Northwestern economic region. North-west of Russia North-west

The North-West of Russia is the smallest in territory (212 thousand km 2 ) region of Russia. It includes the North-Western economic region (Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions, the city federal significance St. Petersburg) and .

Economic-geographical location

The advantage of the position is determinedseaside location area off the coast and its Gulf of Finland. The advantages of the economic-geographical position and the presence of waterways determined the long-term settlement of the territory.

Natural resource potential

a) Covering vast areas of about 800 km from west to east and 600 km from north to south, the North-West is distinguished by its natural diversity. Within the region there are flat strips of coastlines, only slightly rising above sea level, and lowlands, where flat and slightly undulating areas alternate with low hills and hills, reaching 300 m in places. The North-West of Russia was influenced by the Quaternary glaciation, which formed moraine-glacial landforms with hills, ridges and outwash plains. Glacial deposits are rich in boulders. Under the strata of moraine deposits lie Paleozoic deposits, which are associated with the minerals of the North-West of Russia: refractory clays, shales, phosphorites, quartz sands, limestones and bauxites.

b) North-Western is located within the temperate continental, transitioning to maritime. Abundance of precipitation leads to excess moisture and...

c) North-West Russia - lake region, rich water resources. There are 7 thousand lakes here. Among them the largest are: , Ilmenskoye and others. The river network is dense. Large rivers and lakes are used for navigation, and local fishing is developed.

d) North-West - forest region. Forests occupy about half of the entire territory, and in the northeast of the region it reaches 70%. In the south and southwest they are heavily cut down.

e) The entire territory of the North-West is characterized by podzolic and peat-bog soils. They all require fertilization.


About 9 million people live within the North-West, which is more than 6% of the country's population.

The North-West is an area of ​​predominantly urban population (its share is the highest in Russia - 86%). The area is mainly inhabited by Russians; in the east of the area there live a small number of people of the Finnish group - the Vepsians.


Currently, one of the leading industries in the North-West is the diversifiedmechanical engineering , which is concentrated in the large cities of the region - Vyborg, Novgorod, Pskov and. Enterprises in this industry produce ships, radio and television equipment, instruments, video recorders, equipment for the fish processing industry, turbines, generators, compressors, watches, and electric vacuum cleaners.

Thanks to the favorable economic and geographical position in the North-West of Russia, a powerful complex of industries has developed in the long-distance imported raw materials, fuel and semi-finished products, includingchemical and . In the north and west of the region there is developedforest industry . Closely connected with the areacolor (Volkhov, Boksitogorsk) andferrous metallurgy , represented by conversion plants (Tikhvin, St. Petersburg, Novgorod).

Agro-industrial complex The district specializes in flax growing and dairy and meat production, and in the suburbs - in the production of vegetables, potatoes and poultry farming.

St. Petersburg is the second industrial and transport hub after Moscow, a center of science and culture, and a major seaport in Russia.

North-West Russia is a land of forests and lakes. Geographically, it is located in the Northwestern Federal District, while having the smallest Russian Federation area - only 212,000 km². It includes the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Kaliningrad regions and the federal city of St. Petersburg.

The region has access to western borders Russia. The border states of the region are Latvia, Belarus, Finland and Estonia, and through the Kaliningrad enclave also Poland and Lithuania.

Population of North-West Russia

Currently, about 9 million residents are registered in the North-West region. The population is predominantly dispersed across cities, where its percentage of concentration is the highest in Russia - 86%.

Moreover, the majority of the population - 5 million people - is localized in St. Petersburg. Other major oldest cities regions that also absorbed a significant part of the population are Novgorod, Pskov, Velikiye Luki and Staraya Russa.

The bulk of the region's population consists of Russians, but in general, it is multinational, with other ethnic groups living here, the most numerous of which are Karelians, Vepsians, Finns and Elmenians.

Industry of North-West Russia

The industry of a region is to a large extent based on its geographical location, as well as the availability natural resources- forests and minerals.

Bauxite is present here in large quantities and, in relatively moderate quantities, but also suitable for industrial development, refractory clay, limestone and phosphorites. Also in the Kaliningrad region there are unsurpassed reserves of amber - 90% of the world's.

All this to a large extent determined the development of the main sectors of the economy.

Mechanical engineering:

Heavy (Leningrad Izhora Plants - nuclear power plant and petrochemical equipment, Kirov Plant - agricultural and construction equipment);

Energy (St. Petersburg "Elektrosila" - electric motors, and "Power Machines" - steam turbines and gas transportation equipment);

Electrotechnical (Pskovkabel" and "ALUR", Velikiye Luki, "Svetlana" St. Petersburg, - electrical engineering and radio electronics);

Shipbuilding (shipbuilding plants "Baltiysky", "Admiralteysky" - all St. Petersburg - nuclear icebreakers, tankers, and Vyborg - Vyborg - dry cargo ships);

Automotive assembly industry (Leningrad Ford, MAN, Toyota and others);

Chemical production:

"Akron", Novgorod, - mineral fertilizers, "Metakhim", Volkhov - potash fertilizers;


Chernaya (plants “Petrostal”, St. Petersburg and “Tochlit”, Pskov);

Tsvetnoy (Volkhov and Boksitogorsk aluminum smelters).

In addition, the area is well developed:


Pulp and paper industry;

Light industry and other industries.

The port industry, which, due to economic growth, in addition to the old ports in St. Petersburg and Vyborg, is being built up with new ones in Ust-Luga and Primorsk.

Agriculture of North-West Russia

More than 70% of agricultural products come from livestock farming, which is considered the defining industry here. Next comes crop production. It is represented by the production of grain, potatoes, fodder crops and flax in the Novgorod and Pskov regions.

The industrial part of the agro-industrial complex is concentrated mainly in St. Petersburg; it produces 80% of all food products in the region. In post-Soviet times, investment production was added here. These are the breweries “Baltika”, “Vienna”, “Bavaria”, tobacco enterprises “British American Tobacco”. This also includes the Dirol-Cadbury company from Novgorod - chewing gum and confectionery.

The agro-industrial complex is also famous for its fish production. Valuable fish species - sea bass, herring, cod are caught in the Barents Sea and then processed at fish factories in St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad and Murmansk and others.

How many times in Europe have I seen well-groomed facades of houses in capitals and on the outskirts, but when I went inside the courtyard, on the other side, I immediately noticed crumbling plaster. dirt, slanting shutters, drainpipes hanging like rusty snakes. In Rome, try going to the end of the metro station and walking around areas where there are almost no tourists. There's a lot to see there. Europe it beckons, it is neat. But what is behind the façade? Is everything there tip top?

The creators of the film “North West” just looked behind the façade. They didn’t just sneak in from the back door, they even invaded Europe’s toilet. After Western Biryulyovo was Moscow’s “toilet” for a long time, the country saw that it exploded there. The people's anger nevertheless burst out. Yegor Shcherabkov was killed in Biryulyovo. In the film “North West” the boy Kasper lives in the same Danish “Biryulyovo”, where gangs operate. In one of the final scenes, Casper runs from a group of Arab teenagers. The same thing already happens in Russian cities.

The population is fleeing from migrants and, perhaps, in this way, director Michael Noer showed us his protest against the uncontrolled “surrender” of his land to foreigners. Who knows. Creative language is always quite pretentious. Kasper (Actor Gustav Glese) looks like our skinheads. He has a brother, sister, mother, and they all had to live on the outskirts of Europe.

Director Michael Noer unobtrusively immerses the viewer in the world of other concepts. European values, democracy, republic All this is not the same. There is another Europe - where drugs reign, gays, "lookouts", gangs of immigrants, not-so-secret dens, drunken Danish bulls and all this is stewed in the juice of ferocious cruelty. Casper and his family find themselves in this mess. Like any young man, he needs money, hormones play, girls demand drinks and gifts. Then Kasper begins to misbehave.

I looked at these houses in Denmark: why bother? In Moscow alone, according to statistics, more iron doors are installed than in the whole of Germany. That's what I heard. And the houses that Kasper and his accomplice rob are opened as easily as a packet of kefir. Ordinary wooden doors are built more for profanity than for protection. He took a nail puller and stuck it in the door frame. I lit another joint and that’s it - you’re in the house, work, get whatever you want. This is what Kasper did until a more serious person approached him

Bjorn (Roland Müller) has already placed an ORDER for certain things. And this is already a career for Casper. Career development and where does it lead? Pimp burglar killer? No, although this guy is young, he is not stupid; before he does something, he THINKS, and tries to do it carefully. But can you really think through everything? Bjorn creates the image of a kind of Father. After all, both brothers Kasper and Andy (Oskar Gies) have only a mother and a sister. And as often happens in such a situation, there is a strong man who takes the place of the biological father. And the guys are starting to love him a little.

As a viewer, I liked the ambiance of the filming. I have not been to Denmark or Copenhagen, but these neat lawns, beautiful buildings, this well-groomed environment pleases the eye. And then Michael Noer throws us into a trail of coke and even feces. This technique is used by Quentin Tarantino: everything seems to be covered and suddenly bang and all the walls are covered in blood and urine. Gangs of emigrants both in Biryulyovo and here in Copenhagen are creating their own ethnic enclaves. It would seem that the temptation here is not far off to slip into the genre of banal criminality, cutting each other’s throats, shootouts and blood. But no. Michael Noer is aiming in the wrong direction. He shows us a slice of life, I would even say it’s a household movie. Yes Yes! Everyday, but at the same time it looks interesting and without a single special effect.

Although no, there seems to be one special effect. Smoke. All of Europe now seems to be taking care of its health, running around the parks. And here in almost all scenes the characters smoke with pleasure. Grass, cigarettes, clouds of poisonous rings seem to entangle the viewer. This smoke creates a fog over what is happening. Is Michael Noer preparing a surprise for us like this? If yes, then it was a surprise. I really didn't expect one of the most neglected characters to give a powerful act. Brutal but powerful. It's truly in the still waters…

In the film “North West”, the director and scriptwriters again made Slavic girls into prostitutes. In my opinion, they speak either Czech or Slovak. Well, this step is probably not unreasonable. I think it is Slavic girls who make up the backbone of prostitution in Denmark.

What about Casper? As a viewer, I wondered: why does he choose this slippery slope? In Europe, where there seems to be a lot of opportunities for self-realization? And Michael Noer gives us the answer: yes, simply because they these Danish guys don’t want to do anything else! So, is the career of a killer more attractive than the career of a teacher? Youthful maximalism. All or nothing.

And it’s not for nothing that Casper’s mother’s phrase is remembered. Or rather, her question and his answer. “Are you taking care of yourself?” “Of course, mom.” And then he dived into the coke trail with a pistol in his palm. I just want to ask: what are you missing there, in Denmark??? Why are you guys freaking out about fat?

This question remains unanswered. And the film itself keeps you in suspense. Remark: you should not let children watch it. And teenagers can watch it. No, it’s not: I would say it’s necessary. After all, this is not just a household cut. This is the world of the European Looking Glass.

In the all-Russian territorial division Labor North Western region especially stands out as a manufacturer of complex and precision engineering products. Its role in the development of scientific and technological progress is great; it is also the most important scientific historical and cultural center Russia and a center for training qualified personnel.

The Northwestern region is of great importance in foreign trade Russia. It has a developed port economy, carrying out export-import functions of Russia on the Baltic Sea.

Natural resource potential

The Northwestern region is not particularly diverse or rich in mineral resources. Of the fuel resources, there are reserves in the northwestern part of the Leningrad region. Among the large deposits there are industrial reserves of bauxite (near the city of Tikhvin), which is a valuable raw material for the production of aluminum. Phosphorites are becoming increasingly important for the economy, the reserves of which amount to about 200 million tons and are located in the Leningrad region. Almost everywhere there are Construction Materials— limestones, refractory clays, glass sands, granites (Karelian Isthmus).

Forest resources, mainly located in the Leningrad and Novgorod regions, are important. The North-West has significant water resources (rivers - Neva, Volkhov, Svir, Meta; lakes - Ladoga, Pskov, Ilmen). The density of land development is high.

Population and labor resources

More than 5.6% of the Russian population lives in the North-Western region (more than 1% of the country’s territory). The region is characterized by an increased rate of urbanization. The share of the urban population is the highest in the country at 87%. Within the district, the St. Petersburg urban agglomeration was formed, where 80% of the urban population lives. The region is provided with highly qualified labor resources and is the second scientific base in the country after Moscow.

Location and developed main sectors of the economy

The diversified complex of the economic region ensures the production of the most important types of products for National economy the whole country.

The industrial structure includes the following complexes: chemical-forestry, industrial-construction, complex of industries light industry. The metallurgical and fuel and energy complexes are also developed.

In the structure of the economy of the North-Western region, the leading place is occupied by the sectors of market specialization of the machine-building complex. In the mechanical engineering complex of the region, priority belongs to shipbuilding, electrical engineering, energy, tractor and agricultural engineering, instrument making, machine tool manufacturing and the electronics industry. The bulk of machine-building enterprises are concentrated in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The largest machine-building enterprises are the Kirov Plant, which produces powerful tractors, the Elektrosila plant, which produces generators for thermal and hydraulic power plants, the Izhora Plant (Kol p i no), the Nevsky Metallurgical Plant, the largest enterprises of heavy and, above all, power engineering. The Admiralteysky plant in St. Petersburg and the Vyborg plant produce unique ships, tankers, dry cargo ships, fishing and scientific research vessels.

In the chemical complex of the region, the production of rubber products, tires, synthetic resins, fertilizers, plastics, paints and varnishes, acids, reagents, and chemical and pharmaceutical preparations has gained great development. The production of phosphate fertilizers has been established in the cities of St. Petersburg and Volkhov. In the city of Kingisepp, phosphate rock is produced from local phosphorites (the Phosphorit association), at the Novgorod plant, using natural gas, - nitrogen fertilizers; double superphosphate is produced at the Volkhov plant. A large chemical industry enterprise, GSK Red Triangle, is located in the area.

A forestry complex has been developed in the region, including forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. The complex's need for wood is covered both by local logging and, to a large extent, by raw materials from neighboring Karelia and other regions of the North. The largest pulp and paper mills are Svetogorsk, Priozersky, Sovetsky on the Karelian Isthmus.

In the complex of light industry sectors, the leading place is occupied by the textile, leather and footwear, porcelain and porcelain industries. The main center of the textile and knitting industry is St. Petersburg, the linen industry is developed in Pskov, the production of shoes in St. Petersburg (the Skorokhod association), porcelain and earthenware products in the Novgorod region.

In the North-Western region, an industrial and construction complex has developed, represented by the glass industry, the production of reinforced concrete products and structures and other building materials. The complex has interregional significance.

The fuel and energy complex has a weak fuel base. In the region there are a number of enterprises for the extraction of oil shale and peat, and a large oil refinery operates using imported oil. The Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant (4 million kW) is operational. The Leningrad Pumped Storage Station (LenPSPP) is under construction, and its commissioning is scheduled for 2014.

The metallurgical complex belongs to the industries that complement the territorial complex of the North-West. It partially satisfies the region's needs for metals, structural castings, rolled products, steel and cast iron pipes, fasteners, wire, hardware, etc. The development of non-ferrous metallurgy is hampered by the tension in the fuel and energy balance and the poverty of the raw material base.

Agriculture occupies a central place in the agro-industrial complex. The structure of agricultural production is dominated by dairy and dairy-meat livestock farming and flax farming. The focus on meeting intra-district food needs determined the territorial organization Agriculture. Dairy, pig, poultry, and vegetable farms are concentrated near major cities. Potato growing is developed in suburban areas, and flax growing, which is of interregional importance, is developed in the Pskov and Novgorod regions. In the Pskov region, grain farming and livestock farming are developed (45% of the cattle population). In the agro-industrial complex of the North-West, production growth is associated with the strengthening of interregional ties, the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas, the diversity of forms of ownership, as well as the creation of a network of processing enterprises of medium and small businesses.

Transport and economic relations

Northwestern economic region has a developed transport system , which is focused on solving three main tasks:

  • access to the Baltic through Moscow to the entire southern and southeastern part of Russia and adjacent CIS countries;
  • access to the Baltic Sea for Belarus and Ukraine and connection between the Baltic and Black Sea basins;
  • connection with the Baltic of the northern regions of Russia.

Several railway lines originate from St. Petersburg; to Moscow, the Urals (via Cherepovets - Vologda), Belarus and Ukraine (via Vitebsk - Orsha - Kharkov). Railways connect the North-West with the North (St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk - Murmansk and through Vologda and Kotlas with Syktyvkar and Vorkuta), the Baltic states (St. Petersburg - Tallinn, St. Petersburg - Pskov - Vilnius and further to Kaliningrad).

Of particular importance to the railway network is the connection with the Baltic. The “input” of the Mariinsky water system into the Baltic Sea also takes place here, providing a direct connection between the northern seas of Russia and its southern seas.

The port of St. Petersburg has a capacity of 25-30 million tons of cargo turnover per year. Russia's needs in this region are estimated in the future at 100-120 million tons annually.

Currently, a significant scale of new transport construction is planned in the North-Western region: a system of Russian ports (expansion of the ports of Vyborg and Vysotsk, construction of large ports at the mouth of the Luga River and in the area of ​​Lomonosov) and the implementation of a high-speed communication line between Moscow and Scandinavia; reconstruction and modernization of the October highway: construction of an intersectoral transport system.

Exports from the region are dominated by products from the mechanical engineering, chemical, woodworking and pulp and paper industries.

Fuel and energy resources and timber are imported. metal, building materials, food. Imports prevail over exports.

IN modern conditions The northwestern region for Russia is practically the only direct access to the western (Atlantic) sphere of the world market.

Intradistrict differences

— organizational, economic, scientific and production center, military-strategic base and social and cultural center. The city’s new functions are an organizational center for program cooperation, a financial and economic center of international importance.

The largest region in the district is Leningradskaya, which occupies 43% of the district’s territory, one of the most developed industrial-agrarian regions of Russia.

The largest industrial centers: Vyborg. Tikhvin, Gatchina, Kirishi, Slantsy. Sosnovy Bor (a city on the shore of the Gulf of Finland with the country's largest nuclear power plant), Pikalevo, Volkhov, Kingisepp. Novgorod, Pskov.

Main problems and development prospects

Main directions of development of the economic region can be formulated as follows:

  • solving the problems of structural restructuring - comprehensive development of the non-productive sphere (tourism, healthcare, culture, organizational and financial activities);
  • development of mechanical engineering, providing scientific and technical progress in all sectors of the economy and spheres of social development;
  • building up fuel and energy potential in order to more fully meet the needs of the North-Western economic region for efficient types of fuel, cheap electricity and export of some energy and fuel. 2 branches are being created in the city of St. Petersburg
  • special economic zone of technology-innovation type (on the territory of the Neudorf industrial zone and north of the Novo-Orlovsky forest park). The development of the zone is planned in three directions:
  • creation of a Center for Nanotechnologies for Biology and Medicine based on the unification of 10 academic and university institutions in St. Petersburg to improve the level of Russian healthcare and development of nanobiotechnologies in the conditions of the SEZ to an industrial level.
  • creation of technology centers in the following areas: optoelectronics, precision metalworking (precision instrument making), vacuum processing of semiconductors, nanomaterials, hydrogen energy, solar energy, thermoelectricity;
  • creation of a design center, the customers of which will be engineering structures of such enterprises as Avangard, NPO Radar, NPO Svetlana, NPO Elektroavtomatika, NPO Elektropribor, LOMO and others.

It occupies a relatively small territory (10% of the country's territory) and concentrates about 10% of the Russian population with an average population density of 8 people/km 2 . Center - St. Petersburg.

The specialization of the district's economy is determined, first of all, by its favorable geographical position: access to the Baltic Sea, proximity to the Baltic countries and Finland, as well as developed Central district and the raw material base of the North.

The northern part of the European part of Russia serves as the raw material base for many industrial enterprises of the North-Western District. For example, aluminum smelters in the cities of Volkhov ( Leningrad region) work on bauxite from the local Tikhvin deposit and nephelines Kola Peninsula. The oil refinery in Ukhta uses oil supplied via an oil pipeline from the Komi Republic.

Apatites of the Kola Peninsula and metal phosphorites serve as raw materials for the production of phosphate fertilizers in the city of Kingisepp. Nitrogen fertilizers, as well as polymeric materials, are produced by

Novgorod chemical plant, which uses natural gas as a raw material, which is supplied through a gas pipeline.

Cherepovets metallurgical plant "Severstal" ( Vologda Region) supplies rolled steel to metal-intensive mechanical engineering enterprises in St. Petersburg. Izhora Plant and Elektrosila (St. Petersburg) produce energy equipment, including for nuclear power plants. Baltic, Admiralteysky (St. Petersburg) and Vyborg (Vyborg) shipyards build nuclear icebreakers, large tankers, bulk carriers, fishing and research vessels. St. Petersburg also produces cars for the metro, heavy tractors of the Kirovets brand and metalworking machines.

Precision engineering developed in St. Petersburg thanks to qualified workers and the scientific and technical potential of the city. Instrumentation, computer technology, precision optics, consumer electronics: the range of products is quite large.

Profitable geographical position Northwestern federal district(access to the Baltic Sea) determined its specialization in the road transport complex. Due to the loss of ports in Tallinn, Klaipeda, Riga and Ventspils, the volume of export-import cargo flows passing through domestic Baltic ports has increased sharply. The economic recovery in the industry can be judged by the expansion of existing ports and the construction of new ports in the Gulf of Finland. In addition to the four currently operating: in St. Petersburg (the largest), Kaliningrad (non-freezing), Baltiysk (main base Baltic Fleet) and Vyborg, new ports are being built in Ust-Luga, Batareynaya Bay (near the city of Sosnovy Bor) and Primorsk (Fig. 1).

New modern customs inspection points for vehicles have been opened on the Russian-Finnish border. They will relieve existing ones and significantly reduce the time lost by Russian and foreign transport workers when crossing the border.

Port facilities is a complex complex, including fishing and transport vessels, shipbuilding and ship repair plants, receiving bases and fish canning factories. Moreover, fishing is carried out not only in the Baltic Sea, but also in the Atlantic.

Fishing industry is one of the main areas of specialization of the district.

Rice. 1. New port complexes of the Gulf of Finland

- the westernmost outskirts of Russia, this is part of the former East Prussia, which became part of the USSR in 1945 by decision of the Potsdam Conference. The region occupies a small territory (0.1% of the country's territory) and is a Russian exclave, confined between the Baltic Sea, Lithuania and Poland. The population makes up 0.6% of the country's population and is concentrated in cities (77%). The population density of the region is high - 63 people/km 2 .

Center - Kaliningrad, big cities— Council to, Chernyakhovsk.

The Kaliningrad port is located at the mouth of the Pregol River and is connected to the sea by a deep-water canal through which large-capacity vessels can pass. The fishing industry and port facilities are the main areas of specialization of the region.

The Kaliningrad region is also special in that it contains up to 90% of the world's amber reserves, which are mined in quarries at the Primorskoye and Palminikskoye deposits. Amber is pine resin hardened and polished with water, which is used in medicine, the chemical industry, but most importantly, jewelry is made from it. This is a symbol of the Baltic Sea.

The European North accounts for 1/4 of the total Russian production of iron ore, 9/10 of apatite (raw material for the production of phosphate fertilizers). The European North is a supplier of coal, oil, gas, non-ferrous and rare metals.

Over the years of economic reforms in Russia, the volume of capital investments in the sectors of specialization of the economy of the European North, its production infrastructure, and geological exploration work have decreased. Production volumes also decreased. However, in Lately There have been positive trends in increasing industrial production.

The development of hard coal from the Pechora basin, oil and gas from the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province is carried out in the Komi Republic, as well as in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The raw material factor determines the industrial specialization of most northern cities of the district. Even during the period of planned economy, the Timan-Pechora territorial production complex (TPC) with its center in the city of Ukhta was formed in the area of ​​oil and gas fields. There is a large oil refinery here, and a gas processing plant in Sosnogorsk. Pipelines were built to connect the fields of the Timan-Pechora province with processing plants in the Central and Northwestern regions. These are the Usinsk-Ukhta-Kotlas-Yaroslavl-Moscow oil pipeline and the Vuktyl-Ukhta-Gryazovets gas pipeline (section of the Northern Lights gas pipeline from Western Siberia) with branches to Moscow and St. Petersburg and further to Belarus, Latvia and Estonia.

In addition, the forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industries are developing; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Indicators of the Northwestern Federal District

Administrative-territorial composition: Saint Petersburg; republics - Komi, Karelia. Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov regions. Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Territory- 1687 thousand km 2. Population - 13.5 million people.

Administrative center- Saint Petersburg.

The Northwestern Federal District unites the Northwestern and Northern economic regions and the Kaliningrad region.

The district plays an important strategic role as a border region of Russia in the European North and West of the country, within which large industrial and cultural centers are located, sea ​​ports on the Baltic, White and Barents seas.

Table 2. Share economic indicators Northwestern Federal District in all-Russian

The specialization of industrial production in the district by type of economic activity is determined on the basis of the localization coefficient in table. 3.

Table 3. Specialization of industrial production in the Northwestern Federal District

The types of economic activity that determine the specialization of the district according to the localization coefficient can be considered the following (see Table 3): mining of mineral resources, except fuel and energy; manufacturing industries (including production food products, including drinks and tobacco; wood processing and production of wood products; pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities; metallurgical production and production of finished metal products; production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment; production Vehicle and equipment; other productions); production and distribution of electricity, gas and water.

According to natural-geographical and transport conditions, features of the location of productive forces and population of the territory, the district is divided into three components; Northwestern economic region, Northern economic region and Kaliningrad region.