The appearance of water on earth is a brief history. How did water appear on earth? Hypothesis of the cosmic origin of water

How did water appear on Earth?

But on this moment you know about yourself - as they said Higher power upon contact, - somewhere 0, 001% and you have the knowledge, if compared with Us, like the “trainees” from kindergarten and you just need to develop and - develop!!! And a person, possessing “mind-blowing” abilities, is able to move with his body in space and time without using any technical means! But until you begin to develop spiritually, you will not be able to use this and other “mind-blowing” human capabilities that were inherent in him initially!!!And because of your poor knowledge, you have a completely wrong idea about life!!!

In distant times, when our future Solar system was on the Fourth Universal “Snail of Time” (look below at the real model of our Universe and you will see for the first time what it really is like!). Then in our future solar system there were two suns . And our future planet Earth Higher Powers dragged from the constellation Triangulum " and placed at an equal distance from them. And from then on, the existence of our planet began, which can conventionally be called the “First Period of Its Silence”! The fact is that our Solar system at that time was a “free zone.” Of course, the planets that Now we know well that there was no such thing in our Solar System. After some time, one of the Suns exploded. And from then on, the “2nd period of Her silence” began. And only after that a period appeared that can conventionally be called “Vegetative.” Since it was during this period that organisms resembling our modern plants, both terrestrial and underwater, first appeared, dying, these plants began to form a new layer of the Earth - Its soil!!!

And ours oxygen atmosphere - it is a product of precisely this plant life! At the beginning of this plant period, the oxygen in the atmosphere was approximately 0, 25%, and by the end of this period it had risen to 95%. And all this was prepared by the Higher Powers for preparation and emergence on Earth already "".

animal life And at the same time, the construction of the planets of today took place. Today's construction was implemented by the Higher Powers, which are engaged in precisely such matters in the Universe. And remember, in the Universe nothing is done just like that, but everything is done strictly according to plan !!!

And for these purposes, there is a special “Space Division” in the Universe, which deals specifically with creation celestial bodies !!!

After this, the Cosmic Forces turned the Cosmic Energy River into our Galaxy, with the final goal to our Earth. And in order for the Earth to become Intelligent, the Creators sent “Life Energy” into the Earth’s core (and it is thanks to this energy that life exists! Below you will read what the Higher Powers said about this energy) and placed special protoplasm in the Earth’s core and filled it with a special development program.

And when creating our planet into the structure of the Earth, how “Intelligent being”, such structures were invested that control many processes on Earth . These are her processes magnetic fields , processes of finding and existence in the center of the Earth of certain “energies of life”, on which life on our planet depends!!! By the time the 4th race appeared on Earth, there were only 7 planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. And also Jupiter, which then had a very weak influence on the Earth, due to its slightly different rotation. Phaeton was then located between Mars and Saturn and the trajectory of its movement crossed the then orbit of Jupiter. And by the end of the 4th race, Phaeton was blown up. Since the construction of the Solar system by the Higher Powers was ending. And it was during the period between the 3rd and 4th races that the Moon appeared!!! The moon is an artificial celestial body. And in the Universe nothing happens for nothing.

So I asked Them a question about our Universe (which you will read about below) and this is how They answered -

You are thinking correctly!!! But We not only supervise your Universe, We we create and build your Universe. And We are watching you all the time, because you are Our children!!!

In fact, in our Universe nothing happens “just like that” from random compression, as our “scientists” believe; different systems and planets do not appear, but everything is controlled and done strictly according to plan. And this is exactly how the “building” of our today’s solar system took place. . AND Today’s construction of It was realized by the Higher Powers of the Universe , who do exactly this kind of thing in the Universe !

The fact is that in the Universe nothing is done “just like that” and “by chance”, but everything is done thoughtfully and strictly according to plan (as the Higher Powers said upon contact). Therefore, after the Higher Powers created our planet, They created a “water tunnel-channel” for her. through which water was brought to our planet. This "tunnel passage" approaches our South Pole. And it continues to function today. And it is through it that “purified water” comes to Earth from Space through South Pole, and through North Pole“polluted water” from our Ocean goes into space. And these are not my speculations and fantasies, but the words of the Higher Powers spoken upon contact. And these “tunnel passages” do not manifest themselves materially, since they are created from “primary radiations” or “proto-matter”, which does not manifest itself materially, that is, we do not see it. But the people of Earth see the water itself in the form of giant “Aurora Borealis”. But we see it only at the very edges of the “tunnel-passage”, since at the edges the speed of water is approximately three times less than in its center.

The thing is, people don't know What The water we humans use on Earth goes into the Ocean Andafter which it is removed by Cosmic flows through the North Pole into Space according to special "tunnel-passages" and, already cleaned, returns to Earth through special “passage tunnels” through the South Pole. (But people don't care about these "water tunnels-passages" they don’t know!!!) This is me writing you the information that the Higher Powers of the Universe told me upon contact.

And They said, If this chain is interrupted, then an irreversible process will occur... You don't value it , what do you have !!! And these gigantic streams of ocean water are affected by " Solar energy"(I will write about it below), not Sunlight!!! And as a result, " Northern" And " Southern aurora "But people currently know nothing about these “water streams” and “water tunnels.” And people do not know that if not for these streams of water flying into Space through the North Pole for purification, and to the South Pole - already purified water returns to our Earth's Ocean. And if such circulation stopped, then we would feel very bad, but we don’t know and don’t think about it. This is what the Higher Powers said about this, -

By polluting water, you thereby affect your Ocean, since all your water ends up in it. Upon contact, the Higher Powers of the Universe said, “Water is a huge source of information!” The point is, everything we do is bad remains in the memory of water . And the more such pollution there is, the greater the volume of Cosmic filtration required for it (people simply don’t know anything about this!!!). And all this will have a detrimental effect on your planet and all its flora and fauna and on man himself!

And this is what the Higher Powers said upon contact about this: - If man will continue to continue to explore the Ocean just as unreasonably , as he is doing now, then a catastrophe may occur as a result of which the Cosmic connection of replenishing the Ocean with water (which people know nothing about) will be interrupted, and then everything will disappear irrevocably... The fact is that “solar energy” is refracted and reflected in these droplets of water (like a “rainbow” is formed in raindrops) floating in the atmosphere.

This photo of the "Southern Aurora" (taken from Space). Here the molecules of purified water fall down. Look carefully at the photograph taken from Space. It shows the edges of the “tunnel-passage” through which water enters the South Pole of the Earth and this “tunnel-passage” has a certain diameter. So through this “tunnel-passage” water gets to our planet and therefore its lights are a little different than the Northern Lights. But the fact is that the flow speed in these “passage tunnels” is different. At the very edge of the “tunnel-passage” it is almost 3 times less than in the middle of the “tunnel-passage”. Therefore, in the picture we can more or less clearly see these flows, compared to their center.

This is a photo of the "Northern Lights" (taken from Space). Here, water molecules rise upward - into Space for purification. There, droplets of water will already rise and when they get into their “tunnel passage”, they will rush through it with incredible speed for purification. The speed of light, if compared with their speed, will seem miniscule!!! For example, our ancient ancestors knew very well about “Earth Energy” and “Sun Energy”. The fact is that “Solar energy” (you will read about it for the first time below) feeds the entire space of the Earth and as a result of this, these Earthly spaces accumulate it into themselves and accumulate this energy in themselves. Now people have forgotten how to use this energy. We just don't know how to use it. Our ancient ancestors had such knowledge - but we have forgotten everything. And we don’t have such knowledge now.

People don't know that physical body man is penetrated by a network of so-called “proto-matter” unknown to us, or, to put it more correctly, “primary radiations”, about which our scientists still have zero knowledge. And this “protomatter” is much smaller in volume than those known to us elementary particles, which we know from Mindeleev’s table.

For comparison, we will compare the size of such a particle with a hydrogen atom. It is approximately 10 -ь to the minus power 27 from hydrogen atom size. These “first radiations” arise at the birth of the Universe, that is, at the opening of the Universe of its space-time system. And they exist in its closed continuum in the form of a “cellular-mesh frame”.

And it is precisely such “primary radiations” that arise at the birth of the Universe! And they are the basis for the creation of dense matter, which we know and do not know! We mainly know about this “dense” matter from the Periodic Table in the form of it chemical elements. But in the future this table will have a completely different look, it will be voluminous! There are 27 such “first radiations” in total. And only one of them does not undergo material manifestation and does not interact with the carriers of physical time!

And it is precisely this that serves as the main material for the construction of “temporary tunnels”, “time snails” and various water and energy and many other “passage tunnels” and “time axes” of man!

Below you will see for the first time a model of our Universe and She, like a person, has a “head” in which the Higher Powers of the Super Ring live.

Now look at the drawing of the model of our Universe and for the first time you will see what it really is like! On the left, I drew her arms and legs with a dotted line, and you saw Her for the first time and were convinced that we (people) were created in Her likeness!!! And in Her head there is a Super Ring, which acts as a “bioscreen”, or the “Brains” of the Universe! In the second picture you see the arrow number 6. We are now located and living in this temporary Spiral. The number 6 is a symbol of life and prosperity!

The Old Testament says: And God said: Let us create man in Our image and in Our likeness. And God created man in his own image ( Old Testament, chapter 1, Genesis 1:26, 1:28).

For the first time you see a simplified drawing of a model of our Universe. And the drawing of this Model of the Universe is very similar to the model of a person (as in the “Old Testament”) and I asked the Powers of the Super Ring (which are in the drawing in the head of the Universe) a question - And you, in my opinion, are something like"Bioscreen" or "Brains" our Universe! This is right!? And this is what the Higher Powers of the Super Ring answered me, -

You are thinking correctly!!! But We not only supervise your Universe, We create and build your Universe. And We are watching you all the time, because you are our children!!!

Now look at the drawings of our Universe and you will see for the first time what it really is like! In the green drawing, I drew dotted lines on her arms and legs and you saw Her for the first time and were convinced that we(People) created in Her image! And the Higher Powers confirmed this! But not only this, we have seven Energy Rings inside us, headed by Their “chakras” (“chakra” is translated from Sanskrit as “Ring”). And our Universe has Seven Number Rings with Teacher systems controlling them. And above them stands the Bioscreen, which controls them all, as well as absolutely all organs and organisms of a person and his DNA! You look at the drawing and you will see something like a hat on the Head of the Universe. This is the Super Ring of the Universe, which plays approximately the same role as the “Bioscreen” in humans (below you will see a drawing of the human “bioscreen”). Now read what the Higher Powers of the Universe said on this topic!

The thing is that the Universe is a living organism!

And the “Chronospheres” of the Galaxies and the Universe itself are like skeletons from which They will never emerge, although at the same time they will expand or contract!!!

Our scientists have a wrong idea about the expansion of our Universe. What happens is that the “snail sleeve of the Universe” expands and as a result the axes diverge. (You can see this under number 2). And this is what the Higher Powers of the Universe said about this, - what appears to you as the expansion of the Universe is just an expansion of matter in the sleeve of the time snail of the Universe! And this is unambiguous! Please note that the Higher Powers said this upon contact and They added that the Chronosphere is one of the most stable structures of the Universe! It will not collapse, even if the Universes themselves exist! And it is precisely this that is the basis of the existence of each Universe!!!

The powers of the Super Ring have confirmed that energy the human model is similar to the universal one ( You saw the real model of our Universe for the first time above!) And it differs from the human model in its frequency range. And since you live in 3-dimensional space, the concept of time (and the Chronosphere) is not yet available to you! And when the 4th dimension is available to you, then this concept will be available to you too. But the fact is that the 4th dimension will just be a transitional phase in the development of humanity. If you compare it, it's like a corridor between two rooms. Therefore, humanity is actually moving towards the 5th dimension. And it is there that he will receive all sorts of knowledge about different dimensions and proportions and different time dependencies of a person!!!

For example, our ancient ancestors knew very well about the energy of the Earth and the Sun. The fact is that this energy initially comes to our Sun through a special “transition tunnel” and is then transmitted by It for the life of the entire Solar System. And this energy feeds the entire space of the Earth and as a result of this, these Earthly spaces accumulate it into themselves and accumulate this energy in themselves. Now people have forgotten how to use this energy. We just don't know how to use it. Our ancient ancestors had such knowledge - but we have forgotten everything. And we don’t have such knowledge now.

The largest storage device for solar energy is the Earth's core! And when the Earth's core becomes oversaturated with solar energy, volcanic eruptions occur.

We , people, we are very afraid of this and we do not understand that this energy is, in principle, simply excessive - energy we didn't use. And the use of this energy lies ahead for humanity. We have forgotten that it is the Sun that gives life and gives it not to its own Sunlight, but with its solar energy. And it is this energy that gives life everywhere and even where we cannot even imagine that it is there!

We have forgotten how to contact various higher Minds and receive various useful information from Them and at the expense of his "ignorance" we are and live in our own “isolated” world. Therefore, the world of our Earth at the moment is an “isolated” world from all those worlds where people like us live!

But only they have learned to receive energy from the Stars and therefore they use this energy very powerfully and they even know that they have such knowledge that when their Star goes out, they can quite easily move to another place of residence.

But the fact is that this energy of the Sun is also in our blood. And therefore, it is our blood that reacts to changes in the speed of the Solar energy flow. And as a result of the reaction of our blood to the Solar energy flow, we feel either better or worse!

Some of you have the opinion that all this comes from flares of “prominences” on the Sun! But that's not true! Those bursts (“prominences”) that occur on the Sun are just the interaction of the “Plasmoids” of our Sun with those objects that are in Our Solar System. I have been in contact with the Plasmoids of our Sun for a very long time and I can say that They treat us - the people of the Earth - very kindly and with love! And the “prominences” of a certain classification are the “thoughts of our Sun”, which She sends to our Earth, after a request from her!!! (But people don’t know anything about this at all!!!).

On and to our Sun through a special “tunnel-passage”, about which people know nothing, there is an energy flow, which connects Star to Star, but you , people, you know nothing and do not understand these “energy flows” and at the moment you cannot interact with them. But if you begin to correctly understand these “energy flows”, then you will be able to transform these “energy flows” into the types of energies that you need on the ground for your life!

The thing is that Solar energy is everywhere, regardless of whether it is day or night and regardless of the time of year. And specifically it doesn’t depend on the person how old he is now! People have ceased to understand our Sun. Our ancient ancestors understood it well and they used this knowledge well. Before being treated, they always harmonized their energy shell. That is, they cleansed it so that you would not have any negative energy. That is, with this energy of the Sun, you seemed to wash away all the negative energy from yourself. This technique is very simple. After looking at the Sun, close your eyes and receive warmth from Him for 50 minutes. Purification will be approximately 89%. After this, it is recommended to take a shower and it is advisable to do this in the morning.

There are several fundamentally different assumptions that have divided scientific minds into two camps: some are supporters of the meteorite or “cold” origin of the earth, while others, on the contrary, prove the “hot” origin of the planet. The first believe that the Earth was originally a large, solid, cold meteorite, while the second argue that the planet was hot and extremely dry. The only undeniable fact is that such a vital element as water appeared on Earth at the stage of formation of the blue planet, that is, long before.

The hypothesis of a “cold” origin of the planet

According to the cold origin hypothesis Earth at the beginning of its existence it was cold. Subsequently, due to the decay, the planet's interior began to warm up, which became the cause of volcanic activity. The erupted lava brought various gases and water vapor to the surface. Subsequently, with a gradual cooling of the atmosphere, some of the water vapor condensed, which led to a huge amount of precipitation. Continuous rains over thousands of years at the initial stage of the formation of the planet became a source of water that filled the oceanic depressions and formed the World Ocean.

The hypothesis of a “hot” origin of the planet

Most scientists who hypothesize the “hot” origin of the Earth do not in any way connect the appearance of water on the planet with. Scientists have suggested that the structure of planet Earth initially contained hydrogen layers, which subsequently entered into a chemical reaction with oxygen that was in the earth’s mantle at the initial stage of formation. The result of this interaction was the emergence huge amount water on the planet.

However, some scientists do not exclude the participation of asteroids and comets in the creation of water on a vast territory of the earth. They suggest that it was thanks to the continuous attacks from large comets and asteroids, which carried reserves of water in the form of liquid, ice and steam, that huge expanses of water appeared, filling most of planet Earth.

At all times, people have wanted to know how planet Earth was formed. Despite the fact that there are many hypotheses, the question of the origin of water on our planet still remains open.

Water is binary inorganic compound, the molecule of which consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. At normal conditions is a liquid without color (in small volumes), taste and odor. Water exists under Earth's conditions in three states of aggregation, as well as on hydrophilic surfaces - in the form of liquid crystals

Since ancient times, water has been treated with respect, considering it one of the Elements of nature - air, water, earth and fire. The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Thales of Miletus (624 - 546 BC) argued that water is the most important of them: "... everything from water and into water decomposes." For organic life water is needed and it is believed that it served as the place of its origin. About 71% earth's surface covered with water - 361.13 million square kilometers. The oceans account for 96.5% of all water, !.7% is groundwater, 1.7% is glaciers and ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland. A little is represented by rivers, lakes and swamps, 0.001% is in the clouds. Most of the earth's water is salty. Share fresh water approximately 2.5%, with most of it contained in glaciers and groundwater. Less than 0.3% of all fresh water in rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. There are several theories about the possible appearance of water on our planet. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups - the terrestrial origin of water and the cosmic origin of water.

Ocean inside the planet. Terrestrial origin of water

One of the hypotheses of terrestrial origin considers the appearance of water, among other chemical elements, during the hot phase of the formation of the planet. Water vapor, along with other resulting gases, erupted from cracks in the cooling crust, forming the planet's cloud cover. When the temperature dropped, condensation began, rain began to pour, filling natural depressions and depressions, forming reservoirs.

Another hypothesis speaks of the heating of the planet as a result of intense volcanic activity during the youth of the Earth. As we now know, the bottom of modern oceans was the site of ancient volcanoes. In the Earth's mantle at a depth of 50 km - 70 km, water vapor began to arise from hydrogen and oxygen ions. However, heat the robe did not allow him to enter into chemical compounds with substance. Under pressure, steam was squeezed into the upper layers of the mantle and into the crust. In the bark the temperature is lower and chemical reactions between minerals and water. The result of this process was the loosening of rocks, the formation of cracks and voids. They filled with water. The pressure turned them into cracks and through them water rushed to the surface. Hot water easily dissolved alkalis and acids in the bark. This mixture corroded everything around it, turning into a kind of brine that gave the seas a salinity. The brine was spreading under the granite base of the continents. He could not penetrate granite; the porous structure retained the mixture, blocking the path of water. If this is so, then under the continents at a depth of 12 km - 20 km there are oceans of compressed water saturated with salts and metals. It is possible that such oceans are also located under the basalt ocean floor. This hypothesis is supported by the inexplicable sharp increase in the speed of seismic waves, which was recorded at a depth of the same 12 km - 20 km, where the supposed granite-brine interface, the boundary of a sharp change, should be located physical and chemical properties substances. Continental drift indirectly supports this hypothesis - perhaps the brine oceans play the role of a lubricant along which the continents slide.

Another hypothesis for the terrestrial origin of water is that water is formed as a result of the release of hydrogen as a result of the breakdown of metal-hydrogen compounds, that is, the restoration of metal structures in the mantle and core of the Earth. This process causes the expansion of the Earth, which is actually recorded - so Moscow and Saint Petersburg float east at a speed of 10 cm per year, and Hamburg (in the center of Europe) remains in place, that is, Europe is expanding. The released hydrogen captures oxygen atoms along the way from the depths and water vapor breaks out to the surface. As water condenses, it fills cracks in the crust, forming oceans.

Water was delivered from space

And the following hypotheses suggest the cosmic origin of water. One claims that water was brought to the planet by comets, asteroids or meteorite bodies. Indeed, meteorites contain up to 0.5% water. Few? Only at first glance. However, if the Earth was formed from similar cosmic debris (impact and subsequent connection), then with a total mass of six by ten to the twenty-first power of tons, it should contain three by ten to the nineteenth power of water. total weight According to modern data, water on the planet is about fourteen to ten to the ninth power tons. It turns out that the Earth is saturated with water from the center to the surface like a sponge.

Another space hypothesis claims that it was not the water itself that was delivered from space, but its components. A shower of charged particles continuously rains down on the Earth. Among them, a significant proportion are protons - the nuclei of the hydrogen atom. IN upper layers atmosphere, capturing electrons, they turn into hydrogen. Which reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere and forms a water molecule. One and a half tons of water per year. The process did not start yesterday. Perhaps he was walking at a different speed before? So that water flooded the entire surface of the planet, reaching mountain peaks? And then she went into the depths, leaving the oceans...

There are many hypotheses, it is difficult to confirm them. The incoming data from recent studies are often contradictory and it is still very difficult to come to a consensus. Here are some conclusions of modern experts. Professor Vasily Ivanovich Ferronsky, chief researcher at the Institute of Water Problems Russian Academy Sciences, studied the content of the oxygen isotope in ocean waters and in ancient rocks of the Earth - granites and basalts. The experiment showed that the rocks contain significantly more of this isotope. This allows us to assert that water could not have been formed due to its release from the bowels of the Earth.

Comet Hartley 2's water is identical to Earth's

Data from the Rosetta space module, which studies the nucleus of comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), indicate that the content of deuterium in cometary vapor significantly exceeds the parameters of terrestrial water. Which means earth water- not from comets. However, not everything is clear here. Yes, in comets from the Oort cloud (at the edge of the solar system) the water does not coincide in composition with that on Earth, but there is also a family from the Kuiper belt (between Neptune and Uranus). And observations using the Herschel orbital telescope indicate that the water contained in comet Hartley-2 (Kuiper belt) is completely identical to that on Earth in isotopic composition. This means that Earth's water can be cometary...

Astronomers report that they have discovered water in protoplanetary disks. The most interesting part of the disk is the middle part, where the water can be warm. Such a supply of warm liquid water in the future it may become the beginning of the oceans and allows us to explain the emergence of water on Earth without the participation of asteroids and comets. By the way, about asteroids. One of them, located in the main belt, 24 Thermis, is covered with a thick layer of frost. Asteroids of this type could well deliver it to Earth. It turns out that it is too early to discount asteroids.

The oldest water in the Universe has been discovered at a distance of 11 billion light years from Earth. Astronomers believe that this is a common conjunction not only in the present, but also in the early Universe, no more than 2 billion years old.

Scientists from Japan believe that early earth there was a dense hydrogen atmosphere that interacted with oxygen in the planet's structure to form water. On the other hand, Japanese geologists talk about entire layers of hydrogen in the earth’s structure, which interacted with oxygen from the mantle... Yeah... In a word, “... dark is the water in the clouds of air” (Old Testament, Psalter, ps. 17 , art. 12).

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MOSCOW, January 12 - RIA Novosti. The oldest rocks of the Earth from a Canadian island in the Arctic told scientists that the water of our planet existed on its surface originally, and was not brought by comets or asteroids, according to an article published in the journal Science.

“We found that the water molecules in the samples of these rocks contained few atoms of deuterium, heavy hydrogen. This suggests that it came to Earth not after it had formed and cooled, but along with the dust from which it was formed our planet. Most of the water in this dust evaporated, but its remains were enough to form the Earth's oceans,” said Lydia Hallis from the University of Glasgow (Scotland).

Today, planetary scientists believe that the Earth’s waters are of “cosmic” origin. Their source, according to half of them, is comets, while other astronomers believe that water reserves of our planet were “brought” to it by asteroids.
Hallis and her colleagues showed that our planet's oceans may in fact be filled with its own water by studying samples of Earth's oldest basalts found in Baffin Land, Canada, in 1985.

These fragments of the Earth's mantle, as the geologist explains, contain so-called inclusions - small balls of crystals of refractory rocks that formed at the dawn of the solar system, about 4.5-4.4 billion years ago. Due to the fact that they never left the bowels of the Earth and did not mix with rocks earth's crust, they contain the primary matter of our planet.

Hallis's group decided to take advantage of this fact to study the isotopic composition of the water contained in these inclusions and compare it with the values ​​​​in fractions of hydrogen isotopes that are characteristic of the Earth's waters today and for asteroids and comets.

Scientists: Jupiter could destroy “super-Earths” in the young solar systemOur Solar System may have contained one or more large Earth-like planets in the early stages of its formation, which were later absorbed by the Sun as a result of the migrations of Jupiter.

As it turned out, the primary rocks of the Earth contained unusually little deuterium, heavy hydrogen, noticeably less than is contained in the waters of modern oceans and in the matter of small celestial bodies. This suggests that the source of water was the primary matter of the gas-dust disk from which the Earth and all other inhabitants of the Solar System were born.

Why is this so? Initially, as Hallis explains, the primordial matter of the solar system contained very little deuterium. Deuterium is heavier than “ordinary” hydrogen, and therefore its atoms evaporate into space from the surface of the Earth or other celestial bodies much more slowly than simple protons. Therefore, the more time water spends in open space, the less deuterium it will contain. This explains why the small amount of deuterium in water in samples of these rocks indicates the “terrestrial” origin of water in the oceans of our planet.

Scientists: life on Earth could have existed 4 billion years agoGeochemists from the United States have found possible traces that life on Earth could have arisen almost simultaneously with the cooling of the planet and the appearance of the first bodies of water on its surface, approximately 4.1-4 billion years ago.

Today, very few scientists believe that water and most of the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere could have arisen on our planet “independently.” This is explained by the fact that the Earth is located in the so-called hot part of the protoplanetary disk, where water ice and other frozen volatile substances were gradually destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet and other rays of the newborn Sun.

On the other hand, in last years Planetary scientists have found a lot of evidence and theoretical evidence in favor of the fact that the Earth and some other Earth-like planets of the solar system could have formed in the more distant and cold part of the protoplanetary disk, and then were “driven” from their place into modern orbits by Jupiter and Saturn. The discovery by Hallis and her colleagues may be another argument in favor of this “migration” theory.

How and when did water appear on Earth? Scientists are still discussing this topic, but no one has yet given an accurate and logically proven answer. To date, there are several assumptions about how the liquid could have formed on the planet. Among them there are both completely absurd and quite logical hypotheses, but so far none of them is completely reliable.

How did water appear on Earth? Briefly about the main hypotheses

Water plays a big role in maintaining life on the planet, since it is the main internal environment of any organism. On average, a person can survive without water for no more than three days, and the loss of 15-20% of fluid often leads to death.

How did water appear on Earth? Hypotheses for the formation of this substance are few, and none of them have yet received reliable evidence. Nevertheless, only they can somehow explain the formation of the hydrosphere of our planet.

Hypothesis of the cosmic origin of water

A group of researchers hypothesized that the water appeared along with numerous falling meteorites. This happened about 4.4 billion years ago, when the planet was still in its infancy, and its surface was dry, devastated land, over which an atmosphere had not yet formed.

When asked how water appeared on Earth, adherents of this hypothesis answer that the first molecules of this liquid were brought with them by meteorites. At first these molecules existed in the form of gas and accumulated, and later, when the planet began to cool, the water turned into liquid state and formed the Earth's hydrosphere.

Maybe, chemical education water originated from primary hydrogen protons and oxygen anions, but the probability of such a reaction occurring in the thickness of celestial bodies that subsequently fell to Earth is catastrophically small.

Another hypothesis about how water appeared on Earth

It was proposed by a group of researchers led by the famous scientist V.S. Safronov. The essence of his assumption lies in the terrestrial origin of the water that formed in the bowels of the planet.

Under the influence of numerous meteorite falls, our then-hot planet began to form a large number of volcanoes, from which magma erupted. Along with it, “water vapor” was released to the surface, which became the cause of the formation of the Earth’s hydrosphere.

Despite the fact that the theory is based on the terrestrial origin of water, it cannot answer many questions. For example, how did the rocks in the lithosphere melt so much as to cause the formation of many volcanoes? And how did water vapor form? At first, scientists assumed that at that time there was groundwater, which escaped in a gaseous state through volcanic vents along with magma.

This theory of steam formation was refuted by P. Perrault, a naturalist of the 17th century. He proved that groundwater was formed due to precipitation, and this requires the presence of an atmosphere. 4.4 billion years ago there was no atmosphere.

And the last theory

So how did water appear on Earth? Another hypothesis was able to approach the question of the formation of the planet’s hydrosphere from a different angle. Like the previous assumption of V.S. Safronov and his co-authors, this hypothesis is based on the terrestrial origin of water.

The difference is that, according to researchers, water molecules were formed together with the protoplanetary disk of the Earth, i.e. at the moment of the formation of the planet itself. The source of water molecules was deuterium and oxygen.

Deuterium is ordinary hydrogen with one neutron in its nucleus. This heavy isotope was found in samples of ancient basalts discovered in the Arctic on Baffin Island (1985). These rocks are formed from particles of protoplanetary dust that were not exposed during the formation of the planet. According to the researchers, chemical nature deuterium would not allow the isotope to form outside the planet.

This is how water appeared on Earth according to these scientists. If their data is correct, about 20% of the modern world ocean was formed during the formation of the protoplanetary disk. Today, researchers are looking for a way to prove that most of the world's oceans, as well as atmospheric water vapor and groundwater, were formed from "protoplanetary" water.