Where can you work with an education in international relations? Faculty of International Relations: who to work with? Top universities in Poland that offer studies in the Faculty of International Relations


This profile is used to study world politics, history of diplomacy, international conflicts, basics international security. The theoretical part also necessarily includes the history of international relations. During 4 years of study, future specialists must learn two foreign languages, one of which at a more advanced level. Students also learn to create diplomatic documents, various projects agreements, contracts. Depending on the specific profile, final courses focus on economics, politics, law or culture. Bachelors practice in various commercial or government agencies.

Who to work with

After graduating from specialized universities, graduates can find work in various institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in external relations departments and in other organizations. There is an opportunity to travel abroad and work in various foreign missions, international structures, advertising agencies, transnational companies. Also, graduates can get a job in a business company, both in Russia and in other countries. The bachelor's level also allows you to find employment in the media, travel agencies, diplomatic missions, and in commercial or non-profit organizations whose activities are related to international relations.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( a basic level of)
  • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
Most universities require students to pass entrance examinations in three directions. As profile exam history stands out. Second exam can be set optionally educational institution— Russian language, social studies and geography. Most often, the elective exam is Russian.
Additionally, applicants are usually required to pass a test in a foreign language.

International relationships- This is a fairly in-demand industry that is constantly growing and developing. Specialists highly qualified in the field of international relations are in incredible demand at the interstate level. Mastering this specialty is the key to successful employment anywhere on our planet.

Brief description of the specialty

A bachelor in this area is a specialist who ideally knows all aspects of the development of the area being studied (region or countries): economic, political, cultural, legal and more. Or is a qualified expert in one of the areas of international relations. Students can choose one of the study profiles that are closest to them.

The direction provides a choice among the following options:

  • international security;
  • contemporary global issues;
  • history of international relations;
  • world politics and international business;
  • international relations and foreign policy.

Large universities

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Moscow State Linguistic University;
  • Mari State University;
  • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;
  • Institute of Oriental Countries;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova.

Terms and forms of training

Mastering the qualification lasts 4 years with full-time (full-time) education. Some universities, as an exception, offer full-time and part-time correspondence forms training, but based on existing specialized education.

Subjects studied

In the process of mastering the specialty, students study many specialized disciplines, among which an important role is given to the legal direction.

These are items such as:

  • European law;
  • international Court;
  • constitutional law of foreign countries;
  • public international law;
  • international environmental law and others.

Economic disciplines also occupy a special place, among which the following can be noted:

  • world economy;
  • international monetary relations;
  • international economic relations and others.

Political disciplines are also one of the main ones when studying in this specialty:

  • political processes in modern Russia;
  • foreign policy of the Russian Federation (modern);
  • international conflicts;
  • international political analysis (basics);
  • world politics, etc.

The program provides for the study of two foreign languages, the first is international, the second is the language of the region being studied. Particular importance is given special disciplines such as diplomacy, consular service and others. Among the disciplines, many belong to the geographical direction, for example, world geography, geography of the region being studied, and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

Graduate this direction must:

  • speak two languages ​​at the required level, including colloquial speech, writing, reading and listening, translation of texts, oral and written;
  • know history, world politics, diplomacy, foreign policy native state and leading countries of the world, know the basics of analysis of international relations;
  • master the basic principles of mathematics, ecology, computer science;
  • have skills in using computer networks and the Internet;
  • be able to use applied analysis methods in practice for the purpose of the necessary orientation in the international field;
  • be able to perform executive and organizational functions at the international level;
  • be able to work in international teams, performing executive and leadership functions.

Who to work with

Graduates can get a job in the following positions:

Bachelors can work:

  • referents;
  • secretaries;
  • translators;
  • laboratory assistants;
  • assistants;
  • consultants;
  • analysts;
  • managers;
  • administrators;
  • advisors;
  • teachers;
  • tour guides;
  • experts on a specific country or region.

The career of an international relations specialist is quite complex and requires maximum dedication, which is why most bachelor's degree graduates choose workplace in foreign economic activity, which promises them quite broad prospects. The salary of foreign trade consultants starts from 50,000 rubles. Paid business trips also have their own charm - the opportunity to see other countries and express yourself with the best side . The most in demand on the market are those specialists who simultaneously possess diverse skills, for example, have good knowledge

in economics and international law.

Continuing training in the specialty

In order to make an excellent career at the international level, you need to be a real pro in your field. Therefore, many students do not stop at the knowledge and skills they acquire at the undergraduate level. Upon completion of training, graduates, if desired, can continue to master their specialty in master's and postgraduate studies.

Researchers believe that the norms for conducting international affairs began to be consolidated since the completion of " thirty years war"and the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. The signing of this treaty by the leaders of authoritative world states was an important step towards the formation of uniform rules for representatives different countries.

However, people learned to negotiate among themselves back in the era Ancient world. For example, "ambassadors" from warring tribes negotiated a temporary cessation of the battle in order to provide aid to the wounded. Later, international treaties resulted in the formation of entire countries. For example, this is how states appeared in the Balkans and in Latin America.

Description of activity

Internationalists are specialists whose main task is to establish, maintain or settle international relations. Representatives of this profession include diplomats, translators, guides, various experts, consultants, and managers. Each of them is in contact with representatives of different countries. Thus, diplomats negotiate with heads or other authorized persons of various states. Translators, thanks to their knowledge of languages, establish communication between foreigners. There are also lawyers and economists, whose task is to monitor the international situation in their field, provide expert opinions, and provide consultations.

Job responsibilities

A specialist in the field of international relations, depending on his position, should establish contact with foreign citizens and gradually expand their circle. He must closely monitor the internal situation in the country with whose inhabitants he cooperates. He needs to hold meetings with his clients and negotiate with high-ranking officials. For those who work in the tourism business, it is mandatory to work on organizing leisure time for travelers and conducting excursions in a language they understand. Experts and consultants are required to share their professional opinions and assessments with members of the public.

Features of career growth

An international professional can find use for his professional skills in government institutions, trade, financial, commercial organizations cooperating with other countries. Such workers are also irreplaceable in travel companies. Their knowledge can be useful to a printing house that produces translated books and periodicals. These specialists can also find their calling in scientific activity, teaching, journalism.

Employee characteristics

An internationalist, first of all, needs to know very well foreign languages. For this he will need excellent memory. Such a specialist also cannot do without a broad outlook, sociability, and the ability to find mutual language with any interlocutors. To win over foreign citizens and establish contact between them, a representative of this profession will need confidence, pleasant appearance. In order to successfully complete negotiations or conclude a profitable agreement, he must have the ability to persuade. An international student will need a willingness to travel, the ability to quickly get used to living conditions in another country, and the ability to adapt to various folk customs and culture.

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