What is synthesis. Synthesis in psychology and logic

Synthesis [Greek. Synthesis is a compound, a combination, compilation] - included in the acts of interaction of the body with the process of practical or mental reunification of the whole of parts or connecting various elements, the sides of the object into a single integer, the necessary stage of cognition. S. is inextricably linked with the analysis, they complement each other. With how people in humans The mental operation, as well as the analysis, is historically formed in the process of their financially transforming activities.

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Definitions, Values \u200b\u200bof the Word in other dictionaries:

Philosophical Dictionary

combining a different element of the whole. Such an association (in a brief formula, synthetic picture) requires mental activity that compares, uniting and spuring ideas into one new idea, more simple and clearer. In logic, synthetic judgments (in which ...

Philosophical Dictionary

(Greek. Synthesis - Connection) - Association of scientific, philosophical and religious knowledge to achieve complete understanding of reality. In antique philosophy, such synthesis gave neoplatonism. In the average inkuscholastic creating amounts. Starting, however, with Renaissance, none of the era ...

Psychological Dictionary

(from Greek. Synthesis - a compound, a combination, compilation) - a mental operation -. It is to connect the various signs of the object or the process allocated at the previous stage of analysis -, in a certain system with reproduction - hierarchical connections inherent in ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(from Greek. Synthesis - a compound, a combination, compilation) - a mental operation. It is to connect various signs of the object or the process allocated at the previous stage of analysis, into a certain system with reproduction of hierarchical connections inherent in real ...

Psychological Encyclopedia

(from Greek. Synthesis - connection, combination) - a connection of various elements, aspects of the object into a single whole (system), which is carried out as in practical activitiesand in the process of knowledge. In this meaning, the term "C" is opposed to the analysis with which he ...

Synthesis in psychology and logic

it consists in combination, in establishing a connection between different elements of consciousness. The concept of C. may have two essentially different meanings: psychological and logical. In the first respect, S. is called the basic property of consciousness, thanks to which the most diverse states of consciousness receive an association and become the states of this particular "I". In this meaning, psychology can distinguish and explore the extremely diverse results of synthetic activities, some of which are preceded by the formation of quite clear consciousness. Eg In sensations, we analytically recognize the complexity of the elements and therefore must be assumed the activity that combined various elements. In perceptions, in the associations of thinking it is easier to trace C. than in more elementary acts of the soul. In logic, the word C. Indicates the act of the mind opposite to the analysis. Some logic talk about the analysis and S., as special methods, but to distinguish between the sphere of one from the sphere of another is extremely difficult due to the fact that they are extremely closely connected. In geometry, sometimes analytic is called the proofs of the theorems that are conducted by algebraic calculations In contrast to the solution by constructing, which is called synthetic. Generally speaking, strictly defining the logical concept of S. In applied to the methodology it is difficult to find in the literature of the subject. The word C is usually applied to the formation of forms of concepts and judgments. It is very well known and constantly mentioned by the division of the Cant of judgments on analytical and synthetic: analytic is called those in which the leaked does not add a new feature to conceivable as needed to be; A synthetic is a judgment in which the faugible adds to the subject to the sign, in the not concluded. Although this division and entered almost all the textbooks of logic, but, strictly speaking, it is difficult to find an example for an analytical judgment, because even in identical judgment, the faithful attaches something to something that was originally not in it, namely equality with himself. The crusher talks about synthetic concepts (BegriffsFormen), in which there is an internal connection (Connexio) of concepts. Usually the term C. is used in applied to evidence, and the regressive path from consequences is called analytic, and progressive on the grounds for conclusions is synthetic. It can be seen that the term S. is quite indefinite, why some logic are at all without it. Terms C. and analysis - Greek origin; They are found at Aristotle, Alexander Aphrodisian, Philon, and others. Newton in its optics requires the analysis to always precedes S. and gives the definition of both. Essentially, Newtonian definition is repeated and Wolf. Some logic encounters an identification of an analysis with induction, and C. with deduction, but such a mixing of terms cannot be approved.

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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    Directed process of processing information in the cognitive system of living beings. M. is implemented in the acts of manipulation (operating) by internal mental representatives, obeying a certain strategy and lead to the emergence ... ... Philosophical encyclopedia

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Under the synthesis, it is usually understood to combine two or more existing elements, resulting in a completely new creation. The term itself is wide in meaning and can be applied to physical, ideological and even phenomenological entities.

"Synthesis in psychology is ... (Definition)

In dialectics, synthesis is the end result of attempts to reconcile congenital contradiction between the thesis and antithesis. Along with the similar concept of integration, synthesis, as a rule, is considered an important element of modern philosophy, psychology and many other sciences. This is the part that combines the scattered elements into a single integer.

Synthesis in psychology is the recognition of the traits, impulses and relationships of a complete thing or this process in which several biochemical components are formed in one. It is difficult to recognize the synthesis of a person, especially if it has different features, impulses and installations in different situations.

Subconscious perception

Analysis and synthesis in psychology are kinds of thinking, while an important role is played by the subconscious perception, which implies the possibility that the information that is consciously not registered may have an impact on subsequent mental processes. Examples can serve as the words or images presented quickly, unclear, quietly, mysteriously or outside the focus of attention, so that they are not registered consciously.

Analysis by synthesis

Any data management standard that postulates that procedures managed by data and managed by ideas actually participate in the recognition and understanding of the feeling stimulator. The individual first studies tangible features and component aspects of the stimulator, and then decides which data is important, and compiles them into an internal interpretation or understanding that the stimulator can actually be.

This interior interpretation contrasts with the introduction of the stimulator. After that, if they are similar to each other, it can be said that the stimulator is recognized, but if not, other interpretations must be compiled and considered until a similar stimulator is detected. What is the analysis by synthesis? Imaginary existence of "quantity" in psychology is a prerequisite for measuring.

Anyone (researcher or subject) can present homogeneous concepts such as magnitude (redness, volume or severity of various kinds of objects or events). Conversely, heterogeneous concepts can be combined with imaginary values, such as intelligence or identity, which are built from agreed sets of theoretical concepts. Measurements in physics, psychophysics and psychology will be considered relatively different.

Cognitive psychology

In its influential book, "Cognitive Psychology" (1967), Ullica Neussser suggested that the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe filter is erroneous. It would be too boring if the cognitive system sits and receives information without looking for it. If we consider the mental process as a design, it is the result of what we are looking for, and not that we cannot filter. Neussser called this analysis by synthesis. He explained the analysis of the synthesis model - analogy.

We give an example of synthesis in psychology. If we see a person collecting apples in the garden, we assume that his activity is determined by the fact that he is looking for (ripe apples), and not by the fact that it filters or does not choose (immature apples, leaves, branches, errors, etc. .). We make this assumption, because we recognize that the collection of apples is targeted activities. If attention is also seen as targeted activities, the problem of electoral attention is the problem of explaining what is included, and not what is left.

How does the synthesis analysis copes with a cocktail party phenomenon? Suppose you are at a party, straining to pay attention to the fact that a person in front of you speaks. This is targeted activities. You are trying to build the values \u200b\u200bthat come from this person using information about the direction that helps you tune in to the voice. You ignore all other conversations, because they are not related to your goal, but not because some filter removes them.

Your attention is an act of positive selection or synthesis, and not an act of negative selection or filtering. All that is not included in your synthesis is ignored, for some exceptions, for example, when our view is facing the movement in peripheral vision Or when our attention is activated by calling our name. The information that seems "filtered" is just something that is not "configured."

What is a concentration?

One of the features of thinking is a concentration, a very focused form of attention. People with large concentration abilities ignore all distracting factors, because they do not contribute to the achievement of their goals. However, details that may have a beneficial effect are allowed into the thought process.

Analysis and synthesis: two key approaches

The analysis focuses on the component parts of the situation, is based on the recognition of differences between things. The analysis process is the process of parsing something and recognition of differences between parts, as well as determining what these elements are engaged. In the end, the parts are recreated in order to understand the whole. Often in this process assumes that the whole will be the same as the sum of its parts. That is, the properties of the whole are determined by the properties of parts.

Analytical thinking was extremely useful for solving a wide range of problems that have clear reasons. For example, most of the health care achievements were achieved as a result of identifying the simple causes of many diseases: virus and bacterial carriers, nutrient deficit, genetic mutations, and so on.

Analytical thinking is gaining momentum since the enlightenment times, when a real shift against mysticism, superstitions and traditions as the main ways of thinking about the world occurred and about what we do in it. The period during which this shift in thinking occurred is the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century, which was also called the "midness of the mind." This age contributed to the use of logic and rationality.

"Theory of Total"

People who prefer analytical thinking are promoting the idea that most things can be "coherent" to the atomistic interpretation, ultimately implying that the main general denominator of analyzing physics will be able to explain how everything works around. It is not surprising that precisely physicists came up with the term "theory of all" - the search for a single model to explain all the fundamental interactions of nature.

An excellent example of an area where analytical thinking fails, is the understanding of human emotions. The next quote from the book of Jamshid Garadagi (Gharajedaghi, 2006) about the systemic thinking perfectly illustrates the problem: "I can love, but none of my parts can love. If you share me, the phenomenon of love will be lost."

Synthesis: holistic thinking

There is no single mechanism that determines that is alive, and what is not. We cannot explain the life, "breaking it on the part", and then recreated it. Nevertheless, we seem to be easy to distinguish living creatures from non-living. Therefore, the synthesis is to understand the current processes that create recognizable behaviors.

If a person faces various situations that produce a common pattern, it can then mark this general pattern and use this label again and again. Conduct or survive in the new situations with which we have not met before, depends on our ability to synthesize. We can do it quickly and efficiently if we recognize the community with previous situations. This type of synthesis clearly helps and speeds up the learning process, and is a powerful tool in survival in a changing world.

Many "whole" can be understood only by determining their role or function in a "large whole" (context or environment), which contains them. I call the oak and black drosh "alive", realizing that there is a model of "living" behavior in each of two different entities, in the "large whole" environmental system or ecosystem, in which they are both embedded.

Example of synthesis and analysis from the animal world

The synthesis method in psychology often intersects with the analysis. Take for an example of a lion. Analytical thinking assumes that the lion in the zoo is the same as a lion in the wild, because it is the same type of living being. But holistic thinking shows that the role of lion as part of the ecology of Savannah is very different from the role of a lion as part of the zoo.

The study of this predator in his "big whole", that is, in the zoo, little tells you about the lions in the wild. The analysis tells you that lions in the zoo and lions in the wild can be biologically identical, but Synthesis will tell you that the animal in the zoo is not the same as the animal in its natural habitat. These two approaches can lead to two different conclusions. For example, as the study of animal behavior more focused on their actions within their natural habitats, we stably revised our understanding of the animal mind.

Other types of mental operations

To solve problems, a person uses many mental operations. In addition to the analysis and synthesis, it is still a generalization, comparison, etc. without them is impossible cognitive activity, training, productive thinking in general.

  • Analysis is the distribution of the whole to individual elements, the dissection of individual features, properties, qualities.
  • Synthesis is in psychology to combine parts into a whole based on semantic ties.
  • Comparison - Comparison of items or phenomena with each other in order to search for similar features and differences.
  • Generalization - Combining various objects in one group based on general features.
  • Specification is the filling of something generalized by the details and details.
  • Analogy is the transfer of knowledge about one subject to another to explain to one or another interpretation.

These operations are indispensable in the learning process, to search and master new knowledge. Often a person uses them unconsciously and intuitively, at the subconscious level.

Many words in Russian have several values \u200b\u200bdepending on the context in which they are used. For example, what is synthesis? Consider the definitions of this word in its various values. Let's start with the general definition.

Synthesis is a kind of reunification process. various substances Or concepts into one. Now let's talk more specifically.

Matrix synthesis

Surely you did not hear or have already forgotten what matrix synthesis is. This is the process of reaction of polymerization and polycondensation. The structure of the polymer is determined by matrices (macromolecules), which are in contact with monomers (one or several) and growing chains. An example of such a synthesis we can observe in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. There, the role of matrices play all our known DNAs (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).

The structural matrix effect is the ability of the matrix to influence the length, as well as on chemical structure and the spatial structure of the daughter chains. In general, the matrix synthesis is a promising method for producing polymeric materials.

Synthesis protein

Next, consider what protein synthesis is. This is the most complex biosynthetic process. However, despite the fact that it requires a large number of enzymes and other macromolecules, it flows pretty quickly. Protein synthesis in our body is carried out at the cellular level. Nucleic acids are involved in it, while the location of nucleotides is able to set the sequence of amino acids in the protein molecule (predetermining the synthesized protein structure).

In the synthesis of protein, much energy is spent - 24.2 kcal / mol. When the synthesis process is over, the protein is delivered to its destination with a special polypeptide leader. In the synthesis of protein there are gene generators that control its process. Opero is a combination of structural genes and generators. This is not an independent system, it is subject to regulators that are responsible for the beginning and end of the operation of the opera.

Synthesis of Arts

And what is the synthesis of arts, and how does it manifest? This is reunion different species Art in one whole. There are two types of synthesis in art:

  1. Inside the type of art - for example, the use of ripping comic text in the epic.
  2. Between art types - for example, creating a screen-based screen-based script that was written based on the literary book.

The ratio between the arts participating in the synthesis is very diverse. There may be several types of art among themselves (for example, architecture and gothic sculptures). Types of arts that dwell look in contrast with each other (for example, architecture buildings in the 20th century). Also, 2 types of art can complement each other, while not merging into one whole (for example, the art of the revival era).

Organic synthesis

And the last thing we consider in our article - what is organic synthesis. He enters the section of technology and chemistry, which are studying different aspects (techniques, methods, equipment, etc.) organic compounds, products, materials and substance production processes. Its main goal is the manufacture of substances with valuable biological, chemical and physical properties.

Synthesis is an association, real or mental, different elements in one integer, in a harmonious system. It is inextricably linked to it, which suggests the separation of the total components.

What does the word "synthesis" mean from a medical point of view? Under it implies the combination of various phenomena and items in one.

Meaning in the medical dictionary

Together with the analysis, this process guarantees the formation of thinking and concepts.

Synthesis is the process of creating strong hierarchical relationships between real objects, some mental operation. Psychologists use a similar term to obtain an objective picture of the inner state of a person.

In the Ushakov dictionary

The definition of the word "synthesis" here is considered in three angles. In the first value, under it implies a study method that allows you to establish connections, to get one whole from individual fragments.

It is given in the dictionary and the second meaning of the word "synthesis" - a generalization, the result that is obtained by during the study. For example, synthesis occurs in chemistry in the formation of organic substances.

It also offers another definition of such a term. Synthesis is a step in the formation of progressive development steps to higher unity.

Interpretation in BSE.

The term is opposed to analysis. The Greek word "Synthesis" in the BSE is seen as a combination of several parties to the object. In science, it implies the process of consistent information mining, its assessment, analysis. Representatives of antique geometry were adhered to a similar point of view: Euclidean, Plato.

Also, often the value of this term is associated with some "synthetic judgments". Synthesis and analysis are located not only at the base of all varieties of human activity, but also in the simplest forms. They characterize animal behavior applied in technical programs, computer modeling. For example, from a biological point of view, synthesis is the analytical activity of the brain.

Psychologists S. L. Rubinstein, J. Piaget after prolonged research came to the conclusion that cognitive processesCharacteristic to humans are also associated with this phenomenon.

For example, in the scientific sense, synthesis can be considered as the relationship of theories related to one subject area. In modern physics, the foundations of the corpuscular and wave theory are associated with the association of individual features and characteristics in a single picture.

What can be chosen by synonym for the word "synthesis"? For example, instead, the following words can be used instead: compound, association, amount. The choice depends on the scientific field specified for the work. In addition to internal processes, for modern science The interdisciplinary relationship is characteristic, which gives a complete picture of the unity of the worldview.

Synthesis in chemistry

It is difficult to imagine this science without connecting a few simple either. complex substances. Chemical synthesis is particularly relevant for organic compounds, since it can be considered to obtain complex biopolymers, to predict the specifics of their chemical and physical properties, assume the main areas of application of the compounds obtained.

Photosynthesis, which indicates an education from water and carbon dioxide organic (glucose), proceeds only in light and is prerequisite The existence of green plants.

Interest is also chemosynthesis, involving the combination of carbon dioxide, as well as when oxidizing inorganic substances in organic compounds.

Nucleosynthesis refer to the process of obtaining cores chemical elementswhich are heavier than the hydrogen atom.

Thanks to the synthesis, you can get a beautiful and connected speech from individual letters, syllables. Many words in our tongue have several values, depending on which context they are applied. Let's try from different points of view to give the characteristic of the term "synthesis". If in a general version, a certain reunification process is assumed into one integer concepts or substances, then in each particular case, the definition may be interpretation.

We give an example of the synthesis, which is considered within organic chemistry. Do you know what matrix synthesis is? it chemical reaction polycondensation or polymerization, without which it is impossible to obtain polymer compounds. The structure of the Navy defines macromolecules that are interrelated with monomers and growing organic chains.

Under the matrix structural effect, the ability of the matrix to influence the length, the chemical structure, the spatial type of child chains (elementary components).

As a complex process - synthesis - can be submitted to the formation of protein molecules. It involves the use of a significant amount of enzymes, is carried out in the body at the cellular level.

The specifics of a similar reaction consists in the ability to install a certain sequence of amino acid units in the resulting macromolecule. Such a process involves the cost of a significant amount of heat. After completion of the reaction, the protein macromolecule is transferred to the place of immediate destination using a specific polypeptide leader.

Synthesis in art

Not only in classical physics, organic chemistry and in different fields of medicine, the term "synthesis" is used. The processes associated with the combination of individual fragments, parts are characteristic of both art. As an example, the use of comic text is used in the epide. Also, synthesis exists between individual art types. So, based on a specific literary scenario, a specific image is created on the television screen.

IN lately They are often combined into a single whole different types of interior areas: Gothic direction and architecture, modern and classics, high-tech and Provence. Professional designers receive a huge space for their creativity, creating unique images in the interior.


With a competent selection different species Arts can be counted for a harmonious image. So, with the right approach, the introduction into the ancient cities of modern buildings is quite acceptable.

The term "synthesis" is found modern man In various fields of its activities: science, technology, in everyday life, as well as in various fields of art.