Guia in the year of change. Gia changes

After completing nine years of study, students pass the main state exam, which is compulsory for everyone. Much depends on the success of delivery today: a certificate, admission to an educational institution, justification of parental expectations.

The OGE has not yet become an established exam; on the contrary, it is undergoing more and more changes. Constant transformation excites parents, teachers and, of course, students. You need to know what to prepare for.

September is approaching, which means it's time to find out what awaits graduates of the ninth grade at the OGE in 2018. What changes have occurred, and how many subjects the current ninth-graders will take, you will find out below.

Fresh news about the changes in the OGE 2018:

  • The marks in the subjects that are taken for the OGE affect the certificate.
  • A single scale for setting marks is introduced, the minimum threshold is also common for all.
  • KIMs are the same for the whole country, options are now being developed not in the regions, but by federal commissions.
  • Computer science is surrendered using a computer
  • Changes in retake
  • Will introduce oral exam in Russian (in some regions)

Quantity compulsory subjects according to official data, it has not changed, there are two of them - mathematics and Russian. The number of compulsory tests was previously planned to be increased to 6, introducing one subject every two years. Most likely, this will happen soon. According to experts, this will help to achieve a better level of intellectual development of schoolchildren. Since the students themselves are in no hurry to choose additional disciplines for delivery, they will have to be made mandatory. Official information on how many exams grades 9 will take in 2018 will appear in the fall, which is alarming for students and parents. As compulsory subjects, perhaps, they will introduce history or foreign language.

Choose, hand over!

If earlier it was necessary to pass only two subjects for the successful completion of nine classes, then in the current academic year students are required to additionally choose two disciplines. Officials believe that two disciplines are not enough to form a horizon, so two more are needed, chosen by the student himself. In addition, it is required for admission to educational institutions or classes with a specialized orientation. For those who plan to write the Unified State Exam, this will be a good help in preparation, a kind of "probe" for the Unified State Exam. For 2018, the list of selected disciplines is as follows:

  • Geography.
  • Biology.
  • Literature.
  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Foreign language - English, German, French, Spanish.
  • History.
  • Social Studies.
  • Computer science.

Thus, in order to obtain a certificate in 2018, it is necessary to have positive marks in all four subjects.

In order to be admitted to the exams, there must not be a grade of “unsatisfactory” in any subject.

How does the OGE affect the mark in the certificate?

The mark for the state exam now affects the mark in the certificate. Therefore, you can either increase or decrease your score. But there is something here that can play into your hands. For example, in the academic year you gave a little slack in the study of the subject, but you prepared for the exam perfectly, and passed it at "5" in the certificate will be set "excellent", instead of "4" for the academic year.


Control and measurement materials were previously developed in every region. But starting this year, KIMs will be the same for everyone.

CMMs do not show major changes in their structure. Questions with a simple choice from the proposed ones remain, in contrast to the more serious exam - the exam. But questions with a detailed answer, where students must show the ability to formulate a thought, are actively developed and are present in the exam for each discipline. In particular, in the Russian language exam, it is necessary to write both an essay and a presentation, which causes difficulties for many students. Therefore, training such skills is necessary in advance.

It is planned to introduce the oral part in the structure of KIM in the Russian language. They are also considering how this can be organized: to record the answer to the dictaphone and subsequently analyze or evaluate on the spot by a commission.

Trial versions of CMMs of the last year are posted on the FIPI website, and today you should be guided by them. You need to remember about the GIA - 9 Open Job Bank and actively use it.

Social science remains the most popular subject in its apparent lightness.

Oral answer in Russian

It is already known for sure that the oral exam in the Russian language will be in the OGE.

On August 19, 2017, in his report on the results of the work, the Minister of Education O. Yu. Vasilieva said:

An oral exam in the 9th grade will become admission to certification, like an essay in the 11th grade.

This exam will initially be conducted in the pilot regions, that is, not throughout the country. However, in which regions it is not yet known.

The oral answer is already provided for in the English language exam.

And if you didn’t pass it?

If a student has not passed one or two exams, then he has the right to retake them in the same year. However, if the mark is "unsatisfactory" in three or four disciplines, the student in fact remains in the second year and can retake the state exam only the next year.

When to take?

In grade 9 in 2018, as in previous years, the guys will take the exam in several periods:

  • Early: second half of April - early May 2018.
  • Primary: end of May - end of June 2018.
  • Optional: September 2018.

In the preliminary stage, the test can be taken by students who, for a good reason, cannot do it during the main period: treatment; olympiads, international competitions; athletes, candidates for the national teams of the Russian Federation.

The most massive period is the main one, it is then that the entire stream of schoolchildren is tested. Usually the main delivery days start after last call- May 26 and end on June 8. Reserve days start 10 days after the main.

The exact timetable will be approved at the beginning of the school year.

How does one start to "cheat"?

The protection of the state exam options has increased after the answers to the previous exams were leaked online. Many test sites have cameras and metal detectors. Everyone knows about the consequences, but this does not prevent you from copying from paper cheat sheets and, for sure, in the nine years of training, many have learned this art. However, you should not expect that you will completely write off the option, but it is quite possible to spy on the desired formula in the toilet.

What if there are changes?

Even if changes in the structure of KIMs come into force this year, it will be known in advance. You should not panic, no one needs you not to cope with the tasks. Better to start measured preparation. You should decide on the subject and gradually repeat and generalize the theory, solve trial options. How to prepare is up to you. With a tutor, on your own or limit yourself to school lessons. But if you are confident in your knowledge, then you will not be afraid of any changes.

Of course, the most advantageous option seems to be to choose which exams are needed in the future for admission to the university, and pass them to the State Academy of Arts in grade 9, and then at grade 11. But this is quite problematic, since in grade 9 it is difficult to accurately determine the desired educational institution and direction. However, if you succeed, then it will serve as a huge help for a successful passing the exam.

Now you know what disciplines graduates will take in grade 9 in 2018. Given the changes in the OGE, you can begin to prepare for certification. Trial tests have already been posted on the FIPI website. And the best solution after reading this article is to move on to solving them.

The OGE is the main state exam that schoolchildren take in grade 9, 2018 will be no exception.

The exam is designed to control the knowledge gained by students for all years and is necessary for admission to technical schools and colleges. For students who decide to continue their studies at school, this is a dress rehearsal for passing the exam. Based on the results, it will be possible to draw conclusions about which subjects you need to focus on so that the grades in the certificate are as high as possible.

What changes will take place in the final attestation system for ninth-graders, and why are these changes inevitable?

There will be two compulsory subjects for the OGE 2018, as in previous years:

  • Russian language;
  • maths.

The question of how many subjects to take on the OGE in 2018 is of interest to many children and parents, because there have been rumors about innovations for a long time. Representatives of the Duma, headed by Deputy Minister of Education Natalya Tretyak, made a decision back in 2015 on the need to introduce additional exams in 2017 and 2018.

Already, in this, 2017, the rules have become stricter. Instead of 2 compulsory subjects, it became 4, and, in 2018, their number may increase to 5, although this issue is still under discussion. In any case, the choice of additional subjects and preparation for the exam in them should be started as early as possible.

What innovations do the deputies propose to make?

  1. In 2018, it is planned to introduce another compulsory subject, and thus, ninth graders will need to pass 5 exams.
  2. By 2020, it is planned to introduce two more compulsory exams, which means that the number of subjects to be taken will increase to six.
  3. Those who fail to pass the four main subjects will not receive a certificate and will be forced to go to retake in August.

It is not yet known which in 2018 at 9 class OGE will have to take, but there are rumors that history (or social studies) and physics will become compulsory subjects for passing. Thus, children will have to be much more effective in preparing for the delivery of all standards.

Reasons for the increase in the number of compulsory subjects

When trying to find out what compulsory subjects are included in the OGE in 2018, parents are faced with a stream of inaccurate information. The thing is that the innovations have not yet entered into force, but their activation is only a matter of time.

The reasons why the State Duma wants to increase the number of compulsory exams, several:

  • the percentage of schoolchildren who take additional subjects in addition to compulsory subjects has fallen sharply;
  • according to the deputies, a small number of compulsory subjects for delivery negatively affects the level of knowledge of schoolchildren;
  • passing a wide range of subjects in the 9th grade will help the child to cope more successfully with the USE at the time of graduation.

The statistics cited by the deputies are harsh: after they canceled the delivery of two compulsory elective subjects in 2014, the number of ninth-graders taking additional social studies has decreased from 41% to 9%. The number of those who take biology on their own has also decreased from 21% to 3.5%, and such statistics are relevant for all disciplines. Children who know about the need to pass only two subjects do not bother to choose any additional disciplines, which negatively affects the quality of their knowledge. How many exams there will be in the OGE in 2018 is not yet known for sure, but most likely there will be 5 of them.

Changes in the OGE 2018 in the Russian language

The biggest changes may affect the compulsory exam in the Russian language. Namely, his oral part. V recent times there have been many discussions about this, but now there is more specific information about what awaits us in 2018.

FIPI ( Federal Institute Pedagogical Measurements) began working on changes to the exam in 2015. But a professional discussion took place only now. In 2017 new model tested in a number of schools from different regions of the country. As a result, the vast majority of teachers and experts supported it.

There are 2 options for the oral form:

1) using a headset and recording the answers of the examinee, with their subsequent analysis;

2) acceptance by the examination committee. In this case, the presence of an independent expert will be required to check the objectivity of the points awarded.

The final decision on the inclusion of the oral part in the OGE in the Russian language will be made before November current year.

Features of conducting exams according to new standards

Having figured out how many subjects for the OGE in 2018 will be taken, it remains only to find out how the innovations will affect the examination process itself. What changes have already taken place in the OGE or are still coming in 2018?

  1. Since 2017, grades for compulsory subjects directly affect the student's certificate.
  2. The OGE in informatics is now being taken over the computer.
  3. If, before 2016, grades were set on different scales in each region, and the teachers themselves set the threshold of "two", then since 2017 a single scale has been introduced for all educational institutions... (Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 920-10 of 04/26/2017)
  4. A certification system has been introduced in the fourth grade to improve the level of knowledge of schoolchildren. The possibility of introducing additional certification in primary grades.
  5. The system of CMMs, that is, control and measuring materials, in the 9th grade from 2018 will also no longer be developed by teachers in the regions according to the proposed options, but will become the same for the whole country. Today they are trained by more than one and a half hundred specialists in 11 federal commissions.

All these innovations seem too complicated, especially if we take into account the fact that previously, passing the OGE in grade 9 was not mandatory at all. However, according to the deputies and the Ministry of Education, the introduced changes will have a positive effect on the academic performance of children, to increase general level their intellectual abilities.

According to the OGE 2018, the Russian language and mathematics will remain the main compulsory subjects for delivery, but additional ones will appear. In addition, ninth-graders will be able to choose subjects from the number of optional subjects for delivery, which will help them enroll in a specific educational institution. The introduction of additional attestations in primary and secondary school will help children better prepare for the OGE and reduce the number of "twos" for exams. The implementation of all these changes will be preceded by a global discussion in the State Duma. However, the annual increase in the requirements for passing the OGE is almost 100% likely to lead to the fact that the number of exams for ninth-graders will at least double.

OGE 2018 in Crimea and Sevastopol

An exception has been made for schoolchildren in Crimea and Sevastopol, and, according to Federal Law No. 293-FZ of October 27, 2015, in 2018 they can take the OGE according to the established uniform rules, or they can refuse and pass certification using the old form.

This concession was made taking into account the fact that the curriculum according to which they studied earlier was markedly different from other Russian schools. Apparently, 2018 will be the last year when 9-graders in Crimea will not be able to take the OGE.

Additional subjects of the OGE

If suddenly a student wants to move to another class, for example, with advanced study, or lyceum or with an individual approach, then in this case it may be necessary to pass additional disciplines. - in-depth, lyceum, or, perhaps, with an individual approach.

Additional items can also help in training before the main examinations of the Unified State Exam for high school graduates.

So far there is no reason that the number of additional exams in 2018 will change - there will be, as before, 2. The list of additional exams of the GIA for 9 grades looks like this:

  • history;
  • Social Studies;
  • literature;
  • geography;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

The main state exams, which everyone knows under the abbreviation GIA or OGE, are mandatory final tests for 9th grade graduates in Russia. Successful passing of the OGE allows you to get a certificate of basic general education, and high scores received for specialized subjects, make it possible to go to a specialized high school and become a student of a gymnasium or lyceum. In addition, thanks to the OGE, ninth-graders can enter secondary specialized institutions: colleges and technical schools. Well! It's time to act! The GIA 2019 campaign has started!

Forms of organization of GIA (OGE)

GIA (state final certification) can be carried out in two forms of organizing an examination session:

  1. State Final Exam (or GVE).
  • this form of certification is provided for ninth-graders who have a disability or mental or physical developmental delay;
  • also the GVE is taken by graduates who have mastered the program in closed institutions of the educational structure of Russia (in colonies for juvenile delinquents and boarding schools)
  • this form of certification involves 9th grade students who have received secondary education abroad.
  1. The main state exam ().

This is the main type of assessment of the knowledge of ninth graders. Exams of this type are taken by the majority of schoolchildren. As part of the OGE, they work with KIMs on compulsory and selected subjects, and the final work will be checked by members of specialized commissions.

The exam is conducted centrally and is the subject of special attention from Rosobrnadzor - based on the success of the students, conclusions are drawn about the quality of education in a particular school and vocational training subject teachers.

Compulsory subjects of the GIA or OGE?

The main state exam (sometimes in the documents you can find another abbreviation - GIA) is held for 9th grade students.

The compulsory subjects for today are:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Maths.

Also, since 2018 (so far in the form of approbation), graduates general school must pass a final interview in Russian. Of the maximum possible 19 points, it was necessary to score 10.

What does an oral exam give? It allows you to understand how well-developed speech and thinking are among 9th grade graduates.

Experts note that most students have little command of their speech apparatus, they have a small vocabulary, imagination and fantasy are poorly developed.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the results of the interview did not affect the admission to the main wave of exams, but from 2018-2019 the oral interview will become admission to the OGE.

Elective subjects at GIA 2019

Ninth graders and their parents are always very concerned about the question: how many subjects to take at the end of the 9th grade?

In total, ninth grade students will have to take 4 subjects, 2 of which are compulsory exams.

And three exams are given at the choice of the graduate from the list of optional subjects:

  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • history;
  • Social Studies;
  • literature;
  • foreign language;
  • computer science.

Knowing what exams need to be passed, the student can prepare well in advance by regularly solving standard examination options that can be found on the official website of preparation for the GIA (OGE) - FIPI, where you can thoroughly prepare for the final tests. Answers to the newly arising questions of students and parents regarding the holding of the GIA 2019 can also be found on this website.

How does the GIA affect the assessment in the certificate?

Not so long ago, an innovation was introduced regarding the influence of the OGE mark on the student's certification score. Recall that not only marks for compulsory disciplines, but also for those that were surrendered by a student of choice, have such a force.

In addition, to pass to specialized classes, each subject must be passed for the points recommended by Rosobrnadzor. Today, these recommendations look like this:

Item Profile class Number of points
Russian language linguistic class 31 points out of 39
Maths physics and mathematics class 19 points out of 32
Physics physics and mathematics class 30 points out of 40
Chemistry chemical 23 points out of 34
Biology biological 33 of 46
Geography special class or college that prepares bachelors in the field of tourism 24 points or more out of 32
Social Studies legal classes 30 points out of 39
History Historical 32 points out of 34
Computer science ICT class 15 points out of 22
Literature linguistic class it is recommended to score from 19 points and more out of 29
Foreign languages linguistic class 56 points out of 70

Exam Schedule

The timing and dates of the final exam for ninth-graders will only be known at the beginning of the next academic year. But in order to have an idea about the approximate dates, you can familiarize yourself with the schedule of the GIA (OGE) in 2018.

Early period

Reserve days

Students who did not pass the GIA or received unsatisfactory results at the GIA in more than two academic subjects, or those who have repeatedly received an unsatisfactory result in one or two academic subjects in the GIA in additional terms, are given the right to pass the GIA in the relevant academic subjects no earlier than September 1 of the current year.

Video "How to pass the OGE 2018/2019 for a good score | All about gia / oge ":

The main state exams, which everyone knows under the abbreviation GIA or OGE, are mandatory final tests for 9th grade graduates in Russia. Successful passing of the OGE allows you to get a certificate of basic general education, and high scores received for specialized subjects make it possible to transfer to a specialized high school and become a student of a gymnasium or lyceum. In addition, thanks to the OGE, ninth-graders can enroll.

State Final Attestation is a complex of final (examination) works for graduates of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who complete the course of secondary education (grade 9) and basic general education(Grade 11).

Today there are such forms of GIA:

  • Unified State Exam (grade 11);
  • OGE (grade 9);
  • GVE (grades 9 and 11);
  • GIA-4 (grade 4).

Unified State Exam 2019

The Unified State Exam is compulsory for all graduates who complete the 11th grade and who wish to continue their studies at the universities of the Russian Federation. This form of the GIA has been conducted since 2009 and will definitely not be canceled in 2019, which means that all graduates should prepare for passing 5 exams, of which not 2, but already 3 will be mandatory:

  • Russian language;
  • maths;
  • history.

The question of the third compulsory subject has not yet been approved, but last year, at press conferences at various levels, the opinion was heard more than once that every citizen of Russia should know the history of his country.

The issue of the possibility of replenishing the compulsory subjects of the GIA-11 with a foreign language is also being discussed, but in 2019 graduates do not have to worry about this, since the implementation of this idea will take much more time for the management. And if we recall the numerous scandals that thundered in 2018, it is unlikely that the exam, the format of which needs to be improved, would be obliged to take all 11th graders today.

Of the next most likely innovations, it is worth noting:

  • introduction of the Unified State Exam in Chinese;
  • cross-checking of works by experts from other regions;
  • compulsory exam for college graduates.

OGE 2019

Graduates of the 9th grade in 2019 will take the OGE, which includes 5 subjects, 2 of which (mathematics and Russian) will be mandatory GIA exams. This means that not two of them, the ninth grader will not receive a certificate.

In the Ministry of Education and Science, the opinion is increasingly heard that history and English should in the shortest possible time replenish compulsory subjects, but most likely this will not happen at GIA-9 in the 2018-2019 academic year.

As before, 9th graders will take exams in their native schools. But, neither teachers nor students will be able to find out exactly which tasks from the open bank will be offered at the GIA until the solemn printing of the envelope.

GVE 2019

GVE is a special somewhat simplified form of the GIA, which in 2019 will be taken by certain groups of graduates in grades 9 and 11:

  • having appropriate medical indications (disability);
  • boarding school graduates;
  • studying in places of deprivation of liberty.

This year, the final exam instead of the USE is also taken by college graduates, but they want to abolish this norm, forcing everyone to enter the country's universities on the same terms - through the delivery of the Unified State Exam.

In the GVE format, only two main exams are passed - Russian and mathematics. The main feature of the certification format is the ability of the student to choose the most optimal option for him to pass the SIA in the Russian language, having already familiarized himself with the topics of the essay and the material proposed for writing the presentation. The math ticket includes 10 different-level assignments.

The GVE is assessed according to the 5-point system.


For the first time, the GIA for graduates of grade 4 was tested in 2016, and already in the 2017-2018 academic year, tests became mandatory for all educational institutions in Russia. Speaking about GIA-4 in 2019, parents are most often interested in how many subjects to take at the end of grade 4 for kids, and in what format their first exams in life will be held.

It's not worth worrying - everything should be organized in an environment that is as gentle as possible for the child's psyche, namely: native class, beloved teacher nearby, a regular lesson of 45 minutes. In fact, the exam for children will be no different from the average test.

In terms of the number of items on the GIA-4, 2019 will not bring significant changes. Children will have to pass three disciplines:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • the world.

You can find all the main regulatory documents of the GIA, as well as download codifiers, specifications and demos for preparation on the FIPI portal at

By subscribing to our groups in social networks or to the mailing list of news on our site, you are among the first to know the latest news about the innovations of this year in individual subjects, as well as the dates holding the OGE and USE in the 2018-2019 academic year.

Elective subjects at GIA 2019

Ninth graders and their parents are always very concerned about the question: how many subjects to take at the end of the 9th grade?

In total, ninth grade students will have to take 4 subjects, 2 of which are compulsory exams.

And three exams are given at the choice of the graduate from the list of optional subjects:

  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • geography;
  • history;
  • Social Studies;
  • literature;
  • foreign language;
  • computer science.

Knowing what exams need to be passed, the student can prepare well in advance by regularly solving standard examination options that can be found on the official website of preparation for the GIA (OGE) - FIPI, where you can thoroughly prepare for the final tests. Answers to the newly arising questions of students and parents regarding the holding of the GIA 2019 can also be found on this website.

How does the GIA affect the assessment in the certificate?

Not so long ago, an innovation was introduced regarding the influence of the OGE mark on the student's certification score. Recall that not only marks for compulsory disciplines, but also for those that were surrendered by a student of choice, have such a force.

In addition, to pass to specialized classes, each subject must be passed for the points recommended by Rosobrnadzor. Today, these recommendations look like this:

Item Profile class Number of points
Russian language linguistic class 31 points out of 39
Maths physics and mathematics class 19 points out of 32
Physics physics and mathematics class 30 points out of 40
Chemistry chemical 23 points out of 34
Biology biological 33 of 46
Geography special class or college that prepares bachelors in the field of tourism 24 points or more out of 32
Social Studies legal classes 30 points out of 39
History Historical 32 points out of 34
Computer science ICT class 15 points out of 22
Literature linguistic class it is recommended to score from 19 points and more out of 29
Foreign languages linguistic class 56 points out of 70

Exam Schedule

The timing and dates of the final exam for ninth-graders will only be known at the beginning of the next academic year. But in order to have an idea about the approximate dates, you can familiarize yourself with the schedule of the GIA (OGE) in 2018.

Early period

Reserve days

Students who have not passed the GIA or received unsatisfactory results at the GIA in more than two academic subjects, or who have repeatedly received unsatisfactory results in one or two academic subjects in the GIA in additional terms, are given the right to pass the GIA in the relevant academic subjects no earlier than September 1 of the current year.

General current rules

As before, students who have received a "credit" for the December final essay in literature, as well as all those with grades higher than "2", are allowed to take the GIA, except for cases when an unsatisfactory graded subject is submitted for attestation itself. These can be both Russian schoolchildren and citizens of other countries who officially wished to fit into our education system, including refugees and displaced persons, as well as all children who failed exams or did not participate in them for any reason in past years, and did not succeed on appeal.

Sessions of the GIA begin, traditionally, from the end of May and last almost all of June. For example, in 2018, the OGE was passed from May 26 to June 8 (the main stage, reserve dates - 09.06-29.06), and the USE - from May 29 to June 19 (reserve - from June 20 to July 1). Everything could be done ahead of schedule during the second half of March - early May. By the way, with the autumn retakes after the appeals, it has now become easier - you can go not only to the compulsory subjects, but also to any other subjects (according to the OGE). Accordingly, in 2019 it is worth waiting for approximately the same deadlines for all items.

According to the rules of writing, too, everything is the same. With you - only documents, the food and medicine shown by the doctor, if any, and a black pen (pen, capillary or gel). All materials, including reference and drafts, as well as additional sheets of forms, if necessary, are issued on site. It is allowed to bring only a ruler to mathematics, to geography - a non-programmable calculator, a protractor and a ruler, to chemistry and physics - the same calculator and a ruler.

By the duration of exams for oral parts languages ​​are shot in fifteen minutes, for chemistry, biology and Russian are given 3.5 hours, for a foreign language, basic math and geography - for three hours, and for all other subjects - for 3 hours and 55 minutes. All tests start at 10 in the morning, but you need to arrive at the site by nine in order to pass the test and get distribution to the offices.

The general principle of assessment systems also remains the same - for each subject it is written what the maximum score for each task is set, and what needs to be done to get it. Thus, a pool of primary points is formed for each student, which, according to the scheme established by Rosobrnadzor, is then transferred to a one-hundred-point system, and in addition, five-point marks transferred to certificates are set. In general, all the rules, official training collections of tasks for all subjects, methodological requirements, assessment criteria and so on can be viewed in detail directly on the FIPI website, which develops all this.

And we can only wish all potential applicants and ninth grade students successful preparation and high results of delivery, as well as the achievement of all the goals set in life!

State final certification (GIA or OGE, as it is also called) is a mandatory test for all ninth-graders of secondary schools in Russia. It is the Basic State Exam that becomes a "ticket to life" for children, a guarantor of further education - transfer to the tenth grade or admission to a technical school or college.

Already, schoolchildren, their parents and relatives, concerned about the future of their children, are looking for any information on the Internet regarding GIA 2018... Next year, the final exams for the ninth grade will be held as usual, but it will not be without some changes, which we will talk about in our article.

To begin with, it is worth noting that this exam is mandatory for students graduating from the ninth grade. high school... GIA serves as a striking indicator of the accumulated knowledge gained over a long period of time - nine years of schooling.

In fact, the GIA format is extremely similar to format of the exam, which is taken at the end of high school. Pupils also come to someone else's school and start writing the final assessment, which is carried out in the form of a test. As a result passing the exam points are awarded for a ninth-grader certificate. The same points must be taken into account when a child enters educational institutions secondary vocational or technical education.

State final attestation was introduced for some Russian schools thirteen years ago, in 2004. Then, in its first year, the GIA was of an experimental, trial nature. Only a few cities became "guinea pigs". A little later, the GIA completely replaced the usual ticket exams and became a mandatory exam for all ninth grade students.

Attestation "in a new way" was introduced in order to objectively assess the knowledge of ninth-graders, because earlier, when passing exams at school, teachers could prejudice students, overestimating their marks for previous achievements in studies.

In order to eliminate the element of bias, as well as for a more thorough verification of the received school knowledge excluding human factor, have implemented the State Final Attestation or the Main State Exam.

Even with an eye to some of the shortcomings of the GIA, this exam still remains a fairly effective "measure" of the knowledge of ninth grade students. GIA completely eliminates the possibility of bribery of teachers and, thus, is the guarantor of their impartiality towards students. Therefore, we can safely say that the OGE is not only an assessment certification, but also an anti-corruption exam.

The biggest disadvantage of the GIA is the possibility of hacking the database by skilled hackers and, as a result, information leakage (in this case, the answers to the exam questions). In 2013, such a precedent took place, after which Rosobrnadzor increased the security of databases and is working to prevent the leakage of exam answers to the network.

Changes in GIA-2018

The coming year, according to officials of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, will bring huge changes to the standard and already familiar scheme of state certification for ninth grades. And first of all, innovations will affect the number of exams taken by students.

Starting in 2018, two more will be added to the two required exams. Recall that at the end of the ninth grade, students take Russian language and mathematics without fail. Now they are going to introduce new compulsory subjects. I must say that this will happen in stages, without sudden jumps. In 2017, a third subject will be added to the Russian language and mathematics, and in 2018 there will be four subjects.

It should be noted that innovative officials operate with a calendar year, not an academic year. The third required exam will be added in 2017, that is, in the 2017-2018 academic year, and the fourth in the 2018 or 2018-2019 academic year.

With all this, exams of the student's choice will not be canceled. This means that instead of the usual four exams, students will have to take as many as six exams in - four compulsory subjects and two additional ones. Today's seventh graders should prepare more carefully for passing the GIA - 2018, because certification will be more difficult both in the exam passing procedure and in the procedure for checking the knowledge of schoolchildren.

Mandatory subjects

It is too early to say what subjects will be added to the two required ones. The Ministry of Education has not yet released any official information about the upcoming changes. Be that as it may, some representatives of relevant departments expressed their thoughts on possible mandatory exams, which will add to the two already available.

History: of course, everyone should know the history of their state. For many years, they have been trying to make history the third compulsory subject of the GIA, not to mention adding history to the number.

Social Studies: students and parents make their proposals for a compulsory examination in favor of social studies. Most likely, the whole point is in the simplicity of passing this subject, because it is not for nothing that social studies are chosen additional exam the choice of almost 50% of schoolchildren.

Physics: oddly enough, the students themselves proposed to add physics to the number of compulsory subjects of the GIA. Teachers support them, believing that knowledge of physics is necessary not only for schoolchildren who are going to move in this direction in the future, but also for those who are more inclined towards the humanities.

Biology: this subject is the least popular among students. It is this fact that may serve as a reason for the inclusion of biology in the number of mandatory exams for ninth grade students.

Date of delivery of the GIA

The date on which the Main State Exam will take place in 2018 has not yet been determined. But, based on the experience of past years, we can safely conclude that GIA - 2018 will be held in two stages.

Students will be able to take exams on key dates and ahead of schedule. The early deadline for the delivery of the GIA often begins in the twenties of April, and the main one - in May-June. If necessary, students can retake exams in September.