Mai's GPA. Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI): reviews

MAI is a university of a small number of educational institutions top level accreditation, which trains specialists in all stages of creating products in the aviation, rocket and space industries. The training of designers begins with the systematic, planned formation of a specific project and ends with the implementation of high-tech production processes.

The advantage of MAI is the close cooperation of the institution with industrial plants, where graduates of the university are very popular, showing wonderful knowledge even after graduation, entering work without practical experience.

What achievements can MAI be rightfully proud of by 2019:

  1. It is estimated that in 2015, 802 specialists from MAI were employed by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Roscosmos State Corporation, Rosatom, and Rostec.
  2. Over the entire period of its existence, the university has graduated 160,000 future professionals, of which 250 people have already become leading and general designers at the main enterprises of the country: JSC RSC Energia named after S.P. Korolev, JSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, JSC Kamov", FSUE TsNIIMash.
  3. Thanks to MAI, Russia saw new test pilots, because exactly 22 former students chose this profession and worked in space industry up to 15 years. It is known that 14 of them made their dream of entering the open space. As for test pilots, their number is close to 150 people.
  4. In 2012, a Presidential program was approved to improve the qualifications of engineers and technicians, under which by 2019, 341 people were able to improve their professional level.
  5. MAI, attracting future students, participated in the process of creating MiG, Il, Tu, Su, Yak aircraft; with the help of designers working at the university, combat helicopters and strategically important anti-aircraft installations were improved. Aircraft created at the Moscow Aviation Institute are now in use in 20 countries around the world.
  6. The university is part of the Consortium of Aerospace Higher Education Institutions, consisting of 9 leading universities in the country. In 2017, thanks to this scientific organization a network library has been launched, which can be used by all students of institutions included in the Consortium.
  7. On September 23, 2016, a MAI graduate was awarded the order Alexander Nevsky, which was presented by President Vladimir Putin himself.

Social conditions of MAI

In 2017, 720 first-year students entered MAI; 2016 was marked by approximately the same number of applicants. To ensure that applicants can safely study their chosen profession, there are 9 dormitories for students to live and study, with a total capacity of 6,800 places.

As you know, any educational process It is more effective when study hours are combined with quality rest, hobbies and sports. On the basis of MAI in 2019, 8 sports complexes are operating at once, and 50 sports sections are also offered to students to maintain proper physical condition and health. This also includes GYM's and the Science Stadium. Especially sports students will enjoy parachute jumping and participation in competitions that are held both among MAI students and in the region.

To make life easier for future specialists and encourage them to achieve good success and achievements in sports, the administration offers once a year recreation in the Yaroslavets-Suvorov sports and recreation camp, located in the Moscow region. Lovers of the south will enjoy the maritime climate of the Alushta camp in the Republic of Crimea.

If your health leaves much to be desired, you can purchase a ticket to a dispensary owned by the Moscow Aviation Institute, where highly specialized health workers will take care of you for 24 days. The list of recreational activities includes a visit to a physiotherapy group, a psychotherapy room, hardware and manual massage, an inhalation room, a solarium and a herbal bar.

Without proper nutrition, it is difficult to imagine a healthy and strong cosmonaut, designer, who is entrusted with solving important strategic problems. MAI has 2 production workshops, experienced chefs work on the menu and the result exceeds all expectations. The dishes offered amaze with their variety - from hot side dishes with meat products to fresh pastries and cakes.

MAI takes into account different levels material security of students, therefore it supports children from low-income families - subsidized meals are organized for them. In 2017, prices for a full meal stopped at 120 rubles.

MAI student associations

The management of MAI is interested in annually raising the rating of its university; this can only be achieved by knowing the needs of applicants for training, constantly improving the staff of teachers and keeping pace with the development of innovative and computer technologies.

To improve all these characteristics of the university, active student associations were created, affecting all aspects of students’ lives:

  1. The Trade Union of Students and Postgraduate Students ranks 3rd among all trade union organizations of capital universities. In the event of social, legal or legal injustice, any student can receive appropriate help, advice and count on a solution to the issue that becomes valid and not shelved for consideration.
  2. The student council of the MAI dormitories resolves issues regarding the provision of housing.
  3. Youth Union - provides an opportunity for active, talented, creative students to express themselves in social activities, cultural events, preparation of sports events and organization of recreation for students.
  4. The Council of Young Scientists in 2017 unites young scientists who, when working together With experienced teachers they can develop their skills and abilities, attend scientific conferences and propose their own projects.

List of main specialties

In 2019, 5 MAI branches continue to operate, located in Baikonur, Akhtyubinsk, Zhukovsky, Khimki and Stupino. Individual departments of the university are additionally represented in 9 Russian universities.

The passing scores for admission to the budget depend on the prestige of the chosen specialty; the teaching council is guided by the number of applicants for 1st place in the previous admission campaign:

  1. To enroll in the specialty “Aircraft Engineering”, you need to score Unified State Exam results 198 points. In 2019-2019, 86 free places were provided for applicants. The cost stated for training under the contract is 192,770 rubles annually.
  2. The budget for automation of technological processes and production is 17 places, there is no commercial training. The passing score for the budget is 150.
  3. Contract students of Ballistics and Aerodynamics will have to pay tuition fees of 192,770 rubles per year. 59 people can count on the budget; the passing scores are at 145.
  4. Those wishing to enroll on a budget for Business Informatics must come to terms with the fact that it is not available in 2019. Passing Unified State Exam the contract was distributed at the level of 225 points, and the cost for 1 year was 130,770 rubles.
  5. “Biotechnical systems and technologies” at MAI are estimated at 160,770 rubles per year. The budget offers 67 places, passing scores - 163.
  6. If an applicant wants to connect his life with government and municipal government, in exams in the subjects of Russian language, mathematics and social studies, it is enough to score passing points of 100, they will ensure admission to the contract. There is no budget provided.
  7. If you want to be among the lucky ones who took one of the 78 budget places in the specialty “Aircraft Engines,” score at least 170 points on the Unified State Examination. If it doesn’t work out, then be prepared to pay 192,770 rubles annually.
  8. "Innovatika" at MAI offers to receive in 2019 free education 18 students. 140,770 rubles is the established cost for obtaining knowledge on a contract basis.
  9. Where you can definitely go wild is on the “Integrated Aircraft Systems”. The state agrees to cover the costs of the university, including providing knowledge to 160 students. In another case, education will cost 192,770 rubles annually.
  10. A big competition has been announced for “Management” at MAI, requiring excellent performance from state employees (13 places) school knowledge. The passing scores are 230, and the contract specialty must be paid in the amount of 130,770 rubles.
  11. There are 74 budget places open for metallurgists; to take one of them, you only need to score 150 points. For metallurgy, those who do not pass the budget will have to pay 140,770 rubles.
  12. “Applied Mathematics” also set a high bar for applicants - 207 points according to the Unified State Examination results. There are 60 budget places, the contract fee is 130,770 rubles.
  13. To qualify for free training in Software Engineering (19 applicants), in 2017 you need to score a passing Unified State Examination of 232 points.
  14. The specialization “Human Resources Management” is considered prestigious - 227 points per budget, 130,770 rubles per contract.
  15. The passing scores for “Aircraft Control Systems” were distributed slightly lower – 206 points, 98 budget places. Passing Unified State Exam – 206.

Admission of students is carried out on a competitive budget and paid-contractual basis.

The Unified State Examination is generally held from May 27 to June 20.
Unified State Examination results are assessed on a 100-point scale. The certificate is valid until December 31, 2023. The minimum threshold for the subject will be known within 6-8 days after conducting the Unified State Exam within the main deadlines. Without passing the minimum threshold of points in one of the compulsory subjects (Russian language and mathematics), the graduate has the right to retake it at this year on additional days provided for in the schedule.
If a graduate does not achieve the minimum threshold of points in two compulsory subjects, he can take the Unified State Exam no earlier than next year.

The deadline for accepting documents has also been determined.


July 10 – deadline for accepting documents for those taking internal exams (don’t forget to bring 2 photos with you)

July 28 – deadline for accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants without entrance examinations, according to quotas (if these persons have submitted documents to two or more higher education organizations)

August 1 – completion of accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants wishing to be enrolled at the 1st stage of admission to the main competitive places

August 6 – completion of accepting applications for consent to enrollment from applicants wishing to be enrolled at the 2nd stage of admission to the main competitive places


The admissions committee in July 2020 will accept certificates of a single state exam(Unified State Examination), obtained in 2016 and 2017 academic years, in the following subjects:

Towards "Informatics and Computer Science": mathematics (major), Russian language, physics.

Towards "Management": mathematics (specialized), Russian language, social studies.

Applicants to the master's program take one interdisciplinary exam according to the approved program.

Documents submitted to the admissions committee:

  1. Certificate of completion high school or a diploma of completion of a secondary vocational educational institution (original).
  2. Photos – 12 pcs. (3x4 – 6 pcs. and 4x6 cm – 6 pcs.).
  3. Certificate of registration or military ID (to be presented) + photocopy of the 1st page of the registration certificate.
  4. Passport (presented) + photocopy of 1.2 pages.
  5. Unified State Examination results.
  6. SNILS.

Military department

Preparing students for military department is carried out on a competitive basis in training programs for reserve lieutenants.

Studying at the military department allows you to:

- in addition to the main civilian specialty, obtain a military specialty;

Trained at the military department at military service are not conscripted, but can be conscripted at personal request.


MAI preparatory courses prepare 11th grade students for passing the Unified State Exam and entrance tests in technical and liberal arts universities Russia.

Purpose of the preparatory courses– to provide the future student with fundamental training in competitive subjects: physics, mathematics, Russian language, history and social studies. Classes in the courses will help systematize the knowledge acquired at school, raise the level of training to the requirements for a future engineer, and provide the opportunity to acquire solid skills in independently and creatively solving the most complex problems. The solid knowledge gained from us will serve as a good basis for making a meaningful choice of your life path.

Studying for preparatory courses MAI is:

  • classes with qualified teachers;
  • training on methods of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • execution analysis tests and individual recommendations to students and their parents;
  • textbooks for applicants;
  • adaptation to studying at a university.

Classes at the preparatory courses are taught by teachers from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after. Peter the Great, having extensive teaching experience, academic degrees and titles, as well as the best teachers and methodologists of the city schools, recommended by the city education committee: Bespalova L.N. , Andrianova N.V., Taranina O.V., Martynov A.A., Yashin A.V.

Duration of training in preparatory courses is:

  • 8 months – in groups of one-year training;

At the request of the applicant, he can be enrolled in a study group that studies on days convenient for him.

Classes are held:

  • Two days a week (on weekdays) for 4 academic hours a day (from 16 to 19 hours).

Preparation is carried out in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (128 hours);
  • physics (128 hours);
  • computer science (128 hours);
  • social studies (128 hours);
  • Russian language (128 hours).

Training is paid.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, 21, room No. 118.

Directions: by buses No. 4, No. 106, stop “Children's sanatorium” (gps:

The Moscow Aviation Institute is rightfully considered one of the best technical universities in the country and the entire post-Soviet space. This is confirmed both by the rich history of the educational institution and the number of famous graduates, as well as by its high places in the rankings. It is extremely difficult to enroll here on a budget, because you need to pass the State Examination with 185 points or higher, the competition for budget places is very high, and their number decreases every year. Therefore, many students choose paid form training.

Let's consider what the cost of training at MAI will be for applicants for a contract in the 2017-2018 academic year:


Most directions at MAI are presented for future bachelors. The most affordable by capital standards, only 144,410 rubles, will be studies in the following specialties:

  • Business Informatics;
  • GMU - State and municipality control;
  • Management;
  • Org. youth work;
  • Applied mathematics/+computer science;
  • Service;
  • UP – Personnel Management;
  • Foundation. computer science and inf. technologies;
  • Economy.

For training in the largest number of specialties at the MAI bachelor's degree, the cost is set at 150,230 rubles for the first academic year. The list of these areas includes:

  • Automation of technology processes and production;
  • Biotech. systems and technologies;
  • Innovation;
  • Inf. systems and technologies;
  • Inf. safety;
  • Laser equipment and technologies;
  • Materials science and materials technology;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • Applied Mechanics;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Syst. analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Physics;
  • Ecology and environmental management;
  • Electrical power engineering and technology.

For 25 thousand more, for 175,970 you can study for two semesters at the Moscow Aviation Institute in “Advertising and Public Relations” or “Linguistics”.

The highest price set for undergraduate courses at the Moscow Aviation Institute was the amount of 201,720 rubles, for which you can study in the following specialties:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Aircraft (aircraft) engines;
  • Nanotechnology and microsystem engineering;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Control systems movement and navigation.

Part-time form

Applicants planning to earn a living and get an education at the same time, as a rule, enroll in part-time training. At MAI there is the opportunity to study on a part-time basis, and the price of such training will depend on the chosen specialty:

Price for 1st course,Direction
59 210 Electrical design and technology. funds
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
79 800 Aircraft industry
Aircraft engines
81 600 Business Informatics
123 760 Advertising and public relations


Completely absentee, that is almost distance learning at the Moscow Aviation Institute is also possible, but the choice of areas for obtaining such an education is extremely small - there are only nine of them. Four of them are trained for 59,210 rubles per year:

  1. Computer science and calculations. technology;
  2. Electrical design and technology funds;
  3. Applied Informatics;
  4. Radio engineering;

... and the remaining five - for 68 thousand rubles:

  1. Business Informatics;
  2. Management;
  3. Service;
  4. Economics.

MAI specialty: available directions and prices


If previously training in almost all areas of training at MAI lasted 5-6 years, now only the most complex programs remain in the specialty, syllabus which could not be reduced to fit the 4-year duration of a bachelor's degree. Thus, you can complete the first year of training as a specialist for 150,230 rubles in only three areas:

  1. Inf. telecommunications security systems;
  2. Radio-electronic systems and complexes;
  3. Special org.-technical systems.

Training in the remaining six available specialties will cost freshmen and their parents 50 thousand more – 201,720 rubles. The list of such areas is as follows:

  • Design, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  • Aviation design and rocket engines;
  • Aircraft testing;
  • Integrated aircraft systems;
  • Control systems LA;

Part-time form

You can also study part-time or part-time in the specialty of the Aviation Institute, but upon admission you will have to choose from only three directions, the first year of study for which will cost 79,800 rubles:

  1. Project, production and operation of rockets and rocket-space complexes;
  2. Integrated aircraft systems;
  3. Aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.

Opportunity distance learning MAI is completely absent from the specialty.

Master's degree at MAI: prices for studies


After graduating from the Mayovsky bachelor’s degree, newly minted bachelors most often go back to apply for admission to the MAI, since without a master’s degree technical education in many cases cannot be considered complete. The most affordable master's programs will be “Applied Mathematics”, “Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, as well as “Fundamental Informatics and Informatics”. technologies”, which will cost 154,570 rubles:

It will cost less than 4 thousand more (158,410 rubles) to study Economics or Management.

However, the largest number of specialties was assigned a price of 165,670 rubles. WITH full list These areas can be found below:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
  • Computer science will calculate. technique;
  • Electrical design and technology. funds;
  • Metallurgy;
  • Materials Science and Engineering materials;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Instrumentation;
  • Applied mechanics;
  • System analysis and management;
  • Standardization and metrology;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Technosphere safety;
  • Ex. in tech. systems;
  • Ex. quality;
  • Physics.

The price for some master's degrees is much higher than the most common one and amounts to 210,620 rubles for the 1st year. It is installed for:

  • Aircraft manufacturing;
  • Ballistics and hydroaerodynamics;
  • Missile systems and astronautics;
  • Aircraft engines.

Part-time and part-time forms

In addition to full-time study, MAI also accepts part-time and part-time courses, but the choice here is not as great as in the full-time department. Thus, to enroll in a part-time master's program, applicants will have to choose between three available areas. The most inexpensive of them is “Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”. For first-year studies in this specialty they will ask only 60,950 rubles. The average price for the “glasses-and-glasses” course is “Aircraft Engineering” for 83,360 rubles for 1 year. And for the first two semesters of study in the most expensive direction, “Management,” you will have to pay 95,050 rubles.

Those wishing to study at MAI in absentia can choose between the cheaper “Informatics and Computing”. technology" for 65,380 rubles or one of the more expensive areas - "Economics" and "Management", the first course of study in which will cost 79,210 rubles.

Find out more about the university itself and the benefits of studying at MAI at different specialties, after watching the video at the university:

Higher education provides an opportunity to get a decent job. This is explained to schoolchildren long before the time comes for them to decide how their future life should develop. Therefore, many applicants are extremely responsible about where to continue their studies. Such future students carefully research information about their future university. This article is intended to make this process somewhat easier. It will describe the Moscow Aviation Institute (departments, faculties, admission conditions). This information will allow you to make an informed decision: is it worth choosing the product in question? educational institution?

About the university

Over the years of its existence, MAI has grown from a small aeromechanical school to one of the largest national research universities. Today, 1,800 experienced, competent teachers teach more than 20,000 future specialists at 12 faculties in 42 areas of training. Graduates of the institute in question are extremely in demand. Thus, employment for students is guaranteed.

Positive reviews

Is it worth going to MAI? Reviews and people's opinions vary. Often in the most dramatic way. However, the majority of responses are positive. Students and graduates talk about competent, experienced teachers and high-quality knowledge received at the university. Many share what they were able to get Good work upon completion of training. Most graduates do not regret the years they spent at this institute.

Negative reviews

However, not everyone speaks with such tenderness and gratitude about studying at MAI. Some claim that many teachers do not provide knowledge properly. Such students talk about constant tardiness of professors, lack of meaningful classes, problems with the admissions committee, and lack of up-to-date educational materials.

It is not easy to choose which responses to believe. Most likely, they all partly have a certain basis. As a rule, it all depends on the specific people with whom you will have to collaborate. Conscientious teachers will provide quality knowledge, others will waste your time.

passing score

Applicants must take into account many nuances. So, what else is important to know for those who are planning to enter MAI on their own this year? Reviews recommend paying attention to what passing scores the educational institution has set for the Unified State Examination results. They are relevant both for those who plan to enroll in budget place, and for those who have chosen the option of paid training.

So, minimum score in computer science (or information and communication technologies), as well as in social studies is 50, in Russian language - 48, in mathematics - 39, in physics, foreign language, history and geography - 40.

Reviews recommend that every applicant be sure to take these requirements into account when applying to MAI. This will help you objectively assess your chances.

Areas of training

Before choosing a specialty for which you will apply to the Moscow Aviation Institute, reviews recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of exams required to pass.

So, there are several blocks of subjects, test results for which should be provided upon admission. First block: Russian language, physics, mathematics. These disciplines are relevant for the following areas of study: applied mathematics and computer science, fundamental computer science and information Technology, physics, computer science and Information Systems and technologies, radio engineering, instrument making, biotechnical systems and technologies, laser technology and laser technologies, electric power and electrical engineering, applied mechanics, automation of technological processes and production, technosphere safety, metallurgy, standardization and metrology, motion control systems and navigation, missile systems and astronautics , aircraft engines, aircraft construction, control in technical systems, innovation, nanotechnology and microsystem technology.

The second block of disciplines: mathematics, history, Russian language. It is relevant for those who plan to study as a linguist.

Third block: Russian language, computer science and These exams will have to be passed by those who are going to enroll in the following areas of training: applied mathematics, Applied Informatics, software engineering, Information Security, information technology and communication systems, design and technology electronic means, quality control, system analysis and management.

Mathematics, Russian language and geography will have to be taken by those who want to study ecology and environmental management.

In turn, social studies, Russian language and mathematics will be needed for those who want to continue their studies in the following specialties: economics, personnel management, management, business informatics, advertising and public relations, organization of work with youth, service.

This information will help you reconsider your plans and evaluate your options.


The main thing you need to decide on in advance is this. To do this, it is important to carefully study the list of available faculties at a given institute. These include the following:

  • "Radiovtuz".
  • "Aviation technology".
  • "Foreign languages".
  • "Aircraft engines".
  • "Aerospace".
  • "Applied mathematics and physics".
  • "Radio electronics of aircraft".
  • "Applied mechanics".
  • "Control systems, computer science and electrical power engineering."
  • "Social Engineering".
  • "Robotics and intelligent systems."
  • "Pre-university preparation."

The Moscow Military Aviation Institute is also quite popular among applicants. It is important to carefully familiarize yourself with all the features of the chosen specialty before submitting documents. This will facilitate the process of adaptation to new conditions during training.

Special rights and benefits for applicants

Some applicants have the right without any entrance exams enter the Moscow Aviation Institute. Student reviews report that this happens quite often. Among these applicants:

  • Those who participated in All-Russian Olympiad or won it.
  • Those who participated in the All-Ukrainian Olympiad or won it.

Others can study at the expense of budget funds within a certain quota. Disabled people can take advantage of this opportunity; orphans; those who were left without parental care; combat veterans.

The higher education institution in question may change some conditions at its discretion. Therefore, it is recommended to check regularly for current requirements.

How are individual achievements taken into account?

As reviews from 2016 report about MAI, when applying for training, they can declare their special achievements, which will certainly be taken into account when enrolling. Points are awarded for significant results (from 1 to 10).

The following individual achievements play a role:

  • Sports victories (world champion, European champion, medalist or champion of the Olympic, Deaflympic and Paralympic games).
  • Secondary Certificate general education(with honors or with the condition of receiving a silver or gold medal).
  • Status of laureate, prize-winner, winner of Olympiads corresponding to the chosen specialty).
  • Diploma received higher education(Honours).
  • Secondary Diploma vocational education(Honours).

    A maximum of 10 points can be awarded.

Admission of foreigners

Can foreign citizens become MAI students? Student feedback shows that they can. However, for this group of applicants there are special conditions receipts.

For example, such citizens can study at the Moscow Aviation Institute (reviews about the training of foreigners confirm this fact) both through financial support from the budget and through funding, the source of which is any legal entity or individual. In the second case, as is usually the case, a contract for the provision of services is concluded.

In the higher educational institution in question, there is a strictly defined quota for the education of foreigners, which is established in accordance with current legislation. It may vary depending on the chosen specialty, as well as over time. Otherwise, foreign applicants are treated in the same way as Russian ones.

Such applicants are not required to take a Russian language exam for admission. For neither, the list of mandatory examination disciplines is adjusted in a certain way.

There is a certain quota of foreign citizens who can study in those specialties whose educational programs involve the disclosure of information that relates to state secret. This mechanism is governed by relevant law.

The need for a medical examination

A number of specialties require the provision of some additional documents. It's about about the results in accordance with the requirements based on current legislation Russian Federation. This condition applies to the following specialties:

  • "Radio-electronic systems and complexes."
  • "Testing of aircraft".
  • "Electrical power engineering and electrical engineering".

Take this into account if you plan to enroll in one of these specialties at the Moscow Aviation Institute. Feedback from students confirms that knowledge of this kind of features greatly facilitates the process. Parents of applicants are encouraged to monitor how their child prepares the necessary documents.

Features of document acceptance

What do you need to prepare before entering MAI? Reviews recommend studying this point in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the document submission process. So what do you need to know?

Along with the application for admission to this higher education institution, you must provide:

  • Any document that allows you to identify the applicant.
  • Two photographs (black and white) four by six centimeters in size.
  • Original document confirming previous education (a photocopy would also be appropriate).
  • If the applicant has any special rights upon admission, he must provide additional documents, confirming this fact.

In the event that a potential student considers it necessary to present admissions committee something else, he has the right to do it.


The Moscow Aviation Institute is an educational institution that has provided many thousands of students with high-quality knowledge and the opportunity to get a well-paid, prestigious job.

Be extremely careful when choosing a university and specialty. This choice will have a significant impact on the rest of your life. Take it seriously. And then the coming years of study will bring you only the most positive emotions.

Moscow Aviation Institute(MAI) - educational complex, providing training in the field of aviation, rocket and space and energy systems.
MAI carries out vocational training training in three main areas: Engineering; Development and reliability of machines; Design of a remote intelligent system.

Students are given the opportunity to participate in international conferences, foreign internships, and continue their education in graduate school under the guidance of famous experts - professors of science. At the MAI Institute, they do not ignore the health of students. Within the walls of the institution there is a choice between traditional classes at the department physical education and classes in various sections of interest.

Training at MAI is carried out taking into account the individual inclinations of students under the guidance of department teachers and practicing specialists. MAI graduates should be able to independently analyze, calculate, design and develop design and technical documentation based on high computer technologies. Depth of knowledge gained and versatility of training modern graduates allows them to work in a wide variety of government and commercial structures. Tuition fees at MAI in 2017-2018. for full-time programs starts from 144 thousand rubles.

On average, passing scores at MAI are not very high - in 2017 they ranged from 137 to 278 (depending on the chosen form of study and direction).

MAI faculties:

Aviation technology

✔ Aircraft engines

✔ Control systems, computer science and power engineering

✔ Radio electronics of aircraft

✔ Aerospace

✔ Robotic and intelligent systems

✔ Applied mathematics and physics

✔ Applied mechanics

✔ Social engineering

✔ Foreign languages

✔ Radiovtuz MAI

✔ Pre-university preparation