What are the main representative systems of a person. Digital Representative Perception System

Mimici and gestures.

Today, you will know what representative, sensory system of man, I. how people think and think. How each of us perceives and processes the received information, and how to find a common language with words.

How people think, think, using various sensory, representative systems of a person

To establish relationships and understand each other, you need to know how people think - perceive and recycle the information received; What they use representative system for this.

All people have five senses - sensory system of man; Mainly use three channels of reception and information processing - visual (vision), an audual (auditory) and a kinesthetic (touch), the taste and smell can be attributed to the latter.

In different people, one channel is more used than the rest; In most cases, two channels of reception and processing channels are used: the first representative system, say, visual, is the main one, and the second human sensory system, for example, the auditory is secondary. The rest are less involved.

In this regard, each person uses the same revs in speech, corresponding to its representative system, i.e. We think we think with words and images designated words, therefore how people thinkSo they say.

Visual (visual), auditorium (auditory) and kinesthetic (tangible, sensual) types of representative systems

Visual type uses verbs, adjectives and adverbs, belonging to what can be seen (light, painting, darkest, watching, etc.); auditory, audual type, more uses words related to what can be heard (conversation, listen, sounds, cracking, etc.); Kinesthetic type (touch, taste, smell), says words related to what can, respectively, feel, feel, swell, etc. (Heat, cold, feel, feel, take, etc.).

Now it remains to determine the leading representative, sensory system, to find out as a person thinks and thinks, and begin to use the language in conversation with him that he will be more understandable.

Well, if you speak in one, general language of the body and words - you will certainly be able to convey to your visa the necessary information and understand each other.

This method is used in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), it is also called the "brain language".

Where the knowledge of the representative systems of a person is useful, and understanding how people think

Knowledge and understanding of representative systems of man, i.e. understanding how people think can be useful in almost all spheres of life: both in personal, family, parental relationships; both in business, commerce when concluding contracts and transactions; and at work, when communicating with colleagues and bosses; And in school, university, when interacting with teachers ... In general, wherever people need to understand each other.

Do not forget to define your representative system, for example, writing out your conversation by solving any problem and listening to it; or read your letters, text documents, writings; Or think that you prefer to do more in life, and which touch channel it matches; You can simply write out words in three columns of a person related to different sensory systems of a person, and see what column more words.

How to define a representative system of a person if he talks little

How to determine the leading sensory system of a person by his speech - in general it is clear, but what to do and how to find out the main representative system, and that a person thinks if he says little and is not very sociable?

This will help us with the observation of our visa, more precisely on the direction of his view and leading questions.

The fact is when you ask your interlocutor a certain question, then his view, while he thinks about the answer, will move automatically in any direction that he will tell us about his favorite representative system along with the words that it uses more often.

We use the direction of the view to determine the representative system, and find out how a person thinks and think

Questions that need to be specified to determine the representative system are two types:

1) the question activating the memory;
Here are called pictures, images, sounds and sensations that were saved in the memory of a person.
2) The question activating the design process.
Here it turns on the imagination, designed, new images, sounds and sensations are created.

Visual Representative System

If you ask the visual question, for example, what color is the wallpaper in the apartment of the interlocutor, then his glance rushes up and right from you, i.e. He remembers the visual image.

If you ask a question and a person will have to invent, imagine the image, for example, what the blue crocodile looks like, then his look will go up and left from you.

If his view is not focused, immobally or a person looks into the space, then this is also visual processing of information.

If a person translates a view from side to side and he is directed up, then, most likely, there is visual design.

These examples are characteristic of most people, but there are exceptions to clarify what is happening, you need to ask several different questions.

Hearing (Audial) Representative System

Questions on the auditory representative system, also specify two types, memory and design.

At the same time, when the hearing memory is affected, for example, how your car signal sounds, the glance will move to the right of your ear.

When a person will design, imagine an auditory image, for example, if you have sounded your mobile phone, I will move a look at the left of you.

Most often there are people with a visual and kinesthetic representative system.

Kinestitics works in conjunction with the physical sensations and emotional feelings of people, therefore the challenge of sensual images from memory, and their design, for example, what to the touch dog, or rhino, will be accompanied by the same look - down and left from you.

When your visa guides a look down and right away from you, then it is in the inner dialogue, Ie talks to himself.
You can check it out, asking the interlocutor to tell something to myself or ask what he will think with any situation.

The most common sign of identifying the leading representative system is the first direction of the view with a neutral question; Of course you need to use these techniques together with the person used by words.

Automatic use of these methods and techniques, understanding each other and finding common language, perhaps only after some practice.

I wish all the psychological well-being and finding a common language in communication and interactions!

psychologist psychoanalyst Matveev Oleg Vyacheslavovich
Psychological advice on personal matters

Order trainings to establish relationships in personal life

Another one is another - the system of "rational people" ("People-computers", "Digitals") is a digitative representative system in which people react not on the sensation, but on the names of words ("labels"), with the help which are trying to designate their images and sensations.

The movements of the eye in people who have developed a digital representative system of a person, it is difficult to catch enough, because they prefer to use words, such as: "We must understand", "analyze", "weighing", "comparable", "we systematize" and t .P.

With external peace of mind at this moment there are active mental activity. Signs at the level of the chest, the speech is monotonne.

There is I. group of polymodal predicates (not based on Sensoric): Think, consider, reflect, know, explain, realize, remember, negotiate.

Words, phrases, eye movements are not the only way to determine the mental preferences of people. A man prone to auditoriums, as a rule, says quickly, holds his head high, his voice is high, gestures at the level of the person. People based on auditory images say more measured, clearly, in a low voice, breathe deeply, often inclined their heads to the side, accept a typical listener's posture, immersing themselves in themselves ("speak with their own tie"). Kinestics are usually told slowly, deep voice, physically relaxed, tilt their heads down.

Example practical application Synthone model of perception:

Pupils - kinesthetics it is better to liberate on the first parties closer to the passage;

Students - audials - on the first and middle parties;

Students - visuals - on medium and even rear desks;

For students with a digital representative system, the location in the classroom does not matter.

Distribution of people on perception systems

We give some interesting facts.

In Russia At the moment, the approximate distribution on representative systems is approximately as follows:

Visales - 35%;

Kinestics - 35%;

Audials - 5%;

Digitals (computers) - 25%.


Visales - 45%;

Kinestics - 45%;

Audials - 5%;

DiGITALs - 5%;

If you talk about countries, it is not difficult to notice that Russia and the United States visual-kinesthetic countries. But England an audio-visual country. At the same time, almost all ancient cultures and countries belonged to kinesthetic systems - remember for example, ancient Indian or Persian images.

It is believed that women are more peculiar to the visual channel of perception, and men are a kineette.

Remember that people various systems Your clothing style, your own circle of communication, your topics for conversations and your work. For example, in the officials of officials, a very large percentage of audials and digitals, as in the military environment. But at the same time, remember that the division of the types is very conditionally, and that people who use only one channel are very small. The overwhelming number of people uses several representative systems, but one of them is preferred anymore.

Knowledge of representative human systems are becoming increasingly used in education and other fields of activity.

To achieve the best result in the process of learning and education, in the process of interaction with a student or a student, it is very important to speak on a language understandable to him, in particular - in his channel of perception, or at least to know his type of perception to understand what he means.

Concept of Representative Systems

Representative system - A preferential way to process, store and reproduce previously received information. VAK - abbreviation, denoting sensory representative systems - visual, audit and kinesthetic.

Representative system - Almost synonymous with the concepts of the modality and channels of perception, although there are some differences between them. See Representative system, Channel perception and modality

The concept of a representative system is often used in NLP.

Basic Representative Systems:

visual- resting, mainly on visual images;

audial- resting, mainly on auditory images;

audio-tonal - standing, first of all, sounds and tonal sequences;

audio-digital- standing symbols (words);

kinesthetic- Relying, mainly on the sensation.

conceptual (discrete, digital) - based on a logical reflection of signals of other systems. It is believed that the concept of a discrete representative system should not be considered as a representative system, because It implies that the incoming signals have already passed the primary processing.

In addition, the olfactory (smell) is sometimes highlighted and the government (taste) system, but they are very weakly distributed.

VAK and sensory persuasive

If you contact all three representative systems in dealing with a partner, it gives the greatest sensory persuasiveness from your words. When he seems to see what you want to show him, hears what you tell him, practically feels what you want to convey to him.

Visual channel, audual, kineette.

Representative systems and vocabulary preferences

If you have selection, people often use words that correspond to their representative system.

Visual: "Your position looks correct," "Your right thing is obvious," "I see the truth in your words"

Audi: "Sounds like the truth,"

Kineetetic: "I feel that you are right," "the truth is felt in your words"

Digital: "I think you are right," "You are definitely right."

It is practically used in NLP methods due to the inability of a more accurate analysis of RS (for example, a study of EEG data). An example of using the features of representative systems may be methods to reduce the criticality of the perception of the subject by using words corresponding to the representative system (for example: "Take a look at this data, you can see the obvious need for additional investment") or a targeted acceleration of the interlocutor by using its most alien Representative system of words.

Leading Representative System and Reference Representative System

The leading system (most often it is also primary) launches the internal strategy, the response comes in the reference. See the leading and reference system

Development direction

It is useful to develop those representative systems that you work worse (a sign - you are less likely to use), and bring bridges between the R.S. you used See the development of personal representative systems

When we build bridges between our representative systems, then the world we perceive more brighter and colorful, more sound and more patient .... how?

Visual \u003d\u003d\u003d "Cow looked out because of the corner"

Visual + audial \u003d\u003d\u003d "The mouse cow looked out from behind the corner"

Visual + kinesthetic \u003d\u003d\u003d "Warm cow looked out due to angle"

Visual + audial + kinesthetic \u003d\u003d\u003d "The mouse cow is slowly immersed in crunchy snow"

Typically, pictures are very quickly appearing and crushed. If you add kinestytics, the pictures longer remain on the screen.

A visual representative system is based on the perception of visual images. People with such a system (visuals) organize their vision of reality through what they look at. What sees for people and pictures arising in their imagination has a direct impact on their emotional condition And the inner world.

Signs. You can define a visual on the straightened neck / back, as well as on the look upwards. His breathing superficial and, in most cases, breasts. When perceiving the image, the visuals may be reduced breathing for a moment until the picture is formed. Their lips can be compressed and look thin, and the voice often becomes loud and high. Any experience is remembered by visuals in the form of paintings and images, so when you have to perceive someone's speech for a long time or just listen to something, they begin to bored, and the noise itself is often disturbed. Communicating with such people, you need to provide your speech visual support. In the percentage of visuals accounts for 60% of all people.

Visual blame all around, leaders.

APPEARANCE. Visa possess, as a rule, thin build, high growth and somewhat elongated waist. Often support the right posture. When interacting with them, it is advisable not to block the space for the review of the place where they are.

People with a leading visual sensory representative system think clear images and think, first of all, the "pictures", as if browsing the film within themselves. This system allows you to cover a large amount of information: internal images of holistic, instantly occur, constantly replacing each other. With this, a faster pace of speech is connected, a high voice tone.

Such people are inherent rich facial expressions and gestures, since with their help they are "drawing" what they are talking about or thinking. People with a leading visual sensory representative system often pay their attention to the nuances of the color and forms. Artists, architects, photographers, fashion designers, creating clearly designed mental pictures, often refer to the visual system.

In life, such people are targeted, organized, observant, quite careful. They are very neat, prefer everyone to be in their place, appreciate the purity and order. When evaluating any things, events love to move aside, overlooking "from the legs to head." It is better to perceive the information presented in the form of pictures, graphs, charts than pronounced in words.

In speech, this system is manifested in such words and expressions as: see, watch, focus of attention, foresee the situation, spectacle, obscure, clear, light, dark, color.

Audial sensory representative system.

Audial representative system is based on the perception of sounds. People with the presented system (audies) perceive information through the hearing process. All information is perceived and remembered by them, mainly in the form of sound impressions.

Signs. You can learn the audio in frequently movable in different directions. Rhythmic breathing and even, but reflecting his inner experiences. If you ask such a person to describe some kind of experience, then, first of all, he will think about how to express it in the form of sound. The audience is long and says a lot, extremely positively posing thoughts. In this case, his speech can be very impulsive. In the conversation often dominates and often tires. It has special sensitivity to sounds and often talks to himself. Communicating with the audio, you need to try more competently and accurately build your speech. In the percentage of the audials accounts for about 20% of all people.

APPEARANCE. The physique of most audials is a cross between thin and obese people. In the process of the conversation, it is often gesticulating and indicated to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, and also lean forward, as if trying to be closer to whom they communicate with. But when the sounds occur in their own consciousness will, on the contrary, deviate back. Watch the rhythm of their speech and voice voice.

People with the leading audial sensory representative system have the ability to make fine audible differences, clearly hear the variety of tones and timbres of sounding sounds. The tempo of speech is average, so they say such people, as a rule, loudly and distinctly, in a strictly weathered rhythm. They have a clean, expressive and resonant.

People with the leading audial sensory representative system often pronounce, they are involved for themselves what they just heard. A conversation or process of thinking in such people may be accompanied by small rhythmic movements of the body, for example, tapping the foot in the tact of conversations. In conversation, such people pay attention not only to words, but also on how they uttered. They often turn the ear to the interlocutor, as if listening to the tonality, the timbre and the rhythm of his voice.

These people themselves are very talkative, adore conversations, always very clearly set out the course of the event. Best perceive information on rumor, remembering everything consistently in steps. Sometimes such people seem slightly closed, "removed", as they often arrive in the internal dialogue - talk with themselves.

They feel very thinly music, possess a good sense of rhythm. In speech, this system is manifested in such words and expressions as: to live in harmony, pass by ears, emphasize attention, emphasis, deaf, ringing, silence, hear, dissonance.

Kinesthetic sensory representative system.

The kinesthetic representative system is based on an olfactory-tactile channel of information. Such people (kinestics) love tactile contact. Any experiences, emotions and feelings are best perceived by them if they have the opportunity to touch something, feel physically.

Signs. You can recognize in a person in the person the kinestrics, first of all, in the eyes: His look often has the focus "down-to the right." Breathing Kinestric abdominal and deep, but depending on the sensations experienced by him, will change. Lips, in most cases, soft and complete, and the tone of the voice is low, deep, sometimes hoarse and a little muffled. During the conversation, the kineater will speak slowly, making long pauses during the search for relevant information within themselves. The kinestics account for about 20% of all people.

Kinesette vinit himself that he swept.

APPEARANCE. If the perception of kinestics is directed inward, then, most likely, it will be expressed in completeness and roundness of the body. If the perception is directed to the outside world, this will reflect the strength and muscularity. Most kinettetics move quite slowly. To induce them to activity often need to manifest physical contact - pat or somehow encourage. And when communicating it is recommended to be closer, because Kinestics prefer proximity.

People with the leading kinesthetic sensory representative system are based on their actions mostly on their feelings, they need to feel, "try on" the situation before accepting this or that decision. With this system, a person refers to its own internal feelings and states.

In order to "live", feel the situation needs more time than, for example, to present it ( visual system), Therefore, the tempo of speech in people with a leading kinesthetic sensory representative system is slower, with long pauses. The voice is low, quiet, deep. During the conversation, these people make very few movements, and gestures that use them are characterized by smoothness, dimension and impulvitivity.

They love to approach the interlocutor, communicate, touching him. These people are good narratives, since during the story they show all the body what they are talking about. These people are very emotional, wounded, everyone takes "close to heart." In life, such people seek to comfort and comfort.

They, first of all, care about what would be comfortable. Space feel very well. For a better perception of information, they need to touch, touch, disassemble to pieces, taste, feel. In speech, this system is manifested in such words and expressions as: to grab the meaning, to challenge the desire, to finely feel, taste for life, cool, feel, tension, touch, demolish, heavy, smooth.

Digital Representative System

A digital representative system is based on subjective-logical perception and understanding. People using this system (digitals) are functioning at the metaurovna of consciousness, which includes the data obtained through visual, audio and kinesthetic systems. Any information perceived by them is reflected in all manifestations of the elevated systems.

Signs. It is possible to understand that the person digital is, as an eye movement, which can often be directed down-left or move from side to side, and by thin and compressed lips. His breathing is uneven and differs with short sighs. If we talk about the position, then the shoulders are usually stripped, the neck is straightened, the hands are crossed on the chest. The voice often sounds monotonously, but says the cleansing as if "on the machine". The category of Digitals includes only a small percentage of all people.

APPEARANCE. Given the fact that people with a digital representative system include the properties of people with visual, audible and kinesthetic systems, determine their exact external signs is quite difficult. You can only say that they may look completely different.


Visual type

Keynestetic type

Audial type



the words








Pose head up, back straight

spin bent

head omitted

head is inclined Naboka

direct Pose

hands crossed

Movement tense locked middle rigid





Breathing sleep, riding lungs deep Breathing, Low Belot smooth breathing shallow

quick, loud speech,

high tone

slow, soft speech,

expressive speech

monotonous voice
Sight down below often one way and down through the heads of others
Rules of hearing "I have to see in order to hear" (at the distance) get closer "Do not look to hear" no contact eye
Movement of the eye up to the left, up to the right down to the right, sometimes down left, right, head down tilted to the side left, head up raised

First test

This test is one of the ways to independently and quickly identify the leading leading sensory system of a person.

Choose from the data below the phrases one, which, in your opinion, is the most appropriate, accurate for you to this concept. If several of the phrases seem to you equally suitable or vice versa, none approaches absolutely accurately, choose one of the phrase, which, in your opinion, may be the closest.

a) Fast change of landscape, flashes of trees, houses ... (+)
b) Wind noise, tire rustling, brake squeal. (*)
c) rapid heartbeat; The feeling of the wind hitting the face. (@)

"Bad weather"
a) winding wind, knocking a knuckle. (*)
b) Zyabko, feeling of dampness, wet air. (@)
c) dim sky, gray clouds. (+)

a) Sweet smell, sticky lips, damaging. (@)
b) Golden, transparent liquid. (+)
c) cotton opening banks, ringing spoons, buzzing bees. (*)

a) blue-green water, big waves with white scallops. (+)
B) Warm, salt water, hot sand. (@)
c) the noise of the surf, the rustle of the waves, cries of chaps. (*)

a) The body is leaving, the head is heavy, lethargy. (@)
b) The world around seems gray, colorless, panel before his eyes. (+)
in) loud sounds I'm annoyed, I want silence. (*)

a) ringing crunch bite. (*)
b) round fruit, red, yellow or green on a high tree. (+)
c) sour-sweet, juicy taste, smell of jam. (@)

a) sparkling, sparkling on the sun white bedspread. (+)
B) Cold, soft, fluffy. (@)
c) creaks under the legs, cracking NAST. (*)

a) Blurred paints, bright lights of lamps, long shadows. (+)
b) muted sounds, voices of loved ones, squalls in a frying pan dinner. (*)
c) the feeling of pleasant fatigue, a soft comfortable chair, a cup of hot tea. (@)

a) Heat, smoke Pluglet eyes, warms. (@)
b) Red flame languages, flashing coals, SIZY smoke. (+)
c) crackling coal, hissing of firewood, water bouffaging in the bowler. (*)

a) the rustle of the leaves, the cracks of the branches, the script of the branches. (*)
b) High straight brown trunk, green crown, the rays of the sun look through the foliage. (+)
c) rough bark, soft foliage, smell of freshness. (@)

a) The rustling of pits, muted speech, creak chairs. (*)
b) books with smooth covers, sweaturated volumes, the smell of old books. (@)
c) glossy and matte, colorful and multicolored book covers; High racks. (+)

a) tipping shop windows, a variety and mixing of various smells. (@)
b) high buildings, gray bridge, bright billboards, multicolored machines. (+)
c) the noise of cars, the hum of votes, howl of sirens, flushing doors. (*)

a) Light blue sky, transparent air, which seemed from the horizon of the rose sun. (+)
b) Twitter birds, silence, quiet rustling of leaves. (*)
c) Cool air, wet grass, warm rays of the sun, breathes with a full breast. (@)

a) the smell of dust, paint, varnish; Wet fresh-cooled wallpaper. (@)
b) Clean wallpaper, white ceiling, mess. (+)
c) knock hammer, squeal drill, echo in empty rooms. (*)

a) candle lights, altar gold, dull paints of ancient icons, twilight. (+)
b) the monotonous voice of the gossip, choral singing, crackling candles. (*)
c) Sweet smell of incense, the smell of burning wax, feeling of pacification. (@)

Calculate the number of answers (+), (*) and (@).

The key to the test

If answers (+) prevail, then your master sensory representative system is visual.

If answers prevail (*), then audial.

If answers prevail (@), then kinesthetic.

Second Definition Test

Evaluate each of the following statements by exposing them in order of preference. Put the corresponding digit opposite each phrase: 4 \u003d best characterizes you; 3 \u003d better characteristic of their remaining; 2 \u003d Characteristics by third place; 1 \u003d less suited to you.

1. When making important decisions, I:

I rely on my feelings.

I choose what sounds best.

I choose what looks like me the best.

I rely on the accuracy of information and knowledge about the question.

2. In the course of the discussion on me, most likely affects:

The ability to see the scheme of the reasoning of another person.

The logical of the arguments of another person.

The ability to feel the condition of another person.

3. What happens to me is the easiest way to find out, focusing on:

The way I dress and look.

My feelings.

Choosing words with me.

4. I feel the easiest:

Find the perfect volume and set the stereo settings.

Properly formulate the question of the topic of interest to me.

Choose the most comfortable furniture.

Pick up a rich attractive color combination.

I set up on the sounds of my environment.

I am a specialist in making meaning with new facts and data.

I very care about how the clothes "sits" on me.

The color and view of the room strongly affect me.

Stage 1. Submire these estimates in the next list. Record the answers in the same order.
1. __K. __A. __V. __D.
2. __A. __V. __D. __K.
3. __V. __K. __D. __A.
4. __A. __D. __K. __V.
5. __A. __D. __K. __V.

Stage 2. Enter the numbers in the table corresponding to each letter. Appreciation in the order in which answered questions.

V. K. A. D.

Total __v __k __ a __d

Third test

  1. Represent a red triangle, yellow square and blue circle. We make the second line and change the two figures, again a row and ask what is in the first row. (not real)
  2. Further represent your acquaintances, describe emotions, hair color, eyes, clothes. (Real something) Remember your door. Remember three acquaintances. Represents how they communicate.
  3. Imagine a melody in one ear and voice acquaintance in another. Behind the noise of the sea. Listen at the same time. Then tell where what.
  4. The hand holds for a soft sofa to the second ice, a leg in a warm sock, the second leg on the warm sand, the plate stands on the head and rains pour on his back. And ask what.
  5. Muscle reactions. Remember how you go, how to rise.

It is also determined by 15 signs.

If you understand how a person perceives the information obtained from other people, you can find a lot of nuances and features in this matter. What is effective when communicating with one people may be completely ineffective when communicating with others. Someone understands us with a half-clow, and before someone we can try to "reach out" very and very long, and often attempts will remain unsuccessful. While one wonder why their interaction with the surrounding does not bring the desired result, others apply in their everyday life knowledge of the representation of information, i.e. About those features that are distinguished by the presentation and perception of different people.

In our two previous lessons, we introduced you to basic neurolinguistic programming techniques. But they concerned exactly the linguistic aspect of this direction practical psychology. And it was very little told about the effects of neuroprocessions on the psyche and perception of a person. The submitted lesson is devoted to this topic.

From this lesson, you will learn about what is representative systems, and what role they play in NLP, as well as what ways there are ways to transfer experience and types of perception systems (visual, audial, kinesthetic and others). The article will also provide methods for determining the leading modality (main representative system) in humans, including various methods of diagnosis, such as tests, special issues, observations, etc.

Representative system of man

To begin, it should be recalled that under the Representation it is necessary to understand the process of representing and expressing certain experience (thoughts, ideas, etc.) by a person. A man who receives information entering him from the outside world always relies on its senses. Human body is equipped huge number Sensitive receptors that are the only way to receive information. If it is easier to speak, then the entire human experience is formed by the following sensations (modalities): visual, auditory, taste, olfactory and tactile. In addition to them, there are also others, but they play a minor role. These modalities are called representative systems in NLP.

Having obtained information with our senses, the brain encodes it and then presents in the form of appropriate data, feelings and emotions, even a small part of which is capable of accommodating a whole range of all kinds of values. And already this data and the values \u200b\u200bof the person evaluates and systematizes. In short, the process of perception occurs. But here it is necessary to take into account the main suppression (the truth that is not subject to discussion) NLP - "Card is not a territory", where the map is a perception of a person of reality, and the territory is an objective reality itself. It turns out that the way, as a person perceives the information obtained, has only subjective value without reflecting the objective state of affairs. Each person has its own card, which is the basis of his perception, and this card, by virtue of its individuality, will never reflect the truth. But, knowing that every person has its own card, it is possible to use this successfully that, in turn, allows you to understand people at a deeper level and to convey information in such a form in which it will be perceived as accurately as possible. You can also influence the man's card, thereby changing it.

In general, if we talk more specifically, then knowing about the map of a person and its peculiarities of perception, as well as about their map and its own characteristics, it is possible to maximize the level of mutual understanding with others and make any communication as efficient, mutually beneficial and productive. And one of the main ways of impact on himself and others is to communicate on the basis of representative systems. We will talk about them further.

Types of representative systems

In NLP, several basic representative systems are distinguished, each of which receives information only to it inherent in the inherent one, and after it activates certain behavioral mechanisms. All this process manages the central nervous system man. For example, when we see something, the brain transmits us perceived as an image. When we hear something, the brain transforms it into sounds. Some internal sensations go into feelings and emotions. And then, when we remember any information, our brain gives a memory signal, and the memory is expressed approximately in the same form in which it was saved. It is on these principles that work with representative systems is based. It should also be noted that there is a direct relationship between representative systems and mental and physiological signs of a person, on the basis of the analysis of which one can determine the type of person's personality and its characteristic features. So, consider the views of representative systems.

Visual Representative System

A visual representative system is based on the perception of visual images. People with such a system (visuals) organize their vision of reality through what they look at. The fact that people and pictures appear in their imagination have a direct impact on their emotional state and the inner world.

Signs. You can define a visual on the straightened neck / back, as well as on the look upwards. His breathing superficial and, in most cases, breasts. When perceiving the image, the visuals may be reduced breathing for a moment until the picture is formed. Their lips can be compressed and look thin, and the voice often becomes loud and high. Any experience is remembered by visuals in the form of paintings and images, so when you have to perceive someone's speech for a long time or just listen to something, they begin to bored, and the noise itself is often disturbed. Communicating with such people, you need to provide your speech visual support. In the percentage of visuals accounts for 60% of all people.

APPEARANCE. Visa possess, as a rule, thin build, high growth and somewhat elongated waist. Often support the right posture. When interacting with them, it is advisable not to block the space for the review of the place where they are.

Audial Representative System

Audial representative system is based on the perception of sounds. People with the presented system (audies) perceive information through the hearing process. All information is perceived and remembered by them, mainly in the form of sound impressions.

Signs. You can learn the audio in frequently movable in different directions. Rhythmic breathing and even, but reflecting his inner experiences. If you ask such a person to describe some kind of experience, then, first of all, he will think about how to express it in the form of sound. The audience is long and says a lot, extremely positively posing thoughts. In this case, his speech can be very impulsive. In the conversation often dominates and often tires. It has special sensitivity to sounds and often talks to himself. Communicating with the audio, you need to try more competently and accurately build your speech. In the percentage of the audials accounts for about 20% of all people.

APPEARANCE. The physique of most audials is a cross between thin and obese people. In the process of the conversation, it is often gesticulating and indicated to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, and also lean forward, as if trying to be closer to whom they communicate with. But when the sounds occur in their own consciousness will, on the contrary, deviate back. Watch the rhythm of their speech and voice voice.

Kinesthetic representative system

The kinesthetic representative system is based on an olfactory-tactile channel of information. Such people (kinestics) love tactile contact. Any experiences, emotions and feelings are best perceived by them if they have the opportunity to touch something, feel physically.

Signs. You can recognize in a person in the person the kinestrics, first of all, in the eyes: His look often has the focus "down-to the right." Breathing Kinestric abdominal and deep, but depending on the sensations experienced by him, will change. Lips, in most cases, soft and complete, and the tone of the voice is low, deep, sometimes hoarse and a little muffled. During the conversation, the kineater will speak slowly, making long pauses during the search for relevant information within themselves. The kinestics account for about 20% of all people.

APPEARANCE. If the perception of kinestics is directed inward, then, most likely, it will be expressed in completeness and roundness of the body. If the perception is directed to the outside world, this will reflect the strength and muscularity. Most kinettetics move quite slowly. To induce them to activity often need to manifest physical contact - pat or somehow encourage. And when communicating it is recommended to be closer, because Kinestics prefer proximity.

Digital Representative System

A digital representative system is based on subjective-logical perception and understanding. People using this system (digitals) are functioning at the metaurovna of consciousness, which includes the data obtained through visual, audio and kinesthetic systems. Any information perceived by them is reflected in all manifestations of the elevated systems.

Signs. It is possible to understand that the person digital is, as an eye movement, which can often be directed down-left or move from side to side, and by thin and compressed lips. His breathing is uneven and differs with short sighs. If we talk about the position, then the shoulders are usually stripped, the neck is straightened, the hands are crossed on the chest. The voice often sounds monotonously, but says the cleansing as if "on the machine". The category of Digitals includes only a small percentage of all people.

APPEARANCE. Given the fact that people with a digital representative system include the properties of people with visual, audible and kinesthetic systems, determine their exact external signs is quite difficult. You can only say that they may look completely different.

In addition to the above, there are also two other representative systems - this is an olfactory (olfactory) and denatable (taste). But these systems are widespread very weak and people who have them are quite rare. These systems are observed mainly in those people who are deprived of hearing or vision. For these reasons, they are almost never considered in NLP.

Summing up this section, it is very important to notice that people with any one representative system do not happen. IN real life People are always (consciously or subconsciously) change them, based on the situation. Depending on what is perceived at the moment of time, a person can handle one manifestation visually, and come to the second from the audio position, and vice versa.

Speaking about the effectiveness of determining the representative systems, it must be said that one of the most important laws of NLP is the following: what a person says, describing any of his experience, can have not only a metaphorical value, but also literally reflect the processes occurring in his consciousness during data representation . It follows from this that any representative system is directly related to the speech manifestation. For example, if a person tells you: "It seems to me the same as you," then, most likely, when communicating, he is needed in visual images. And in order to "join" to it, you need to visualize the picture of what we are talking about, and to express it verbally. If a person says: "I feel with all my creature .... ", Then continue with him a conversation, being tuned to the position of the audio or visual, will be extremely inefficient, because Does not admonish. Here you need to talk, using words close to sensations and physical contact. Only in this case will be able to find mutual understanding.

The words that most often use a person during a conversation based on sensations and reflecting his perception are called predicates (see below). The skillful use of predicates contributes to a quick-tuning with another person. It is this somewhat unit, i.e. Adjustment under another person, joining its perception, map, worldview and model of representation of experience is the most important in establishing mutual communication. After all, when we speak with any person on "his" language, we get closer to him and closer to him. And people are usually nice to communicate with the same as they are.

But, as already noted, it is important for effective communication not only to know about representative systems, but also to be able to determine the main one.

Determination of the leading representative system

Despite the fact that a person perceives any information received by them with all representative systems, one of them uses much more often and intensively than everyone else. It is this system that is called the lead. And in order to determine which one of the systems it is, there are several effective methods in NLP.

First, as already mentioned above, any representative system is reflected in the movement of the person's eye, the pace of his speech, the votes rubbing, the manner to hold the posture, the position of the neck, gesturing, movements of the hands and body, favorite poses, and also in the type of physique. To understand which system is the lead, you only need to know the signs of each of them (see above in the text) and be able to identify them when communicating with people and observing them. As an example, you can bring the eyes characteristic of each system, called eye access keys.

People with a leading visual representative system during visualization will have a defocused look directed directly, when forming a visual image, their view will be directed up-to-to-right, and if a person recalls something, his view will be directed up-left.

People with a leading audio representative system in the formation of sound images will guaitue to the right, and when they are remembered - left.

People with a leading kinesthetic representative system in case of bodily sensations and emotions will guide the down-to-right, and during the conduct of the internal dialogue - down-left.

And secondly, because The determination of the leading perception system is carried out on the basis of observation of a person in the process of interaction with it, the most carefully analyzes its speech and the determination of the most frequently used words of predicates, which we recently mentioned were made. Below are predicates most characteristic to use by people of each system.

Visual system

  • Nouns: perspective, aspect, painting, illusion, point of view, nuance, position, etc.
  • Verbs: Describe, submit, watch, clarify, show, watch, notice, show, display, illustrate, see, etc.
  • Adjectives: Wide, narrow, blurred, clear, open, remote, small, clear, blurred, etc.
  • SETTINGS: "I imagine", "In my opinion", "I thought", "you see", "shedding light", "making clarity", etc.

Audial system

  • Nouns: intonation, timbre, voice, dialogue, whisper, echo, song, sound, tonality, symphony, harmony, conversation, conversation, etc.
  • Verbs: discuss, listen, ask, call, silence, express, speak, express, tag, etc.
  • Adjectives: unheard, deaf, silent, speaking, melodic, mute, noisy, ringing, loud, etc.
  • Spellings: "Talking otherwise," they ask the tone, "" I want to hear "," you can say "," muffling the dialogue ", etc.

Kinesthetic system

  • Nouns: Voltage, severity, contact, load, breathing, movement, fatigue, vigor, weight, influence, etc.
  • Verbs: touch, touch, feel, senses, affect, compress, balance, perceive, move, etc.
  • Adjectives: Unbearable, sensitive, soft, immovable, heartfelt, hot, unbalanced, hardy, swore, etc.
  • SETTINGS: "I feel that", "influencing the situation," "tightly grabbed", "carry a heavy burden", "Let's be influenced", etc.

Naturally, these are not all words and expressions, detecting which you can define a leading representative system of a person. In fact, their great set and there are an unnecessary number of different variations. It is just important to learn how to determine the main line that a person adheres to in his statements. And even better to learn how to compare these predicates with physiological manifestations, which are characterized by each of the systems. Then make the output will be much simpler, and the probability of its accuracy will increase significantly.

But besides the foregoing features, which should be observed when communicating with people, aspects of human life and human activity can also speak about the predisposition of a person.

What else to pay attention to when determining the leading representative system:

  • As a person describes his experience, experiences, memories;
  • What loves to remember a person most of all, what moments of his life remember him more than others;
  • The appearance of a person: whether he is taped as well as a person looks like, what attention pays for his appearance;
  • Favorite items;
  • Favorite methods of pastime, interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • What a person loves more: watch movies, listen to music, read books, play sports;
  • Favorite way of rest, i.e. that a person does if a free minute was issued;
  • The preferred method of obtaining new information: video, audio, books;
  • Orientation in space;
  • Desire to communicate by phone, skype, email;
  • The furnishings in the apartment and the interior of the room in which a person lives, etc.

Moreover, all these indicators are important not only about those people with whom they have to communicate at work or other daily matters, but also in relation to their loved ones and themselves. After all, their definition will help not just learn more productively communicate, but also will have a huge positive impact on your own state and mood in everyday life, the inner world of expensive people, microclimate in the family and attitude to life in general.

Recommendations for the use of knowledge about the Representative System

And in the conclusion of the lesson, we give a few useful practical recommendations, to try out which and get the result from which you can in the very near future.

1. First of all, determine your leading representative system. Find tests for its definition (a lot of tests on the Internet) and pass them, watch them, with your thoughts during the day, reactions, ways to conduct a dialogue. Mark words that often insert into your speech. This will help you know yourself better. In the future, you can apply these knowledge when communicating with others and you can specify with whom communicate to how to interact with you more efficiently. You can also find the most suitable methods for you to obtain information and ways of relaxation. After all, nothing has been on a person and his psyche such a beneficial influence as the occupation of what he is initially predisposed.

2. As you know, the overwhelming majority of people in the world are visuals. Use this knowledge to benefit: always, communicating with new people, make the emphasis on the methods of exposure that act on people with a visual representative system. Use more of the figurative expressions in speech, bring bright colorful examples, create pictures of what they say in the imagination. Also hold on a certain distance from people, giving them a spacious for Furnishing. After you are using pre-prepared techniques, you can give a faithful assessment already for sure and evaluate the effectiveness of your communication and impact. And in the event that your forecasts were not justified, one should resort to the use of other techniques.

3. At least approximately by defining a leading representative system of a person, try not to use such predicate words that do not correspond to its type. What will be extremely effective for a visual will not at all suit the audial and kinesthetics, etc. If you see that what you say does not have a proper influence, then, most likely, you misunderstood the system, and should be resorted to an experiment with new words.

4. When communicating with people of each representative system, try to adjust the tempo of your speech and voice volume. With kinesthetics should be spent slowly and not very loud, because This corresponds to their "characteristics". It is necessary in order for the information to go smoothly, otherwise they simply will not understand anything from your speech, even if they are very trying. The audies are somewhat simpler, because They are subconsciously tuned to the auditory perception and the uttering you will immediately fit in them "on the shelves". But here it is important to say not too slow and not too quiet, because The initial promise will lose his impulse and you will have to start first. Visa are not very well perceived by what they say. Therefore, regardless of the tempo and volume of their speech, try to resort mainly to the use of visual characteristics. And even better - show them what you say - then the information will fall directly to the point.

5. Eyes very well reflect the mental processes of a person, because Control the movements of the eyes - this ability is rare and a few can boast. Knowing this fact helps not only determine the leading representative system, but also to identify a lie. Remember, a person who is uncomfortable will either always remove his eyes from yours and try to avoid it. Or, on the contrary, he will not break off, look into your eyes, trying to seem overly honest. Watch the way in which direction is looking, talking to you: Very often, if a person is lying, he will look down-left, leading with him internal dialogue and, most likely, trying to think of something. If a person looks up-to-to the right, it means that he creates some kind of image to then voice it to you. Looking to the right, a person picks up suitable phrases, and looking down-to the right, a person feels some emotions caused by the context of your conversation. Such methods for determining lies are often used by experts in the special services.

6. Knowledge of representative systems is very convenient to use when raising children.because Correctly identified the leading system will help build such a strategy for the influence of the child, following which the process of education will bring him only pleasure, causing interest, and the parent will not be in a burden, because It will happen easily and easily. Using the impact on the representative system of the child, it is possible to improve the indicators in school, determine its predispositions and send to the appropriate section, learn how to explain the complex things very simple and accessible to understanding by the language, as well as to avoid misunderstanding and, as a result, intensive situations in the family.

7. And, of course, it is impossible to leave disregard professional sphere Activities. Knowing the leading representative system, for example, its boss, the relationship with which is not very safe, you can change the situation in a favorable side for yourself, to solve the stabed problems and even get an increase or increase to the salary. To do this, you need to learn how to properly state your thoughts and convey so that they are extremely understandable. Moreover, the boss himself may not even realize that there is a direct impact on your part.

8. It also applies to business: impacting representative systems of their colleagues and potential partners, you can solve controversial issues with the benefit for yourself and enter into promising contracts, convincing people in the uniqueness of their project. To date, the chapters of many successful companies and corporations use such knowledge from the NLP field in managing their companies and interact with partners and employees.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the representative systems are an integral part of the personality of each person, and the knowledge of them is a powerful effective tool for improving communication with the surrounding people and their own life. The main thing is to apply them in practice and wrap your skills.