The working program of the circle on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age “Young pedestrian. Circle on traffic rules in the preparatory group Circle on traffic rules in elementary school

Working programm mug according to traffic rules

« Young pedestrian»

Circle leader:

Maryina - Starkova S.G.

2017-2018 academic year year

Summary: A circle on traffic rules is held once a week, duration 20 minutes, 4 lessons per month, a total of 30 lessons. The program describes a course to familiarize children of the senior and preparatory groups for school before school age from 5-7 years old with the rules of the road. It will help teach preschoolers elementary skills of behavior on the street, conscious actions in a given situation.

Explanatory note

Every year, the number of cars, buses, trolleybuses on the streets of cities increases. motorcycles and others Vehicle. The man is accustomed to fast movement. AT the shortest time we strive to get to the place we need, we complain if the car or bus is going slowly, we demand speed, speed, speed...

Becoming passengers or drivers of our own car, we sometimes forget about the pedestrian, although most of the time on the streets of cities and towns we ourselves are just pedestrians. The psychology of a pedestrian is the opposite of the psychology of those who, who rush along the roads. Cars rushing at high speeds deafen people with noise, making them wince from the exhaust gases.

In a modern city, we must strive to ensure that the increase in the car park does not interfere with the normal life of a person, his work and rest. Scientists, builders, technicians, and employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate are now working on this problem. Special research centers have been created to combat air pollution in cities, new high-speed highways with pedestrian underpasses are being built, and old ones are being improved. highways to avoid "traffic jams" - a large congestion of cars, to create maximum convenience for transport and safety for pedestrians. Employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate constantly monitor traffic and the implementation of traffic rules.

But much in the organization of order and traffic safety on the streets depends on pedestrians.

It is no secret that the increase in the car fleet has increased the possibility of traffic accidents. Often even minor violations of traffic rules by a pedestrian, carelessness of people on the streets lead to serious consequences, costing the lives of themselves, the driver and passers-by who happened to be nearby.

Hundreds of thousands of people die under the wheels of cars in the world! And among the victims of road traffic accidents, a significant percentage are children.

The orientation of the program is socio-pedagogical: conditions are created for the social practice of the child in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.


According to statistics, every year tens of thousands of road accidents involving children and adolescents occur on the roads of our country. That is why road traffic injuries remain a priority problem of society that needs to be addressed with the universal participation of teachers, parents and children.

Every adult should know the rules of the road for pedestrians and raise disciplined pedestrians in their children. After all, the rules of the road are the same for children and adults.

Therefore, the main task of parents and teachers is to explain the rules to the child in an accessible way, and when choosing forms of education, to convey to children the meaning, the danger of non-compliance with the rules, while not distorting their content.

It is important that it is during the transition from kindergarten to school that the child can easily navigate in the immediate spatial environment, be able to observe and correctly assess traffic situations, and possess the skills of safe behavior in these situations.

Program club activities"Young Pedestrian" is designed for children to successfully learn the rules of the road, learn why it is necessary to follow the rules of the road, be able to navigate in traffic situations, and apply their knowledge in practice. The Young Pedestrian program is work for the future. The sooner we teach children the culture of behavior on the roads and streets, the less unpleasant incidents there will be on the roadway.

This Program is compiled on the basis of the rules of the road, as well as on the basis of the Program of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL".

This program describes a course to familiarize preschool children with the rules of the road.

Program goal: to systematize children's knowledge of the rules of the road, to instill the skills of proper behavior on the streets of the city, in the yard and public transport, to observe and consciously follow the rules of the road.


educate a conscious attitude to the implementation of traffic rules;

· To cultivate a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

Develop motivation for safe behavior;

To develop in preschoolers the ability to navigate in a traffic situation;

· to form a personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets;

· to form the skills of self-assessment, self-analysis of one's behavior on the street and in transport.

develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

Teach the basic rules of the road;

provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

teach proper behavior on the streets, using the acquired knowledge of this issue;

To form in preschoolers sustainable skills to comply with and comply with the rules of the road (SDA);

Expected results:


Mastering the basic rules of behavior on the road;

Analysis of readiness to solve traffic situations;

Formation in children of independence and responsibility in actions on the road;

Development creativity;

Formation of sustainable cognitive interest.


Formation of a culture of behavior in the process of communicating with the road;

Instilling sustainable skills of safe behavior in any traffic situation.


Formation of a conscious attitude to one's own and other people's actions;

Development of a negative attitude towards traffic violations.

Monitoring of the level of mastering the necessary skills and abilities for road safety is carried out 2 times a year: intermediate - in October, final in April, May in individual and subgroup form.

The implementation of this program is designed for 2 years of study with children of the senior and preparatory school groups and will allow you to get a systematic idea of ​​the dangers on the road and predict dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior taking into account your capabilities. The program includes both group classes and individual, as well as mass events.

The work program "Young Pedestrian" is being implemented in two directions:

Educational activities with pupils

Interaction with parents is the activity of children - teachers - parents.

The implementation of educational activities involves the implementation of the algorithm:

Directly organized educational activities implemented integrated in the educational areas "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity" - once a month.

Organization educational process:

Subgroup (up to 12 people) with a differentiated approach when choosing teaching methods, depending on the capabilities of children. The activity takes place in an entertaining, playful way.

Club activities are held once a week. The duration does not exceed the time provided for by the physiological characteristics of the age of children and the "Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms":

20 - 25 minutes - senior group (5 -6 years old),

25-30 minutes - preparatory group (6 - 7 years).

Circle activity mode

Total number of hours per year - 33 hours per year senior group, 35 hours in preparatory group.

Number of hours per week - 1 hour.

The frequency of classes is 1 time per week for 20 minutes in the senior group, 1 time per week for 30 minutes in the preparatory group.

Integration educational areas: Cognition, Socialization, Communication, Reading fiction, Artistic creativity.

Program Implementation Principles :

1. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach, i.e. taking into account the personal, age characteristics of children and the level of their mental and physical development.

2. The principle of interaction "children - road environment".

The younger the child, the easier it is to form social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. Plastic nervous system allows the child to successfully solve many educational problems.

3. The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences: a traffic accident.

Preschoolers should be aware of the consequences that may lie in wait for them in the road environment. However, one cannot overemphasize their attention only on this, because. instilling fear of the street and the road can cause a backlash (the temptation to take risks by crossing the road or uncertainty, helplessness and the usual situation on the road will seem dangerous to the child).

4. The principle of age safety.

With early childhood it is necessary to constantly explain to children the essence of phenomena in the road environment, the danger of moving objects. It is necessary to form, develop and improve the perception of a dangerous road environment, to show specific safe actions to get out of a dangerous situation.

5. The principle of social security.

Preschoolers must understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is controlled by the traffic police.

6. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education.

This principle is realized when children realize the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, a positive example of adults is needed, therefore, it is necessary to educate the parents of children.

The work on educating the skills of safe behavior of children on the streets should by no means be a one-time action. It must be carried out planned, systematically, constantly.

The circle activity consists of various kinds activities:

Teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

· independent work(studying illustrations and completing assignments);

practical development of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using games for this complex (role-playing, with rules, didactic, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

The circle is held in an accessible and stimulating development of interest in a playful way. Gaming technologies used in the program, provide an opportunity for the child to get involved in practical activities, in the conditions of situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

Main activities:

· Creation of conditions; work with children; work with parents.

Resource support for circle work:

1. Corner "Traffic" in the group room (tabletop)

2. Center "Svetoforik" in the building of the preschool educational institution.

3. Visual material:

Transport for various functional purposes;

Board and printed games;

Didactic games according to traffic rules;

Posters, illustrations, plot pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for the role-playing game “Transport”;

Road signs.

4. Methodical tools.

5. Library “School of traffic light sciences”.

Stages of implementation of the system of work:

Stage I - senior group (children 5-6 years old);

Stage II - preparatory group (children 6-7 years old).

Work with children

When building circle activities to study the rules of the road, three aspects of interaction with the city's transport system should be borne in mind:

the child is a pedestrian;

the child is a passenger in public transport;

child - driver of children's vehicles (bicycle, sled, roller skates, etc.)

Methods, methods of activity of the teacher, aimed at a deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by children:

practical ( various exercises with models, with game material of vehicles, making models, activities in the corner according to traffic rules, a model of the road to kindergarten);

visual (studying the rules on mock-ups, monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

verbal (as a leader - briefing, conversations, explanations); video method - ICT (viewing, learning).

· methods of formation of consciousness of the individual, aimed at the formation of stable beliefs (story, ethical conversation, example);

methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior (educational situation, training, exercises, road traps);

methods of stimulating behavior and activities (competitions, rewards).

Forms of control: testing, contests, quizzes, games.

LG Municipal Preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 4 "Golden Cockerel"


according to traffic rules "Young Pedestrian"

for children of the senior and preparatory to school group of preschool age (5-7 years)

Developed by educator:

Maryina - Starkova S. G.

2017-2018 academic year year

2018-2019 academic year year

Appendix 1

Forward planning in the senior group


Cognition - Development of constructive activity Subject: "Transport"- learn to create from construction or waste material familiar modes of transport, to consolidate the rules of traffic safety.

Target walks, observations

Target walk along the street adjacent to the kindergarten: to consolidate knowledge about transport, road signs.

How drivers work consolidate knowledge about the work of the driver; explain why the driver must take care of his health, pass a medical examination.

"The Road to the Emerald City": consolidate knowledge of the form, color, content of road signs.

Role-playing games

"Hospital": drivers undergo a medical examination before the trip.

Game situations

« Weird Driver: show what can happen if the driver does not hear well or does not distinguish between traffic signals, clarify where he can be helped.

Other forms of work with children

Making a model of the street, playing around.

Working with parents

Teach children to talk about the place of their walk: where and with whom they will play;

Constantly remind children not to approach unfamiliar cars, open them, take something, get into them - it's dangerous!


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Our Village"- clarify ideas about the native village: streets, modes of transport, road signs; encourage to remember the rules of the culture of behavior in public places.

Target walks, observations

Observation of children's games: discussion of the correct choice of the place of games.

Conversations, viewing illustrations

"Safety on the Street"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in the yard, when walking on the sidewalk, when crossing the roadway, at a bus stop, in transport, when riding a bicycle.

Didactic games, exercises

« Who knows his village better?- to clarify knowledge about the native village and means of transportation in it.

Role-playing games

"The street"- road traffic with crossroads and traffic lights.

Game situations

"We're walking down the street"

motor activity

P / and “Who will assemble the traffic light faster” - an exercise in running in different directions, acting on a signal, consolidating knowledge of the colors and sequence of traffic signals.

Other forms of work with children

Watching a video.

Working with parents

When crossing the road, draw the attention of children to standing vehicles and hidden dangers;

Hold your child's hand.


Direct educational activities

Reading fiction. B. Zhitkov's story "What I saw"- to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road.

Subject: "The street"- teach how to make paper crafts by folding, combine them into a common composition, beat, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Target walks, observations

The target walk to the intersection is to teach children to determine the speed of transport, to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

Subject: Rules and traffic safety»

« Lay out the signs according to the form ”; "Find the odd one by color, shape, content": consolidation of knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"The street"- in the garage there are many cars for various purposes; drivers take documents from the dispatcher, receive a task, refuel the car at a gas station, carry passengers.

Other forms of work with children

Production of attributes of a gas station for the game "Street" (column, hose, dial)

Working with parents

When walking on the sidewalk, teach your child to walk calmly, next to an adult, on the side opposite from the carriageway.


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: "Compilation of stories from the pictures of the manual" Rules and safety of the road movement "- to form the skills of compiling a story from a picture, to consolidate knowledge about behavior on the road.

Artistic creativity- Painting. Subject: "Pedestrians walk down the street"- encourage to convey impressions from the environment (homes, transport); to consolidate the ability to draw a human figure in motion, observing the proportions of the figure and body parts.

Target walks and observations

Watching adults cross the road with strollers and children: pay attention that at this time you can not be distracted and naughty.

« Crossing the roadway"- fix the rules of conduct while crossing the road along the "zebra" sign.

Role-playing games

"The street"- the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is regulated by a traffic light, mothers with prams and older children cross the street.

Game situations

"Be careful"

M.Ilyin, E.Segal "Cars on our street"

Other forms of work with children

Viewing the filmstrip "Mysteries of the traffic light"

Working with parents

Teach children to give way to the elderly, women, girls in public transport;

Teach them to behave calmly in transport, not to walk around the cabin unnecessarily, to keep clean.


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - Drawing. Subject: "Traffic signs"- exercise children in drawing with various visual materials, conveying the form and content of signs; consolidate knowledge of traffic signs.

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories for painting "City Street"- learn to compose a descriptive story, using the exact words to refer to objects; to consolidate knowledge about the rules of movement and behavior of pedestrians on the street.

Cognition - Development of elementary mathematical concepts. Subject: "Where are you going and what find"- learn to navigate in space in accordance with the road signs "Movement straight", "Movement to the right", "Movement to the left", "Roundabout".

Target walks, observations

Target walk to the "Podsinsky ring" - to give the concept that this is a big intersection, to introduce the sign "Roundabout"

"Where cars are repaired"- clarify knowledge about vehicle repair shops, introduce the “Car maintenance” sign and game actions “inspecting the car”, “tightening screws”, “washing”.

Didactic games and exercises

"Guess What Changed"- encourage to see changes in the spatial arrangement of vehicles and signs on the street.

"Come and Collect"- to consolidate knowledge of road signs.

Role-playing games

"The street"- movement along the street in accordance with the traffic lights, the role of which is played by the child.

Game situations

"How to proceed"- consolidate knowledge of the actions of pedestrians and vehicles at certain traffic signals.

G. Tsyferov "Tales on wheels"

Other forms of work with children

Making attributes for the board game "Build a city" (houses, vehicles, trees)

Working with parents


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Development of constructive activity. Subject: "The street"(using building kits, paper, waste material) - specify the location of houses, green spaces, roadways and sidewalks.

Communication. Subject: Compilation of the story "My street"- to learn to compose a consistent story according to the scheme, to use the existing knowledge about traffic rules.

Target walks, observations

Targeted walking down the street: to encourage to see how the vehicle slows down and continues to coast (ice)

"Rules of conduct in transport"- consolidate knowledge about the culture of behavior in public places: give way, do not walk around the salon, keep cleanliness, go out on your own after adults

Didactic games and exercises

"Build a City"- to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the street, the movement of vehicles along the streets of the city with the implementation of turns and movement in a circle in accordance with road signs.

Role-playing games

"The street"- offer to combine with the games "Family", "Kindergarten", "Shop"

Game situations

"Grandma on the other side of the street"- exercise in the right behavior: do not break out of the hands of your mother, do not run towards your grandmother

Other forms of work with children

Entertainment "Traffic lights"

Working with parents

Together with the children, determine a safe place in the yard for skiing, sledding;

Check if your child knows his address and last name, first name, patronymic of his parents in case he gets lost


Direct educational activities

Communication. Topic: Drawing up a story based on the painting by V. Gerbova "The incident on the bus"- exercise in compiling a plot story based on a picture, using personal experience

Artistic creativity - Drawing. Subject: "My favorite street"- to consolidate the ability to depict objects and phenomena, selecting content in accordance with the subject matter; to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians

"What we can do is help"- to teach to notice the difficulties of others on the street and in transport and strive to help them, show where the “Pedestrian crossing” sign is located, give way to transport, etc.

Didactic games and exercises

« Collect the sign "- consolidate knowledge about road signs, their color and shape, learn how to assemble them using Gyenesh's manual

Role-playing games

"The street"- drivers pass exams for knowledge of traffic rules in the game "Traffic Light School"

Game situations

“Grandma got on the bus”, “The kid demands a seat at window"

S. Marshak. bad story

Other forms of work with children

Making attributes for the game "Street"

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the roadway on the road sign "Pedestrian crossing", on the "zebra";

Teach children to cross the road calmly, in a straight line, not to run


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - Application. Subject: " Pedestrians walk down the street- learn to cut symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage to create a collective composition, supplement it with details, reflecting the impressions of the world around

Communication. Subject: Compiling stories from personal experience "How I went with my mother to kindergarten"- learn to write a story on a given topic

Target walks, observations

Target walk to the carriageway of the street: to show how cars slow down in rainy weather and how dangerous it is for pedestrians

"How to Cross the Street"- fix the rules of traffic on the sign

Didactic games and exercises

Lotto "Find a pair of signs"- consolidate knowledge of road signs (color, shape, content)

Role-playing games

"The street"- association with the games "Studio", "Shop"

Game situations

"Dangers on the Road"

D.Denisova. How to cross the road

Other forms of work with children

Entertainment "Parsley on the street"

Working with parents

Think over and find the safest way from home to kindergarten;

Reassure your child to call "02" if they get lost, but don't mess around with the phone;

Conversation with parents about traffic rules

Direct educational activities

Artistic creativity - Application. Subject: "The street"- encourage to create a collective composition, conveying a certain road situation

Artistic creativityPainting. Subject: "City Street"- encourage reflection of impressions from the environment; depict parts of the street, transport, signs, pedestrians

Target walks, observations

Observation of the crossing of the carriageway by pedestrians

« What do drivers need to know and be able to do?- to clarify knowledge about transport and traffic rules, the state of health of the driver

Didactic games and exercises

"Stop moving the car"- exercise in solving problematic situations in traffic

Role-playing games

"The street"- trucks and cars drive down the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk; drivers take care of their vehicles

motor activity

Riding a scooter - teach children to push off with their right and left legs

N. Nosov. Car, D.Denisova. How to cross the road

Working with parents

Parent meeting: "Measures to prevent child injuries"

Appendix 2

Forward planning in the preparatory group


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityPainting. Subject: "The street"- to consolidate the ability to reflect impressions of the surrounding world in a drawing, depict a sidewalk, a pedestrian, a pedestrian crossing, trees, flowers, traffic lights, signs

Target walks, observations

Target walk to the crossroads

"Two traffic lights"- clarify ideas about the purpose of different traffic lights at a pedestrian crossing

"Railway transport and its danger"- consolidate ideas about railway transport, introduce the signs "Railway crossing with and without a barrier", clarify the rules of conduct near the railway

Didactic games and exercises

"Split into groups"- to consolidate the ability to differentiate prohibition, warning, indicative signs and service signs

Role-playing games

"The street"- trucks and cars drive down the street, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. Cars obey traffic lights, pedestrians pay attention to pedestrian traffic lights

Game situations

"Spread the Signs"- exercise in the correct location of signs on the street

motor activity

Playing football - reinforcing the knowledge that you can only play in a specially designated place

S. Mikhalkov. Uncle Styopa is a policeman. My street

Other forms of work with children

Making a pedestrian traffic light from waste material

Working with parents

Take your child to the intersection where two traffic lights work;

Fix the rules for crossing the carriageway;

Sending the child to walk on the street, check with him the place of the game


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Development of constructive activity. Topic: "Transport" - improve the ability to create buildings using different geometric figures; consolidate knowledge of modes of transport

Cognition - Social world. Subject: Meeting with a traffic police officer- to acquaint with the work of traffic police officers, to cultivate respect for their work

Target walks and observations

Targeted street walk: consolidate knowledge of the culture of walking on the sidewalk

"Who regulates traffic"- consolidate knowledge about traffic lights, clarify ideas about the work of a traffic police officer

Didactic games and exercises

"Highway"- to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and road signs

Role-playing games

"The street"- traffic police officers monitor the order on the roads, check the documents of drivers

Game situations

"To whom do the signals tell"- consolidate knowledge of traffic controller signals

Ya. Pishumov. Talking machine, N. Nosov. Policeman

Other forms of work with children

Filmstrip "Wonderful Gift"

Working with parents

Teach children to cross the road only where both sides of the road are clearly visible.

Teach your child how to provide first aid. Help yourself and others by following the rules of hygiene and sanitation


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Compiling a story key words(road, pedestrian, sign, car) - learn to compose a creative story from personal experience

Target walks, observations

Targeted walk to stop: watch people cross the road

"Dangerous Items on the Road"- to give an idea that you can not throw stones, glass on the roadway, it is dangerous for drivers and pedestrians

Didactic games and exercises

"Red Green": learn to classify the actions of exemplary pedestrians (green circle) and violators (red circle) of traffic according to illustrations

Role-playing games

"The street"- the traffic police officer monitors the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

Game situations

« I got off the bus and saw a friend on the other side of the street": fix the rules of crossing the roadway

Ya. Pishumov. Look, guard.

S. Mikhalkov. bad story

A. Severny. Traffic lights

Working with parents

When traveling in public transport, show the children how best to take a stable standing position;

Introduce the children to the emergency exit sign


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Compilation of stories by series Pictures "Bus"- to learn to see the logic of the development of the plot from a series of pictures, to compose a coherent sequential story based on them

Target walks, observations

Targeted walk to stop: observe boarding and exiting passengers

"If you are polite"- consolidate knowledge about the need to help the elderly, give way in transport

Didactic games and exercises

How did the lion cub end up in the hospital?- improve the ability to lay out pictures in a logical sequence of events and compose a coherent story based on them

Role-playing games

"The street"- road traffic involving cars, pedestrians, a traffic controller who regulates traffic

Game situations

“The bunny is going to visit you, explain the way to him» - learn to compose a story, including road features and road signs as traffic guidelines

Other forms of work with children

Video "Driving Lessons"

Working with parents

Do not allow children to sled down the hill, the descent from which goes to the carriageway of the yard or street


Direct educational activities

Artistic creativityPainting. Subject: "We're going on a tour of the street"- encourage to reflect impressions in the picture

Communication. Subject: Thinking of the end of the story "As we cross the street"- to consolidate the skills of writing a creative story, to encourage inventing different ways street crossing

Target walks, observations

Targeted out-of-site sledging - to clarify the place of safe skating

"Useful Signs"- to give an idea that it is impossible to damage road signs, this can lead to accidents

Didactic games and exercises

"Make a story about the sign"- learn how to compose short stories about road signs, describing their color, shape, purpose

Role-playing games

"The street"- drivers and pedestrians follow the rules of the road, the traffic police officer checks the driver's licenses

Game situations

“Where do you play hockey, answer, children, quickly» - to clarify knowledge of the place for games and the danger of running out onto the carriageway of the street

V.Semerin. Prohibited - Allowed

Other forms of work with children

Issuance of pedestrian IDs

Working with parents

Do not allow children to ski down a hill that opens onto the road


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Inventing a fairy tale about observing the rules of the road - “In the city traffic light sciences"- learn to invent a fairy tale on a given topic, describe events and their consequences, consolidate knowledge about traffic rules

Artistic activity - Drawing. Subject: "Road Traffic"- reinforce the ability to portray different types transport, convey the features of the road situation

Artistic creativity - Application. Subject: "Our town"- cut out houses and vehicles of different configurations, using various techniques, create a plot composition

Target walks, observations

Target walk to the bus stop – clarify the rule: you can’t bypass transport in front and behind

"How to walk down the street"

Didactic games and exercises

"Road Letter"- consolidate knowledge of road signs, the ability to compose an image from 8-10 parts

Role-playing games

"The street"- combine with the games "School", "Library"

I. Leshkevich. The ABC of Security

I am Akim. The street

Other forms of work with children

Audio recording "Adventure in the City of Singing Traffic Lights"

Working with parents

Parent survey


Direct educational activities

Cognition - Development of constructive activity. Subject: " Traffic lights"- learn to make a toy from waste material, supplement the work by drawing details

Cognition - Social world. Subject: "Exemplary Pedestrian"- to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior of a pedestrian on the street

Target walks and observations

Target walk to school - to consolidate knowledge about the school, to introduce the sign "Children"

"Signs in a Triangle"- to give knowledge about the purpose of warning signs

Didactic games and exercises

"Three Letters"- identify the ability to navigate in the surrounding space

Role-playing games

"The street"- drivers drive through the streets, paying attention to road signs

Game situations

"Polite Children"- walking on the sidewalk

Other forms of work with children

Filmstrip "On the street, on the pavement"

Working with parents

Parent meeting with children "Rules and traffic safety"


Direct educational activities

Communication. Subject: Compilation of stories "My path from home to garden- learn to write a descriptive story on a safe path to the garden, using the route map

Artistic Creation - Drawing. Subject: "Dangers All Around Us"- to encourage reflection of the impressions received in the classroom

Target walks and observations

Observation of a place reserved for the movement of pedestrians

"Exemplary Passenger"- fix the rules of conduct in transport

Didactic games and exercises

"People on Road Signs"- consolidate knowledge about road signs with the image of people

Role-playing games

"Street" - contribute to the unification of various games into a single story

Ya. Pishumov. The best transition

Other forms of work with children

KVN according to traffic safety rules

Working with parents

Teach children the rules of conduct in places of rest

Direct educational activities

Cognition - Development of constructive activity. Subject: "The street"- to consolidate the skills of working with paper, to contribute to the creation of a collective composition

Communication. Topic: Making up stories on a set of toys: a car, a doll with a bandaged hand, a ball - learn to compose a coherent, consistent story according to a plan

Target walks and observations

Observations of crossing the road outside signs and road markings

“Who do we call an exemplary pedestrian” - fix the rules for the movement of pedestrians along the streets

Didactic games and exercises

"Find the Difference"- learn to compare the signs "Pedestrian crossing"

Role-playing games

« The street"- enforce the rules of the road while riding a bicycle

N. Konchalovskaya. Kick scooter

Other forms of work with children

Hike outside the village - exercise in practical application knowledge of traffic rules

Working with parents

Parent meeting - "Child safety on the roads"

Used literature and Internet resources:

1. - street traffic rules

11. Evdokimova E.S. Pedagogical support of the family in the upbringing of a preschooler. – M.: 2005.

12. Classes on the rules of the road. // Ed. Romanova E.A., Malyushkina A.B. - M .: TC Sphere, 2009.

13. Zvereva O.L., Krotova T.V. Communication between a teacher and parents in a preschool educational institution: a methodological aspect. – M.: 2005.

14. Kozlov A. V., Desheulina R. P. The work of the preschool educational institution with family. Diagnostics, planning, lecture notes, consultations, monitoring. – M.: 2000.

15. Nekrasov Zaryana and Nina. Safe from birth to school. - M .: LLC Sofia, 2008.

16. Poddubnaya L. B. Rules of the road. Senior and preparatory groups. - Volgograd: ITD "Coripheus", 2007.

17. Startseva O. Yu. School of road sciences: prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

18. Shorygina T.A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children 5-8 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

1. E.P. Arnautova. - M.: "AVIKO PRESS", 2000;

2. “Soon to school. Rules of the road for children of preschool and primary school age ”, Compiled by D. Maidelman. - Rostov n / a: Donpechat, Lyceum, 1994.

3. Amos D. "Katya got lost" - Petrushka, 1997.

4. Bedarev O. "If ...";

5. Berestov V. "About cars";

6. Borovoy E.V. stories from the series “Do you know?”;

7. Galperstein L. "Tram and his family";

8. Dorokhov. A, "Passenger";

9. Emelyanova O. “Rules of the road for children” (children's poems about road safety rules);

10. Leshkevich I. "Ice";

11. Mikhalkov S. "Slacker traffic light." M., 1987.

12. Mikhalkov S. "My street", "Bad history";

13. Nosov N. "Car".

14. Fireflower E. "Who starts the day";

15. Pishumov Y. “My car”, “ABC of the city”, “Song about the rules”, “On our street”, “All the boys, all the girls ...”, “This is my street”;

16. Prokofieva S., Sapgir G. "My friend is a traffic light." M., "Let the child grow up healthy." 1980.

17. Semernin V. "Prohibited - permitted";

18. Tumarinson G. "New road adventures Pinocchio". - L, 1989.

19. Usachev A. "House at the transition";

20. Shalaeva G.P. , "New rules of conduct for educated children." – M.: Eksmo, 2004.

21. Shorygina T.A. "Cautious Tales". – M.: Prometheus, 2003.

22. Elkin G.N. "rules of safe behavior on the road." Useful tips for pedestrians. Basic road signs. Behavior in public transport.- S.-Fri.: Litera. 2008;

23. Yurmin G. "Curious little mouse";

Additional educational program

mug " Good road of childhood»

Compiled by:

Tyabokina S.V.



Explanatory note

Let it burn green

light on your path!

The program of the circle "Good road of childhood" for grades 1-4 developed within the framework of the Federal Law "On Road Safety", the law Russian Federation"On safety", "Rules for the safe behavior of students on the streets and roads."

Program modified based on the program "Road Safety": Program and thematic planning. 1-4 grades / aut.-stat. R.P. Babina - M .: Mnemosyne, 2009 and the author's program N.F. Vinogradova / Program and lesson-thematic planning for the course "Road Safety" for children ml. school age - M .: ENAS-CLASS, 2007.

Orientation educational program socio-pedagogical: conditions are created for the social practice of the child in his real life, the accumulation of moral and practical experience.

Relevance: upon transition to federal state standards second generation, modern requirements to education provide for the need to focus on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

The main conceptual position of this program is, first of all, the understanding that we consider the issues of studying traffic rules and preventing DDTT as one of the aspects of the child's personal safety.

Novelty of this program is that at the center of the educational process are students studying the Rules of the Road, which are written difficult language and addressed to adult road users. This program allows you to systematically introduce the duties of pedestrians and passengers in an accessible and understandable way, teaching the child the rules of safe and law-abiding behavior on the streets, roads and in transport. The number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to more thoroughly study the Rules of the Road.

Becoming schoolchildren, most first graders find themselves on the busy streets of the city for the first time. That is why a conversation about behavior in general begins with the rules of behavior on the street. These classes will help students systematize, expand and deepen their knowledge of traffic safety, form their respect for the general law of roads and streets, educate disciplined pedestrians, passengers, and possibly future drivers.

From an early age, children need to be educated with a conscious attitude to the Rules of the Road (SDA), which should become the norm of behavior for every cultured person. Rules of the road are an important means of labor regulation in the field of road traffic, education of its participants in the spirit of discipline, responsibility, mutual forethought, and attentiveness. Compliance with all the requirements of the Rules of the Road creates the prerequisites for the clear and safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians along the streets and roads.

Program goal: learning the basic rules of behavior on the road, developing the skills of correct behavior on the street, the ability to use the rules of the road in real life.


1. Educational:

    Teach the basic rules of the road;

    Provide each child with the required level of knowledge on safe behavior on the streets and roads;

    To teach the correct behavior on the streets, using the knowledge gained on this issue;

    To form the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, thus ensuring their own safety.

2. Educational:

    To cultivate a conscious attitude to the implementation of traffic rules;

    Cultivate a culture of behavior and road ethics in traffic conditions.

3. Developing:

  • Develop motivation for safe behavior;

    To develop in students the ability to navigate in a traffic situation;

    To form a personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

    To form the skills of self-esteem, introspection of one's behavior on the street

and in transport.

    Develop personal qualities - independence, responsibility, activity, accuracy;

Main ideas, principles, features of the program

The program "Good Road to Childhood" has the goal not of mechanical memorization of traffic rules, but the formation and development cognitive activity focused on the understanding of danger and safety.

Focused on problem solving, the program extracurricular activities, in its content implements the following principles:

compliance with didactic rules from the known to the unknown and from the simple to the complex, which underlie planning (subject, meta-subject, personal), including in independent activity;

    expansion of interdisciplinary connections (formation of a holistic worldview of the child);

    the sequence and gradualness of training (in certain doses according to the increasing volume of information);

    the principle of developmental education (the organization of learning influences on the personality and behavior of the child allows you to control the pace and content of his development). The success of education is determined by the ability of the child to independently explain why he should do this and not otherwise. And as a result - consciously behave in real traffic situations.

    the principle of unity of education and training.

The implementation of this program is designed for 4 years of study in primary school and will allow students to get a systematic idea of ​​the dangers on the road and predict dangerous situations, assess the impact of their consequences on human life and health, and develop an algorithm for safe behavior taking into account their capabilities. The program includes both group classes and individual, as well as mass events.

The educational process consists of various activities:

    teaching theoretical knowledge (verbal information presented by the teacher);

    independent work (studying illustrations and completing tasks in textbooks);

    practical development of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using for this complex of games (plot, role-playing, games by the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Classes are held in an accessible and stimulating form of interest. Every lesson has an element of play.

The gaming technologies used in the program make it possible for the child to get involved in practical activities, in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

methods, methods of teacher activity aimed at deep, conscious and lasting assimilation of knowledge by students:

    in training - practical (various exercises with models, with a game
    material of vehicles, making models, classes at the transport site);

    visual (studying the rules on mock-ups, monitoring the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, demonstrating road signs, technical means);

    verbal (as a leader - briefing, conversations, explanations); work with the book (mainly reading, studying);

    video method (viewing, training).

    in education - (according to G. I. Shchukina) - methods of forming consciousness
    personalities aimed at the formation of stable beliefs (story, discussion, ethical conversation, example);

    methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior (educational situation, teaching, exercises);

    methods of stimulating behavior and activities (competitions, rewards).

Forms of control: testing, contests, quizzes, games.

Organization of the educational process

    The duration of the program is 4 years.

    Direction of the program: socio-pedagogical.

    The program is designed for children from 6.5 - 9 years old.

    Type of children's group: profile.

    Composition: permanent.

    Set: free.

Practice mode.

    • The total number of hours per year is 33 hours.

      Number of hours per week - 1 hour.

      The frequency of classes is once a week for 25 minutes in the 1st grade, once a week for 30 minutes in grades 2-4.

The work of the circle is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes. The training program is built on the principle of "simple to complex" and deepening theoretical knowledge and practical skills at each subsequent stage of training. Each lesson organically combines the study of new and repetition of the material covered. Classes are held in the classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handouts and demonstration material, watching films on traffic rules, the invitation of a traffic police inspector. To consolidate the material covered, it is effective to use board, didactic and outdoor games. The program is designed for classes in an equipped room, where there are thematic stands for the study of traffic rules and the prevention of DDTT.

One of the important areas of work should be considered the formation of a steady interest among the parents of students in the safety and health of children as road users.

Course Content Values

The program contributes to:

    mental development - students receive and consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the road, life safety, learn to think logically, generalize, compose stories on topics, share life experiences, correctly express their thoughts, answer questions;

    moral education - in the classroom, students form a culture of behavior in the circle of peers and in the family, the skills of observing the Rules of the Road are fixed, the desire to help the elderly as needed. Students learn about life safety in environment, respect for people;

    aesthetic education - students participate in competitions of drawings, posters, literary quizzes, photo contests. In the classroom, students work with colorful visual material;

    labor education - students make the necessary manuals, models, didactic games for classes according to the program, scenery and costumes for performances (with the help of parents);

    physical education - at each lesson with children and adolescents, outdoor games and various motor game tasks by topics.

Educational and thematic plan

1 class



total hours




road users




Types of pedestrian crossings




Traffic light and its signals




Road signs




Types of transport




We are passengers




On a country road




Safe places for children to play






Excursion around the city






Calendar-thematic planning

educational material for additional education

"Good road of childhood" for grade 1

1 time per week (33 lessons per year)

on the 2015– 2016 academic year


Section and topic

total hours


Planned date

Actual date



Section 1: Road users




  1. (1)

Introduction. Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road?


Our city, the neighborhood where we live.


How dangerous situations on the roads are born




We go to school



Pedestrian and vehicle traffic (roadway and pavement)





Initiation into pedestrians





Pedestrian crossings.

Designation of transitions, the concept of "Zebra".



Road crossing rules.

The safest crossing.


Hidden dangers on the road. "Road Traps".

Section 3: Traffic light and its signals





The traffic light is our true friend.

The purpose of the traffic light and its signals.


Types of traffic lights (traffic and pedestrian).


The regulator is our assistant.




At unregulated intersections.



Section 4: Road signs





Our friends are road signs


Warning signs.




Prohibition signs.




Special order and service marks

Section 5: Modes of transport





Types of ground transport.



Special machines.


Helper cars.

Section 6: We are passengers





Being a passenger is a science.



Rules for boarding and exiting vehicles.

Section 7: On a country road





The movement of pedestrians on the road, roadside, footpath.




Crossing the railroad crossing.



Section 8: Safe Places for Children to Play





Where can and where not to play.

The pavement is not for play.




Where can you ride and not be afraid of cars?





"We know the rules of the road."



Excursion around the city

(consolidation of the material covered)






Program content

33 hours(1 hour per week)

The program consists of several thematic sections that are interconnected.

Unit 1: Road users (8 hours)

Introduction. Why do you need to know the Rules of the Road? First-grader as an independent pedestrian.

A story about a city, a neighborhood where children live and go to school.

How dangerous situations on the roads are born.

We are going to school. Consideration and study of the safest route for children to and from school.

Road users (pedestrian, passenger, driver).

Movement of pedestrians and cars (carriageway and sidewalk).

Rules for the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Holiday: "Initiation into pedestrians."

Section 2: Types of pedestrian crossings (4 h)

Pedestrian crossings. Designation of transitions, the concept of "Zebra".

Road signs: "Pedestrian crossing", "Underground crossing", "Elevated crossing".

Road crossing rules. The safest crossing.

Hidden dangers on the road. Danger when crossing the street - road "traps". Road traps are situations of deceptive safety.

Section 3: Traffic lights and their signals (4 hours)

The traffic light is our true friend. Traffic lights and their signals. Assignment of traffic lights. Pedestrian traffic light, its signals. Types of traffic lights (traffic and pedestrian).

Analysis of traffic situations using traffic lights, road signs, road markings.

The regulator is our assistant. Its role in the organization of traffic. The value of traffic controller signals for vehicles, pedestrians. Analysis of traffic situations using traffic controller signals, traffic lights, signs, markings.

At unregulated intersections. Unregulated intersections are a dangerous place for road users. Why? Rules for crossing unregulated intersections. Pedestrian crossing lines. Axial line.

Section 4: Road signs (4 hours)

Our friends are road signs. Purpose of road signs, their classification.

Warning: "Pedestrian crossing" (1.22), "Children" (1.23).

Forbidding: "Movement on bicycles is prohibited", "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited."

Information-indicative: place of public transport stop. Pedestrian crossings.

Service signs: "Point of first aid", "Telephone".

Analysis of traffic situations using road signs and road markings.

Section 5: Modes of transport (4 hours)

The concept of "vehicles". Types of ground transport.

Vehicles for public and private use.

Special machines. Their purpose. Helper cars.

Unit 6: We are Passengers (3 hours)

Being a passenger is a science. The concept of "passengers". Public transport: bus, trolleybus, tram. Rules for using public transport and behavior in it. Stopping public transport - a zone of increased danger.

Road signs: "Bus, trolley bus stop", "Tram stop".

Rules of conduct at stops and in the passenger compartment.

Rules for boarding and exiting vehicles. Danger of a sudden exit to the roadway due to a vehicle standing at the sidewalk (shoulder). Crossing the street when exiting the tram, bus.

Section 7: On a country road (2 hours)

Road. The roadway. Roadside. A footpath is a place for pedestrians to move.

Road crossing points. Crossing the railroad crossing. A place where a pedestrian crosses a railroad track. Road signs. Prohibition of walking on rails, embankments, prohibition of games near railway tracks.

Section 8: Safe places for children to play (2 hours)

The road is not a place to play. Dangers arising from playing football or hockey on or near the roadway (the ball or puck rolls out to a moving car, the child running after it does not see it).

Danger of skiing or tobogganing from slides overlooking the road (child and driver do not expect each other to appear, it is difficult to change direction due to slippery surfaces). The danger of the "desert street".

Cars in your backyard.

Signals by which you can determine the direction of the car (turn signals, reverse signals). Exit from the entrance to the courtyard. Playgrounds and car parks.

Holiday:"We know the rules of the road." (1 h)

City tour (consolidation of the material covered) (1 h)

Practical acquaintance with the traffic rules of pedestrians on the streets and roads, at intersections.

Observation of traffic control devices at intersections, the movement of vehicles at intersections, the movement of pedestrians at intersections. Identification of violators of the transition rules.

Workshops: Street crossing at regulated and non-regulated intersections. Analysis of errors. Summarizing.

Levels of educational results

social knowledge

Formation of a value attitude to social reality

Gaining experience in independent social action

    rules of the road, the importance of their implementation;

    information about roads, intersections and roadway markings;

    traffic lights and traffic controllers;

    pedestrian rules of the road, rules for bypassing standing vehicles, rules for crossing streets and roads;

    modes of transport, rules for cycling;

    the rule of safe behavior when traveling by rail, the duties of a passenger;

    road signs, understand their schematic representation (warning, prohibiting, prescriptive, indicative);

    about traffic police officers, their duties;

    culture of behavior of citizens on the street, in public places;

daily routine of elementary school students, the necessary conditions ensuring the preservation and strengthening of his health.

    value your life, loved ones and those around you;

    take care of one's physical and spiritual health, close and surrounding people through social actions and events;

    be psychologically prepared for unforeseen situations in life;

    cherish friendship, be able to find contact with peers;

    take care of property at school, public places and at home;

    correctly cross the road, crossroads;

    choose the most safe route from home to school and other destinations;

    distinguish between traffic lights and traffic controllers and act in accordance with them;

    ride a bicycle in accordance with the rules of the road on the carriageway; anticipate a dangerous situation on the road and be able to respond to it;

    apply the acquired knowledge in practice on traffic rules and life safety;

Formation of universal learning activities


    adopting the image of "good pedestrian, good passenger";

    independence and personal responsibility for their actions, installation on a healthy lifestyle;

    respect for other road users;

    awareness of human responsibility for the general well-being;

    ethical feelings, first of all, benevolence and emotional and moral responsiveness;

    positive motivation and cognitive interest in the classes under the program "Young traffic inspectors";

    the ability to self-esteem;

    basic skills of cooperation in different situations.


    skills of control and self-assessment of the process and result of activity;

    the ability to pose and formulate problems;

    skills of conscious and arbitrary construction of a message in oral form, including a creative one;

    establishment of causal relationships;


    the use of speech to regulate their actions;

    adequate perception of the proposals of teachers, comrades, parents and other people to correct the mistakes made;

    the ability to identify and formulate what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned;

    the ability to correlate the correctness of the choice, planning, execution and result of an action with the requirements of a specific task;


During the learning process, children learn:

    work in a group, take into account the opinions of partners that are different from their own;

    ask questions;

    ask for help;

    formulate your difficulties;

    offer help and cooperation;

    listen to the interlocutor;

    negotiate and come to a common decision;

    formulate own opinion and position;

    exercise mutual control;

    adequately evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others.

The results of the study of the program

students 1st class By the end of the course you should:


    A diagram of the microdistrict in which the school is located, the safest way to school and back, where and how to cross the street and the road.

    The main parts of the street and the road are the carriageway, pavement, roadside, ditch, dividing strip.

    Where pedestrians should be or move along the street, and where vehicles.

    Features of the movement of pedestrians in difficult weather conditions (wind, rain, fog, ice)

    Possible consequences from games and pranks on the road and near it.

    The main causes of road accidents in the microdistrict.

    General rules for orientation on the street and the road for a safe stay on it and its safe transition:

Do not stand close to the corners of the intersection and at the edge of the carriageway (including at public transport stops);

Do not stand close to the edge of the sidewalk, turning your back to the roadway;

Before starting to cross the road, you need to look first to the left, then to the right and again to the left, only after making sure that the crossing is safe, start the crossing, looking to the left, cross the road to the middle without stopping, and, looking to the right, after the middle of the road;

Be especially careful on the road in rain, fog, snowfall, icy conditions, in poor lighting and in the evening;

The road must be crossed, but not run across.

    Name, purpose and possible installation locations of the studied road signs.

    Traffic and pedestrian traffic lights, the meaning of light signals (red - stop, yellow - wait, green - go).

    Rules for crossing streets and roads at pedestrian crossings, regulated traffic signals outside intersections and at intersections (where vehicles not only move in a straight direction, but also make turns).

    Variety of modes of transport.

be able to:

    Distinguish between modes of transport and vehicles;

    Walk the safest route to and from school on your own.

    Determine the most dangerous sections of streets and roads for pedestrians;

    Observe the rules for boarding and disembarking passengers, crossing the carriageway;

    find (distinguish) studied road signs (on the way to school), use them in a specific situation;

    Determine where schoolchildren should not cross the street and the road (near sharp turns and breaks in the road, in the presence of large facilities and other objects that restrict the view of the road, at unregulated intersections with heavy traffic and a large number adjacent roads, driveways, exits, etc.).

    If necessary, ask for help from adult pedestrians when crossing the carriageway of streets and roads in places of heavy traffic.

Financial technical support

Logistics and technical support includes a minimum - allowable list library fund(printed products), printed manuals, technical computer and other information training aids, educational and laboratory equipment and natural objects, as well as classroom equipment, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational process in elementary school and the specifics of the course being studied. year, No. 196-FZ.

Rules of the road of the Russian Federation. Council Decree approved
Ministers of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.05. 2003 No. 265.
Entered into force on July 1, 2003.


The norms and rules of human behavior on the road are absorbed, assimilated and implemented in the course of all his life from the moment he first goes out into the street.

Susceptibility to knowledge is especially high in childhood. Skills that are acquired in childhood are developed and become sustainable. By developing and enriching the life experience of children, it is possible to achieve significant results in mastering the basic concepts, skills and abilities, which in the future will help to increase the level of culture of their behavior on the streets of the city. To do this, at the stage of primary and secondary preschool age, a “Pedestrian Club” was planned. Its goal is to form the foundations of correct behavior on the roads, the assimilation of norms, the Rules of the Road and an adequate response to situations that arise in road conditions.

The proposed thematic plan of the "Pedestrian Club" is a platform on which the process of educating a competent and cultured road user is built in the future. This is one of the most important intermediate links in the child's passage from the stage of unconscious mastery of the culture of traffic to the stage of its conscious application.

Perspective plan of the Pedestrian Club

The end of the table.

Lesson number

Conversation "Information about the roads"

1. Give children the concept of "crossroads" -

2. To consolidate knowledge about the names of the streets of the city.

3. Develop observation

Conversation "Traffic signals"

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic lights.

2. To consolidate children's ideas about the street, roads.

3. Cultivate interest in listening, develop speech

Conversation "Signals of the traffic controller"

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic controller gestures.

2. To consolidate the concept of "regulator".

3. Raise organization in children

Conversation "Duties of pedestrians"

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of road signs.

3. Cultivate friendly feelings

Conversation "Road signs"

1. Teach children to distinguish between traffic signs.

2. Consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals.

3. Cultivate the ability to behave correctly on the roads

Conversation "Rules for crossing streets and roads"

1. Teach children to cross the road correctly.

2. Develop mindfulness in children.

3. Raise interest in the lesson

Conversation "Obligations of passengers in public transport"

1. Teach children the rules of conduct in public transport.

2. Cultivate determination

Conversation "Introduction to the movement of organized columns"

1. Teach children to listen.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Raise curiosity in children

Conversation "Rules of cycling"

1. Teach children the rules of cycling.

2. Consolidate knowledge about traffic rules.

3. Cultivate smart and observant pedestrians

Parents' conference "Prevention of child injuries - the task of the family and the public"

1. To consolidate the knowledge of parents about traffic rules.

2. Develop parents' imagination and fiction in joint evenings - KVNakh according to traffic rules

Approximate content of the Pedestrian Club conversations

Lesson number 1. Why you need to know and follow the rules of the road

Transport transports various cargoes necessary for factories, factories, construction sites, delivers passengers home, to work, to visit. The streets of our cities live in a certain rhythm. And for this, in order not to disturb this rhythm and mode of operation of transport, all drivers and pedestrians must comply with the Rules of the Road.

Ignorance and non-observance of these Rules often lead to accidents and accidents. Due to road accidents, traffic schedules are violated, delivery of goods to important facilities is delayed, but the worst thing is that people die and suffer as a result of accidents.

Some children grossly violate the Rules of the Road, run across the road in front of nearby vehicles, play games on the roadway, cling to cars and get injured.

In order not to find yourself in such a situation, you need to know and follow the Rules of the Road, carefully monitor the environment and obey the traffic lights.

test questions

1. What is the role of transport in the life of the country?

2. Why do accidents happen on the roads?

3. What do you need to know and do to ensure safety?

Lesson number 2. Information about roads, intersections and roadway markings

A road is a lane reserved for traffic. Roads are dirt, gravel and asphalt (concrete). They can also be with two-way and one-way traffic. On dual carriageways, vehicles travel in two directions.

directions, and on one-way - in one. In our country, the movement of vehicles and pedestrians is right-handed.

The road consists of a carriageway and a shoulder. The carriageway is intended for traffic. Roadside - for stopping, parking and for pedestrian traffic. An intersection is a place where roads cross.

Marking is a line, inscriptions and other designations on the roadway. Marking lines are applied with white or yellow paints. They serve to facilitate the orientation of drivers and pedestrians. The center line - a white line running in the middle of the carriageway - serves to separate oncoming traffic flows. It is intermittent or continuous.

A pedestrian crossing is indicated by wide solid lines that are drawn on the carriageway parallel to the center line.

test questions

1. What is a road?

2. Which intersection is called regulated?

3. What is the purpose of the center line?

4. How are pedestrian crossings marked?

Lesson number 3. Traffic signals

Traffic lights are used to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The traffic light has 3 sections - 3 signals, they are located from top to bottom: red, yellow, green.

Red signal - prohibits the movement of vehicles. Yellow - prohibits pedestrians from starting to cross the street, and vehicles from entering the intersection. Pedestrians who were on the roadway must complete the crossing or stop at the "safety island". The green signal allows the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

If the traffic light is equipped with an arrow for the direction of movement of vehicles, then traffic is allowed only when it is turned on.

test questions

1. Location of traffic lights.

2. The meaning of each traffic light.

Lesson number 4. traffic controller signals

The signals of the traffic controller are the position of his body, gestures with his hands and a baton. The signals of the traffic controller, as well as traffic lights, must be followed by all participants in the movement.

If the traffic controller is standing with his left or right side to pedestrians, his arms are extended to the sides or lowered - this corresponds to a green traffic light, and movement across the carriageway is allowed.

If the traffic controller raises his hand or baton, then this corresponds to a yellow traffic light. In this case, pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the streets. If this signal caught a pedestrian at an intersection, then he must reach the sidewalk.

If the traffic controller is facing the pedestrians with his back or chest with outstretched or lowered arms, crossing the carriageway is prohibited.

If the regulator pulled right hand forward, this means that pedestrians can cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.

At an intersection where traffic is regulated simultaneously by a traffic light and a traffic controller, you must follow the instructions of the traffic controller.

security question

What gesture of the traffic controller corresponds to a green signal, red, yellow?

Lesson number 5. Road signs

Traffic signs are installed on the roads to ensure traffic safety.

Road signs are divided into 4 groups: warning; forbidding; prescriptive; index.

Warning signs are triangular and yellow with a red border. Signs in this group warn drivers and pedestrians.

Prohibition signs are round in shape, painted yellow and have a red border around the circumference. Apply

these signs in cases where it is necessary to establish any restriction.

Mandatory signs are round and blue in color. The symbols on them are white, they allow movement only in the indicated directions.

Directional signs are rectangular, blue in color. They report on the peculiarities of the road situation or inform about the location of the objects indicated on these signs along the route.

Road signs are installed on columns, poles in order to be better seen at night.

test questions

1. What groups are road signs divided into?

2. Appointment of road signs.

Lesson number 6. Obligations of pedestrians and rules for bypassing standing vehicles

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks or footpaths, keeping to the right.

In cases where there are no sidewalks, footpaths, roadsides or it is impossible to move along them, you need to walk along the edge of the carriageway and only in one row.

You can not walk on the left side of the sidewalks towards the flow of pedestrians in groups of several people in a row. You can not stop in groups on the sidewalk, it interferes with the movement.

Drivers of cars, buses can overtake each other and bypass standing cars. Transport must be bypassed from behind. The tram cannot be bypassed from behind, it must be bypassed from the front.

test questions

1. What are the rules for pedestrian traffic?

2. Why do parked vehicles need to be passed from behind?

Lesson number 7. Rules for crossing streets and roads

For a safer crossing of the carriageway, pedestrians are assigned certain places: underpasses, pedestrian crossings, marked with lines, markings, clear signs, road signs.

Pedestrians should cross the carriageway only at pedestrian crossings, in places marked with markings or a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Before you start crossing the carriageway, you need to make sure that it is completely safe: first look to the left, and in the middle of the road to the right. If the traffic moves from right to left, then when crossing the street you need to look to the right. You need to cross the roadway calmly, slowly, in order to see the approaching transport.

Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

test questions

1. How is a pedestrian crossing marked?

2. How to cross a two-way and one-way road?

Lesson number 8. Responsibilities of public transport passengers

Each passenger is obliged to comply with the rules for using public transport. It is allowed to wait for the bus only at the landing sites, and where there are none, on the sidewalk opposite the bus stop.

It is allowed to enter the bus at stops only through the back platform, and to get off - through the front one, so as not to interfere with other passengers and not delay traffic. On buses, children must give way to adults and be polite.

Passengers boarding and exiting cars are allowed only from the sidewalk, and into the body of a truck through the tailgate.

Passengers are forbidden to open the doors until the transport stops completely, to stand at the doors. It is forbidden to ride on footrests.

test questions

1. Through which door should I enter the bus?

2. What are the rules for boarding and disembarking passengers?

Lesson number 9. Movement of organized columns

The movement of groups of children is only allowed on the sidewalk or footpaths. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Children walking in columns should not be out of line. At the front and at the end of the column there should be escorts. They are required to have red flags, and in the dark - lighted lanterns.

test questions

1. Where should organized columns cross the street?

2. How should the children in the column behave?

3. What attributes should accompanying columns have?

Lesson number 10. Rules for cycling

A bicycle is a convenient and most common mode of transport. It is not allowed to ride a bike on the streets and roads for teenagers under 14 years old. The bike must have an audible signal. The cyclist must have a document confirming knowledge of traffic rules, a bicycle license plate. Cycling on the carriageway is allowed only in one row, at a distance of no more than one meter from the right edge of the road. Cyclists are allowed to ride on the side of the road. It is not forbidden for a cyclist to turn, but before turning he must give a warning signal: stretch his arm to the side or raise it up, bent at the elbow. The cyclist is prohibited from:

Ride on sidewalks.

Drive without holding the steering wheel.

Carry passengers.

Transporting cargo.

test questions

1. At what age can you ride a bike on the road?

2. How should the bike be equipped?

The methodological development presents the "Plan of extracurricular activities on the Rules of the road for students in grades 5-7".

Conducting classes is planned in the amount of 34 hours per year (1 lesson per week). The work plan of the circle indicates the names of the topics training sessions and approximate dates holding.

The main goal of developing extracurricular activities on traffic rules is to increase road literacy among students, increase the level of safety when driving on the road as a pedestrian and on bicycles. As well as the education of general discipline on the roads, and the foundations of mutual respect among road users.



Municipal state educational institution Skurishenskaya secondary comprehensive school them. Burmistrova V.P.

at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense of teachers of the natural cycle

T.D. Sedova


Deputy director for water resources management

A. Nikulina

Circle work plan PD D

In 5th - 7th grades

Head teacher

L.V. Dikareva


Compiled by: Egorova Nina Vasilievna, teacher of the first category of fine arts and life safety, MKOU Skurishenskaya secondary school

2010-2011 academic year


Work plan of the traffic circle for 2010-2011 academic year


the date

Introductory lesson "Traffic rules - the law of streets and roads"


Road traffic accident. Causes of an accident.


Forms of traffic regulation. Traffic lights, traffic controller, road markings.


Road signs.

29.09, 6.09

Organization of traffic. Road traps.


Student behavior in case of an accident. Providing first aid to the injured.


Practical training in first aid for victims of road accidents.


Requirements for the movement of cyclists. Rules for cycling.


State Automobile Inspectorate. Responsibility for traffic violations.


"Write a letter to the driver."



Wall newspaper design« Attention - the road!

1.12, 8.11


Training extracurricular activities for junior classes "Visiting the Traffic Light"


Conducting activities in the lower grades.


Duties of Passengers.


Dangerous situations on roads with pedestrians.


Driver's work.


License plates, identification marks and inscriptions on vehicles.


Quiz on traffic rules.


Preparing for the "Safe Wheel" competition. "Erudite".


Preparing for the "Safe Wheel" competition. Insurance.



Preparation for the competition "Safe Wheel".


Preparing for the "Safe Wheel" contest. Providing first aid in case of an accident.


Practical exercises with a bicycle. Figure driving a bicycle.

6.04, 13.04, 20.04


Sakharova Elena
The program of the circle for familiarization with the rules of the road for children of senior preschool age "Traffic light"

Explanatory note

According to federal law "About security traffic» basic security principles traffic are: the priority of life and citizens' health participating in road traffic, over economic results economic activity; priority of state responsibility for ensuring security traffic over the responsibility of citizens participating in road traffic; observance of the interests of citizens, society and the state.

In the Russian Federation, the number of accidents involving children aged up to 14 years per 10 thousand vehicles is almost 10 times higher than in the UK, 30 times higher than in Italy and 20 times higher than in France and Germany.

The current situation with children road- transport injuries, according to the estimates of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, testifies to the children's ignorance of the rules of the road(hereinafter SDA) and inability correctly navigate the road, which is insufficient attention to the problems of preventing child injuries, in the first place, on the part of educational authorities. Despite the fact that Russia has whole line regulations requiring educational establishments carry out consistent preventive work to study Rules of the road, the results of the control and analytical work of the State traffic inspectorate in major cities show that more than half road– traffic accidents occur due to the fault children violating regulations street behavior and roads.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2009 No. 86-FZ “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative offenses».

The program is designed for preschoolers, and directed to ensure additional training for the study Rules of the road and their practical application.

Relevance programs

Teaching safe behavior, instilling psychological resistance to dangerous situations, discipline, caution, observation.

Form presentations. Teach traffic rules. Expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge.

Target programs

Purposefully to form a culture of behavior and observance among the younger generation traffic rules to attach to universal human values ​​- life and people's health, enter preschooler into the world of relationships between the driver and the passenger, where there is a combination of knowledge about behavior, compliance and compliance with traffic rules.


1. Introduce safe behavior preschool children on the streets, familiarization with various modes of transport - trucks and cars, trams, trolleybuses, buses, - with regulation traffic on city streets, settlements;

2. Assimilation of norms and rules of conduct, manifestations of tolerance for antisocial acts;

3. Formation children skills and abilities to monitor road situation and foresight of dangerous situations, the ability to bypass them;

4. Education of discipline and conscious compliance with the rules of the road, culture of behavior, excerpts in road transport process.

The program is oriented:

To ensure the safety of a child aged 5-7 years, individualization of personality through awareness child of his needs, abilities and abilities,

Promotes the development of personal qualities that will help them adapt to road environment,

Contributes to the acquisition by children of a certain skill of behavior, experience, development of communication children,

Formation of skills of a value attitude, both to one's own and to someone else's life;

Development program material;

Develop cognitive activity and independence;

To form the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions;

Ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Features of the organization of the educational process

1. A child gains knowledge, skills and abilities in a playful way.

2. The main form of organization - circle.

3. Subgroup form of education - 8-10 children.

4. The duration of the OOD is 25 minutes.

5. OOD mode - 1 time per week.

Provides for the further formation of knowledge about compliance with traffic rules. At the same time this program reveals in an accessible way children level of contradiction of relations "Pedestrian Driver" and ways to resolve it. Students learn about the real problems facing people; that knowledge and observance rules of the road -

necessary condition for conservation health and life. Along with this, it contributes to the formation of children

respect for the general law roads, both in your city and in the country, all over the planet. Children preschool

age acquire certain skills that allow them to participate in practical activities.

Learning principles

The basis circleThe work is based on the following didactic principles of teaching:

The upbringing nature of education;

Scientific transmitted information;

Systematism in the organization of classes;

Availability of the studied material age of pupils;

visibility of learning;

Individual approach to pupils.

Educational nature of education

Provides children with the opportunity to assimilate world experience, study the patterns of development of society. Forms a scientific worldview. Cultivates moral qualities. Develops morally, aesthetically. The scientific nature of the transmitted information. Promotes correct reflection of reality, the more clearly expressed in cognitive activity of representation about real objects, the more understandable for children taught material.

Systematic organization of work mug

Justified age and psychological characteristics children, so the teaching of educational material sent mainly for the formation cognitive activity.

Availability of the studied material

The material must be available to this group children, match them age and level of development. A sign of the accessibility of education is the connection of the acquired knowledge with those that are enshrined in minds of students.

Individual approach.

Knowledge in the process of education is acquired individually by each child. In the process of work, the teacher has the opportunity to work with a group and individually with each.. Individual differences children speed up or slow down the learning process A variety of methods, forms, means of teaching the working programsallow wide use of modeling: creating graphic and dynamic diagrams that help children understand and articulate regulations and standards of acceptable behavior. Program provides for the teacher's story, which should be bright, emotional, arousing interest in the material being studied, contributing to its assimilation.

Content programs provides ample opportunities for a differentiated approach to children in learning. Program also provides for the use of additional materials for study, which will allow to take into account more individual characteristics children and develop their interests and abilities, form a culture of behavior.

Structure programs.

Consists of educational blocks: theory, practice. The content is combined into blocks, each of which implements a separate task. All educational tasks include not only the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also the formation of practical experience.

Practical tasks.

Contribute to the development of children creativity, the ability to create situations

occurring in everyday life, develop imagination, thinking. At the heart of practical work

lies the fulfillment of creative tasks to create such situations. Children of this age capable of emotional

figurative level, perform the proposed tasks.

Expected results

know the rules and street rules;

To be able to show tolerance for antisocial acts;

Ability to anticipate and manage dangerous situations road.

Mastering the content involves two levels of educational achievements: basic and advanced. The requirements for these levels are determined in accordance with the educational circle program.

This program will provide an opportunity to achieve successful results in the training and education of disciplined participants traffic and also help reduce child injury rates. Form views children about road safety. Teach traffic rules. Expand and consolidate the acquired knowledge. This knowledge will help children save health and possibly life.

Educational and methodological support

Development Centers

Theatrical Center; - design center; - center of fine arts; - Centre physical activity; - center for traffic rules.

Technical training aids

Record player; -CD and audio materials; - a computer.

Visual - didactic material

Pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, glue, scissors, brush, album sheets;

Attributes road guard service: wands, helmets, signs;

Transport of various functional purposes (trucks and cars, buses, trains, fire and postal vehicles, etc.);

- traffic lights, figures of people (pedestrians, drivers);


Story pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Attributes for role-playing, games of traffic controllers, drivers and pedestrians (baton, whistle, cap, etc.);

- Road signs.

Didactic games:

1. "Our street"

2. "Put road sign»

3. "Teremok"

4. "Guess What Sign"

5. "Types of intersections"

6. "City Street"

7. "Forbidden - Allowed"

8. "Collect traffic lights»

9. "What do the signs say?"

10. "Where is the sign hidden?"

Methodological techniques:


Role-playing game;

Didactic games;

Reading and memorizing poetry;

Examining illustrations;



target stroll to a specially equipped platform.

In the learning process children traffic rules cannot be limited to verbal explanations. Significant space should be given practical forms learning: observation, excursions, target walks during which children learn by doing rules for pedestrians, are watching road traffic reinforce previously acquired knowledge.

Through targeted walks and excursions with children through the streets in different time year, observe how pedestrians and vehicles interact, pay attention children at such important moments for safety movements A: like lighting, weather conditions, condition roads, the number of pedestrians, their physical activity (walking or hurrying, running across road or calmly walk along the transition).

In winter, pay attention to slippery road: you can slip and fall; it is difficult for the driver to stop the car (even after he presses the brake, the car slips and drives a few more meters).

Visibility of learning.

Illustrations, diagrams, tables, photo and video materials are used that help children to freely present the subject being studied. This contributes to a better assimilation of the material presented.

Working with parents

1. Consultations What parents should know when they are with their child on the street, "Be polite - regulations behavior in public transport, "The safety of your children in your arms» , “Parents are an example for children» etc. 2. Visual information "Safety on road» , “We study and observe traffic rules together with children”, "Baby in the car!", « typical mistakes when crossing the street and roads» etc. 3. Group meeting for acquaintance with a work plan for the prevention of child road– transport injury. 4. Participation in competitions of drawings, crafts according to traffic rules, children's parties.


Program content

Team work

b Safety training.

1. « Walk around the city»

Target: consolidate concepts "Roadway", "Sidewalk", "Crosswalk", "Dividing Line". Get to know the concepts"Border", "Safety Island" and their purpose. Exercise in the ability to navigate in the microdistrict closest to the kindergarten, to understand this scheme. 1. D/ and "Our street". Conversation "Pavement for cars, sidewalk for pedestrians".

2. Discussion on the topic "What is the danger of standing on the roadway transport"

3. P / s "Orientation".Consideration of illustrations.

4. Conversation "The roadway. Sidewalk. island of safety".

5. Reading S. Mikhalkov "Walking Carefully", A. Dmokhovsky "Wonderful Island", V. Golovko « Traffic rules» , S. Mikhalkov "Our street".

6. Collective application "The Street I Live On".

b 2. « Traffic lights»

Target: consolidate knowledge of signals traffic light: red, red and yellow at the same time, green flashing, green, yellow. introduce with additional sections traffic light: arrows right or left, their purpose and rules crossing the carriageway on their signals. Practice getting started traffic on a green traffic light only making sure all cars have stopped. 1. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light having additional sections with arrows”, “What is the danger movements pedestrian on authorized signal traffic light»

2. P / s « Traffic lights» , p/i "The quieter you go, the further you'll get"- exercise in walking, running with a stop on a signal traffic light. Reading V. Kozhevnikov « Traffic lights» .

3. Modeling « Traffic lights» . Making layouts traffic light.

5. Simulation of situations on the layout of the intersection and city streets.

b 3. « Road signs»

Target: consolidate knowledge about the appointment road signs. Familiarize yourself with road signs"Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", "Parking place", "Telephone", « Going straight, right, left", "Food Point". Continue to develop the ability to pay attention to road signs and take into account their purpose.

1. D / i "Guess What Sign" Reading I. Gurin "Tale about road signs» , G. Tsyferova "Tales on Wheels", Ya. Pishumov "It's just a sign".

2. Examination of illustrations, posters with road signs. Conversation "Our Helpers"(acquaintance with signs "Pedestrians Movement Prohibition» , "No entry", « Going straight, left, right» .

3. D / i "Who will name more road signs» , logical exercise How is one picture different from another?

4. Modeling on the street layout « Place road signs correctly» .

5. Drawing "Signs traffic» .

b 4. "Transport"

Target: to form the ability to navigate in the variety of vehicles in your microdistrict (ground, railway) . introduce with warning signals given by drivers, cycling rules. Clarify knowledge about the work of the driver.

1. Conversations about what kind of passenger transport children use with their parents. Considering illustrations of various modes of transport.

2. Reading M. Ilyin "Cars of our street", N. Nosov "Automobile".

3. Discussions on topics "What is the danger of slow moving vehicles", “What is the danger of transport passing by you”

4. Conversation « Cycling rules» . Reading M. Ilyin "Stories about cars".

5. Designing various types of transport from the constructor Lego.

6. Drawing "The bus is running road» .

b 5. rules track, roadside"

Target: shape u childrenidea of ​​the meaning of new words: pavement, pedestrian track, curb; skills of disciplined behavior, the ability to anticipate danger; educate observation, caution. Expand knowledge children about road signs and their purpose.

1. Reading a poem by O. Bedarev "The ABC of Security", S. Mikhalkov "Walking Carefully".p/n "Go".

2. Conversation on the topic " rules behavior on the sidewalk, pedestrian track, roadside", « Cycling rules» . Reading S. Volkov "Pro Traffic Laws» .

3. Simulation on the layout of the street of various situations during the transition roads.

4. Drawing road signs regulating cyclist movement».

b Safety training.

6. "Controller's Signals"

Target: to give an initial idea of ​​​​the work of a traffic police officer. Form skill recognize traffic controller gestures, their correspondence to signals traffic light.

1. A conversation about the work of a policeman - a traffic controller. Di "Gestures of the traffic controller"- display of traffic controller signals.

2. Reading and discussing the story Dorohova"Influential Wand", Ya. Pishumova "Guard".Consideration of illustrations. Reading thin. works.

3. Modeling of regulation situations movements guard - regulator. Memorizing a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Guard".

4. Paper construction "Regulator's Wand".

T 5. "We are passengers"

Target: form knowledge rulesuse of route transport: where the route transport is expected, the behavior of passengers during boarding, during movements and when leaving the transport, to cultivate a culture of behavior in transport.

1. Discussion on the topic “On what roads public transport stops are more dangerous - on narrow or wide? Examination of illustrations, posters, books.

2. Conversation "O rules behavior in public transport. Reading

S. Mikhalkov "Bad History".

3. Simulation of travel situations in transport - “Grandma got on the bus; a woman with heavy bags; woman with baby. Riddles about transport road signs, traffic lights.

4. Collective production of a street model for modeling situations traffic.

b 6. "We are pedestrians"

Target: expand knowledge children about the rules of behavior on the street. introduce with duties of pedestrians, traffic rules pedestrians on the sidewalk and crossing the carriageway in groups and individually.

1. Discussions on topics “Which standing vehicle is more dangerous than the others?”, “What is the danger if a child runs across road Reading

S. Volkov "Pro Traffic Laws» .

2. Quiz "Best Pedestrian". Simulation of situations on the layout "Arrange correct signs»

3. Reading D. Denisov "How to Cross the Street", Learning by T. Shorygin « Traffic lights» .

4. Application "Pedestrians walk down the street"- exercise in the ability to cut out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half; encourage the creation of a collective composition, reflecting the impressions of the world around.

Y 9. "Crossroads"

Target: fix the concept "Crossroads", form knowledge rules intersection crossing. introduce with views of the cross stkov: four-sided, three-sided, multi-sided. Exercise in the ability to apply personal experience in joint gaming activities.

1. Conversation "Dangerous Crossroads"- expand knowledge about features movements vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection, give an idea of "controlled intersection", about movement rules pedestrians and cars with traffic light. Di "Crossroads".

2. Discussions on the topic “How to cross the roadway at the intersection with traffic light, which has an additional section with an arrow? Reading

D. Denisov "How to go road» , "BUT. Dorokhov"Green, yellow, red".

3. Entertainment "Who is the most literate?"- strengthen the ability to navigate road using knowledge traffic rules for pedestrians and drivers in various practical situations.

Used Books

1. Program education and training children in kindergarten"Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa. Ed. "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2015

2. Avdeeva N. N. Security. Tutorial on the basics of life safety children of senior preschool age. - St. Petersburg. Childhood - Press, 2007

3. Poddubnaya L. B. Traffic Laws. Senior and preparatory groups. Ed. "Corypheus", Volgograd, 2027

4. Solomennikova O. A. Education and training in senior kindergarten group. Program and methodological recommendations. Publishing house "Mosaic - Synthesis", Moscow, 2006.

5. Shorygina T. A. Conversations about the basics of safety with children aged 5-8 years. Ed. shopping center "Sphere", Moscow, 2008