Show on the map of Italy where the earthquake occurred. Earthquakes in Italy: what is the cause of seismic activity? Earthquake in Italy now on the map

Two earthquakes in the Italian province of Macerata (Marche region) occurred on October 26, with an interval of several hours, and the third on October 27 in central Italy at 00:42 Kyiv time. Tremors were felt throughout Central Italy.

The first earthquake happened at 20:10 Kyiv time with a magnitude of 5.4. Its epicenter was at a depth of 9 kilometers. The earthquake occurred on the border of the Marche and Umbria regions. Its epicenter was near the town of Castel Sant'Angelo. Tremors were felt in the regions of Umbria, Lazio, Marche and Abruzzo, including Rome and Florence.

After the first tremor, several aftershocks occurred in several central regions of Italy, followed by an even more powerful one with a magnitude of 5.9 at 22:18 Kyiv time. Its epicenter was in the province of Macerata, the focus was at a depth of 8 kilometers. Tremors were felt by residents of many regions of Italy - from Milan to Naples. In the province's settlements, a number of buildings were damaged as a result of earthquakes: ceilings and walls collapsed in some of them.

Significant destruction occurred in the cities of Visso, Ussita, Castelangelo sul Nera, Camerino, Acuasanta Terme and Fabriano. Many buildings have been declared uninhabitable. There are power outages.

For people left without a roof over their heads, temporary accommodation centers are organized. Many residents of the central regions of Italy spent the night in their cars, afraid to return home because of the threat of aftershocks. Since the first earthquake in Central Italy, there have been at least 60 aftershocks of various magnitudes.

The next, third earthquake with a magnitude of 4.6 was recorded on October 27 in the central part of Italy at 00:42 Kyiv time.

Head of Service Civil Defense Italy Fabrizio Curcio informed that there was a third earthquake in the same area as the two previous strong tremors.

Between the first strong tremor and the last, three more earthquakes of magnitude 3.0, 3.4 and 3.2 occurred in the central part of the country.

Schools were closed in several cities on October 27 as a precaution. In addition, patients and staff from some hospitals were evacuated with minor injuries. The infrastructure of Perugia suffered thoroughly.

In settlements, there were problems with electricity and telephone communications. Hundreds of residents spent the night on the street and at evacuation points. Classes canceled in Marche and Umbria regions educational institutions. Rescuers continue to work in the affected communities. And in Rome, where cracks have appeared on some houses, the inspection of buildings continues.

Recall that on the night of August 24 in the central part of Italy, also, by the way, near Perugia, an earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred. Italy more than others European countries prone to earthquakes. The reason is the complex structure of the Apennine Peninsula at the junction tectonic plates, which periodically run into each other underground, which leads to disasters.

From the report "":

“Today there are many smart, conscientious people in the world who live according to Conscience and who are at the forefront of nationwide initiatives. There are many talented managers, directors of enterprises who are able to rally and unite people on spiritual and moral foundations. These are courageous people who do not hide behind the blinkers and illusions of the system, but oppose it to the best of their ability and truthfully inform their work teams about the realities of today. All people good will are able to take an active part in changing the current situation - changing the ideology of the world society from a consumer format of thinking to a spiritual and creative format, to affirming in society the priorities of mutual assistance, friendship, spiritual and moral relationships between people not in words, but in deeds. People need to discard all frames and conventions, they need to consolidate here and now. Nature does not look at ranks and ranks when it unleashes its thousand-year-old wrath, and only a manifestation of true fellowship between people, based on human kindness, can give humanity a chance to survive ... "

“It will be possible to survive the coming cataclysms only with the unification of all mankind and the qualitative transformation of society in the spiritual sense.
. If, by joint efforts, people can still change the direction of the world community from the consumer channel towards true spiritual development, with the dominance of the Spiritual nature in it, then humanity will have a chance to survive this period. Moreover, both society and future generations will be able to reach a qualitatively new stage in their development. But just now it depends real choice and actions of everyone!

On Monday evening, an earthquake hit the Italian island of Ischia, which led to the destruction of several settlements, there are injured and missing.

According to National Institute Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy (Ingv), an earthquake of magnitude 4.0 occurred at 20:58 (21:58 Moscow time). Its epicenter was located in close proximity to the western coast of the island in the sea at a depth of about 10 km.

The destruction was recorded in two resort towns - Casamicciola Terme and Lacco Ameno, which are located on the northern coast of the island.

According to eyewitnesses, fluctuations earth's surface were clearly felt in various settlements of the island and caused panic among residents and numerous tourists vacationing in Ischia. The situation was aggravated by a complete blackout that occurred at that moment in the port of Ischia.

An old church collapsed in Casamicciola Terme. An elderly woman passing by was killed by one of the pieces of her façade. In the same locality apartment building collapsed. Under its ruins were seven people. Among them are three small children. Rescuers managed to extract three people from under the rubble of the building - two men and one woman, including the father of the children who remained under the ruins.

Executive Director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Maya Lomidze said that Ischia is one of the most popular Italian destinations in Russian market. According to her, according to ATOR, there are no Russian citizens among the victims. The tour operators have not yet received complaints and concerned calls from Russian tourists. However, she added that this is not the final data. According to her, the information needs constant clarification.

According to a representative of the Russian embassy, ​​the diplomats contacted the competent authorities of Italy and tried to find out if there were Russian citizens among the victims of the earthquake on the island of Ischia. So far, the Italians do not have such information. The Russian embassy maintains constant contact with the Italian authorities.

Ischia is an island of volcanic origin, in the center of which is the extinct volcano Epomeo. It is due to geological features that thermal springs were formed there. In antiquity, numerous earthquakes and eruptions occurred on the island, the last strong earthquake was recorded in Ischia in 1883. Then the magnitude of the shock was 5.8, more than 2 thousand people became victims of the disaster.

According to experts, the magnitude of 3.6 is small for Italy. However, the danger lies in the fact that Ischia is located in close proximity to the active and dormant volcano Vesuvius, as well as opposite a special zone called the Phlegrean fields. This is a concentration of underwater volcanoes considered to be extinct, the eruptions of which lead to the phenomenon of bradyseism (local change in sea level).

Several states have already offered their assistance to Rome, and Russian rescuers are ready to join the operation. Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to the people and leadership of Italy. Initially, even the Italian authorities did not understand the scale of the destruction, the strikes took place late at night. How serious everything was, it became clear only at dawn. The destruction is colossal.

It is important to remain calm. If you move the wrong stone, the delicate balance will be disturbed, and the woman will no longer be able to breathe. They tell her that help is close, hold on, and she, embarrassed, admits that she really wants to go to the toilet. As if that's the biggest problem right now.

People under the rubble. How many? How many are alive and how many are dead, no one knows. Dozens, hundreds? Here is another woman released from stone captivity. Live. The stretcher is carefully passed along the chain from hand to hand. Italians are encouraged to donate blood en masse.

Several cities and towns are in ruins. Underground strikes shook several areas at once: Lazio, Umbria, Marche, Abruzzo are now trying to recover from a nightmare. The most terrible destruction in the towns of Acumoli and Amatrice.

The rescued one speaks, and then choking with tears, hugging loved ones, and suffocating from the understanding that today they could all remain under a pile of stones, which was their home a few hours ago. Amatrice yesterday and today. Yesterday, a nice quiet Italian town, where time seemed to have stopped. Today, a place from a horror movie with groans and screams coming from under the rubble, and now even more frightening silence.

The neighboring town of Akumoli. Only 15 kilometers from Amatrice. Only 700 people live here permanently. But now it's vacation time. In Akumoli on the fateful night, according to the authorities, there could be up to 2000 people: relatives or just lovers of Italian mountain landscapes. Now there are also several thousand of our compatriots in Italy. Could any of them be in earthquake-affected yet non-tourist areas? The information is checked by our diplomats. So far, there are no reports of casualties.

Rescuers are still moving heavy equipment to Akumoli and Amatrice. It's complicated. Tight mountain roads. Tremors, and there were several of them, caused landslides and damaged bridges. As a result, in some areas the first cars emergency services were able to get there only in the morning, 3.5 hours after the earthquake.

In the morning, what happened in Acumoli and Amatrice began to be compared with the events in L'Aquila in 2009. Then ancient city was practically wiped off the face of the earth. More than 300 dead. This time, L'Aquila was not affected, although it is located less than a hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake. The city authorities have already stated: we will help as much as we can, we understand both the pain of loved ones and the problems of emergency services. Russian rescuers can also help in clearing the rubble. They are ready to fly to Italy at any moment.

For the inhabitants of the Apennines, earthquakes are, alas, almost an inevitability that has to be put up with. Italy is in a zone of increased seismic activity and weak fluctuations, with a magnitude of up to four, are constantly recorded. And every few years there are powerful blows, such as today.

The last strong earthquake was just four years ago. In May 2012, aftershocks occurred in the Bologna region, which turned entire villages into ruins. Were destroyed architectural monuments that have stood for centuries.

The Italians remembered the 2009 earthquake, near the city of L'Aquila, much more terrible. The tragedy then claimed more than 300 lives, one and a half thousand people were injured. On archival footage - the streets are completely littered with debris, palaces and cathedrals are destroyed.

The third point on the map of Italy is already in the south, in the Puglia region. In 2002, a school collapsed during an earthquake. Almost all the dead are children.

Aleksey Zavyalov, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, told about what to expect today for the inhabitants of Italy: “Immediately an hour after the main shock, there was a second shock with a magnitude already somewhat lower, 5.5, and now this process is underway. For the current hour, the strongest events have occurred, with a magnitude of more than 4, somewhere around 8-10 events. And it is very good that the aftershock process is going on, because it removes the remaining tension in the focal area and, as it were, removes the physical reason for the emergence of a new one. strong earthquake. I think that in Italy they will be observed during the first few days, that's for sure, and maybe within a few weeks.

The center of the city of Amatrici is practically wiped off the face of the earth. It is very difficult to bring heavy equipment here. The first point of the police cordon is located 5 km from Amatrici, heavy equipment accumulates there, it is driven by the military. It's about about searchlights, powerful diesel generators. There are problems with the power supply. In the evening, the rescue operation will continue, a lot of light is needed in order not to miss time.

Here you can observe the atmosphere of unity, a lot of volunteers, doctors from different corners Italy, everyone wants to help in some way. A Red Cross helicopter took to the skies. This is good news, it means that someone was found alive and transported to a medical center where they will receive qualified assistance.

A place for a mobile hospital is already being marked on the road. It should show up by the end of the day. The church plays a very important role here, church communities are gathering strength in order, among other things, to provide psychological assistance to those who have survived, those who have lost loved ones.

Increased tremors in Italy recent times became the number one topic in many media. Seismic activity maps constantly signal dozens of earthquakes every day in this region, with some of them reaching magnitudes of up to 6.6. For many inhabitants of the Apennine Peninsula, these phenomena were unexpected. In many cases, they rallied people to help each other, which helped save many people. After all, as the first foundation of ALLATRA "VALUE OF LIFE" says:

“The highest value in this world is human life. The life of any person must be protected as one's own, because although it is fleeting, it gives everyone a chance to increase their main value - their inner spiritual wealth, the only thing that opens the way for the Personality to true spiritual immortality.

Increase the main value of your life every day, for a person is suddenly mortal. Strive for perfection, match your personal choice and activity with the main meaning of your existence - the spiritual and moral transformation of yourself, serving the highest universal spiritual values.

Statistics speaks of 110 earthquakes in this region with a magnitude above 3.0 in the period from 01/05/2016 to 08/11/2016 (for the last half a year).

Rice. 1. Map of seismic activity on the Apennine Peninsula and the eastern coast of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas with magnitude > 3.0 in the period 01/05/2016 to 08/11/2016.According toUSGS .

Scientists know today that the Apennine Peninsula, on which, in addition to Italy, there are also states such as San Marino and the Vatican, is located at the junction of three tectonic plates: African, Eurasian and Adriatic (Apulia). As a result, this region is characterized by mountain formations, volcanic and seismic activity.

Rice. 2. Tectonic structure of the Apennine Peninsula.

The Adriatic microplate once broke away from the African plate by the so-called transform fault, in which a new fault is located along the boundary lithospheric plate. The Adriatic plate is still moving towards the Eurasian plate and “dives” under the Apennine mountain range, moving from east to west and at the same time turning clockwise, creating stresses in earth's crust. The Periadriatic Fault running through the Alps separates these two plates. Part of the oceanic crust of the African Plate is subducting at the southern edge of the Adriatic Plate, resulting in the formation of volcanoes in southern Italy.

“It is known that the African plate is slowly but surely sinking to the bottom. It is unlikely that Africa will sink, but Africa and Europe continue to converge. The question is how they will meet”,- Rinus Wortel, University of Utrecht (Netherlands).

The devastating earthquake that occurred in August and October 2016 in Italy was due to the movement of the Adriatic plate.

Rice. 3. Tectonic structure of the Apennine Peninsula. The arrows show the zones of compression and tension.

And the following figure shows the tectonic structure of Europe and the Middle East. After all, all the processes occurring in the earth's crust are interconnected. Consequently, an increase in activity in one of the regions can lead to a regular increase in activity in another.

Rice. 4. Tectonic structure of Europe and the Middle East.

Due to the complex geological structure Italy is at risk:

Increased seismic activity. In 2016, we observe devastating earthquakes that occurred on August 24 (6.2 points), October 30 (6.6 points) and October 26 (6.1 points), etc.;

Mountain building (Apennines, Alps);

Volcanic activity. On the territory of Italy there are 13 volcanoes, 3 of which are gigantic - Vesuvius (sleeping), Stromboli and Etna (active).

supervolcano caldera Phlegrean fields (ital. Campi Flegrei), located northwest of Naples on the shores of the Gulf of Pozzuoli (ital. Golfo di Pozzuoli). It also includes the coastal strip of the Tyrrhenian Sea ( ital. Mare Tirreno) at Kum ( ital. Cuma), as well as the islands of Nizida, Procida, Vivara and Ischia. The fields cover an area of ​​approximately 10 × 10 km. According to scientists, the last eruption of the Phlegraean Fields caldera occurred 39,280 years ago. The last activity of the caldera was recorded on November 29, 2015.

Rice. 5. Supervolcano - Phlegraean fields caldera (Italy).

Note that according to the observations of scientists, in contrast to the interconnected as communicating vessels of the Yellowstone (USA) and Aira (Japan) calderas, the Phlegrean Fields caldera does not pose a threat, at least in the coming years. But do not forget about the other aforementioned active tectonic and volcanic phenomena on the Apennine Peninsula.

It is worth noting that scientists from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, said that according to satellite photographs, due to the latest seismic activity in October 2016, the land in the Castelluccio area subsided by 70 cm.

In addition, according to representatives of the Italian Space Agency (Asi) and the Research Institute of Electromagnetic Survey natural environment(Irea), an earthquake of magnitude 6.6 that occurred on October 30, 2016 in central Italy, led to a significant deformation of the earth's surface over a total area of ​​1100 square kilometers.

Scientists, having studied images obtained from space, came to the conclusion that the territory adjacent to the city of Norcia (region of Umbria) has shifted to the west by about 30 cm, while the area near the village of Montegallo (region of Marche), on the contrary, has shifted to the east by approximately 40 cm

All these processes testify to the impending global cataclysms on planet Earth, for which it is necessary for all mankind to prepare in advance now. Speaking about preparation, it is meant, first of all, not the construction of bunkers (by the way, meaningless), but the purification of human relationships, the improvement of the atmosphere in society. If people extend a hand of friendship and help to each other, then even in the hour of difficult climatic trials, it will be much easier for all of us to survive them and worthily make a choice in favor of unity and friendship of all peoples of the world. The unification of people from all over the world on the basis of spiritual and moral values ​​can change the course of history.

“People have been dreaming of such a society since time immemorial, calling it in their legends the “Land of Good”, the “state of bliss”, the “golden millennium”, the “world of justice”, the “millennium”, that is, the future, which can approach through divine intervention, but achieved by human actions”, - from the book “AllatRa”.

“Given the impending global cataclysms, it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host country, and what your chances of survival will be in this or that situation. AT modern world global climate change one cannot vouch for a single inch of land in view of the manifestation of new extreme anomalies of nature, which pose a danger even to relatively stable areas of residence. In other words, no one is immune from all kinds of growing risks, and each of us can become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual and moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in the relationship between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future.” From the scientific report ALLATRA SCIENCE “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems”.

Prepared by: Ekaterina Ageichenko and Vitaly Afanasiev