What is a total dictation in the Russian language. Total dictation: instructions for use

Which will take place on April 8, many of our readers are wondering how to prepare for the Total Dictation? How to correctly assess your strengths and capabilities?

A good option will repeat the rules of the Russian language: spelling and punctuation. As curator Natalya Veniaminovna Makshantseva noted, punctuation can cause particular difficulties in this year’s total dictation. Based on the experience of previous dictations, we can say that this is expected. The texts are original, complex, and you will need to think carefully about punctuation marks.

Take for example the text total dictation 2016, prepared by children's writer Andrei Usachev. We present it in full from the official website of Total Dictation.

Text of Total Dictation 2016

This ancient, ancient, ancient world!

Part 1. Briefly about the history of the theater

They say that the ancient Greeks were very fond of grapes and, after harvesting them, they held a holiday in honor of the god of grapes, Dionysus. Dionysus' retinue consisted of goat-footed creatures - satyrs. Depicting them, the Hellenes put on goat skins, jumped wildly and sang - in a word, selflessly indulged in fun. Such performances were called tragedies, which in ancient Greek meant “the singing of goats.” Subsequently, the Hellenes began to think: what else could they devote to such games?
To ordinary people It has always been interesting to know how the rich live. The playwright Sophocles began writing plays about kings, and it immediately became clear: kings often cry and their personal lives are unsafe and not at all simple. And in order to make the story entertaining, Sophocles decided to attract actors who could play his works - this is how the theater was born.
At first, art fans were very unhappy: only those who sat in the front row saw the action, and since tickets were not yet provided, best places occupied by the strongest and tallest. Then the Hellenes decided to eliminate this inequality and built an amphitheater, where each next row was higher than the previous one, and everything that happened on the stage became visible to everyone who came to the performance.
The performance usually involved not only actors, but also a choir, speaking on behalf of the people. For example, the hero entered the arena and said:
– I’ll go do something bad now!
- Doing bad things is shameless! - howled the choir.
“Okay,” the hero reluctantly agreed, after thinking about it. “Then I’ll go and do something good.”
“It’s good to do good,” the chorus approved of him, thereby, as if accidentally pushing the hero to death: after all, as it should be in a tragedy, retribution inevitably comes for good deeds.
True, sometimes the “god ex-machine” appeared (the machine was the name given to the special crane on which the “god” was lowered onto the stage) and unexpectedly saved the hero. Whether it was really a real god or an actor is still unclear, but it is known for certain that both the word “machine” and theater cranes were invented in Ancient Greece.

Part 2. Briefly about the history of writing

In those immemorial times, when the Sumerians came to the area between the Tigris and Euphrates, they spoke a language that no one understood: after all, the Sumerians were the discoverers of new lands and their language was like that of real scouts - secret, encrypted. No one had or has such a language, except perhaps other intelligence officers.
Meanwhile, the people in Mesopotamia were already using wedges with all their might: young men tucked wedges under the girls (this is how they looked after them); swords and knives forged from Damascus steel were wedge-shaped; even the cranes in the sky - and they flew like a wedge. The Sumerians saw so many wedges around them that they invented writing - with wedges. This is how cuneiform appeared - the oldest writing system in the world.
During lessons in a Sumerian school, students used wooden sticks to press out wedges on clay tablets, and therefore everything around was smeared with clay - from floor to ceiling. The cleaning ladies eventually became furious, because studying at school like this was nothing but dirt, and they had to keep it clean. And in order to maintain cleanliness, it must be clean, otherwise there is nothing to maintain.
But in Ancient Egypt, writing consisted of drawings. The Egyptians thought: why write the word “bull” if you can just draw this bull? The ancient Greeks (or Hellenes, as they called themselves) subsequently called such word-pictures hieroglyphs. Writing lessons in ancient Egyptian were more like drawing lessons, and writing hieroglyphs was a real art.
“Well, no,” said the Phoenicians. “We are hard-working people, artisans and sailors, and we don’t need sophisticated calligraphy, let us have simpler writing.”
And they came up with letters - this is how the alphabet turned out. People began to write in letters, and the further, the faster. And the faster they wrote, the uglier it turned out. Doctors wrote the most: they wrote prescriptions. That’s why some of them still have such handwriting that they seem to write letters, but what comes out are hieroglyphs.

Part 3. Briefly about the history of the Olympic Games

The ancient Greeks invented the Olympic Games while they were fighting one of their never-ending wars. There were two main reasons: firstly, during battles, soldiers and officers had no time to play sports, but the Hellenes (as the ancient Greeks called themselves) sought to train all the time not spent exercising in philosophy; secondly, the soldiers wanted to return home as quickly as possible, and leave during the war was not provided. It was clear that the troops needed a truce and that the only opportunity to declare it could be the Olympic Games: after all, an indispensable condition for the Olympics is the end of the war.
At first, the Hellenes wanted to hold the Olympic Games annually, but later realized that frequent breaks in hostilities endlessly prolong wars, so the Olympic Games began to be announced only once every four years. Of course, there were no winter games in those days, because there were no ice arenas or ski slopes in Hellas.
Any citizen could participate in the Olympic Games, but the rich could afford expensive sports equipment, while the poor could not. To prevent the rich from defeating the poor just because their sports equipment is better, all athletes measured their strength and agility naked.
– Why were the games called Olympics? - you ask. – Did the gods from Olympus also take part in them?
No, the gods, apart from quarrels among themselves, did not engage in any other sports, but they loved to watch sports competitions from the skies with an excitement that was undisguised from mortals. And to make it easier for the gods to observe the ups and downs of the competition, the first stadium was built in a sanctuary called Olympia - this is how the games got their name.
The gods also concluded a truce among themselves during the games and swore not to help their chosen ones. Moreover, they even allowed the Hellenes to consider the winners as gods - albeit temporary, for only one day. Olympic champions were awarded olive and laurel wreaths: medals had not yet been invented, and laurel in Ancient Greece was worth its weight in gold, so a laurel wreath then was like Golden medal Today.

Texts of total dictations of the past 10 years

You can find the rest of the texts on the official website of the Total Dictation. Let us recall that their authors were:
Total dictation 2016 - Andrey Usachev
Total dictation 2015 - Evgeniy Vodolazkin
Total dictation 2014 - Aleksey Ivanov
Total dictation 2013 - Dina Rubina
Total dictation 2012 - Zakhar Prilepin
Total dictation 2011 - Dmitry Bykov
Total dictation 2010 - Boris Strugatsky
Total dictation 2009 - Nikolay Gogol
Total dictation 2008 - Rudyard Kipling
Total dictation 2007 - Vasil Bykov
Total dictation 2006 - Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov
Total dictation 2005 - Alexander Beck

ASTANA, April 7 – Sputnik. The names of “star dictators” have been announced for the participants of the action, who will write the Total Dictation interactively. Also, the organizing committee of the Total Dictation explained in detail how dictations written online will be checked.

The broadcasts will be available to visitors of the website totaldict.ru on April 8 at 8:00, 11:00 and 14:00 Moscow time, or at 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 Astana time, respectively.

The author of the dictation of 2017 was Russian writer, screenwriter, historian Leonid Yuzefovich, who wrote three essays about his hometowns: Perm, Ulan-Ude and St. Petersburg.

The first will be a broadcast from Vladivostok, which will begin at 8:00 Moscow time. The text will be read by popular radio DJ Sasha Antonova.

At 11:00 Moscow time, the baton of broadcasts will be picked up by Novosibirsk State University, where the “dictator” will be Leonid Yuzefovich, the author of this year’s “Total Dictation”.

There will be a broadcast from three points at once at 14:00:

- in Moscow Polytechnic University Sports commentator Georgy Cherdantsev will dictate;

− at NRU MPEI, the text can be written under dictation by the resident of the Comedy club project, Marina Kravets.

"All "star dictators" of broadcasts have special education: Maxim Galkin graduated from the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Marina Kravets - the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, Georgy Cherdantsev - the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, and Sasha Antonova - the Institute of Russian Language of the Far Eastern State University. The author of the Total Dictation 2017, Leonid Yuzefovich, graduated from the Faculty of Philology Perm University. We are confident that the broadcasts will be bright and interesting, and the professionalism of the dictators will help participants on these platforms and online successfully cope with the dictation,” said project manager Olga Rebkovets.

In order for the totaldict.ru website to withstand high loads, ITSumma helps the Total Dictation project. Last year, the Total Dictation website suffered a large-scale DDoS attack, which prevented many who wanted to write a dictation online.

This year the project is protected by the Zaslon service. All Internet traffic of the “Total Dictation” project is processed at Zaslon cleaning nodes, which allows you to repel DDoS attacks of almost any power and neutralize malicious “bots.”

You can write a dictation online in a special form on the dictation website. Participants will be able to find out their score almost immediately. The dictation checking algorithm was developed by Stepik (a multifunctional educational platform where you can learn from hundreds of free online courses and create your own, hold Olympiads and competitions).

The automatic verification algorithm is as close as possible to verification by philologists, which provides for various acceptable spelling and punctuation options.

Development detailed comments The text is checked by the project's Expert Council, which includes linguists from the largest universities and academic institutions in Russia.

The Expert Council not only recommends how to check works so that the uniform requirements for checking the Total Dictation are observed at any of the thousands of sites around the world, but also studies its results: monitors the dynamics of changes in language norms, finds controversial areas and draws the attention of the Spelling Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences to them.

Center of the Expert Council - Novosibirsk State University, Chairman of the Expert Council - N.B. Koshkareva, professor, doctor of philological sciences, head of the department of general and Russian linguistics humanitarian institute NSU.

The promotion will take place on April 8 in more than 800 cities in 72 countries. In Kazakhstan, the event will be held in 11 cities: Aktobe, Almaty, Aksu, Akmol, Karaganda, Kostanay, Pavlodar, Ridder, Semey, Temirtau and Shymkent.

The news agency and radio is a partner of the Total Dictation 2017.

Sputnik Kazakhstan began operations in September 2016. Agency assets include informational portal in Kazakh and Russian languages, Internet radio and a high-tech multimedia press center. Sputnik Kazakhstan is part of an international news agency and radio with multimedia information hubs in dozens of countries.

Sputnik is one of the largest international media, combining multimedia country and regional Internet sites in 32 languages, analogue and digital radio broadcasting in Russian, English and French in 130 cities around the world and on the Internet. Sputnik news feeds provide information to leading publications around the world around the clock in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Farsi. The audience of Sputnik information resources is more than 50 million visitors per month, the number of subscribers to the Sputnik China Weibo account reaches almost 9 million. More than a thousand people of dozens of nationalities work in 22 editorial centers around the world from Beijing to Montevideo. Sputnik is part of the Russia Today media group. Sputnik's head office is located in Moscow.

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“Total dictation 2018” will be written on April 14, 2018. Where will the “Total Dictation” be written this year, who can become its participant, how to prepare and register, read the RIAMO material.

What is “Total Dictation”

“Total Dictation 2018” will be written on April 14, 2018 on more than 1,500 offline platforms around the world, as well as online on the official website of the event. In Moscow it is planned to prepare more than 500 sites for dictation. The start of the action in Moscow and the Moscow region is 14.00 Moscow time.

This year, many residents of the Moscow region will also be able to write a dictation in their city. You can find out whether the “Total Dictation” is held in your city on the promotion’s website: by clicking the “Another city?” button. next to “Menu” in the upper left corner of the site, the user goes to full list participating cities. To view the addresses of sites in a specific city, you need to select the city from the list and open the interactive map.

The final list of venues will be known and available on the website totaldict.ru by April 9. If a dictation is not held in your city, you can write it online or become the organizer of a dictation for the next year (details in the “Become an organizer” section).

All questions regarding the “Total Dictation” can be addressed to the organizers of the event at email: [email protected].

Registration of participants

Criteria for evaluation

The results of the “Total Dictation” will be available to registered users via Personal Area. You need to click the red “Find out result” button on home page website totaldict.ru. If there is no announcement on your city page about the publication of results, then they are not yet available.

You need to remember the name and code word that you indicated on the form when writing the dictation - you will need to enter them on the website to find out your grade.

Total dictation - annual educational event

Russian language is one of the richest languages in the world. This is what V.G. wrote about him. Belinsky. This indisputable fact is recognized by both past and present poets, writers, scientists and cultural figures. To study and save native language, as the history of the people, the path of civilization and culture, called on A.I. Kuprin.

Today, the problem of preserving the language in Russia is the most pressing. Modern man is gradually losing his literacy. Word and newfangled gadgets help us write “correctly.” The programs correct errors, but not all of them. A person’s ability to think about correct writing of a text is lost, and there is no desire to improve the level of knowledge of their native language.

How to make learning the Russian language fashionable and popular again? How can we improve the literacy of everyone? They thought about this at Novosibirsk State University.

History of the educational campaign

At the Faculty of Humanities of NSU they noticed a trend towards a decrease in the education of the citizens of our country and wished to change this injustice. To attract public attention to issues of literacy and education, the university organized an annual tradition of conducting dictations for guests of the institution. Subsequently, the action acquired the name “Total Dictation”, the motto of which was the words: “Writing correctly is fashionable!”

The first dictation took place within the walls of NSU in2004 . On average, 150–250 city residents took part in this and five subsequent actions. In 2009, the organizers asked Psoy Korolenko to conduct a dictation. Attendance at the event increased 3 times. A tradition has formed of entrusting the writing of the text for the Total Dictation to Russian contemporary writers. The authors invariably read their text on the main stage of the event - at Novosibirsk State University.

Gradually the event becomes popular and large-scale. Now it covers not only Russian cities, but also foreign countries. Ordinary residents, public figures, and famous people take part in the dictation.

According to the organizers,in 2015 the action took place in58 countries . The participants in the dictation were108 200 man in549 cities.

The purpose of "Total dictation"

The organizers of the “Total Dictation” campaign set themselves the followinggoals :

    make learning the Russian language popular;

    to form a fashionable direction in acquiring literacy;

    attract the attention of the media and the public to the problems of education of the population;

    provide everyone with a chance to test their knowledge while experiencing a friendly atmosphere;

    to increase the level of language knowledge of the action participants by analyzing the mistakes made.

Promotion rules

The main rules of the promotion are:



    professionalism – works are checked by philologists;

    anonymity - the names of the participants, their assessments and errors are not disclosed, the results are known only to the person who wrote the dictation;

    accessibility – absolutely anyone can participate;

    objectivity – the criteria for checking and grading are the same;

    simultaneity - the dictation is written at the same time, taking into account the difference in time zones.

Total dictation in 2016

In 2016, the dictation took placeApril 16. This event became one of the largest educational events of the year in Russia.

Andrey Usachev, a Russian children's writer, was chosen as the author of the text for the 2016 Total Dictation. He is the creator of such books as “Ku! Kin-dza-dza" and "Adventures in the Emerald City". Several works by Andrei Usachev are recommended by the Russian Ministry of Education for study in schools. The author came to Novosibirsk and read the text to the participants at NSU, the main site of the action.

How to take part in the promotion?

To take part in the “Total Dictation 2016” campaign and test your knowledge of the Russian language for free along with hundreds of thousands of people around the world, you need to select a nearby venue for the event and register for . In addition, there is the possibility of writing a dictation online.

How to write “Total dictation” online?

Despite the wide geographical distribution of the action throughout Russia and the world, not all regions have organized platforms for writing the Total Dictation. Many people are stopped from participating in the event by personal busyness and the remote location of the event venues. Wanting to involve as many Russian language lovers as possible in testing their knowledge, the organizers of the event offer to write a Total Dictation online.

To take part in the promotion, sitting at your computer monitor, you need to register on the official website. At a predetermined time on April 16, 2016, online broadcasts will take place on the site for everyone, in which the author of the text himself will read a dictation to the audience.

Since the Total Dictation consists of three parts depending on the time zones of the participating cities, online screenings will be carried out three times. Each broadcast will contain a different piece of text. To participate in the promotion, you can write any of the proposed parts of the dictation online. Submitting the results of all three components of the Total Dictation is only possible from different computers, since the site remembers the IP address of the device.

One of the advantages of writing a dictation online is that the literacy test is carried out within a few minutes. Immediately after submitting the dictation results, you will be able to see the grades received and the mistakes made on the website.

How to prepare for a dictation?

The organizers provide the opportunity to prepare for the dictation. In anticipation of the event, you can attend Russian language courses in 80 cities. On March 3, 2016, the Total Dictation website launched online classes to prepare for writing a dictation. In them, the teacher explains difficult aspects of spelling and provides exercises so that the studied material is better understood.

Learn Russian, improve your literacy and remember the words of K. Paustovsky: “True love for your country is unthinkable without love for your language».

Being literate is not the privilege of humanities-philologists. Nowadays, correct speech can play a decisive role in any field of activity. According to the results of a study by one of the recruitment agencies, the most interested in literacy skills were workers in the service sector, surpassing both top management and professions directly related to words. After all, knowing your language directly affects your career growth and salary level. Total Dictation is designed to help people test and improve their literacy. Let's talk about Total Dictation 2018. What interesting things will it bring us this year?

What is Total Dictation?

“Total Dictation” is an annual educational event in the form of a voluntary dictation in the Russian language for everyone. The purpose of the event is to give every person the opportunity to test their knowledge of the Russian language and awaken interest in improving literacy.

The first Total Dictation was held in 2004, which was organized by students Faculty of Humanities Novosibirsk state university. Subsequently, Total Dictation became a global event.

In 2017, its participants were:

  • 71 countries of the world;
  • 866 cities from different countries;
  • more than 200 thousand people took part in its writing.

News TD-2018

When will the TD be in 2018? Project manager Olga Rebkovets said: “The first and most important thing is the date of the Total Dictation. In 2018 it will take place on April 14.”

Rebkovets also said that the main innovation will be the annual change of the dictation capital. The status of the capital suggests that the city becomes the main platform for the action: the author comes to read his text in the winning city. Voting is now underway for the dictation capital in 2018. Vladivostok and Irkutsk are in the lead.

How is the event going?

The procedure for conducting TD is as follows:

  1. Everyone gathers in one classroom, repeats several rules of the Russian language under the guidance of a philologist.
  2. They watch the video message and the author reads the text from the screen.
  3. Under the dictation of a philologist-teacher, the text is written down by hand on paper.
  4. The work is then checked.
  5. The results are published on the project website on your city’s page, the results are anonymous, everyone sees only their own assessment.

An expert commission of philologists-teachers from universities or schools carries out dictation of the text, checks the work, and provides consultations after the dictation.

How to prepare for writing a dictation?

In dozens of cities in Russia and the world, free courses Russian language, in which you can prepare for the Total Dictation.

Another way to remember forgotten rules is to sign up for in-person and online training courses Total dictation, which explains the most difficult rules of the Russian language. The skills acquired in such courses will be useful not only when writing a dictation, but also in ordinary life.

Where can I write TD-2018?

Registration for TD-2018 will open on March 29 on the official dictation website. To register, you will need to go to your city’s page, select the appropriate site, click the “Register” button and follow the instructions.

Total dictation 2018 can be written

  • on more than 1,500 offline platforms around the world;
  • online on the official website of TD.

Also on the TD website, on the “Dictation in Moscow” tab, information about venues, dictators and special projects in Moscow will appear.

Who can participate?

Total dictation is addressed to everyone who is able to reproduce a text in Russian under dictation. No one can prohibit participation in a dictation, nor can anyone oblige them to participate in it. The action is completely voluntary and for everyone. There are no age restrictions.

What will participation in the dictation give?

Participation in dictation is a challenge to yourself, a competition, first of all, with yourself. And your assessment is not a label, not a stigma, it is a reason to find out what is worth working on.

Total dictation is fun, interesting, it’s an opportunity to make sure that you’re not the only one who shudders when you see “girl” or hear “you’ll call.” You will once again be convinced that being literate is not just normal, it is necessary and important for everyone modern man.

And for some positions in certain companies, knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is a direct necessity. For example, at Doctor Web, candidates for some vacancies are asked to write a dictation. And for those who have a certificate of excellence in Total Dictation, it is no longer necessary to write an additional dictation.

According to the results of a study by the largest Russian job search portal, it turned out that job offers and high salaries are more often received by those candidates who write and speak competently. Representatives of many professions related to people communicate quite a lot, and competent speech is a necessity for them.

In conclusion, I would only like to add that the Total Dictation, held annually in Russia, is considered a very responsible and important event, requiring appropriate and thorough preparation. All that remains is to answer: are you ready to evaluate your own knowledge of the Russian language?

The message from the organizers of TD-2017 can be viewed here: