Let's prepare a non-Newtonian liquid and get acquainted with its unusual properties. What is a non-Newtonian fluid? Examples and experiments Newtonian fluid in a wheel


Let me introduce the young expert Stas. He loves to experiment and learn new things in his home laboratory.

Today, especially for readers of Entertaining Science, he will tell you about the properties of non-Newtonian liquids. Please love and respect. Word to Stas.

Liquid is found everywhere in the world around us. The properties of liquids are familiar to everyone, and any person interacting with them can, to one degree or another, predict how any liquid will behave in a particular situation.

Liquids, the properties of which we are accustomed to observing in daily use, obey Newton's law, are called Newtonian.

Newtonian fluid, viscous fluid, fluid that obeys Newton's law of viscous friction in its flow .

Back at the end of the 17th century, the great physicist Newton noticed that rowing oars quickly is much harder than if you do it slowly. And then he formulated a law according to which the viscosity of a liquid increases in proportion to the force exerted on it.

do not obey the laws of ordinary liquids, these liquids change their density and viscosity when exposed to physical force, not only by mechanical force, but even sound waves. The stronger the impact on an ordinary liquid, the faster it will flow and change its shape. If we act on a non-Newtonian liquid with mechanical forces, we will get a completely different effect; the liquid will begin to take on the properties solids and behave like a solid, the bond between the molecules of the liquid will increase with increasing force on it. The viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids increases as the fluid flow rate decreases. Typically, such liquids are highly heterogeneous and consist of large molecules that form complex spatial structures.

To study this interesting topic I was let down by a visit to the popular science exhibition “Touch the Science”, where one of the experiments was devoted to non-Newtonian liquids. The experiment made a great impression on me and I wanted to learn more about the amazing properties of liquids that contradict the laws of physics.

At home, I was able to not only repeat what I saw, but also study it in more detail. this phenomenon, conduct many additional experiments and come up with your own ways of using this liquid.

One of the experiments I conducted was an experiment with starch water.

Solid liquid.

I took equal parts of starch and water and mixed until smooth and viscous. After that I got a mixture similar to sour cream.

But the difference between this mixture and an ordinary liquid is that it can be both solid and liquid at the same time. When applied smoothly, the mixture is liquid, but if you take it in your hand and squeeze it forcefully, you can form a lump out of it, a “snowball,” which will immediately “melt.”

Conclusion: If this liquid is subjected to force, it acquires the properties of a solid.

You can even run on this liquid, but if you slow down the action, the person immediately plunges into the liquid.

The properties of this liquid will soon be used for temporary repair of road potholes.

What happens to non-Newtonian fluids?

Starch particles swell in water and form contacts in the form of chaotically intertwined molecules.

These strong connections are called links. Under a sharp impact, strong bonds do not allow the molecules to budge, and the system reacts to external influences like an elastic spring. With slow action, the hooks have time to stretch and unravel. The mesh breaks and the molecules disperse.

Young scientists, dear parents, respected grandparents. Today Stas showed and told you about an unusual liquid that has amazing properties and can be called a “solid liquid”. Did you like it? Then go to the “Experiments” section. There you will find experiments, tricks and experiments to your liking. Those that you can make at home and surprise everyone. And for you and your children, we have opened a new section “PocheMuk”. In it we answer the most interesting insidious and tricky scientific questions- write to us.

I'm really looking forward to your comments and photos of experiments!

Your Stas

Come to my Laboratory!

Newtonian fluid– this is a special, extremely incomprehensible and amazing substance. The mystery of such a liquid lies in the fact that when exposed to a strong force, it resists like a solid body, while at the same time, when exposed slowly, it acquires liquid properties.

In general, it would be correct to call such a liquid non-Newtonian, since, unlike the homogeneous Newtonian one, it has a heterogeneous structure and consists of large molecules.

So, Newtonian fluid: how to make interesting entertainment out of it?

  1. In order to see the amazing properties of Newtonian fluid you need mix starch (250 g.) and water (100 g.) in a deep plate;
  2. It is necessary to mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  3. After this, you can try to roll a small ball from the resulting liquid. If you roll the ball very quickly, it will be harder and stronger. If you stop rolling such a ball, it will spread over your hand.
  4. If you carefully lower your finger into a Newtonian fluid, it will enter inside it without resistance, but if you sharply hit its surface with your fist, it will meet a firm resistance.
  5. If such a mixture is poured onto a tray and placed on a speaker from which loud music is playing, this will cause the surface of the mass to begin to move irregularly, as if it were dancing. If you add food colors of different colors to it, you will be able to see the dance of colored tubes in the form of worms.

Among other things, you can make an interesting multi-colored one for children. smart plasticine. To do this you need to take:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. Food coloring in different colors;
  3. Sodium tetrabarate.


  • Pour PVA glue (100 grams) into a deep bowl;
  • Then you need to add food coloring and mix everything;
  • After this, you need to add sodium tetrabarate and mix until a dense, homogeneous mass.

To delight the children, you can also prepare colorful rubber slime, which has the properties of a Newtonian fluid.

To do this you need:

  1. PVA glue – ¼ cup;
  2. Water – ¼ cup;
  3. Food coloring;
  4. Liquid starch - 1/3 cup.


  1. Pour liquid starch into a small bag;
  2. Then pour a little dye there;
  3. After this, you need to add PVA glue;
  4. Mix thoroughly and remove the finished slime from the bag.

Now we know how to make Newtonian fluid and create various miracles from it.

What are non-Newtonian fluids? Examples can probably be found even in your refrigerator, but the most obvious example of a scientific miracle is considered to be fluid and solid at the same time thanks to suspended particles.

About viscosity

Sir argued that viscosity, or a fluid's resistance to flow, depends on temperature. So, for example, water can turn into ice and back precisely under the influence of heating or cooling elements. However, some substances existing in the world change viscosity due to the application of force, and not due to changes in temperature. Interestingly, the ubiquitous tomato sauce, which becomes thinner with prolonged stirring, is considered a non-Newtonian liquid. Cream, on the other hand, thickens when whipped. These substances do not care about temperature - the viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids changes due to physical impact.


For those who are interested in applied science or simply want to amaze their guests and friends with an incredibly simple and at the same time incredibly exciting scientific experiment, a special recipe for colloidal starch solution has been created. A real non-Newtonian liquid, made with your own hands from literally two ordinary culinary ingredients, will amaze both schoolchildren and students with its consistency. All you need is starch and clean water, and the end result is a unique substance that is both a liquid and a solid.


  • Place about a quarter packet of cornstarch in a clean bowl and slowly pour in about a half cup of water. Stir. Sometimes it is more convenient to prepare colloidal starch solution directly with your hands.
  • Continue adding starch and water in small portions until you have a consistency similar to honey. This is a future non-Newtonian fluid. How to make it homogeneous if all attempts to mix it evenly end in failure? Do not worry; just spend more time on the process. As a result, you will likely use one to two cups of water per package of cornstarch. Note that the substance becomes more dense as you add more powder to it.
  • Pour the resulting substance into a frying pan or baking dish. Take a closer look at its unusual consistency as the “solid” liquid pours down. Stir the substance in a circle with your index finger - slowly at first, then faster and faster until you have an amazing non-Newtonian liquid.


Both for the purpose of scientific knowledge and just for fun, you can try the following experiments:

  • Run your finger over the surface of the resulting clot. Did you notice anything?
  • Dip your entire hand into the mysterious substance and try to squeeze it with your fingers and pull it out of the container.
  • Try rolling the substance in your palms to form a ball.
  • You can even slap the clot with your palm as hard as you can. The spectators present will probably scatter to the sides, expecting that they will now be sprayed with starch solution, however unusual substance will remain in the container. (Unless, of course, you spared starch.)
  • Video bloggers offer a spectacular experiment. For it you will need a music speaker, which should be carefully covered with thick cling film in several layers. Pour the solution onto the film and play music at high volume. You will be able to observe stunning visual effects that are only possible with this unique composition.

If you are performing an experiment in the laboratory in front of schoolchildren or students, ask them why a non-Newtonian fluid behaves the way it does. Why does it feel like a solid when you squeeze it in your hand, but flow like syrup when you open your fingers? Once the discussion is over, you can place the clot in a large plastic zip-lock bag to store it for next time. It will be useful to you to demonstrate the properties of the suspension.

The Mystery of Substance

Why does a colloidal starch solution behave like a solid in some cases and like a liquid in others? In fact, you created a real non-Newtonian fluid - a substance that rejects the law of viscosity.

Newton believed that the viscosity of a substance changes only as a result of an increase or decrease in temperature. For example, motor oil flows easily when heated and becomes particularly thick when cooled. Strictly speaking, non-Newtonian liquids also obey this physical law, but their viscosity can also be changed by applying force or pressure. When you squeeze a colloidal clot in your hand, its density increases significantly, and (even if temporarily) it seems to turn into a solid. When you unclench your fist, the colloidal solution flows like a normal liquid.

Things to keep in mind

The irony is that it is impossible to mix starch with water forever, since as a result of the experiment you do not get a homogeneous substance, but a suspension. Over time, the powder particles will separate from the water molecules and form a hard lump at the bottom of your plastic bag. It is for this reason that such a non-Newtonian liquid instantly clogs the sewer pipes if you simply take it and pour it into the sink. Do not pour it down the drain under any circumstances - it is better to pack it in a bag and simply throw it into the garbage chute.

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  • Participant: Verkholamova Maria Denisovna
  • Head: Andreeva Yulia Vyacheslavovna
The purpose of the work is to find out the features and some properties of non-Newtonian fluids and the possibilities of their use in road repairs.


This work is devoted to unusual liquids, those that are not studied in school courses physics and chemistry, but which have amazing properties and are very interesting to study: under small loads they are soft, fluid and elastic, and under large loads they become hard and very elastic. These fluids are called non-Newtonian.

The first works on the properties of non-Newtonian fluids appeared in the 50s of the last century and were associated with the development of biomechanics, bionics, biohydrodynamics, Food Industry. The widespread use of polymer and nanopowder additives in a wide range of applied fluid dynamics problems has now renewed interest in non-Newtonian fluids.

The most famous examples of such liquids are: quicksand and well-known milk rivers from Russian fairy tales - jelly banks. Quicksand is dangerous because it can suck in everything that gets into it. Stand on such sand and you will begin to sink in it, but if you quickly hit the quicksand, it will immediately harden. (Figure 5)

Rice. 5. Quicksand

The properties of non-Newtonian liquids are studied by the science of rheology (from the Greek rheos - flow, flow and logos - word, doctrine), a science that studies the deformation properties of real bodies, the science of deformation and fluidity of matter. Rheology examines the mechanical stresses acting on a body and the deformations they cause. The term “rheology” was introduced by the American chemist Eugene Bingham. Officially, the term “rheology” was adopted at the 3rd Symposium on Plasticity (1929, USA), but certain principles of rheology were established long before that.

Rheology is closely intertwined with fluid mechanics, theories of elasticity, plasticity and creep. Rheology is based on Isaac Newton's laws on resistance to the movement of a viscous fluid, the Navier-Stokes equations for the movement of an incompressible viscous fluid, the work of J. Maxwell, W. Thomson, etc. Significant contributions were made by Russian scientists: D. I. Mendeleev, N. P. Petrov, F.N. Shvedov and Soviet scientists P.A. Rebinder, M.P. Volarovich, G.V. Vinogradov and others.

Problems of rheology have to be encountered in technology when developing technology for various production processes, during design work and design calculations related to a wide variety of materials: metals (especially when high temperatures), composite materials, polymer systems (melts, solutions, composite materials, rubber), petroleum products, clays and other soils, rocks, building materials (concrete, bitumen, silicates, etc.), dispersed systems (foams, emulsions, suspensions, powders, pastes) food products, etc. A subsection of rheology - biorheology studies the mechanical properties of biological fluids (blood, synovial, pleural fluids) and the deformation properties of muscles and blood vessels in humans and animals.

Therefore, from a practical point of view, research in this area is relevant and absolutely necessary. From a purely scientific point of view, the study of non-Newtonian fluids is also very interesting and relevant, since even in simple flows they can exhibit behavior that is qualitatively different from the behavior of an ordinary Newtonian fluid.

The problematic question that the author of the work poses is: can a car move and a person walk on the surface of any liquid?

Research hypothesis: there are liquids on the surface of which a person can walk or a car can drive, but these are liquids with special properties, the properties of these liquids differ from the properties, for example, of water.

Goal of the work– find out the features and some properties of non-Newtonian fluids and the possibilities of their use in road repairs.

Research objectives:

  1. Find definitions and descriptions of non-Newtonian fluids in information sources.
  2. Conduct a survey of senior schoolchildren and adults regarding their awareness of non-Newtonian liquids.
  3. Describe the properties of non-Newtonian fluids and their differences from Newtonian fluids.
  4. Find out the classification of non-Newtonian liquids.
  5. Find recipes for making non-Newtonian liquids and make them.
  6. Conduct an experimental study of some properties of non-Newtonian liquids by taking photographs.
  7. To find out the possibilities of short-term use of non-Newtonian fluids in road repairs

Research methods:

  1. Theoretical research using relevant literature and Internet resources.
  2. Comparative analysis mechanical properties of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids.
  3. Experimental studies of the properties of non-Newtonian liquids: an aqueous solution of starch, handgam (“smart plasticine”), etc.
  4. Visual observations followed by photographs.
  5. Questioning.

Relevance The work is that there is negligible research into the properties of a non-Newtonian fluid, and a substance that contains the properties of both a liquid and a solid can be used in many areas of life - and in the main one - solving road problems.

Part 1

1.1. Characteristics of the liquid state

The liquid state is usually considered intermediate between a solid and a gas: a gas retains neither volume nor shape, but a solid retains both.

Liquid is a state of matter in which it can change shape indefinitely under external mechanical influence, even very small, while practically maintaining its volume. A liquid does not have such a strong internal connection between particles as a solid body does to resist the influence of external forces (for example, gravity), therefore the same gravity does not smear a steel knife lying on a table on it, but presses water into a glass, forcing her to take his form. This property of liquids is called fluidity.

Another important property of liquids, which makes them similar to gases, is viscosity. It is defined as the ability to resist the movement of one part of a liquid relative to another.

When adjacent layers of particles (molecules) that make up a liquid move relative to each other, a collision of particles inevitably occurs, and forces arise that inhibit their orderly movement. Wherein kinetic energy the ordered movement of particles turns into heat - heat is released, which is similar to the result of the action of dry friction forces when the rubbing surfaces heat up. Therefore, viscosity was also called, by analogy with solids, viscous friction forces.

The effect of viscous friction forces can be easily seen by stirring, for example, water in a pan. Stirring with a spoon around a circle of small radius, in the center of the pan, we notice that at first only the center of the water lens rotates, and then, gradually, more and more outer layers of liquid begin to be involved in the rotation - and they are involved due to the friction of layers of water molecules against each other friend. The higher the viscosity of the stirred liquid, the more strength you have to apply it to the spoon, and the more easily the outer layers are involved in the movement.

All liquids have viscosity (except for the superfluid fraction of liquid helium), and it is different for everyone. Liquefied gases are very fluid; liquids are room temperature also not too viscous. Complex liquid systems - gels, emulsions or suspensions, including liquids with extremely high viscosity - glasses and amorphous solids have the highest viscosity. The viscosity of glass is so high that when subjected to mechanical action on glass, it will prefer to have a broken structure rather than displace the layers of its molecules relative to each other - and burst, instead of leaking. At the same time, if you look, for example, at an old window glass that is already several (at least five) decades old, you will notice that the glass sheet has an unequal thickness at the top and bottom. This suggests that the glass still flows, but monstrously slowly.

All viscous liquids are divided into Newtonian and non-Newtonian.

1.2. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids

If in a moving fluid its viscosity depends only on its nature and temperature and does not depend on the velocity gradient (the gradient is the direction of the fastest increase of a certain value, in in this case speed), then such fluids are called Newtonian. Real fluids can be Newtonian or non-Newtonian. In Newtonian fluids, when one layer of fluid moves relative to another, the magnitude of the shear stress is proportional to the shear rate. At relative rest, these stresses are zero.

This pattern was established by Newton in 1686, which is why these liquids (water, oil, gasoline, kerosene, glycerin, etc.) are called Newtonian liquids. Non-Newtonian fluids do not have great mobility and differ from Newtonian fluids by the presence of tangential stresses (internal friction) at rest.

Most of the liquids we are used to dealing with are Newtonian: water, aqueous solutions, petroleum products, acetone, etc. In laminar shear flow of fluid between two plane-parallel plates, the upper of which moves at a constant speed v under force F, and the lower one is motionless, the layers of liquid move at different speeds - from maximum at the upper plate to zero at the lower one. The flow of Newtonian fluids obeys the Newton-Petrov equation, that is, the tangential stress and velocity gradient are linearly dependent, and the proportionality coefficient η between these quantities is known as viscosity:

τ =F/S,

where τ is tangential stress (friction stress); F- internal friction force; S- surface area of ​​contacting layers of liquid.

When the liquid is heterogeneous, for example, it consists of large molecules forming complex spatial structures, then during its flow the viscosity depends on the velocity gradient. Such fluids are called non-Newtonian. In the SI system, viscosity values ​​η are expressed in Pa s. For gases, η is usually from 1 to 100 μPa s, for water at 20°C 1 mPa s, for most low-molecular liquids up to 10 Pa s.

Non-Newtonian fluids do not obey the laws of ordinary fluids. These liquids change their density and viscosity when exposed to physical force, not only by mechanical force, but even by sound waves.

If you act mechanically on an ordinary liquid, then the greater the impact on it, the greater the shift between the planes of the liquid, in other words, the stronger the impact on the liquid, the faster it will flow and change its shape.

If we act on a non-Newtonian liquid with mechanical forces, we will get a completely different effect, the liquid will begin to take on the properties of solids and behave like a solid, the connection between the molecules of the liquid will increase with increasing force on it, as a result we will be faced with the physical difficulty of moving the layers of such liquids. The viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids increases as the fluid flow rate decreases.

For example, water solution starch behaves differently depending on exposure.

If you act on it sharply, strongly, quickly, it exhibits properties close to the properties of solids (Fig. 1), and when exposed slowly it becomes a liquid and flows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Quick effect on starch

Rice. 2. Slow effect on starch

1.3. Classification of non-Newtonian fluids

Known classifications of non-Newtonian fluids are based on empirical equations relating viscosity and strain rate. These equations are used to construct fluid flow curves (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3 Fluid flow curves:
1 - nonlinear viscoplastic, 2 - viscoplastic, 3 - pseudoplastic, 4 - Newtonian, 5 - dilatant

According to the Newton-Petrov equation, the flow curve of Newtonian fluids, that is, the graph of the dependence of tangential stress on the velocity gradient, is a straight line extending from the origin (in Figure 3, line No. 4). The slope of this line is proportional to the viscosity of the Newtonian fluid.

Non-Newtonian, or anomalous, are fluids whose flow does not obey Newton’s law; for them, tangential stresses are expressed by more complex relationships than the Newton-Petrov equation. There are many such fluids that are anomalous from a hydraulic point of view. They are widely used in oil, chemical, processing and other industries.

Non-Newtonian fluids are divided into three main groups:

  • non-Newtonian viscous fluids;
  • non-Newtonian non-rheostable liquids;
  • non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluids.

The first group includes viscous (or stationary) non-Newtonian fluids, the characteristics of which do not depend on time. Based on the type of flow curves, the following fluids of this group are distinguished: Bingham (or viscoplastic), pseudoplastic and dilatant.

Bingham or viscoplastic (curve 2) liquids begin to flow only after applying a stress exceeding the yield strength. In this case, the structure of the plastic liquid is destroyed, and it behaves like Newtonian. Bingham liquids include thick suspensions (various pastes and sludges, oil paints, etc.).

Pseudoplastic liquids (curve 3) are most widespread in the group of non-Newtonian liquids under consideration. These include solutions of polymers, cellulose and suspensions with an asymmetric particle structure, etc.

Pseudoplastic fluids, like Newtonian ones, begin to flow at the lowest values ​​of τ (friction stress).

Dilatant liquids (curve 5) contain a liquid phase in an amount that allows them to fill the voids between the particles of the solid phase at rest or at a very slow flow. As the speed increases, the particles of the solid phase move relative to each other faster, the friction forces between the particles increase, and the apparent viscosity increases. Dilatant liquids include suspensions of starch, potassium silicate, various adhesives, etc.

Nonlinear viscoplastic fluids (curve 1) begin to move as soon as the shear stress exceeds the static stress. Further, with an increase in the velocity gradient, the friction stress in the liquid increases nonlinearly to a value at which the destruction of the structure ends. After this, the behavior of the liquid does not differ from Newtonian. Blood belongs to this group of fluids.

The second group of non-rheostable liquids includes non-Newtonian liquids, the characteristics of which depend on time. These liquids are divided into thixotropic (the apparent viscosity of which decreases with time) and rheopectic (the apparent viscosity of which increases with time).

Thixotropic liquids include many dyes, some food products (yogurt, kefir, ketchup sauce, gelatin solutions, mayonnaise, mustard, honey), shaving cream, etc., the viscosity of which decreases when shaken.

Rheopectic liquids include suspensions of bentonite clays and some colloidal solutions.

The third group includes viscoelastic or Maxwellian fluids. The apparent viscosity of these liquids decreases under the influence of stress, after the removal of which the liquid partially restores its shape. This type of liquid includes some resins and pastes with a dough-like consistency.

1.4. Applications of non-Newtonian fluids

In military production

These liquids are very popular in the world. In the USA, based on these liquids, the Department of Defense began producing body armor for the military (Appendix. Fig. 4). These bulletproof vests have better characteristics than conventional ones, as they are lighter in weight and easier to manufacture. The material from which body armor is made is called d3o. The d3o material, developed by the American company of the same name, belongs to dilatant non-Newtonian liquids. In fact, d3o behaves like well-chilled caramel, only even more sensitive to stress.

Rice. 4 Body armor from d3o

If you press the d3o gently, that is, with a slight increase in pressure, it is elastic, like latex, you can roll balls and sausages out of it, like plasticine. However, with a sharp increase in the gradient of the deformation rate, it is not possible to compensate for the friction between the particles and, accordingly, ensure their drift relative to each other, as a result of which an instantaneous rigid structure is formed in d3o, caused by the usual, dry friction between the particles - it is this that ensures the abrupt change in viscosity , apparent hardening of the material. As soon as such a sharp load is removed, d3o will relax and will be soft and elastic again.

Last on this moment a successful “liquid armor” project was created by the English branch of BAE Systems. Their composition Shear Thickening Liquid (working name bulletproof cream) appeared in 2010 and is planned for use not in its own form, but in combination with Kevlar sheets. For obvious reasons, BAE Systems does not disclose the composition of its non-Newtonian fluid for body armor, however, knowing physics, certain conclusions can be drawn. Most likely, this is an aqueous solution of some substance(s) that has the most suitable viscosity characteristics at strong blows. In the Shear Thickening Liquid project, things finally came to the creation of a full-fledged body armor, albeit an experimental one. With the same thickness as a 30-layer Kevlar vest, the “liquid” vest has three times fewer layers of synthetic fabric and half the weight. In terms of protection, the “liquid body armor” with STL gel has almost the same protection as 30-layer Kevlar. The difference in the number of fabric sheets is compensated by special polymer bags with non-Newtonian gel. Back in 2010, testing of a ready-made experimental gel-based body armor began. For this purpose, experimental and control samples were fired upon. The 9mm bullets of the 9x19mm Luger cartridge were fired from a special air gun with a muzzle velocity of about 300 m/s, which is somewhat similar to most types of firearms chambered for this cartridge. The protection characteristics of the experimental and control body armor turned out to be approximately the same.

In the automotive industry

Non-Newtonian fluids are also used in the automotive industry. Synthetic motor oils based on non-Newtonian fluids reduce their viscosity by several tens of times as engine speed increases, while reducing friction in engines.

Magnetic fine non-Newtonian liquids, another representative of this miracle of nature. They consist of finely dispersed magnetite crystals suspended in synthetic oil, when exposed to such a liquid magnetic field, the liquid increases its density by 100 times, but still remains flexible. These liquids are used in the latest technologies for depreciation of certain elements of transport equipment or mechanical machines.

Rheological studies allow solving applied hydrodynamic problems - transport of non-Newtonian fluids through pipelines, flow of polymers, food products, building materials in processing equipment, movement of drilling fluids in formations, etc.

The use of highly dispersed adsorbents, for example diatomite, with substances adsorbed on their surface that are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with the adsorbents (alcohols, higher fatty acid, amines). Suspensions are used as a working fluid in hydraulic systems, in the form of thin films in brake and other devices, incl. in gearboxes, torsional vibration generators, etc.

In the oil industry

The use of specific rheological effects is also of practical interest. Thus, small polymer additives to water and petroleum products impart new rheological properties to the liquid, due to which the hydraulic resistance during turbulent flow is sharply reduced (Toms effect).

Non-Newtonian liquids have a number of features. For example, they have memory. The fact is that the time characteristic of the process of rearrangement of long molecules may exceed the time required to observe the flow of liquid. The flow does not have time to rearrange itself, there is a delay effect, which means a memory effect. Amazing properties of non-Newtonian liquids. Moving in a pipe, the liquid experiences frictional force against its surface, as a result of which kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy. Therefore, reducing the friction force is an important technical problem. As it turns out, adding a small amount of polymer to a liquid significantly reduces the friction force. This effect is used when pumping oil through long pipelines.

In navigation and firefighting

As little as 20 ppm of polyox (long chain polymer) can reduce the frictional force of turbulent pipe flow by 50%! In the 50s, American firefighters began adding polymer additives to the liquid flowing from the fire nozzle, and the length of the jet increased by one and a half times. Polymer additives in lubricants increase the service life of machines and devices. It is possible to increase the speed of a ship by injecting small amounts of a polymer solution near its bow. There is a hypothesis that dolphins and other inhabitants of the seas and oceans also “use” the Toms effect to reduce hydrodynamic resistance.

In cosmetology

To ensure that cosmetics stick to the skin, they are made viscous, whether it is liquid foundation, lip gloss, eyeliner, mascara, lotions, or nail polish. The viscosity for each product is selected individually, depending on the purpose for which it is intended. Lip gloss, for example, should be viscous enough to stay on the lips for a long time, but not too viscous, otherwise those who use it will feel unpleasantly sticky on the lips. In the mass production of cosmetics, special substances called viscosity modifiers are used. In home cosmetics, various oils and wax are used for the same purposes.

In shower gels, the viscosity is adjusted so that they remain on the body long enough to wash away dirt, but not longer than necessary, otherwise the person will feel dirty again. Typically the viscosity of the finished cosmetic product changed artificially by adding viscosity modifiers.

The highest viscosity is for ointments. The viscosity of creams is lower, and lotions are the least viscous. Thanks to this, lotions lie on the skin in a thinner layer than ointments and creams, and have a refreshing effect on the skin. Compared to more viscous cosmetics, they are pleasant to use even in summer, although they need to be rubbed in harder and have to be reapplied more often, as they do not stay on the skin for long. Creams and ointments stay on the skin longer than lotions and are more moisturizing. They are especially good to use in winter when there is less moisture in the air. In cold weather, when the skin dries and cracks, products such as body butter, for example, are something between an ointment and a cream. Ointments take much longer to absorb and leave the skin oily, but they remain on the body much longer. Therefore, they are often used in medicine.

Whether the buyer liked the viscosity of a cosmetic product often determines whether he will choose this product in the future. That is why cosmetics manufacturers spend a lot of effort to obtain the optimal viscosity, which should appeal to most buyers. The same manufacturer often produces a product for the same purpose, such as shower gel, in different versions and with different viscosities so that consumers have choice. During production, the recipe is strictly followed to ensure the viscosity meets the standards

In cooking

To improve the presentation of dishes, to make food more appetizing and to make it easier to eat, viscous food products are used in cooking. Products with a high viscosity, such as sauces, are very convenient to spread on other products, like bread. They are also used to hold layers of food in place. In a sandwich, butter, margarine, or mayonnaise is used for these purposes - then cheese, meat, fish or vegetables do not slide off the bread. In salads, especially multilayer ones, mayonnaise and other viscous sauces are also often used to help these salads keep their shape. The most famous examples such salads - herring under a fur coat and Olivier. If you use olive oil instead of mayonnaise or other viscous sauce, then vegetables and other foods will not hold their shape. Viscous products with their ability to hold their shape are also used to decorate dishes. For example, the yogurt or mayonnaise in the photograph not only remains in the shape it was given, but also supports the decorations that were placed on it. (Fig.6)

Rice. 6. Honey is a non-Newtonian fluid

In medicine

In medicine, it is necessary to be able to determine and control blood viscosity, since high viscosity contributes to a number of health problems. Compared to blood of normal viscosity, thick and viscous blood does not move well through the blood vessels, which limits the flow of nutrients and oxygen to organs and tissues, and even to the brain. If tissues do not receive enough oxygen, they die, so high viscosity blood can damage both tissue and internal organs. Not only are the parts of the body that need the most oxygen damaged, but also those that take the longest for blood to reach, that is, the extremities, especially the fingers and toes. With frostbite, for example, the blood becomes more viscous, carries insufficient oxygen to the arms and legs, especially the tissue of the fingers, and in severe cases tissue death occurs.

2. Experimental study of the properties of non-Newtonian liquids

2.1. Survey results

In order to find out the prevalence of knowledge about the existence of non-Newtonian liquids, the author of the work conducted a survey of students in grades 7–11, teachers and employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 15”.

  1. Do you think a person can walk on the surface of water?
  2. Can a person walk on the surface of any other liquid?
  3. If yes, what kind of liquid is it?

None of the respondents named non-Newtonian liquids, which indicates a lack of knowledge about liquids of this kind.

But intuitively, 50% of the schoolchildren surveyed understood that such liquids exist and 78% of respondents are sure that it is not water. 17% of the students surveyed are very close to understanding how one can move on the surface of a liquid and what it should be like: move very quickly, and the liquid should be very viscous. And unexpectedly the answer “jelly” turned out to be very close to the truth.

The results of the survey of adults showed approximately the same picture as the results of schoolchildren. The majority of adult respondents are confident that walking on water and other liquids is prohibited (73% negative answers to question 1 and 60% to the second). 27% assume that such liquids exist: they are viscous liquids with high density.

The results of the survey convincingly showed that this work will be of interest not only to schoolchildren, but also to adults. I plan to present the results of my research at school physics and mathematics week.

2.2. Experiments with starch milk

Reagents: potato starch, water.

Utensils: deep cup, metal stick.


Starch was poured into a cup. Pour in a small amount of water and stir with a metal rod (a glass rod is not suitable due to its fragility). The ratio of starch and water is approximately 1x1. Stir until a homogeneous liquid mass is obtained.

  1. Slowly lowered your finger into the cup; when moving back, it remained covered with liquid.
  2. They sharply hit the liquid with their finger, the finger stopped right on the surface of the solution, without penetrating inside. The faster and harder you try to break through the upper “membrane”, the more resistance you get in return. If you make a large reservoir and fill it with a starch solution, then you can walk on the surface of such a liquid!
  3. Slowly lower your thumb and forefinger into the liquid, then when you squeeze them quickly, you get a hard lump between your fingers. It is not the starch that has frozen, it is the non-Newtonian liquid that exhibits its properties.
  4. They dipped all their fingers into the liquid (this turned out to be difficult, we had to immerse them slowly), and then they sharply pulled the fingers out of the cup, but they couldn’t pull the fingers out of the liquid, the liquid rises after the fingers along with the cup!
  5. They poured the starch solution from one cup to another, raising it higher, and saw that the liquid was pouring from above, and below it became harder, falling in lumps, which then spread!
  6. They placed a wooden plank on the surface of the liquid and hammered a nail into it loosely. If this process took place in water, then the board would sink upon impact, and it would not be possible to hammer the nail.
  7. Rolling balls from an aqueous starch solution. The starch solution is poured into the hand, it lies in a puddle in the palm. With quick movements, they rolled the solution into a ball. While we roll the ball, there will be a solid ball of liquid in our hands, and the faster and stronger we influence it, the denser and harder the ball will be. As soon as we unclench our hands, the hitherto hard ball will immediately spread over our hand. This is due to the fact that, after the influence on it ceases, the liquid will again take on the properties of the liquid phase.
  8. Exposure of starch solution to sound. The loudspeaker speaker was placed horizontally. A plastic film was laid over the speaker recess of the loudspeaker. A starch solution was poured into the cavity. They let the sound through the speaker. It was observed that disturbances appeared on the smooth surface of the liquid, which changed shape and size depending on the volume and frequency of the sound.

Conclusion from a series of experiments: the viscosity of starch milk (non-Newtonian liquid) depends on mechanical influences, including vibration (sound). The higher the exposure speed, the greater the viscosity.

2.3. Observation of the "Cahier effect"

In 1963, English engineer Alan Kaye conducted experiments using non-Newtonian fluids and observed interesting phenomena. The scientist noticed that if a liquid is poured from a small height into the same liquid or into a liquid with the same density and viscosity, then the stream does not dissolve in the liquid, but seems to bounce off itself. This phenomenon was called the “Cahier effect” (or “Kaye effect”).

Reagents: shampoo in a bottle.

Dishes: deep wide cup, metal plate.


  1. Place the cup on a flat surface and pour shampoo into it in a 3 cm layer.
  2. Shampoo was poured from the bottle into the cup in a thin stream from a height of 20-25 cm from the surface of the cup. As the liquid fell from a height of 20 cm down into a similar liquid, we observed that a stream of liquid falling down began to bounce off the surface of the liquid below. A small bump forms at the point where the stream falls. After the stream rebounds, the tubercle disappears. The effect had a very short duration. It is known that this phenomenon is caused by the viscosity of the liquid, but the exact reasons for its occurrence are not yet clear. Several explanations for this effect have been found.
    1) A liquid jump can be caused by a sharp change in the viscosity of the stream at the moment when it hits the surface of the liquid. Fluids that exhibit the Kay effect are thixotropic, meaning their viscosity decreases when subjected to shear deformation. In a falling stream, the viscosity of the liquid is quite high. When the liquid hits a bump on the surface, a sharp change in speed leads to large shear strains, and the viscosity of the liquid decreases. Since the liquid is also elastic, the stream bounces off the tubercle.
    2) Penetrating into the liquid in the cup, the stream carries a supply of kinetic energy, and since the liquid has high density and viscosity, and according to the law of conservation of energy, the kinetic energy introduced into a balanced system must go somewhere and shoots out the same stream of liquid.
    3) A jet of liquid falling down cannot break through the surface tension of the upper layer and bounces to the side.
    If you place a metal plate under the stream at an angle of approximately 45° and moisten it with the same shampoo, then the stream falling down will fall along an inclined path, bouncing off the plate a couple of times.

2.4. Experiments with “smart plasticine” (or handgam)

Reagents: “smart plasticine” (or “handgam”).

Equipment: plastic or metal tube, hammer.


  1. Spreading of a figure made of “smart plasticine”. A figurine was sculpted from “smart plasticine” (or handgam). We observed: the figure quickly “floats”, loses its shape and spreads out.
  2. Fluidity of “smart plasticine”. “Smart plasticine”, if held suspended in your hand, begins to flow slowly.
  3. Swelling of “smart plasticine”. Can a liquid, coming out of a tube through which it is pushed, increase in volume? This does not happen with most fluid substances - the diameter of their jet when exiting the tube is equal to the internal diameter of the tube. However, “smart plasticine” or silicone putty is an exception in this regard. They filled the plasticine tightly into a tube (syringe), held it there for a while, and then began to push it through the tube. We observed: as soon as the putty “crawled” out of the tube, its volume increased noticeably. Explanation. When a viscous elastic fluid leaves a tube that existed in it internal stresses are removed, so it expands.
  4. Breaking “smart plasticine” and “jumping” plasticine.
    1. We hit (strongly and sharply) a block of “smart plasticine” with a hammer, small fragments flew off from it, as if it had broken.
    2. They threw a ball made of plasticine onto the table - it bounced better than a rubber ball, but after such a ball lay for some time, it gradually flattened (spread).
    Explanation. This experiment illustrates the elastic response of a non-Newtonian fluid. Smart plasticine has a very high viscosity, but when stresses are applied slowly, its viscosity decreases. Under sharp shear stresses, the material becomes very elastic.

2.5. Observation of the Weissenberg effect

If a rotating rod is lowered into water in a stationary glass along its axis, then the surface of the water near the walls of the glass is curved upward under the influence of centrifugal force. However, non-Newtonian fluids behave differently.

Reagents: egg white.

Crockery: glass

Equipment: hand drill, metal rod.


  1. The egg white was separated into a glass.
  2. They immersed a rotating rod fixed in a hand drill into the squirrel, and the squirrel behaved strangely: instead of climbing up the walls (as in water), it crawled up the rod. This phenomenon is called the Wessenberg effect. Explanation. When a viscous elastic fluid rotates, the shear of one layer relative to the other creates stresses along the outer boundary of the fluid, which tend to draw the fluid toward the center of rotation. These stresses do not occur in normal (“Newtonian”) fluids. In our experiment, under the influence of these stresses, the liquid collects on the axis of rotation and rises up the rod.

2.6. Viscous fluid flow

Reagents: condensed milk (or honey, liquid chocolate).

Utensils: plate.


  1. Condensed milk was poured from a can into a plate from a height of 5 to 20 cm.
  2. We observed: at some distance from the plate, a stream of liquid begins to wind into rings or fold into folds, forming a “liquid rope”.
    Why do such rings appear?
    Explanation. Falling and hitting the surface of the same liquid in a plate, the stream is compressed, which causes it to bend to the side. Under these conditions the stream cannot break; therefore, if the amount of falling liquid is greater than the liquid below can immediately absorb, then the stream begins to curl.
    We found out that the diameter and speed of “winding” formation are determined by the thickness of the stream: the thicker the stream, the larger the rings or folds, the slower the “winding” occurs.

2.7. Thixotropic margarine.

Reagents: margarine, a piece of bread.

Equipment: knife.


  1. Spread margarine on bread.
  2. We are watching. Margarine is spread under the action of a knife, its viscosity decreases with increasing load. Margarine is an example of a thixotropic liquid.
    Explanation. There is no fundamental explanation yet for why the viscosity of a fluid decreases with shear deformation. The main reason for this is considered to be a change in the molecular configuration of the liquid under the influence of shear. For example, long molecules can orient themselves along lines of flow created by shear. As a result, the viscosity decreases. When the shear force is removed, the molecules restore their previous orientation and the viscosity increases.

2.8. Saving properties

A non-Newtonian fluid has a significant drawback: the liquid loses its properties when water evaporates from it. I conducted a study, as a result of which I found out that the properties last 2-5 days depending on the ambient temperature.

Which is enough to temporarily eliminate potholes on the roads.

Rice. 7. Walking on a non-Newtonian fluid

Use of non-Newtonian fluid in road repairs

Problems with potholes are common in many areas. The problem becomes especially noticeable in the spring – after the snow melts. Exists great amount sites and pages in in social networks, in which car owners complain about the quality of roads. But the main thing is not to complain, but to quickly solve the problem. But the problem cannot always be solved promptly: in the spring, when the snow has not completely melted, in small populated areas, or in cases of non-main roads, courtyards, or in the case of a large number of potholes in different areas of the city. (Figure 8)

Rice. 8. Potholes on the roads

The roadway surface must not have subsidence, potholes, or other damage that impedes movement. Vehicle at the speed permitted by the traffic rules. (clause 3.1.1. GOST R 50597-93)

The maximum permissible damage to the coating, as well as the time frame for their elimination, are given in the table.


  1. Damage values ​​for the spring period are given in brackets
  2. Damage elimination deadlines are indicated for the construction season, determined by weather and climatic conditions given in SNiP 3.06.03 for specific types of work.

Limit sizes of individual subsidences, potholes, etc. should not exceed 15 cm in length, 60 cm in width and 5 cm in depth.

I suggest patching the road surface with waterproof bags filled with non-Newtonian fluid. When external forces do not act on it, it flows like a liquid, but when it has to deal with a body of large mass (or moving at significant speed), it turns into something solid.

This method has the main property of being cheap. In such a “road patch” there is nothing to break, and the load distribution on the underlying surface tends to be ideal (even better than in ordinary asphalt) and as close as possible to the distribution in liquids. Rain will not wash away this patch because it is in a waterproof bag. And the wheels of the car, naturally, will not be able to do anything: not a particle can be separated from the patch bag. (Fig. 9)

Rice. 9. Bag on the pit


As a result of the study, an understanding of some properties of non-Newtonian liquids was obtained. They differ from ordinary Newtonian fluids in the type of dependence of viscosity on the rate of deformation: for Newtonian fluids it is directly proportional, while for non-Newtonian fluids it is more complex, power-law, hence the difference in their properties. An idea of ​​the prevalence of non-Newtonian liquids has been obtained: it turns out that such liquids are found everywhere and their areas of application are quite wide.

Non-Newtonian liquids do not obey the laws of ordinary liquids; these liquids change their density and viscosity when exposed to physical force, not only mechanical impact, but even sound waves. If you act mechanically on an ordinary liquid, the greater the impact on it, the greater the shift between the planes of the liquid, in other words, the stronger the impact on the liquid, the faster it will flow and change its shape. If we act on a non-Newtonian liquid with mechanical forces, we will get a completely different effect; the liquid will begin to take on the properties of solids and behave like a solid.

I proved that you can make a non-Newtonian fluid at home. You can pour the resulting liquid into your hand and try to roll a ball; when we act on the liquid, while we roll the ball, you will have a solid ball of liquid in your hands, and the faster and stronger we influence it, the denser and harder our ball will be. As soon as we unclench our hands, the hitherto hard ball will immediately spread over our hand. This will be due to the fact that, after the influence on it ceases, the liquid will again take on the properties of the liquid phase.

An answer was received to the problematic question that was posed before the start of the study: a person can walk on the surface of non-Newtonian liquids, in particular on the surface of an aqueous solution of starch, and non-Newtonian liquid in reservoirs can be used to temporarily eliminate potholes on the roads.

The research hypothesis was confirmed: There are liquids on the surface of which a person can walk, a car can drive - these are non-Newtonian liquids, these are liquids with special properties that are not the same as those of water.

The goal of the work was achieved: some properties of non-Newtonian liquids were studied using theoretical and experimental methods and their features were clarified.

During the research, the following tasks were solved:

  1. Definitions and descriptions of non-Newtonian liquids are found in information sources.
  2. A survey of high school students and adults was conducted, which revealed the lack of awareness of respondents about non-Newtonian liquids.
  3. The work describes some properties of non-Newtonian liquids and their differences from Newtonian ones, and their classification is given.
  4. It has been found that non-Newtonian liquids surround us everywhere; they are not at all rare or exotic. An aqueous solution of starch is suitable for making a non-Newtonian liquid yourself.
  5. During the work, an experimental study of some properties of non-Newtonian liquids was carried out using photographs.
  6. As a result of the research, a multimedia presentation was created on the topic under study, which can be used as additional material in physics lessons.

Based on the properties of a non-Newtonian fluid, I would like to suggest several ways to use it.

  1. Manufacturing containers for transporting and storing easily breakable glass items (glass, dishes, Christmas decorations and etc.)
  2. The use of non-Newtonian fluid in the manufacture of protective equipment (knee pads, elbow pads, helmets, etc.) for athletes, as well as their use in teaching small children to walk.
  3. I suggest patching the road surface with waterproof bags filled with non-Newtonian fluid. When no external forces act on it, it flows like a liquid, but as soon as a car wheel rolls on it, it instantly turns into a solid substance like asphalt.

Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in Lately arouse active interest not only among scientists, but also ordinary people. This is due to the fact that non-Newtonian fluid is easy to make with your own hands and is suitable for home experiments. First, let's figure out what kind of substances these are. Newtonian fluid obeys Newton's law of viscous friction, which is why it got its name. According to this law, the tangential stress in the planes of contact between layers of liquid is directly proportional to the derivative of the velocity of its flow in the direction of the normal to these planes.

It sounds quite complicated, but it will be more clear to the reader if we say that Newtonian fluid is water, oil and most of the fluid substances we are used to in our daily use, that is, those that retain their state of aggregation, no matter what you do with them (unless we are talking about evaporation or freezing, of course). But if the dependence described in the definition above is inversely proportional, we can talk about a non-Newtonian fluid.

Such a liquid is always heterogeneous; it contains large molecules that collect in crystal lattices, therefore, viscosity directly depends on the flow rate of the compound. The higher the speed, the greater the viscosity. Partially, this type of substance includes thixotropic liquids, that is, those that change viscosity over time, for example, putty or chocolate. Also, some scientists are inclined to consider blood a substance that does not act according to Newton’s laws of viscous friction, because it is a heterogeneous liquid, it is a suspension of plasma and many blood cells. Any doctor will confirm that it can vary in different areas vascular system, which is often a pathology. However, not every substance is in principle capable of such metamorphoses.

Can be prepared at home very easily. You need to take 1.5 parts starch (ideally corn starch, but potato starch will do) and one part water. The ingredients should be mixed slowly so that there are no lumps. Ideally, you would spread it out in a fairly thin layer on the baking sheet, but of course you can experience any interactions. Try quickly scooping up the liquid with your fingers and it will look and feel like a frozen plastic mass. Relax your fingers and the liquid will drain. Newtonian fluid is not capable of such tricks! You can take a handful of the substance and start throwing it up. Very soon it will become viscous and plastic, and therefore it will seem to dance in your palms - this is a very interesting sight! Roll the liquid into a ball, it will be elastic and pleasant, but as soon as you relax your palm, it will spread. It's fun to add colors to it to play with the kids. Some go further and even try to run through a non-Newtonian fluid, roll objects through it, etc., but for such experiments, of course, much more material is needed than for home experiments. You can find many video reports and continue to explore the fascinating world of physics.