Unified State Examination in History topic: Ancient Rus'. Kievan Rus history

The test is designed for 10th grade students studying school course history according to the program “Russia and the world from ancient times to the end of the 20th century”, author O.V. Volobuev. Can be used to organize current and thematic control and differentiated preparation of students for the exam. Contains two options and tasks of part C. In the first option - tasks with the choice of one correct answer. The second option contains tasks of an open type and an increased level of complexity, aimed at testing students’ skills in establishing the correct sequence of events and phenomena and correlating two sets of information. Part C includes tasks that require a detailed answer and involve testing the complex of knowledge and skills of students.



Compiled by: Moloshnikova E. A., history teacher, Secondary School No. 51, Voronezh.

Sources of materials:

  1. Story. Thematic test tasks to prepare for the Unified State Exam. 10th grade / Automatic comp. I. A. Shemakhanova. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2010. – 192 p.
  2. Control measuring materials. Russian history. A basic level of. 10th grade / Comp. K.V. Volkova. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: VAKO, 2014. – 112 p.;

Topic: Rus' in the 9th – early 11th centuries.

Option 1. Level A assignments

  1. Historians consider the transitional stage in the formation of the state
  1. The period of "primitive communism"
  2. The period of "military democracy"
  3. Polyudye
  4. Periodic repartitions
  5. land
  1. The formation of East Slavic statehood occurs in
  1. Middle Dnieper and northwestern region with the cities of Ladoga and Novgorod
  2. Middle Dnieper and Crimean coast
  3. Middle Dnieper
  1. The appearance of the Varangian ruler in the northwestern Russian lands dates back to
  1. 860
  2. 862
  3. 879
  4. 882
  1. Education Old Russian state refer to
  1. 862
  2. 882
  3. 945
  4. 965
  1. The fixed amounts of taxation (tribute) from subject lands introduced by Princess Olga were called
  1. Tax
  2. Vira
  3. Lessons
  4. Yasak
  1. The year of the baptism of Rus' is considered
  1. 987
  2. 988
  3. 990
  4. 996
  1. Common to activities ancient Russian princes was
  1. Population census
  2. Introduction of tithes
  3. Introduction of Pyatina
  4. Polyudye
  1. The consequences that led to the baptism of Rus' were

A. attempts by the Byzantine emperor to subjugate Rus' by force.

B. increased rivalry between Russian princes for the right to appoint a metropolitan

B. Development of culture and education

D. Establishment of power of the Rurik dynasty

E. strengthening the power of ancient Russian princes.

  1. The oldest Russian chronicle is called
  1. "The Tale of Bygone Years"
  2. "The Word about the destruction of the Russian land"
  3. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  4. "Zadonshchina"
  1. The dynasty that came to power in the Old Russian state:
  1. Carolingians
  2. Merovingians
  3. Romanovs
  4. Rurikovich
  1. The peoples that were not included in the state of Kievan Rus were
  1. Finno-Ugrians
  2. Glade
  3. Vyatichi
  4. Zhmud
  1. Rus' had the most active diplomatic relations with
  1. Byzantium
  2. Khazaria
  3. Poland
  4. Sweden
  1. The community in Rus' was called
  1. Militia
  2. Veche
  3. Rope
  4. Polyud
  1. The main part of the population of the Old Russian state were
  1. Dependent Peasants
  2. Craftsmen and merchants
  3. Free farmers
  4. Vigilantes
  1. Read a fragment of the chronicle and determine what it is about: “The Chud, Slovenes, Krivichi and all said to Rus': “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no clothing in it. Come reign and rule over us!”
  1. Founding of Kyiv
  2. The calling of the Varangians
  3. March on Constantinople
  4. Prince Oleg's campaign against Kyiv
  1. The Tale of Bygone Years states that Prince Oleg
  1. He was killed by the Pechenegs on the way from Byzantium to Kyiv
  2. Died while traveling to the Pecheneg steppe
  3. Died from a snake bite

Option 2. Level B assignments

1.Read the text and insert the missing expression.

"___________" passed along the Neva, Lake Ladoga, Volkhov, Lovat and Dnieper. It connected the Varangian Sea with the Russian Sea. The final destination of this waterway was Byzantium.”

2.Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. adoption of Christianity in Rus'.

2. the first strife in Rus'.

3. Princess Olga’s embassy to Constantinople and her baptism.

4. Oleg’s campaigns against Constantinople, treaties between Rus' and Byzantium.


3. Establish a correspondence between events and dates.


4. Read the passage and indicate who the passage is talking about.

“... She cried bitterly: “Woe is me, Grand Duke! Alas for me, my light! Where have you hidden from my eyes! It's better for me to die before you! … My son is still a child, who will instruct him and who will preserve his power?” ... And when the mourning ended, she gathered her strength, leaving behind her feminine weakness, armed herself with a man’s mind and decided how to avenge the blood of her husband, how to punish the murderers...”


5. Read the text and insert the missing word.

“Christianity fought hard against the remnants of ______________, which had a strong hold in Russian society for many centuries. Thus, a kind of syncretism was created, dual faith, which was also used by church authorities who fought against _____________. We also encounter traces of philosophy___________ in various works of not only ancient, but also medieval Rus'.”


6. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and their activities.

1. Svyatoslav.

A. Creation of several lines of defense on the southern Russian borders.

2. Olga.

B. The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate and its ally – Volga Bulgaria. Earned the name of Alexander the Great of Eastern Europe.


B. Creation of an organized system of taxation of the population.

4. Igor.

D. Peace treaty with Byzantium, an alliance with it against Khazaria, recognition of new territories of Rus'.


7. Establish a correspondence between the term and its definition.


Level C assignments

  1. IN historical literature there is a “Norman theory” of the origin of the Old Russian state. Describe its essence. Name the weak and strengths this theory. Name the supporters and opponents of this theory.
  1. Compare the results of the activities of the first Russian princes and Prince Vladimir the Saint.


Level A assignments

Level B assignments

  1. "The path from the Varangians to the Greeks."
  2. 4321
  3. VBGA
  4. Olga
  5. Paganism
  6. BVAG
  7. BVGA

Level C assignments

  1. The essence of the theory : the Slavs are not able to create a state on their own; the state in Rus' was brought in from outside. This speaks of their historical backwardness and doom. Proponents of this theory are G. Bayer, A. Shletser, G. Miller, V. N. Tatishchev, N. M. Karamzin, who cite chronicles and other sources testifying to the calling of the Varangian Rurik and the presence of Varangian squads in the lands of the Eastern Slavs. Anti-Normanists (M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Ilovaisky, I.E. Zabelin, B.V. Grekov) argue that the development of statehood in Rus' began long before the calling of the Varangians. The Old Russian state arose as a result of the development of a number of socio-economic and political prerequisites.
  1. General: unification of the East Slavic lands into a single state; strengthening the management system; establishment of princely power in subject territories through a system of levying tribute. Various: under the first Russian princes, systematic military campaigns were organized against Byzantium and treaties were signed with it, taxation reform was carried out (lessons and churchyards). Under Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, a new direction appeared foreign policy- Western, the baptism of Rus' took place, a defensive system was created on the southern borders.

Correct answer

1). Indicate the socio-political system that prevailed among the ancient Slavs before the calling of the Varangians:

A). Military democracy +

B). Theocracy

IN). Oligarchy

2). Most major centers The settlements of East Slavic tribal unions were:

A). The Urals and steppes of southern Eurasia

B). The upper reaches of the Dnieper and the area of ​​Lake Ilmen +

IN). Lands of Bryansk and Polesie

3). How is the way of life of the ancient Slavs characterized?VI- Xcenturies?

A). Matriarchal

B). Gender didn't matter, the high priests had all the power

IN). Patriarchal +

4). The ancestor of the Slavic peoples, according to biblical legends, is:

A). Japheth +

5). According to legend, Rurik’s grandfather was:

B). Gostomysl +

6). The legendary calling of the Varangians dates back to:

7). After the beginning of the reign of Rurik, the Varangians formed the elite layer of society in Veliky Novgorod. Which of the following played this role in VII- XIcenturies?

B). Princely squad +

IN). Council of Elders

8). Who, according to the chronicle tradition, was Prince Oleg the Prophet related to Rurik?

A). Druzhinnik

IN). Tribesman +

9). The unification of Novgorod and Kyiv took place in:

10). What was the name of the main trade artery that passed through the territory of the East European Plain inVII - XIIcenturies?

A). The Great Silk Road

B). The path from the Varangians to the Greeks +

IN). Rose line

eleven). In what year did the event depicted in the picture take place?

Test. 12). Indicate the work and its author that describes the life and deeds of the main character in the picture:

A). "Song of Prophetic Oleg", A. S. Pushkin +

B). “Prince Silver”, A. K. Tolstoy

IN). “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”, M. Yu. Lermontov

13). The concepts “pogost”, “lesson” and “polyudye” refer to:

A). Penitentiary system

B). Tax system +

IN). Squad management

14). Which tribal union opposed the double collection of taxes on the initiative of Prince Igor?

A). Mordva

B). Ilmenskie Slovenes

IN). Drevlyans +

15). Trade agreement between Prince Igor and Byzantium:

A). Restricted the privileges of Russian merchants under the previous agreement +

B). In addition to the trade union, it provided for a political union

IN). Reinforced the provisions of the agreement concluded by Prince Oleg

16). Princess Olga rules:

A). 969-971

B). 945-957 +

IN). 913-945

17). Who was Princess Olga related to Prince Igor?

A). Wife +

B). Mother

IN). Sister

18). The famous appeal “I’m coming to you” was used by:

A). Prince Oleg

B). Prince Igor

IN). Prince Svyatoslav +

19). Which state did Prince Svyatoslav defeat during his campaigns?

A). Byzantine Empire

B). Poland

IN). Khazar Khaganate +

20). During the reign of Svyatoslav Igorevich, the following were under the rule of Kyiv:

A). Vyatichi +

B). Duleby

IN). Dregovichi

21). During the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav in 965, the Old Russian state expanded its territories due to:

B). Upper Volga

IN). Taman Peninsula +

22). Prince Svyatoslav wanted to move the capital to:

A). Korsun

B). Tmutarakan

IN). Pereyaslavets-on-Danube +

23). What tribal union of nomads began to actively oppose Ancient Rus' during the reign of Svyatoslav?

A). Pechenegs +

B). Cumans

24). Returning from the war with Byzantium in Bulgaria in 971, Prince Svyatoslav:

A). Captured Crimea

B). Was killed +

IN). Started a war against Hungary

25). In what city did Vladimir Svyatoslavich reign at the time of his father’s death?

B). Ladoga

IN). Novgorod +

26). During the reign of Yaropolk Svyatoslavich in Kyiv, external contacts were actively carried out with:

A). Papal throne

B). Kingdom of the Franks

IN). Holy Roman Empire +

27). The brother of Vladimir and Yaropolk, Oleg Svyatoslavich, was a prince:

A). Vyatichi

B). Drevlyansky land +

IN). Ugric tribes as part of Ancient Rus'

28). During the period 977-988. the actual ruler of the united Russian state was:

A). Yaropolk +

IN). Vladimir

29). What was Vladimir’s main support in the internecine struggle with Yaropolk?

A). Novgorod militia

B). Mercenary Varangian squad +

IN). Population of Kyiv

thirty). The result internecine war Svyatoslavich became:

A). Collapse of the Old Russian State

B). Power passed to the governor of the Varangian squad Vladimir

IN). Vladimir Svyatoslavich became the Grand Duke of Kyiv +

31). The religious reform of Prince Vladimir had the following goals:

A). Departure from paganism

B). Undermining the morale of the tribes subordinate to Kyiv by humiliating their ancestral deities

IN). Streamlining the pagan cult to strengthen the power of the Kyiv prince +

32). Which deity was not included in the new pantheon?

A). Veles +

IN). Dazhdbog

33). Which of the following religions was not considered by Vladimir for implementation in Rus'?

A). Catholicism

IN). Confucianism +

34). Indicate the city where Prince Vladimir was baptized with his retinue:

B). Chersonesos

IN). Korsun +

35). What nickname did the prince who baptized Rus' have?

1). Red Sun +

2). Damned

3). Big Nest

36). Which of Prince Vladimir’s sons had a conflict with due to non-payment of a lesson?

A). Svyatopolk Okoyanny

B). Yaroslav the Wise +

IN). Vysheslav Vladimirovich

37). Who became the first Russian saints?

A). Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir

B). Boris and Gleb +

IN). Yaroslav the Wise

38). A well-known legislative monument from the time of Yaroslav the Wise was called:

A). "Yaroslav's Truth" +

B). "The Yaroslavich Truth"

IN). "Russian Truth"

39 - Test). In what year did Yaroslav the Wise defeat the Pechenegs?

40). Which of the presented temples was founded in honor of the victory of Yaroslav the Wise over the Pechenegs?





Materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam in History


The formation and flourishing of a single Old Russian state covers the period from the 9th to the 11th centuries (framework dates 862 - the calling of the Varangians and 1132 - the death of Mstislav the Great).

In the 5th-8th centuries. East Slavic tribes are settling along the route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” from the Baltic Sea to the mouth of the Danube. These tribes are at the stage of decomposition of the tribal system, which is commonly called “military democracy.” The stratification of society is insignificant, social structure simple. The bulk of the population isstinkers - ordinary community members. Stand outboyars -tribal nobility, heads of clans,princes -military leaders, andvigilantes , constituting a permanent military detachment under the prince.

The largest tribal unions of the Armed Forces are:

Priilmenskie Slovenes live near Lake Ilmen and along the Volkhov River, Novgorod city

clearing Middle Dnieper region, Kyiv city

Drevlyans Iskorosten town

northerners cities of Chernigov and Pereyaslavl

Krivichi Smolensk

Vyatichi Rostov

Polotsk residents Polotsk








White Croats.

Northern unions pay tribute to the Varangians, southern ones to the Khazars. In the northeast, the Slavs come into contact with the Finno-Ugric tribes Merya, Muroma, Ves, Chud, Mordovians, Korela, Izhora.

The main occupations of the population are slash-and-burn agriculture, cattle breeding, beekeeping, hunting and fishing. Religion-paganism. The main gods are Svarog, Perun, Veles, Dazhdbog, Makosh, Simargl, Stribog, Rod.

The trade route “From the Varangians to the Greeks” had a decisive influence on the process of state formation. The tribal elite joined in international trade by purchasing luxury goods. The princes began to impose tribute on their relatives, collecting it in the skins of fur-bearing animals, and sold these skins to passing merchants, at the same time charging them a fee for traveling through their territory. This contributed to the concentration of wealth in the hands of princes and the strengthening of their power.

The history of the Old Russian state is usually counted from the “calling of the Varangians.” According to the chronicle of Nestor, in 862. The Ilmen Slovenes, wanting to stop the internecine struggle, invited the Varangian king Rurik to reign. He came with the brothers Snevors and Truvor and his retinue and reigned in Novgorod for 17 years. In 879 Rurik died, leaving behind a young son, Igor. His governor or relative Oleg became the prince.

In 882 Oleg made a campaign against Kyiv, captured the city and made it the capital of his principality. Oleg waged wars with the Khazars and made two campaigns against Constantinople.

From 912 to 945 Igor Rurikovich reigns in Kyiv, continues Oleg’s policies, fights the Khazars and also makes two campaigns against Byzantium. In 945 Igor was killed by the Drevlyans while trying to take tribute a second time.

His widow Olga avenged his death and streamlined the collection of tribute, established a cart system, determining the lesson-size of tribute and graveyards-places for collecting tribute. Olga was regent for her young son Svyatoslav, traveled to Constantinople and was baptized.

From 962 to 972 Svyatoslav ruled independently, but he spent almost all his time in campaigns of conquest outside of Rus'. He defeated Volga Bulgaria, destroyed the Khazar Khaganate, founded the city of Pereyaslavets on the Danube and planned to move his capital there. But in the war with Byzantium he was defeated, did not retain the conquered lands and was forced to return to Rus'. On the way to Kyiv he died, and after his death the first princely civil strife occurred. Svyatoslav's eldest son Yaropolk killed the middle Oleg, and the youngest Vladimir killed Yaropolk and in 9870. became prince of Kyiv.

Vladimir reigned from 980 to 1015. he completed the unification of the East Slavic tribes, created a system of defensive fortifications in the South, concluded an alliance with Byzantium and made Christianity the state religion of Rus'. After the death of Vladimir, a second princely feud occurred. Vladimir's stepson Svyatopolk killed four of Vladimir's sons, including Boris and Gleb, the first Russian saints.

As a result, in 1019 Yaroslav the Wise became the prince of Kyiv. The period of his reign is considered the time of the highest prosperity of Ancient Rus'. Yaroslav defeated the Pechenegs, built the stone St. Sophia Cathedral and the Golden Gate in Kyiv, created the first set of laws, Russian Truth, and strengthened the international authority of Rus'.

After the death of Yaroslav, centrifugal processes intensify and the collapse of a single state begins. The regular order of reign established by Yaroslav led to endless “movings” of princes and provoked frequent civil strife. Yaroslav's grandson Vladimir Monomakh tried to stop civil strife and restore the unity of Rus' in 1097. At the Lyubech Congress of Princes, it was decided to stop moving and jointly defend Rus'. Was committed crusade against the Cumans in 1111 During the reign of Monomakh in Kyiv, the unity of Rus' was temporarily restored, the formation of Russian Truth was completed, and the Tale of Bygone Years was written. The last prince of united Rus' was the son of Monomakh, Mstislav the Great. After his death, in the words of the chronicler, “the whole Russian land was torn apart.” The so-called specific period began.

During the period of the existence of the unified Old Russian state, East Slavic society changed greatly. Social stratification intensified, the social structure became more complex, feudal land ownership was formed, stable forms of organization of power emerged, culture and economy developed rapidly.


482-founding of Kyiv

862-calling of the Varangians

879-death of Rurik

882 - Oleg's campaign against Kyiv, the creation of a unified ancient Russian state.

907, 911 - Oleg’s campaigns against Constantinople

912-death of Oleg

941, 944 - Igor’s campaigns against Constantinople

945 - uprising of the Drevlyans, Olga's reform

962-972-campaigns of Svyatoslav

972-980 - strife among the sons of Svyatoslav

988-baptism of Rus'

1015-death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich

1015-1019 - strife between the sons of Vladimir

1036 - defeat of the Pechenegs

1037 - construction of St. Sophia Cathedral

1054 - death of Yaroslav the Wise

1066 - appearance of the Cumans

1097-Lubech Congress of Princes

1111 Crusade on the steppe

1113-popular uprising in Kyiv

1118 - creation of the Tale of Bygone Years

1132 - collapse of the unified state.


862-879-Rurik, the founder of the dynasty, reigned only in Novgorod.

882-912-Oleg, first Grand Duke Kyiv, but not Rurikovich.

912-945-Igor Rurikovich, the first Rurikovich on the Kiev throne.

945-972-Svyatoslav Igorevich (until 962 Olga’s regency).

972-980-Yaropolk Svyatoslavich

980-1015-Vladimir Svyatoslavich

1015-1019-Svyatopolk the Accursed

1019-1054-Yaroslav the Wise


1093-1113-Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

1113-1125-Vladimir Monomakh

1125-1132-Mstislav the Great





War chief of the tribe


Permanent armed detachment under the prince


Tribal elders


Tax from the population in favor of the prince


The prince's tour of the subject lands in order to collect tribute


Ordinary community member


Rural community


The fine for the crime was paid in favor of the prince


Prince's key keeper


Pagan Priest




Abbot of the monastery


Head of the Russian Church


Head of the Church District


People's Assembly


insolvent debtor


An employee who has entered into a contract for a specific period

Will hire

Hired employee without a contract


Bought slave


Criminal enslaved

Princely husband

Senior warrior


Junior warrior


Prince's bodyguards


Inherited land ownership


Land tenure provided for service


Currency unit, 200g silver

Kuna, reza, nogata

Small monetary units


Tribute size


Tribute collection site


Share of a member of the princely family in the common property


Payment from a dependent peasant to the landowner


Free work for a peasant on a landowner's farm


Fortress in the city center


Main tower of the Kremlin


Settlement near the walls of the Kremlin


Lower part of Kyiv


Head of the militia


Flat brick


Painting on wet plaster


Pattern of pieces of stone or glass


Mosaic of their colored glass

Grain, filigree

Jewelry technology


Bride price


The alphabet, invented by Saints Cyril and Methodius for the Slavs in the 9th century, came to Rus' along with Christianity


Part of the tribute allocated by the prince for the maintenance of the church

Norman theory

The concept of the creation of the Russian state as a result of the Varangian conquest was created in the 18th century by German scientists who worked in Russia (Bayer, Miller, Schlözer).

The next order of reign “princely ladder”

The order of succession to the Kyiv throne is according to the clan, not the family principle, that is, not from father to son, but from older brother to younger. Until the older generation dies out, the younger generation is not allowed to inherit.


Collecting honey from wild bees


Maintaining a squad by granting the right to collect tribute from a certain territory

Good day, friends, guys and colleagues! Ivan Nekrasov is with you. IN Unified State Exam tests By national history very common Various types tasks aimed at testing the ability to apperate using the material from the course “Ancient Rus'”. As a rule, these are the first 4 tasks of the part with a choice of answers, by the way, this year RIANovosti confirmed the changes in the 2016 CIMs (read here) and you know, there is an opinion on the Internet that this will not happen, it’s all complete nonsense and nonsense, but not in vain after all, for the second year in a row we have been led to this change, first introduce continuous numbering, so that tasks without a choice of answer will not have a classification, they will either be just questions with a short answer, or oral part, about which a word was said on the PDA + 1-2 short/long answer type tasks.

The cost of an error, as you understand, is very high and you probably don’t want to lose an extra 5-6 initial points... First, you need to familiarize yourself with the material in the articles:

Done? Excellent) Now let's self-test our knowledge on the topics covered. In the coming days, I conducted a special test in our VKontakte group to determine the level of applicants. It is still in the public domain, you can see the assignments and the guys’ answers.

The average student score was 75 points. The result is not bad, but you yourself understand that this is only the beginning, later from such values, namely their arithmetic average, a general picture of knowledge of the course will emerge... and ancient Rus' in the 9th-11th centuries. considered one of the easiest periods to study. Where did the guys go wrong?

1. Often the failure was the inability to identify the most advantageous areas of activity, or applicants absolutely do not know what it is, although through dialogue with them, teachers explained to them the principles of working with the 40th task. If we take into account the fact that next year they may introduce an essay instead of characterizing a single historical figure and the score increases to 11 primary, the price of a mistake is too high!

2. Many of the students confuse events between historical figures, so for some, the treaties of 907 and 911 suddenly become the merit of Igor the Old. Result: inability to systematize information and imagine time intervals on a time scale.

3. A similar story, as with personalities, is repeated in dates; many, having not heard about the date of creation of the Notification System, try to guess, this cannot be done! It is necessary to narrow the circle of suspected dates, so to speak, to go from century to date in a logical chain: period, century, ruler, quarter or third of a century, decade, etc.

This is due to incorrect work with historical material. All this will be covered in detail and clearly in our school of preparation for the Unified State Exam from ZERO to the result...

Now remove all manuals, notebooks, close unnecessary browser tabs and read on... Your task now is to do three simple steps:

1. Solve the thematic test on Ancient Rus' in a multiple-choice form and write down your % of the topic completed in a notebook

2. Download the archive of assignment materials with a short answer. I do not include the keys to them, your task is to complete the tests on a separate piece of paper and put it aside for now

3. Like and download archive No. 2. There you will find tasks with detailed answers. You can solve them and send them to me for verification in private messages on VKontakte, or to the support service.

4. Go to the Internet and check the answers to the tasks in point No. 2 yourself. Divide 100% by the number of tasks you completed and multiply by the correct number of answers. You will receive %, which you also need to write down in your notebook.

5. Wait for part C to be checked and receive a response of % of the test completed. From these three values, you get a real level of knowledge of the topic, based on which you can work on self-improvement in your level of preparation.


Evaluation criteria:

90-100% - congratulations! You are doing everything correctly, there are practically no mistakes during preparation. Continuing in the same spirit, you will easily cross the threshold of the TOP 10 universities in Russia!

80-90% - preparation is going well, the material of the period has been mastered qualitatively, errors occur:

a) due to carelessness

b) technical related to work on part 2

70-80% is an acceptable result for those who seek to enter a contract at a local, not prestigious university. If your goals are slightly different, you should think about it...

50-70% is a terrible result, or you have just started preparing, haven’t read the articles or learned anything, and if not, then you’re thinking in the wrong direction. You definitely need the support of a mentor, because otherwise all your efforts will lead you nowhere. Or with self-discipline you will gain GPA— 47 points, or you’ll change your mind about taking history altogether

0-50% - guys, urgently get treatment and buy yourself a brain, and get hold of your head :) It’s time to gnaw on the granite of science, as an option to get a tough grip on yourself and take the time to start preparing before it’s too late. You can write me, I will help with all I can:/

By the way, more than 20 people are already ready to start studying, about 9 more people have not yet clearly declared their intention to study at school and are waiting for the rest:

Preliminary list of students from the Unified State Exam preparation school from ZERO to results

There are fewer and fewer places left. Students can't wait to start taking lessons and doing homework. And in the coming days we will continue to work on this site, subscribe to updates, there will be a lot of interesting material soon... and also, guys, be careful. Recently on VKontakte they were selling some kind of miracle book for 1200 rubles, I asked the “author” for a screenshot of the page to see what kind of 100-point tablet it was, and it turned out to be Baranov’s reference book :) Well, on such a cheerful note I end this article, Bye everyone =)

Best regards, Ivan Nekrasov

By the way, what do you think about this video:/ How can I live with this now... 😀

Topic 2. Old Russian state

Section A

1. What year is considered the date of formation of the Old Russian state?

A) 860; b) 862; c) 882; d) 982 g.

2. What event happened in 862?

a) the Novgorodians called Rurik to reign;

b) detachments of the princes of Rus' attacked Constantinople;

c) the army of the Khazar Kagan was defeated by the Russian princes;

d) the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” was first discovered.

3. What events relate to the period of Princess Olga’s reign?

a) the siege of Constantinople, the adoption of Christianity by Russia, the introduction of house taxes;

b) the prohibition of blood feud, the destruction of the Drevlyansky land, the founding of Pskov;

c) establishment of a fixed amount of tribute, embassy to Constantinople;

d) embassy to the Pope, campaign in the Balkans, construction of St. Sophia Cathedral.

4 When did the strife between the sons of Prince Vladimir I begin?

A) in 1013; b) in 1015; c) in 1019; d) in 1024

5. With whom did Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich wage war?

a) with the Byzantines, Cumans, Hungarians; b) with the Volga Bulgars, Khazars, Byzantines;

c) with the Khazars, Pechenegs, Avars; d) with the Poles, Drevlyans, Huns.

6.The conclusion of a trade agreement with Byzantium is associated with the name of which prince?

A) Rurik; b) Oleg; c) Svyatoslav; d) Vladimir Monomakh.

7. In what year did Prince Svyatoslav die?

A) in 968; b) in 970; c) in 972; d) in 974

8. What is polyudye?

A) civil uprising in Ancient Rus';

b) local government bodies;

c) collection of taxes by the prince from subject tribes;

d) a type of public corporal punishment.

9.What were the consequences of the murder of Prince Igor by the Drevlyans?

a) the end of the princely dynasty;

b) establishing a fixed amount of tribute;

c) a punitive campaign against the Drevlyans, the son of the murdered man - Svyatoslav;

d) introduction of the poll tax.

10.What were the consequences of Russia’s adoption of Christianity?

A) to develop trade with countries Western Europe, first of all with


B) to the attempts of the Byzantine emperor to subjugate the Russians by force


C) to the development of culture, education, strengthening the international position of Rus';

D) to a long war with Khazaria.

11. Which of the listed dates relates to the events of the struggle between Rusis and the Polovtsians?

A) 1036; b) 1043; c) 1068; d) 1097

12. What punishment was introduced instead of the right of blood feud in “The Truth of the Yaroslavichs”?

a) payment of a fine; b) imprisonment;

V) the death penalty; d) public flagellation.

13.What opponents did the Russian lands have to fight in XI-XIIbb.?

a) Cumans, Pechenegs, Torques; b) Hungarians, Poles, Khazars;

c) Khazars, Varangians, Volga Bulgars; d) Byzantines, Avars, Kasogs.

14.What decision was made at the Lyubech Congress of Princes in 1097?

A) start a new campaign in the steppes against the Pechenegs;

B) stop the princely strife and assign to each of the princes his possessions;

C) elect Vladimir Monomakh to the Kyiv throne;

D) approve the final text of “Russian Truth”.

15. Which cities were the largest in the X-XII centuries. ?

a) Kyiv, Novgorod, Smolensk; b) Moscow, Tver, Novgorod;

c) Kyiv, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod; d) Murom, Chernigov, Ryazan.

16.Why did Svyatopolk the Accursed get his nickname?

A) for refusing to obey his father - Prince Vladimir I;

B) for the massacres of Kiev residents during his reign;

C) for using foreigners - the Polovtsians - in the struggle for the throne;

D) for the murder of brothers - Boris and Gleb.

17. What terms are associated with the concept of “patrimony”?

a) abbot, monk, icon painter; b) posad, settlement, polyudye;

c) rope, plinth, serf; d) boyar, fireman, purchaser.

18. When did the uprising take place in Kyiv, which ended with the invitation to the Kiev throne of Vladimir Monomakh?

A) in 1111; b) in 1112; c) in 1113; d) in 1125

19. What event happened in 1054?

a) construction of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod began;

b) the Dolobsky Congress of Russian Princes took place;

c) the reign of Yaroslav the Wise began in Kyiv;

d) Yaroslav the Wise died.

20. What made Metropolitan Hilarion famous?

a) they wrote the “Sermon on Law and Grace”;

c) according to his design, the St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Novgorod;

21.What concepts relate to ancient Russian culture?

a) vira, purchases, youths; b) zakomars, apse, smalt;

c) plows, beekeeping, guests; d) patrimony, hierarchy, tithe.

22. What genre of literature does “The Tale of Bygone Years” belong to?

A) hagiography; b) chronicle; c) teaching; d) heroic story.

23. What term refers to ancient Russian jewelry art?

A) fresco; b) initial; c) cloisonne enamel; d) pilaster.

Section B

1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions.

1) rope; a) meeting of the free urban population in Ancient Rus';

2) vira; b) a plot of land measured out with a rope to the community.This was also the name of the peasant community itself;

3) veche; c) tax, duty, levied for the transportation of goods,driving livestock, and per person when passing

Through outposts near cities and large villages

4) washed. d) a meeting of smerds and slaves that arosefrom tribal meetings of the Slavs;

D) fine, court fee, goingto the princely treasury.

3. Establish a correspondence between events and dates.

1) adoption of Christianity; a) 1024;

2) the campaign of the united Russian forces against the Polovtsians; b) 1043;

3) the last campaign of the Russian troops against Constantinople; c) 988;

4) uprising in the Rostov-Suzdal land. d) 1111;

e) 1015 g.

4. Read an excerpt from the chronicle and write the date of the event described.

“The Chud, Spovians, Krivichi and all said to the Varangians: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers with their clans were chosen (among the Varangians) and came to the Slavs, and the eldest Rurik sat in Novgorod, and the other - Sineus - on Beloozero, the third Truvor - in Izborsk.


5. Read an excerpt from “The History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin and write in the text the name of the prince who fell victim to the murderer. “Near this city (Smolensk) he was overtaken by a messenger from Yaroslav, Prince of Novgorod, with notification of the death of Vladimirova and the vile treachery of Svyatopolk; but at the very time when _______________sensitive, pious..., was mourning his father and beloved brother, in earnest prayers entrusting his grief to Heaven, armed killers appeared and seized his boat. The Murom squad became afraid: Goryaser, the chief of the villains, ordered the Prince to be killed, and his own cook..., named Torchin, wanting to please Svyatopolk, stabbed his unfortunate Sovereign.”

Section C

Read excerpts from the works of Russian historians about the calling of the Varangians and complete the tasks.

From the work of N. M. Karamzin:

"Start Russian history presents us with an amazing and almost unprecedented case in the chronicles: the Slavs voluntarily destroy their ancient popular rule and demand sovereigns from the Varangians, who were their enemies.... We think that the Varangians, who captured the countries of the Chuds and the Slavs several years before that time , ruled them without oppression and violence, took easy tribute and observed justice. Dominant on the seas, having relations with the South and West of Europe in the 9th century, the Varangians, or Normans, should have been more educated than the Slavs and Finns, imprisoned in the wild reaches of the North, and could have imparted to them some of the benefits of the new industry and trade, beneficial for the people...”

From the work of S. M. Solovyov:

“The first circumstance is the combination of the Slavic and Finnish tribes; What produced this union? Without any doubt, the aforementioned tribes were brought into contact by the Varangian conquest, just as the rest of the scattered Slavic tribes were subsequently brought into contact by princes from the house of Rurik. This close connection between the Chud, the whole, the Ilmen Slavs and the Krivichi was expressed in the friendly expulsion of the Varangians and then in the calling of princes. The northern tribes owed, in all likelihood, a relatively greater degree of social development, or at least the desire for it, to this same conquest, this collision with an alien principle: after the expulsion of the Varangians, they did not want to return to the scattered tribal life and, seeing no way out of it with the selfishness of the clans, they agree to call on power from outside, they call on a prince from someone else’s clan...

The calling of the first princes is of great importance in our history, it is an all-Russian event, and Russian history rightly begins with it. The main, initial phenomenon in the founding of a state is the unification of disparate tribes through the emergence among them of a concentrating principle, power. The northern tribes, Slavic and Finnish, united and called upon this concentrating principle, this power. Here, in the concentration of several northern tribes, the beginning of the concentration of all other tribes was laid, because the called principle uses the power of the first concentrated tribes in order to concentrate others through them; the forces united for the first time begin to act.”

From the work of B. A. Rybakov:

“The Varangians appeared in Eastern Europe, When Kiev State has already taken shape... Clashes with the local population occurred with varying degrees of success: either the “Varangian finders” managed to take tribute from the Slavs and Chuds, or the local tribes “drove our Varangians overseas and did not give them tribute.” For the only time in the entire Middle Ages, the leader of the Varangian detachment, together with the northern Slavs, managed to fraudulently, pretending to be the owner of a merchant caravan, seize power in Kyiv for some time, killing the legitimate prince. Varangians were used in Rus' in the 10th-11th centuries as mercenary military force. The Varangians were hired by Svyatoslav and his son Vladimir. The Varangians were hired for dirty murders: the Varangians killed Prince Gleb. The Russian Truth was directed against the outrages of the mercenary Varangians in Novgorod... The absurd identification of the Varangians with Russia, which meant nothing else except that if the Varangians ended up in the capital of Rus', in Kyiv, if they entered Russian service, then they were considered Russia ..."

1. What is the “Norman theory”?

2. What is the difference in assessing the importance of the role of the Varangians in early history The Old Russian state in the writings of domestic historians?

3. Which of the presented points of view seems more convincing to you? Why?

4. What, in your opinion, was the true historical basis for the emergence of the theory about the creation of the Old Russian state by the Varangians?