Cancer develops according to the same laws that the plague and cholera, the history of the development of which I studied well. Sergey Babkin: "We live here on the same laws as in all of Russia" the same laws as

How did the laws of nature arise? Striking hypothesis physicists

Alexander Volkov

How did the laws of nature arise? In the old days, people believed
that they are invented by God. Today, physicists are again asked by this issue and put forward amazing hypotheses. What are the laws of nature?

We see that the world lives according to certain rules called "laws of nature." They are available to our understanding. Scientists discover these laws and form them. Their search has long been considered the most important and honorary duty of researchers. Progress in science is closely related to the discovery of the laws of nature. They help to summarize the facts, explain what is happening, predicting the future. Many seems natural that in the chaos of the diverse processes occurring around us, a slim order is guessed, and it will notice at all levels from the microcosm to the macrocosm. All the universe lives according to the laws fastening him as the body - the skeleton.

But where did they come from? Do they ever change or change over time? Does nature blindly obey them or can violate them? Why many of them are especially the laws of physics - can we formulate in the language of mathematics? Perhaps God Himself is a mathematician, how do scientists joke?

For centuries, people responded to these questions without thinking. The laws of nature came up with God. They act forever. Therefore, they arose at the time of the creation of the Universe, - speaking by scientific language, during Big bang. And, obviously, then they were "ideal." But it is believed in such with difficulty. Is it possible to foresee everything in advance? Why, at the time of the nucleation of the universe, we need a law that "followed" would be that some metals at a temperature close to the absolute zero on the Kelvin scale lost their electrical resistance? What ultra-low temperatures did we talk about the moment? What is the absolute zero? In that, incessantly boiling "primient soup", which was filled with norful space, could not be a speech about superconductivity!

And if you answer differently? Maybe the laws of nature "are not created" by anyone? What if they are treated formed for many millions of years? We know that nature undergoes evolution. Living organisms adapt to the world around them and change accordingly. Perhaps such evolution occurs in space. Elementary particles (protons, electrons, neutrinos and izh with them) somehow "fit" to each other. Certain "dormitory rules" data of particles arise. Some rules are forgotten, some are absorbed by everything more clearly - they become "laws of nature." So, for example, Biologist Rupert Sveddrey. However, he has long been a core as a representative of the pseudoscience, who invented the theory of "morphogenetic (forming) fields."

Such ideas are really contrary to knowledge accumulated astrophysics. The light of the remote galaxies comes to us to lead about what laws acted shortly after the "Creating World". The spectral lines of the light rays testify that the stars in that era obeyed the same laws as now.

From faith in the highest mind to higher mathematics

For the ancient Greeks, there were no laws of nature. In their presentation, nature behaved as chaotic as a human society. Separate atoms - they corresponded to the Greek cities-states, - wandered, faced each other, have been combined for a short time, and then their fragile unions once again disintegrated.

As a result, the ancient scientist managed to open, perhaps, only three physical patterns that deserve the names of the "laws of nature": the law of the lever, the law of reflection of the Euclide's light and, finally, the famous law of Archimedes ("on any body, immersed in liquid, acts out the ejecting force ... "). However, neither Archimedes nor other scientists called these time "laws", but said, as in mathematics, about the "principles", "axioms" and "theorems". Since Pythagore, it was believed that a certain mathematical harmony is based on the basis of the world. In every sophisticated nature there is its own simple logic. So the image of the "principles", the ruling world, began to initially develop from mathematical elements - numbers and operations on them.

In general, only in medieval Europe, a person thought about the fact that in nature there are inexorable laws. And how was it not to think about it? After all, the world was in power of a strict God, jealously preserved how his commandments are observed. For Augustine, the blessed, they were something like the habit of the Lord to create something, and not otherwise, the habits he could have changed at any time in order to reveal the desired miracle.

Laws only for some moment (what hundreds or thousands of years before eternity, as not one instant?) Restricted the Almighty will of the Lord, but did not completely cancel it. Laws planted by the Creator, comprehensible, and wonders, as any exception, only confirm the harsh rule of the rules.

In the era of the revival, religion and natural science were still closely intertwined with each other. The hostile relationship of scientists and theologians should not overestimate. Science and faith ringed deep, internal community. Their fruitful relationship is not lost in the future. So, Newton was an Istivo believed man, and Labitz saw in the laws of nature an immutable will of the Lord. Their very existence testified to what harmony the world lives and everything is wonderful that God creates. She believed in the highest mind and Albert Einstein. Without this faith, the thought of the "Universe formula" could hardly be born, describing all the phenomena of the phenomenon that occur in our world.

The activities of numerous masses of artisans and engineers of the Renaissance made people of the new time to take a look at the laws given by God. It was possible not only to obey them, but also to use them for themselves, inventing devices operating in these laws, invading the processes flowing in these laws, finally, managing the nature itself, subordinating it to himself, forcing himself to serve. The Lord could intervene in our dialogue with nature, depriving it sometimes the opportunities to live according to the law given from the century, and forcing the Life to live according to the law of God. But since this violation of the age-old rules was not observed, the new generations of scientists decided that God was inactive because ... he died, he was not in nature, he was not from this world. Not allowed everything the last century Exceptions from the rules of the universe, God was excluded from the very universe, as an excessive essence in him. Dry lines of formulas replaced it. But the question remains open: how do we know that mathematical language exactly - "one to one" - reflects reality? Already now for its descriptions are used formulaswho lie on the edge of reasonable. What's next?

Realists, constructivists and all-all-all

The hypothesis about the existence in nature of certain laws was so effective that scientists continued to adhere to it, even when the alleged Creator of laws - God was abolished. Exile of God only complicated the issue of origin of laws. Do they ever exist? And maybe their "forever" come up with? In disputes about the essence of the laws of nature allocated several parties.

Realists, or platonists, believe that the laws of nature exist independently of our wording and definitions. They are real as chairs, polemically wrote in his book "Dream of the unity of the Universe" Nobel laureate Stephen Weinberg: "I defend the reality of the laws of nature ... If we say that some kind of subject is real, then we simply express a kind of respect To him. We believe that this subject it is necessary to take it quite seriously, since it is not in our authority to fully control it, and therefore we can ourselves to experience its influence. "

Of course, the laws of nature deserve much more respect than any items. After all, the latter still can not slip out from under our power. We are free to rearrange the chair, move the arrow of the clock, crush the stone block, but we cannot influence the laws of nature. How much we are watching the sun, we cannot change, for example, the strength of its attraction. We depend on the laws of nature, and they are from us. These laws are not invented by us, but open. And, just as a deserted island, lost in the ocean, existed long before the man saw him and the laws of nature were mathematical during it, and not only since they were opened. This is also convinced of some modern scientists, for example, American physicist Alexander Vilenkin, who grew up in the USSR: "It must be assumed that the laws of physics existed" even before, "as the Universe arose." In his opinion, the very fact of birth and the formation of the universe a priori involves the presence of certain laws on which its development will occur. This point of view is close to the tradition of Plato, which believed that the world of ideas actually exists outside the world.

Positivists and nominalists are convinced of the opposite. "I do not agree with Plato," says Stephen Hawking. - Physical theories are only mathematical models that we design. We cannot wonder what reality is, because we cannot verify what is real, but what is not, not Resorting to the help of various kinds of models. " This opinion is not new. The physicist and philosopher Ernst Makh, who once became the object of attacks of the first classic of Leninism, called for limited only by simple mathematical descriptions of empirical processes. And the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein in the "logical-philosophical treatise" polemicly declared that "at the heart of the whole modern worldview lies the wrong conviction in the fact that the so-called laws of nature are the essence of the explanation of nature phenomena."

Pragmatists, avoiding the extremes inherent to supporters of both scientific camps, consider the laws of nature with some useful help, helping quite accurately describe natural phenomena. "I am interested in the model that the observed facts will most effectively explain," the American physicist emphasizes the American physicist and the cosmologist Paul Steinhardt. - Whether it corresponds to reality, it is an empty question. The models always simplify reality. In fact, we are not very important to reality in itself. We need, first of all, in a model that describes the variety of complex phenomena with the help of the most simple concepts that understand our understanding and allowing to predict what is happening. " Speaking to students, Steinhardt often brings the following example. A football match is being broadcast on TV. In this case, trying to predict what happens the next moment, it is best to believe that the color spots on the screen are like players, and further guided by the knowledge of the football rules and the laws of the game as such. Of course, you can resort to a "more realistic" model - to remember the features of the electron beam tube, about electromagnetic fields - In general, about all that generates color signals on the monitor screen. "But the knowledge of these fundamentals of electronics will be useless if we want to understand what happens in a football game next minute. So, the choice of the model depends on what tasks we put in front of them. Reality is not always what you would like, And you would like to understand. "

Conventionalists relate to the laws of nature still radical. For them, they are not just a useful help, invented by people, but also a reflection of certain norms and traditions, rooted in society. In their opinion, nature lives according to the laws imposed by people, for example, the casman of theologians or scientists. If you say said, there is no difference whether the earth rotates around the sun or the sun around the Earth, it is only important what opinion is about it in society, and it is changeable, as well as the fate of the law describing the relationship of our planet and shone.

Constructivists, or instrumentalists, consider laws as a means of describing nature. They believe that they are talking about the truth or lies meaninglessly and need to evaluate the laws of nature on other criteria - they are practical or not, understanding this practicality in the literal sense of the word, namely, it is possible to design various devices, mechanisms and measuring devices on their basis. Naturophilosophy in such an understanding is the applied technique, the "set of the latest technical know-how," says Peterni, Professor of the Philosophy of the University of Marburg and the author of the book "The borders of natural science: to know means act." According to him, "the notorious laws of nature are just the statements about the functioning machines, the statements that can be used without special transformations as instructions for the design of different types of machines."

Similar polemical opinions, of course, cause a sharp rebuff from those who are surprised: "What can be constructed using the theory of relativity or the Schrödinger equation? And will the planet move around the sun only for our telescopes on them and improving their design? "

Against this background, more practical considerations of "realists" look more practical. After all, from their point of view, you can explain why some scientific theories are true, and others are false. Nature is a ruthless, incorruptible judge, decisive, is true or not. There is no more than one different from each other, but equally true theories describing a phenomenon. However, one of them takes the top, and others, despite all their conviction, are false. We rend to the truth, we are looking for her. But what does truth look like in our interpretation?

How to come up with the law?

The simplest laws of nature are such as "the dependence of the force from the square of the distance," we can still imagine purely geometrically. But what should you do with the general theory of relativity or quantum physics? What is the way the mother-nature of the visits are such complex structures that they are not available to the understanding of most people? What if we are mistaken, considering that nature follows some formulas? Patterns in all can be seen in any pinch of random facts.

Perhaps many of the laws we accept for inexorable laws are only the consequence of our ability to find certain schemes in any observed processes. She rooted in us still in the Stone Age. To survive in that epoch, a person had to show off non-real observation. No suspicious detail should not be reduced from his view - not a broken branch, nor the wild grass. Otherwise it was easy to become a victim of a predator. My eyes have great eyes, and our distant ancestors sometimes noticed the danger where it was not at all. I found a sign of a beast where his leg did not go.

So we often see what is not. Perhaps quantum physics and astrology have more in common than many believe. In the other case - looking into a horoscope or loyalty to the equation - we want to see what these formulas promise to us. And we see it.

Perhaps readers do not know that the Schrödinger equation, the most important equation of quantum physics, is very freely interpreting reality. This is what it is said about him in the "Berkleevian course of physics" E. Vikhman: "The theory of the Schrödinger equation ... is based on several strong assumptions from which we note the main:

1) particles are not born and does not disappear: in any physical process, the number of particles of this type remains constant;
2) particle speed is quite small; Only in this case is the non-relativistic approximation.

We consider the listed assumptions strong, since, first of all, from experience it is known that the processes of birth and annihilation of particles do occur, and secondly, any fundamental theory should take into account the principles of special theory of relativity. "

So, it would have to hastily declare that the laws of quantum physics perfectly reflect reality. It can only be noted, again by quoting E. Vihman, "that the use of Schrödinger theory to atomic and molecular phenomena turned out to be extremely successful. In this area, it should be considered, despite limited, good approximation." It definitely predicts the behavior of elementary particles.

So, the laws of physics, as well as horoscopes, have the usual "predict" - you only need to correctly formulate them by making certain assumptions. In practice, we are forced to neglect many factors that prevent the manifestation of these laws. So, they definitely idealize nature and often follow the peculiarities of our thinking. Sometimes we soon come up with laws than to open them.

Take, for example, the "law of energy conservation". What will happen if he stops suddenly observed - in a microworld, in macromir? This is not embarrassing. In his inviolability, we are confident. We immediately resemble, invent a new form of energy - some kind of vacuum energy, which saves us from any doubt. And now the energy balance is restored.

So, for example, when the mass of the visible universe was insufficient, the laws known to us, the dark substance, and then the dark energy, were respected to the tip of the pen. The logic of reasoning forced us to admit that the universe is 95% consisted of matter, which almost nothing states his presence. Such discoveries encourage some to declare that all physics is a fiction.

When the time flows from the future in the past

Here is a curious hypothesis explaining the evolution of the laws of nature. Imagine a stone thrown into the water. It generates a wave, which spreads over time and space - is sent to the future and infinity. We see this wave as a second in a meter from us; It runs forward, further ... The equation describing the behavior of such waves has two solutions. The first of the solutions is "delaying" - describes the behavior of the wave as it sees the observer. You can resort to such a formula: "Some signals emitted by the present are affecting the future." But there is another solution to the equation - "ahead". It describes everything up to the opposite. From somewhere from the endless gave and from the future to us a certain barely distinguishable ripples are directed. Finally, reaching "here and now", it is thickening. A singular event occurs: a stone flies out of the water. You can resort to such a formula: "Real catches some signals emitted by the future." For this wave, the time flows in the opposite direction.

At first glance, such a description of reality is the judicial nonsense. And what if it is not? At one time, two leading American physics, Richard Feynman and John Wieler took this problem. They were interested in whether the universe could exist in which both of the wave type described by us are found: a wave, directed to the future, and a wave, which is returning from the future and affects the present. The resulting result is: if we assume that all the waves act on the principle of "FIFTI-FIFTI", that is, the same wave half "delays", half "ahead of" the future, then there is nothing impossible in that the future works at our current peace. The most amazing thing is that a similar world, recreated by the art of mathematics and abiding under the authority of his own future, we cannot distinguish from the world that surrounds us, and which we see in front of you. We live in this world.

The American physicist John Kramer developed a hypothesis, which he called the "Hypotesta meeting of times." If an atom eats a photon, then it follows from this that someday this photon will inevitably be absorbed. The first event is the birth of a photon - can only take place if the second event takes place - its absorption. Both events emit waves that apply in time. One goes to the future, another hurries in the past. In the midst of space and time they are found. So, the photon can exist only if it confirms that both of the most important events for him are realistic that he will be born and will perish.

(How is it not to apply this hypothesis to human fate? It appears out of it that all events can bring death to a person - from global catastrophes to not born while microbes - emit certain waves that randomly affect us until finally one of us I will not attend this process with the following comparison. Imagine that next to the street, according to which we go daily, hid the blind mad car gun, just a day shooting at randoms. Sometimes his bullet will certainly "fall and swallow you." So that everything around us is saturated with the "miasms" of death, emitted by the future.)

Nature's laws could occur as light particles. If we assume that they are addressed to themselves who stay outside of our time - in the distant future world, then the laws of nature are entitled to consider from two points of view. The first is the familiar causal of events for us in the present. This is a "deterministic" approach to the universe. Another point of view is "teleological": the future affects the present. Waves penetrate the future and are taken from there. In the midst of space and time, they meet and create some order: the laws of nature. So two hypotheses are converged: the laws of nature are formed gradually, gradually, but on the other hand, the future creates them.

However, if all these arguments seem too foggy, then why not agree with the Credo of the British historian of Thomas Carleryla: "I do not claim to comprehend the universe - she is too big for me."

"Nature's laws created our world"

(From the interview with the German Physics Petaner of the MiteStedt * magazine "BILD DER WISSENSCHAFT")

It is impossible to argue about what the laws of nature and whether they exist in reality. You have devoted them a whole book, which is called - "laws of nature". What do you understand under this term?

Matelstedt: The laws of nature determine the course of natural processes. Describing nature, we resort to the help of universal laws, as well as specific initial conditions. The latter characterize private cases and single factors, and laws identify something in common in the proceeding processes.

What distinguishes the laws of nature?

Matelshtedt: They are more than just laws of logic or mathematics, and therefore they can be refuted empirically. Of course, the latter also act in the material world, but they are not genuine laws of nature. Much that we accept for the laws of nature, it turns out to be more closely considered by logical and mathematical laws. This is especially true for quantum mechanics.

The laws of nature are only in physics or, for example, in biology too?

MatelStedt: Physician laws describe the universal categories of the material world. These are the laws of time and space, these are fundamental laws that determine the behavior of matter. They act everywhere, including in biology. The existence of special laws applicable, for example, only in biology, are laws that cannot be reduced to the laws of physics - I consider it extremely incredible.

For many philosophers, the laws of nature are akin to Platonov's ideas - they exist somewhere outside our material, space-time world. For others, it is just a useful help, helping to describe the world observed by us, or even the special categories of our consciousness. And what is your opinion on this account?

MatelStedt: Nature laws are artifacts with which we are trying to comprehend reality in all its complexity and integrity. In natural phenomena, we distinguish simple and universal (laws) from complex and characteristic (initial and boundary conditions).

Can we understand whether our world is a product of the laws of nature or vice versa?

Matelshtedt: The laws of nature, which we strive to identify and formulate, should act regardless of the place and time in all possible worlds. They acted even before the birth of our world, and will act before his fracture, and even after. So it was they who identified the formation of our world - they created our world.

* In 1965-1995, Peter Mitelshtedt was a professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Cologne University. In 2005, in collaboration with the Powler's philosopher, Winggartner issued the book "Laws of Nature".

Cities are changing following changes in population density. Just as the galaxies were formed from a dense substance of the early Universe, scientists consider. The mathematical law underlying and the other process they described in the article published on the site aRXIV. org.. The density and spatial distribution of cities on the planet amazingly predicts an empirical law called the Cipf law. This mathematical pattern was formulated by American linguist George Cipf to describe the distribution of the frequency of the word natural language. He proved that if all the words of the language are on the scale of the frequency of their use from greater to a smaller, the word frequency in the list will be approximately inversely proportional to its sequence number or rank. That is, the second in the frequency of use of the word occurs about twice as much as the first, the third is already three times less often and so on. The development of cities is subject to mathematical law. If there is cities on the same scale in the order of their population, it turns out that the serial number of the city in this list will be inversely proportional to the number of its population. If in the very big city The countries live 8 million people, then in the second in numbers it will be about two times less and so on. Why this law works exactly that, and not otherwise no one could explain. LIN and LOUB began with the fact that they created a mathematical model of how the density of the population of the Earth is distributed in a flat Euclidean space (they ignored the curvature of the earth surface by providing its insignificant effect on the distribution). Thus, the astronomers are mathematically modeled, as galaxies evolve, based on the initial state of the density of matter of the early universe. For decades, the mechanism of modeling mechanism worked with decades now put to the new material - the growth of cities due to changes in the population density. "We consider the population density as a fundamental amount, believing that cities appear when the density exceeds the critical threshold," explains scientists in the article. The created model they tested for compliance with the known data on the density of the population. And the theoretically built system very closely repeated the one that takes place in the real world. They calculated the number of cities with a population above a certain threshold and showed using their mathematical model, which this number also refers to the number of residents of the city, as previously shown in the law of Cipf. Thus, the model used to analyze and predict the development of galaxies is also suitable for working with other data, as in this case, with the analysis of the development of cities. The work of scientists, in fact, has very important consequences. Using this unified mathematical model, it will be possible, for example, to predict the spread of epidemics on the planet.

The Counter-terrorist operation in the Caucasus is headed by the FSB of Russia. And officially, and in fact. The investigation into all the crimes related to the abductions of people, theft of budget money, illegal oil production, sabotage, murder and terrorist attacks, is within the competence of Chekists. Neither the military nor the civil prosecutor's office, nor the police nor the troops have such an influence in Chechnya as the FSB. Of course, here it is the most closed structure. For citizens, for the press, for all. Sergey Babkin, Lieutenant-General, Head of the UFSB in the Chechen Republic, long does not give a large interview. For the correspondent of "Izvestia" Vadima Rukkalova, he made an exception. - Who captured "Nord-Ost"? I know that there is a detailed list of terrorists, where not only their data are indicated, but also describes things that were found in them. And for these things, as I understand it, you can judge a lot. People who saw this list assure that terrorists are unlikely to be suicide. What did these people moving? - Your dad with mom where do you live? - In Moscow. - If the bandits come to you and say that tomorrow will cut all your relatives if you refuse to grab the building of the DC, how do you do? Surely agree. Most of the terrorists were precisely in this position. There were also drug addicts, several bandits - religious fanatics. - against the Minister of Health Chechnya Uvais Magamadov, an already formerly, a criminal case was initiated to exceed them official powers. He is suspected of damaging the budget in the amount of 35 million rubles. Now Magamadov is declared federal wanted list. How did he stole money? - In detail you will not understand. Magamadov reads newspapers. - How can you steal budget money in Chechnya? - Do you know who of the bandits in Chechnya is masked at the intelligence agencies? And for what? - This is necessary Maskhadov, Basayev, Gelayev. To confuse traces. In order not to fall under blood revenge. - And who they kidnap? - First of all, people who are to some extent are associated with federal structures with local authorities. - October 23 in the village of the suburban Grozny district was detained by unknown Adam Gazmagomadov. Without any charges of accusations, protocols. Just jumped into the car and taken away. Then I talked to him myself, I have a record. He was laid 5 days. According to him, in the area of \u200b\u200bsome kind of federal troops. Bened, showed photos of some people, demanded them to identify. And then they drove in the substation area in the same suburban. Could the special services act in this way? - Who do you mean by intelligence services? - FSB, GRU. - Of course not. - Well, honestly, Adam was not crippled. Bili is rustling. Then returned - living, healthy. - Because he is not guilty. Therefore, probably, and returned. - Who delayed him? - It could be the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the FSB, and the GRU. Could be theoretically. And practically, with regard to the special services, so we are properly the prosecutor. Moreover, the military, and the prosecutor of the republic. - Well, not in Chechnya, probably. You are the main. You are entrusted with a counter-terrorism operation. - And what, someone changed the laws in Russia? We live here exactly according to the same laws, as FSB employees live in Vladimir and Ryazan regions. - Is it possible to neutralize the bandit on legitimate methods here? That is not to destroy it, but to give a court? So you have completed the investigation in the case of Islam Khasukhanova, the so-called. Chief T.N. General Staff T.N. Armed Forces T.N. Ichkeria. He is accused of organizing illegal armed formations. You are hoping for a good judicial perspective ... - We do not hope we are confident. Because a huge evidence base is collected. - How did you manage it? - Well, not torture and bullying. Nobody broke his fingers. Our investigators in the procedure established by law collected all evidence. - How? - Due to the testimony of witnesses, collecting documents, video recordings, with the help of expertise. He walked under Maskhadov. Since Maskhadov is a military man, he has a military structure, he did not come up with anything new. Hasukhanov was one of the most effective so-called field commanders. We do not say that he is an unfailed murderer who cut the head. No articles for murder. He has edition of orders, directives, control over their execution - from attacks on military columns prior to large-scale seizure operations settlements or objects in the territory of the Russian Federation, including submarines. - How many influential leaders of the gangsters is currently available on the territory of Chechnya? Name them, please. And how many people have them? - so-called field commanders are a lot. We know them. Newly not born. - So in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in Khankala, they are talking about a certain dock Umarov. Allegedly commands a thousand people, it is called his gang "South-West Front". Located in the south of the republic - in Shatoy, Sharoe, ITUM-KALA. What is the truth that a lie is unknown. What can you say about this person? - This is a gangster, which is waiting for the same fate as Hattaba. - Hattab - Your work? - Time will come - everyone will learn. - How many in the gang of Umarov people? - I do not want to count them. This quantity is determined by the presence of money from the dock. - How many Umarov can put fighters behind him if they give money? - Well, 20 people. Around yourself. These 20 can still lead several people. I do not want to do from the gangsters of personalities. We will not do Robin Goods from them. And then you are so popularize them - more than us. We are terrible and evil, and they are all good and kind. - You are screwing at me. - I mean the press at all. Part of the press. - Nevertheless answer: gangs in Chechnya strong? - Yes, there are somewhat serious enough. With weapons, communications, money. They prepared and be fighting for 11 years. - Is it true that the heads of administrations are paying tribute to militants? - Do you have evidence? - I told me about this by one of the employees of the Chechen militia. - You would also pay in their place. - What part of Chechen oil still goes to the needs of bandits? - Unfortunately, significant. But the results from the measures taken are obvious. One of these measures is disbanded by the battalion of the Chechen police on the protection of oil objects. - They guarded poorly, and even rare? - Yes. - And who will they replace them now? - other local policemen. - The process of "Chechenization" began, that is, the transfer of power to the local population. Is it too early to leave Chechnya on the local? - There are no such officials who would be interested in unjustified hurry. - as in any region of Russia. Purchased, let's say, in Moscow, medicines with expiring shelf life. Two weeks later, they must be written off. You sell, I buy. And both are chosen. We divide money in half. And that's it. - According to my information, two corpses were found in the factory district of Grozny. One, as far as I know, from the settlement of the tents of the Urus-Martan district. And the second is incomprehensible from where, because without a head. Both corpses with minno explosive wounds. And there are dozens of such cases in Chechnya - when people kidnap people in camouflage, masks, etc. And then the abducted find blown up in some ditch. The local population sins at you. And in fact, who does it? - Recently, the Vice-President Lukoil was stolen in Moscow. People in camouflage and masks. And what, now conclude that it is a special service?

Oncological diseases are obviously the same viral as dozens of others. This becomes clear immediately after a first look at the incidence card - different forms of cancer focusing in the same places. Consequently, in the same conditions, they apply to the same agent (virus?), But the agent is amazing different, the most weakened organs in a person or another. Cancer forms are much because a lot of organs in the human body ... and there is a big space for "discoveries", and for dissertations ...

My "thesis" was dissertation with fatty "cancer" points and human tragedies. From Ivan Babushkina Street, house 3 (just half a kilometer from the metro station "Academic") called the father of a 37-year-old man sent to help collective farmers under Serpukhov and earned a rare disease there was my opinion - inflammation of skeletal muscles, which I learned only from the medical encyclopedia .. .

In Polkilometer from their house along Krzhizhanovsky Street, 5, trying to fight the thyroid cancer Woman's lawyer. In 1987, not knowing anything and not knowing about the nature of the house (and where do you find out? Oncological diagnoses doctors hide), she settled right above the job: her legal office on the 1st floor, and the apartment is on the 3rd. Outcome: Since January 1988, cancer diagnosis ... How will the struggle end? Where to move a poor woman who fell like chickens in a touch, neither she, neither I, because neither publicity nor the right to information arising from the press law nor in no way apply to doctors, walls behind the protection of medical secrecy Bucked Latinized Abracadabra in the form of mositis, miom, mitoses ...

Hello, Valery Evgenievich, tells Eduard Ivanovich Nazarov. I decided to contact you about heart ischemia. I hope you and do you?

Hello, Eduard Ivanovich. If you knew how nice to talk to a smart intelligent person.

Why did you decide so?

According to the first remarks. First, you have introduced what many do not do. Secondly, ask, and do not require, unlike those who call here as in the ambulance service or any department of the Ministry of Health, which they pay taxes and from which it is entitled to demand something. Ho with them for some reason they do not demand anything, but they require a private person from me. Thirdly, they call here mainly cancer patients, since the note is called "He to be afraid of any cancer, no AIDS. And about Ischemia, not a word, although I argued and argue that the laws of dissemination of diseases for all alone in principle - for plague, cholera, cancer and suicide. And consequently, some approaches to treatment. From ischemia now suffers from almost a third of chronic patients globe, But you first and while the only one called. Eduard Ivanovich, where do you live? Since what time? When did you first be diagnosed?

Ischemia for the first time I was set in 1973, and it became bad to feel bad from the 72nd. Remember, at that summer, fires around Moscow were, forests burned, peatlands. And we just got an apartment here in a warm steel, house 123, now it seems to be the 136th. On the 4th floor. From the 77th moved here, also a trade union street, only house 152, building 3, 1st floor.

Well, began to feel worse?

He know ... It seems yes. Why do you think so?

And I look at the plan of Moscow and see that you moved closer to one of the Poles of Schorekova, located just in the center of the warm mill. And why, I wonder if it was warm? .. This pole, obviously, works on cardiovascular diseases. From the street, the warm camp still called a woman with bronchial asthma. And you do not have such a plan?

It seems to buy, now the wife will look ... yes, there is.

Listen, Eduard Ivanovich. I am interested in a series of points next to your home. More precisely, their profiles: how is the road going up, down ... understandable? These points are in the center of the warm mill, next to the street of Academician Kapitsa, Academician Bakulev ... Yes, more. From Ostrovyanov Street, house 18, Corpus 2 called an oncological patient. We failed to find her house on the plan. And she does not ring something. It may hardly go angum. Help me please. BUT?

Good good. I will fulfill all your tasks.

And yet, Eduard Ivanovich, where and who do you work?

Head of the Department of One Research Computational Firm,. What?

Computers are there? Radiation harmful?

Computers are enough ... and radiation ... I do not know.

Ho at work, do you feel better or worse?

Differently. There was also an attack. I even wanted to send a retirement ahead of time with the second group of disability. Ho I still hold. Here on a business trip gathered ...

Listen, you do not really chollow. He sufficient. With the heart jokes are bad. When you go to the points called me, be extremely attentive, watch out well-being. If you feel worse - immediately go away. And better go not alone, but with someone, for insurance. Remember that any case begins not even with the theory, but with safety equipment. Yes, and to make you much clear, read my essay in the Magazine "Folk Education". HE pay attention to what diseases are about - the laws of nature, I repeat, turned out to be similar to all diseases. And for your ischemia too. This essay is written a year ago. Something in it is outdated - now, thanks to your calls and new information, I know much more. Ho essence is the former. In it, in April 1990, I predicted the return of the plague in the USSR. And she returned in July, August and November. Maybe they read in Izvestia about cases on Aral, in the Guriev region, in Moscow, and in January of this year and in Donetsk. Honestly, I did not expect my predictions so soon come true. Plague is not ischemia. Two or three days - and all over ... Using the ready-made ..

The sketch of this, as you probably guess, was a difficult fate. He was rejected half a dozen of Soviet medical journals and international too. From the magazine "World Forum of Health", which in Geneva, the Lisberg editor wrote: "Dear doctor snoring, very interesting, but we will not print." And that's it. Thanks to "Folk Education." Ho and they drowned the essay on the incomprehensible heading - "Riddles and Radows". And more correctly ...

History with plague and fundamentally new medicine

"There is nothing more practical than a good theory." I recalled this aphorism, studying the grand influence of the plague epidemics on the course of history. And it would become more clear, but the trouble: the good theory of epidemic processes in medicine did not and by the end of the XX century.

New - is it a new one named old?

Currently, the picture of epidemics, in particular the plague, is drawn quite simple.

According to the dominant theory of natural foci, plague microbes (as well as pathogens of other epidemic diseases) are constantly (endemically) exist in certain places among rodents (over 200 species), called "plague reservoirs".

With the help of fleas, ticks and other "pavements", the plague is transmitted from one animal to another, and at certain points and man. "People's diseases are usually appearing after episodes ... with a break in 10-14 days," a large medical encyclopedia states.

In the "natural" and "port" (rat foci), people either through contacts with fleas and rodents, or through the use of some of the rodents in food sneaky bubonic (the astounding of the lymphatic glands), which "can develop into the secondary and pulmonary and secondary Septic "(general infection of blood - V. X.)

The primary pulmonary plague is the most deadly, mortality from it (the ratio of the number of deaths to the number of cases) reaches 100%, arises as a result of infection from the patient with a bubonic plague and is transmitted unlike the latter by air ... the climate is also affected by the epidemic. .

This theory explains many manifestations of mysterious disease, many, but not all, for example, why natural foci exist in these places, and not in any others? Why are these foci that arise, then disappear, then again arise? And why, arising, begin to expand, narrow, shift? Or why, for example, in Shanghai in 1908, 49 plague rats found, in 1909 already 187, but for two years, not a single person fell ill. In 1911 - 138 plague rats, and sick people again zero.

But in 1924 and 1925, when Zero denotes the number of plague rats, the diseases among people were 05, p. 99) ...

Or this is such a mystery: at the first and final stages of the doctors epidemics different countries and peoples and in the XV century, and in the XX constantly confused and confused the plague with the title, then with cholera, then with tuberculosis.

So in 1921, in Vladivostok, two patients (Russian) with an uncertain diagnosis of March 8 and 10 were translated into the plague department of the hospital, where they had one hundred percent chances to get finally, but for some reason they did not become sick and after a week were discharged.

A similar picture repeated on May 20 - 25 with three Chinese (41, p. 14 - 18 and Appendix 1). But on June 5, the picture repeated up to the opposite: the state of the patients who have already prepared for the discharge, suddenly deteriorated sharply, and they died on 9 and 10 June, and the plagues were visible in the eyepieces of microscopes, then somewhere disappeared, Despite multiple samples. (Cm. Ill.).

In January 1922, but at the other end of the Earth, in Dakar (Senegal), this happened to Kamara's patients (6, 1927, vol. 6, C, 118) consistently painful "bronchopneumonia", "tuberculosis" and plague. And strange things happened to the microbes: they are almost no, they are in a huge amount.

Furious microbes appeared and appeared in November-December 1911 and in experimental mice and rats of the Astrakhan anticipated detachment. (7. 1912, No. 3).

Each discovery has its pros and cons.

And the discovery in 1894 there was no exception.

Having rushed to the eyepieces of microscopes and the study of the disease of laboratory animals researchers sharply narrowed the field of their vision. Ho for humanity is important to know not the properties of one or another microorganism, but how to save themselves from the disease.

This thought is not mine. Back in 1897, she expressed the rector of Tomsk University A. I. Sudakov. (31, p. 72).

So that these thoughts were heard, they, apparently, need to repeat more often than once a hundred years ... HO is difficult, it is difficult to condemn people for learning what is easier, easier and more conveniently studied. So it was and will be. But it's not worth playing words.

Of the invention of new terms, little is added.

The theory of natural foci in essence is repeated by the contagonistic theory, in other words, the theory of infection that prevailed in medicine and 100, and 200 and 2000 years ago ... Only infection was considered (and was) invisible, and now you can see it. However, people still die ...

Thanks to the contagionistic theory, the wild invention of the XIY century appeared - quarantine, which is now as "scientifically" reasonable violence for the extermination of people you will not call.

The French doctor of Russia considered him, the calculations of which leads in its capital monograph of 1897 M. I. Galanin: until the institution of quarantines in 1526, the plague epidemic was observed in France on average every 52.7 years, after the institution every 8.7 of the year!

Similar figures are characteristic of Spain, Italy, Dalmatia ... (11, p. 31).

It remains to add that quarantines exist today.

The international term of quarantine for the plague is 6 days.

Why 6, when cases of disease are known after 10 and after 21 days after contact with patients? - Whether colleagues A. I. Sudakov, but in vain ... the medium-average number of supporters of the natural foci should not want to change in a hundred years.

Why there are questions there are a hundred years old, when there are still no answers to most of the questions supplied by the Italian doctor Salaldino Ferry still in the XV century.

Here is some of them:

1. Why the plague does not spread continuously, from one place in neighboring with him, and jumps: from the first point in the third, bypassing the second?

2. What is the plague choose the benefits of raw, lowlands and swampy places?

3. From what the area in which the places of the plague are so healthy after its termination?

4. From which the plague is mainly when after the war or long adverse climatic conditions A good harvest is expected?

5. From which the plague increases the productivity of the sexual sphere, the randomness (12, p. 135). On questions of these today, just "forgotten" ...

Supporters of the prevention of infection with the help of quarantines in the XVIII, none in the 20th century did not explain the fact that M. I. Galanin wrote: "In 1720, the plague was limited to one Marseille, did not spread to the rest of France, despite the mass of fugitives, to keep It was impossible to even fear of death penalty. "

Moreover, when at the end of 1720, the epidemic temporarily stopped and many fugitives returned to Marseille, then after a while they all got sick and died. The wrong "Performers" remained alive, so nobody infected (and, p. 24).

In the same 1897, A. I. Sudakov led the "strange" facts of another time and other geography. During the plague1896, almost half of the inhabitants fled from Bombay, mainly in Calcutta. HO in Calcutta for some reason no one fell ill, although the English doctor Simpson, the assistant of the famous Dr. Koha, with the help of bacteriological analysis found among the fugitives of people infected with the plague ...

At the end of 1896, a whole infantry regiment arrived from Hong Kong in Calcutta, several soldiers of whom in 1894 died from the plague.

Two arrivals simpson found plague bacilli (31, p. 44), but the epidemic began in Calcutta only in 1898 ...

Professor Sudakov surprised, but not his colleagues, and the other: the spread of the plague does not depend on the number of population. Thus, in the city of Tana, the suburb of Bombay, with a population of 20 thousand from December 18, 1806 to February 8, 1897 died from the plague of 630 people, in the city of Pune for the same period only 390. And this is at a population of 100 thousand . True, Pune is 100 more than a hundred kilometers further from the sea ...

Many places are connected with the sea.

In the same 1896, London has repeatedly arrived from India Court with plates with plates, but the first diseases in London were registered only in 1903. For a long time it was considered, and then it was thought again that the incidence of plague depends on the level of civilization and, in particular, medicine. HO London cases of the plague of 1903 - 07 of the end of this confidence.

For a while...

I also, the more I delve into the history of epidemics, the more often another thought came: no plague epidemics depend on the level of civilization, and the level of civilization, in many ways, from them ...

However, it was possible to come to this conclusion for a half a century early.

In 1835, about 200,000 cotton bales were taken out of the plague Alexandria, in which the plague microbes, as you know, are preserved quite a long time. Courts, many members of whose crews were sick plague, sailed to Marseille, Trieste, England, Libya ... Ho then from the plague all these cities and countries were in no way victim. And this is despite the fact that Libya 1835 in terms of civilization is difficult to compare with England of the same year.

These and other facts definitely make us come to the conclusion that A. I. Sudakov was made: from the replacement of the concept of "infection" on the "plague bacillos" (or "viruses", we add - V. X.) Little changes in Theories of the epidemic process. And although the fact of spreading the plague and other diseases with the help of microbes to challenge today would be ridiculous, it should be remembered that "every sided theory is one-sided; She does not hug a totality of all phenomena "(31, 68). That is why in the middle of the XIX century another appeared.

Localistic theory

The founder of this theory german doctor Max von Pettenkoffer wrote:

"Already in 1869, in the work on the soil and soil water and in their attitude to Holor and Tifu, I expressed that I recognize the specific microorganisms for causative agents of these diseases and precisely on the same grounds for which yeast fungi is needed for alcoholic fermentation, but People intoxicate alcohol, and not yeast. (Very accurate remark! V. X.)

Further, I showed that an epidemic can also not be made due to the cholera patient, as wine or beer cannot be made from yeast; malt and grape juice are needed; Without comparing the human body with malt or grape juice, nevertheless, for cholera fermentation, it is necessary to recognize the existence of a member to be recognized, which I call the place-temporary location ... "(quota. 32, p. 27).

So, long before the theory of natural foci, the spread of epidemics was associated not only with the place, but also with time. This was seen the main factor of epidemics. "We have to - called Pettenkoffer to break with the tradition, as if the time of the cholera is coincided with the arrival of the choler patient or things contaminated with them."

This conclusion must be said, and now it seems like many absurd. For him, Pettenkoffer was subjected to numerous ridiculous people, was forced to repent, and the theory was buried to localisticists for many years. HO Facts - stubborn item. And they continued to speak by the mouth of those who are in no hurry to join the general chorus, but seeks to comprehend reality in all its contradictions and relationships.

Dr. Glatsman - the chief physician of the German military fleet of the First World War - it would seem to be a fierce supporter of the contagionistic theory. After all, at sea, on ships, if you follow this theory, almost the ideal conditions for the development of epidemics: the close contact of people, the lack of proper purity on the steamers.

"On the other hand," Glatsman noted, "there is absolutely not the fact that according to localist teaching is necessary for the initiation and development of epidemics (for example, the influence of the soil)." HO Having studied the data of fleets of different countries in the early 20s, he concluded that about 80% of all epidemic diseases were held in harbors and only 20% in the open sea ... (6, 1927, vol. 6, vol. 2 , p. 138-139).

Glatsman compared not only fleets, location of ships, but also the conditions for them and answered opponents: "We foresee foreseen one objection: good conditions for military courts impede the real development of epidemic infections ... Ho is not so.

On transport vessels, for example, those that brought to Camaran during the time from 1889 to 1912. Pilgrims from Mecca, the maximum incidence of 1 steamer (steamer "Decancan", 1890) was 6% ... and at the same time, the British military courts in Ost-India incidence was 27% (cruiser "Rarbrost", 1891) .. . Consequently, just where the dirt, overflow and negligence are constant and are familiar, - cholera has shown less ... Localistic theory is confirmed on ships. The incidence varies depending on the course of the vessel.

This dependence "from the course", i.e., from the place and time of development of the epidemic, confirmed by the facts collected by the city of Glatsman, not only for the sea, but also for sushi.

He only for cholera, but also typhoid, pieces, scarletins, plague ...

During the First World War, the payments of lice and tomosprint patients could be found on Western, and Eastern FrontBut before the massive diseases it came only on the eastern ... "(ibid., p. 142)

During the plague epidemics in Bengal, Bombay and Punjab, mortality was massive, but the province of Madras - emphasized Glatsman - was amazed much less, and the city itself remained practically intact.

With smallpiece, there was a similar picture, but "inverted".

So in prisons of the province of Madras for 14 years, the average incidence of PCOS was 3.7%, at the same time in the prison province of Bombay only 1.4%, in Benares and Ud - 1.7%, and in the provinces of Agra and meirut only 0 25%, i.e., 5.6 times less than in Bombay, and at 14.8 (by a half order) less than in Madras.

Is it the same?

Maybe not one (although what the difference from which infection to get, more precisely, from how this infection will be called), but for the theory of the epidemic process, which will be able to explain how it will be visible further, and there is no "exceptions", there is no fundamental difference.

N. I. Pirogov understood this: "Here (in the Crimea 1854--55 GG.-V.x.) I was convinced that the endemically interlacing fever, malaria and endemic katar of the intestinal channel, depending on the local conditions (mainly water and soil ), make up so to say the canvas of other forms of disease. They are easily done at the seized population of patients and in war time serve as the basis for various epidemics ... Then malaria, dysentery, typhus, the suffering of infant and abdominal organs take the most ugly forms. Here the hunters to the nomenclature seems to be an extensive field of activity ... "(Cyt. At 32, 111 - 112).

We still leave aside the ridicule over the "hunters to the nomenclature", pay attention to this testimony for two substantial moments:

1. Processing of some kinds of diseases to others, so that no "nomenclature" is missing (we have already paid attention to this in connection with the plague);

2. Different susceptibility to diseases of the local and sediments.

According to M. I. Galanina, relating to the Alexandrian epidemic of the plague of 1835, out of 100 blacks and nubitans, infected with Chuma, died 81,

from Malayans - 61,

from Arabs -55,

greeks, Jews, Turks - 11 - 14,

from Europeans -5- 7

(11, p. 33) I. G. Heger, who described the plague of the middle of the XIV century, noted that, unlike England, there were almost no plague in Ireland. "The least suffered by those in whom the net Irish blood flowed", i.e., purebred descendants of the ancient Celts (12, p. 104). A. I. Sudakov also emphasized that in Hong Kong 1894. 1925, 1925 people died from the first officially registered Disease of Chumay by June 19 - exclusively the Chinese. Only on June 11, there are several English soldiers.

These and other facts make us assume that the quality of the immunity of certain peoples is changing both at the expense of natural selection over the centuries (the British population was reached in relation to Celtic) and from some (some) factors varying in time is fast enough.

Analyzing in 1923 the course of plague epidemics of the first two decades of the XX century. In the Ural Province, the Soviet doctor A.V.genka noted that in "1917 and 1919. Although there were outbreaks of the plague, but with the most careful searches, it was not possible to find plague rodents not any instructions on the previous epizoty. If in other cases, epizootia occurred, it is difficult to say who has become infected: rodents of people or people rodents. " Stressing that the plague in the Ural province was never stopped, and existed in a light form, A. V. Genk suggested that the gaps between large epidemics are filled with small outbreaks that elude medical staff. " "In addition, he noted," Kirghiz said very often with lymphadenites, which are attributed to tuberculosis (recall the case with Kamara patients in Dakar - V. X.) or syphilitic origin.

Meanwhile, it is possible that these are plagues flowing in a slight form.

The existence of a light form of plagues in the foci of the whole world is indicated by a number of authors ... "(6, 1927, vol. 6, Vol. I p. 115).

Let's pay attention: the light plague suddenly for some reason becomes "heavy", but it is also the enemy of this "heavy" plague. Referring to the cases of bacillosuitution with healthy people who sometimes become sources of the epidemic, A. V. Genk concludes: ongoing several years in a row in a light form of the epidemic in the end leads to the "immunost of the remaining population, which remains guaranteed from Chumoy's disease. The epidemic is terminated to break out in a few years, but in another place of the hearth, where the population has not yet immunized.

This is a really free from the plague of a plague of a plague virus can be maintained in rodents, then for the transmission of diseases of the disease, it is necessary to promote some unknown factor, without which, moving the border of the district, rodents cease to be the carriers of the plague) (ibid., C, 116 Stressed me - V. X.. "

So, A. B, Genka brings us to the need to search for an unknown dominant factor, but the factors, the action of which is limited in time and space, but now without any connection with the soil.

Not famous factoR is known for a long time.

An unknown factor has become known, but, we emphasize, for some reason not for physicians, in 1930.

This year, the monograph of A. L. Chizhevsky "Epidemic Catastrophes and Periodic Activities" (35) was released in 300 copies. The main provisions of this work are set out by _ in the posthum of Alexander Leonidovich "Earth Echo of Solar Storms" (34, 1973). On the basis of a huge statistical material, Chizhevsky showed the synchronicity of the set of natural processes in the hydraulic, liter, bio-and atmosphere with 11-year-old solar activity cycles. Thunderstorms and hurricanes, droughts and geomagnetic storms, migration and intelligence of insects, animals, orphanage (remember One of the questions of S. Ferri), mental illness, crimes in a state of affect, social shocks, and epidemics of plague, typhoid, cholera, diphtheria, scarletins , influenza and much more is somehow connected with the activity of the Sun.

Chizhevsky not only showed the dependence of the epidemics from CA, but also put a number of issues, without answers to which the riddles of the plague and other epidemics are difficult to resolve, or more precisely impossible. "He increases whether he asked - in famous epochs, one way or another associated with solar activity, the vital activity of certain microorganisms? HE decreases into the same epochs under the influence of certain reasons for the body's resistance to the disease? Does these two phenomena occur at the same time? " (34, 1st, 244). Questions, as we see, echoing with the observations of A.V. Genka.

"Once, yes next to Alexander Leonidovich-we see how typical saprophits, unpactogenic, currently or extremely weakened in their virulence of the microbes, under the influence of changing the conditions of its nutrition of items become sharply pathogenic ... The dormant state is replaced by active, the infection is easily implemented. In the body, and the epidemic begins. "

Ho decisive condition, considered Chizhevsky, are the radiation of the Sun. "These radiations cause them most of the human life manifestations of the biosphere as in general and in detail.

They activate living organisms and like the sculptor give them external forms, and the forms of their influence in the outside. "

The ideas of Chizhevsky found confirmation in the works of S. T. Velhovore, which has proved a direct connection between the color, toxicity of Corinbacteria diphtheria, increasing the incidence from them and the CA level. The bacteria were so sensitive to the changes in the sun, which, based on the change in the color of Corinbacterius S. T. Velhover, and A. L. Chizhevsky, a bioxis was created to predict the nearest changes in the activity of the Sun.

Unfortunately, the repression of the Stalinist regime interrupted these very important studies, they made their conclusions inaccessible for a long time. Ho conclusions A. L. Chizhevsky and

S.T. Velhovher was involuntarily confirmed and confirmed by other researchers, in particular, describing the cases of "disappearance" of bipolar sticks of the plague.

On the drawings given in the application applications, as depending on the level of solar activity, i.e., from the intensity and quality of solar wind and the associated geomagnetic situation, the form of places of places and other forms and becoming "invisible »For researchers.

In 1959, the conclusions of Chizhevsky again involuntarily confirmed E. E. Punchi, publishing graphs of changes in the ratio of microbes of varying degrees of virulence during a plaque epizotion of 1954 - 55. In Central Asia. It is enough to "expose" under these curves of CA Curve to make sure how the plague is synchronous with the activity of the Sun

The value of the solar factor is huge. It is he, and not to introduce certain drugs, determined the course of the disease, in particular, the temperature of patients. This can be traced both on specific cases of the epidemic of the plague of 1910 in Odessa, and 1921, in Vladivostok, and Scarletins of 1927 in Moscow (CM. Ill.)

The historical fact that throughout the rich history of plague in Armenia throughout the entire rich history of plague in Armenia, starting from the IV century, epidemics were exclusively on the southern and south-western slopes of the mountains, but never on northern or eastern (20 ), A similar picture is observed in Mongolia (26, 119).

And yet, and L. Chizhevsky was wrong.

More precisely, there was no right completely.

Between the hammer and anvil - resonance.

Having removed from the localist theory, considering epidemic processes on a global scale and in large temporary units, and A. L. Chizhevsky left explaining the reasons why the plague acts selectively, in places, "jumps."

And why, for example, until the beginning of the 20th century, the plague epidemics ceased in England in 1666, in Spain in 1684, in France, in the south, in 1721, in Sicily in 1743?

After 1841, the epidemics of the plague was not west of 20 ° East longitude, and after 1876 sh 30 e v, d ...

These and other facts push the idea that the solar activity factor is the main, but not the only in the development of epidemics.

To the same thought brings us and the fact that all the increase in incidence and mortality curves from the plague, cholera and other epidemic diseases are "tilted parabola", a certain resonant curve, but the appearance of the resonance effect requires at least coincidence of two factors, and Such a factor, in addition to the level of Ca, is the state of the magnetic field of the Earth. Both the general and local, characteristic of this locality. (Cm. Ill.).

Unfortunately, A. L, Chizhevsky did not explain why 35% of plague epidemics fall at least CA, and more precisely for the years of both the minimum and moderate level Ca.

Yes, he could not do it. Already after his death, astrophysicians were established that approximately two years to a minimum in the Sun there is a so-called recurrent state - a steady sector structure of weak magnetic fields, which endured by the solar wind into the interplanetary space and changing the level of the magnetic field of the Earth (28, 48).

It is recurrent perturbations that cause the 5-6-year-old rhythm of many natural phenomena on Earth (half of the 11th year sunny cycle), including, apparently, the 5-6-year-old rhythm of surgery of the intensity of plague and cholera epidemics, which is clearly traced according to statistical data (3; 15; 26).

The responsibility of magnetic fields for the development of certain epidemics indicates other data.

So constructed by me the curves of mortality from the plague for neighboring countries (see Ill.) Show their coincidence (synchronization) by the trend (vector), but not in terms of the level.

And such a picture is possible only in the case when one of the factors (solar activity) is general, and the other (earthly magnetism), although general, but more variable.

This is especially clearly visible on comparison of curves for India and Burma, which repeats in general features The course of the curve for India, but with a delay for 1 year.

Or such facts.

Canadian geologist Ya. Crane placed living organisms into an artificial magnetic field less than that of the Earth.

As a result, the ability of bacteria to reproduction decreased 15 times!

After staying in such a field, motor reflexes were disturbed by belt worms and mollusks, neuromotor activity in birds decreased, the metabolism was disturbed in mice. A longer stay in such a MII led to changes in tissues and infertility (27, p. 36) ...

Recall the fifth question of S. Ferry and suppose that the patterns found by Ya. Crane, there is a reverse move: with an increase in MP Earth

Growing the ability of bacteria to reproduction,

Neuromotor activity, fertility, etc. increase.

This assumption is confirmed by the Soviet microbiologist S. A. Pavlovich, who studied the various sides of the livelihood of 21 types of bacteria and 10 types of actinomyitzents in a constant, alternating and pulsed magnetic field of a wide range from 0.05 mTl to 4.5 T..

S. A. Pavlovich notes that "the process of" Ocagination "changes many species signs of microorganisms: growth rate, culture, morphological, antigenic properties and even virulence, their sensitivity to antibiotics, phage, temperature and some other external factors" (37, p. 130).

It is the state of the MPZ, the level of which is changing both in time (let's remember, except for 5-6-year-old, and other rhythms of its oscillations) and in space (about the more) can be explained by the rescue of part of Marseille in 1720 g. Londoners in 1835, Bombay residents of Calcutta in 1896-97, etc.

Or the fact that during the epidemic of 1921 in Vladivostok, only residents of coastal quarters suffered from the plague, and they were not affected by it, except for circular streets, quarters located on the hits "(41).

Like the fact that during the epidemics of the XIV-XVII centuries. The plague often spared the inhabitants of the hilly terrain, and the inhabitants of the upper floors were sick less often than the lower (12). (Sometimes, however, it happened and vice versa. Ho on the contrary!,) After all, the higher the point above the sea level, the lower the level of tension of the MPZ in it.

It is probably why pigeons, cats, which are also capable of a sharp vertical movement, are not sick, losing the virulence of microbes, losing adverse sunny days at height.

Throughout the magnetic field tension, the explanation and a well-known fact that the plague never spread through the help of air transport and is very rarely with the help of railway ones. The marine transport is a post-friendly plague not only due to the fact that the ships are always closer to the magnetic dipper located in the center of the earth's core, but also due to the fact that water has a high ability to magnetize.

That is why supporters of the localist theory were right, which argued that the drainage of the marshes contributes to the disappearance of epidemic diseases.

It is proximity to the Earth, the fact that Susliki, Surki, Globls, Polelki, Rats, Living in Earthless Norah become the first victims of epidemics is also explained to her magnetic field.

And therefore for them, the resonant combination of earthly magnetism and solar activity comes somewhat earlier than for people.

For 10-14 days, if you follow a large medical encyclopedia.

When solar activity continues to grow (or fall), it is soon necessary, a resonance state comes to a plaque microbes living in a "radiant state" within people, and epidemics come to replace epidemiology.

When this resonant state does not occur, the peaceful coexistence of animals, people and microbes continues,

According to modern data (22; 18; 25), plague microbes exist and evolve on Earth at least 5 million years, and it would be funny to assume that all of them can be destroyed with the help of mass destruction of rats, horses, tarabagans and other animals, or by Sanitary processing of the maximum possible surfaces.

After all, just one randomly surviving microbe, which is often not perceived in a modern microscope as a plague, so that the plague spread over the entire planet.

Biosphere, including the world of bacteria, and humanity has always been and are between

Superphone vision acts exactly according to the same laws that control and physical vision. Being outside the physical body during sleep, everything is superflical vision to some extent. Moreover, our astral and mental, I constantly take vibrations and decipher them in the concepts of our consciousness, and this happens in addition to the activity of the physical body and the brain. Fortunately, these subjective experiences usually do not fall into the brain, which is not designed to withstand so intense voltage. In fact, the fact that at the current stage of development of our brain we are not from nature clairvoyant, and do not remember our activities in a dream and our past lives is the grace of providence.
In order for the response to these superphone vibrations to be safely included in our physical wakefulness consciousness, as it happens in case of clairvoyance, it takes very specific preparation of the brain and the nervous system. One of the reasons for the prevention against the development of pure mental abilities as a self-determination, which is given to all the neophytes of the spiritual path, and which is very strongly repeats the author, is that the value of the results of the sublissal perception will be incomparably less than that voltage and the following decrease in physical efficiency The organism to which such development will inevitably lead.
Cleanguation to a great extent increases our life wear and makes physical existence in an infinite degree more unbearable. Therefore, when you see how students who otherwise could be very useful, paying large amounts of money to self-coated yogam, especially in America, who are offered to open them chakras, fill with despair. Many of these people roll out thousand dollars from the inhabitants of large American cities, often leaving a trace of upset nerve systems behind them. Even experienced students are not protected from the bait of the lung possession of the occult forces, and leaving the path with these impostors, which are probasted by the sacred science of yoga and disgrace the high rank of yogis, which they are not rightfully arrogant to themselves.
Unity with the highest is the only true yoga - it is impossible to buy for "thirty silvermen." Its price is the life itself, exhausted in ministry and self-sacrifice. Neophyte, who has a disreaded will, who is ready to pay this price, will definitely achieve this goal - unity. If he strives for a sophisticated vision in order to improve his understanding and ministry, and such a desire is quite legitimate, he can be calm and confident that in the process of spiritual disclosure, it is completely natural and safely and safely expand the limits of his perception, gradually adding octave to him for octave oscillations lying outside our physical light spectrum.

Superphone vision

The superphone vision depends on the entry of light energy from the object to the surface of one of the superphone bodies, and presumably and from synchronizing vibrations of vitality aspects of the observer and the subject. From the surface of the thin body, this energy is transmitted to the center that makes the "I" of this conductor, that is, in the head of the mental or emotional body. If, as under clairvoyance, the results of this vision should be known in the physical brain, it is necessary to find a tool to change the level of their manifestation with superphone into physical. For this, there is a special mechanism that, as we see, is the direct opposite of the physical parts of the mechanism of common vision and their functions. In this case, the device must be "down" if the term of electrical engineering is used. Maybe it is not quite accurate, but leads to the desired thought. This function is performed by the head chakra, as well as the pituitary gland and the prystone gland, after they are revived Kundalini.

Pypophies and pineal iron

In the process of superphone vision, the spinal system acts in a sense on the principle of transmitter and receiver. The pituitary and pineal gland is similar to radiolmes that enhances the signal; And Kundalini - the occult energy available in the body, and two vital air, Ida and Pingala, form a charge coming from the network or from the battery, the role of which in this case plays a sacred chakra, while the sun chakra in the center of the Earth performs the role of a planetary power plant .
Here we should pay some attention to the consideration of Kundalini or "snake fire", as it is sometimes called. If we turn to the "Secret Doctrine", the real treasury of spiritual and occult knowledge, will find that E. P. Blavatskaya speaks about the three states of the manifestation of vitality, which are Kundalini, Prana and Fohat. They are argued there, fundamental and not interchangeable in this period of manifestation.
Kundalini is the ability of giving or transmission of life, Prana is physically known as life force - this is the ability to organize life, and Fohat is the ability to use life and manipulation by it. These three cosmic forces, manifestations, respectively, the third, second and first aspects of the Logos, are found on each nature plan in distinguished degrees of manifestation. Speaking about the "lack of" man, the author of the "Secret Doctrine" reports that the original triangle (monad) disappears in darkness and silence, as soon as it is reflected in the heavenly person (I). This triangle, consisting of the three forces mentioned, "shifts in a man from the dust below seven. It has here in mind the dense physical body, called her "man from dust", in which, as we discover, these three forces are presented.
Kundalini is essentially creative, and although in a dense physical body, she awakened relatively weakly, it manifests as a sexual need. Being a fresh, like a snake, she stays in a chakra at the base of the spine, which, in turn, is a transfer station for energy, similar to the same manner in the center of the Earth.

Awakened Kundalini

Being awakened, Kundalini flows up the essential channel in the spine, referred to as "Sushumna Nadi", and takes place through each of the chakras (or power centers). As it pass through the dorsal centers from which chakras proceed, part of its strength flows along the axis of the funnel of each of them, the occult of them to revitalize them and the awakening person to self-conscious existence on the internal plans.
When she concerns the spleen center, she gives a person ability to travel outside the body. When she concerns the heart center and opens it, then if the absence of a buddhic consciousness is sufficiently disclosed, it begins to flow through it at the physical level and in his chest "flourish a mystical rose". Then in his personal conductors and through them the minds of consciousness begins to manifest. The throat center, being animated, gives the ability of clarity, that is, a response to superfysical sound vibrations, as well as on those physical sounds that are outside the usual sound range. The interbranch center, being discovered, gives the ability of clairvoyance, and when the corona chakra opens, located in front of the spring, the interaction between the higher I and the brain becomes wonderful free, so the neophyte acquires the ability to use its higher, spiritual consciousness at the same time with the physical brain consciousness.
The complete manifestation of all these forces in the wakeful consciousness requires long and difficult training, for him it is necessary to complete the restriction of the pituitary gland and the sishkovoid gland with the help of Kundalini and complementary her forces. This process makes mentioned glands with superfluid from the occult point of view and capable of responding to superphone physical frequencies of vibrations and superphone consciousness, transmitting their brain, which is also made super-sensitive. After that, the reflective vision becomes largely the case of the practice and focus of consciousness.

As mentioned earlier, Kundalini rises along Sushum, accompanied by two complementary forces, one of which is positive, and the other is negative, and called "IDA" and Pingala, respectively. In fact, these two terms are the symbols of two vertebral channels, according to which Akasi's energy accompany the flowing snake fire. These two oppositely polarized Akasha forces during their lifting are found and intersect in each of the chakras, and finally pass one into the pituitary gland, and the other is in the sidberoid gland.
Here you can recognize the ancient symbol of the caduce. It consists of a rod, around which in opposite directions, tails down, two snakes are closed, heading to the winged sphere, crowning symbol. Caduceus is a rod, which, as they say, brings with him Godmes as a sign that he is messenger of the gods. In this Greek symbol, Kundalini flows along the spine channel, which is represented by a rod, and two snakes represent Idu and the Pingal, while the winged sphere symbolizes the soul of a man who has awakened and learned to use these hidden forces. So he truly becomes a messenger of heaven on Earth, for he easily penetrates the worlds of the inner, and brings people knowledge and wisdom from these elevated kingdoms; He knows how "Sailing".
Deep occult information about this is not given to us so that we do not try to immediately awaken Kundalini. On the contrary, we are greatly warned against any such attempts, but the academic study of this subject represents value - and to avoid errors that occur from incorrect ideas, and to acquire valuable knowledgethat will already be at our disposal when it comes time to awaken this hidden force.

Kundalini and clairvoyance

The story of a sleeping beauty may also point to the awakening of Kundalini in a person. Tsarevna - Personality - slept for centuries, while the magic prince is a higher me or a teacher, "did not come and found it in a sleepy palace, symbolizing the physical plan, and did not arouse her kiss. This prince is a teacher, or perhaps even spiritual will, which is only one able to awaken this power previously ordinary for her period. The kiss symbolizes the touch of a downward atma, which awakens the soul and causes its internal forces. (Atma - Sanskrit term for the designation of the highest start of a person, spiritual will). The wedding of heroes at the end of the fairy tale corresponds to the union of the highest and the lowest I, which happens when this stage of development is achieved.
The vast majority of humanity from this point of view still sleeps, and will continue to sleep until the wake-up hour breaks.
Pupils sometimes reveal that this force awakened in a completely natural way, and tend to worry about several unusual sensations produced by this. This is a feeling of burning in the spine, rising or even carrying up and inclined in the head of energy, temporarily causing mental confusion, a feeling of an insect crawling on the forehead or a backbone, circling in the brain, throat, heart or solar plexus, the appearance of flowers in the clouds or color flares , and sometimes a curious feeling of the duality of consciousness, in which one part of the mind can be confused or suppressed by strange phenomena, and the other is in the full world or even in a state of delight.
There is nothing terrible in this, there is nothing to fear here. It is necessary to maintain the calm of the mind, suspend all meditative exercises and without affection to observe new experiences, while the hyperactivity of the consciousness mechanism does not decline together with the first stream of energy.
It is very important that none of the studies of the inner life never concentrated on Kundalini, at various centers or special parts of the body or brain, since in this practice a huge danger has been concluded.

The purpose of spiritual efforts is not the development of mental abilities or magical forces. The goal is unity with the highest and the ability to perceive a single life among all the vast variety of forms. And here the inexhaustible source of leadership and inspiration is Bhagavad-Gita.

The true purpose of the vision is indicated in the following immortal shlocks:
"Who led his" me "in harmony and dropped sin, that yoga easily experiencing infinite bliss from contact with Brahman. The yoga given to Harmony" I "sees the Higher I stay in all the essentials and everything else in the highest me; everywhere it sees one . The one who ever sees me and see everything in me, that I will never leave, and he will never leave me. Who, established in unity, worships me, staying in everything, that yoga lives in me, Whatever His Yoga Lifestyle. Seeking the likeness of the highest I am in everything and through the knowing identity of everything, and pleasant, and unpleasant, he is considered a perfect yoga, about Arjuna! "
(Bhagavad-gita, VI.28-32, cited in Per. A. Kamenskaya)

This enlightenment, this achievement of the shower of an awakened neophyte always craves. And once having experienced this thirst, he no longer knows rest. Life for the life of the turbulent internal motivating force drives him forward. The vision of immortal beauty and perfection attracts and calls him, and throughout his great quest "Light, never seen on earth, nor on the sea" shines over him, and illuminates his way to the eternal peace and bliss, which he knows waiting for him at the end of the way.

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