Problems in learning the Russian language among the Tatars. Favorites

Tatar at school: there is a problem

The recent publications of "Evening Kazan" devoted to the lawsuit between the father of a Kazan schoolboy and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan caused an unprecedented reader resonance.

The parent sued the Ministry of Education for the fact that Tatar language in the schools of the republic, in his opinion, is studied in too large volumes. Moreover, Sergei Khapugin (professional lawyer) is convinced that the compulsory study of the Tatar language by all schoolchildren is a violation of the rights of citizens of other nationalities living in Tatarstan. Having lost the case in the district court of Kazan, the father-lawyer hopes to win in the Constitutional Court of Russia.

Given the interest in the problem of teaching the Tatar language in schools, the fact that this problem is serious and worries many Tatarstan residents, it was decided to conduct a "Direct connection" between the readers of "VK" and specialists from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On December 14, the head of the Department of the National Education System and Educational Literature Radik Zaripov and the Chief Specialist of the Department of General Secondary Education Lenura Noskova answered questions.

We bring to your attention the presentation of "Direct Communication", published in the newspaper "Vechernyaya Kazan".

Where we live?

- My surname is Grigoryeva, my grandson is in the 2nd grade. They have 6 Tatar lessons, 4 Russian lessons. And this, in my opinion, is not subject to any criticism. We, parents, both Tatars and Russians, agree that the Tatar should be twice a week, but no more.

Lenura Noskova: How many reading lessons does your grandson have?

- Three.

This means that in total he has seven lessons in Russian philology - the Russian language and literary reading. The same with Tatar philology: six hours are provided for the study of the Tatar language and literary reading.

- But do you understand that no one needs the Tatar language? It will not be useful to children when entering a university, in general it will not be useful anywhere!

But we live in Tatarstan...

- We live primarily in Russia! Even in remote Tatar villages, people want to learn Russian. Because in the same Kazan they speak mostly Russian!

Marat Lotfullin: Deputy. Chief Guo is talking to you. Look, please, the Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation, art. 6 and paragraph 6 state that the state languages ​​of the republics within the Russian Federation are studied in accordance with the legislation of these republics.

- But not so much, is it?

In Tatarstan, the Tatar language is not studied much. Parity study of the two state languages ​​is envisaged - in equal volumes. And you have 7 hours of Russian philology and 6 hours of Tatar philology at your school. You see, there is no equal volume, 1 hour - in favor of the Russian.

- But, maybe, to make a larger volume of the Tatar language for Tatar children? After all, he is their own!

In our schools, children are not divided according to nationality!

- But the children don't want to learn Tatar!

Do they want to study mathematics?

- Want! My grandson has an A in math! Although we do mathematics every day for ten minutes, and Tatar - two hours.

Well, come out with the initiative to change the law Russian Federation.

- Tatarstan is a multinational republic and the budget consists of revenues from citizens of all nationalities. Why is priority given to the study of the Tatar language?

Radik Zaripov: The Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan states that the Tatar and Russian languages ​​are equal. And in the laws of the Republic of Tatarstan on education and languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is written that the Russian and Tatar languages ​​in kindergartens, schools, vocational schools are studied in equal volumes.

- No, not equal! Do we have at least one Russian gymnasium? And how many Tatars! Although there are fewer Tatars in the republic than representatives of other nationalities.

- Hello! My daughter is in the 11th grade and I am very sorry that she has to spend so much time learning the Tatar language. I believe that your local Tatarstan laws are contrary to federal laws, and therefore have no legal force.

Zaripov: Well, why "your laws"? You also live in Tatarstan.

- I live in Russia and would like to live according to Russian laws.

Do you propose to cancel Tatarstan?

- Bring them into line with Russian ones.

And on the issue of "Direct Communication" what do you propose?

- Tatarstan officials should reckon with the interests of citizens. It is necessary to identify the real needs in the study of the Tatar and Russian languages. To do this, for example, conduct a survey in schools. The results obtained, I am sure, will greatly diverge from the desired ...

Thank you for calling.

- When we were growing up, we all studied together - Russians, Tatars, children of other nationalities. It seems to me wrong and dangerous to divide children from kindergarten into Tatars and ... all the rest.

Noskova: What division are you talking about?

- I mean Tatar groups in kindergartens, Tatar classes, Tatar schools.

This is not a division into Russians and Tatars. This is a division into groups according to the level of knowledge of the Tatar language. A Tatar child who does not speak Tatar may well end up in a Russian class...

- Good afternoon, "Direct Communication". Now the world is in the process of globalization. Languages ​​with little need die a natural death. The Tatar language, alas, is also dying. You plant it artificially.

Zaripov: What kind of dying person is he? He is a state.

- Tatarstan is not a state, it has no external borders.

But according to the law - the state.

- Do not humiliate us, people of other nationalities. Don't forcefully teach us Tatar!

Do you want to learn your native language?

- Yes, he is not native to us! We want to learn progressive languages!

Thank you members for...

- Hello, I am one of those who are very touched by the problem of learning the Tatar language. I think that father-lawyer Sergei Khapugin is right! My seventh-grader child now does not know his native Russian at all. And he does not know Tatar either, although he teaches it for a long time, with great difficulty.

Noskova: But are you more concerned about the level of your child's knowledge of the Russian language?

- Of course. After all, Tatar, I think, he does not need at all. A Russian is needed. I talked with the Russian language teacher. She says that in the 9th grade, she has to go through the program again in the 5th grade, because high school students write "feeling" through "u"! Just some kind of illiteracy, like in a pre-revolutionary remote village.

Lotfullin: We have completely different information. You probably judge by your son? My advice to you is to do more! In all normal countries, children learn three languages ​​and know them. Don't panic, no language has interfered with another yet. Learning one language, on the other hand, helps learning another. In any case, the issue of learning the Tatar language does not depend on our desire, it is regulated by law.

- It is very bad that nothing depends on the desire of people.

But after all, people also adopted the law - the deputies we elected.

- They took him out of personal, selfish interests! We should have held a referendum!

But the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan was adopted by referendum. And the law on the languages ​​of the peoples of Tatarstan has already been developed on the basis of the Constitution.

- Maybe technically you are right. But in life, no.

- Finally got through to you. Here in our Constitution it is written that there are two state languages ​​in the republic. Although in general there is no such state of Tatarstan, but this is not important. But why can't a person choose one of the two state languages ​​- the one he wants to learn!

Noskova: In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 6, paragraph 6), with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Education" and the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Languages ​​...", compulsory and equal study of the two state languages ​​is established.

Who came up with these laws!

Our deputies are with you.

But there are still people who object.

So, please, object to the deputies.

- Why in the neighboring republics - Chuvashia, Mari El - not so with the national languages! There they are not taught forcibly in large volumes.

Lotfullin: Everyone acts in accordance with federal and local laws. We, in Tatarstan, also have our own laws. According to them, we, the officials, act.

- It's clear. So the laws need to be revised.

I would have learned Russian, but... where?

- Why not open not only Tatar, but also Russian gymnasiums in the republic, where Russian children could really study their native language? Or is there a ban on it?

Noskova: There is no ban. This year, for example, a school with in-depth study of Russian was opened in Nizhnekamsk. For our part, we even recommend that educational authorities and school directors open, if not schools, then at least Russian classes.

- And we can find such a class somewhere!

Mm... I think you can.

- Hello, my name is Elena Gennadievna. Is it possible to create Russian gymnasiums on the basis of existing ordinary schools in the same way as Tatar ones were created? Does such an initiative threaten the teaching staff in any way?

Noskova: No threat. If an ordinary school decides to become a school with in-depth study of the Russian language, it only has to pass the appropriate attestation to obtain a new status. There is nothing wrong with that, you just need to draw up certain documents. There are now 90 schools in Kazan, and about 200 schools with a higher status in the republic.

- In these schools they study the Russian language in depth!

No, other things. But it can be Russian, please. If a class with in-depth study of Russian is opened in an ordinary school, then you don’t even need to draw up documents for this.

- And what is needed for this? Parent statements? A trip to the ministry?

Do not need anything. The issue should be resolved with the school administration. The main condition for its decision is the availability of qualified teaching staff in the school for in-depth study Russian language. And you yourself know how we are now with the teaching staff.

- There are shots! After all, Russian language teachers have not evaporated!

How did they not evaporate? Old teachers leave schools, new ones don't come... But maybe your school really has cadres. But I want to warn you that even in such a Russian school, a Russian class, children will still learn the Tatar language as the state language.

- What time is it?

Well, perhaps, and in somewhat reduced volumes, given

school status.

- I do not agree with the formulation of the question "Direct Communication" - "Tatar at school: there is a problem." What is the problem with Tatar? There are many hours to study it - know, teach. But how to learn Russian is really a problem. I went to my home school No. 3 for the 100th anniversary. And we, the graduates, paid attention to the schedule: Tatar - 6 lessons, Russian - 3. How and where to learn Russian for children! Why is there not a single Russian gymnasium in Kazan?

Ilsur Khadiullin: Are we against the creation of Russian gymnasiums? Let them open. But for some reason no one wants to open them.

- Your ministry should be engaged in it!

We'll be doing.

We will choose a lot - will we grow old soon?

- Hello, my name is Irina Dmitrievna. I am interested in why they do not take into account the opinion of parents, what language should their child learn? Where are our democratic principles? For example, if the family of a serviceman temporarily lives in the republic, why is their child forced to learn the Tatar language! Why are our rights and freedoms being violated! Why are people forced to do what they don't want to do!

Zaripov: But you are familiar with republican laws, aren't you?

- Yes. But, understand that national strife begins when the will of one people is imposed on another. Why, when I lived in Germany, no one forced me to learn German!

Did you only speak Russian there?

- Yes. And by the way, they understood me, because Russian is also international.

Still, it is very difficult to live in a country without knowing the language.

- I communicated at the everyday level, and I had enough, I myself did not want more - my right. I propose that the Tatar language should not infringe on anyone's rights. Let the children learn it at will and with desire! Then the result of learning Tatar will be better.

- My name is Suslov Dmitry Aleksandrovich. Before asking a question, I want to say that I am categorically against the Tatar language being studied in ordinary schools en masse, especially in current volumes. And the question is this. How is it possible, at least within our class, subject to the consent of all parents, to switch to training according to the curriculum of the Russian Federation? Can our school manage hours from the variable part of the plan of their choice?

Khadiullin; The basic curriculum of the Republic of Tatarstan was developed on the basis of the federal one. And no one can say that the Russian curriculum is not observed in Tatarstan. The Russian plan provides for the study of Russian and native languages. And the native language for the children of our republic is Tatar. Including for Russian-speaking children - for them Tatar is not native, but state. Therefore, changing the curriculum in a single class of a single school is impossible. But I can tell you that some changes are planned in the curriculum. Perhaps in terms of learning the Tatar language. We are thinking of introducing the history and culture of Tatarstan into the plan. And, perhaps, this will be done by reducing the hours for the Tatar language and literature. True, it is too early to talk about this, because there is no new Russian basic curriculum on which we rely.

- Thanks for the answer. But when will all this be? It's a pity to waste time learning Tatar.

Why are you so: "wasting time." This is for your child, he is not native ...

- All the parents of our class, including the Tatars, are against the forced study of the Tatar language! Why not conduct a survey and identify real needs for learning?

No, we cannot change the Law "On Languages..." on the basis of a survey. It's the law!

- Alla, I'm calling from Upper Uslon. We came here from the Sverdlovsk region, to my husband's homeland. Our son is in fourth grade. He has an A in all subjects, except Tatar. I think that parents and children should have the right to choose whether to study Tatar or not. Why have we been deprived of this right?

Khadiullin: And if there is such a right with regard to other subjects? Not to study, for example, mathematics? Therefore, there are educational plans- with a mandatory and optional part, which provides for optional, individual, group classes ... And here the school and parents choose which subject to devote these classes to.

- But at our school it is forbidden to study Russian on electives!

On what basis, I wonder? Ask the school administration for documents: who forbade them to study Russian on electives. They cannot have such documents.

Why doesn't quantity turn into quality?

- I have four grandchildren. I myself am a retired Russian teacher. And, of course, I'm worried about why my grandchildren study the Tatar language more than their native Russian. And it would be nice if they studied Tatar for real. And then after all, the method of teaching the language is useless. A first-grader grandson, for example, memorizes new Tatar words every day, but cannot build a simple sentence.

Lotfullin: Dear teacher! You, as a linguist, have probably never had to work with people who do not know the Russian language. Everyone in Kazan knows him. But here I, for example, began to study Russian "from scratch" and I remember what a huge job it was. Naturally, in the first grade I studied only words. And only by the 5th grade did he speak Russian. It is impossible to judge the results of education only by elementary school. The results primarily depend on the student himself - his abilities and efforts. Then already - from the teacher and textbooks. I think that in Kazan there are all the possibilities if you want to learn the Tatar language well.

- I want to say about the textbook of the Tatar language for the 2nd grade of Russian schools, edited by Yusupov. The first lesson is 14 memorization words and so on. How can you give children a foreign language for them in such a volume! Children at this age should spend an hour and a half preparing all their homework. And they cannot prepare for one Tatar in an hour and a half. Do the authors of textbooks have any idea about the possibilities and abilities of children? I myself am a methodologist, I have worked at a school for 38 years and I imagine how foreign languages ​​should be taught to children...

Zaripov: Do you speak Tatar yourself? We would like more teachers in schools who know the teaching methods foreign languages! As for the textbooks, they were created, frankly, for the first time. And, of course, textbooks have disadvantages. You are not the first to talk about this. In October-November, we held a competition of programs in the Tatar language for elementary school. New textbooks will be created, taking into account the comments. We meet with teachers to get their opinion on a particular textbook.

- It is necessary that textbooks, before publishing them in a large circulation, undergo approbation.

I invite you to come to the meeting of the educational and methodological council, where we systematically discuss textbooks, and express your very valuable, in my opinion, wishes. Deal? Write down my phone.

- I think that the point is not the number of hours in the Tatar language, but the quality of its teaching. The quality needs to be changed. After all, now Tatar is taught by all and sundry - teachers of mathematics, physics. I myself taught physics at school, and I was also offered to teach Tatar. But I was smart enough to refuse. Why do graduates of the Arsk Pedagogical College teach Tatar in high school?

Khadiullin: Of course, graduates of a teacher training school do not have the right to teach Tatar in high school. Is that provided that they have two specializations - a teacher primary school plus a Tatar teacher in a basic school. But now the issue with personnel is no longer so acute. Yes, in the 1990s there were not enough Tatar teachers, and it was really taught, as you say, by all and sundry. But now the Tatar language is taught mainly by specialists, and specialists with higher education. Well, the quality of teaching, of course, needs to be improved.

Your mine does not understand

- Hello, is this Mrs. Noskova?

Yes, Noskova. Not ma'am, really.

- OK. I myself am a Tatar, my name is Marat. I wanted to ask: what does your ministry want to achieve with the dominance of the Tatar language in schools?

Ministry - executive agency, and we only implement the laws adopted by the State Council of the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of Russian laws.

- And yet, what do you want to achieve from children?

Knowledge of two languages, history and culture of Tatarstan. Are you against it?

- I believe that the Tatar language is needed only at the level of everyday communication in order to be able to talk with grandparents from the villages. Everything. And Russian is the language of communication for all residents of the CIS. English - international. Will it not turn out that, paying great attention to the study of the Tatar language to the detriment of others, we, excuse me, will turn sour in our own juice!

The fact that you, living in Tatarstan, will know the language of the indigenous nationality will not harm you. Here I am, when I was at school, I didn’t study Tatar, which I regret very much.

- And what motivates your regret!

The fact that I now do not know the Tatar language at the level at which I need it as an official, as a civil servant. At the household level, I know. I agree with you that at the first stage our task is to teach at least colloquial Tatar.

- But there are many Tatar dialects. Misharin, for example, does not understand much of the conversation of the Bashkir Tatar. Maybe someone will first determine and debug how to speak Tatar correctly in general. Moreover, write.

Here, in order to teach other Tatars in other republics the beautiful, pure, literary Tatar language, we must, Marat, first study the Tatar language well ourselves. We must instill in our children, all the inhabitants of the republic, a love for the Tatar language.

“But you won’t be forced to be nice!”

- Well, why torture children with grammar! After all, spoken Tatar is much more necessary. I recently said to one grandmother: "Salam alaikum!", And she was offended. It turned out that women should not be treated like that. Here's what you need to explain to children!

Zaripov: Does your child have difficulty learning the Tatar language?

- She has no problems. It's just embarrassing. The school promised to introduce, in addition to English, also German, but because of the Tatar it did not work out. Although my granddaughter will not live in Tatarstan either. Her aunt is a professor in another city, she will take her to study with her. What do we have to do! No progress...

I think that all this phonetics and morphology should be excluded from the teaching of the Tatar language. School graduates must understand the Tatar language and be able to communicate in it. I talked with the head teacher of a Tatar school, she is of the same opinion.

Zaripov: So you think that it is enough to learn colloquial speech.

- Exactly. And then more people will speak Tatar and understand each other.

Thank you for your opinion.

Lawyer dad, you're wrong!

- I want to comment on the actions of Mr. Khapugin against the study of the Tatar language. In my opinion, it's all about the level of civilization of this person. After all, knowledge of another language does not impoverish, but enriches a person. If we all learn only our native language, this will not help to strengthen interethnic harmony. We will no longer understand each other.

Zaripov: Your children are learning the Tatar language. Are there any difficulties?

- No, none.

- Hello! Parent Khabibullin. My children go to school in the Novo-Savinovsky district. All classes, all activities at the school are held in Russian, the schedule is in Russian. There are no performances in the Tatar language in the holiday programs. What children learn in theory is not applied in practice. What an infringement of the rights of Russian speakers here! On the contrary, it is our children that are being oppressed! Reading in "Vecherka" about Mr. Khapugin, I am deeply indignant. I think that in our multinational republic we should study the language and culture of other nations. And people like Khapugin are against it.

- "Direct connection"? Vilmulakhmetov is worried. They say, and "Vechernyaya Kazan" writes that there is too much Tatar in schools. And I want to ask a question, why is there too much Russian in Tatar classes? My daughter is studying in the Tatar class of the 107th school, but, except for the Tatar language, all subjects are taught in Russian.

Zaripov: Probably, with the consent of the parents, education takes place in Russian?

- No, we did not know about this when we sent the child there.

I suggest that you transfer your child to the 20th Tatar gymnasium, located in the same building, if you want your daughter to study all subjects in the Tatar language.

In Tatarstan, the conflict continues around the teaching of the Tatar language in schools. On November 5, the prosecutor's office of the republic demanded to withdraw guidelines requiring the compulsory study of the language. The prosecutor's office considered that the requirements of the Republican Ministry of Educationdo not comply with the law and federal educational standards.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin did not impose the study of national languages, and the Muftiate of Tatarstan and the President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov, on the contrary, in defense of compulsory Tatar lessons in the schools of the region. Takie Dela asked linguists involved in linguistic diversity in Russia to comment on the situation with the teaching of national languages.

Rally "Islam against terrorism", organized by the Spiritual Board of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Muslim Youth Union

Is it compulsory to study Tatar?

Now decisions on teaching the Tatar language in Tatarstan are made at the school level. The optionality of teaching national languages ​​carries serious risks for their existence, considers the head of the department of theoretical and applied linguistics Philology Faculty of Moscow State University Sergey Tatevosov. According to him, the transition of the study of Tatar into the category of optional subjects may, in the future, adversely affect the position of the language in the language community.

Most of the national languages ​​in Russia are not comparable in social status with Russian, Tatevosov emphasizes. People living in national communities perceive the Russian language as a guarantee of their social success and social advancement. The national language is losing its positions and exists mainly in the everyday, socio-cultural sphere, to a lesser extent - in the media sphere. According to Tatevosov, the refusal to teach the Tatar language will lead to its gradual extinction.

“Even a strong national identity is not always accompanied by a good command, understanding, feeling of one's language, love for it. A language exists not when nationalist slogans are shouted in it, but when good poetry is written in it,” Tatevosov believes.

Sociolinguist Andrian Vlakhov, a researcher at the Sociological Institute of the Federal Scientific Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes that learning a language at school is less important than its natural transmission, that is, learning in the family and the language environment. You can study a language at school as much as you like, but at the same time hate it and try to forget it as soon as possible, and then the time for learning will be wasted.

A separate issue is the quality of language teaching, emphasizes Alexei Kozlov, researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In many schools, the study of national languages ​​is similar to teaching English: there are lessons from the fifth, or even from the first grade, but not all graduates master the language at any acceptable level. In the national republics, the "native" language, as a rule, has even fewer hours than the foreign language, children have less motivation, teaching aids are much worse - as a result, learning the language does not lead to any result.

Therefore, according to Kozlov, dissatisfaction with the imposed additional subject among some of the inhabitants of Tatarstan, it is quite understandable:"I I can well understand the indignation of the parents of Russian-speaking children in Tatarstan. Why learn some language that is unusual for you, which is not your first, and even using textbooks designed for Tatar-speaking children?

How widespread is the Tatar language in the region?

Serious scientific research level of Tatar language proficiency in recent times was not done. According to censuses and surveys, just over half of the region's population identifies as Tatar and claims to speak the Tatar language. However, the population census data cannot be considered sufficiently informative, since the respondent himself defines himself as a native speaker of a particular language. It is impossible to check his linguistic competence, and practice shows that in this case many people wishful thinking.

Sergey Tatevosov has been working with the Turkic languages, and Tatar in particular, for many years and has led more than one expedition to study it in the field. According to him, proficiency in Tatar as the first language - that is, the one that children learn from their parents and begin to speak it - is quite high in rural areas. In the urban environment, it is significantly lower.

2011 Rally in support of the Tatar language on May Day Square in KazanPhoto: Mikhail Sokolov/Kommersant

Sociolinguist Andrian Vlakhov notes that Tatar is in an advantageous position compared to other national languages: it has many speakers - more than five million people across the country - a developed written language and literature, a connection with ethnic self-identification. In addition, there are closely related languages ​​with a similar status (for example, Bashkir) and there are no negative political connotations.

“If on this basis it is possible to build some kind of scale for the well-being of languages, then Tatar will be located on it at the“ prosperous end ”, occupying one of the highest places among the languages ​​of Russia, immediately after the state Russian language. So my prognosis for the Tatar language is favorable, and Internet battles will subside over time,” says Vlakhov.

What happens to other national languages?

Modern problems of national languages ​​in Russia are well illustrated by the example of another Volga region - Mordovia. According to the 2010 census, 53% of Russians in the republic and only 40% are Mordovians. Among the latter are speakers of the Moksha and Erzya languages. Both of them are a minority in Mordovia.

Linguist Aleksey Kozlov studies the Moksha language, one of the two national languages ​​of Mordovia. He explains that, unlike Russian, this language is not associated with social success, because everyone from the village dreams of leaving for the regional center, from the regional center - to Saransk, and from Saransk - to Moscow. At the same time, rapid urbanization is taking place. Shops and, worse, schools are closing in the villages. As a result, finding a teenager who speaks Moksha as their first language is not easy.

The situation with their teaching in schools directly contributes to the extinction of national languages ​​here. It, as in Tatarstan, is optional. There are so-called national schools where these languages ​​are taught: one of the rural schools in the district or one of the urban schools in the district center. Parents can choose which school to send their child to. If for some reason they decide to send a Russian-speaking child to such a school (for example, there is strong mathematics), he will have to learn his “native language” using textbooks that are designed for Mordovian-speaking children.

Sergey Tatevosov often hears disturbing words from colleagues: the language situation associated with the preservation of national languages ​​is unfavorable in Mari El, Chuvashia, Mordovia, Komi, Buryatia and other regions. When the literary version of a language is destroyed, after a while it begins to leave everyday communication as well, linguists state. In the case of the Tatar language, this is likely to happen slowly and take a long time, but in other languages ​​it can happen faster and the consequences for them can be disastrous.

Tatevosov is sure that it is very important for Russia not only to strengthen the state language, but also national, and in particular linguistic, diversity. "The idea of ​​Russia is that, being united, it allows everyone to be themselves, without losing themselves, without losing their originality. In this regard, it is important that the languages ​​of the peoples who live in Russia be preserved and strengthened in Russia,” the linguist believes.

Is the conflict situation around the Tatar language unique?

Andrian Vlakhov compares current events not with post-Soviet processes in other regions of Russia, but with the historical context in which the languages ​​of Russia's "national minorities" have existed in recent centuries.

Language Policy Russian state most of the time was aimed at unifying and strengthening the role of the Russian language. According to Vlakhov, it is much easier to manage a large state if everyone speaks the same language, and, on the contrary, linguistic diversity interferes with management. The authorities of other countries did the same - it was in this way that English, Spanish and other global languages ​​spread around the world. AT Soviet time teaching languages ​​(and even more so - in languages) of the peoples of the USSR was significantly limited, primarily in order to ensure that Russian as a national language penetrated as deeply as possible.

USSR. Gorky Region. November 12, 1990 School student Gulnara Seydzhaferova during a class.

After 1991, the freedom to learn and use the native language appeared, but the national languages ​​had already suffered significant damage - their status in society was lost.

For this context, the current problems of national languages ​​in Russia are typical and the position various parties understandable, says Vlakhov. Native speakers defend their right to use the language and teach it to their children in their historically traditional territory, and Russian speakers do the same, but in application to their language. The authorities, as often happens, find themselves between two fires - any decision that can be made in such a situation will inevitably hurt someone.

There is only one important difference in the current conflict around the teaching of the Tatar language: due to the development of the Internet, language processes are becoming much more visible than before, and the parties receive an additional platform for mobilization. According to Vlahov, such situations will happen more than once - this is inevitable when more than one language is spoken in some territory.


Problems of learning the native (Tatar) language

in a bilingual environment.

The native language is the spiritual wealth of the people. For centuries, customs, traditions, moral principles, works of art and literature have been passed down from generation to generation. Knowing them, a person becomes spiritually richer.

Every parent wants to see their child successful, prosperous, educated. The native language becomes the key that reveals all the depth and beauty of the spiritual wealth of the people, conveying the moral foundations of the nation, its customs and traditions.

In our Pochinkovskaya school, the Tatar language has been taught since 1896. At the end of the 50s, all subjects were taught in the Tatar language. However, times are changing, the foundations and stereotypes of modern society are changing. And this, unfortunately, reduces the relevance of learning the native language. Revealing the problems of teaching, I want to present several problematic points.

First, the foundations are changing: in last years In the twentieth century, there was a lot of mixed marriages, a phenomenon that was unacceptable in our villages. Young families at the birth of a child begin to communicate with him in Russian, and the child grows up not knowing the native language of either his mother or father, not knowing his roots. Secondly, society's stereotypes are changing: most parents believe that their native language is a hindrance for successful studies and careers.

Hence, in my opinion, in the conditions of bilingualism, the most important tasks are the following:

    To bring to parents an understanding of the importance of the native (Tatar) language;

    To instill love and respect for the native language.

What means can be used to solve these problems?

Learning a language is a big and difficult job. For 16 years of teaching the Tatar language at school, I came to the conclusion that the most effective and efficient means of maintaining the interest of children and their parents in learning the language is folk pedagogy.

V. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Folk pedagogy is the focus of the spiritual life of the people. Peculiarities are revealed in folk pedagogy national character, the face of the people! The character of the people, the face of the people, moral ideals are especially pronounced in the fairy tales, epics, legends, epics, sayings and proverbs created by him.

Through genres of oral folk art I introduce children to the life, way of life, customs of the Tatar people. This contributes to the assimilation of the lesson material, the development of coherent and dialogic speech of children, expands vocabulary, and also affects the spiritual and moral mutual enrichment.

Folk pedagogy is closely connected with ethnography. That's why I'm in my lessons and extracurricular activities actively use materials school museum"Tatar hut". It presents household items, household items, as well as items that reflect the culture of the nation. Acquaintance with them is of great interest not only to children, but also to their parents. Through acquaintance with the exhibits, we reveal the content of many works, the life of the characters. In my opinion, involving children in the research process - studying items of clothing, everyday life, the opportunity to hold them in their hands, revealing the secrets and meaning of the Tatar ornament on towels, skullcaps, aprons - awakens in children's souls a sense of pride, respect and admiration for their people, their ancestors .

Also in my lessons I actively use folklore: songs, riddles, counting rhymes, sayings, proverbs and fairy tales. They are suitable for solving both educational and educational tasks. So, for example, counting rhymes, tongue twisters contribute to the ability to pronounce sounds correctly, learning games contributes to the development of dialogic speech.

The study of fairy tales is used not only to solve the educational problem, but also to develop creativity students: the guys themselves compose fairy tales, arrange them in baby books, and present them in the class. The use of different elements of folklore allows children to learn language material in practical activities, in which attention and memorization of semantic units and grammatical structures are arbitrary, develops creative thinking and creativity.

A good result is the involvement of children in extracurricular, school events. Becoming active participants in such events as "Navruz", "Karga Botkasy", "Sabantuy" and others, students get acquainted in detail with the order of events. In the future, children carry these rules into their lives. Parents are also interested in these events, because. their generation grew up without knowing these rules.

Great importance given in the work of building intercultural communications. So, for example, the events “Native Languages ​​Day”, “Rainbow of Cultures” have become traditional for the school. Songs and poems in the Tatar and Udmurt languages ​​are heard here, national dances and other elements are shown.

Thus, in order to solve the problems outlined above, I consider the following points to be important:

    conduct active propaganda among parents about the importance of learning the native language;

    use the connection with the history of the people, culture when learning the language;

    observe the continuity between the "three pillars" of education: parents - Kindergarten- school.

MBOU Pochinkovskaya school

Report on the topic:

“Problems of learning the native (Tatar) language

in a bilingual environment"

Tatar language and literature teacher

Araslanova Maryam Yakhievna

Repairs, 2015

Yesterday, at a meeting in Yoshkar-Ola, Putin on the teaching of the Russian language at the very beginning of his opening speech. "Each territory has its own peculiarities of interethnic relations, and, of course, they must be taken into account, while ensuring uniform approaches to solving the problems of the national policy of the state as a whole. For example, in the field of teaching the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia in schools. I would like to remind you, dear friends that the Russian language for us is the state language, the language international communication, and nothing can replace it, it is the natural spiritual framework of our entire multinational country. Everyone should know it," the head of state said.

According to him, the right to learn languages ​​is spelled out in the Constitution of the country, but this is an exclusively voluntary decision of every citizen.

"Forcing a person to learn a language that is not his native language is just as unacceptable as reducing the level and time of teaching Russian. I draw special attention to this to the heads of the regions of the Russian Federation," the Russian president said yesterday.

In Tatarstan, in 1992, a law on 2 state languages. For schools in the republic, the introduction of compulsory study of the Tatar language has become a stumbling block. Parents have repeatedly complained that the hours of the Russian language are being reduced in schools. These issues have been raised many times in different levels. For example, in 2015, an article signed by an 11-grader was published on the website of the ROD human rights center Diana Suleymanova, who wrote that students say Tatar is their least favorite subject in school.

The girl wrote that children are divided into groups - primary or advanced - based on the surname, without taking into account whether families with Tatar surnames speak the national language. She lamented that none national region, except for Tatarstan, there is no GIA for the national language.

Head of the Institute of History named after Marjani of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Rafael Khakimov in an interview with Inkazan, he said that the Russian president's statement was "alarming." However, all laws on the Russian and Tatar languages ​​adopted in Tajikistan remain in force, Khakimov said. He recalled that in 2004 the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation ruled that in educational institutions both of them should be studied in equal volumes. It should be noted that in 2009 the Supreme Court of Russia banned passing the exam in Tatar. The lawsuit was filed from Tatarstan - the parents of a student of one of the gymnasiums of Tatarstan tried to challenge the norm on conducting final certification Only in Russian.

"There is a Constitution, there are laws and Tatarstan with its own status, which no one has canceled. I believe that we have reached a compromise: there are 2 state languages ​​in the republic. Russians and Tatars, democrats and communists, and so on. This is our cornerstone position. In general, languages ​​should be treated very carefully. This is a very sensitive and sore subject," Khakimov said.

The scientist admitted that there is dissatisfaction in the republic with the quality of teaching the Tatar language. Moreover, it is expressed not only by Russians, but also by Tatars. "But knowledge of each other's culture, even at such a primitive level as it is taught today, creates a favorable political environment. I think it is more expensive than anything else. The economy is built on this," Khakimov said.

In his opinion, the Russian language in the region does not suffer from the fact that children learn Tatar. “They reason in a strange way: if there is Tatar, then Russian is taught worse. But Tatar schools show very good USE results in Russian, the best in Russia, better than the Russians. What is the problem here? It's just that people don't want to hear that Tatarstan is showing success in all areas. I'm afraid that's what's annoying," Khakimov said.

"This speech is not yet a legislative act. What we have enshrined, according to the Constitution, was then confirmed in the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. So far, no one has canceled it. We'll see," the chief researcher of the Center for Ethnological Monitoring said in an interview with InkazanInstitute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Member of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Damir Iskhakov.

Political scientist, journalist Maxim Shevchenko believes that there was no special message to Tatarstan in the statement of the President of Russia. He said that he was present at the meeting in Yoshkar-Ola.

“This is a signal to everyone that the study of Russian will be mandatory, and you organize the study of languages ​​for those who wish. I believe that it is useful for people to learn languages, especially such as Tatar. He immediately opens the world in many countries. If you know Tatar, for example, you feel free in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, you can communicate freely with the Kyrgyz,” he said.

In his opinion, it is necessary to promote the study of the Tatar language in schools so that the lessons are positively perceived. It is better to keep them as mandatory.

“We have only one language obligatory, here our president is right, I agree with him. But explain why learning the Tatar language is fashionable, prestigious, cool, opens up the world. It seems to me that we need to move in this direction, and not just introduce regulations. Let's agree with the president that the state language be obligatory. And with the rest of the languages ​​- let's be able to sell them, as they say in modern world. I personally would love to learn the Tatar language, at least at the level of understanding, if there were affordable courses in Moscow,” Shevchenko said.

Recall that a few days before the council in Yoshkar-Ola - on July 11 - the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan adopted amendments toughening responsibility for the lack of information in the Tatar language at institutions and organizations. Municipalities have the right to issue fines for this. On the same day, the Tatarstan deputies decided to turn to Putin on the issue of signing a new agreement on the delimitation of powers. They asked to keep the institute of presidency in the republic and create a commission to resolve legal issues (which ones were not specified). Commenting on the text of the message, one of the deputies - Marat Galeev- remembered the White House in Moscow in 1993. So, according to him, the question of the future of the country was decided.

Chapter World Forum of Tataryouth Tabriz Yarullin called the problem around the study of the Tatar language "far-fetched". According to him, according to a study conducted by the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, about 70% of the adult population of Tatarstan are in favor of learning the national language.

"The younger the respondents, the more willingly they would learn and know the Tatar language. The younger generation is more tolerant of the Tatar culture. I think that this problem is far-fetched, and we have already come to some kind of consensus - we must not talk about in order not to study at all, you need to make sure that the Tatar lessons become as communicative as possible, so that learning the language becomes interesting and exciting," Yarulllin said.

According to the leader of the Russian national movement in RT Mikhail Shcheglov , the President of Russia, first of all, addressed his words to the authorities of Tatarstan. In his opinion, the leadership of the region should take measures and correct the current situation, without waiting for personnel decisions from the federal center.

"I really hope, as the chairman of the Russian culture society ... For 10 years I have almost physically felt the pain of parents who do not know how to get rid of this hated subject "Tatar language": they pretend that they are studying, and aggression comes from above - from directors' corps, bureaucratic educational corps," says Shcheglov.

The public figure called the statement of the region's authorities that it was possible to reach a consensus on the study of the Tatar language in the republic as a lie. The national language, Shcheglov is sure, has been planted and is being planted.

"National languages ​​must be preserved among their natural speakers, not artificial, surrogate ones. Let the Tatars learn their language, keep it and be responsible for it to their descendants, but do not impose it through administrative pressure," Shcheglov said.


(As amended by the Laws of the Republic of Tajikistan dated July 28, 2004 N 44-ZRT,

dated 03.12.2009 N 54-ЗРТ, dated 03.03.2012 N 16-ЗРТ,

dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT,

as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 27, 2017 N 27-ZRT)


Article 1. Legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan

The legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan is based on the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation" and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic Tatarstan regulating language relations.

This Law does not establish legal norms for the use of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan in interpersonal informal relationships.

Article 2. Freedom to use languages

In the Republic of Tatarstan, in accordance with the legislation, conditions are created for the preservation and comprehensive development of the native language, freedom of choice and use of the language of communication, education, training and creativity is ensured.

The state guarantees citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan the exercise of fundamental political, economic, social and cultural rights, regardless of their knowledge of any language.

Article 3. Legal status of languages

The official languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan are equally equal Tatar and Russian.

Article 4. Guarantees for the protection and functioning of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan

The state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan enjoy state protection. Organs state power The Republics of Tatarstan guarantee and ensure the social, economic and legal protection of languages, regardless of their status.

The social protection of languages ​​provides for scientifically based language policy aimed at the preservation, development and study of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, to ensure their equality.

The economic protection of languages ​​involves targeted budgetary and other financing of state and scientific programs for the preservation, study and development of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, and the implementation of a preferential tax policy for these purposes.

The legal protection of languages ​​involves the establishment of liability for violation of the legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The state guarantees citizens who speak one state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, if there is a need for practical use in work and the second state language, teaching them the second state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, creating for these purposes a constantly functioning system of courses.

Citizens whose work requires knowledge and practical use two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, allowances are established in the amount of up to 15 percent of the official salary. The conditions and procedure for establishing these allowances are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Republic of Tatarstan ensures the multiplication and preservation of funds and monuments of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan in scientific organizations, educational organizations higher education, archives, libraries, museums, as well as their protection and use.

Article 5

The jurisdiction of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of protection, study and use of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan includes:

legal regulation within their powers of relations in the field of protection, study and use of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan;

ensuring the equal functioning of the Tatar and Russian languages ​​as the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan;

creation of conditions for the development of other languages ​​in the republic;

establishment within their powers of responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Republic of Tatarstan promotes the preservation, development and study of the Tatar language by Tatars and people of other nationalities living outside its borders.

Article 6

The state program of the Republic of Tatarstan for the preservation, study and development of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan is developed, approved and implemented by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 03.03.2012 N 16-ZRT)

Financing funds State program of the Republic of Tatarstan on the preservation, study and development of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan are provided for when drawing up the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan for the next financial year.

The state program of the Republic of Tatarstan for the preservation, study and development of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan provides for such areas as ensuring the functioning of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, promoting the publication of literature in state and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan , financing of scientific research in this area, assistance to relevant scientific organizations, educational organizations of higher education, conducting research on state and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, creation of conditions for the use of these languages ​​in the media mass media, training of specialists working in the field of preservation, study and development of state and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, development of the education system in order to improve language culture multinational people of the Republic of Tatarstan and others.

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

An integral part of the State Program of the Republic of Tatarstan for the preservation, study and development of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan is a section on the revival, preservation and development of the Tatar language in the status of the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, its comprehensive study and improvement. The section provides for a set of measures to develop and improve the education system with the Tatar language of education and training, the preparation of scientific and teaching staff, as well as on the development of science, art, literature, television and radio broadcasting, the publication of books, newspapers and magazines in the Tatar language, the production of dictionaries, educational and educational literature, as well as solving other issues in order to expand the scope of the Tatar language.

Part five is no longer valid. - Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 03.03.2012 N 16-ZRT.


Article 7. The right to choose the language of communication

Citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan are free to choose and use the language of communication.

Article 8. The right to choose the language of education and training

Citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan have the right to freely choose the language of upbringing and education. Teaching children their native language is the civic duty of parents.

The state ensures the creation of a system on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan educational organizations, other forms of education and training in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and assists in organizing education and training in the languages ​​of representatives of other peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. Citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan have the right to receive preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education on the mother tongue from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to study their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, within the limits of the opportunities provided by the education system, in the manner established by the legislation on education.

The right to choose an educational organization with a particular language for raising and teaching children belongs to parents or persons replacing them, in accordance with the law.

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

Language, languages ​​of education are determined by local regulations organization carrying out educational activities according to its educational programs, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(part four as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

Article 9. Studying and teaching the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan

The state provides citizens in the Republic of Tatarstan with conditions for learning and teaching their native language.

In state and municipal educational organizations teaching and studying the Tatar and Russian languages ​​as the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, literature in the Tatar and Russian languages ​​within the framework of state accreditation educational programs are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards. Tatar and Russian languages ​​in general educational institutions and organizations vocational education are studied in equal volumes of the corresponding level of general and secondary vocational education.

(part two as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

In other organizations carrying out educational activities in the Republic of Tatarstan, teaching and learning of state languages ​​and other languages ​​are carried out in the manner determined by the local regulations of the organization carrying out educational activities on the educational programs it implements, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(part three as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

The state creates conditions for scientific research of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan in the relevant scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher education, provides training for specialists in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan.

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)


Article 10. Language of work State Council Republic of Tatarstan, Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan

In the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, work is carried out in Tatar and Russian.

At sessions of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, at meetings of the Presidium and committees of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan are given the right to speak at their discretion in one of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and in other languages, provided, if necessary, an appropriate translation.

Draft laws and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Tatarstan are submitted for consideration by the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Tatar and Russian languages.

By the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan dated June 23, 2017 N 74-P, Article 11 is recognized as corresponding to the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The texts of laws of the Republic of Tatarstan and other normative legal acts adopted by the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Presidium of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan and other state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan are officially published in the relevant periodicals in the official languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and have the same legal force.

Article 12. Language of holding elections and referendums in the Republic of Tatars mill

When preparing and holding elections and referendums in the Republic of Tatarstan, the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and the languages ​​of representatives of other peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan are used.

Election ballots, ballots for voting in a referendum in the Republic of Tatarstan are printed in Russian. By decision of the relevant election commission, referendum commission, ballots are printed in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, and, if necessary, also in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the territories of their compact residence in the Republic of Tatarstan. If ballots in two or more languages ​​are printed for an electoral precinct, referendum precinct, the text in Russian must be placed in each ballot.

The protocols of voting results, results of elections and referendums in the Republic of Tatarstan are drawn up in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, and, if necessary, also in the languages ​​of representatives of other peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Article 13. Language of bodies local government, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

In the activities of local governments, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan, the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan are used.

Acts of local self-government bodies, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan are accepted in the Tatar and Russian languages. Acts of local self-government bodies can also be adopted in the languages ​​of representatives of other peoples in places of their compact residence.

Citizens who do not speak the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan are given the right to speak at a meeting, conference, meeting in local governments, government bodies, at enterprises, in institutions and other organizations in the language they speak. If necessary, an appropriate translation of the speech is provided.

Citizens who do not speak the language in which the session, conference, meeting is held in local governments, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations, if necessary, are provided with translation into a language acceptable to these citizens.

Consideration of citizens' appeals in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, local governments and their officials is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 14. Language of official office work

On the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, official office work in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, local governments, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations is conducted in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the area of ​​compact residence of the population that does not speak the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan, official office work in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, local governments, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations can be conducted along with the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and in the language of the majority of the population this locality.

(As amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 03.12.2009 N 54-ZRT)

The texts of documents (forms, seals, stamps) and signboards with the names of state authorities, local authorities, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations are drawn up in the official languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, official documents proving the identity of a citizen or information about him are issued taking into account the rules and traditions of naming existing in the Tatar and Russian languages.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 27, 2017 N 27-ZRT, from January 1, 2018, Article 14 will be supplemented with part five as follows:

"Certificate of state registration the act of civil status is drawn up in Russian and contains information about the state registration of the act of civil status in the Tatar language.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated April 27, 2017 N 27-ZRT, from January 1, 2018, Article 14 will be supplemented with part six of the following content:

"Information on the state registration of a civil status act in the Tatar language, with the use of which certificates of state registration of a civil status act are issued, are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan."

Article 15. Language of official correspondence

Official correspondence and other official relations between state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations in the Republic of Tatarstan are conducted in Tatar and Russian, and with addressees in the Russian Federation and its subjects - in Russian.

Article 16

Litigation and office work in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, district courts, justices of the peace of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as office work in law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Tatarstan are conducted in one of the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan in the manner prescribed by law.

Persons participating in the case and not knowing the language in which legal proceedings and office work are conducted in courts, as well as office work in law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Tatarstan, have the right to speak and give explanations in their native language or in any language of communication freely chosen by them, as well as use the services of an interpreter .

Article 17

The rules for determining the language of legal proceedings apply to the language of notarial office work in notary offices and other state bodies performing the functions of notary office work.

Article 18. Language of mass media

The publication of republican newspapers and magazines, television and radio broadcasts are carried out in the Tatar and Russian languages. Newspapers and magazines may also, at the discretion of the founders, be published in other languages.

The mass media may also use the languages ​​of representatives of other peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, who make up the majority of the population of this territory.

When translating and duplicating film and video products, state and other languages ​​are used, taking into account the interests of the population.

Article 19. Languages ​​used in the fields of industry, communications, transport and energy

In the field of industry, transport, communications and energy in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan are used.

The use of languages ​​in operational communications in railway, air, river, pipeline transport, energy and communications is regulated by federal law.

In the sphere of industry, communications, transport and energy, other languages ​​may be used along with the state languages ​​of the republic, taking into account the interests of the local population.

Article 20. Languages ​​used in public sphere service and commercial activities

In the state service sector and in commercial activities, the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​of the population living in the relevant territory are used in the amounts necessary for professional activity. Denial of service to citizens under the pretext of not knowing the language is unacceptable and entails liability in accordance with the law.

Texts of announcements, posters, other visual information are drawn up in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan. Labels, instructions, labels for manufactured products are issued in Russian, and also, at the discretion of the manufacturer, in the Tatar language and (or) in the native languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

(part two as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 03.12.2009 N 54-ZRT)

Article 21. Languages ​​in the field of science

In the Republic of Tatarstan, there is a free choice of the language of scientific papers.

In scientific periodicals published in the Tatar language, the presentation of the main provisions of scientific results (summary) is given in Russian and, if necessary, in one of the foreign languages. In scientific periodicals published in Russian and other languages, the summary is given in the Tatar language and, if necessary, in one of the foreign languages.

Article 22. Languages ​​in the sphere of culture

In order to enrich the Tatar national culture and widely familiarize the Tatars with the achievements of the culture of other peoples in the Republic of Tatarstan, translation into Tatar and the publication of fiction, political, scientific and other literature are provided, as well as translation into Tatar and public demonstration of films and other audiovisual works.

In order to enrich the culture of the peoples living on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, the translation of works of world culture into the Tatar and Russian languages ​​is provided.

In order to familiarize other peoples with the achievements of Tatar culture, translation of well-known Tatar works into Russian and other languages, their publication and replication are provided.

In order to ensure communication modern culture with its origins in Tatar schools, at the Tatar philological and historical faculties and departments of professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education with teaching in the Tatar language, conditions are created for studying the Old Tatar written language in Arabic script as a subject.

(as amended by the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan dated 12.06.2014 N 53-ZRT)

Conditions are being created in the republic for studying the Arabic and Latin scripts. The training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, the publication of textbooks, teaching aids, literary and historical monuments and books on these graphs.


Article 23

In the Republic of Tatarstan, geographical names and inscriptions, topographic designations, road signs are drawn up in Tatar and Russian, as well as in other languages, taking into account the interests of the local population.

Article 24

The executive authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan ensure that the names of geographical objects are written, the inscriptions, topographic designations and road signs are maintained in the proper order and are responsible for their correct execution in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Article 25 settlements and other objects

The names and renaming of territories, settlements and other objects are made in the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan in accordance with the law.

Distortion of the names of settlements is not allowed.

Chapter V

Article 26

The activities of foreign representative offices of the Republic of Tatarstan on the territory of foreign states are carried out in the Tatar and Russian languages ​​and in the language of the respective state.

Agreements on the implementation of foreign economic relations and other international acts concluded on behalf of the Republic of Tatarstan are drawn up in the Tatar and Russian languages ​​and in the language of another contracting party or in other languages ​​by mutual agreement of the parties.

In negotiations on behalf of the Republic of Tatarstan, when concluding agreements on the implementation of foreign economic relations, the Russian language and other languages ​​are used by mutual agreement of the parties.


Article 27

The obligation to properly fulfill the requirements of this Law in the state authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan, local governments, state bodies, enterprises, institutions and other organizations is assigned directly to their head or other authorized officials.

Violation of the legislation of the Republic of Tatarstan on the state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan and other languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan entails liability in accordance with the law.

President of the Republic of Tatarstan