Means of learning English for children. Searches for the most effective learning children's techniques

Tatyana Chernyshkova
Methodical recommendations for teaching the English language of children of preschool age

Study of English language Start with small years. Foreign study language, in the case of the right organization of classes, develops children, raises their educational and cultural level. So, as a result of spent in schools England and Wales experiment engulfed 6000 childrenIt was found that foreign classes language A positive effect on the knowledge of the native, many children with weak common abilities showed excellent success in speech on a foreign language. Studies of leading universities in the United States and Canada showed that bilingual children Cognitive abilities are developing better than the monolingvs. Favorable influence of the second study language L. S. Vygotsky proved to develop a native speech, noted L. V. Scherba, and other domestic scientists. Perennial experimental foreign language trainingconducted by the laboratory team learning foreign languages General and secondary education of the APU RF, confirmed "The beneficial effect of the subject on children: on their general mental development (memory, attention, imagination, thinking, to work out the guys of the ways of adequate behavior in various life situations, for the best ownership of the native languageon speech development children in general ". The earlier start to attach a child to english language environment, all the better. Thus, during the first 4 years of human life, 50% of the abilities for knowledge are laid, the main skills are formed by 7-8 years. Starting from 8-10 years, any opportunities need to be developed by training. The more years you have, the more time you need to pay and more forces to invest. Therefore, the optimal option english language learning children - It is starting from 4 years old, and even before. So, the children speak those languages, they hear. Thus, as soon as possible implementation of your child's learning of English language will promote rapid grasp it. In the future, when the child is growing, conversational english will be reproduced on the subconscious level without an accent, using correct grammar.

Principles of feed educational material preschool children: The classes are really effective and did not overload the child, they must follow certain principles.

Voluntary lessons. In no case cannot make a child learning english at an early age. If the lessons become a duty, they can quickly get bored, and subsequently the baby can be difficult to study language. The main task of parents and teachers is to cause interest in languageAnd this is well helped by the game. Through the game, children will know the world and are easily involved in the process, without problems mastering important language skills.

Motivation of the child and interest in the lessons. The child does not have that motivation to teach englishthat is in adults. They do not need to build a career, they do not realize that english It will be needed in the future. Therefore, it is important to interest the child with something else. If he is interested in the process learningIf it is fun and unsoligiously, the child will seek classes. Come up with your motivation.

Comfort baby learning. Comfort - another important point when learning. Some children are easy to stay in a group with other children and a teacher, others need to be one of his parents nearby. It depends on age of the childand from his character. If classes are for a child to pass naturally, it will easily begin to master the material. If you see that the child resists learning, you should not leave it without attention. Perhaps it does not fit methodik, I don't like the teacher or he is just hard. It is worth changing the approach to return interest.

Sequence learning. Up to six years no sense to load children rules, spelling and grammar, but well teach together new words through songs, dancing, games. The main thing is that the feeding of the material is consistent and new knowledge is easy "Lost" What a child is already familiar with.

Perseverance. First of all, remember that you set foot on the hard way, the reward at the end of which is great. There will be time when there will be no visible results. At these moments, you must support your child and together with him to overcome the difficulties that have arisen without losing the tempo. Also, if methodiksending you your child doesn't like it - better pick him up another methodology. The main thing is to find an interesting methodology, and perseverance will come by itself.

Criteria for organizing classes english language for preschoolers.

Forms learning Must be directed not to absorption as much as possible lexical units, but to raising interest in the subject, the development of communicative skills of a child, the ability to express themselves. It is important to achieve certain qualities of possession of the material, which should allow the child with a minimum of funds, assuming the subsequent increase language Units in the competence of a child, to use them situationally, and meaningfully. Classes may be next:

Daily 15 - 25 minute classes accompanied by a speech on a foreign language During regime moments.

Classes twice a week, 25 - 45 minutes with interruptions for mobile games in foreign language and time for modeling, drawing and making crafts thematically associated with the lesson.

Special classes are fairy tale lessons and watching video fragments - as an addition to major classes.

Meetings with carriers language.

Morning and holidays on which children can show their achievements - to draw a fairy tale, to exchange the poem.

Cases - conversations.

Foreign classes language in nature.

Most successful methods Rely on the principle of the phase of the formation and development of speech action, when simpler preceded more complex. At all levels of filing the material, the principle of communicativeness is carried out, that is, everything serves as a certain result in communication. An independent use of speech units should be preceded by their understanding on the rumor, which corresponds to the psycholinguistic laws of the assimilation of speech.

List some methods for teaching English Children:

methods of studying English - Method Zaitseva. Intended for children under 3 years old. Also known as learning english by method Zaitseva with cubes;

Game methodik(Game Method). Very effective method for teaching children English. The teacher is undermining the game, during which occurs training. Develops all components language - from grammar to colloquial speech;

Design methodik. Intended for children from 4 years. A certain number of lessons is dedicated to some topic. Everyone learns something interesting. For the last lesson on the topic, children should bring work on the past topic;

Combined methodik. Mixing various teaching styles english Children. Here you can include both games and songs, dancing, etc., etc. The child will never be boring and it will switch from one kind of classes to other, which will benefit from the results. English learning methods.

Associative method. Children with them developed imagination this the method is suitable excellent. Its essence is that the studied phrase or word is associated with some very bright way, picture. That is, remembering the word Apple, they represent a tasty juicy apple. Subsequently, a bright image makes it easy to find the necessary word in memory.

Communicative method(lexical approach). it method of learning language through communication, discussion - so children gradually learn to think on english. You can discuss how the day went, how interesting was the new book or a film where we went on the weekend. Thus, children are learning phrases and expressions that are subsequently easily used in speech.

Audio lingual and audiovisual methods. With these methods Oral speech is performed well. Their basis is interesting dialogues, learning that, children easily learn to speak.

Immersion method. Children watch movies, listen to songs, perceiving in this way the original english speech. Good way - to communicate with the carrier languagewho will not be able to respond in Russian. Method dive teaches thinking on english - good skillwho is very useful in the future. Features child learning of different ages . English for preschool children. IN preschool age when teaching english childFirst of all, communications learns. The main emphasis is on the fact that children began to understand english We spent to respond to it. In that age Pronunciation are laid and laid. Children consume elementary english words , memorize phrases from the song, learn to recognize words in games. It is important that english The words denoted the concepts that are familiar with children in their own languageAnd so that they are easily combined with each other. Children in the younger age easiest to remember the names objects(they can be touched) and action (they can be reproduced). Items of clothing, body parts, family members, greetings, toys, animals - All these words, children can already be taught on english. Another feature of the perception of information in this aged - in children A well developed shaped memory, so the words are demonstrated visual. Real items, pictures, toys help in this. Actively used in B. training and drawing, coloring, cutting, circuit in points - creative work also contributes to the easiest memorization of words. Often the mandatory component of the lesson - physical attack, on which all exercises and actions are also accompanied by the name of them on english. However keep attention for a long time preschoolers are still difficultTherefore, the lesson usually does not exceed 30-40 minutes. As a rule, classes are held 2 times a week. Lessons english in preschool age is developing memory, attention, intelligence, observation and well prepare a child for school.

Features learning in the foreign language of children of senior preschool age(5-6 years).

Education of children of senior preschool age It has its own characteristics. Starting work with children, teacher is very important to know that the level of development children still insufficient for independent solutions by them many tasks arising in the process of their activities (game, productive, speech, etc.). Independence is formed in the child gradually under the leadership of an adult. The sixth year of life is important on the way of preparing a child to school. At this time in pedagogical literature it is recommended to apply when teaching childrenproviding health improvement children, Development of mental activity and curiosity, the formation of elements of targeted attention, arbitrary memory and imagination, initial forms of informed management of their behavior. Concerning great importance Putting methods of educational training - systematization of the proposed knowledge and skills, the use of auxiliary visual means that facilitates the child's process of knowledge, the formation of the skills to perform the tasks of a certain type and apply them in new conditions. In the process of upbringing, an important role is assigned to the formation and development of children's relations, the initial realization of the moral meaning of the digestible rules of conduct. Creating a benevolent atmosphere in a group children, the ability to take them carefully to their peers, show kindness and attention - the necessary condition for the successful implementation of any task in the process learning. To figure out the nature of the relationship children, teacher should constantly observe the communication children In various types of joint activities, especially in the game. In order to help children, especially preschool children, tune in to perform learning tasks you need to constantly monitor behavior children. Good, attentive attitude of the adult will save him from many chagrins and unnecessary experiences, avoid stress. W. children Right attachment to fair and affectionate people, they will respond to requests or orders, seek to make them pleasant. Relationships with peers depend on how much the child meets their requirements and how peers are arranged. Need to learn children positive ways communication: To be friendly to peers, show kindness, friendliness, justice, help organize joint activities, encourage success, teach them to give the joy to others.

English for children of younger school age. Junior school age - It is also the time of research and knowledge of the world. Children during this period are very inquisitive, active, it is still difficult to stop in place, and they can quickly be tired. So often for younger school age Also used games, moving tasks, poems and songs, cartoons. The child is no longer so quickly losing interest during the classes, however it is still important to build a process in an exciting form, alternate different tasks. An important aspect of this age - the beginning of educational activities. The child's attention increasesIt becomes more stable. By 7-9 years, children are already much easier for a certain period to fulfill the specified program. The memory improves - it becomes consciously adjustable. In the same the aged growing of children to achievements. They already know how to set goals and achieve results. This feature allows you to instill interest in english language. Lessons can already last 40-45 minutes, can be carried out 2-3 times a week. Teach english preschoolers or children of younger school age parentsOf course, and on your own. To do this, they themselves must speak well. languageto put correct pronunciation. You can use well-known methodsdeveloped by experts. However, firstly, the parents do not always have the opportunity to deal with children regularly, and secondly, it may not be enough language or teaching skill. After all, one thing is to own well languageAnd completely different - to explain or help the child to learn it. A good way to hire a tutor. But such method More suited to schoolchildren who need, for example, tighten the level. If you want classes to pass easily and comfortable, and the approach to learning was systemic, then you should give it to language school where there are special programs for children up to 7-9 years. Classes there are in groups, which contributes to the socialization of the child, and better development language. He not only teaches englishBut also develops command activities. Work professionals who use the most modern methods And create the right interest. So, gradually, through the game and exciting tasks, english It becomes part of the child's life, which subsequently helps him seek success in life. In this way, english language learning techniques to children, as well as his teaching, different. It remains to choose exactly methodologywhich will be interested in a child.

Children's bilingualism - the topic is complex. There are many theories, there are no uniform opinions. One thing for sure: the earlier the child will begin to study the second language, the easier it will go to him and the less effort to do this. Therefore, English is so popular English now. But first a little theory first.

Bilingualism is divided into two types. Children's bilingualism ("congenital") and billingwisness in cases where the second language is studied after more or less decent mastering first. Let's call him adults (although it can also go about childhood). Some studies show that in the case of the "congenital" bilingualism, the brain absorbs two languages \u200b\u200bas two different language systems. In the case of adult bilingualism, the language system is one. That is, by a certain point, we already know the native language, and the foreign ones perceive as a set of synonyms for it and additional rules.

Features of the "congenital" bilingualism

The huge plus of the "congenital" bilingualism is that the second language is absorbed automatically, and also the brain, if you believe in some studies, it remains longer in working condition. But in the early years of life, the child can mix languages. There is no particular problem in this, but when communicating with those who do not know one of the languages \u200b\u200bcan occur complexity. On the other hand, children can be silent or pile at all on the fictional language: it does not prevent them from playing with peers and go to kindergarten.

But a little later, such a bilingual does not confuse the grammar of different languages. Using a specific language, it is as it were in a separate language system, only that part of the brain is active, which is responsible for it.

The minuses of children's bilingualism include speech delay (logical: the child must be learned twice the more material, you need time) and problems with the psyche. And it would be necessary to regret the unfortunate inhabitants of the states where several languages \u200b\u200bare officially official, and children from birth fall into a multilingual environment. Switzerland especially - with its four state languages. But for some reason I envy this poor people.

Features of adult bilingualism

In the case of an adult bilingualism, grammatical errors are more common in speech. They are associated with an attempt to apply the rules of the native language to foreign. And if in Russian there is no one hundred percent counterpart of some part of speech from English, then you will beat these damn articles at the same time. But the confusion in the vocabulary is originally not: a person clearly distinguishes two languages.

From 0 to year

If you decide to engage English with a child from birth, then the set of methods you have very limited. Yes, and "do" - it says loudly. In the first year of life, a child, of course, assimilates a huge amount of information, including grammar and vocabulary of the native language (it all starts it later). But it happens naturally. He knows how to listen and watch. So you have a little choice: talk and show the world around. And do not try to be a "translator": to call the subject in Russian, and immediately after that - in English. You do not speak "I'll drink tea - TEA", it is unnatural. The whole phrase should be either in English or in Russian.

1. One member of the family always speaks with a child in English.

Feature: If you are not a native speaker, although you own perfectly, then when you go to English, you become a little different person. This phenomenon of the "split personality" in professional translators with interest is studying psychologists. And they have a version that in such a situation the connection between the child and the parent is worse. After all, this is no longer a "real" mother, and its Anglo-American version.

But if mom, dad, grandmother or grandfather are carriers, you are lucky! Or you can hire an English-speaking nanny (but it often strikes the budget).

2. The whole family speaks a foreign language on a specific day of the week or in a specific situation.

For example, you can enter the tradition of English Sabbath / Sundays. Or speak English only during bathing / only in the evening / only for a walk in the park. There is a disadvantage. For example, if you always speak English while eating, the child will not recognize the Russian product names. On the other hand, it is now more important for him to feel another grammar system, to get used to the sounding of the language, look at your articulation.

3. In English they speak in a particular place.

For example, in groups "development", visiting specific friends who agreed to learn English with you, in a cafe, etc. This method seems to me even easier, but requires the regularity of visiting the selected place.

From year to three

But let's be honest. All you want to overwhelm most moms of children of the first year of life is to sleep and wash. Not everyone had the opportunity to teach English for children from scratch, and there is nothing terrible in it, the whole life is ahead. In addition to all the above methods that are suitable for children after a year, you can use:

1. Game method: Dismix toys toys and items, call them in English, play with them, draw them, often repeating their names.

When a child learned at least half words, you can start using them in speech and build a simple dialogue in English. It is important here to go to the dialogs. Otherwise, you just teach the child to English-speaking synonyms, not English.

2. Cards with pictures and names (Domana Methods).

The idea is very remotely similar to the previous one, but instead of the items you have cards that you repeatedly show. As a rule, children look at any pictures with pleasure. But again do not forget about the dialogues!

Well, it is worth mentioning that Mr. Glenn Doman was engaged in kids with a delay in development. And then, on the basis of his experience, the techniques created for the rest (in the framework of them, for example, children teach mathematics already a year). Does this method suitable for you, it also depends on how you feel about early development as a whole.

This is a whole system with posters, audio recordings and cubes of different masses, colors and size on which syllables are written.

Over the past few years, the study of a foreign language has become not so much a way of self-development as needed. Foreign language became a mandatory component of training not only in schools and universities, but in many additional preschool institutions.

The demand for a foreign language in society on the one hand, as well as the understanding of the parents that the language is not only a factor in the formation of a modern person, but also the basis for its social and material well-being in society - on the other, at the moment there are early learning in a foreign language especially popular and relevant. If another 20 years ago, the knowledge of the language was required only in the work of some areas, now the possession of at least one foreign language is mandatory.

The main problem of learning a foreign language is the age of the learned. It is known that children are better than learning. Until recently, the learning technique was aimed at school-age children, now parents seek to start learning a foreign language as early as possible. The main goals in teaching preschoolers in foreign language are:

  • formation in children of primary skills of communication in a foreign language;
  • the ability to enjoy a foreign language to achieve their goals, the expression of thoughts and feelings in actually emerging situations of communication;
  • creating a positive installation for further study of foreign languages;
  • awakening of interest in the life and culture of other countries.

Preschool age is particularly favorable to start learning a foreign language: the children of this age are particularly sensible to language phenomena, they have an interest in understanding their speech experience, "secrets" of the language. They are easily and firmly remembered small in volume language material and well reproduce it. With age, these favorable factors lose their strength.

There is another reason for which early age is preferable for foreign language. The younger child, the smaller his vocabulary in his native language, but at the same time his speech needs: the spheres of the small child are less than the older, he still does not have to solve complex communicative tasks. And it means that by a foreign language, he does not feel such a huge gap between the possibilities in his native and foreign language, and his sense of success will be brighter than in older children.
Training kids is a very difficult thing that requires quite different methodical approachthan learning schoolchildren and adults. If an adult owns a foreign language, it does not mean that he can teach others. Faced with the methodologically helpless lessons, children can quickly acquire disgust to a foreign language, to break in their capabilities. Only experienced specialists should work with preschoolers.

In preschool age, when teaching English in children, children there are gradual development of the basics of communicative competence, which at the early stage of studying English includes the following aspects:

  • the ability is correct from a phonetic point of view to repeat English words for a teacher, a native speaker or a speaker, that is, the phased formation of auditory attention, phonetic hearing and proper pronunciation;
  • mastering, consolidation and activation of the English dictionary;
  • mastering a certain amount of uncomplicated grammatical structures, building a coherent statement.

Methodikconducting direct educational activities should be based on the age and individual characteristics of the structure of the linguistic abilities of children and be aimed at their development. Communication in a foreign language must be motivated and targeted. It is necessary to create a positive psychological plant for an input speech, and the way to create such positive motivation is the game. The game is both the form of an organization and the method of holding classes on which children accumulate a certain margin of English vocabulary, memorize a lot of poems, songs, readings, etc.

This form of classes creates favorable conditions for mastering linguistic skills and speech skills. The possibility of support for gaming activities allows to ensure the natural motivation of speech in a foreign language, to make interesting and meaningful even the most elementary statements. Foreign language training does not oppose learning activities, but is organically related to it.

Games in direct educational activities should not be episodic and isolated. An end-to-end game technique is necessary, which combines and integrating other activities in the learning process. The basis of the game technique is the creation of an imaginary situation and the adoption by a child or a teacher of a particular role.

Educational games are divided into situational, competitive, rhythm musical and artistic.

  • TO situational These role-playing games that simulate situations of communication on a particular occasion are. Roleplay is a game activity, in the course of which children act as defined roles, various are played life situations, for example: Salesman buyer, doctor-patient, actor and his fan, etc.

They, in turn, are divided into reproductive games, when children reproduce a typical, standard dialogue, applying it to a particular situation and improvisational games that require applying and modifying various models.

Standard dialogs eg:

  • Show Me (Show me) - When the teacher calls the item, and the child must come to the card with the image of the desired word and point to it.
  • What's this? The teacher shows words, children call words.
  • What's Missing? (What is missing)
  • What's Doesn't Belong? (What is superfluous)
  • "Magic Mirror" - Objective: Development of attention. Children in masks of animals are suitable for the mirror. In the magic mirror reflected several animals. Children need to say whom they see and in what quantity. For example: I See A Dog. I See Five Dogs.

To competitive These are the majority of games contributing to the absorption of vocabulary and diplomas. They won the one who better owns the linguistic material.

These are all sorts of crosswords, "auctions", wall-printed games with linguistic tasks, execution of commands. Crosswordsmay be on any topic: animals, fruits, vegetables, furniture, toys, etc. Teams There are different. In class, children can play the game: "Simon Says" - the purpose of this game is the development of cognitive interests. Children get up next to the teacher. The task of children is to execute the teams of the teacher. For example: Hands Up! SIT DOWN! Jump! Run! Etc. In the process of this game, the lexical material of various topics is used.

Rhythmus musical games - This is all kinds of traditional games like rounds, songs and dances with the choice of partners who contribute not to so much by mastering communicative skills, how much to improve the phonetic and rhythm model of speech and immersion in the spirit of the language, for example: "" Nuts and May "," What's Your Your Name "," I Like My Friends "," Heard, Shoulders, Knees and Toes ", etc.

Artistic, or creative, games - This is a type of activity on the border of the game and artistic creativity, the path to which lies for a child through the game. They, in turn, can be divided into

1. Dramatic (i.e., the setting of small scenes in English) "In the forest" - for example: there are chanterelle and bear in the forest, and a small dialogue is played (Hello! I'm Fox. I CAN RUN. I LIKE FISH); "Red Hood" and others.

2. Fine Games, such as graphic dictation, painting paintings, etc. Coloring picturesThis is soothing, not always meaningful, but very common occupation. For example, you can show the finished picture. While the child is engaged in the contour, the teacher repeats the word many times, calls the items. Thus, we laid the foundation as a new language is called what the child did himself. Graphic dictation - For example: in classes, they say children that what color, children are painted, and then compare the resulting images with the fact that the teacher dictated.

3. Wonderful creative (Collective composition of small fairy tales, rhyme selection), for example:

Brozdi juicy hang
Sports grapes.
That would be ridicked soon.
Grapes in english - grape..

We rode a swing,
Ate vishni, i.e, cherry..

At the border of situational improvisational games and creative dramatization there is such a type of activity as improvisation on the theme of a well-known fairy tale, already lost in proven form. For example, playing "repka" or "Teremok" ", in which, depending on the number of players and absorbing a new vocabulary, new characters and replicas appear.

Choosing, or coming up with the game for inclusion in the lesson, it is necessary to observe the following regulations:

  • Before proceeding with the game, answer the following questions: What is the goal of the game, what should the child learn in it? What speech action does he have to do? Will the child build such a statement, is there any additional difficulties?
  • Having answered these questions, try to turn into a child yourself and invent, in what interesting situation could there be a statement on such a model.
  • Think how to draw this situation to the child in such a way that he immediately accepted it ...
  • I am pleased to play with your child yourself!

The game must be a training, and it should be a game. The Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary determines the game as a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which is not due to its result, but in the process itself. This is a very important sign. Therefore, introducing the game in class, its didactic result is important for the teacher, but cannot appear in the motive for the activities of children. Consequently, the game should change the style of relationship between children and an adult teacher who can not impose anything: play a child can only when he wants it and when it is interesting to him, and with those who cause him a sympathy.

The teacher can not be only the organizer of the game - he must play with the child, because children play with great pleasure with adults and because the playing atmosphere is destroyed in a look-old observer.

And so, we can say that the basis of any game is role-playing. The child in the role-playing game can act as the role of himself, an English child or an adult, a fairy-tale character or an animal, a revived subject, etc. - opportunities here are unlimited.

Another child, a teacher, a doll, an imaginary hero, an actor or the second teacher, can become his partner, always playing the same role, etc.

Another of the most popular learning methods in foreign language is using Information and Communication Methods, such as computer equipment, multimedia, audio and more. The use of audio, videorscripts, fairy tales, cognitive material in direct educational activities contributes to the individualization of training and development of the motivation of speech activities of preschoolers. It is the use of ICT in the direct educational activities of a foreign language that develops two types of motivation: Mochotivation, when the proposed material is interesting in itself, and motivation that is achieved by the fact that the preschooler will be shown that it can understand the language that studies. This brings satisfaction and gives faith to your strength and desire to further improve.

It is much more interesting to listen or watch a fairy tale, a story or a cognitive film, not a training program. Children very quickly grab the semantic language of the tongue and begin to speak themselves. Especially if the learning uses the full immersion method. This method implies regular and deep contact of the child with a foreign language. Children's subconsciousness is extremely susceptible, and even if it is not visible a pronounced result now, after a year, two can be confronted with the unusually developed linguistic abilities of the child.

Audioskas for learning English

When the vocabulary of the preschooler will reach several tens of words, you can diversify direct educational activities with the help of audio shooters in English. Audioskaps can be divided into:

  • Audio slippers "in pure form". Audioskaski are excellent help to explore English children. To begin with, tiny English stories will be suitable. For example, you can listen to such fairy tales as "Three little Kittens."," Three Little Pigs "or" Too Many Daves ". It is extremely important that the essence of the audio task is clear, because otherwise the child will quickly lose interest. And the direct educational activities without interest will not be so fruitful and efficient.
  • Audio tracks in combination with illustrative material. In the course of the sound of the audio shooter, children together with the teacher consider pictures and simultaneously pronounce words.
  • Audio slippers and method "Full dive". To make listening to English audioskets more interesting, you can use one of the methods of talentorate - drawing a fairy tale. But in the process of listening, it turns out if the plot of fairy tales at least a little child is familiar. Therefore, children give pencils and paper when the tale listens in the second or third time. The fact is that drawing during listening is a process that affects the deep skills of simultaneous perception and playback of information. During drawing, the child is formed associative relationships with heard. Volto or unwittingly, foreign words are remembered, associated with the plot depicted in the figure. Along the way, you need to pay attention, whether it is able to listen to and draw heard at the same time. In four or five years, the skills of quick playback of the heard information from most babies are absent. But by six years, those children who regularly listen and reproduce just heard information in the form of a recovery, drawing, appliqués, etc., develops the skill at the same time listen, hear, understand and interpret the heard.

Video Films for Studying English

Purpose video filmis the study of English children with preschool and young children using the communicative learning method. Software material is interesting for the child, but at the same time educational. Children are included in the knowledge of the surrounding world, and, playing, learning English.

Lexical and grammar material is introduced in an entertaining form. Not only vocabulary is introduced, but also clearly shows the action that can be made with some subject, which contributes to the rapid memorization of vocabulary and the development of elementary speaking skills in a foreign language. The presence of a native carrier contributes to the successful absorption of phonetic material.

Cartoons in English - one of best assistants In English learning. Children love cartoons and gladly watch them many times in a row. Therefore, cartoons in English help solve immediately many tasks of learning in foreign languages \u200b\u200bof kids:

  • the child does not arise the question "why teach these words";
  • it is interesting for him to watch a cartoon and he gladly repeats the phrases of heroes;
  • cartoons help the child not only to learn and learn new words, but also to learn the sounds of English speech;
  • repeatability - if the child liked the cartoon, he is ready to watch the same cartoon once, until he learns him by heart.

Rollers for teaching children in foreign language should be selected specifically, it is best to put the child animated songs and cartoons for kids, designed for age 2-3 years (for example, rollers about the Mason mouse - Maisy Mouse). Understand such cartoons to the child will be much easier - due to the availability of the topic, the names of animals, etc. and a calm tempo.

In this way, the game - This is an oriented game on the nearest development area that combines a pedagogical goal with an attractive motive for a child.


  1. Astafieva MD Holidays for children studying English. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009.
  2. Galskova N.D. Nikitenko Z.N. Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. Primary School: Methodological manual. - M.: Iris press, 2004.
  3. Guseva L.P. We play, learn, masthers - we want to know English. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2009.
  4. Zemvkova T.V. English for preschoolers. - M.: Vako, 2008.
  5. Ivanova M.V. English for kids. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009.
  6. Trofimova G.S. Pedagogical Fundamentals of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(Subjectactics). - Izhevsk: Publishing House Udmurt University, 1999.
  7. Kozina S.V. Holidays for preschoolers in English. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

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CHAPTER I. Theoretical foundations of the organization of education of preschool children in English

1.2 Objectives and objectives of training preschool children in foreign language

1.3 Pedagogical conditions of educational activities for English language learning

Chapter II. Summary of work experience in teaching children of senior preschool age English

2.2 Organization of work on preschoolers English language

2.3 Detection of the effectiveness of work on preschoolers in English




Over the past ten years, the number of people learning English rapidly agreed. The fact that without knowing the language of the progressive person can not do, it became undoubted almost for everyone. Changed the age of students. If the technique has been previously intended for all schoolchildren, now parents are trying to familiarize children with a foreign language as in advance. Especially since preschool age is recognized by the most favorable period for this type of training. Linguistic Foreign Training

The changed situation creates an ever-increasing need of society in qualified teachers. The lack of them leads to pretty sad results. People, barely possess the basics of linguistics, believe themselves capable of teaching children, since the little guys of these knowledge, allegedly, are enough. As a result, time is not simply spending time, but also harm to further education of children in this area: after all, it is more difficult to move more difficult than teaching, and focusing the disgusting pronunciation is more difficult than to establish sounds from the beginning. But even when people who have own in their own language come to the disciples, they often fail to achieve the desired result: the training of children is a difficult matter that requires a special methodical approach than training schoolchildren and adults. Faced with Methodically illiterate tasks, children may rejected back to a foreign language for a long time, losing faith in their capabilities. All of the above led to the relevance of the topic.

Work consists of theoretical and practical parts. In theoretical part, we describe the possibilities of children of preschool age in the field of studying foreign languages, show the main objectives and objectives of the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof preschoolers, as well as solve the task

classification of classes, reveal the main methods of teaching preschoolers in foreign languages.

Object of the study: Training of preschoolers in a foreign language. Subject of research: Pedagogical conditions for educational activities for teaching children of senior preschool age English.

The purpose of the study: Prove in the course of experimental activities the importance of pedagogical conditions for educating preschoolers in English. Research tasks:

Determine the main approaches to the problem of the linguistic abilities of preschool children in domestic and foreign pedagogy;

Reveal the goals and objectives of learning children in English;

Reveal the importance of creating special pedagogical conditions for educational preschool children in English;

Summarize the experience of the developing club "Little Genius" on the training of senior preschoolers in English;

Research methods: Study of psychological and pedagogical literature, tracking, survey, testing, processing of the data obtained, analysis and synthesis of work experience, processing of the results of pedagogical activities.

The practical significance of the work is that these guidelines and many tasks and exercises can be used by foreign language teachers in preschool organizations, as well as in primary school.

The graduation essay consists of introduction, two chapters with conclusions for each and imprisonment.

CHAPTERI. Theoretical foundations of the organization of education of preschool children English

1.1 The problem of child linguistic abilities

The problem of the child's linguistic possibilities is extremely worried for parents. And the teacher arises the question of the ability of a preschooler to study foreign languages. Are special talents in this area in this area, and if so, how they are combined with other human characteristics, and is it possible to regulate them? Is it possible to talk about language ability as we talk about other types of gifts? Most teachers working on this issue emphasize such components of linguistic possibilities:

Pronounced verbal memory;

Speed, ease of creating functional and linguistic drawings;

Modeling speech features on phonetic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic steps;

The ability to quickly master the new psycholinguistic angle of view on the objects of impartial when switching from one language to another;

Susceptibility to formalization of verbal stock.

These formulations are reliably criticized by A.A. Leontiev, who exhibits a sufficiently bold thesis that "" abilities to the language "" no as similar. "" In general, the ability to language is formed from many elements, most often nonspecific, non-specialized "" says scientist. To such opportunities A.A. Leontyev ranks shared type nervous system, temperament, individual differences in the flow of mental actions (memory, thinking, perception, imagination), as well as the quality of personality associated with communication. I.L. Sholpo agreed with A.A. Leontiev, who proves that "" There are no restrictions called "Nature", for the possibility of a child ". However, I.L. Sholpo believes that it is still possible to talk about peculiar abilities to the tongue, so it allocates the subsequent basic characteristics, which can be arguing about the greater or lower human gifting in the field of studying languages:

Verbal hearing providing sensitive to phonetic, rhythmic and intonational speech.

Language memory allowing to quickly increase vocabulary, own new phrases and grammatical structures, translate from a passive dictionary to active.

Lexical perception, allowing to compare the meaning of the word and its shape, carry out lines with different languages, perceive the value of single-word-forming parts of the word, determine the elements of the values \u200b\u200bwhen choosing the desired word from the synonymic layer.

The grammatical flair that provides the ability to build a direct whole of incomplete parts, feel a set of grammatical structures, detect a grammatical basis, to determine the methods of formation and coordination in the proposal.

Emotional-figurative understanding of speech, including an accurate assessment of the word, the feeling of "taste", the originality of speech, its beauty, providing a conjunction of the word and the concept that fills the meaning of verbal abstraction.

The functional and stylistic perception of the language, which involves the separation of its style levels and the ability to estimate specific phonetic competence from this point of vision.

An important nonspecific properties of the person who are needed for effective by foreign languages \u200b\u200bare the existence of a positive instruction, interest in the world and culture different countriesAs demonstrating an active interest in society, as well as human contact, that is, the desire and ability to come into contact with the rest of people and the ability to quickly adapt to all sorts of situations. Children own good phonetic hearing and grip language memory. They also have an extremely developed emotional worldview of languages. Speech shape, his sound surface layer, wondness and speech dimension, beauty and brightness of sound for children is substantially lexical and grammatical harmony of proposals. Words attract them primarily with their sound and observance. Children of the five-six years are very susceptible to phonosemantic sequences. Experiments E.I. Nekhnevitsky and A.M. Shakhnarovich showed, for example, that the sound is associated in children not with something small, but with great. A group of children who do not know what kind of whale, asked to answer the question: "What is larger - whale or cat?". The perfect majority of students answered that the cat is larger. Similar result discovered the experience during which it was proposed to separate the wooden figures of all sorts of sizes into two categories - "Bim" and "Bom". All students gave the name of the little figures "Bim", and the big "bom".

Associations of this species are inequating both adult, which deliberately or unconsciously connects phonosemantic patterns, but it will not provide such an exact answer as a child, because incompetence in lexical meaning is able to put it in an indestructible situation.

For a child, the feeling of the lexical meaning and the phonetic layer of a word, which, with great observation, is shown in the poem I. Tokmakova "Plm":

"A spoon is a spoon. Spoon eating soup.

Cat is a cat. Cat has seven kittens. Rag is a rag. Close table cloth. Cap is a hat. Dressed and went.

And I came up with a word, a funny word - Plm. I repeat again - Plm, Plm, Plm ...

Here jumps and jumps - Plm, Plm, Plm,

And nothing means Plm, Plm, Plm. "

In fact, the phonosemantic characteristic of the word formation "Plm" is very bright, since the word "Plm" really "jumps and jumps."

In reality, the phonosemantic property of the word formation "Plm" is given very bright, since the word "Plm" in fact "jumps and jumps." "" The association of the subject and the Word is created on the similarity that the child notes between the physical shell of the word and real, sensually captured signs of objects. Therefore, in the speech of the child and there is such a number of sound and figurative, sound expressive words "" write E.I. Neannevitskaya and A.M. Shahnarovich. Forwards, these are lexical and grammatical intuition, the functionality of speech - are in children in the formation of formation and developed still in low-rise. The possibilities of this type are significantly dependent on the size of the communicative experience of the child. The more this experience, the more formed a lexical and grammatical flair, so every subsequent foreign language and get a person is easier than the previous language. As for the communicability of children and the presence of a positive installation, the children of this age in the bulk of their most sociable are quite sociable and are deprived of those all possible complexes that become a psychological obstacle for most adults in mastering foreign languages \u200b\u200bas a means of communication (for example, an adult is immeasurably afraid of confusion ); They are torture, and strive for the lively knowledge of the surrounding; Moreover, especially at this age, the process of specific sensual knowledge is expanding the verbal method. In order to express the level of development of linguistic possibilities, a simple testing method can be applied.

It should be concluded that opportunities for languages, like any others, are developing only in the appropriate form of activity and therefore "" any ordinary child may be obliged to master a foreign language and fluent use them in communication "" according to Leontiev A.A., but It will happen or not - depends on the magnitude of its activities by the teacher, from a methodological approach to child learning.

1.2 Objectives and Tasks of training preschool children in foreign language

The leading goal of early learning by foreign languages \u200b\u200bappears, at the beginning of a common learning goal. This does not mean lowering the importance of actual objectives or decrease the requirements for the types of mastering oral-speech communication in a foreign language. Moreover, the execution of the effective methods of early learning in a foreign language makes it possible to look at the problems of intellectual learning students of junior classes. Training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bof preschoolers is caused to support the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of students, the development of their personal abilities. Therefore, as the main goal of learning foreign languages, the individual development of the child with the means of the subject. This goal is revealed by strategic, it permits to organically include a foreign language in the context of the child's life and identify certain ways to implement the integrative relationships of the language with other types and forms of child preschool activities. The implementation of the designated goal provides:

Development of the child's linguistic capacity (memory, phonderatic hearing, attention, etc.), which will be the basis for the subsequent assimilation of foreign languages;

Familiarization of the child with the language and culture of other peoples and education positive relationship to them; comprehending by preschoolers of native culture;

Education in a child sense of understanding itself as a person, a person belonging to the conditioned language and cultural society, the formation of a supervisory relationship and interest in other languages \u200b\u200bwith which the child can meet in everyday life;

The development of mental, psychological, creative advantages of the preschooler, his fantasy, opportunities for social interaction (the ability to communicate, work unanimously, to find and detect contact with the partner), the joy of awareness of knowledge of knowledge and curiosity;

Undercoming the poems, songs in a foreign language, listening to the fairy tales of other people, getting acquainted with the games in which their peers are playing abroad, carrying out one or another activity, children master the communicative minimum margin of speech sufficient to fulfill foreign language communication at a simple level.

The main task in teaching children English is the formation of practical skills of oral foreign language speech, namely:

Skills in ordinary situations of everyday communication and within the framework of lexico-grammatical material intended for the program, to understand the oral foreign language and respond to it as verbally and not verbally; * skills in the context of concrete communication with a person speaking in a foreign language by the carrier of this language,

Understand the statements addressed to him and adequately respond to them verbally;

To carry out its speech and non-boring behavior in accordance with the basics of communication and national cultural characteristics of the country under study.

Since the child needs to deal with verses, songs, rhymes in a foreign language during training, in the list of actual learning purposes is the development of the abilities of children to recreate this material. Based on the characteristics of the language to be a means of mastering and communicating, the final goal of learning a foreign language at an early stage seems to achieve the learning skills to communicate, applying a foreign language as a means of special live contact, the ability to listen to the opponent, respond to his questions, start, maintaining and complete the conversation, Express your opinion, extract the necessary information when reading and listening. The main educational and educational and educational goals include the following:

In the formation of a positive attitude towards activities and interest in learning language, the culture of the people speaking in another language;

In the upbringing of the moral qualities of the student: senses of debt, responsibility, community, tolerance and respect;

In the development of preschoolers of mental functions (memory, attention, imagination, arbitrariness of actions), cognitive abilities (verbal logical thinking, awareness of language characteristics), emotional sphere;

In expanding the general education horizon of students. Educational tasks are as follows:

In the formation of skills and abilities of an independent solution of ordinary communication goals in a foreign language;

In the formation of the skills of communication and self-discipline skills;

In the acquisition of simple lingu-resistant general knowledge. In addition, one of the important psychological issues of early learning languages \u200b\u200barises the formation of a positive feeling for the study of a foreign language, as well as the preparation of internal interest in children in each stage of training, confirming the goals of early foreign language learning, it may be necessary to note that:

Promote the earlier acquaintance of preschoolers to a new language space, when students still do not undergo psychological barriers to the application of a foreign language as a means of communication;

Develop simple communicative skills taking into account the communication capabilities of preschoolers;

Familiarize children with the world of foreign preschoolers, with foreign song, poetic and fabulous folklore;

To introduce children to new public experience using a foreign language due to the deepening spectrum of the played social roles in gaming moments typical of family, household, educational vending;

To form multipurpose linguistic judgments observed in their and foreign languages, at the same time mental, speech and cognitive opportunities for students.

Objectives defined before the subject "Foreign Language" is obliged to solve a methodically aware educated teacher who owns advanced training technologies, the competent psychological and pedagogical features of preschoolers of this age.

1.3 Pedagogical conditions for educational activities in English learning.

The learning content is obliged to respond to the objective tasks: First, it is obliged to create interest in preschoolers and have a positive effect on their emotional sphere, develop their imagination, curiosity and creation, to create opportunities to interact with each other in gaming moments. Secondly, the content of learning and its specific part (what to talk about, listening to what to perform) should take into account the personal experience of the preschooler, who he reaches, communicating in his native language, and is compared with the experience that they acquired in the lessons on Foreign language. Thirdly, the content of learning is obliged to provide an opportunity to organically combine in the educational process under the language studied a variety of activities characteristic of children of this age: visual, musical, labor and others, and thereby form conditions for the well-coordinated personality development of children.

Education to the English language preschoolers is considered as one of the main preparatory stages preparing a preschooler for school training that lays exact pronunciation, the increase in the lexical stock, the skill to understand someone else's speech on rumor and participate in a simple conversation. In otherwise, there is a gradual development of the proportion of communicative competence, which at the initial stage of studying a foreign language concludes the following points:

a) the skill is true from a phonetic point of view to recreate English words behind the teacher, a native speaker or leading (meaning work with audio record), that is, a separate formation of audio attention, phonetic hearing and loyal pronunciation;

b) accumulation, consolidation and activation of the dictionary, without which there will be no improvement in speech communication;

c) mastering the specific number of elementary grammatical structures; Building a coherent text, in which it is obliged to build consciously, since the child uses a narrow vocabulary, and assume, because even within the cut vocabulary It is necessary to express their thoughts;

d) the ability to communicate to speak within the boundaries of the theme and situations of communication (based on the assimilation of the sound of a foreign language, a predetermined vocabulary and grammatical structures);

Criteria for organizing lessons in a foreign language for preschoolers. Forms of training are obliged to be oriented not to mastering the larger set of lexical units as possible, but to educate interest in the topic, the development of communicative student skills, the ability to formulate information. It is important to achieve certain properties of the ownership of the material used, which should allow the preschooler with a minimal amount of funds, assuming the next increase in the language units in the child's liability zone, to use them situationally, and meaningfully.

Forms of classes may be as follows:

Daily 15 25 minute classes accompanied by a teacher's speech in a foreign language during regime moments.

Classes twice a week, 25 45 minutes at intervals for active games in foreign language and period for modeling, drawing and producing crafts are relevant to the occupation.

Special fairy tale classes and watching video passages as an application to basic lessons.

Meetings with media studied language.

Morning and holidays on which students can demonstrate their skills to play a fairy tale, read the poem.

Cutting conversation.

Foreign language in nature.

The most successful techniques are based on the rule of partness of the development and formation of speech behavior, when more simple begins more complicated. At all stages of filing used material, the basis of communication is carried out, that is, everything serves as a certain result in communication. Independent use of speech units It is necessary to precede their awareness of the rumor, which meets the psycholinguistic laws of mastering vocabulary and speech. Can mastering a foreign language contribute to the improvement of phonetic skills in their native language? Many teachers, speech therapists, psychologists believe that to form a speech function, and actually for the "development" of the articulation speech apparatus of the preschooler should be studied by the English language. It is important to prevent mixing in the language of the guys of English and Russian pronunciation, so in various violations of speech, the child should be passed with the study of another language.

Features of learning in the foreign language of children of senior preschool age (5-6 years)

Education of children of senior preschool age contains its own specifics. Starting work with preschoolers, the teacher is very necessary to know that the level of children's formation is insufficient for self-conclusion by children of many tasks appearing in the process of their work (gaming, productive, speech, etc.). Independence is produced by the preschooler gradually under the guidance of the teacher. The sixth year of life is important in the way of preparing the preschooler to school. At this time, in pedagogical literature, it is recommended to use when teaching children techniques that give an increase in the working capacity of children, the development of mental capabilities and curiosity, the formation of components of targeted attention, arbitrary memory and imagination, initial configurations of conscious management of their action and speech.

In this regard, the methods and methods of developing learning classification of the proposed knowledge and skills are attached to the use of additional frontal visual means that simplify the child's learning process, the formation of the skills to carry out the tasks of the established type and apply them under these conditions.

During the education, an important goal is given to the development and formation of children's relations, the initial awareness of the moral position of the adopted rules of conduct.

Creating a benevolent atmosphere in the preschoolers group, the ability to carefully treat their peers, to show care and attention to the necessary criterion for the successful performance of any task in the course of education.

In teaching a foreign language, children has special significance to have a developing learning aspect, which takes into account the general improvement of a read-off action.

Training of preschoolers in foreign language is obliged to be communicatively concentrated. Children are obliged to be able to use the previously studied lexico-grammar material in physical situations. This goal is meant all the structures for awareness and speaking, rhymes and songs, intended for a particularly successful assimilation of the material.

At the first stage of training, the main task is to actively change the oral speech (speaking and understanding speech on the hearing). As in teaching the native language, at this age, it is of great importance to form motor actions that not only orient it is better to study the lexico-grammatical material, but also contribute to the successful development of read-off activity. For a more successful development of motility, specially prepared exercises for painting and stroke drawings performed by points.

The allocation of a sociolinguistic direction of training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bat an early stage should be carried out taking into account such principles: the principle of cognitive variability, the principle of frequency, the principle of systemicity, the principle of the subject, the principle of concentricity, the principle of synthagmatic and paradigmatic orientation.

The principle of developmental value is taken into account in the selection of language and speech material. Language content contains lexical units of different parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and grammatical structures available to children of preschool age. The speech material includes clichés and speech turnover expressing the intention of the opponent.

When selecting a linguistic and speech set, the teacher takes into account the principle of frequency and forms an active and potential dictionary. All words and expressions are included in the active dictionary that preschoolers are learned during the practical learning learning in the classroom. A possible dictionary consists of conversation configurations that use the teacher in the lessons to organize the general direction of communication, and which children are learned consistently, intuitively. The formation of a passive set of words in preschool age is not envisaged. This basis is determined by the peculiarities of the mental activity of preschoolers who are able to assimilate any content only under the condition of its permanent and variable repetition.

Considering the principle of frequency, the teacher must pay special attention to the control of speech, linguistic substrate, which includes:

Holidays, traditions, customs of the foreign language people;

Songs, dancing, poetry, stories, fairy tales, games of the country under study; Proverbs, sayings, rhymes, patterings.

A company of linguistic, speech and linguistic-developed material, verbal and non-verbal content, taking into account the cognitive and speech development of a preschooler, the teacher should be mastered on the principle of systemicity. The systematization of the sociolingvistic content of the language learning is performed in two trends: vertically (for all age groups from 2 to 7 years) and horizontally (for each age group).

Systematize the linguistic, speech and linguistic set, it is necessary, based on the basis of the thematic orientation. Given the level of linguistic business of a child of a certain age, the teacher determines the subject of lessons. The topic chosen by the teacher identifies the communicative topic and the plot of the lesson.

Determining the subject of lessons for a year or on the course of study, the teacher must take into account the principle of concentricity, which involves a systematic return to these topics at the following stages of learning with a deeper content. The previously learned by preschoolers of the linguistic, speech and linguerous material is involved in other basics at a higher level and is proposed to students in more complex grammatical structures.

The meaningful learning of the language content of the preschooler is possible only when taking and implemented by the teacher of the principle of paradigmatic and syntagmatic conditionality. Considering this principle, the teacher selects language material according to a categorical primary basis.

The correct selection of the dictionary volume of the dictionary allows you to organize it in speech content and creates provisions to express my thoughts on the language studied. The teacher must stop its choice in language content in this form so that the child applied in speech first the name noun, and then began to introduce verbs and the name of the adjective and other parts of speech. So, considering this principle gives the right not only to stop your choice, but also to implement the language, speech and linguistic material, which helps, on the one hand, mastering a foreign language into degrees of phrases, and not single words, and on the other, permits to develop as a dialogic and the monologue of speech (description, narration, reasoning).

Principles of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bat an early stage

Principles are the initial, fundamental provisions in which the most significant sides of the cognitive and practical activity Child. Under the principles of training, initial provisions are assumed, which determine the goals, content, methods and organization of the cognitive process and are found in connection and interdependence. In the case under consideration, the principles are caused by predetermining the direction and tactics of training in a foreign language at an early stage indeed in each moment of the educational process.

An important principle of studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bat an early stage is required to ensure unconditional understanding for a child what stems and is referred to in the classroom teacher and other children.

How to discover observations of preschoolers, especially if these are children talking on different languagesAt first, children avoid direct verbal communication and appeal to each other. Therefore, the binding tactical link between the children, in the awakening of their interest in communicating and understanding each other is a teacher.

The accounting of the native language plays an exceptional role in mastering children both by means of communication and training activities. The basis for the experience of students in their native language involves cognitive activity Children in relation to languages. It is possible to limit itself without lexical units, which are still unfamiliar to students in their native language (for example, grammatical time, face, number, case, etc.) and use the empirical ideas of a child about a native language, organizing similar concepts in a foreign language. Translation from native to foreign and from foreign on the native language is used as an important way of learning, which preschoolers use the first language learning. With the help of the native language, students are aware of the significance of new lexical units and speech samples. Since preschoolers teach a lot of rhymes, counters, poems and songs, and their content get acquainted only by transferring to the native language. It also increases the role of the native language when learning stiable fairy tales and plays in English, because The content of many of them is known in their native language.

Ignoring the native language at an early stage is not necessarily correctly, which is often the cause of incorrect understanding or complete lack of understanding of the linguistic laws (lexical and grammatical material) by some non-accurant and weakly speaking students. This causes a distortion or insufficiency of using such language phenomena in speech, the automatic nature of their study. Native language can be the basis of controlling understanding, and often he can help more accurately and fully express the thoughts of students.

Individualization of the process of mastering the material must occur based on the interests of students, their general intellectual and speech base, as well as age-related specifics.

The intensification of the learning process is executed through the use of various techniques: components of the main technique, cognitive, social and role-playing games, dramatization, drawing artistic works.

There is a lot of help on visual, auditory and motor clarity, which also activates various analyzers, but also mobilizes different types of memory, including motor. All scientists agree that the lesson should exist as much as possible species of clarity and motor activity of children, everything is obliged to be frozen, demonstrated in action. Illustrations need to be selected taking into account the peculiarities of perception, the possibilities and interests of preschoolers.

It is desirable a combination of different coordination forms of activation: individual, paired, group, collective.

Individual opportunities for students can ripen in collective forms of cognitive processes. Thus, the collective solution to communication problems contributes to the organization in the lesson of a favorable atmosphere of interaction, the original communicative situation. So the desire to work with the opponent promotes the development of self-sufficiency. A model of such cooperation can be referred to the organization of collective text, from which children, enriching their personal experience, are transferred to the production of independent prepared and unprepared expressions.

We will give some more principles that contribute to good foreign languages \u200b\u200bat an early stage:

Training during the first two years it is necessary to lead only to orally, without reading and writing, in order to avoid many difficulties at the beginning of training so that English graphics contrast with Russian and did not make learning to read and write in their native language.

The subjects for oral speech should be based on the life experience of children.

Visuality is one of the ways to help combine material and support for building your own statements of children.

The translation into the native language is the main way of semantization and control.

Training in dialogic and monologic forms of speech is carried out in parallel.

In the absence of support for reading and writing, the sequence of material during the first half of the year should be carried out from the lesson in the lesson with the subsequent amplitude of the repeatability at least once a week.

The activity of students in the lesson is ensured by the following methods: choral and frontal work, encouraging teachers of speech activity of children, introducing elements of the game (songs, charging, mobile games using a foreign language that ensure the removal of fatigue and give the need to switch arbitrary attention to children into involuntary).

It is necessary to distinguish the training of children in kindergarten and teaching children in school, as there are some psychological features of the age that need to be considered. Here is some of them:

1. A child at the age of 5-6 years can easily learn the words and suggestions in a foreign language and immediately binds them with objects and actions. For a child, learn the offer is easier than a separate word. Very often the preschooler uses foreign words in his speech, without noticing it. He uses the Word, which at first comes to his mind. Therefore, teaching children with languages, it is necessary to give a word in a certain conversational cliché.

"For example, a doll.

Give me a doll. (Theere Are Some Dolls On the Table.)

Give Me The Doll. The Teacher Points Out The Doll She Wants The Child to Give Her.) »

With this condition, children will not confuse foreign and Russian words in the proposal. This does not happen in elementary school. Children primary classes more attentive in speech. They use either foreign or Russian proposals. They do not memorize phrases and texts only as a semantic unit, but as a model, a stereotype to reproduce other proposals by analogy.

2. The ability to play preschoolers is better than junior schoolchildren. They often repeat the sounds, words and suggestions. They are trying to pronounce them, imitating the teacher. Teaching the pronunciation of younger students is also based on simulatory features, although some explanations may be offered. That is, the teacher can not only show the disciples how to pronounce one or another sound, but also how it turns out. "For example, push the tongue a little back and say the sound -car."

3. The leading type of activity of children in the older preschool age is a game. He lives in the society of various games. Even if it helps parents around the house, water the flowers, care for the garden, he only plays, imitating adults. This factor must be taken into account when teaching a foreign language preschoolers and offer them various games.

As for language material, it is dosed on gradations other than the schoolchildren used in training; Here the thematic approach is connected to grammatical and semantic, and the language connections are gradually complicated. The same proposal scheme varies in different situations, because fabulous scenes that help the generation are used to communicate with the preschooler. big number Similar statements. Each new-to-child speech unit should be included in the already familiar turnover, so that the elements have not met for understanding or playing in speech near the same text.

It is very important to monitor the progress of learning the scope of the educational material by all children, and both partial and final control over small children are carried out in a game form, and the estimated activity is not produced.

From the very beginning of teaching, teacher needs to develop a certain style or a tradition of communicating with students in a foreign language, introduce and observe some rituals: greeting, farewell, short conversation. The most important condition for the success of the educational process is the intensification of the reading activities of preschoolers and the maximum involvement of them into foreign language communication, the motivation to linguistic guess.

The principle of communicative orientation is used by creating conditions for communication: the selection of language material, the creation of communications, the communicative value of tasks. The gaming forms and methods of work proposed by students correspond to their age characteristics, which causes them a desire to interact.

The principle of collective interaction makes it possible to successfully form a group of speech pairs of children carefully relating to each other. The principle is being implemented in language games, play situations in which children tend to associate their speech actions with the actions of their interlocutors.

The study of the prerequisites for fast learning in a foreign language provided us with the opportunity to identify the most characteristic of the pre-school principles of learning: visual provision of sensory perception of students, personal-oriented training and communication in terms of group coordinated interaction, the playing organization of training in foreign language and musical accompaniment of lessons.

Preschool age is very important for mastering the language due to such mental peculiarities of the preschooler, as the rapid memorization of language information, the ability to analyze and systematize speech flows in different languages, not by this languages \u200b\u200band their means of expression, a special ability to repetition, the lack of a language barrier.

The study of a foreign language at an early age has a beneficial effect on the general mental development of the preschooler, its communicative abilities, to expand the overall horizon.

Training in foreign language has a beneficial effect on the development of the speech of the preschooler and in his native language; more than half of children engaged in foreign language achieve a high level of memory; They have significantly increasing stability of attention.

Based on the function of the language to be a means of knowledge and communication, the ultimate goal of learning a foreign language at an early stage is determined in achieving students of the skills to communicate, applying a foreign language as a means of direct live communication, the ability to listen to the partner of interaction, respond to his questions, start, maintaining and completing Conversation, express your point of view, extract important information when reading and listening.

Training in foreign language preschoolers is offered as one of the important preliminary stages of the child to study at school, laying the right pronunciation, the accumulation of lexical material, the ability to understand a foreign speech on rumor and participate in simple communication.

The individuality of the learning process should occur based on the interests of students, their generallyactive and speech training, as well as the characteristics of age.

CHAPTER II. Summary of experience in learning children of senior preschool age ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

2.1 Goals, objectives and principles of organizational work on the training of senior preschoolers in English

The technique of pedagogical work is determined by the goals and objectives that the teacher sets itself. From the point of view of I.L. Sholpo the main goals in teaching children in foreign language are:

Formation in children of primary communication skills in a foreign language;

Development of the ability to enjoy a foreign language to achieve its capabilities, expressions of feelings and thoughts in the actual arising situations of communication;

Creating a positive motivation for further study of foreign languages;

Awakening of interest in the peculiarities and culture of other countries;

Education of an active-creative and emotional and aesthetic position by the word;

Development of linguistic possibilities of preschoolers, taking into account their age characteristics;

So-called "Decentration" of personality, that is, the opportunity to look at the world from different points of view.

In the future, the following tasks are resolved with the declared objectives:

· To form a primary opportunity to distinguish a foreign language, distinguish it from the native;

· Develop a "linguistic guide", the ability to understand the situation of communication, to allocate acting persons and what they said, not only according to, but also by intonation, gestures, facial expressions, pose, illustrations;

· To form the ability to allocate and recognize individual phrases and words in foreign speech and use them in relevant communicative situations;

· Instant and positive attitude to a foreign language.

General methodical and private principles of learning in foreign language:

1) the principle of approximation - the teacher does not notice the errors that do not impede the right to understand speech communication;

2) the principle of training on the basis of typical cliche, models, structures - careful selection of material gives preschoolers to communicate in oral speech and reading;

3) the principle of communicative orientation - multiple reproduction of communicative tasks, which leads to the formation of practical skills and skills, in mastering the language abilities, it should be ended with a show, as the linguistic material studied is used to achieve relevant communication;

4) The principle of oral advance in teaching reading and writing training is organized so that mastering an oral foreign language speech together with reading and writing becomes the main task;

5) The principle of combining speech clichés with speech practice is to consolidate the theory of practical exercises.

General didactic principles of learning a foreign language:

"The principle of communication of learning with life;

Principle of creative activity;

The principle of accounting for individual characteristics of students;

Principle of accessibility;

The principle of clarity. "

Conclusion: The material for studying English preschoolers should be available for students, to be submitted, taking into account the individual characteristics of the preschooler, is systematically and logically connected, the interest of students is practically tested and is provided with practical material.

Prices of group, frequency and duration of classes.

Further, an extremely significant question that is worried about teachers is a question of a group of group. Z.Ya. Futherman, expressing a foreign language lessons in a kindergarten, requires work with a solid group (twenty-five thirty students), provinging this by the fact that preschoolers were affected with each other, as well as more significant effectiveness of group games during training. The teacher was involved in the experience, which did not prevent the growth of the effectiveness of lessons in crushing conditions into two subgroups. Although I.L. Sholpo is analyzing these solutions and reports that, in the conditions of a kindergarten group, the attachment of children to each other is indisputable so strong, which turns out to be the main reason, although, if we are talking about other groups, where unfamiliar students are combined, then lessons with The group at twenty-five students become not effective, and even 15 people in the group - a severe check for the teacher. Solpo I.L. I advises to collect groups of at least five and no more than nine people, explaining that general communication (as defined by psychologists), the formed joint functioning is likely to be in a team consisting of no more than eight students. But, taking into account the fact that in the cold period, students are often cold and missed lessons, it is allowed to collect up to ten students to a group.

Further unresolved question is the duration and frequency of lessons. Z.Ya. Futherman declares that lessons for five-year children should not take time for more than 20 minutes, and for six-year students 25. This statement is the result of research, with all that, I.L. Sholpo believes that these conclusions are combined with a preceding condition: when the group is filled at twenty-five thirty students, neither the teacher nor the disciples are able to engage more. Experience E.I. Nevnevitsky in groups from 5 to 15 people and experience I.L. Sholpo in groups of 7-10 people, they say that with such a number of students, the duration of the lesson is from 30 to 45 minutes (due to age), they do not like children, and they have that unwillingness to leave, finish a lesson, which, as absolutely true believes .I. Futherman, you need for effective learning. It is only necessary every 5 minutes to alternate the type of classes, to move away from a moving game to a round table conversation; Then - to the video, charging; Then to sing song.

Game as a leading method for training preschoolers in foreign

One of the significant tasks of the current methods of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bseems to form education of preschoolers of various ages with the promotion of games.

The relevance of this problem is due to the whole line of facts. In addition, the strengthening of the educational process establishes the problem of studying methods for maintaining interest in students to the topic studied and intensifying their work throughout the exercise. Effective method for solving this task are educational games.

One of the particularly significant problems of teaching a foreign language seems to be the teaching of oral speech based on the conditions for identifying the communicative goal of the language and the allowing to accelerate the process of studying to the atmosphere of present learning, which increases the motivation to learn a foreign language. Putting the students in speech communication may be successfully given in the process of gaming activities.

Introduction of a foreign language in the concept preschool education And the upbringing in Russia was dictated by a number of topics, the presence of some discrepancies between the increased value of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin today's world and the underestimation and imperfection of teaching them in the progressive Russian school.

Undoubtedly, the introduction of a foreign language in the education and education of children in preschool institutions makes it possible to fully implement his educational and developing moment, it is acceptable to combine the communicative need and the possibility of their wording in English, students of preschool age and the most promoting the formulation of a harmoniously developed student's personality, His cumulative and linguistic opportunities, the most strong study of a foreign language in its following study.

At the same time, a foreigner appears in the training of preschoolers in foreign language. Initially, this is the problem of high-quality training with competence in a foreign language for preschoolers. At this time, we notice the almost perfect shortage of educators of kindergartens, in need of the knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200band the technology of its implementation. The variation of the incoming teacher in turn does not seem correct, as school teachers, as usual, do not own the features of pedagogical activities in kindergarten and automatically transfer school ways to study English in preschoolers.

In preparing for a foreign language lessons with preschoolers, the teacher is obliged to comprehend the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the PRESCULATION PERSONALITY in this age stage and, making emphasis on acquired indicators, determine the methods of regulation by foreign language communication learning during their educational and gaming activities.

For the significance of gaming work in teaching a foreign language, famous methodologists are focused, such as E.I. Passs, M.N. Rockan. "It is of great importance to give itself a report," testifies M.N. Shotkun, "The conclusion of what didactic issues is obliged to promote this game, it is developed for the production of koi for mental trends." "The game is only a surface layer, a configuration, the topic of which is obliged to be teaching, learning species of verbal activities" E.I. Pasis reports that the subsequent properties of gaming activity as a means of study: the foundation, lack of coercion; Individualized, strongly individual activity; Training and education in the group and through the group; formation of mental goals and opportunities; Classes with enthusiasm.

Large theoretical game activity D.B. Elconin gives the game to the four most important for the preschooler targets: the method of forming a motivational and consuming sphere; Method of knowledge; method of development of mental impacts; Method of formation of arbitrary action.

The game is prescribed by the necessary perturbations and education. newest Qualities personality; It is in the game that the preschoolers absorbs the establishment of behavior, the game instructs, changes, raises.

E.I. Passes emphasizes the following applications of the game in the learning process: the formation of some skills; Formation of richematic skills; Communication skill learning; development of the necessary abilities and mental functions; The absorption of the speech context.

Gaming activity has an impact on the formation of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, absolutely all cognitive processes. So, in particular, the "pedagogical and didactic importance of the business game makes sure that it makes it possible to identify themselves to learn themselves, learn to borrow an active position, comprehend yourself to professionality."

"At the same time, it is of great importance to designate that the productivity of the game as the learning tools is depending on the observance of the line of conditions, such as: the presence of an imaginary condition, the intention in which the student will be performed; Inevitable awareness of learning gaming results, laws of the game. The game is not a simple collective fun. This is the main admission of the benefits of all learning problems, so it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfor sure to be familiar, what skill and skill are necessary that the child did not know and what he learned during the game; The game is obliged to determine the student before the need of a mental aspiration.


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IN lately The number of students of the English language of people of all ages has increased rapidly. This is due to the fact that without knowledge of the English language, it became increasingly harder to do in the process of vital activity. The age for the first time began to study the language also changed. At the same time, most language learning techniques were focused on schoolchildren. Now the increasing number of parents are trying at an early age to start learning children with the language.

Yes, and from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, preschool age is the most favorable time for such studies. Accordingly, the demand for qualified teaching staff has increased new social needs. Their lack is fraught with unpleasant consequences. People who have a low level of knowledge of language, consider it sufficient to teach the language to children. The result of this approach is an internally spent time caused by damage to the abilities of children in this area and, as a result, the unwillingness of children to retire, because it is much more difficult.

Even if the training of preschoolers is produced by people who speak the language, it will still not give the expected results. Teaching young children is very difficult, a special approach based on the methods of preschoolers learning programs is important here. Faced with poor-quality or incorrect learning, any child loses the desire to do, does not believe in their forces and can even experience a disgust for foreign languages \u200b\u200bafter many years.

Game elements, like the main part of children's education in foreign languages

Most teachers and scientists consider the main activity of children of preschool age, meaning that it is the game during this period of life a child is a tool for its development. Although a lot of work is written about the game, theoretically, it is so difficult topic that has not yet been created a single game classification. One of the common classifications of educational games used, including in foreign language classes with preschool children, offers to share all training games for situational, sports, competitive, artistic and rhythm musical.

Situational - These are role-playing games that simulate communication situations in different reasons. In turn, they are divided into games with a reproductive nature in which children reproduce standard typical dialogues in various situations and improvisational games that require modifications and apply various models. Of course, in role-playing games, intermediate moments with elements of improvisation must be present. Such games are perfectly suitable in order to try English to teach English for children of 4 years, as well as a little younger or older.

TO competitive Believe most of those games that contribute to the absorption of grammar and vocabulary. The winner in them becomes one who better mastered the material. These are various auctions, board games with linguistic workshops, crosswords, execution of various commands, etc.

Rhythmus musical games - These are traditional games. These are round dances, songs and dances with a choice of partner who contribute to communicativeness and improving the rhythm model and phonetic sides of speech, immersion in the language environment.

Artistic (Creative) Games - These are games standing on the verge of artistic creativity and games. They can be divided into dramatic (preparation of small scenes in the study), visual competitions (appliqué, graphic dictation, etc.) and verbal and creative (rhyming, collective essay of signatures for drawings and comics, collective essay of small fabulous scenes). At the border of creative dramatization and situational improvisational games there is such activities as improvisation in the plot of a well-known fairy tale, known to everyone in the formation. In them, depending on the assimilation of the new vocabulary and the number of players, new characters appear with their replicas.

Basic principles of teaching English children

There are three principles, following which helps to get a qualitative result in learning English with a child.

  1. Sequence. Do not rush to teach a child to all the subtleties of spelling and grammar if you even have little doubts that the baby is ready for such tasks. If you do not use ready tutorials And they themselves make a curriculum, always let the material consistently. But remember - the program drawn up by professionals will be much more efficient.
  2. Naturality. Many believe that you should not begin to deal with the child under five, you need to wait until it matures a little, early classes "take away childhood." However, if classes are organized correctly and they will take place in a natural form, the child will not feel any excess load.
  3. Perseverance. Surely, classes will not happen so cloudless, as you want. The selected technique may not like your child. It is worth interrupted classes on time, and then resume training, but already on other benefits.

Training techniques for children

When choosing a methodology for learning English, it is necessary to take into account the age for which it is designed.

    1. Game Methodology Interested in both children and teachers. It is effective, despite the fact that it is simple, in fact: the teacher conducts classes on learning and improving the language in the game form. The advantages of the technique - it is adaptable for age from one year, with the help of the technique they develop oral speech, pronunciation, knowledge of spelling, grammar, etc.
    2. Method of Zaitseva Calculated for children from three years. Now it was adapted and adapted to study English - the letters of the English alphabet appeared on the famous cubes of Zaitsev.
    3. Method of Glen Domana Designed for babies. Here the child's visual memory is involved, it is believed that pictures with written words written on them will be remembered and help to simplify the learning process in the future, the cards can be made by the Glen Doman in its books gives clear and detailed recommendations. With cards you can do not only with babies, but also with children older, right up to school age.

  • Design technique Designed for children from 4-5 years. Language teacher selects the topic for a series of classes that offers different kinds Activities helping children learn something interesting on a given topic. Children get tasks for independent execution (or with the help of parents). When the time of the final classes comes, the children come to it with creative large-scale work on the topic of the project.
  • Mixed technique - Here you can, at the request, combine different techniques. For example, you can play games, learn poems and songs, develop projects, etc. The advantage of the methodology is a variety. It will be much easier to interest the child, offering him different activities.

All accused practices for learning a language in preschool age will help you to independently deal with your child at home. Either, they will help you choose a language school, where all age aspects of training are taken into account. Also you can help your baby make homework Or divide his interests in his new fascinating hobby.