Gazprom target areas for training. Targeted admission to a university: what is it and how to get a referral

Practice has shown that few students understand what constitutes targeted admission at universities. Hence the problem: people do not fully understand who, how and where can use it?

Let's figure out together what a target referral to a university is, what the admission rules are and where you can use this service.

There are targeted places in almost every university. And in the largest universities the competition for these places is enormous

What is targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

Before looking for how and where to study the target direction (in Moscow or other major cities), you need to figure out whether you have the right to do this.

Targeted reception- this is admission to a university for budgetary basis in the direction of a state enterprise or department.

If you are planning to go to university with a referral from a company, you should think twice. After all, this imposes an obligation on the future student to work at this enterprise for the period specified in the contract.

If you receive a targeted referral to universities in Moscow or other cities from government bodies, then you will have to work through the state distribution system.

Despite such complex and seemingly burdensome conditions, the target direction also has its advantages:

  • free education;
  • guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma;
  • lower competition for those who enter the target area;
  • The enrollment period for “targeted” students runs before the main competition. This means that if you are not accepted, you can participate in the competition along with others on the same terms;
  • an expanded social package (scholarship, provision of a dormitory, payment for a travel card and further by agreement), because, as a rule, the future employer provides it to the “target” student;
  • often - all possible assistance in collecting the necessary material (for example, when writing a coursework, dissertation) from the employer.

But there is only one lack of targeted directions to the university in 2018 and 2019, but what is it: compulsory service for a certain period of time with a future employer . And there is almost no escape from this, even if during your studies you suddenly realized that you were in the wrong direction and did not want to continue studying in your chosen course.

If you decide to go against the system, you will have to reimburse those who gave you the targeted direction for the funds spent on your training. It often happens that you have to reimburse not only the cost of training, but also that additional social package, and sometimes even moral damage. So the total amount can be increased by 2-3 times.

There are organizations that provide their employees with a more convenient work schedule during their studies.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university/institute?

How to find such a “sweet” organization that will be ready to bear all the expenses, and then it would not be so difficult for you to undergo detention? You will be interested to know that in 2018, not only organizations, but also universities (often in Moscow) provide targeted directions. All that remains is to find out which ones.

So, here are a few nuances that will be useful for you to know:

  • Find out with which organizations/enterprises the university where you are going to enroll has an agreement on targeted admission. Typically, such information is contained on the university website. For example, MAI, MSTU im. N.E Bauman, MIPT;
  • find out if the relevant university can give you a referral to the university you are interested in government agency your area (for example, if you are going to medical school, ask for a referral from your region's Department of Health);
  • if you don’t know how to find a future employer, seek advice from the authorities local government(city administration). They often have freely available information about which organizations have submitted applications to the selected university in order to conclude a target agreement;
  • Consider whether it is possible to receive a targeted referral directly from an organization that interests you as a future employer. It is enough to “scan” leading companies and find out during a personal visit whether they would like to hire an excellent young specialist by providing a targeted direction now;
MIIT has an agreement on targeted cooperation with the Moscow Metro and Russian Railways; after RUDN, the target students go to Gidrospetsproekt and Mosenergo. And, by the way, Gazprom also cooperates with many top universities.

How to take a target direction to a university: step-by-step instructions

When should you do this? The earlier the better. Try to start collecting necessary information at least six months before graduation.

And here is an approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose a direction that interests you.
  2. Start looking for an organization that will pay for your education (unless, of course, you are going to go on a budget). This can be either a company or a government agency.
  3. Collect a package of necessary documents.
  4. Conclude a targeted agreement with your future employer (don’t forget to discuss additional “goodies” in the form of a travel card, health insurance, hostel, etc.).
  5. Take the documents for submission to the university, attach a copy of the target agreement to them.
One student can receive only one targeted placement at the university. It is not surprising that many employers operate a competitive system for those who approach them with such a request. Therefore, they will look at both the certificate and personal achievements, and will also conduct an interview.
If you have won prizes at the Olympics, this will be a big plus for the company.

Track the date of submission of documents for receiving a targeted referral. It is important to submit your application on time.

Documents for obtaining a target referral

To conclude a contract, have time to collect the following documents:

  • if you are a student, you will need a transcript of your academic records for the first 6 months graduating class with the seal of the school director;
  • If you graduated from school last year or earlier, please attach your education certificate;
  • if you are applying for a place at a university after college/technical school, attach a diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • photocopies of passport;
  • characteristics from the place of study (on request);
  • evidence of personal achievements (medals, certificates, diplomas, etc.).

In general, the essence of targeted training is clear: free education with subsequent work in an organization under a contract.

Many people are afraid of distribution. But we urge you not to panic. Firstly, approach the choice of such an organization wisely. If the company is reputable and directly related to your chosen industry, then you will not only get the opportunity to study for free, but also will not waste energy (like many of your fellow students) on finding a job immediately after receiving your diploma.

Secondly, you need to understand that the first couple of years after graduation, a graduate works for experience and image. A priori, he cannot receive much from the start. And working on the target area will be an excellent basis for your future work experience.

In the meantime, others are frantically looking for a way to avoid this very distribution, feel free to work it out. Any difficulty on your way will make you stronger. And if you prove yourself well, you can move up the career ladder.

However, the main thing is to graduate from a university so that later you can at least get a job. But don’t worry about it, because there will always be a reliable student service nearby, which will not give offense to tests, tests and exams!

What is a targeted direction to a university and how to get it? A targeted direction is a direction from a specific organization that undertakes to pay for the education of a specific student. In return, the company requires the student to undergo compulsory work after graduation for a period of 3 years. If for some reason the target is unable to return to work, he undertakes to return all the money spent on his training.

St. Petersburg Diary: Target direction: guarantee or opportunity

Every year more and more applicants are interested in alternative routes of admission. The most popular of them remains the target direction. However, there are many misconceptions associated with targeting. For example, some schoolchildren are confident that, having received a targeted direction, they can relax and enter a prestigious university even with low Unified State Exam scores. In order to understand how the targeted reception works, we talked with the Deputy First Vice-Rector of St. Petersburg State University for academic, extracurricular and educational work, Alexander Vyacheslavovich Babich.

Targeted training from Gazprom

Gazprom is a global energy company. Our employees work in all time zones and at almost all latitudes - not only in Russia, but also in other countries. The company's staff is one of Gazprom's main and most valuable resources - after all, the success of a business depends on the people employed in it.

The Moscow Refinery has opened enrollment for targeted training at Gubkin University

Moscow Refinery together with the Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin, Russia’s leading university in the field of personnel training for the oil and gas industry, opens enrollment for targeted training by specialty: chemical Technology and resource-saving processes in petrochemicals.

St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University SPbGMTU

FTSKPS and DPOS also trains students in additional educational programs, agreed with the customer of targeted training, provides advanced training, retraining of specialists in various areas of science and technology, economics and management in the university profile.

How to get a targeted referral to a university: features, advantages and disadvantages

Targeted training thus benefits all three parties. The university receives guaranteed filling of budget places, the enterprise receives a specialist specially “tailored” for it, the student receives more loyal competition for enrollment, confidence in employment and a number of advantages over other applicants.

Work with young professionals and interaction with universities

The Company is implementing a three-year development program for young specialists at production enterprises, “Three Frontiers,” aimed at unlocking professional and career potential and includes adaptation activities, developmental training, and a mentoring system. The best graduates of the program are recommended for enrollment in the personnel reserve of enterprises. The company today employs more than 500 young specialists.

Target set

Targeted training of specialists will be carried out in educational institutions St. Petersburg at the expense of the federal budget and the budget of St. Petersburg with the conclusion of agreements between the student and the customer within the framework of targeted contract training of specialists in the manner prescribed by Russian legislation.

Omsk State Technical University: how to enroll in the target place

One of the largest areas is related to materials processing and mechanical engineering technology; specialists are trained here for enterprises: PA Polet - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunichev”, Branch “Omsk Engine-Building Association named after P.I. Baranova”, JSC “Special Production Center for Gas Turbine Engineering “Salyut”, JSC “High Technologies”, JSC “Omsk Transport Engineering Plant”.

About the target set

Future target audiences must also take into account the fact that agreements between universities and customers (executive authorities, departments, enterprises, organizations) are concluded, as a rule, in April - May, because It is by this time that all issues with funding, lists of applicants and the number of places allocated for training are settled.

How to become a gas producer

This program is traditional for most companies of the Gazprom group; essentially it consists of targeted career guidance for young people, followed by targeted training in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, accompanied by industrial and pre-graduate internships in the company. Sequence of program stages (process details).

TPU GAZPROM: educational practice

At the Institute of High Technology Physics three years ago, at the request of Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk LLC, a group of researchers from the laboratory of beam-plasma technologies ( scientific adviser- Professor Gennady Remnev) began the development of an industrial installation for the disinfection and cleaning of household waste Wastewater using a pulsed electron beam. Today, the operating installation has been created and is undergoing testing.

Targeted training from Gazprom

If a student is sent by the administration, he is allocated budget place. If he is sent by an interested employer, he can cover the cost of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student, according to which the sending company pays for the training, and the student, after graduating from the university, undertakes to work for several years in this company. Well, the second important aspect is further employment student.

How to get a targeted referral to a medical university in 2020

  • who are not included in the above list of persons;
  • if after checking the information it turns out that the applicant provided false information about himself;
  • if the documents are executed incorrectly or not in the form;
  • The submission of papers was made after the deadline for accepting applications had ended.

Targeted training from Gazprom

  • 4th level (highest) - heads of enterprises, management staff of PJSC Gazprom.
  • The priorities of the sectoral education system are strategic management, investment efficiency analysis, enterprise management, industrial economics, labor organization, technical disciplines by production areas.

    Studying in a targeted area means getting an education at a university absolutely free, and also with a guaranteed job. If in the USSR people ran away from such a good, then in the current living conditions they need to fight for it with competitors.

    1) This kind of direction to some extent solves the most important personnel problem in the country. The state or a private company pays for the citizen’s education, and upon graduation, the specialist begins his career at the enterprise that gave him a start in life, committing to work there for 3-5 years.
    2) Refusal to work out means returning to the company the amount spent on training.
    3) Preferential education makes it easier to enter the desired university, because passing score on the Unified State Exam in in this case is decreasing
    4) The destination destination is issued in the name of a specific person, so transferring the trip to another applicant is prohibited.
    5) You cannot use the target direction for admission to several universities in the country.
    6) To train a student in the target area, an agreement is drawn up between a representative of the university and

    A) Federal. government agency:
    - Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation
    - Ch. Department of the RF IC
    b) State authority of a constituent entity of Russia
    - municipal body of a constituent entity of Russia for studying at medical universities
    c) State municipal institution
    - schools
    - gymnasiums to pedagogical universities
    d) A state-owned company or organization with a share of state funds in its charter. capital
    - Rosneft
    - Gazprom, etc.
    d) Commercial organization

    7) The Education Law allows for targeted education for those who completed school not in the current year, but in previous years. Such applicants should add information about work/study for the time since receiving the average to the general package of documents. education before entering a university in the target field.

    Where can I get a targeted referral to a university?

    Institute of the Prosecutor's Office

    1) Taking into account future work, selection here is carried out according to the following qualities:
    - resistance to stress
    - dedication to work
    - high moral principles
    - excellent knowledge of Russian language and history
    2) Contact the Moscow prosecutor's office
    3) During the period specified on the website, approximately until June 20, 2018, submit an application for a targeted direction for study
    4) Collect the following package of documents:
    - certificate or transcript of academic performance for the 1st half of the year
    - your voluntary consent to work in the ranks of the prosecutor’s office employees
    - autobiography
    - personal sheet for personnel records
    - copies of all pages of the Russian passport
    - reference from school or lyceum
    - a copy of the military ID
    - certificate f.086
    5) You will need to undergo testing for psychological suitability for your chosen profession.
    6) Next, the documents will be sent to Ch. Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia.
    7) If a place for your targeted training is available, the HR department will issue you a permit in writing.
    8) Reasons for refusal may be:
    - you and your close relatives have a criminal record
    - psycho. character traits
    - severe diseases of the nervous system, visual impairment, cancer, etc.

    Study requirements for applicants for targeted training at the Prosecutor's Office

    1) Good and excellent Unified State Exam results in history, Russian and literature.
    2) Overcoming the average score for admission established for applicants for targeted training (approximately 230).
    3) If several applicants receive the same number of points, admission to the university is based on additional information (olympiads, awards, etc.)

    Where will the training for the targeted referral to the Prosecutor's Office take place?

    You will study full-time at the faculty of the "Institute of Prosecutor's Office"

    Medical universities in Moscow

    1) A special commission of the Moscow Department of Health is responsible for issuing targeted referrals to medical universities
    2) List of documents for admission to the departments of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the First Moscow. Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, GBOU VPO Russian national. Pirogov Research Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow. state Medical and Dental University named after Evdokimov, GBOU DPO Russian. Medical academies of postgraduate education can be found on the websites of universities.
    3) For enrollment in target places A letter of guarantee is required from a medical organization of the Moscow state health care system. June 1, 2019 From June 18 to July 15, Omsk State Technical University will recruit applicants for targeted places in the Basic Department in the specialized areas of “Automation Service”

    Areas of training:

    Bachelor's degree:
    03.27.04 “Management in technical systems” (training profile “Systems and technical means automation and control")
    02.03.02 “Fundamental computer science and information Technology"(training profile "Informatics and Computer Science")

    Master's degree (only for graduates of the Basic Department):
    04/15/04 “Automation of technological processes and production” (training profile “Computer control technologies in automated production.”
    02.04.02 “Fundamental computer science and information technologies” (training profiles “Database Technologies”, “Systems Engineering”)

    Features of the program

      Classical engineering education Omsk State Technical University,

      Practice-oriented training on the basis of the enterprise:

      Practicing teachers,

      Technopark, laboratories, material base,

      Practical training on the most modern and high-tech equipment,

      Involving students in the implementation of real projects at Gazprom Neft facilities,

      Industrial and pre-graduate practice, student internship

      Bachelor's degree program - 4 years, master's degree - 2 years.

    Social guarantees

      Target places for applicants.

      Free dormitory for out-of-town students.

      Possibility of paid practice.

      Guaranteed employment at Avtomatika-Service LLC.

    For admission to Basic department necessary:

    For bachelor's degree:
    1. Successfully pass the Unified State Examination in Russian language, mathematics, physics (from 170 points and above, including physics, mathematics from 50 points and above);
    2. Have a grade in chemistry school certificate– “good” or “excellent” (for the directions of Gazpromneft-ONPZ JSC);
    3. During the work of the admissions committee at Omsk State Technical University from 06/19/2018 to 07/13/2018, undergo an interview with the Company’s specialists.

    For master's degree:
    1. Diploma of successful completion of a bachelor’s degree from the Basic Department
    2. Pass an interview with Company specialists;
    3. Hand over entrance examination for a master's degree.

    The admissions committee of Omsk State Technical University begins its work on June 19, 2018. Those wishing to enroll in the Basic Department and conclude an agreement for targeted training must from June 19, 2018 to July 13, 2018, contact the admissions committee of Omsk State Technical University (Mira Ave., 11, main building Omsk State Technical University) to a Company employee (work area admissions committee Basic department of Gazprom Neft PJSC).

    You can ask your questions about admission to the Basic Department:

    Specialist of the HR Department "Automation-Service"

    A number of Gazprom subsidiaries have opened regional offices where school graduates can prepare for admission to a specialized university. Together with universities, Gazprom conducts career guidance events and Olympiads to select the most promising graduates for further targeted training at universities.

    Target area: pros and cons of free training

    But such training also has its drawbacks. As a rule, students don’t really want to repay the debt to the company that paid for their education, so they look for roundabout ways so as not to work off the debt, but also not to return the money. Not always the organization that sends students can provide highly paid and prestigious work with the opportunity for further career growth. In addition, a student will not be able to change his major unless it is very closely related to another. It goes without saying that it is necessary to study well, because organizations regularly make inquiries to universities, checking the academic performance of target students.

    St. Petersburg Diary: Target direction: guarantee or opportunity

    The internal activities of customers in selecting applicants are not regulated by federal legislation. Each customer selects applicants in their own way. For example, in St. Petersburg, the work on generating applications for targeted admission is coordinated by the Committee on Science and higher school. He publishes an announcement about the competition on the website with a list of areas for which targeted places are planned to be allocated, and graduates send applications for the direction.

    How to get a targeted referral to a university

    You can also contact the regional municipality through the school management or yourself, where you can find out from which employers applications were received for concluding a targeted contract. Such information can be provided by the Ministry of Education of the region, as well as directly by the selected university. Engage in solution this issue Needed in the winter, on the eve of the year of admission.

    Omsk State Technical University: how to enroll in the target place

    The deputy dean of the institute spoke about how to enroll in a targeted place and the advantages of targeted training. distance learning Omsk State technical university By educational work with the regions Alexander Koltsov: “Firstly, training is absolutely free for both the enterprise and the student, that is, it is the same budget place with scholarships and other social benefits. Secondly, the company socially supports its students, and in addition to the academic scholarship, they receive additional payments of one and a half thousand rubles and more, and also have the opportunity to work part-time in the evening. Thirdly, targeted training guarantees employment after graduation. This is very important, because finding a job for a young specialist is not easy even in the city, let alone in rural areas. I would also include the fact that the “targeted places” have a separate competition, which means they have a greater chance of getting in, and also that the order for admission to the targeted places comes out earlier, so applicants who did not get into the “targeted places” have the opportunity to participate in a regular competition."

    The Moscow Refinery has opened enrollment for targeted training at Gubkin University

    Today the university actively uses innovative methods training and interdisciplinary approach in education, the infrastructure for learning in a virtual environment has been recreated professional activity based on interactive full-scale simulators, computer models and systems.

    Target direction to Moscow universities in 2019: documents and procedure for obtaining

    When applying to a company, you should contact its director directly, explain your request and write an official statement. In this handwritten document, the applicant must indicate the full name of the higher educational institution where he would like to study and the chosen specialization. And you will also need to submit a reference from the school to the city administration. After all the described procedures, the future student concludes standard contract on targeted training with the federal authority state power or local government (or state company, economic company, organization). The standard form of this agreement can be downloaded or printed by clicking on the following link The registration of contracts is most often carried out before the introductory campaign - from May to July. If the student is a minor, then the contract is concluded in his place by a legal representative, for example, one of the parents.

    Targeted training: pros and cons

    Currently, many companies that are willing to pay for targeted training are trying to find potential employees themselves. They organize various competitions using the company’s brand, organize meetings with high school students, act as sponsors for specialized subject Olympiads, and also inform about their services educational institution senior management.

    Gazprom targeted training

    - Good afternoon! Today we are talking with Nikolai Dolgov, who is responsible for employee training at Gazprom Neft. Please tell us about how training is organized in your company. Of course, this is a huge, visible company for the market. We all know about your wonderful practices. What's going on with you in terms of learning?

    Target direction (5905 views)

    ok, I was going to call in September (at Baumanka they said that they are now working on “this” year). I wonder if it’s possible, for example, to get a target from two universities (respectively from two different enterprises)? (more serious and simpler), because no one knows how to pass in a year USE child.

    TPU GAZPROM: educational practice

    Work under the contract, the customer of which is also Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk LLC, is carried out at the Institute of Non-Destructive Testing. Here, the group of the head of the sector, Yuri Moskalev, is developing an X-ray television method, software and a mobile complex for flaw detection of welded joints and the base material of the pipe. The complex is currently undergoing departmental tests.

    Where and how can you get the target direction?

    If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budget place. If a certain company is interested in a future specialist, then it can cover the costs of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student under which the sending company pays for the studies, and the student undertakes to work for several years in this company after graduation. Well, the second important aspect is the further employment of the student, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which states that vacancies no for this specialty.

    There is no place for thieves here

    Last year, the Ministry of Education and Science monitored targeted enrollment and found that more than 51% of contracts on targeted training do not contain measures of social support for students, and 62% of contracts do not indicate the terms of employment of graduates. The law establishes the obligations of the customer of targeted admission and students, but in practice they are not fulfilled. In the fall of 2016, Prime Minister D. Medvedev demanded to restore order and amend the law. The main innovation of the bill is that a graduate must work for at least 3 years in an organization. The changes will not affect applicants this season.

    Target direction to university

    By receiving the target direction, the applicant solves two problems at once. Firstly, the admission procedure is greatly simplified. As a rule, the competition among applicants for the target field is much lower than for the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a lower number of Unified State Examination points is required. Secondly, training in the target area should theoretically be free.

    Gazprom targeted training

    Educational concept SNFPO attaches particular importance to the individualization of training, in the process of which the aspirations of students and trainers to identify, take into account and develop individual abilities in the interests of the employee, the enterprise, PJSC Gazprom and the state are realized.