Technological map of integrated classes in a dhow. Technological map for a lesson in a dhow

Radaikina Oksana Aleksandrovna
Educational institution: MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2" Saransk
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-05-03 Routing GCD "Vegetables and fruits" Radaikina Oksana Aleksandrovna MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2" Saransk Organization of educational activities in the second junior group

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Technological map of GCD “Vegetables and fruits”

Subject: "Vegetables and fruits".

Age group: second youngest.

Target: development of cognitive initiative younger preschoolers in the process of social-communicative, speech, physical activity.


Training tasks:

  • promote the development of grammatical structure of speech;
  • develop dialogic speech as a method of communication in younger preschoolers;
  • form ideas about vegetables and fruits.

Developmental tasks:

  • develop the ability to use speech to express your thoughts and desires;
  • develop and maintain children’s interest in jointly with adults and independently examining vegetables and fruits;
  • develop cognitive interest in the process of visual activity;
  • develop the ability to distinguish, name by appearance and shape vegetables and fruits;
  • develop children's creative activity in the process of creating a product of visual activity;
  • develop mental processescreative thinking, imagination (speech development).

Educational tasks:

  • cultivate a love for artistic creativity, nature and the surrounding world.

Integration of areas: Speech, physical, social-communicative, artistic-aesthetic

Planned result:

During this lesson, children develop a stable cognitive interest in the process of organizing speech and physical activity.

Children can independently carry out game situations, look for answers to questions and make simple conclusions.

Children know how to use speech to express their thoughts and desires.

Children know how to empathize and come to the aid of each other, and are friendly to others.

Form: cognitive activity.

Basic Concepts: carrots, cabbage, onion, tomato, potato, apple, pear, peach.

Equipment and materials:


Dispensing: outline image of fruits and vegetables on paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

Stages of activity, classes

Children's actions

Teacher's actions

Necessary equipment

Time per stage


1. Introductory - organizational, motivational - incentive

Problem situation, motivation for activity

The guys come into the group and see on the table there is a basket in which there are vegetables and fruits

they look in, take it out and call

Focus attention, get used to game situation, consider and show interest in the character.

Answer questions.

Introduces the character into a game (story situation).

Provides ample time to get to know the character.

Individual appeal to each child according to his knowledge.

Emotionally includes in action, involves in listening.

Guys, let's see what's in this basket. Well done.

Encourages children to speak up. Everything was named correctly

(apple, peach, tomato, onion, potato, cabbage, carrot, pear) and a letter from Bunny

3 minutes

Children's interest in upcoming activities.


Developmental, cognitive, intellectual, practical, search activities

They solve riddles.

They play actively.

Review the submitted materials.

Show verbal activity and interest in ongoing actions.

They observe the teacher’s actions and perform actions according to the model.

They play actively.

Uses visual aids.

Attracts to discussion, poses riddles that stimulate the thinking process and activate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Shows respect and encourages children to speak up.

Stimulates curiosity and interest in activities.

Encourages children to make correct guesses.

Conducts a physical session:

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

Like this, like this

And he wiggles his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

I need to warm my little paws

Like this, like this

We need to warm our little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Like this, like this

Bunny needs to jump.

Organizes physical activities.

Shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to engage in playful activities.

Game “What will we make soup from?”

Formulates a problem and offers a solution. Involves into joint cognitive and speech activities.

Observes children while performing tasks.

Asks questions that stimulate thinking processes.

Encouraging children to engage in joint activities.

Organizes and involves children in joint play activity, shows the sequence of actions.

Encourages children to engage in joint play activities.

Illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

dummies, illustrations of vegetables and fruits.

8 minutes

Activation of children's speech and thought processes during the period of solving riddles.

Consolidating knowledge about the characteristics of vegetables and fruits.

Active inclusion in joint activities and games with adults and children.

3. Final, reflexive - corrective

Monitoring and evaluation of performance results, reflection, summing up

Show interest and engage in productive activities.

Get acquainted with materials for productive activity.

Master the sequence of actions.

Demonstrate the result of productive activity.

Clean up after themselves after artistic activities.

Organizes and involves children in productive activities. Provides sufficient time to review materials for productive activities. Shows the sequence of actions.

Encouragement for visual activities.

Encourages children to clean up after themselves after art activities.

Paper, brushes, gouache, napkins.

5 minutes

Ability to work according to a model, follow the sequence of actions.

Getting pleasure from joint activities with an adult.

Organization of the exhibition creative works(vegetables, fruits) for children in the group and for parents

. .

Subject:"Journey to the Land of Knowledge."

Age group: senior group.

integrated gcd

Form of organization: group, individual, pair.

Integration of areas: “Cognitive development”, “ Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years old. E.V Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003

2. Cognitive - research activity as a direction for the development of a preschooler’s personality. Experiences, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015

3. Experienced – experimental activities at the preschool educational institution. Lesson notes for different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015

4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikova, Moscow 2007

Mathematics for preschoolers. T.I Erofeeva, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikova. Moscow 1997



MBDOU compensatory kindergarten No. 263

Technological map (construct)

Integrated GCD

"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Based on Federal State Educational Standards

Compiled by:

Shchipitsina N.L.

Izhevsk 2015

Technological map (construct) of an integrated GCD

Subject: "Journey to the Land of Knowledge."

Age group: senior group.

Form of joint activity:integrated gcd

Form of organization:group, individual, pair.

Integration of areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Educational and methodological kit:

  1. Mathematics for preschoolers 5 - 6 years old. E.V Kolesnikova, Moscow 2003
  2. Cognitive and research activities as a direction for the development of a preschooler’s personality. Experiences, experiments, games. N.V. Nishcheva, St. Petersburg 2015
  3. Experimental activities in preschool educational institutions. Lesson notes for different age groups. St. Petersburg 2015
  4. Mathematics in kindergarten. V.P. Novikova, Moscow 2007
  5. Mathematics for preschoolers. T.I Erofeeva, L.N. Pavlova, V.P. Novikova. Moscow 1997


  • visual - Dunno doll, cut picture Pinocchio, toys - Dog, cat,2 glasses of the same size, cones of different sizes.
  • literary - poems, riddles;
  • musical - cutting of children's musical works;
  • equipment - colored water “mixture” in a jar, two identical glasses for each child, a map (diagram), a simple pencil (according to the number of children), colored pencils and markers for each child, a card with missing numbers (according to the number of children), comparison cards items (according to the number of children), napkins.


Create conditions for the development of cognitive initiative of preschoolers in the process of mastering elementary mathematical representations in the process of experimental research activities.


  1. Training tasks:

Introduce children with activities used to compare fluid measurements.

Strengthen children's ability to compare groups of objects; master sign-digital forms of the relationship between two numbers.

  1. Developmental tasks:
  • develop observation skills, the ability to notice characteristics objects, reflect, summarize the results;
  • develop active speech (speech - evidence, speech - argumentation) of children in the process of comparing the results of measuring the amount of liquid;
  • develop fine motor skills;
  • enrich children's vocabulary: fragment, mixture, conventional measure;
  • develop the ability to negotiate joint actions and present the results of research.
  1. Educational tasks:
  • cultivate interest in experimentation;
  • promote the manifestation positive emotions, feelings of love for living nature;
  • cultivate friendly relationships between peers in the process of joint decision cognitive task, develop the ability to negotiate, help each other.

Tasks taking into account individual characteristics pupils:

  • Pay attention to Christina’s indecisiveness when working independently;
  • Pay attention to the position of the pencil in Vanya and Sasha’s hand;
  • Entrust Roma and Ruslan with monitoring the correctness of conclusions when comparing liquid measurement results.

Planned result:

Curious, active

activity in cognitive, experimental activities, in conversation.

Emotionally - responsive

sense of rhythm in movement to music;

manifestation of an emotional attitude towards living nature.

Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers

the ability to interact with peers while doing work;

the ability to listen carefully and actively discuss, ask and answer questions within the limits of one’s knowledge and experience;

the ability to share your impressions with the teacher and children.

Able to solve intellectual and personal problems

application of acquired knowledge on REMP for experimental research activities in independent everyday life;

Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities

  • ability to act with concentration for 15 – 25 minutes;

Progress of activities:

Activity stage

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

Planned result

Stage 1


Surprise moment

I see in a wide circle

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now, and now we'll go left.

We will gather in the center of the circle and everyone will return to their place. Let's smile, wink and say hello!

Guys, look how many guests we have. Let's say hello to them, go up to the guests and touch their palms with our palms...

Are your guests' palms warm? Our guests are kind and they shared their warmth with us.

There's a knock on the door.

Sorry, I'll see who's there.

Dunno: Hello, guys. I came to you for help. Znayka has prepared a test for me, I need to go to the Land of Knowledge, but I can’t handle it alone. Do you want to help me?

In order not to get lost, Znayka drew me a map (shows the map).

Let's see what is shown on the map.

Interesting challenges await us at each stop. If we do everything correctly, Dunno will give us part of the picture - a fragment, from which at the end of our journey we will be able to put together a picture and find out who he is best friend.

Are you ready to travel?

Look carefully at the map, where do you think we should go first?

Sets a positive emotional mood

Invites children to say hello to guests

Creates a problematic situation and shows his interest

Guides children to the right decision.

Perform movements in accordance with words

Greet guests by sharing their warmth

Children express their opinions

The children discuss what they saw.

Children discuss possible options.

Children are ready to communicate

Show trust in guests

Show interest in upcoming activities

Stage 2

Working on the topic

Problem situation

The station is called "Cifrograd". What do you think awaits us there?

There are cards in front of you, fill in the missing numbers.

We did it! Well done! Everyone tried their best, get a fragment of the picture!

Formulation of the problem.

Promotes individual work

They make assumptions.

The child chooses the method of interaction when completing the task: individually or in pairs.

Decide problematic situation. If a difficulty arises, children turn to the teacher or to each other.

Ability to draw conclusions and justify them

Mastering the symbolic - digital form of numbers.

Here's a fragment of the picture!

This is the “Entertaining Problems” station.

Statement of the problem that promotes group work children.

They reason and interact with peers while working.

Enriching the experience of working together.

Strengthening the ability to compare groups of objects.

Entertaining puzzle

6 goslings followed the goose in single file,

One fell behind, how many goslings are left with the goose?

Then two more goslings fell behind, how many are left?

The goose became worried and began to collect the goslings.

I gathered everyone. How many goslings followed the goose in single file?

Well done! There you are fragment of a picture.

Encourages children to be attentive and correct answers

They listen carefully and put up chips.

Knowledge of ordinal counting.

Chislyandiya station

Everyone has a piece of paper on their table with some dots on it, what is it? I think I guessed it, there are numbers here and if you connect them, starting with number 1 onwards, you will get a picture. Let's try to decipher these drawings.

What wonderful drawings we got, but in my opinion, some number is missing again, when we have time we will write it too.

Well done, you passed the test, here's a fragment of the picture!

Stimulates children's interest.

Draws attention to the need to follow the sequence of numbers, otherwise it will not work.

They work on individual pieces of paper.

They are happy with the result.

Receiving positive emotions from the result obtained.

Mastering the symbolic and digital form.

Musical warm-up

(with musical accompaniment)

You do you like to dance? Let's dance to the music. After the music ends, listen carefully to the task.

We met with backs, palms, knees, little fingers, cheeks, foreheads.

Have you rested? Here Dunno gives you another fragment of the picture, he liked the way you danced and listened carefully to the tasks.

Introduces children to the game, gives instructions, helps them relax emotionally

Praises children

They choose partners and demonstrate physical activity, combine music and movement.

Ability to listen and complete tasks.

They have a sense of rhythm. Develop plasticity

Strengthens the ability to navigate in space.

The children's need for communication is fulfilled.

Experienced experimental


Guys, do you like experiments?

Dunno's puppy and kitten got sick. The doctor came and poured the puppy some “mixture” from a jar and said that the kitten needed the same amount. There are two glasses on the table, one contains a mixture.

From the general (jar) container with the “mixture”, using a spoon, into the second glass for the kitten

pours a little? So many? (This is not enough) You can’t do less; it won’t help the kitten recover.

Pours a lot, overflows. So many?

(It's a lot)

You can't do it anymore, it's harmful.

How to determine the same amount of medicine as for a puppy?

That's right, you can't pour less or more. It should be the same.

The first glass will be our standard measure, we will mark the level of the mixture with a felt-tip pen, and a spoon will help us pour.

Start working on your own.

What does the same mean? The same amount means the same, no more and no less.

Involves children into experimental activities.

Creates a problematic situation.

Creates conditions for emotional responsiveness.

Draws children's attention to the fact that the kitten needs the same amount of medicine.

Includes children in independent activities; provides activity time; provides materials; Observes children while performing tasks.

Asks the children to explain how they determined the same amount? If children find it difficult, it helps to draw a conclusion.

The child chooses the method of interaction when doing his work: individually or in pairs, as desired. The amount of “potion” for the kitten is determined experimentally.

They express their assumptions.

They make a conclusion.

Shows activity in the process of independent activity;

Ability to select the necessary materials for work;

Ability to make logical conclusions; Ability to follow rules

Stage 3

Result of activity

Well done! And they did an excellent job with this task. Dunno hands you another fragment. Look, there are no unexplored places left on our map, which means our journey has come to an end. Let's remember where we went, what we did? What was difficult for you to accomplish and what was easy?

Involves children in summing up and reflection (self-analysis);

Share impressions; express own feelings to the work done; plan independent and (joint) activities; express an emotional response.

Ability to evaluate the results of one’s activities;

Ability to express feelings;

Ability to draw conclusions;

Ability to plan independent (joint) activities.

Folding a cut picture

Guys, we completely forgot about the fragments of the picture. We need to collect it. What will we learn if we get it right?

Invites you to put together pictures from fragments.

Fold the picture

Show an emotional attitude towards the result.

Development of technological map

The technological map must include all elements educational activities and preparation for it. The abstract as such may be included in the technological map, but this is not necessary. The algorithm for drawing up a technological map is not unshakable, there is no universal recipe, but there are general points, here they are:

Defining a theme

Setting a goal

Formulation of tasks

Definition of OOD stages, their goals and intermediate results

Approximate timing of stages

Filling with content, selecting material

Selection of methods and techniques

Technological map of GCD (sample diagram)

Title page

Summary of direct educational activities

By ( indicate educational field)

“GCD Theme”...

Educator: Last name First name Patronymic (indicate qualification category)

Educational areas:……………………….

Integration of activities: ……………………………………...

Lexical topic: …….. (indicated if necessary, or the place of the topic in the curriculum is indicated)

Type of occupation: ……………….

Forms of educational activities:……………………

Target: …………………………………….



Educational: …………………………………………

Educational: …………………………

Planned result:……………………..

Preparatory work:(if one was carried out)………………………………………..

Equipment: ……………………………..

Lesson stage

Structural components of activity

Progress of the lesson

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities



Organizing time

Motivation (process of involvement in activities):

1. Introduce something so that most children are interested;

2. Remove something, leaving an empty space (there are no dolls or cars left in the group, etc.);

3. Someone comes to visit or a toy is brought in;

4. The effect of surprise (noise, crackling, knocking...);

5. Intrigue (wait, after charging I’ll tell you; don’t look, I’ll show you after breakfast; don’t touch, it’s very fragile, it’ll ruin it)

Or (for older children)

Problem situation:

Create a situation that causes difficulty in children’s activities, which they record in speech (we don’t know this, we don’t know how to do this yet...).

Nomination various options what to do to resolve the problem. Do not evaluate children’s answers, accept any, do not offer to do or not do something, but offer to do something to choose from.

As a result, the guys conclude that it is necessary to think about how everyone can get out of a difficult situation together.

If this is not the case, then the teacher carries outsetting and acceptance by children of the goal of the lesson.



Problem situation(or motivation) and setting and acceptance by children of the goal of the lesson

Tasks of this stage:

***Updating existing knowledge and ideas. Creating a situation in which there is a need to acquire new ideas and skills. Activities of the teacher: with the help of leading, problematic questions, storytelling, explanation, organization search activity, lead children to reproduce the information necessary to successfully resolve a problem situation, or to learn something new.

***Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visualization, or children themselves obtain knowledge through research, search, and discoveries.




Designing solutions to a problem situation,

updating knowledge,

or the beginning of actions on GCD tasks

***The teacher, using introductory dialogue, organizes the construction of new knowledge, which is clearly recorded by him and the children in speech.

“Discovery” of new knowledge and ways of action by children

***Proficiency in methods of action, application of acquired (already existing) skills and ideas. The activity of a teacher is to organize practical activities, providing the necessary assistance, organizing interaction in achieving results;

***Incorporation of new knowledge into the child’s knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the teacher offers games in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously learned knowledge. It is also possible to enable additional tasks to the GIM mental operations and activity abilities, as well as developmental tasks aimed at proactively preparing children for subsequent classes.

Independent application of new things in practice,

or updating existing knowledge, ideas, (performing work)

Summing up the results of the GCD from different points of view: the quality of assimilation of new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, generalization of the experience gained by the child. In conclusion, the teacher, together with the children, records new knowledge in oral speech and organizes an understanding of their activities in the lesson using questions: “Where were you?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you learn?”, “Who did you help?”. The teacher notes: “We were able to help because we learned..., found out...”.


Summary of the lesson. Systematization of knowledge.


Formation of basic skills of self-control, self-esteem (for younger age– reflection of mood and emotional state, for seniors - reflection on the activity, or the content of the educational material).

Technological maps for preparing dishes in kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) in Moscow according to the new SanPiN 2013:, chemical composition and nutritional value of dishes, permitted dishes.

In this section you will find new collection of recipes(reference book, recipe book), which contains technological maps (recipes) for preparing 178 dishes for kindergarten (DOW).

In preparing the collection, the official publication was used: Catering in preschools educational institutions: Guidelines city ​​of Moscow. Developed by: Kon I.Ya. (State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences); Mosov A.V. (Department of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the State Institution NCCH RAMS); Tobis V.I., (Moscow Foundation for Promoting the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population); Tsapenko M.M. (Moscow Department of Education) and others.

Standards for storing foodstuffs, semi-finished products (nested dishes) gross and net per 100 grams of weight of the finished dish have been published. The recommended yield of the dish is indicated for feeding both toddlers (1-3 years old) - nurseries, and children 3-7 years old. The nutritional value and chemical composition of each dish is given, including the content of proteins (proteins, polypeptides), fats (triglycerides, lipids), carbohydrates (saccharides), calorie content (kcal), vitamin content: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), C (ascorbic acid), minerals(microelements, micronutrients): Ca (calcium), Fe (iron). The type of processing is indicated and a complete technological map (technology, recipe) for preparing the dish is provided.

You can view these recipes both on our website and in the program. demo version which you can download for free on our website and install on your computer. This program contains all the technological maps published here, as well as a menu plan for 8-10, 12, 24 hours of keeping a child in a preschool educational institution and much more.

The recipes for the dishes here are given per 100 grams net of the finished dish. For your convenience, the program recalculates these masses for a specific dish yield, for example, when a dish yields 200 grams, the weight of the products is multiplied by 2. The program contains reports on the chemical composition of both the prospective (planned) menu and the actual one for any period. There is also a menu-requirement, accumulation sheets and other documentation on organizing meals for preschoolers and accounting for products in the warehouse.

Dishes included in the diet can consist not only of simple products, but also of semi-finished products (previously prepared dishes), for example, baked goods are made from dough, and soup is cooked in broth. In this case, the recipes contain a link to the recipe for the enclosed dish. All ours computer programs series calculate the complete tab, including all nested dishes (of any depth of nesting), resulting in the composition and weight of elementary products.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of used food are listed in the product guide.

All recipes presented on this site, you can save and automatically enter it into any program in the Nutrition series so as not to enter it manually.

Technological map of GCD for visual arts

with children of the preparatory school group “Zimushka-winter” (6-7 years old)

Teacher Makarova L.V. MKDOU "Snezhinka" Vostochny village

Didactic rationale for the lesson Final lesson on visual arts in accordance with the main educational program. The theme of the week is “Hello, Zimushka-winter!”, according to the thematic plan. Educational area: artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative, speech.

Didactic purpose of the lesson

Creating an image of winter based on existing knowledge (using non-traditional techniques).



o Summarize children’s ideas about typical winter phenomena in living and inanimate nature, introduce children to the African winter;

o to develop children’s ability to reflect their impressions in a drawing, using unconventional techniques - painting with salt and painting with cotton swabs or a brush.


o develop a sense of composition, creative imagination, speech.


o cultivate aesthetic taste, the desire to reflect one’s impressions in drawings, and the desire to help friends.

Teaching methods and techniques: gaming, problem, verbal, informational.

Form: frontal

Means of education

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky, presentation, gouache white, album sheets tinted in blue, black, purple, PVA glue, salt, brushes, cotton swabs, wet wipes, plastic plates, cups, trays and oilcloths for each child.


G.S. Shvaiko Lessons on fine arts activities in kindergarten. Program, notes. M.: VLADOS, 2006.

Educational program of the MKDOU kindergarten of the combined type “Snowflake”.

Technological map of GCD "Zimushka-winter"

Stages, time

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

Forms of organization


Focus on achieving targets

Organizational and motivational stage

1-2 min

There's a knock on the door. -They asked you to give a letter.

Stands, reads the letter, finds an object in the envelope. (flash drive) - What is this? What is it for? shows a presentation about Africa. -How is our winter different from winter in Africa?

They stand near the teacher, listen, recognize the flash drive. viewing the presentation. They talk about our winter, participate in the conversation,


Letter, presentation.

The child shows his curiosity and asks questions. The child has good oral language skills.

Celepole stage


1-2 min

"Like a story

should we tell the children of Africa about our winter? We don’t know how to write yet.” The solution is to draw our winter and send a letter to Africa.

Creates a problematic situation

asks children how to write a letter and help children in Africa.

-How can we write a letter to Africa if we don’t know how to write yet? We decided to draw winter and send it by letter.


Children show their own initiative and are able to express their thoughts.

Discussion stage


general plan of action.

1-3 min.

Discussion of options for depicting winter. Let the children know that you can depict winter using salt and glue..

Discusses image options with the children, asks what unusual materials can be used to depict winter.. Invites some children to recall the technique of working with salt and glue, and then choose the necessary material.

-Who can remind you of the sequence of drawing?

They participate in the discussion and decide to depict winter using salt and glue. They remember the familiar technique and prepare the necessary material.

-Draw trees and bushes with glue and sprinkle with salt.


.Paper, paints, brush, salt, glue

,V. sticks, brush, napkins, gouache.

The child has developed imagination, is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills.

Self-employed figure


17-20 min

Completing the task. Creating winter images based on existing knowledge and skills.

Organizes practical work, provides the necessary assistance and emotional support.

Do practical work. Interact with other children.


.Paper for each child, brushes, paints, stamps.

The child shows independence, the child has developed fine motor skills. Interacts with peers. The child has a certain amount of practical skills and abilities in productive activities.


tive stage

5 minutes.

Analysis of works. Children evaluate their work. The letter is being prepared for sending.

Analysis practical work. Discussion of the most successful and interesting ones. .Notes each child that he drew something interesting. Listens to children's answers when discussing their work.

Offers to create an album and send it to the children of Africa.

They talk about their completed work, what worked best for them, and what the idea was. Preparing a letter for sending


Ready-made children's works.

The child recognizes himself as a participant in the creative process. Basic self-esteem skills are formed.