Neutron collider. The Large Hadron Collider

The LHC (Large Hadron Collider, LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator, located on the French-Swiss border in Geneva and owned by CERN. The main goal of building the Large Hadron Collider was to search for the Higgs boson, the elusive particle that is the last element of the Standard Model. The collider completed the task: physicists actually discovered an elementary particle at the predicted energies. Further, the LHC will operate in this luminosity range and operate as special objects usually operate: at the request of scientists. Remember, the one and a half month mission of the Opportunity rover dragged on for 10 years.

Now that scientists have found the Higgs boson, they will be looking for an even more elusive target: dark matter. We are surrounded by dark matter and dark energy - invisible substances that connect galaxies, but do not reveal themselves in any way. IN new job is stated innovative method search for dark matter using the Large Hadron Collider by exploiting the relatively slow speed of the potential particle.

The timing of the relaunch of the LHC has already been postponed several times due to the discovery of new problems with it. In particular, in mid-July 2009, seal problems and leaks in the cooling system in sectors 8-1 and 2-3 were discovered at the collider, due to which the launch of the collider was again postponed.

CERN announced that beams of protons will begin circulating around the 27-kilometer ring again in mid-November, with particle collisions beginning a few weeks later.

CERN specialists intend to first carry out collisions at the energy of the previous stage of the accelerator - 450 gigaelectronvolts per beam, and only then increase the energy to half the design - up to 3.5 teraelectronvolts per beam.

However, physicists note that even at this energy, the goal of creating a collider is to detect the Higgs boson, the particle responsible for the mass of all other elementary particles, - can be achieved.

The LHC will operate in this mode until the end of 2010, after which it will be shut down in preparation for the transition to an energy of 7 teraelectronvolts per beam.

In May 2009, the adventure film “Angels and Demons” based on the book of the same name by Dan Brown was released worldwide.

CERN plays a key role in the plot of this work, and several scenes of the film were filmed on the premises of CERN. Since the film contains elements of fiction, including in the description of what and how it is studied at CERN, CERN management considered it useful to prevent those questions that will inevitably arise in many viewers of the film. For this purpose, a special website Angels and Demons - the science behind the story was launched. It tells in an accessible form about those physical phenomena that are woven into the plot of the film (primarily the production, storage and properties of antimatter).

The development of the plot begins with two seemingly unrelated, but nevertheless key events for the film: the death of the current Pope, and the completion of experiments with the Large Hadron Collider. As a result of the tests, scientists obtain an antimatter that can be compared in strength to the most powerful weapon. Secret society The Illuminati decides to use this invention for its own purposes - to destroy the Vatican, the center of world Catholicism, which is now left without a head.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Abbreviated LHC (Large Hadron Collider, abbreviated as LHC) is an accelerator of charged particles using colliding beams, designed to accelerate protons and heavy ions (lead ions) and study the products of their collisions. The collider was built at CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research), located near Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France. The LHC is the largest experimental facility in the world. More than 10 thousand scientists and engineers from more than 100 countries participated and are participating in construction and research.

It is named large because of its size: the length of the main accelerator ring is 26,659 m; hadronic - due to the fact that it accelerates hadrons, that is, heavy particles consisting of quarks; collider (eng. collider - collider) - due to the fact that particle beams are accelerated in opposite directions and collide at special collision points.

BAK Specifications

The accelerator is supposed to collide protons with a total energy of 14 TeV (that is, 14 teraelectronvolts or 14·1012 electronvolts) in the system of the center of mass of the incident particles, as well as lead nuclei with an energy of 5 GeV (5·109 electronvolts) for each pair of colliding nucleons. At the beginning of 2010, the LHC had already slightly surpassed the previous record holder in proton energy - the Tevatron proton-antiproton collider, which until the end of 2011 worked at the National Accelerator Laboratory. Enrico Fermi (USA). Despite the fact that the setup of the equipment has been going on for years and has not yet been completed, the LHC has already become the highest-energy particle accelerator in the world, surpassing other colliders by an order of magnitude in energy, including the relativistic heavy ion collider RHIC, operating at Brookhaven Laboratory (USA). ).

The luminosity of the LHC during the first weeks of its run was no more than 1029 particles/cm 2 s, however, it continues to constantly increase. The goal is to achieve a nominal luminosity of 1.7 × 1034 particles/cm 2 s, which is the same order of magnitude as the luminosities of BaBar (SLAC, USA) and Belle (KEK, Japan).

The accelerator is located in the same tunnel formerly occupied by the Large Electron-Positron Collider. The tunnel with a circumference of 26.7 km is laid underground in France and Switzerland. The depth of the tunnel is from 50 to 175 meters, and the tunnel ring is inclined by approximately 1.4% relative to the surface of the earth. To hold, correct and focus proton beams, 1624 superconducting magnets are used, the total length of which exceeds 22 km. The magnets operate at a temperature of 1.9 K (-271 °C), which is slightly below the temperature at which helium becomes superfluid.

BAK detectors

The LHC has 4 main and 3 auxiliary detectors:

  • ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment)
  • ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus)
  • CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid)
  • LHCb (The Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment)
  • TOTEM (TOTal Elastic and diffractive cross section Measurement)
  • LHCf (The Large Hadron Collider forward)
  • MoEDAL (Monopole and Exotics Detector At the LHC).

ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCb are large detectors located around the beam collision points. The TOTEM and LHCf detectors are auxiliary, located at a distance of several tens of meters from the beam intersection points occupied by the CMS and ATLAS detectors, respectively, and will be used in conjunction with the main ones.

ATLAS and CMS detectors - detectors general purpose, are designed to search for the Higgs boson and “non-standard physics,” in particular dark matter, ALICE - to study quark-gluon plasma in collisions of heavy lead ions, LHCb - to study the physics of b-quarks, which will allow a better understanding of the differences between matter and antimatter, TOTEM - designed to study the scattering of particles at small angles, such as what occurs during close flights without collisions (the so-called non-colliding particles, forward particles), which makes it possible to more accurately measure the size of protons, as well as control the luminosity of the collider, and, finally, LHCf - for research cosmic rays modeled using the same non-colliding particles.

Also associated with the work of the LHC is the seventh, quite insignificant in terms of budget and complexity, detector (experiment) MoEDAL, designed to search for slowly moving heavy particles.

During operation of the collider, collisions are carried out simultaneously at all four points of intersection of the beams, regardless of the type of accelerated particles (protons or nuclei). In this case, all detectors simultaneously collect statistics.

Particle acceleration in a collider

The speed of particles in the LHC in colliding beams is close to the speed of light in a vacuum. The acceleration of particles to such high energies is achieved in several stages. In the first stage, low-energy linear accelerators Linac 2 and Linac 3 inject protons and lead ions for further acceleration. The particles then enter the PS booster and then into the PS itself (proton synchrotron), acquiring an energy of 28 GeV. At this energy they are already moving at a speed close to light. After this, particle acceleration continues in the SPS (Super Synchrotron Proton Synchrotron), where the particle energy reaches 450 GeV. The proton bunch is then directed into the main 26.7-kilometer ring, bringing the proton energy to a maximum of 7 TeV, and detectors record the events at the collision points. Two colliding proton beams, when fully filled, can contain 2808 bunches each. At the initial stages of debugging the acceleration process, only one bunch circulates in a beam several centimeters long and of small transverse size. Then they begin to increase the number of clots. The bunches are located in fixed positions relative to each other, which move synchronously along the ring. Clumps in a certain sequence can collide at four points of the ring, where particle detectors are located.

The kinetic energy of all hadron bunches in the LHC when it is completely filled is comparable to kinetic energy jet aircraft, although the mass of all particles does not exceed a nanogram and they cannot even be seen naked eye. This energy is achieved due to particle speeds close to the speed of light.

The bunches go through a full circle of the accelerator in less than 0.0001 seconds, thus making over 10 thousand revolutions per second

Goals and objectives of the LHC

The main task of the Large Hadron Collider is to find out the structure of our world at distances less than 10–19 m, “probing” it with particles with an energy of several TeV. By now, a lot of indirect evidence has already accumulated that at this scale, physicists should discover a certain “new layer of reality”, the study of which will provide answers to many questions of fundamental physics. What exactly this layer of reality will turn out to be is not known in advance. Theorists, of course, have already proposed hundreds of various phenomena that could be observed at collision energies of several TeV, but it is the experiment that will show what is actually realized in nature.

The search for a New Physics The Standard Model cannot be considered the final theory of elementary particles. It must be part of some deeper theory of the structure of the microworld, the part that is visible in experiments at colliders at energies below about 1 TeV. Such theories are collectively called " New physics" or "Beyond the Standard Model." The main goal of the Large Hadron Collider is to get at least the first hints of what this deeper theory is. To further unify fundamental interactions in one theory, various approaches are used: string theory, which was developed in M-theory (brane theory), supergravity theory, loop theory quantum gravity etc. Some of them have internal problems, and none of them have experimental confirmation. The problem is that to carry out the corresponding experiments, energies are needed that are unattainable with modern charged particle accelerators. The LHC will allow experiments that were previously impossible and will likely confirm or refute some of these theories. Thus, there is a whole range of physical theories with dimensions greater than four that assume the existence of “supersymmetry” - for example, string theory, which is sometimes called superstring theory precisely because without supersymmetry it loses physical meaning. Confirmation of the existence of supersymmetry will thus be an indirect confirmation of the truth of these theories. Studying top quarks The top quark is the heaviest quark and, moreover, it is the heaviest elementary particle discovered so far. According to the latest results from the Tevatron, its mass is 173.1 ± 1.3 GeV/c 2. Due to its large mass, the top quark has so far been observed only at one accelerator - the Tevatron; other accelerators simply did not have enough energy for its birth. In addition, top quarks are of interest to physicists not only in themselves, but also as a “working tool” for studying the Higgs boson. One of the most important channels for Higgs boson production at the LHC is associative production together with a top quark-antiquark pair. In order to reliably separate such events from the background, it is first necessary to study the properties of the top quarks themselves. Studying the mechanism of electroweak symmetry One of the main goals of the project is to experimentally prove the existence of the Higgs boson, a particle predicted by Scottish physicist Peter Higgs in 1964 within the framework of the Standard Model. The Higgs boson is a quantum of the so-called Higgs field, when passing through which particles experience resistance, which we represent as corrections to mass. The boson itself is unstable and has a large mass (more than 120 GeV/c 2). In fact, physicists are not so much interested in the Higgs boson itself as in the Higgs mechanism for breaking the symmetry of the electroweak interaction. Study of quark-gluon plasma It is expected that approximately one month per year will be spent in the accelerator in the nuclear collision mode. During this month, the collider will accelerate and collide not protons, but lead nuclei in detectors. During an inelastic collision of two nuclei at ultrarelativistic speeds, a dense and very hot lump of nuclear matter is formed for a short time and then disintegrates. Understanding the phenomena occurring in this case (the transition of matter into the state of quark-gluon plasma and its cooling) is necessary to build a more advanced theory of strong interactions, which will be useful both for nuclear physics, and for astrophysics. The search for supersymmetry The first significant scientific achievement experiments at the LHC may prove or disprove “supersymmetry” - the theory that any elementary particle has a much heavier partner, or “superparticle”. Study of photon-hadron and photon-photon collisions Electromagnetic interaction of particles is described as the exchange of (in some cases virtual) photons. In other words, photons are carriers electromagnetic field. Protons are electrically charged and surrounded by an electrostatic field; accordingly, this field can be considered as a cloud of virtual photons. Every proton, especially a relativistic proton, includes a cloud of virtual particles like component. When protons collide, the virtual particles surrounding each proton also interact. Mathematically, the process of particle interaction is described long row corrections, each of which describes the interaction through virtual particles of a certain type (see: Feynman diagrams). Thus, when studying the collision of protons, the interaction of matter with high-energy photons, which is of great interest for theoretical physics. A special class of reactions is also considered - the direct interaction of two photons, which can collide either with an oncoming proton, generating typical photon-hadron collisions, or with each other. In nuclear collision mode, due to the large electric charge core, the influence of electromagnetic processes also has higher value. Testing exotic theories Theorists at the end of the 20th century put forward a huge number of unusual ideas about the structure of the world, which are collectively called “exotic models”. These include theories with strong gravity at an energy scale of the order of 1 TeV, models with a large number of spatial dimensions, preon models in which quarks and leptons themselves consist of particles, models with new types of interaction. The fact is that the accumulated experimental data is still not enough to create a single theory. And all these theories themselves are compatible with the available experimental data. Because these theories can make specific predictions for the LHC, experimenters plan to test the predictions and look for traces of certain theories in their data. It is expected that the results obtained at the accelerator will be able to limit the imagination of theorists, closing some of the proposed constructions. Other Also pending detection physical phenomena outside the Standard Model. It is planned to study the properties of W and Z bosons, nuclear interactions at ultra-high energies, processes of production and decay of heavy quarks (b and t).

100 meters underground, on the border of France and Switzerland, there is a device that can reveal the secrets of the universe. Or, according to some, destroy all life on Earth.

Anyway, this is the largest machine in the world, and it is used to study the smallest particles in the Universe. This is the Large Hadron (not android) Collider (LHC).

Short description

The LHC is part of a project led by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The collider is part of the CERN accelerator complex outside Geneva in Switzerland and is used to accelerate beams of protons and ions to speeds approaching the speed of light, smashing particles into each other and recording the resulting events. Scientists hope that this will help to learn more about the origin of the Universe and its composition.

What is a collider (LHC)? It is the most ambitious and powerful particle accelerator built to date. Thousands of scientists from hundreds of countries collaborate and compete with each other in search of new discoveries. To collect experimental data, there are 6 sections located along the circumference of the collider.

The discoveries made with it may be useful in the future, but that is not the reason for its construction. The purpose of the Large Hadron Collider is to expand our knowledge of the Universe. Given that the LHC costs billions of dollars and requires the cooperation of many countries, the lack practical application may be unexpected.

What is the Hadron Collider for?

In an attempt to understand our Universe, its functioning and actual structure, scientists have proposed a theory called the standard model. It attempts to identify and explain the fundamental particles that make the world what it is. The model combines elements of Einstein's theory of relativity with quantum theory. It also takes into account 3 of the 4 fundamental forces of the Universe: strong and weak nuclear forces and electromagnetism. The theory does not concern the 4th fundamental force - gravity.

The Standard Model has made several predictions about the universe that are consistent with various experiments. But there are other aspects of it that required confirmation. One of them is a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson.

His discovery answers questions about mass. Why does matter have it? Scientists have identified particles that have no mass, such as neutrinos. Why do some people have it and others don’t? Physicists have offered many explanations.

The simplest of them is the Higgs mechanism. This theory states that there is a particle and a corresponding force that explains the presence of mass. It had never been observed before, so the events created by the LHC would either prove the existence of the Higgs boson or provide new information.

Another question that scientists ask is related to the origin of the Universe. Then matter and energy were one. After their separation, the particles of matter and antimatter destroyed each other. If their number were equal, then there would be nothing left.

But, fortunately for us, there was more matter in the Universe. Scientists hope to observe antimatter during LHC operation. This could help understand the reason for the difference in the amount of matter and antimatter when the universe began.

Dark matter

Our current understanding of the universe suggests that only about 4% of the matter that should exist is currently observable. Movement of galaxies and others celestial bodies suggests that there is much more visible matter.

Scientists called this undefined matter dark matter. Observable and dark matter make up about 25%. The other 3/4 comes from hypothetical dark energy, which contributes to the expansion of the Universe.

Scientists hope their experiments will either provide further evidence for the existence of dark matter and dark energy, or confirm an alternative theory.

But this is just the tip of the particle physics iceberg. There are even more exotic and controversial things that need to be revealed, which is what the collider is for.

Big Bang on a micro scale

By colliding protons at high enough speeds, the LHC breaks them down into smaller atomic subparticles. They are very unstable and last only a fraction of a second before decaying or recombining.

According to theory big bang, originally all matter consisted of them. As the Universe expanded and cooled, they combined into larger particles such as protons and neutrons.

Unusual theories

If the theoretical particles, antimatter and dark energy, aren't exotic enough, some scientists believe the LHC could provide evidence for the existence of other dimensions. It is generally accepted that the world is four-dimensional (three-dimensional space and time). But physicists suggest that there may be other dimensions that humans cannot perceive. For example, one version of string theory requires at least 11 dimensions.

Adherents of this theory hope that the LHC will provide evidence of their proposed model of the Universe. In their opinion, the fundamental building blocks are not particles, but strings. They can be open or closed, and vibrate like guitars. The difference in vibration makes the strings different. Some manifest themselves in the form of electrons, while others are realized as neutrinos.

What is a collider in numbers?

The LHC is a massive and powerful structure. It consists of 8 sectors, each of which is an arc, bounded at each end by a section called an "insert". The circumference of the collider is 27 km.

The accelerator tubes and collision chambers are located 100 meters underground. Access to them is provided by a service tunnel with elevators and stairs located at several points along the LHC circumference. CERN has also built above-ground buildings in which researchers can collect and analyze data generated by the collider's detectors.

Magnets are used to control beams of protons moving at 99.99% of the speed of light. They are huge, weighing several tons. The LHC has about 9,600 magnets. They cool down to 1.9K (-271.25 °C). This is below the temperature of outer space.

Protons inside the collider pass through ultra-high vacuum tubes. This is necessary so that there are no particles that they could collide with before reaching their goal. A single gas molecule can cause an experiment to fail.

On the circle large collider There are 6 areas where engineers can conduct their experiments. They can be compared to microscopes with a digital camera. Some of these detectors are huge - ATLAS is a device 45 m long, 25 m high and weighs 7 tons.

The LHC employs about 150 million sensors that collect data and send it to the computer network. According to CERN, the amount of information obtained during experiments is about 700 MB/s.

Obviously, such a collider requires a lot of energy. Its annual power consumption is about 800 GWh. It could be much larger, but the facility is not open during the winter months. According to CERN, the cost of energy is about 19 million euros.

Proton collision

The principle behind the collider physics is quite simple. First, two beams are launched: one clockwise, and the second counterclockwise. Both streams accelerate to the speed of light. Then they are directed towards each other and the result is observed.

The equipment needed to achieve this goal is much more complex. The LHC is part of the CERN complex. Before any particles enter the LHC, they already go through a series of steps.

First, to produce protons, scientists must strip hydrogen atoms of electrons. The particles are then sent to LINAC 2, which launches them into the PS Booster accelerator. These machines use an alternating electric field to accelerate particles. The fields created by giant magnets help hold the beams.

When the beam reaches the desired energy level, the PS Booster directs it to the SPS supersynchrotron. The stream is accelerated even further and is divided into 2808 beams of 1.1 x 1011 protons. The SPS injects beams into the LHC clockwise and counterclockwise.

Inside the Large Hadron Collider, protons continue to accelerate for 20 minutes. At maximum speed, they rotate 11,245 times around the LHC every second. The beams converge on one of 6 detectors. In this case, 600 million collisions occur per second.

When 2 protons collide, they are split into smaller particles, including quarks and gluons. Quarks are very unstable and decay in a fraction of a second. Detectors collect information by tracking the path of subatomic particles and send it to a computer network.

Not all protons collide. The rest continue to move to the beam release section, where they are absorbed by graphite.


Along the circumference of the collider there are 6 sections in which data is collected and experiments are conducted. Of these, 4 are main detectors and 2 are smaller.

The largest is ATLAS. Its dimensions are 46 x 25 x 25 m. The tracker detects and analyzes the momentum of particles passing through ATLAS. Surrounding it is a calorimeter that measures the energy of particles by absorbing them. Scientists can observe their trajectory and extrapolate information about them.

The ATLAS detector also has a muon spectrometer. Muons are negatively charged particles 200 times heavier than electrons. They are the only ones capable of passing through the calorimeter without stopping. The spectrometer measures the momentum of each muon using charged particle sensors. These sensors can detect fluctuations in ATLAS's magnetic field.

The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) is a general purpose detector that detects and measures subparticles released during collisions. The device is located inside a giant solenoid magnet that can create a magnetic field almost 100 thousand times greater than the Earth's magnetic field.

The ALICE detector is designed to study iron ion collisions. In this way, researchers hope to recreate conditions similar to those that occurred immediately after the Big Bang. They expect to see the ions transform into a mixture of quarks and gluons. The main component of ALICE is the TPC camera, which is used to study and reconstruct particle trajectories.

The LHC is used to search for evidence of the existence of antimatter. It does this by looking for a particle called a beauty quark. The row of sub-detectors surrounding the impact point is 20 meters long. They can capture very unstable and rapidly decaying particles of beauty quarks.

The TOTEM experiment is carried out in an area with one of the small detectors. It measures the size of protons and the brightness of the LHC, indicating the accuracy of collision creation.

The LHC experiment simulates cosmic rays in a controlled environment. Its goal is to help develop large-scale studies of real cosmic rays.

At each detection site there is a team of researchers, numbering from several dozen to more than a thousand scientists.

Data processing

It is not surprising that such a collider generates a huge stream of data. The 15,000,000 GB produced annually by LHC detectors poses a huge challenge for researchers. Its solution is a computer network consisting of computers, each of which is capable of independently analyzing a piece of data. Once the computer completes the analysis, it sends the results to the central computer and receives a new portion.

Scientists at CERN decided to focus on using relatively inexpensive equipment to perform their calculations. Instead of purchasing advanced servers and processors, existing hardware is used that can perform well on the network. Using special software, a network of computers will be able to store and analyze data from each experiment.

Danger to the planet?

Some fear that such a powerful collider could pose a threat to life on Earth, including participating in the formation of black holes, “strange matter,” magnetic monopolies, radiation, etc.

Scientists consistently refute such claims. The formation of a black hole is impossible because there is a big difference between protons and stars. “Strange matter” could have long ago been formed under the influence of cosmic rays, and the danger of these hypothetical formations is greatly exaggerated.

The collider is extremely safe: it is separated from the surface by a 100-meter layer of soil, and personnel are prohibited from being underground during experiments.

Some facts about the Large Hadron Collider, how and why it was created, what is its use and what potential dangers does it pose for humanity.

1. The construction of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, was conceived back in 1984, and began only in 2001. 5 years later, in 2006, thanks to the efforts of more than 10 thousand engineers and scientists from different states, construction of the Large Hadron Collider was completed.

2. The LHC is the largest experimental facility in the world.

3. So why the Large Hadron Collider?
It was called large due to its substantial size: the length of the main ring along which particles are driven is about 27 km.
Hadronic - since the installation accelerates hadrons (particles that consist of quarks).
Collider - due to beams of particles accelerating in the opposite direction, which collide with each other at special points.

4. What is the Large Hadron Collider for? The LHC is a state-of-the-art research center where scientists conduct experiments with atoms, colliding them together on enormous speed ions and protons. Scientists hope to use research to lift the veil on the mysteries of the origin of the Universe.

5. The project cost the scientific community an astronomical sum—$6 billion. By the way, Russia delegated 700 specialists to the LHC, who are still working today. Orders for the LHC brought Russian enterprises about $120 million.

6. Without a doubt, the main discovery made at the LHC is the discovery in 2012 of the Higgs boson, or as it is also called “God particles.” The Higgs boson is the last link in the Standard Model. Another significant event at Bak'e was the achievement of a record collision energy of 2.36 teraelectronvolts.

7. Some scientists, including in Russia, believe that thanks to large-scale experiments at CERN ( European organization on nuclear research, where, in fact, the collider is located), scientists will be able to build the world's first time machine. However, most scientists do not share the optimism of their colleagues.

8. Mankind's main concerns about the most powerful accelerator on the planet are based on the danger that threatens humanity as a result of the formation of microscopic black holes capable of capturing surrounding matter. There is another potential and extremely dangerous threat - the emergence of straplets (derived from Strange Droplet), which, hypothetically, are capable of colliding with the nucleus of an atom, forming more and more straplets, transforming the matter of the entire Universe. However, most of the most respected scientists say that such an outcome is unlikely. But theoretically possible

9. In 2008, CERN was sued by two residents of the state of Hawaii. They accused CERN of trying to end humanity through negligence, demanding safety guarantees from scientists.

10. The Large Hadron Collider is located in Switzerland near Geneva. There is a museum at CERN, where visitors are clearly explained about the principles of operation of the collider and why it was built.

11 . And finally, a little fun fact. Judging by queries in Yandex, many people who are looking for information about the Large Hadron Collider do not know how to correctly spell the name of the accelerator. For example, they write “andronic” (and they not only write, what are the NTV reports with their aAndronic collider worth), sometimes they write “android” (The Empire Strikes Back). In the bourgeois internet, they are also not lagging behind and instead of “hadron” they type “hardon” into the search engine (in Orthodox English hard-on - hard-on). An interesting variant of the spelling in Belarusian is “Vyaliki gadronny paskaralnik”, which translates as “Large gadrony accelerator”.

Hadron Collider. Photo