Create a story about the nature of native places cliché. Writing-reasoning about the nature of the native land for schoolchildren of different ages

Essay on the topic "The Nature of My Territory"

Performed: Lena Burikova, student grade 8

Place of study: MBOU Lake School No. 9

Teacher: Safonova Olga Ivanovna

« Golden Khakassia, Sunlight,

I loved my native expanses to me,

Century Taiga, Your Walnut Paradise,

Bogatyr Yenisei and Sayan Mountains…»

These are lines from the poem of a wonderful author D. Logachev, who wrote about the nature of his region. And after all, Khakassia is a sunburn, whose nature I love from childhood, and she is very good to me. I proudly call this edge with my homeland.

Native nature for me is the landscape, which in habits see near his village. This forest, followed by an endless taiga, is located near our homes, filled with various sounds, hiding many secrets and mysteries, which he is ready to open not everyone, but only the most attentive and loving people. Also, the spacious steppe, green in the spring, and at the beginning of the summer already burning and yellowing, with a spicy intoxicating aroma of herbs, among which many ancient mysterious burials - Kurgani. We are obliged to read our steppe, as our ancestors rest on it, thanks to which we learned about such a wonderful land, complete fertility.

The location of my homeland is also unusual by the fact that it is located on the shore of the huge, complete various species Fish, lake. It is black, and the village is named, respectively, the "Black Lake" from the lake also takes its beginning the Black River, which flows into the mighty white jus. And the White Jew is merged with his twin - black jase. Oh, how much the legends are made about creating everything that is around us. The place from which the life of the river is starting is very wetrated, and the roots grow on the edge. It is often possible to meet green frogs, turbo and other waterfowl. If in the hot July day speaking to decide to swim in our lake and, coming out of the water, to see the distance, then the look is caught by the majestic Mountains "Sayany" with snowy vertices stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Fresh air, cry of chaps, the noise of the surf from the lightweight breeze is forced to drag their breath, infinitely admire and enjoy life. Without this lake, I can not imagine my native nature, but what is there, it is native nature. You understand that there is nothing more beautiful, your favorite place.

I really love the nature of my native land, my village is a place in which I was born and live. All the beauty of my native nature will go in memory near, wherever I have. After all, there is nothing more relative, better and the nice place where your home, memories, the first knowledge of life, and the best natural beauty in the world, in which everything in harmony. Unfortunately, many people do not notice the beauty of their homeland, it seems to them that everything is gray and slamming, but just need to reveal their soul and not chase the search for beauty, which will never be better than in the place where you were born and lived . Residents great country, with huge and rich expanses, let's give part of yourself to save our native land! Let us take care of us yourself, from our actions that lead to the death of beauty created for our same pleasure!

Tregubova Galina
Essay "On the nature of the native land"

The beauty is my middle Russian,

My beauty is incomparable

You cheerful, you and sad,

You are my Home native and universe.

From early childhood, as far as I remember, I saw these, as if a skilled artist discharged on the canvas, pictures: Luxury emerald greens, curly malachite gardens and proleski, chalk hills with a great multitude of wild flowers and pahuchi glades, coquettingly hiding from my eyes of strawberries. My little land, my tiny universe focused on the outback, in the village of Sirotovka Podgorensky district Voronezh region. From here take the beginning of my upbringing, my ideas about huge worldmy attitude to nature, animals, people. From here I went to my big way in life, exactly thanks to the fact that I absorned, communicating with nature of the native land, I now study small children not only to listen to wind music, voice Sunny and cheerful Gomon birds, but also listen to the buzz of bees and bumblebees, in a light whisper of petals, into the rustling of butterfly wings or dragonfly. We, together with my wards, learn not only to see what is in front of the eyes, but also peering, for example, in patterns on leaves and blades, on the wings of the butterfly and on the back of a lizard's plants from the stalks.

I love my land at any time of the year. But my favorite, as, probably, many of my children, still summer. When you can take a woven grandfather of an old Lukoshko and go slowly in "journey" - Go through soft cool grass to the protected places of strawberries blushing on the slopes of the chalk mountains. And to sit down, stretching the bare feet, right on the land of the Earth, around which apparently invisiblely delicious and asking for the berry mouth. And to eat up to the dump, and to grab the full Lukokhko for mom and younger sisters, and again go on the road - now choosing other, unknown stitches. It seems to me that only here, it is in our almost non-touched civilization of the region that you can get out at sunset for the sideline, lie down in the grass heated in the sun day and walked to watch it, as the whole burner, who has already given all his heat, lightly rolls down the mountain. And you can go out on a spacious meadow and rush the ohaper of wildflowers. Then put them in a large glass vase in the hall, and then the whole house will be filled with smells of fresh wind, wormwood, daisies and mint. And I can also break the barefoot on the soft, like fluff, road dust, hide behind the big old willow and look like a rural shepherd drives a flock of cows from pasture. And all the village at such hours would seem to be saturated with the smell of pair milk. And then rush scrapping to a small river, so that plenty of squeeze in a gentle silky water, sneaking from a wooden brushing bridge and admire lilies and water lily. You can catch a little frog, consider it very carefully and be sure to release it - so taught us mum: Each living creature created by God Nature., wants to live not to a lesser extent than people.

I was born here, I studied here,

And snow replaced blossom

Here the high spirit gave me the Earth

And confidence and doubt.

At the river, I sit alone,

Il on the stars I look at night,

I do not believe, no, evil prophecies,

I believe, the edge, I believe and love.

About all this and about many other meetings with the world of lively nature. I tell my pupils. And then we find the ants in the grass and look at him with interest; Having hoped his breath, watching the spruce, focusing his "net" - Web to catch a careless midge or mosquito into it; With the passion, we look at the Mahar Butterfly Wings, so that later these patterns are transferred to paper.

In my childhood, I always liked summer nasty rains. I then popped out on the street, jumped barefoot on the puddles, loudly shone from delight, and then, dirty, wetBut absolutely happy, returned to my yard. There, there was always a rainwater barrel, where I climbed right in my calf dressing, washed and went into the house already clean. Mom only smiled, she knew my passion - running on the puddles under the shower.

Now in our village erected a beautiful Orthodox church. So, the village lives! I often have in my parent home, in summer everything is also collecting wildflowers and strawberries. And very much I love your tiny - within the framework of huge Russia - corner nature., my little "paradise"who gave me "Tailor to life".

My beauty, my face,

My beauty is incomparable!

How small you, my edge, but you are the land,

Where the whole universe is fitted.

Publications on the topic:

In the modern world, children, having a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe country, anthem and the coat of arms, do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of local history. They can.

Pre-school childhood is an important stage in the formation of a moral appearance of a person. During these years, children are laid in morality, form.

Nature leaves a deep mark in the soul of a child, affecting all its feelings with its brightness, variety, dynamism. Baby thinks.

Formation of environmental ideas about the nature of the native land in children of senior preschool age The relevance of research. At the present stage, the formation of environmental representations is one of the main directions in overcoming the environmental.

Municipal pre-school educational institution No. 445 of Nizhny Novgorod G. Nizhny Novgorod 2017 .. must.

Overall on the topic: "Nature of the native land"

The nature of the native edge.

In different parts globe Nature is different. Even in the territory of one country there may be differences if this country is large. As, for example, Russia. In Russia, in different places, nature can be different, very different from the nature of other places. Therefore, native nature for each person is its own. For example, for some people, the nature of the native edge, these are mountains - beautiful sheer rocks, slopes covered with grass or forests, mysterious stones, plants characteristic only for these places. For other native nature of nature, this is the cold North Sea, gray waves, fish shoals, followed by fishing seiners. And for third, this is the sea south, warm, with sandy or pebble beaches, with a hot sun over them, with vineyards that grow throughout the coast.

There is a native nature - a simple fishing line, an ordinary green lawn, familiar birds, simple familiar flowers. The one who lives here is, such nature will seem too uncomplicated. And to the one who had not seen such before, on the contrary, very romantic, extraordinary.

So that in the territory of one country there were any natural zones - Easy rarity. For residents of Russia and the river, and the steppes, and the mountains, the sea, the forests, Tundra, and Taiga - all this native nature, the wealth of the country. Native nature is all reservoirs, and the subsoil of the earth, minerals, all animals that are found here, all plants that grow here. Our nature is very rich and deserves that we shook it.

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Overall on the topic: "Nature of the native land"

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Schoolchildren may well ask writing an essay-reasoning about writing such work is not difficult. The most important thing is that parents, based on the age category of the child, suggested how to propose an essay-reasoning about the nature of the native land and in which alternateness to present thoughts. After all, every parent knows what the child is capable of.

It is important to put accents properly and write the native land. It is necessary that the thought is fully expressed, it is such a story that will be appreciated.

How beautiful to make an essay

About nature can be said a lot. The written writes about the following:

  • What nature most dominates in the settlement.
  • What are the features of the nature of the native edge.
  • Breed of trees, shrubs, colors that can be found in different corners countries.

These are just some details on which the emphasis should be made when writing an essay of nature. In fact, this kind of creativity allows you to put into the course of emotions and thoughts, by entering them on a sheet of paper.

Composition-reasoning "On the nature of the native land." Plan

So that the son or daughter was comfortable to write an essay, parents should be made up for a child. It is necessary to simply think about it in what order it is more correct to present thoughts about the native land. The priority of writing may be as follows:

Such an essay plan is quite suitable for an excellent, full-fledged and detailed story.

Examples of writings for students of junior classes

As a rule, children love to write essays, because in this form of creative tasks there are no limits and frames. It is in such works that self-expression can be shown, fully pour out emotions on a sheet of paper. Nevertheless, the task was perfect, it is worth a child to show examples of writing samples. For this purpose, you can take the following options:

Our homeland is simply beautiful. It is only worth going to the forest, and it immediately becomes clear. Beautiful high trees everywhere where neither look. Even in the city itself, many unusual and charming views of representatives vegetable world.

Most often, we can find pines in the city, chestnuts, oaks. There are jasmine, roses from bushes. And from the colors often you can see the sunflowers, chamomiles, asters, chrysanthemums.

Our nature is gorgeous, it is only worth going to the park or to the forest, and immediately on the soul becomes easy and free.

On the beauty of nature, you can say a lot. Most of all, I love vegetation in our country and near the lake, where we often go. There are oaks, birch, and chestnuts in this area, and even pines. Flowers, bushes are growing on the site.

Our homeland pleases the beautiful paints of the plant world. I really love to look from the hill to which you can climb when we go to walk in the forest from the country area. From the hill nature is especially beautiful, you can see the trees, bushes, and even flowers in all their glory.

I am very glad that in our country such beautiful nature is our pride and inspiration.

Such an essay of nature is quite suitable for kids of junior classes. Therefore, you can safely take into account and give children as an example.

Overall-reasoning for high school students

In high school, you can write an essay with more complex turns and expressions. For an example, you can take this option:

Our homeland is nature, as if the soul is being eloquent. The most beautiful natural beauty can be observed in the fall.

Once I climbed on the hill, not far from our private house. It was somewhere the middle of autumn. Beauty, who opened my eyes, forced the heart to beat faster. Autumn decorations of trees, rainbow carpet on Earth, filled with different shades. How perfectly, admire such a beauty.

We have the best nature in our homeland. Admire can be infinite. It is not surprising that in many works artists depicted precisely nature.

Such an essay is quite suitable for high school students. The most important thing is that the child express his thoughts sincerely and deployed. Then the result of such a task will be appreciated by the Higher Point.