Who is Yakov Kedmi really? Israeli "intelligence officer" Yakov Kedmi: KGB agent coming out of hiding? Former head of the Israeli intelligence service Nativ Yakov Kedmi.

On the screens of Russian television, you can see the speeches of the imposing erudite man Yakov Kedmi, debating with opponents on the topics of world politics and Russia's problems. Many do not even suspect that this man was responsible for the massive exodus of Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel in the 90s. Largely thanks to Yakov Kedmi, Russia and the post-Soviet space missed a million young, healthy, intelligent citizens.

Childhood and youth

Yakov Iosifovich Kazakov was born on March 5, 1947 in Moscow into a family of engineers. Jacob is the eldest of three children. After graduating from school, he went to work at the factory as a concrete fitter. At the same time he studied in absentia at the Moscow state university ways of communication.

The biography of Kedmi is full of bright events. On February 19, 1967, Yakov broke through the police cordon to the Israeli embassy in Moscow. The young man applied to immigrate to Israel. Diplomat Herzl Amikam, who met Yakov, refused the young man, mistaking him for a KGB agent. During the second visit to the Israeli embassy, ​​the guy was given application forms to leave for Israel.

On June 5, 1967, the Six Day War broke out in the Middle East between Israel and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Algeria. Soviet Union June 11, 1967 severed diplomatic relations with Israel. On that day, Yakov Kazakov publicly renounced Soviet citizenship.

On May 20, 1968, Yakov Kazakov sent a letter to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a statement about the renunciation of Soviet citizenship, condemning the policy of anti-Semitism in the country. The bold public step was the first of its kind in the USSR. The young man refused to serve in the ranks Soviet army, stating that he is ready to serve only in the Israel Defense Forces.

In February 1969, Yakov Kazakov received permission to emigrate. The young man was ordered to leave the USSR within 2 weeks. By train, Yakov got to Vienna, and from there he flew by plane to Israel. Arriving in Israel, Yakov joined the movement supporting the repatriation of Soviet Jews. In 1970, he spoke in front of the UN building in New York demanding the release of his relatives from the USSR.

The family was reunited on March 4, 1970. Upon the arrival of the family in Israel, Yakov, as promised, enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces. Served in tank troops. Graduated military school and a school of intelligence.

Yakov Kedmi in the army

Demobilized from the army in 1973, Yakov Kazakov got a job in the security service of the Arkiya airport. Enrolled in Israel Institute of Technology. Graduated from Tel Aviv University and National Security College.

In 1977, Yakov Kazakov was invited to work at Nativ. Bureau "Nativ" - government agency Israel under the Office of the Prime Minister, dealing with relations with Jews abroad, assistance in emigration to Israel. At the dawn of its creation, the Nativ organization dealt with the rights for the repatriation of Jews from the USSR and countries of Eastern Europe, illegal immigration.

In May 1978, Yakov changed his surname Kazakov to Kedmi. He worked at an immigrant transit center in Vienna.

special services

In 1990, Yakov Kedmi was appointed deputy director of Nativ. From 1992 to 1998, the intelligence officer was the head of Nativ. At the time of Kedmi's work at Nativa, the emigration of Jews from the post-Soviet space peaked - a million new citizens arrived in Israel. This influx of intellectual mass has played an invaluable role in the rise of the Israeli economy. Great merit in the resettlement of citizens on historical homeland belongs personally to Yakov Iosifovich.

In the fall of 1997, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Yakov Kedmi to a committee that dealt with the growing military aggression of Iran and relations between Tehran and Moscow. In the course of his work on the committee, Yakov suggested that the prime minister involve influential Jews in Russia in order to counteract Moscow's friendship with Iran. The proposal was rejected and served as the reason for the cooling of relations between Kedmi and Netanyahu.

In 1999 Yakov Kedmi resigned. It was preceded by a number of scandals related to Nativ. The work of Nativ and Kedmi himself was opposed by the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the Mossad and Shabak intelligence services.

Personal life

While still serving in the army, Yakov Kedmi got married. His wife Edith emigrated from the USSR in 1969. A chemist by profession, she worked in the Ministry of Defense. The couple has three children: two sons and a daughter, Revital. The children of Jacob and Edith received higher education in Israel.

Yakov Kedmi now

Having retired, which, according to Kedmi, is equivalent to a general's, Kedmi actively engaged in politics. He spoke with sharp criticism of Netanyahu, accusing him of destroying relations with Russia. Using authority among Russian-speaking Israel, he campaigned to vote for the candidate Ehud Barak for the post of prime minister.

According to Yakov Kedmi, the entrance to Russian Federation was banned by the former intelligence officer until 2015. Now he is a frequent visitor to Russia. Appears on television in political shows. Spectators watch bright and concise speeches of the public figure of Israel on the programs . The topics raised by the ex-scout (“finally woke up”, “oh” and others) excite the audience. Videos from performances collect millions of views on YouTube. The public is captivated by the opportunity to hear the independent point of view of an expert in world politics.

Yakov Kedmi is a regular guest of the program "Special Folder" of the independent Russian-language Internet channel of Israel "Eaton TV". Programs public figure answers questions from viewers. The topics of the broadcasts do not only concern the pressing problems of Israel. Kedmi talks about Ukraine, Russia, Donbass and Crimea. Often viewers are interested foreign policy America and. Kedmi's articles are of interest to a thinking, politically interested public.

Yakov Kedmi can be heard on Russian radio. The performances of 2017 on the programs of Evgeny Satanovsky are interesting. The guest of the broadcast raises questions international politics, the world economy, tells about everything interesting happening in this moment in the world. Last interview concerned the Middle East.


  • "Hopeless Wars"
  • "Satanovsky Eugene and Yakov Kedmi. Dialogues on International Politics»

Israeli analyst and public figure Yakov Kedmi presents his opinion on the military and political situation in the world. International review through the eyes of a specialist who knows global politics from the inside. Video answers to the main questions.

Yakov Kedmi on Eton-TV 12-10-2018 Relations between Russia and Israel

Political scientist Yakov Kedmi gave an assessment of the current situation in Syria and answered questions from viewers of the Eaton-TV channel. What can be affected by the supply of S-300 missile systems and what will the confrontation between Russia and Israel in the region lead to.

Yakov Kedmi on Vesti-FM 20-09-2018 Events in the Middle East

Political observer Yakov Kedmi spoke about the current situation in the Middle East and the world in Yevgeny Satanovsky's program "From 2 to 5". The situation in Syria, the situation in Ukraine and in the Donbass, what Donald Trump has in mind.

Yakov Kedmi on Eaton-TV 13-09-2018 Everything is ready for attack in Syria

On the Eaton.TV channel, Israeli political scientist Yakov Kedmi spoke about the current situation in Syria. The Americans and their allies took under the protection of the terrorists in Idlib. Despite their patronage, the terrorists are doomed.

Yakov Kedmi with Vladimir Solovyov 11-09-2018 Syria and the world

Political observer Yakov Kedmi, on the air of the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program, spoke about the current situation around Syria. What does the US want and will the Russian-Iranian coalition be able to maintain the military advantage it has gained.

Yakov Kedmi, Vladimir Vasiliev and Mark Sorkin 05-08-2018 Trump and Ukraine

Political scientists Kedmi, Vasilyev and Sorkin discussed the military-political situation in the world on the Ledokol channel. What Donald Trump wants, what he talked about with Putin and how the Ukrainian issue will be resolved.

Kedmi in Solovyov's program 10-04-2018. One more step and Russia will erase the USA

Political scientist Kedmi in the program Evening with Vladimir Solovyov harshly commented on the current situation in Syria. No US president will allow an American ship to sink, and their behavior in the Middle East is leading to just that.

Kedmi in the program Evening with Solovyov 02-04-2018. How Russia will respond to the West

Political scientist Kedmi in the program of Vladimir Solovyov gave an analysis of the international military-political situation. What is happening in Syria today, how can the united West put pressure on Russia, and what response can be expected from Putin.

Yakov Kedmi in the program Evening 27-03-2018. Confrontation between Russia and the West

In the next issue of Vladimir Solovyov's program, military expert Yakov Kedmi expressed his vision of Russia's confrontation with the united West. In his opinion, the US war against Russia is already underway. The task of the Americans is to remain the sole hegemon on the planet. For this they deserved to receive a sobering slap in the face.

Yakov Kedmi about London's ultimatum and the assassination attempt on Skripal

Answering a question about the assassination attempt on Skripal, political scientist Yakov Kedmi spoke about his vision of the situation with toxic substances in the world.

Yakov Kedmi about the new weapons of Russia

Political and military observer Yakov Kedmi answered Mark Gorin's questions about the latest Russian weapons on the air of the EtonTV channel. How realistic is the weapons presented by Vladimir Putin, how it works and what the Americans will do.

Yakov Kedmi and Mark Sorkin 14-02-18. International Position

Today, Yakov Kedmi and the head of the Ledokol news agency, Mark Sorkin, analyzed the international political and military situation. What is happening in the Middle East and how correct is the position of the Russian leadership for the defense of the country.

Yakov Kedmi on air Evening with Vladimir Solovyov 12-02-2018

Political observer Yakov Kedmi, on the program of Vladimir Solovyov on February 12, spoke about current events in Syria. Why Israeli troops attacked the Syrian government forces and how the Israeli Air Force plane was shot down.

J. Kedmi answers to the questions of the Latvian edition Today 12-02-18

Analyst Yakov Kedmi answered questions from readers of the Segodnya magazine in Latvia at the Eaton-TV studio. In this issue: what to expect in Donbas and Ukraine; Russia's plans for the coming years; what will happen in Syria; the future of the Baltic countries.

Yakov Kedmi on the Eaton-TV channel 10-02-18. Kurds relied on Trump

In the next international review of the Eton-TV channel, presenter Mark Gorin and Israeli political scientist Yakov Kedmi discussed the current situation in Syria. The complex combination and confrontation of several countries in the region is caused by the irresponsible statement of the American general. Who is pursuing what goals in the Middle East.

Watch on youtube

Latest review from Yakov Kedmi on the EtonTV channel 04-02-2018 The situation in Syria

The main topic of the program was Vladimir Putin's meeting with the Israeli delegation and the talks on Syria. Iran is dissatisfied with the weak effectiveness of the transfer of weapons to Lebanon and this affects its position. What will change after Putin's communication with Nitanyahu and how the situation in the Middle East will change.

Kedmi also outlined his vision of Russia's goals in the region. Watch on youtube.

Update regularly, come back

Yakov Kedmi 05-05-2017. Ukraine and the world

On the eve of Victory Day, Israeli analyst, political and public figure Yakov Kedmi answered questions from Mark Sorkin (Ledokol agency) about the events in Ukraine and the military-political situation around the world. Confrontation between Russia and the West, the situation in Syria, Europe today.

The political scientist Kedmi also spoke about further development events in the Donbas and the US attempt to control seaports Primorye. An analysis of the first months of Trump's rule and the future of the European Union.

Fresh videos regularly, come back

IN Lately Anti-Ukrainian agitation by Yakov Kedmi is being circulated in RuNet, which are presented as an analysis of an experienced intelligence officer and almost as the official position of Israel. In fact, Israel accepted the seriously wounded Maidan soldiers and provided medical assistance at its own expense. Israel still adheres to neutrality in relation to Ukraine, and not a single official politician has allowed himself such cheeky statements, especially open approval of Putin's policy, which undermines the foundations of global world security. Ukrainian Jews largely supported the revolution, and the strongest community from Dnepropetrovsk even became one of the pillars of the so-called "junta". Kolomoisky directly called Putin a schizophrenic. Kedmi was a little confused and sympathetically stated that in this case, the Ukrainian Jews themselves would be to blame and they would have to "take care of your own ass". Not weak, right?

Let's try to figure out by the method of shallow Google what kind of intelligence officer who suddenly began to advertise himself in Russia, and at the same time Putin.
Mr. Yakov Kedmi is just former head special services "Nativ", dealing exclusively with issues of repatriation from the USSR. Moreover, the most notable achievement of this man is the reorientation of the flow of Soviet emigrants to Israel. Since the late 80s, Jews who wanted to emigrate from the USSR, say, to the United States, and not to Israel, were deprived of such an opportunity precisely thanks to Yakov Kedmi. With such modest merits and position, Russian propagandists call him without a shadow of embarrassment...! A blatant lie immediately diverges in waves across the network, people are too lazy to even make a request in a search engine themselves.

Who is Yakov Kedmi? All information from an open source - "Wikipedia". Moskvich. He was the first Jew who publicly renounced Soviet citizenship and demanded that he be given the opportunity to leave for Israel. And he did it just during the Six-Day War, when the USSR severed diplomatic relations with Israel. Now choose the correct answer... After this act, twenty-year-old Yasha Kazakov:
1) went to jail;
2) sat down in the camp;
3) went to explore the Jewish Autonomous Region;
4) well, at least he was kicked out of the institute and fired from his job!
But they didn't guess! The brave young fighter against the Soviet regime received a visa and left for Israel (usually this was possible only if there were relatives there). The story of Kedmi himself about how it was can be read at the link.
Personally, this information is enough for me to think about whether he was a Soviet spy. An ideal biography for a successful introduction. And his position was ideal for controlling the Jewish underground in the USSR. Yes, and other Soviet agents of influence could well seep into Israel thanks to him.

In all the interviews that Russian quilted jackets are now willingly replicating, Yakov Kedmi openly pours water on Putin’s mill, talking about the United States and NATO as if this is the main evil in the world, which is opposed only by great and beautiful Russia. In fact, Israel is officially one of the main allies and military partners of NATO and the United States. The United States often did not side with Israel in its Middle East policy, and this irritated many Israelis. However, it is not the United States, but Putin's Russia, the direct heir of the USSR, that allows anti-Semitic attacks on central TV channels. It is Russia that sells missiles to Syria, with which Palestinian militants then fire at Israel. Iran's nuclear programs are almost entirely based on the help of Russian specialists (I once rode with one in the same compartment and heard plenty of boastful stories about two mansions in the Crimea, for myself and my son, and about "vile agents of Zionism" killing Iranian scientists). The current Israeli authorities are afraid to quarrel with Russia, which could cut off profitable economic ties and set Syria and Iran against Israel. But there is no need to be afraid of this - we need to prepare for this ... Now the alignment of forces in a possible Third World War has practically been determined, and hoping that Russia will be on the side of Israel in it is the height of naivety ...

Speaking on Russian TV in August 2017, Kedmi stated: "The Soviet Union had the best education system. And you are copying the American one. Why? In America, higher education is less than twenty good universities, the rest are at a very low level. Secondary education - several private schools. American diplomas in the world are very low valued". And how do you order to treat such an "expert"? :)))

Meet Yakov Kedmi or Yakov Kazakov, born in 1947 in the hero city of Moscow. He did not graduate from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. Trying to leave for Israel, he dropped out of school. Since 1969 in Israel.

He studied at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Technion of Haifa, and then at the University of Tel Aviv and the College of National Security - Michlala le-bitahon leumi.

Served as a tanker. Participated in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Worked in Sokhnut. He held one of the leading positions in the "Russian department" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He actively participated in the work of the Herut party and in 1978, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem Begin, began working for Nativ.

1988-1990 an employee of the consular group of the Israeli Foreign Ministry of the Dutch Embassy in Moscow.

If anyone remembers, the Dutch embassy was also the Israeli consulate.


Last week, in an interview with Yakov Kazakov, he told how in the late 80s he and his comrades "fraudulently" forced Soviet Jews to repatriate to their historical homeland instead of emigrating to the United States.

About what kind of operation it was, I wrote more or less in detail in the article "About Israel and not only - the times of repatriation of the nineties"

Journalist Ronen Bergman, who specializes in terrorism and intelligence activities, published his interlocutor's "revelations" as a loud sensation. But this may be a sensation for the Hebrew-speaking reader.

Heinrich Himmler wrote extensively about herd submission.

The Russian-speaking reader, a repatriate, felt all the victories of Yakov Kedmi, the scars left by these victories on his own skin. For some, this is still a non-healing wound.

But my comments later.

Although, I must remind you that this is not the first such interview of our today's "hero".

The American authorities decided that the paperwork for emigration from the USSR to the USA should be transferred from Rome to Moscow. That is, it was the most the best option, which practically obligated - at least from the point of view of the law - those wishing to travel to the United States to submit documents not in Rome, but in Moscow. The Americans hoped that this should streamline the flow of emigrants, which intensified in the direction of the United States. For almost all Israeli structures, the decision of the American authorities came as a surprise, including for the Sokhnut. The new order was introduced only to ensure American interests.

Kedmi spoke eight years ago.

... In early September 1989, representatives of several embassies, including myself, were invited to the American ambassador. Then for a year I had been spinning in Moscow as part of the Israeli consular group at the Embassy of the Netherlands, which mainly consisted of Nativ employees. The American ambassador announced to us that from October 1, the United States will introduce a new procedure. I listened to this, called Israel and said that I urgently need to come and talk with the head of government to discuss the situation. And went.

We obeyed only the head of government and reported only to him. Always, if information appeared in Moscow that I considered necessary to report to him, I said that I wanted to meet him. Usually the meeting took place within a day from the moment of my appearance in Israel. Sometimes I went to the Prime Minister directly from the airport, but sometimes I had to wait a day if I did not insist on an immediate meeting.. So it was this time. The then director of Nativ, David Bar-Tov, and I came to Yitzhak Shamir. I reported the situation. Said that, according to my estimates, there is an opportunity to stop what was called "screening out", that is, to wrap all Jews in Israel . I knew that the American system would not work, because there was no planned mechanism that would prevent the arrival of Jews in Vienna and Rome ... I defined the task: we need to take advantage of the decision of the Americans and prevent the arrival of Jews from the USSR to Vienna. I came up with a mechanism that could prevent this. I suggested to the Prime Minister that new order at the embassy: people will receive a visa only when they show tickets to travel to Israel via Bucharest or Budapest. By that time, Nativ had already established its bases in these cities.

There was no dropout from Bucharest. Ceausescu promised us this at one time. That is, from Bucharest it was possible to get only to Israel. And from Budapest too. These were the countries socialist camp. There was order, and everyone rode in accordance with the document that he had. It was clear that people from there would only get to Israel. I planned so that people would spend as little time in Budapest as possible and that they would have the least degree of freedom of movement. I knew too well who I was dealing with .

I agreed with the Austrian Embassy and asked its employees to act in accordance with the law: that is do not issue an Austrian visa before an Israeli visa is issued. And after the issuance of an Israeli visa at five o'clock in the evening, three hours remained before the plane that flew to Bucharest and Budapest. All embassies were closed.

I am not afraid of anything. People are the least. We did what we considered necessary for the state, for the Jewish people. As a result, Israel today has a million more Russian-speaking residents. Those who know what Israel is and what its complexities are, can imagine what a viable Jewish state would be without this million citizens.. My colleagues from other special services, after the implementation of my plan began, said: Guys, you just saved our country

The bastard never realized that he was a pawn in the American plan to destroy Israel, because today he says:

The principle was that anyone who received an exit visa to Israel in Moscow would also receive a visa for repatriation to Israel. Without it, he could not leave the USSR, as well as enter any other country, only if he presented air tickets to Hungary or Romania. We made sure that at the transfer points in Bucharest and Budapest they would not be allowed to travel to any other place than Israel .

In Hungary and Romania, we agreed with dear Ceausescu, may he rest in peace, that the Jews who arrive to him will only go in one direction, to Israel, and in most cases will not leave the airport at all.

We have reached similar agreements in Hungary.

Herd submission of repatriates, psychological pressure, Soviet upbringing - all this played into our hands.

I just want to remind you that Yakov Kedmi, et al., used the same psychological mechanism, which was used by the Nazis before that, sending Jews to the gas chambers "herd submission".


The Zionists, an unmotivated wave of repatriates in the early 90s, brought the government of the liquidators of Israel to power. Rabin government.

Of course, few of our repatriation realized how this threatened both Israel and them personally.

Yakov Kedmi allowed to visit Russia

For a long time, Yakov Kedmi, a well-known military-political commentator and ex-head of the Israeli secret service Nativ, was a persona non grata in Russia. His visit to his former homeland was considered undesirable. And recently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asked Kedmi to be informed that now he can visit their country at any time convenient for him. About this, as well as about the events taking place on other political vectors in new program Mark Gorin and Yakov Kedmi "Special folder"

Yakov KEDMI: Israeli spy on Putin's sympathy for the Jews

Israeli intelligence officer Yakov Kedmi, who personally met with VVP, speaks about Putin's sympathy for the Jews

Israeli military-political analyst, former head of the Nativ secret service, Yakov Kedmi, spoke about how, in his opinion, Putin treats Jews. The program was recorded shortly after the Russian President's visit to Jerusalem.

An interesting moment - many foreign citizens have recently spoken about Putin's sympathy for the Jews, who can hardly be suspected of being materially dependent on the Kremlin - ranging from former ambassador The United States in Moscow McFaul, continuing with Chief Executive Berl Lazar, and ending with the Israeli intelligence officer Kedmi, but only two persons from the propaganda state-run media are radiant about Putin's sympathy for the Russians - Prokhanov, yes Kholmogorov.

P.S. Tellingly, the Canadian dad of Zaputin's red-bearded propagandist, who lives in Montreal, has not yet spoken about Putin's sympathies for either one or the other.