goal of a parent is to recognize weaknesses and strengths child, and also find out what the teacher thinks about him. The teacher’s personal point of view can be easily understood by checking written assignments, where incorrectly corrected errors will be displayed. It is much more difficult with oral answers. The fact is that many teachers present too high requirements to oral answers, that is, to the presentation of homework. Some students have a fear of public speaking. Children cannot clearly present the material, get confused, and sometimes completely forget before the performance. As a result, the child receives a low score, but this is not due to ignorance of the lesson, but due to anxiety.

Fear of performing is a fear that can accompany a person throughout his life, not only in childhood. Therefore, if you find this problem in your child, warn the teacher about it. Explain to him that the student cannot answer not because of a lack of knowledge, he is simply worried, and in such situations he needs help, not lower marks.

What should parents do if a teacher deliberately lowers grades?

Low scores for academic performance bring not only moral suffering, but also affect the final results, and, accordingly, the possibility of obtaining further education in secondary and higher education. educational institutions. Consequently, the parent or student has the right to protect their own interests at both the administrative and judicial levels.

The administrative procedure presupposes the right to appeal the given grade both to the person who made this decision and to superiors, that is, to the school director, but how to prove that the teacher is underestimating the grades? It is quite easy to challenge a mark for written work, this is noticeable by incorrect fault-finding. But if it comes to an oral answer, then solving the problem becomes more difficult; it is necessary to record the answer in advance, as well as the comments made on it.

The current assessment of students' knowledge is regulated exclusively by the acts of a particular educational institution. Every educational institution has a provision on current certification and assessment of achievements. This document must contain clear parameters for assessing students’ knowledge in all subjects, as well as a description of the criteria for not passing certification. The document must be reviewed by parents and students.

The best way to prove students' knowledge is to participate in All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren on a controversial subject.

When assigning grades, the teacher, as a rule, is guided not only by established standards for assessing knowledge, but also by various pedagogical considerations. At his discretion, he can give a grade one point higher to someone who did something for the first time, and, on the contrary, lower it to an excellent student who has begun to be lazy. In both cases, this should serve as an incentive, from a pedagogical point of view. This is a rather controversial method, since every child is different, but in practice it is used everywhere. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to calmly find out what considerations the teacher was guided by when assigning the mark.

This is what the psychologist answers to the question of how to talk to a teacher who lowers grades.

A conversation with a teacher should initially be based on the “presumption of innocence”, that is, from the point of view that he wishes only the best for the student, you just understand him differently. For example, you are sure that self-doubt is preventing your child from studying well, and accordingly, you are trying your best to support him. The teacher adheres to a different point of view - he believes that a clear and strict environment is much more effective in developing such qualities as conscientiousness and organization. Therefore, it is very important to understand what the teacher is guided by and what requirements he makes. The parent decides whether to agree with them or not, but with information, the requirements can be discussed. Ask the teacher to give a clear statement of what actions my child must perform to get an A, write everything down in the presence of the teacher and agree with the child to do this at least once. If in this case the assessment is not satisfactory, then you can safely complain to the authorities.

Where to file a complaint

So, where can you complain if your teacher lowers your grades? Your patience has run out because of your child’s tears, meetings with the teacher do not bring any results, and in response to all questions the teacher decisively and without explanation declares that he has decided so, and there can be no other options? There is only one way out - write a complaint! Don't know how to write a complaint against a teacher? Read on.

The first thing you need to do is review the regulatory documents of the educational institution and study the section in them on the criteria for assessing knowledge. This is necessary in order not to simply wave your hands, but to ask reasoned questions and know when to object. You can only read the document at school, since assessment criteria are not established at the legislative level.

By the way, students can also be given marks for behavior, but they are given separately from the grade for the subject and should not be reflected in the assessment of knowledge.

To review the final results, as a rule, a commission of three people is assembled and the child’s actual knowledge is tested in the presence of parents.

What to pay attention to

Don't know what to do if your teacher lowers your grades? It is important to understand here that you can complain about every action of the teacher and prove the fact of underestimation, but this can be very difficult to do. The fact is that teaching activities are carried out within the framework of the Education Law, which stipulates his right to freely express own opinion and resist interference in its activities. In simple words, the teacher independently chooses methods and means of teaching, as well as education. Therefore, you will have to try very hard to prove that the teacher is not acting pedagogically.

However, you can fight this too. If a parent does not agree with the teaching method, then he has the right to contact the school director or the education department at the school’s location with a request to recertify or replace a certain teacher, respectively, indicating good reasons for this.

School visit

So, you have prepared, studied the assessment criteria, which means it’s time to go to school.

Where to go if a teacher lowers grades? What to do when the administration of an educational institution defends the interests of the team and is not going to take any action? In this case, you will have to begin “military action” by contacting the department of education or sending a complaint against the school administration for inaction to Rosoblnadzor, which is responsible for the educational activities of your region.

Maybe we should leave everything as it is?

Not every parent is ready to go to the school principal and defend the rights of the child; most often this is associated with a stereotype that things will get worse. There is, of course, some truth in this, but it is very unpleasant to put up with the fact that someone is wrong and continues to do as he wants, taking advantage of his official position. In addition, think about what kind of example you are setting for your child: he will get into the habit of sitting silently on the sidelines and nodding to someone who is bolder and more authoritative than him.

Don't know how to influence a teacher who lowers grades? If you're not the type to prove own rightness and sort things out, then you have only one choice - give advice to your child to be the best! That is, he will have to cram everything so that not a single teacher can find anything to complain about.

This means that all written work must be done perfectly not only in topic, but also in design and literacy. All school program must be mastered 100%. Only in this case, no teacher will be able to find a weak point. This approach costs incredible effort, but it will lay a good foundation - the child will be able to pass any exams and get the highest score, even if everyone is against him

Some people prefer not to notice at all that their grades are being lowered and simply accept it. By and large, beautiful “A’s” and “B’s” are only needed by parents. Therefore, if your child is not at all worried about teachers lowering grades in graduating class, he doesn’t need diplomas and medals, but at the same time he is confident that he will write the Unified State Exam well, the results of which will open all the roads to higher educational institutions, then is it worth wasting his nerves?

If this is a fundamental issue, then victories in the Olympiads will help wipe the nose of the entire teaching staff. Prove to the teacher that you are the best by taking one of the prizes in a controversial subject. In this case, the teacher will certainly be called to the authorities and, looking him in the eyes, they will ask how the winner of the Olympiad can have low scores in the subject?

You know what to do if a teacher lowers grades. The decision should be made based on your own character, as well as the mood and desires of the child himself. Maybe it's not that important for him?

The key to success is exemplary behavior

In some cases, underreporting may be due to inappropriate behavior by the child. No matter how well he is familiar with the program, the relationship between the student and the teacher plays a huge role in assigning grades. Sometimes even minor insolence on the part of a student can be regarded by the teacher as an attack on his authority. During the lesson the child does the following things:

  1. He behaves impudently.
  2. Interrupts the teacher.
  3. Doesn't listen to the teacher.
  4. Doesn't complete tasks etc.

Naturally, the teacher tries by any means to put the student in his place. Therefore, with excellent knowledge, but low scores It’s worth thinking about your child’s behavior. The best solution in this case would be to apologize to the teacher and change your behavior during the lesson.

Reverse situation

It happens that a teacher tries his best to help a student, but it does not bring results. In this case, there is no way to do without the help of parents, who, together with the teacher, will be able to influence. A heartfelt conversation can clarify the reasons and allow a solution to be found to improve the student's performance.


So, what should you do if your teacher lowers your grades? If grades are clearly underestimated, the student, as well as his parents, must take all possible steps to restore justice. Otherwise, the child may lose the opportunity to continue studying in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. You can use all options, such as active proof with facts before the commission or victories at the Olympiads demonstrating your own achievements. Someone will choose a different path and let everything go to waste. The main thing is that you must show your child that you should always defend your rights, choosing the most suitable way for this, and become for him a reliable shoulder on which he can always lean.

1. At school, the teacher lowers grades, confiscates students’ personal belongings, uses force, and uses offensive language. What can be done?

1.1. It is sad. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an additional basis for the dismissal of a teaching employee is the use, including one-time use, of educational methods, associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, pupil. Write motivated complaints (preferably collective ones - they receive more attention) to the district education department and the district prosecutor's office, let them conduct inspections and take appropriate response measures against the teacher, up to and including his dismissal on the above grounds. So it goes.

2. Can a physical education teacher lower grades for lack of uniform?

2.1. Hello! No, he can not. This is illegal.

2.2. You have the right not to be allowed to attend classes and when taking tests you risk getting a failure. Be glad that you were allowed to attend classes at all and were given a grade.

3. The teacher lowers grades, how to test him, the child does not want to go to his lesson.

3.1. To resolve any doubts, please contact the director.

3.2. Here you need to write a complaint to the school director, only he can initiate an inspection.

4. My daughter has been an excellent student since the first grade, now she is already in the 10th grade, in the first half of the year she got 5 in all subjects, in the second half of the year the physics teacher and she, the head teacher, announced to ped. advice that my daughter would no longer be an excellent student, and from that moment on she began to lower her grades. How to deal with this problem?

4.1. In our country, is it now some teacher who decides who will be an excellent student or an excellent student and who will not? And how did she justify this, I wonder?
You should somehow secretly record a conversation with her, let her spill the beans about the motives for her words, after which you can safely write complaints to the school director, the department of education, and the prosecutor’s office. So they will then decide whether this teacher will be a teacher at this school in general or not.
Moreover, this may be a hidden hint of corruption: after all, how is it that a girl of 10 years flew through school without paying a penny on just “5”? They don't really like people like that these days.

4.2. You probably need to record your excellent answers using a voice recorder, proving first of all to yourself that you know perfectly well, but at the same time collecting information that, in your opinion, is discriminatory towards you.

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (came into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990)
Article 2
2. States Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensuring the protection of the child from all forms of discrimination or punishment based on the status, activities, expressed views or beliefs of the child, the child's parents, legal guardians or other family members.

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child” dated July 24. 1998 No. 124 F-3 (amendments and additions dated July 20, 2000) Article 34, paragraph 9). Students are granted academic rights to: respect for human dignity, protection from all forms of physical and mental violence, personal insults, protection of life and health;

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On Education in Russian Federation"

Article 48. Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

4. Teaching staff are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties assigned to them in the manner and in cases established by federal laws. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by teaching staff of the duties provided for in Part 1 of this article is taken into account when they undergo certification.

According to the “Labor Code of the Russian Federation” dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on February 5, 2018), Article 336 regulates additional grounds for termination of an employment contract with a teaching employee, clause 2) use, including one-time use, of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of a student, pupil, additional grounds for termination of an employment contract are applicable

Or don’t be led by gossip and threats, and continue to study for yourself, not for others, and not for grades; grades do not define a person.

An excessive desire to achieve one thing makes a person blind and deaf to everything else.

5. The situation is such that, according to the (oral) agreement, the teacher and our class do not study in class, in return she does certain things with grades. But, since she underestimates my assessment, I would like to know what I can count on if it comes to complaints to the administration and above.

5.1. You can't count on anything.

6. I have a question: does the teacher have the right to lower the grade if I chose passing the OGE his subject.

6.1. Hello! This is not a reason to underestimate.

7. My child has already been given a grade of 4 in physical education on Thursday, 2nd grade, in the class there are students who are motionless in the game, but they are over a quarter of 5, and the physical education teacher’s daughter goes to my wife’s piano lesson and she studies poorly, my wife gives her the grades she deserves, and because of this, the teacher underestimates our child’s grade, what to do in this situation. My mailbox [email protected]

7.1. Mikhail, well, let him grade his daughter even lower. But this is so... Write a complaint to the school principal about the biased attitude towards the child.

8. What should I do if the teacher intentionally lowers my son’s grades? My son has no mistakes or corrections for his work, but the teacher gave him a 3. There was a conversation with the teacher on this topic, where the teacher said that the son writes in children's letters, and not in Russian. And what letters should he write if the child is 12 years old? Subject: mathematics (algebra, geometry).

8.1. Hello! File a complaint with the school principal and then with the Ministry of Education.

8.2. How to understand children's letters and how do they differ from Russian ones?

9. Is there an article stating that a teacher does not have the right to lower grades?

9.1. Hello.

Yes, in the Federal Law "On Education of the Russian Federation"

9.2. Is there an article stating that a teacher does not have the right to lower grades?
No, because the teacher’s integrity and the reasonableness of his actions are assumed. Otherwise it is necessary to prove by contacting an expert.

10. The teacher insults children and lowers grades. There were complaints from parents and the head teacher and director. After which the persecution of children began. The teacher still behaves the same way. What to do?

10.1. Hello. Contact the Department of Education, indicate that there were complaints to the school, but the school administration did not respond.

11. After yesterday’s incident, the teacher took me to the board and asked a question on the topic, I answered it, but made one mistake, and it turned out that I answered 4 out of 5 questions. She gave them a 3, then my classmates asked, “Will you always underestimate their grade now?” she answered "Yes"

11.1. Contact (preferably a parent) the director about this fact. If there is no proper response then contact the education department. There should be no bias in grading no matter what incident occurs at school.

12. My math teacher gave me a two, although the magazine says 3. Can a teacher underestimate the grade? Can a teacher correct a grade that she has already given for half a year? What should I do and where should I turn in this case? Do I have the right to receive a photocopy of the grade book? And they have the right not to let students leave the school building?

12.1. Contact the school principal, and if that doesn’t help, then the Department of Education.

13. The math teacher gave me a two for the semester, although according to my grades I got a three. and she told me that she would give me three. and so the question is, does a teacher have the right to underestimate grades based on his personal opinions? Is it possible to demand that she correct it in the same six months? So to speak, replaced it. And how can this issue be resolved correctly? So that the rating is changed immediately. Or where to turn? For help.

13.1. Dear Natalya, the teacher has no right to lower the grade based on his personal opinions. You need to contact the head teacher and the director of the educational institution.

14. What to do if the teacher humiliates and lowers grades.

14.1. Hello!
Parents have the right to file a complaint about a teacher’s biased attitude towards the school principal.

14.2. Hello!
If the school management does not take appropriate measures, then the parents, in the interests of the minor, can go to court for damages. In accordance with Article 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:
When a citizen’s name is distorted or when a name is used in ways or in a form that affects his honor, detracts from his dignity or business reputation, the citizen has the right to demand a refutation, compensation for the harm caused to him, as well as compensation for moral damage.
Best wishes.

15. Does the teacher have the right to lower the grade if he forgot to sign the independent work?

15.1. No, he doesn’t have the right, since grades are given for knowledge.

16. The school director refuses to transfer the child to another class, explaining that there are no places, and in general the daughter’s teacher is supposedly an excellent teacher. And this wonderful teacher lowers grades, constantly threatens with supervision, finds fault, and gives 2 for the newest mistake. But in front of the director he sings that everything is fine. Do I have the right to transfer my child to another class without the consent of the director? And is it legal when they say there are no places?

16.1. And who will allow you to transfer your child to another class without the consent of the director? If only to another school. At the same time, the content of the class must comply with SanPin. The normative component of this issue.
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”
Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On approval of SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions.”
Order No. 1015 dated September 30, 2013 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general educational programs- educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.”
Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2015 No. 26 On approval of SanPiN–15 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities disabilities health."
The occupancy of classes, with the exception of compensatory education classes, should not exceed 25 people (Order No. 1015 of September 30, 2013 “On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education” ).
In accordance with sanitary standards, the number of students in a class is determined based on the calculation of compliance with the standard area per student, compliance with the requirements for the arrangement of furniture in classrooms, including the distance of study areas from the light-carrying wall, requirements for natural and artificial lighting. In the presence of necessary conditions and teaching aids, it is possible to divide classes according to academic subjects into groups (SanPiN–10).
The area of ​​classrooms is taken without taking into account the area required for arranging additional furniture (cabinets, cabinets, etc.) for storage teaching aids and equipment used in the educational process, based on:
- at least 2.5 m² per 1 student for frontal forms of classes;
- at least 3.5 m² per student when organizing group forms of work and individual lessons(SanPiN–10).
Thus, if the area study room allows seating for more than 25 students, then the maximum occupancy can be increased due to the capabilities of classrooms.
If you do not like the director’s actions regarding your problem, you can appeal his actions to the Barnaul Education Department.

17. In general, the situation is this: I switched in the 10th grade, another history teacher came to us, but for some reason she didn’t like me. Gives every lesson a 2, lowers the grades, says that I'm "MORON" And at the beginning school year, I managed to get several 4s, but the teacher said you didn’t deserve them and won’t give them. (there is a voice recorder recording)

17.1. You can contact the director to present the audio recording. Most likely you will be offered to go intermediate certification on this subject in order to determine the real level of your knowledge.

18. What to do if the teacher humiliates, puts pressure on the child, lowers grades, calls him a poor student, says don’t forget to complain to your mother, and all that kind of stuff?

18.1. Contact the school management, then the education department at the district administration to conduct an inspection.

19. What to do. My daughter's teacher is lowering her grades in English. That week she answered 2 times in class, the teacher didn’t give her a grade, there weren’t enough answers for a grade, she said. And today my daughter answered correctly and gave it a C. Is it normal?

19.1. Not normal. Go to the head teacher. If it doesn't help, contact the director.

20. Please, where is the best way to write a complaint against a teacher? The teacher lowers grades and bullies children. She says that she will leave it in the classroom and close it, and she will go home.

20.1. Write to the director and the education department. Write in any form indicating all the behavior of the teacher.

20.2. Write to the director first, but keep in mind that there is liability for libel, so if there is, for example, an audio recording or video, then writing such complaints is very risky. I'll have to answer if anything...

21. Are there any legislative documents, perhaps teacher ethics or anti-corruption in education, on the following issue. The teacher is the class teacher in the class where her child is studying, which affects other children. Also, her husband is also a classroom teacher. Children of unwanted children have their grades lowered, these children are not taken to events, in general, these teachers humiliate these children in every possible way, but very cunningly.

21.1. We go to the director’s reception office and ask for the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the school’s charter (as parents of a student, you have the right).
We mark the numbers of points with beautiful phrases: principle of respect for the individual, etc. We will refer to them in the complaint about the actions class teacher, expressed in violation of the student’s rights to receive an education, etc. Write to either the school director or higher - committees, management, department of education of your municipality, the school is municipal. Indicate everything there: that the teacher is the parent of one of the students, that conflicts between children affect the teacher’s attitude towards the child, the assessment of his knowledge, the opportunity to participate in public life class.
The legislation does not regulate the issue of parents teaching in the class where their children are studying. Sometimes there are local acts, but rarely. Everything is at the discretion of the school administration.

22. Child (5th grade).

He completed independent work, the teacher rated it a 4. And he gave it a 3 in the journal, saying that he lowered the grade for it homework(I gave a 3 for homework) Does the teacher have the right to lower the grade like that? What does homework have to do with it?

22.1. Hello! Your school should develop a Regulation on assessing student achievements in subjects, which also takes into account controversial issues. Educational organizations are free to determine the content of education, choose educational and methodological support, educational technologies according to the educational programs they implement.

22.2. Hello, Evgenia Vladimirovna!
If separate grades are provided for independent and homework, then the teacher’s actions are unlawful and the grade should be challenged.
First you should ask the director local act about grading at his school. And challenge in accordance with this act.
If your case is not included in the local act or the local act itself is missing, then you should challenge the assessment by submitting an application to the school principal or the dispute resolution commission (check with the education department about the commission).

23. Child (5th grade).
I completed independent work, the teacher gave it a 4. And the teacher gave it a 3 in the journal, saying that she lowered the grade for homework (she gave it a 3 for homework). Does the teacher have the right to lower the grade like that?

23.1. Good morning! IN in this case the teacher unlawfully reduced your child's grade. You should contact the head teacher to resolve the problem.

24. A student recorded the teacher yelling at them (voice) during a lesson and posted it on the Internet. The student is being persecuted, in a ostentatious manner so that others will not like it, and grades are lowered. It is stated that there is criminal liability for what the boy did. But since the child is under 14 years old, the parents will be fined. Are the actions of teachers legal?

24.1. Such attitude of teachers is punishable by law. Article 34 of the Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation states that every student has the right to respect for his dignity, as well as protection from personal insult and other forms of psychological violence. There is also Article 48, which states that the teacher is obliged to observe moral standards and respect the personality of students. You need to send a letter to the Ministry of Education or the prosecutor's office.
In this case, it is necessary to be guided by Art. 151.1 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Article 152.1. Protection of a citizen’s image Publication and further use of a citizen’s image (including his photograph, as well as video recordings or works of fine art in which he is depicted) are permitted only with the consent of this citizen. After the death of a citizen, his image can only be used with the consent of the children and surviving spouse, and in their absence, with the consent of the parents.
Such consent is not required in cases where: 1) the use of the image is carried out in state, public or other public interests; 2) the image of a citizen was obtained during filming, which is carried out in places open to the public or at public events (meetings, conventions, conferences, concerts, performances, sporting competitions and similar events), except for cases where such an image is the main object use; 3) the citizen posed for a fee.
In this situation, you have a public event and the image is not the main object of use. You cannot have any responsibility. And the teacher will be fully punished.

25. Teacher primary classes screams, lowers grades, humiliates the child, she developed a nervous tic because of this! During the session, the teacher is replaced, the child changes before his eyes, becomes calm and his studies become much better, what to do in such a situation?

25.1. Good afternoon to you.
Dear Gulnaz, in this case you can write a complaint to the school director, as well as to the city education department.

My child has already been given a grade of 4 in physical education, 2nd grade, in the 2nd Thursday, there are students in the class who are motionless in the game, but they are over a quarter of 5, and the physical education teacher’s daughter goes to my wife’s piano lesson and she studies poorly, my wife gives she gets the grades she deserves, and because of this, the teacher underestimates our child’s grade, what to do in this situation. My mailbox [email protected] Read answers (1)

26. The teacher massively underestimates grades on the 9th grade exam, 42 deuces, a complaint was written, an inspection was carried out, but nothing has changed, where to turn.

26.1. Good day!
Where exactly was the complaint filed? To the director? Now submit again, only this time to the subject’s education department
All the best, I wish you good luck.

26.2. Hello Svetlana!
Teachers of secondary schools work on the basis employment contracts(contracts). They have immediate supervisors (school directors).
General management of the activities of all persons providing educational services on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, including secondary schools, carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. This ministry has departments and departments subordinate to it at the level of regions, cities, and districts in cities.
In order for a complaint against the actions of a secondary school teacher to be considered properly, it should be submitted to his subordination higher and higher, attaching materials from previous inspections and justifying your opinion about the unsatisfactory results of their results - i.e. first to the school director, then to the district department, city department, regional education department (each executive committee and district administration has such a department).
It should be taken into account that evaluation of results educational activities students according to the ten-point system is carried out in Belarus on the basis of standards approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. And the essence of your complaint will probably boil down to the requirement to check whether a particular teacher complies with the specified standards, and the requirement to take measures to ensure their compliance and prevent their violation in the future.

27. The geography teacher lowers grades. We wrote independent work on topics on which I was absent due to illness, and this was all confirmed by a certificate. I prepared at home on these topics and wrote everything correctly in the independent paper. The teacher gave me a 3 and explained this by saying that only the answers were graded on topics that I was personally present at. Is this right on her part?

27.1. Hello!
In this case, the teacher most likely did not assess the knowledge quite objectively and there is reason to complain about a biased attitude to the director.

27.2. Hello!

This is the arbitrariness of teachers! Contact the education department in your region. You can write your application to in electronic format through the official website.

27.3. Hello!
The student has the right to change this grade and mark if he proves (using the self-assessment algorithm) that it is overestimated or underestimated.
Good luck and good luck!

28. Does the teacher have the right to lower the grade in computer science for 8th grade if it was done absolutely correctly, but the double sheet from the notebook is not quite straight (as directed by the teacher), i.e. Is there a small tear in the paper where it is stapled?

28.1. Good day, dear
Of course they had no right, in this case it is necessary to write a complaint to the director

28.2. Hello. It is unlawful to lower the grade just because the sheet was attached incorrectly. Knowledge must be assessed. Best wishes.

29. How and where to complain when a teacher deliberately does not accept tests, lowers grades, or does not treat a student at all, simply because she does not like the student. What should I do? I’m studying in college, I’m about to write my thesis, but she doesn’t certify me, she gives me lower grades, although I do my assignments like everyone else, but everyone likes her, and I’m like an outcast.

29.1. Hello, dear Katya.
You need to contact the Department of Education with a complaint.
Good luck to you in resolving your issue.

29.2. Hello! Submit your complaint in writing to the school principal or the Dispute Resolution Committee. Your complaint will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken.

29.3. Hello! Try to solve the problem in educational institution. File a complaint with the director of the educational institution.

30. Does the teacher have the right to lower the grade for independent work if it is written on a piece of paper?

30.1. Good afternoon, dear Zakhar
There are general requirements for work, on a piece of paper or in a notebook it doesn’t matter, the main thing is correctness

Good luck to you and your loved ones!

What should you do if the teacher intentionally lowers your son's grades? My son has no mistakes or corrections for his work, but the teacher gave him a 3. There was a conversation with the teacher on this topic, where the teacher said that the son writes in children's letters, and not in Russian. And what letters should he write if the child is 12 years old? Subject: mathematics (algebra, geometry).

Read answers (2)

31. Does a teacher have the right to lower a grade for time? That is, I was called to the board, I solved everything correctly, cleanly and neatly, but I was not alone at the board, but those who solved with me, but later could not solve it and sat down at the desk received, naturally, 2. In general, since I decided, it’s logical that I was at the board longer than they were, but she gave me a 4 because I delayed her in time, unlike others, is this normal?

31.1. In general, since I decided, it is logical that I was at the board longer than they were, but she gave me a 4 because I delayed her in time, unlike others, is this normal? - This is a personal subjective assessment of the teacher.

31.2. Hello, Alexey. If you solved the problem within a reasonable time (time to write the text on the board + time to think “a little bit”), then the reduction in grade is unreasonable. True, how to determine that criterion, how much time it was necessary to think. Probably, the teacher has some kind of time scale for how long, in his opinion, a problem of a certain level of complexity should be solved by a statistically average student. If the problem was solved correctly, but it took an unreasonably long time to solve, then reducing the score is reasonable. The procedure for resolving disputes related to students' studies at school must be regulated by the school charter. If you intend to challenge the actions of a teacher, read the appeal procedure contained in the school charter. I hope my answer was useful to you.

32.1. Dear Elena! Grades are given only for knowledge. The teacher has no right to put grades for behavior in the journal, as well as to lower grades for knowledge in connection with behavior! The procedure and possibility of punishing a child at school is prescribed in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended in 2017-2016.
In this case, it would be advisable for the child’s parents (guardians) to file a complaint with the school management. In the absence of a proper response to the Department of Education of the city of Rostov-on-Don, the prosecutor's office!
I hope I answered your question!
If you need help preparing applications or complaints, call us, we will help!

33. Center for Education 14. Nodal Tula Region. Teacher of Russian and literature Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Grigoreva lowers grades and at the end of the 2nd quarter she gave me 2 deuces in Russian and literature, all 4 and 3 were replaced with deuces, help me what to do. In 2015, she promised to stay for a second year due to a personal conflict.

33.1. Center Education 14. Junction Tula Region. Teacher of Russian and literature Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Grigoreva lowers grades and at the end of the 2nd quarter she gave me 2 deuces in Russian and literature, all 4 and 3 were replaced with deuces, help me what to do. In 2015, she promised to stay for a second year due to a personal conflict.
You turned to the wrong place, either to the director or to the education department.

34. What to do if the teacher’s attitude towards the child is biased? He lowers his grades and hints at his tutoring! Something like this: a test in the Russian language. My daughter and her classmate on the same desk make the same mistakes. A classmate gets a 4 (because he takes lessons from her), and her daughter gets a 2. After which the teacher remarks that it would be nice for her to hire her as a tutor! 8th grade.

34.1. You need to write a statement addressed to the school director and state all these circumstances; if there is no result, write a complaint to the city education department.

34.2. First, politely and tactfully talk to the teacher, if there is no result, contact the director. If there is no response to this situation contact the education department. Such situations really should not be ignored, as they can affect the further educational process of your child.

35. A teacher lowers a child’s grades because of personal hostility. Where is the best place to address this problem?

35.1. Good afternoon, dear Ekaterina
It’s better to talk personally with the teacher, then with the director, then with the district: sn-bz::sn-bz::sn-bz::sn-bz:

Good luck to you and your loved ones!!

35.2. The teacher lowers the child's grades due to personal hostility. Where is the best place to address this problem?
Contact the school principal.

35.3. Good afternoon, Ekaterina! Contact the school principal. If this question has already been raised with the director, then contact the education committee of your city.

36. My physics teacher is too picky about everything!
And he often underestimates grades, for example, I got five in Laboratory work, she calls me to the board and begins meticulously asking what I have written.

36.1. Tatyana Nikolaevna, try to solve this question with the school director, you can involve parents in this, since the issue is delicate.

37. Does the teacher lower grades?

37.1. No, as well as inflating them.

38. Does a teacher have the right to lower marks for handwriting?

38.1. Hello. No, he has no right.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

Marks play an important role in a child's life. They are a criterion of his success and viability as a person. Therefore, any discrepancy between real assessments and expected ones is perceived very painfully by him.

Gradually, interest in the subject disappears, as the student believes that his efforts are not noticed and that they are needlessly picking on him. He takes a pose that is doomed to failure: then I won’t study this subject at all. What should parents do?

You need to start with an objective assessment of the knowledge of your beloved child. What does the child disagree with? Rated by independent work? Take it regular workbook. What do you see there? Everything was done correctly, not a single correction from the teacher, and the grade was “four”? Or do you think that works that have teacher corrections can be given a higher grade than the one they have? Carefully analyze the tasks in the notebook from the point of view of correct completion, and also be sure to evaluate neatness, handwriting, corrections, dirt (if any). After this, discuss with your child any shortcomings and mistakes: could this be the reason for a lower than expected grade? Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that the teacher is objective, and the irresistible desire that gripped you to run to school and tell the teacher everything you think about him, as well as give him valuable instructions on how to work correctly, from your point of view, will disappear.

If the grades in the workbooks are higher than those obtained for tests and independent studies, it is worth going to the school teacher and discussing the problems that have arisen. Perhaps the child is very worried when performing verification work and therefore makes random mistakes in them? Then talk to your son or daughter about this, try to convince him that independent tests and tests are not cunning plans of teachers designed to convict the child of ignorance of some topics, but a common practice of testing existing knowledge. For example, active participation in school and city Olympiads at various levels will help to strengthen self-confidence when performing tests.

The teacher may give a lower grade for sloppiness in the notebook. Why? If only because work completed out of habit, somehow, on the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination will not be checked and the child will be left without a score worthy of his knowledge. How else can a teacher insist on accuracy if words and exhortations do not help? Only an assessment.

It’s worse if you are convinced that the teacher is really lowering your child’s grades. But again, you shouldn’t rush headlong to school and start a scandal in a raised voice, with threats. You will throw out your emotions, and then? You feel better. But your feelings about this are your problems. You need to help the child, and not strengthen the existing hostility between him and the teacher. The next day your child will go to class with the same teacher. And if the reason for lower grades is personal dislike (teachers are people too), then you should not expect that his antipathy will change into ardent love. Since the teacher, in any case, has more knowledge than the student, he always has the opportunity to prove every lesson that the latter knows nothing. You don’t want such hassle for your beloved child, do you?

You come to the teacher with the hope of solving the problem that has arisen, which means the conversation should be in a friendly tone. After all, teachers are not enemies, they are also very interested in the high performance of their children: that means they are excellent teachers, since they understand everything. Find out how your child is doing. Maybe already at this stage of communication the reasons for the appearance of such assessments will become clear. If the situation is not clear, ask the teacher to tell you the requirements for students and how your child meets them. Ask for recommendations regarding your son or daughter: what to pay attention to, what to learn, how to improve. Tactfully summarize the conversation by saying that objective assessments, encouragement of effort and diligence on the part of the teacher motivate the child to achieve real feats in his studies.

High school students themselves can approach the teacher and find out the reasons why a controversial grade was given.

If the child and you are 100 percent sure that the teacher’s grades are systematically underestimated in any subject, and all attempts to correct the situation have not been successful, then in accordance with Article 45 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, an application for the creation of commission for objective verification of the student’s factual knowledge. But this is already a last resort.

The best way out is persistent, focused study and deep knowledge. Victories in Olympiads on a controversial subject. It will be obvious that a student cannot win Olympiads and get C’s or B’s in the school course.

Any parent understands that knowledge is more important than a formal number in a diary, but for a child, especially in primary school, grades play a big role in creating motivation to study and forming internal self-esteem. For high school students, grades affect GPA in the certificate, in addition, the opportunity to receive a gold or silver medal also depends on the ratio of “fives” and “fours” in graduating classes.

How likely is underestimation?

A subjective approach to assessing knowledge can be observed on the part of the student and parents. Parents, students and teachers are, by law, subjects educational process, therefore, transparency of the evaluation system must exist for everyone.

Every parent needs to know that it is simply not profitable for a teacher to artificially lower grades, since at the end of each quarter he reports on the quality of academic performance. And based on the results of his report, a conclusion is drawn about the quality of his teaching.

Perhaps parents who do not have it themselves subjectively evaluate their child’s knowledge. In elementary school, parents are simply obliged to get to know the teacher and clarify the situation. The teacher is obliged to explain his requirements and give recommendations for their implementation. As an option, you can find the opportunity to attend lessons, of course, not for the purpose of monitoring the teacher’s activities, but under the pretext of familiarizing yourself with the methodology of questioning and conducting comparative analysis your child's knowledge of other children.

A middle-level student or high school student can approach the teacher and ask himself why, in his opinion, the grade is underestimated. As a rule, it is not difficult for a teacher to explain the criteria for completing written work and assess its degree of compliance with them. It’s more difficult with an oral response. However, parents should be aware that according to modern educational standards, simple retelling of the textbook is not practiced. Schools are switching to project activities, and the project is usually carried out as a team, with parental participation encouraged.

What to do if the teacher's bias is obvious

There is an algorithm for resolving controversial issues related to assessing the level of knowledge, described in Art. 45 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. In accordance with the article of legislation, the application is submitted to the director or to the dispute resolution commission. But this is an extreme measure, the result of which may be the creation of a commission to test factual knowledge.

The optimal solution to prove your knowledge is to participate in the All-Russian