What is a social teacher. All about the profession "social teacher"

The domestic school has experience in solving social problems of students. this is the activity of class teachers and head teachers for educational work, who were also assigned tasks social work and social pedagogy... But the living conditions in the country have changed, the attitude towards the teacher and in the new conditions it has become necessary to solve social problems at a qualitatively new level - professionally. To ensure the effectiveness of such work, the social service of the school needs specialists who are able to solve the problems of diagnostics (sociologist and psychologist) and applied work (social worker and social teacher). The need arose for a special social service for the school. What would such a service ideally be like? General management of the activities of the social. school services are carried out by the director through his deputies for social. protection and protection of childhood and educational work. He defines the overall strategy for the entire social. service, monitors and directs its implementation. Deputy Social Director protection and protection of children is supervised by the social. - ped. activities of teachers of extended day groups, cl. leaders, cl. educators and social. teacher, psychologist, sociologist, social. an employee. Positions of sociologist and social. there is no employee in the school yet, so the functions of a sociologist are performed by a psychologist, and the duties of a social worker. employee - social. teacher (the difference in words is a social worker and a social teacher).

Social an employee is a person called upon to directly perform the functions of social services. protection of the rights of the student, the decision of his social. problems, and, if necessary, social. protection of the teacher.

The main function of a school psychologist is to study and diagnose various school problems.

Social the teacher, taking into account the diagnostics made by the psychologist, must determine the possibilities of realizing the knowledge of the object (student, group, teacher), develop guidelines for the implementation of the knowledge gained, ped. competently build your work with an individual student, parents, teachers, families, etc. For example, all three workers deal with the family. But social. an employee deals with the family of a student in need of social services. protection, and a psychologist and social. educators work with parents who have problems in relationships with their child. Only a psychologist diagnoses deviations in relationships, and social. the teacher develops a specific program of action to overcome this deficiency. The objects of work are more similar for the psychologist and the social. teacher, but the main areas of work are different. For example, the object of work is a cool team. The psychologist's direction of work will be - the identification of psychological deviations in the personality of the student, and the social. teacher - the organization of leisure activities.

So, what is social media doing? teacher at school? (Most often, he is assigned the role of an educator who is engaged in cultural and leisure activities with schoolchildren outside of school hours, previously a pioneer leader was engaged in such work). The social educator has three main areas of activity:

With teachers

With students

With parents.

He can help the teacher:

Develop an individual methodology for working with a student for his education and upbringing;

Provide assistance in developing a methodology for relationships with individual parents;

In conflict resolution: teacher - student; teacher - class; parent teacher etc.;

In organizing and conducting school holidays, evenings, KVN;

In the preparation and conduct of class leisure activities;

Interaction with various leisure cultural centers cities;

In the organization of amateur art circles;

In organizing teachers' leisure time;

In the organization of vocational guidance work.

In organizing interaction with local authorities, social centers. services, employees of departments for work with minors;

In organizing interaction with various youth organizations, cultural, health and fitness, tourism institutions for the organization of social. ped. work with schoolchildren.

He can help the student:

Overcoming conflict situations in the classroom, with parents, with teachers;

In work on self-education, self-improvement;

Facilitate the period of adaptation at different periods of his life at school;

In the choice of various forms of leisure activities;

Choosing a future specialty;

Introducing a healthy lifestyle.

Working with parents consists mainly of counseling, advice, methodological assistance:

In establishing relationships with the child;

In resolving conflicts with teachers

Providing all types of social assistance to the family.

In general, a social educator, teaming up with other professionals social sphere, becomes the organizer of the extracurricular time of schoolchildren, coordinates the work of the ped. collective with difficult children, families, with the surrounding social microenvironment and the community of the microdistrict.

Also, social. the teacher works with children in the neighborhood. He makes a single plan educational work in the neighborhood and the school, which unites the school and all social services. service in solution common problem education and protection of children. (out-of-school children's institutions - courtyard clubs, art houses, teachers of extended day groups, class leaders).

The experiment on the creation of social - ped complexes in Russia began in the 70s. It was a search for new forms of upbringing, involving the whole society in caring for children.

For example, in Sverdlovsk, the territory of the city district that participated in the experiment was divided into microdistricts, which included 2-3 schools. The complex was led by the Council, which coordinated the work of all enterprises, educational institutions, organizations involved in the upbringing of children. Production teams carried out labor and economic education of schoolchildren, vocational guidance work. Members of the district council deputy commission helped in solving organizational issues. Komsomol organizations of enterprises were engaged in ideological, political, moral, labor education. Cultural institutions (Palaces of culture, cinemas, clubs, libraries) carried out educational work in conjunction with the school. Teachers and students of universities were engaged in the creation and preparation of ped. detachments. Employees of hospitals and clinics provided medical assistance, were engaged in medical education, propaganda healthy way life. The military enlistment office recruited reserve officers, demobilized soldiers to work in the complex, who prepared adolescents for military service, held military sports games - "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet". Housing and communal departments participated in the creation material base educational work with children at the place of residence, in clubs, children's and sports grounds. The employees of the traffic police, the fire department, the department for work with juvenile offenders were involved. The work of the complex gave good results.

The teachers of the 59th school in Yaroslavl took a different direction. The school has 50-60 classes - 1600-188 children. The school employs 8 deputy directors, 25 social. teachers, 17 teachers add. Educations, 3 psychologists, 3 teacher-organizers. The goal is to turn the school into an educational center. Social the service of the complex consists of several divisions:

Territorial social a service run by “street social educators”;

Intraschool service of social care for children (class leaders, teachers of extended day groups, organizers of extracurricular activities);

Psychological service (psychologists, speech therapists);

Honey. service (doctor, nurses).

In fact, there is a social educator in every school. The field of activity of such a specialist at school implies work with children and adolescents with deviant behavior, behavior that violates the Charter of the school, families that are in a socially dangerous situation. If a student or a student's family is experiencing difficulties in adapting to society, then a social teacher will have to work with such “difficult” children and families. Manifestations of various kinds of addictions among students, committing offenses outside the school framework can also serve as a basis for starting work with such children with a social teacher. Children who do not understand the norms of social behavior poorly and do not fulfill them need the help of a social teacher.

The regulatory framework that consolidates the powers of a social teacher in an educational institution:

3. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".

4. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 08.26.2010 N 761n (as amended on 05/31/2011) "On the approval of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers "(Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 06.10.2010 N 18638 ) ".

5. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 28, 2016 No. AK-923/07 "On the direction of methodological recommendations" (together with Methodical recommendations on improving individual preventive work with students with deviant behavior).

How is the work of a social educator with children organized at school?

A school is a place where children from different families study, with different upbringing, developmental level, and behavioral characteristics. The socio-psychological service of the school is designed to smooth out the difficulties of adaptation and socialization of students.

To do this, at school, the social educator keeps a record of minors who do not attend school or systematically miss classes for disrespectful reasons. At school, the social and psychological service must develop programs aimed at the formation of law-abiding behavior, provide assistance to families in a socially dangerous situation. Also, a social teacher protects the rights of a minor within his competence, without violating or infringing on the rights of children (Article 14 of the Federal Law "On the foundations of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency"). The social teacher carries out his activities through individual work with children and adolescents, with the involvement of other specialists, parents, school administration. It is possible to organize training sessions, individual conversations, testing, and the creation of support groups.

We can give an example of the algorithm of actions of a social teacher in relation to students who miss classes without a good reason. After it turned out that the student does not attend school, it is imperative to talk with the parents, then diagnose and individual work with the student. The next step will be the registration of in-school records. After that, joint preventive and educational work with the Council for Prevention, KDN and ZP, guardianship and guardianship authorities.

If the student's family is dysfunctional, then the algorithm of the social teacher's work with the student's family will be somewhat different. First, it is necessary to study a socially dangerous family, then to investigate the living conditions of the family. After that, get acquainted with family members, study the causes of trouble, draw up a family map. At the end, draw up a plan for working with a dysfunctional family.

Can a social educator visit families and explore the living conditions of students?

The social educator can only take an interest in the general situation in the family. It is not allowed to enter the apartment, move around it without the permission of the student's parents. The examination of the apartment must take place within the framework of the Commission for the Study of Living Conditions. Such a commission is formed to identify disadvantaged families. Next, an act of studying the conditions is drawn up, the members of the commission are indicated and their signatures are necessary.

Responsibilities of the social educator

If you refer to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 No. 761n (as amended on 05/31/2011) "On the approval of the Unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, the section on the qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers", then you can understand what exactly is the responsibility this teacher. The list of responsibilities is quite lengthy.

    Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions, organizations and at the place of residence of students.

    Studies the personality traits of students and their microenvironment, their living conditions.

    Identifies interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner.

    Acts as an intermediary between students and an institution, organization, family, environment, specialists of various social services, departments and administrative bodies.

    Determines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work with students, ways of solving personal and social problems, using modern educational technologies, including informational as well as digital educational resources.

    Takes measures for social protection and social assistance, the realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students.

    Organizes different kinds socially significant activities of students and adults, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation of social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval.

    Promotes the establishment of humane, morally healthy relationships in a social environment.

    Promotes the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and safety of the personality of students, ensures the protection of their life and health.

    Participates in the implementation of work on employment, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, registration of savings deposits, the use of securities of students from among orphans and left without parental care.

    Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services, with charitable organizations, etc. in providing assistance to students in need of guardianship and custody, with physical capabilities, deviant behavior, as well as in extreme situations.

    Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, in other forms methodical work, in the preparation and conduct parenting meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) of students.

    Provides protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process.

A social teacher must use in his work methods of persuasion, argumentation of his position, establishing contacts with students, their parents, work colleagues, social and pedagogical diagnostics of conflicts, correction and stress relief.

It is worth noting separately the work of a social teacher with students with deviant behavior.

The purpose of such registration is the accumulation of data on underage students with deviant behavior for their use in individual preventive work.

The decision on registration and deregistration in respect of underage students with deviant behavior can be made as solely by the head educational organization and the collegial governing body of the educational organization. Directly the grounds for the registration and removal of a minor from the register are provided for by local regulations of educational organizations.

Manager's decision educational organization or the decision of the collegial management body of the educational organization on the organization of individual preventive work with persons, as well as registration drawn up in the form of a conclusion.

On the basis of this conclusion, approved by the head of the educational organization, the following categories of minors can be registered:

a) not attending or systematically missing classes without good reason, not doing well for academic subjects;

b) participating in the activities of informal associations and organizations of anti-social orientation;

c) admitting non-fulfillment or violation of the charter of the organization carrying out educational activities, internal regulations, rules of residence in hostels and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities;

The grounds for the removal of underage students with deviant behavior from the register may be:

a) positive changes in the circumstances of a minor's life that persist for a long time (for example, within three months the minor succeeds in all academic subjects, or does not violate the charter and internal regulations of the educational organization);

b) completion of training in an educational organization;

c) transfer to another educational organization;

d) reaching the age of 18;

e) information received from the bodies and institutions of the prevention system that the circumstances have disappeared that make it necessary to further carry out individual preventive work with a minor (for example, a resolution of the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights, providing for the termination of the presence of a minor in a socially dangerous position ).

Accounting can be carried out by a social teacher in the form of a databank, card index, accounting journals and other forms determined by local regulations of the educational organization.

These accounting forms imply the reflection, inter alia, of information on the date and basis of registration, the dynamics of individual preventive work, the date and basis of deregistration.




Educational and methodological association

in the specialties of teacher education

as a teaching aid for university students,

students in the specialty 031300(050711 ) « Social pedagogy»

UDC 37.013.42 (075.8) BBK 74.6ya73 B257


Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Kaluga State

Pedagogical University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky S.N. Kasatkina;

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Yaroslavl State

Pedagogical University. K.D. Ushinsky M.A. Kovalchuk

Basov N.F.

B257 Social teacher: Introduction to the profession: textbook. manual for stud. higher. study. institutions / N. F. Basov, V. M. Basova, A. N. Kravchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Akademiya", 2006. - 256 p. ISBN 5-7695-2313-1

The manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard and is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty "Social Pedagogy". The manual reveals the roles and functions of a social pedagogue, gives his professional portrait, characterizes the spheres of practical activity.

For students of higher educational institutions; can also be useful for graduate students, practitioners engaged in social and educational activities.

UDC 37.013.42 (075.8) BBK 74.6ya73

The original layout of this publication is the property of

Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way

without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© Basov N.F., Basova V.M., Kravchenko A.N., 2006 © Educational Publishing Center "Academy", 2006 ISBN 5-7695-2313-1 © Design. Publishing Center "Academy", 2006

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Social teacher is a teaching profession5

§ 1. The concepts of "profession", "specialty",

"Qualification" 5

§ 2. Classification of occupations 7

§ 3. Modern times - new profession 8

§ 4. Appointment of a specialist 9

§ 5. Functions and roles of the social educator 10

§ 6. The system of training a social teacher 12

Documents and materials 14

Chapter 2. Professional portrait of a social educator 35

§1. General requirements for a social teacher 35

§ 2. Approximate model of professional activity 38

§ 3. Ethical norms and values ​​of the social educator 39

Section 4. Professional duties of a social teacher42

§ 5. The rights of a social teacher as a specialist

§ 6. Professional identity and career

social educator 45

Documents and materials 48

Chapter 3. Field of activity and place of work of a social teacher...85

§ 1. Society, the closest environment of a person 85

§ 2. Socio-pedagogical institutions of the system

education 87

§ 3. Social educator in the institutions of the system

social protection population 89

§ 4. Features of valeological socio-pedagogical

activities in educational and health care institutions 93

§ 5. Specificity of social and educational activities

in penitentiary institutions 96

Documents and materials 99

Chapter 4. Specialization in the work of a social teacher 116

§ 1. Specialization as part of specialty 116

§ 2. Family social educator 118

§ 3. Community (rural) social educator 120

§4. Social teacher of children's associations 126

§ 5. Social educator - work specialist

with youth 127

Documents and materials 134

Chapter 5. Types of social institutions 165

§ 1. The concept " social institution", Its characteristic 165

§ 2. Leading social institution - family 170

§ 3. School as a social institution 176

§ 4. Religion as an institution of socialization 180

§ 5. Other institutions of socialization, their characteristics 183

Documents and materials 188

Chapter 6. Development of a modern system of social services

assistance to the population 210

§ 1. The concepts of "system", "social assistance service" 210

§ 2. The variety of modern social services

assistance to the population 212

§ 3. Features of the activities of a social teacher

in the modern system of social assistance to the population 218

Documents and materials

Applications 229

Annex 1 229

Appendix 2 238

Appendix 3 242


The manual introduces students to the basics of their future profession, the most important concepts, theoretical problems, content and main directions of the social teacher's activity.

The manual reveals the role and functions of the future specialist, characterizes the scope of his practice. The manual consists of six chapters, and also includes appendices directly related to the curriculum "Introduction to the profession".

The first chapter analyzes the basic concepts of this course: "profession", "specialty", "qualifications", "specialization", gives their classification, characterizes the appointment of a specialist and his functions. Particular attention is paid to the system of training a social teacher in our country.

The second chapter is devoted to the professional portrait of a social educator. Here, a model of his professional activity is presented, ethical norms and values ​​of a specialist are revealed, professional duties and rights, the specifics of professional self-determination and the career of a social teacher are characterized.

The third chapter analyzes the spheres of activity of a social teacher. The features of society are revealed, the social-pedagogical and socio-psychological services of educational institutions are characterized; social services of municipal bodies and their institutions; social services of specialized institutions; social services of enterprises, organizations, institutions; socio-pedagogical services of the system of additional education.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the specializations of the social educator, such as the family social educator; community (rural) social educator; youth worker, etc.

The fifth chapter reveals the main types of social institutions: family, educational institution, funds mass media other.

The sixth and final chapter analyzes the modern system of social assistance services to the population and the main directions of the social teacher's activity in it.

Selection of included tutorial topics is determined by the requirements of the State Standard of Higher vocational education in this specialty.

Each chapter is supplied with questions for self-control, as well as a list of recommended reading for in-depth independent work. In addition, documents and materials that reveal the specifics of this specialty are presented as attachments. Among them are legislative and regulations, State educational standard of higher professional education, Regulation on the social teacher of the school and others.

The manual will help future social educators in preparing for practical training and credit, in writing reports, abstracts and other written works. It will provide significant assistance to workers in the social and pedagogical sphere in the process of improving their qualifications.

The textbook used materials from the works of famous specialists in the field of social pedagogy V.G. Bocharova, Yu.V. Vasilkova, M.A. Galaguzova, M.P. Guryanova, I.P. Klementovich, T.V. Lodkina , L. V. Mardakhaeva, V. Zh. Maslennikova, A. V. Mudrik, F. A. Mustaeva, V. A. Nikitin, L. E. Nikitina, R. V. Ovcharova, M. I. Rozhkova, V. A. Slastenina, V. A. A. Fo-kin, P. A. Sheptenko and many others.

We hope that this manual will contribute to the training of social educators on a higher professional basis.

Specialty "Social Pedagogy".

Qualification - social educator.

Forms of education: full-time (budget / paid), part-time (budget / paid).

Training is conducted in Russian.

Specificity and relevance.

V modern world the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children is a matter of state concern. The tasks of protecting children are a priority in any educational institution of the Republic of Belarus. They are implemented professionally by a social teacher.

Socio-pedagogical activity is multifaceted and multidirectional. In order to protect the rights and interests of children and youth, the social teacher interacts with a wide range of persons interested in the fate of a minor. Among them are parents, representatives of the administration of an educational institution, educational psychologists, class teachers, subject teachers, employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate, representatives of the commission on juvenile affairs, representatives of the guardianship and guardianship authorities and other persons. A social educator is not a teacher with a basic subject education, but a general educator. He possesses legal and psychological competencies, knows the basics of management in the education system, is able not only to see the child's problem, but also to help him find himself.

Graduates of the specialty "social and pedagogy" can work in educational institutions, inspectorates for minors, child welfare authorities.

What will you learn.


1. Cycle of general scientific and general professional disciplines:

2. Cycle of special disciplines:

  • Theory and practice of social pedagogy
  • Social politics
  • Methodology and methods of social and educational research
  • Social education in educational institutions
  • Fundamentals of social and educational activities
  • Psychology of social and educational activities
  • Technologies of social and educational activities
  • Theory and practice of social and pedagogical work with the family
  • Fundamentals of the professional skills of a social teacher
  • Child protection

3. Disciplines of BSPU:

  • Introduction to learning activities student
  • Pedagogy of the children's collective
  • Age physiology and school hygiene
  • Methodology of educational work in children's health-improving educational institutions
  • Social and pedagogical activities abroad
  • Methodology of social and educational activities
  • Actual problems socio-educational activities
  • Psychosocial work in the activities of a social teacher
  • Psychology of communication
  • Management Psychology in Education
  • Statistical processing of data from socio-pedagogical research
  • Counseling in social and educational activities
  • Fundamentals of Pedagogical Anthropology
  • Legal foundations of social and educational activities

4. Optional disciplines:

  • Socio-pedagogical prevention of gambling and computer addiction in children and youth.
  • Socio-pedagogical work with children in a socially dangerous situation.
  • Socio-pedagogical foundations of the formation of the reproductive health of students.
  • Preparing students for family life.
  • Art therapy.
  • Fairytale therapy.
  • Diagnostics and correction of interpersonal relationships.
  • Fundamentals of correctional and developmental work.

5. Optional disciplines:

  • Socio-psychological training.
  • Fundamentals of media education.

Social educators work in educational institutions: preschool, mainstream schools, vocational, secondary special, higher educational institutions, institutions additional education, orphanages and boarding schools, social and pedagogical centers, services for the protection and protection of children and families, career guidance centers, youth organizations, institutions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and many others.

The position of a social teacher is currently officially established in the institutions of two departments - education and committees for youth affairs.
In the system of institutions of committees on youth affairs, the position of "social teacher" has been introduced into the staffing table of 8 types of institutions: courtyard children's clubs, children's art houses, youth hostels, rest homes for teenagers, educational youth centers, vocational guidance centers, employment centers, children's and youth exchanges labor.
The legal basis for the activities of a social teacher in this area is the law of the Russian Federation "On public associations».

In the field of education, this position has been introduced into the staffing table of 6 types of educational institutions, the network of which is dynamically developing: preschool educational institutions; educational institutions; general education boarding schools; educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care; special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior; educational institutions of primary vocational education.

Despite the fact that the position of "social teacher" is established only in two departmental spheres, the practical need for such specialists is much wider. In fact, this position can be introduced in all social institutions that provide assistance to children in need of it. Therefore, the typology of institutions in which a social teacher can work, based on their departmental affiliation, includes:

Educational institutions;
- the establishment of committees for youth affairs;
- healthcare institutions (children's hospitals, special hospitals for mentally ill children, drug addicts, sanatoriums for children, etc.);
- institutions for social protection of the population (social service centers, centers for social assistance to families and children, social shelters, social rehabilitation centers for minors, centers for helping children left without parental care, rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents with disabilities and etc.); - institutions related to the system of internal affairs bodies (reception centers for children and adolescents, special boarding schools and special vocational schools for children who have committed offenses, educational colonies, juvenile courts for adolescents who are making their first steps in Russia, etc.).

Depending on the conditions of the region (village, city, city district, etc.), institutions providing assistance to children can be of a complex interdepartmental nature (family and childhood centers, leisure centers, health centers, etc.). Social educators working in these institutions carry out primary diagnostics of society and identify children with problems, differentiate children's problems, determine their causes, ways and means of solving them. They should also be well informed about the capabilities of all social institutions in the city, village, township, etc.

If the child's personal problems cannot be removed in the natural environment of his development, the child is sent to institutions that have one or another specialization (institutions for the social rehabilitation of children with physical and mental disabilities, institutions for the social rehabilitation of children who have not received a general and vocational education, etc. .).
The institutions in which social educators are supposed to work can be of a state, public or public-state nature.

V government institutions the activities of a specialist, his job duties, as well as wages are determined by uniform, common to all regulatory documents (qualification characteristics; requirements for the qualifications of teaching staff of educational institutions when assigning qualification categories to them; official salaries and wage rates established by the state).

In public or public-state institutions, the activities of a specialist, his position and salary are determined by the normative documents governing the activities this institution(the RF law "On public associations", the RF law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations", the qualification characteristics of the institution, the statute or regulations of the institution, staffing table, official salaries and wage rates established by the institution).
In addition, a volunteer movement is emerging in the country, within the framework of which social educators provide assistance to children free of charge.

The foregoing shows that social and pedagogical activity is multifaceted and responsible. That's why professional training the social educator must rely on extensive, evidence-based knowledge and continuous self-improvement.