Regulations on the student council.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Student Council of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education « Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the Student Council of the Academy) is a permanent representative collegial body of student self-government of the Academy, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the implementation of the rights of students to participate in the management of the educational process, decision important issues life activities of student youth, development of their social activity, support and implementation of social initiatives.

1.2. The Academy Student Council is not legal entity, does not have an independent balance sheet, its own accounts, and cannot acquire property and non-property rights and obligations on its own behalf.

1.3. In its activities, the student council of the Academy is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the Academy, the internal rules of the Academy, the concept of extracurricular activities (if any), these Regulations and other local regulations of the Academy.

1.4. The Academy's Student Council operates on the principles of voluntariness, transparency and equality of participants.

2.1. The main goals of the Academy's student council are:
̶ ensuring the implementation of the rights of students to participate in the management of the Academy, quality assessment educational process;
̶ development and support of socially significant student initiatives of the Academy;
̶ preservation and development of student traditions, the formation of a civic culture, an active civic position of students, promoting the development of their social maturity, independence, ability to self-organize and self-development;
̶ assistance in organizing the activities of student councils of Academy branches;
̶ production general cultural competencies among students.

2.2. To achieve these goals, the Academy's student council performs the following functions:
̶ develops proposals on the main directions of educational and extracurricular activities of the Academy and the mechanisms for their implementation, taking into account the problems of students by analyzing them current needs in educational, scientific, cultural, social and organizational and everyday spheres;
̶ represents the opinion of students when the Academy adopts local regulations affecting their rights and legitimate interests;
̶ provides assistance in resolving issues and analyzing problems affecting the interests of students, searching for ways and methods to solve them;
̶ assists the leadership of the Academy in resolving issues affecting the interests of students and organizing the educational process;
̶ participates in the formation of civic culture and active citizenship of Academy students;
̶ promotes the preservation and development of values ​​and traditions of mutual respect between students and employees of the Academy;
̶ assists in the development and implementation of personal and professional qualities Academy students;
̶ organizes the participation of students in the scientific and innovative activities of the Academy;
̶ organizes rest and leisure for students, holding cultural events;
̶ participates in the development of a system of rewarding Academy students for achievements in various areas of educational and extracurricular activities, including for active participation in the activities of the Academy’s Student Council, scientific and public life Academies;
̶ promotes the strengthening of discipline in the academic buildings and dormitories of the Academy;
̶ promotes the development of interuniversity, interregional and international relations with student, youth and other public associations; strengthening ties with student councils of Academy branches;
̶ participates in disciplinary commissions.

3.1. The Student Council of the Academy has the right:
̶ make proposals for improving local regulations that affect the interests of students;
̶ send representatives to participate in the consideration of issues related to violations by students academic discipline and internal regulations of Academy students;
̶ participate in the development of a system of rewards for students for achievements in various areas of educational and extracurricular activities, including those taking an active part in the activities of the Academy’s student council, scientific and social life of the Academy;
̶ request and receive from the relevant officials of the Academy, in the prescribed manner, information necessary for the activities of the student council;
̶ take part in the planning, preparation and conduct of extracurricular activities of the Academy;
̶ in cases of violation and restriction of the rights and freedoms of students and graduate students, as well as the rights of the student council of the Academy, make proposals to the leadership of the Academy to take measures to restore the violated rights and apply disciplinary measures to those responsible.

3.2. The Student Council of the Academy is obliged to:
̶ timely consider all applications and requests from students received by the student council;
̶ carry out work in accordance with these Regulations and the work plan of the Academy’s student council for the academic year;
̶ support socially significant initiatives of students;
̶ promote the creation of the necessary social and living conditions, as well as conditions for study and recreation of students;
̶ represent the interests of students before relevant officials and structural divisions of the Academy in the prescribed manner;
̶ inform authorized officials and structural divisions of the Academy about their activities and their results.

4.1. The Academy's student council is created at general meetings of students of institutes, faculties, and colleges with the presence of at least half of the students of the relevant structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the unit) at the meeting, by voting for students of this unit - candidates for members of the Academy's student council. Quantitative composition student council is determined based on equal number representatives from each division. Also, the student council of the Academy includes the chairmen of the boards of those living in RANEPA student dormitories No. 1, No. 2, No. 3.

4.2. Elections to the student council are direct and open. All students of the relevant department have the right to participate in the elections.

4.3. A student who has a disciplinary sanction or is on academic leave does not have the right to be elected to the Academy’s student council.

4.4. Elections are held every year, during the first semester of the academic year until December 1 or during the second semester of the academic year until March 1. At the initiative of students, extraordinary elections of representatives from the unit may be held in the relevant structural unit.

4.5. The initiative to hold early elections belongs to at least 2/3 of the students of the department (see clause 4.1.).

4.6. The date of the special elections is determined by the head of the relevant department.

4.7. Early elections are also held in the event of early termination of the powers of a member of the student council.

4.8. The chairman of the student council, the deputy chairman of the student council, the executive secretary of the student council are elected at the first meeting after the formation of the student council by a simple majority of votes of the members present (at least 2/3 of total number) student council for a period of two years, but no more than two terms during the entire period of study. The date of the first meeting after the formation of the student council is determined by the vice-rector who oversees the activities of student government bodies. The chairman of the student council can be re-elected early.

4.9. The Student Council has the right to hold early elections of its leadership. The decision on early elections is made by a majority vote of the total number of members of the student council.

4.10. The composition of the student council and its leadership are approved by order of the vice-rector, who supervises the activities of student government bodies, on the basis of the relevant protocols.

4.11. By decision of the academic councils of institutes and faculties (not included in the institutes), student councils of the corresponding structural divisions can be formed. Such student councils include members of the Academy's student council elected in accordance with clause 4.16 of these Regulations from the relevant structural unit.

4.12. Representatives of the Academy's management have the right to attend meetings of the Academy's student council.

4.13. Chairman of the student council:
̶ chairs student council meetings. introduces a draft agenda for student council meetings;
̶ monitors the implementation of student council decisions;
̶ organizes the implementation of decisions on behalf of the student council;
̶ approves the minutes of student council meetings;
̶ informs the student council about its activities at least once a month;
̶ annually informs students about the activities of the student council;
̶ carries out other functions within the powers granted to him.

4.14. In the absence of the chairman of the student council, his functions are performed by the deputy chairman of the student council.
4.15. Responsible secretary of the student council:
– informs members of the student council about the date, time, location and agenda of the student council meeting;
– keeps minutes of student council meetings;
– maintains an archive of student council documents;

4.16. The chairman, deputy chairman of the student council, chairmen of student councils of faculties, chairmen of the boards of residents of RANEPA student dormitories No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and the secretary form the presidium of the student council.

4.17. The Faculty Student Council, if necessary, forms and approves the composition of commissions (committees, working groups, etc.), which may include, along with members of the Academy student council, other Academy students.

5. Rights, obligations and early termination of powers of a member of the Academy student council

5.1. A member of the Academy's student council has the right to:
̶ take part in general meetings and attend meetings of the presidium with the right of an advisory vote;
̶ elect and be elected to the presidium of the Academy’s student council;
̶ make proposals for the activities of any student council bodies of the Academy;
̶ receive information about the activities of the Academy’s student council and presidium;
̶ take part in the events of the Academy’s student council.

5.2. A member of the Academy's student council is obliged to:
̶ comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter, internal regulations of Academy students, this regulation, other local regulations Academies;
̶ participate in the activities of the student council;
̶ carry out decisions made at student council meetings;
̶ help increase the authority of the student council;
̶ take part in general meetings of the student council.

5.3. A member of the Academy's student council who has received a disciplinary sanction is temporarily suspended from work until the disciplinary sanction ends.

5.4. A member of the Academy's student council who is on academic leave is temporarily suspended from work until he returns from academic leave.

5.5. The powers of a member of the student council may be terminated early by his at will, as well as in cases of his recall or expulsion from the student council.

5.6. A member of the student council has the right to terminate his powers early by voluntary written application or by oral statement at a meeting of the student council, included in the minutes of the meeting.

5.7. A member may be expelled from the student council at the initiative of the Academy student council. The initiative to expel a member is put forward by the chairman or a group of members of at least three people at a meeting of the student council and is approved by a majority vote of all members of the Academy student council.

5.8. The grounds for putting forward an initiative to expel a member of the student council are:
– systematic absence from student council meetings for two months;
– systematic refusal to implement activities carried out by the student council.

5.9. Early termination of the powers of a member of the student council is announced by order of the Academy student council. The date of election of a new representative is determined by the head of the relevant structural unit. Elections are held in accordance with the procedure for forming the student council.

6. Interaction of the Academy’s student council with the structural divisions of the Academy

6.1. The Student Council of the Academy interacts with officials and structural divisions of the Academy on the principles of equality, mutual understanding, cooperation and responsibility.

6.2. The Student Council, at the request of the Academic Council or the Rector's Office of the Academy, provides reports on the results of its activities.

6.4. Representatives of the structural divisions of the Academy can attend meetings of the student council.

6.5. The chairman of the Academy's student council and one of his deputies, as representatives of students, are recommended to the conference of employees and students of the Academy for election as members of the academic council of the Academy.

7.1. The Academy's student council interacts on equal terms with representatives of student councils of branches.

7.2. To optimize the activities of student councils, the Forum of Student Government Bodies of the Academy (hereinafter referred to as FOSSA) is held annually.

7.4. Within the framework of FOSSA, the work plan of student councils for the next academic year is approved and a plan-report for the past period is generated.

7.5. Representatives of student councils of all branches have the right to participate in FOSSA in agreement with the chairman of the student council of the Academy.

8. Other provisions

8.1. The activities of the student council may be terminated early by decision of the Academic Council of the Academy.

8.2. The Academy bears the expenses necessary to support the activities of the Academy's student council.

8.3. To ensure its activities, the Academy provides free use of premises (office), communications, office equipment and other necessary materials, facilities and equipment to the student council.


O student government college

These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Secondary Educational Institutions vocational education(secondary specialized educational institution), approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the regulations on the College of Pharmacy of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. prof. -Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, the Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. prof. -Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Strategy of State Youth Policy in the Russian Federation, developed until 2016, Modernization concept Russian education for the period until 2010, Recommendations for the development of student self-government in the Russian Federation Letter of the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation No./ dated 01/01/2001

1. General Provisions

1.1.Student self-government is public association college students, which is a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of students on the basis of their common interests to achieve the goals and objectives specified in this regulation.

1.2.Student self-government builds its work on the basis of respect for human dignity and the interests of the individual.

1.3.Student self-government carries out its activities on the basis of openness and public reporting about the results of its activities.

1.4.Student self-government to achieve goals carries out any activities, which do not contradict current legislation and the University Charter.

1.5.The highest body of student government is the Conference of College Students.

1.6. Student self-government ensures the implementation of the educational function of the college, the organization of extracurricular work with students, the participation of students in the management of the college based on interaction with the college administration at all levels of the management structure.

1.7.Student self-government legal entity
is not. Student self-government uses material, financial and other resources of the university in the prescribed manner.

2.Goals and objectives


Development of comprehensive interesting and useful student life for the full realization of personality.

Organization of systematic work to improve the mechanisms of student self-government at the level of a student group, department, college.


Activating the work of student self-government and forming a sustainable mechanism for its interaction with the college administration.

Conducting competitions and contests between groups and departments in combination with strengthening the overall corporate spirit of the college.

Creation of societies of interests (sections, clubs, creative groups, etc.) to fully satisfy the diverse needs of students for communication and self-realization, ensuring transparency and accessibility of information about the areas of activity of the Student Council.

Involving students in active participation in various spheres of public life of the university and college.

Carrying out activities to analyze the effectiveness and improve the level of the educational process (surveys, ratings, competitions, round tables, meetings with employers).

Development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account the requirements of the modern market, scientific and professional interests of students. Presentation of these proposals to the administration of the university and college for their further development and implementation in practice.

Organization of events aimed at developing a holistic, highly moral personality of a student (support veterans, participation in charity events, work in medical institutions, meetings with leading figures in healthcare, science, culture, art, etc.).

Participation of representatives of the college student council in the preparation of documents concerning decisions that are strategically important for the college, problems of student life, student rights, student incentives, as well as participation in resolving issues disciplinary liability students (administrative collection, expulsion from college).

Conducting events aimed at establishing and strengthening connections, exchanging experiences with student organizations of other educational institutions cities and regions.

2.3.The activities of the college student government are based on the basic principles:

- the principle of humanism:

Student self-government builds its work on the basis of respect for human dignity and the interests of the individual;

-the principle of democracy:

the activities of student government are based on collective, free discussion and resolution of issues, collegiality, transparency, and constant consideration of the public opinion of college students;

- principle of functional self-determination:

participants in student government activities voluntarily determine the degree of their participation;

- principle of responsibility:

participants in student government activities are responsible for their activities, as well as for the results of their activities;

- principle of election:

The governing bodies of the college student government are formed on an elective basis;

- principle of representation:

Members of student government elected to the governing bodies, performing their functions, act on behalf of, on behalf of and in the interests of college students;

- principle of self-government:

The student government body, the Student Council, independently determines the order of functioning, with the exception of key issues in the life of college students, decisions on which are made jointly with the administration;

- partnership principle:

strategic basis for interaction between student government and college administration, social partners and other organizations are of a partnership nature.


3.1.Participants in student government are full-time college students who support the goals and objectives of student government and voluntarily participate in its events without necessarily formalizing the conditions of their participation.

3.2.Participants have equal rights, perform equal responsibilities and cannot be discriminated against based on race, religion, social or other affiliation.

3.3. Participation in the activities of student government is social work for the benefit of the student body and is free of charge.

3.4.Participants of student government have the right:

To choose and be elected to student government bodies,

Participate in the management of the college through the Student Council;

Be delegated to represent the interests of student government to the college administration;

Make proposals to improve the work of student government;

Use the opportunities of student self-government for self-realization.

3.5.Participants in student government are required to comply with the Regulations on student government of the college.

4. Student government bodiescollege

To effectively organize its activities, student government forms representative controls.

The term of office of student government governing bodies is until the formation of a new composition of governing bodies.

The governing bodies of student self-government are formed taking into account the multi-level structure of the educational institution: student (educational) group - department - college.

4.1. Conference is supreme body student government department. The conference is held annually on dates established by the Student Council. Information about the date and agenda The conference is posted on information media of the Student Council (website, printed publications, information stands, etc.) no later than a month before its holding.

The Conference is attended by delegates elected by Participants in study groups in accordance with the quota established by the College Student Council.

Study group delegates are registered. Each registered delegate is entitled to one vote when voting.

The exclusive competence of the Conference includes:

Decision to amend the Regulations;

Election and recall of the chairman of the student government;

The agenda of the Conference must include the following issues:

Report on the activities of the Student Council for the year, discussion of the report, adoption of a resolution on the report containing an assessment of the activities of the Student Council and proposals for its development;

The agenda of the Conference may include other issues within the competence of the Conference.

Decisions at the Conference are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes, unless otherwise established by the Conference.

4.2. College Student Council– a collegial body of student self-government operating at the level of the educational institution; representing the rights and interests of students before the college management, coordinating and monitoring the activities of student government bodies. The Student Council is formed on an elective basis for a period of 2 years.

4.2.1. The College Student Council performs the following functions:

Participate in the development and implementation of a system of rewards for students for achievements in various areas of educational and extracurricular activities, including those taking an active part in the activities of the Student Council and the public life of the College of Pharmacy;

Review and participate in the analysis of student applications and complaints;

Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the university administration the necessary information for the activities of the Student Council;

Make proposals to optimize the material and technical base of the college;

Take direct part in the planning, preparation, conduct and analysis of extracurricular activities of the college.

5.2.The Student Council is obliged:

Carry out work in accordance with these Regulations and the activity plan of the Student Council for the academic year;

Support socially significant initiatives of students;

To promote the creation of the necessary social and living conditions, as well as conditions for study and recreation of students ;

Within five working days, consider all applications and appeals from students submitted to the Student Council;

Inform students about the activities of the university related to the student masses;

Inform the college administration about your activities.

Carry out work aimed at:

To increase the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering a careful attitude towards the property complex of the college;

Strengthening academic discipline and law and order in academic buildings and student dormitories;

To implement the Charter KrasSMU and internal regulations of the college;

Assistance to the administration of the Pharmaceutical College of KrasSMU in matters of organization educational activities.

6. Structure of college student government(see Appendix No. 1)

5.1. The Student Council forms and approves the composition of sectors. By decision of the College Student Council, additional sectors, including temporary ones, may be created.

5.2. The work of the sector is led by the sector chairman, elected by all members of the college student council.

5.3. The work of the sector is carried out in the form of meetings, which are held as necessary, but at least once every two weeks.

5.4. The structure of the Student Council may include the Student Council of the hostel.

7.1. Educational and research sector:

Contributes to the improvement of the educational process, academic performance and discipline, the creation necessary conditions For rational use study time;

Summarizes progress and attendance;

Summing up the results of the competitions “ Best student and Best Group"

Organizes work with underachieving students;

Provides students with information about opportunities additional education.

Organizes creative exhibitions students;

Organizes and facilitates student participation in scientific and practical events, conferences, round tables, competitions, seminars;

7.2. Law enforcement sector:

Participates in organizing round tables on issues of improving the legal culture of students;

Resolves information issues of legal awareness of students;

Provides control over students’ daily compliance with internal regulations in classrooms, dormitories, in the surrounding area and during holidays;

Represents and protects the rights of students;

Monitors the sanitary condition of classrooms, common areas, and the canteen;

Coordinates the organization of duty and general cleaning at the college level;

Promotes the implementation of the project “College – a smoke-free zone”;

Participates in the organization of student labor groups.

7.3.Civil-patriotic sector:

Organizes themed events dedicated to significant dates Russian state;

Organizes events aimed at strengthening friendship between students of different nationalities;

Organizes patronage of retired college teachers;

Participates in patriotic events in the region, city, region, Russia.

7.4.Leisure sector:

- promotes the development of the creative potential of students, attracting those wishing to participate in amateur art clubs, student festivals and competitions;

Forms college traditions (Knowledge Day, Student Day, Health Day, Initiation as a student, Mother's Day, College Anniversary, talent competition, Teacher's Day, open doors, and etc.);

Develops rituals (presentation of a student card, initiation into freshmen, presentation of a diploma, adoption of a student’s code of ethical honor, presentation of personal scholarships, awarding winners based on the results of competitive programs, etc.);

Organizes the work of amateur art clubs;

Organizes themed events;

Organizes group visits to theaters and concert programs;

Organizes student creativity festivals, talent competitions, KVN;

Communicates with city cultural institutions and youth centers;

Promotes the implementation of a health-saving program in the college, the project “College is a smoking-free zone.”

7.5.Sports sector :

Promotes the implementation of a health-saving program in the college, the project “College is a smoking-free zone”;

Develops and implements comprehensive programs and projects for the prevention of bad habits;

Creates support groups for students who decide to eradicate bad habits;

Helps in organizing student sports competitions at the level of departments, colleges and within the framework of the city and regional sports competitions;

Participates in the organization and conduct of physical education and sports events;

Participates in organizing sections and sports clubs by interest;

Provides information on the results of college and non-college sporting events:

Organizes hiking trips and trips to recreation centers.

7.6. Information sector:

- promotes the implementation of a health-saving program in the college, the project “College-smoking-free zone”;

Implements the principle of transparency of the self-government system, reflecting all events on the website, in video releases, on stands, in the university newspaper, and in wall prints;

Provides timely information to students and college administration about the activities of student government;

Forms a student information fund;

Participates in ensuring the functioning and development of the student website;

Ensures timely dissemination of information about youth events, projects, programs, competitions, festivals and other events on college television, information stands;

Organizes the exchange of information with various media, youth centers, other educational institutions of the city, region

Develops symbols for student government bodies, interest clubs, traditional events and etc.;

Performs other information functions.

7.7.Volunteer movement:

Motivates college students to provide effective assistance and solve problems of people in need of support;

Implements the projects “Equal teaches equal”, “A thread from the world”, “There are no other people’s children”, “We are against AIDS”, “Young family”, etc. in college and in other educational institutions of the city;

Promotes the implementation of a health-saving program, the project “College - a smoking-free zone” in the college and city.

7.8. Career Guidance and Employment Sector

Provides assistance to students in planning and socio-legal orientation for an effective graduate career;

Organizes a career guidance propaganda team;

Organizes an Open Day for applicants;

Participates in the formation of social competencies of students necessary for advancement in the labor market.

8.Group meeting is the main body of self-government at the educational group level and is held at least once a month.

8.1.The operational executive body of the group’s self-government is Group asset. The active members of the group include the headman, deputy. prefects and sector leaders, according to the proposed structure of the college’s student government bodies.

8.2. The head of the group is appointed by the head of the department after the formation of a study group from students enrolled in the first year and is approved by the head of the college. In the future, the group meeting recommends the candidacy of the head of the department for the head of the department.

8.3. The active members of the study group are elected at the general meeting of the group by open voting by a simple majority of votes of those present.

8.4. Control over the activities of the Asset of the study group and the headman is carried out by the curator of the group.

9. Starostat- is one of the forms of student self-government, it is a council that unites the heads of the department’s study groups, actively interacting with the head of the department, the student council of the college, which is a link between the student body and the college administration. The work of the headman is coordinated by a coordinator from among the young teachers of the department, appointed by the head of the department.

Informs students about decisions and events held at the college;

Monitors and facilitates the implementation of decisions and administration orders college and student council;

Organizes and controls the educational process and discipline in groups through personal attendance records for students of all types training sessions;

Submits monthly reports to the head of the college department statements about the absence or lateness of students in accordance with the reporting form;

Organizes student groups to participate in common events;

Summons students who do not comply with the college's code of ethics to monthly meetings of the prefect;

Monthly sums up the results of the “Best group of the department” and “Best student of the department” competitions.

10. Dormitory Council is an autonomous body of the Student Council that oversees all spheres of life of students living in the dormitory. The dormitory council includes floor leaders who are elected from among students who have shown a desire to work and are approved at meetings of the dormitory council.

11. Criteria for the effectiveness of student government

11.1.The degree of stability and clarity of all parts of the student government system in the college.

11.2.Activity and mass participation of students in various events of the college, university, district, city and region.

11.3.Performance of participants in competitions, competitions, evenings, festivals at all levels.

11.4.Students’ initiative, their independent search for new forms of extracurricular work.

11.5. The degree of influence of student government on the nature of youth policy at the university, college, city and region.

12. Ways to develop student government

12.1. One of the main ways to develop student self-government in college is integration, establishing cooperation with student government bodies of the university, educational institutions of the city, youth centers, youth public organizations, in order to solve joint problems of organizing educational and extracurricular activities, students and youth.

12.2.Development of creative activity of college students.

12.3. Formation and promotion of the image of a successful young Russian.

12.4. Popularization of values Russian society(health, work, family, patriotism, service to the Fatherland, active life and civic position, responsibility).

12.5.Development of projects and development programs social competencies necessary for young people to advance in the labor market.

12.6.The activities of student government can be aimed at solving other problems determined taking into account the specifics of the university, region, and college.

13. Ensuring the activities of student government bodies

To ensure the activities of student government bodies, the college provides, based on financial and material capabilities, the necessary premises, communications, office equipment and other necessary materials and equipment

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Details Updated: 10/24/2017

Appendix No. 5
To the order of the director of the GBPOU NSO "Novosibirsk Aviation Technical College" dated October 23, 2015. No. 051 as amended by Order No. 040 dated October 13, 2017


P 05-2015

About student government

  1. General provisions

1.1. This regulation on student self-government of a state budgetary professional educational institution Novosibirsk region“Novosibirsk Aviation Technical College” (hereinafter referred to as the college) was developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of authorities state power and organs local government, Charter of the College and Model Regulations on the Student Council in an Educational Institution of Higher Education vocational education, approved by the Council for the Development of Student Self-Government in Educational Institutions of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education dated September 29, 2006 No. 2.

1.2. In order to ensure the implementation of students' rights to participate in the management of the educational process, resolve important issues in the life of students, develop their social activity, support and implement social initiatives, as one of the forms of self-government of the College, a Student Council is being created.

1.3. The Student Council is created as a permanent representative and coordinating body of college students and operates on the basis of the Regulations on Student Self-Government, adopted at the student conference, the College Pedagogical Council and approved by order of the college director.

1.4. Every student has the right to elect and be elected to the Student Council in accordance with these Regulations.

1.4. The activities of the Student Council are aimed at all college students.

1.5. The decisions of the Student Council apply to all students.

2.1. The goals of the Student Council are:

Formation of a civic culture, active citizenship of students, promoting the development of their social maturity, independence, ability to self-organize and self-development;

Ensuring the implementation of the rights of students to participate in the management of the college, assessing the quality of the educational process;

Formation of self-government skills in students, preparing them for competent and responsible participation in the life of society.

2.2. The tasks of the Student Council are:

Involving students in solving all issues related to the training of highly qualified specialists;

Development of proposals to improve the quality of the educational process, taking into account the scientific and professional interests of students;

Protection and representation of the rights and interests of students;

Assistance in solving educational, social, and other issues affecting the interests of students;

Preservation and development of democratic traditions of students;

Assisting college governing bodies in solving educational and scientific problems, organizing leisure and everyday life of students, and promoting healthy image life;

Assistance structural divisions colleges in the activities they conduct within the educational process;

Carrying out work aimed at increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering a caring attitude towards the property complex, a patriotic attitude towards the spirit and traditions of the college;

Informing students about the activities of the college;

Strengthening connections between educational institutions Novosibirsk region, interregional and international relations;

Participation in the formation of public opinion about student youth as a real force and strategic resource for the development of Russian society;

Promoting the implementation of socially significant youth initiatives.

2.3. The activities of the Student Council can also be aimed at solving other problems determined youth policy in the Novosibirsk region and the city of Novosibirsk.

3.1. To make a decision on the creation of the Student Council and the regulations on the Student Council, a Conference is convened, which can also make changes and additions to the regulations on the Student Council, hear and approve reports of the Student Council, determine priority areas activities of the Student Council, resolve the issue of early suspension of the powers of the Student Council. The conference may resolve other issues related to the activities of the Student Council.

3.2. The conference is held at least once a year. The date and time of the Conference, the rate of representation, as well as the agenda of the Conference are determined by the College Student Council.

3.3. The College Student Council must announce the convening of the Conference no later than one month in advance.

3.4. Delegates to the Conference are representatives from all educational groups.

3.5. Conference delegates are elected at general meetings of students of the group by a simple majority of votes according to the norm of representation - three delegates from the study group.

3.6. The delegates to the Conference are the ex officio chairmen of the current Student Council.

3.7. The conference is valid if at least 2/3 of the number of delegates is present.

3.8. Decisions on issues raised for discussion at the Conference are made by a simple majority of votes of the delegates present, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations.

3.9. The College Student Council consists of the chairman of the student council and members of the Council from among the students.

3.10 The Student Council is elected for a period of 1 year and can include at least 15 people.

3.10.1 The college organizes general elections for the chairman of the Student Council, which are conducted by the student election committee in accordance with the “Regulations on Elections” approved by the Order of the college director.

3.10.2 Meetings of the Student Council are held according to the plan and documented in minutes.

3.11. The College Student Council forms and approves the composition of sectors (commissions, committees, etc.), which may include:

Sector of educational, organizational and research work;

Cultural sector;

Sector for work with residents of the hostel;

Sector of civic-patriotic education;

Sports and recreation sector;

Information Communications Sector, etc.

3.17. Sectors (commissions, committees, etc.) may include college students.

3.18. The composition of the commissions is formed by the election of one representative by each educational group. Elections are held by open voting by majority vote on an alternative basis, for a period of 1 year. The Chairman is elected by a majority vote at the organizational meeting of the commission and is a member of the Student Council. The Commission works according to its plan approved by the Council. Commission meetings are held once a month.

4.1. The Student Council interacts with the college's governing bodies based on the principles of cooperation and autonomy.

4.3. Representatives of the college's governing bodies may attend meetings of the Student Council.

4.5. Representatives of the governing bodies make decisions on the life of the college taking into account the opinion of the Student Council.

5.1. The Student Council has the right:

Participate in the development and improvement of regulations affecting the interests of college students;

Participate in assessing the quality of the educational process, prepare and submit proposals to college governing bodies for its optimization, taking into account the scientific and professional interests of students, adjusting the schedule of classes, the schedule of tests, exams, organization industrial practice, creating favorable conditions for the life and recreation of students;

Participate in solving social, everyday and financial issues affecting the interests of students, including the distribution of funds from the scholarship fund, grants and funds allocated for cultural and sports events, recreation and treatment;

Participate in the consideration of issues related to student violations of academic discipline and internal regulations at the college, as well as student dormitories;

Participate in the development and implementation of a system of rewards for students for achievements in various areas of educational and extracurricular activities, including those taking an active part in the activities of the Student Council and the social life of the college;

Review and participate in the consideration of student applications and complaints;

Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the college governing bodies the information necessary for the activities of the Student Council;

Make proposals to resolve issues of using the material and technical base and premises of the college;

Use, in the prescribed manner, the information available to the college’s governing bodies;

Appeal orders and regulations affecting the interests of students in accordance with the established procedure to higher authorities;

In cases of violation and restriction of the rights and freedoms of students, as well as the rights of the Student Council, to make proposals to the college governing bodies on taking measures to restore violated rights and apply disciplinary measures to those responsible;

Identify and use legal forms of protest to protect the rights and freedoms of students, as well as the rights of the Student Council;

Take direct part in the planning, preparation, conduct and analysis of extracurricular activities of the college;

Take part in the work of councils (committees, commissions, etc.) created at the college.

5.2. The Student Council is obliged to:

Carry out work aimed at increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, instilling a careful attitude towards the property complex of the college, strengthening academic discipline and law and order in educational premises and dormitory rooms, increasing the civic consciousness of students, instilling a sense of duty and responsibility;

Work with students to comply with the Charter and internal regulations of the college;

Assist college governing bodies in matters of organization educational activities;

Timely and in accordance with the established procedure consider all applications and appeals of students received by the Student Council;

Carry out work in accordance with the Regulations and activity plan of the Student Council for the academic year;

Support socially significant initiatives of students;

To promote the creation of the necessary social and living conditions, as well as conditions for study and recreation of students;

Represent and protect the interests of students before college governing bodies, government agencies, public associations, other organizations and institutions;

Inform college authorities at the appropriate level about your activities.

6.1. The governing bodies of the college bear the costs necessary to support the activities of the Student Council.

6.2. To ensure the activities of the Student Council, college governing bodies provide premises (offices), communications, office equipment and other necessary materials, facilities and equipment for free use.

6.3. The Student Council is responsible for planning, organizing and conducting Council meetings, for the work of committees in areas, for maintaining documentation necessary for the work.