What is on Venus. Venus - mysteries of the surface or is there life on Venus

Tatiana Zimina. According to information from ESA and IKI RAS.

An image of Venus in the ultraviolet range (wavelength 0.365 microns), taken from a distance of 30,000 km using a camera mounted on the European spacecraft Venus Express. The photo shows dark and light areas associated with unknown

Billions of years ago, Venus was likely to have significant more water, than now. European spacecraft Venus Express, which has been operating in Venusian orbit since April 2006, has confirmed that the planet has lost large amounts of water in the past.

Venus and Earth are considered similar planets in appearance - they have approximately the same size, gravity values ​​and are very similar in basic chemical composition. This suggests that in the past, Venus, like Earth, had oceans, which means there could have been life. Today, the planet is heated to 460 o C, and water is present only in its atmosphere and in such small quantities that, if it condenses onto the planetary surface, it forms a layer only 3 cm thick.

Why did Venus lose its water? According to astrophysicists, once upon a time, approximately from 500 million to 4 billion years from the birth of the planet, under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the Sun, water molecules disintegrated into atoms - two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, and were carried away, probably by the solar wind, into the interplanetary space. space. After all, Venus, in contrast to Earth, does not have magnetic field, which could protect it from the solar wind - a stream of charged particles that freely bombard the upper layers of the atmosphere of the “blue” planet, carrying away ions from it.

Experiments carried out using the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), installed on board the European spacecraft, showed that on the night side of Venus there are indeed huge losses of hydrogen and oxygen, and in the ratio characteristic of water molecules. The rate of “exit” of these atoms was measured. At the same time, as experiments have shown, the upper layers of the planet’s atmosphere contain an increased amount of deuterium, which, being a heavier atom compared to hydrogen, escapes from the planet’s embrace with less ease.

According to Colin Wilson from the University of Oxford (UK), experimental data indicate that Venus had a lot of water in the past. However, this still does not mean that there were oceans on its surface.

Eric Chassefier from the University of Paris-Sud (France) developed a mathematical model according to which water on Venus was mainly present in its atmosphere and existed only in the very early stages of the planet's development, when it was in a molten state. After the disintegrated water molecules have evaporated into space, temperatures dropped, likely causing the planet's surface to solidify. That is, according to this model, there have never been any oceans on Venus. True, even if Chassefière’s model turns out to be correct, this does not exclude the possibility that water could have been delivered to the planet by comets after its surface became solid. This water could become a habitat for living organisms.

The goal of the European mission "Venus Express" is to study the evolution of the atmosphere of Venus and the volatile substances it contains: how they arose and how they interacted with the surface, as well as how the atmosphere interacts with the solar wind. In addition, it was assumed that the experiments would reveal volcanic and seismic activity on the planet.

The equipment of the European spacecraft includes several scientific instruments created with the participation of Russian scientists from the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the NPO named after. Lavochkina. This is a spectrometer high resolution and a universal spectrometer (SPICAV-SOIR), designed to study the vertical structure of the atmosphere, temperature profiles, clouds and small atmospheric components. As well as a planetary Fourier spectrometer, designed for optical analysis of the atmosphere and the study of its thermal structure (the device turned out to be inoperative).

Let us note that Venus is the main object of research for Russian planetary scientists; a total of 16 spacecraft of the Venus series and two Vega spacecraft with landing modules and balloon stations were launched to it. Thanks to measurements taken on board Soviet descent and landing space stations In the 1970s and 1980s, a basic model of Venus's atmosphere was built.

Currently being developed Russian project“Venera-D” (the letter “d” means “long-lived”) to further study the chemical composition of the atmosphere, surface and clarify the same question: where did the water disappear from the planet?

The main difference between the landing apparatus of the new Russian space complex is the relatively long (several days) operation of its scientific equipment under conditions of high temperatures and pressure. (The landing vehicles of previous Venusian stations worked on the planet for no more than one and a half hours.) The mission will include an orbital block, a descent module and a flotilla of balloons that will fly at altitudes from 35 to 60 km and from which the surface will be imaged. The launch of the spacecraft is planned for the end of 2016.

Venus is a planet in the solar system (second after Mercury, hereinafter referred to as Earth), named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love. It is one of the brightest space objects along with the Earth and the Moon. This planet, of course, did not go unnoticed by scientists, who at one time thought about the questions: is life possible on Venus? This topic interests many astronomy enthusiasts. So, what are the conditions for survival on Venus?

Brief information about Venus

There is probably no person who does not know what Venus is. This planet is the sixth largest among all other planets. The distance to Venus from the Sun is more than 108 million kilometers. Its air mainly contains gases: carbon dioxide and nitrogen, while on Earth there is the most oxygen, which allows living organisms to exist. Also on Venus, the clouds are composed of sulfuric acid (namely, sulfur dioxide), which makes the surface difficult to see with the normal human eye, meaning it becomes invisible. The average temperature on Venus is much higher than on Earth: 460 degrees Celsius, while on Earth it is only 14 degrees Celsius. That is, Venus can compete and even outperform the hottest desert on our planet in temperature. It should be noted that the dense air shell of Venus creates a strong greenhouse effect, which is the reason for the increase in temperature due to thermal energy generated as a result of heating gases.

The first attempts to explore Venus

Soviet scientists, having assessed the advantages of the planet Venus over other cosmic bodies (for example, Mars, which US astronomers were seriously interested in), decided to take up its exploration. Already in February 1961, the Venus program was created, according to which it was planned to send spacecraft to the planet to survey the entire surface. The program existed for twenty long years.

First flight

The atmosphere of Venus was first discovered in 1761 by the famous Russian naturalist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. As mentioned earlier, Soviet scientists became interested in this mysterious planet already in 1961. They made many attempts (namely, about 10) to send spaceships there in order to determine the conditions for life. They explored both the surface of the planet and its surroundings. However, scientists have not been able to find out reliable facts about temperature and pressure on Venus. What flights to Venus have been carried out?

Soviet scientists launched the first automatic interplanetary station to the planet on February 8, 1961, but they failed to achieve the goal: the upper stage did not turn on. The second attempt to launch a spacecraft called Venera 1 was a great success, and on February 12, 1961, it set course for Venus. After spending more than 3 months in space, interplanetary station lost contact with hot planet February 17. According to scientists' guesses, it flew one hundred thousand kilometers from Venus on May 19. The launches of spacecraft to Venus did not stop there. On August 8, 1962, Mariner 2, launched by NASA, went into space. On December 14 of the same year, he successfully circled the entire planet. Everything took 110 days from the moment the ship was launched. Finally, a spacecraft called ESA Venus Express was launched on November 9, 2005. It took him 153 days to reach the planet. This was the last flight to Venus.

How long does it take to fly to Venus?

The distance to Venus, counting from Earth, ranges from 38 to 261 million kilometers. The time spent flying depends on the speed spaceship and the trajectory along which it moves. Consequently, no one can give an exact answer to the question of how long it is to fly to Venus. As mentioned earlier, several spacecraft were launched towards the planet, and each of them took a different amount of time to reach the surface of Venus (Mariner 2 - 110 days, Venus Express - 153 days).

Terraforming Venus

This is climate change, conditions environment planet (temperature, air composition) enough to turn it into a place suitable for living organisms.

For the first time, Soviet scientists became seriously interested in terraforming this hot planet. They developed many ideas and made several attempts to study Venus, both its surface and its surroundings. Working for 20 years, scientists learned many facts about this planet (for example, what Venus really is and what conditions are on it), which destroyed all their plans for the possibility of human exploration of this planet. No attempt is being made at this time. It is unknown whether it will be possible in the future to terraform Venus in 200-300 years.


Below are methods on how to terraform Venus:

  1. Reducing the Venusian day (117 Earth days) by bombarding the planet with asteroids, which, moreover, will fill Venus with water. For this, according to futurologists, water-ammonia asteroids from the Kuiper belt can be used (comets can also be useful).
  2. By synthesizing water from atmospheric and carbon dioxide, it is also possible to solve the problem of Venusian drought and provide for the planet water resources.
  3. An ice block with a diameter of 600 kilometers must fall on Venus to spin the planet and artificially irrigate it with water.
  4. Water bombardment can dilute the dangerous sulfur clouds that envelop the entire planet. Such an installation will turn the acid into a salt, while also releasing hydrogen. However, solving one problem entails another. The raised clouds of dust will definitely cause a nuclear winter on Venus. Therefore, you need to be prepared for anything.
  5. Since the temperature on the surface of the planet is 4-5 times higher than the boiling point of water, Venus must first be cooled. This can be achieved by placing colossal screens between the sun and Venus at the Lagrange point (between two massive bodies), where an object with negligible mass can be located without experiencing any influence from these bodies other than gravitational ones. But this equilibrium is very unstable, so the location of the screens must be constantly changed.
  6. The planet's temperature can be lowered by turning part of the atmosphere into dry ice - solid carbon dioxide.
  7. Introducing algae (chlorella, cyanobacteria) onto the planet, which absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen and reduce the greenhouse effect, can also help cool Venus and reduce Atmosphere pressure. The American scientist Carl Sagan was interested in this.

Why do they think about this?

Terraforming Venus is attractive in the following ways:

  1. Venus is not far from Earth, although it is closer to the sun.
  2. Venus has characteristics close to those of Earth (mass, diameter, gravitational acceleration), which is why it is also called Earth’s twin sister.
  3. Solar energy on a hot planet is also a positive benefit for its terraforming, because it can improve energy development.
  4. Venus is believed to have a lot of solids, such as uranium, which are useful resources.

Current conditions on the planet

  1. Venus's temperature is 460 degrees Celsius, making it the hottest planet in the solar system.
  2. The surface pressure is 93 atmospheres.
  3. The gas composition of the planet: 96% is carbon dioxide, the remaining 4% is nitrogen, carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO 2), oxygen and water vapor.

Why is it difficult for modern man to survive on Venus?

Despite possible attempts to create on Venus the necessary conditions for the habitat of living organisms, it is practically impossible for a person to live there. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Very high surface temperature of Venus (about +460 degrees Celsius). Having become accustomed to the temperature of the Earth (+14 degrees), a person will simply burn out.
  2. The pressure on Venus is about 93 atmospheres, while on Earth the atmospheric pressure at sea level is usually taken as only 1 atmosphere (or, as meteorologists say, 760 mm Hg).
  3. On Venus, a person will have nothing to breathe. Unlike Earth, which is rich in oxygen, Venus is rich in carbon dioxide and nitrogen, which the human lungs cannot handle.
  4. On a hot planet there is practically no water necessary for the human body. However, it can be delivered there artificially.
  5. Venus rotates in the opposite direction compared to the Earth, so day and night are not the usual 24 hours, but 58.5 Earth days, which is very inconvenient.
  6. Since Venus is much closer to the Sun than the Earth, the radiation level is increased. And as you know, it can cause cancer and other dangerous fatal diseases in humans.

What Venus should be like after terraforming

A planet suitable for living organisms must have a warm climate with normal humidity. It should also have an average temperature of about twice the average temperature of the Earth, which is about 26 degrees Celsius. The change of day and night coincides with the earth's: 24 hours - 1 day. Water-ammonia comets and asteroids should supply the planet with water. It is planned to use nanorobots that convert carbon dioxide and other toxic substances and replace them with oxygen, which is more necessary for the respiration of living organisms.

Settlement on Venusian clouds

The plan to terraform Venus never achieved the expected results and was cancelled. However, scientists were inspired by another idea: is it possible to master the clouds of Venus if living organisms cannot survive on its surface? The clouds, about 10 kilometers thick, are located at an altitude of 60 kilometers from the surface of the planet. Scientists launched the Venera-4 apparatus, which discovered that the temperature on the cloud layer is -25 degrees Celsius, which is quite acceptable for the human body: you can at least dress warmly, while temperatures of more than 400 degrees will not save anything. Moreover, the pressure on the clouds of Venus is approximately the same as on Earth, and ice crystals may well serve as sources of water. Only to obtain oxygen you will need a special mask with a unit for chemically supplying the body with gas for breathing. True, there is no solid surface on the Venusian cloud layer, which can cause minor inconvenience. It was even planned to create drifting airship stations for the first settlers on Venus. One of the magazines even published an approximate photo of such a device. It was presented in the form of a huge platform with a spherical transparent multilayer shell.

Unfortunately, this idea never found its application. The reason for this was the following: scientists sent a couple more spacecraft to Venus, which discovered a large number of electrical discharges in the cloud layer of the planet - more than a thousand lightning bolts pierced the atmosphere at the time when Venera-12 attempted to land. After some time, another reason for the impossibility of developing Venusian clouds was discovered: very strong winds that could instantly destroy a drifting airship. After this, several more stations were sent, thanks to which scientists were able to obtain more information about Venus. These data convinced them that the exploration of a hot planet was beyond the power of humans. As a result, terraforming attempts were abandoned, so the possibility of life on Venus was rejected.


You will be asked about the contradiction between the latest achievements of science and the statement of the “Letters of E.I.R.”, which speak of the existence of fish on Venus, at a time when, according to indisputable scientific data, the temperature on this planet excludes the possibility of the existence of water on it, and therefore fish. But this kind of doubt is fully consistent with the doubts that exist regarding our planet: we do not believe in the existence of the Subtle World, and the manifestation subtle bodies, meanwhile, there are countless testimonies and reliable photographs of “ghosts”.

You have read that Venus is now in her Seventh Circle and Seventh Race. This means that Venus is finishing its evolution. Relatively soon, a small star will appear near this planet - one of the comets, passing through the gravitational zone of Venus, will be captured by this planet and turn into its satellite. Eons will pass, and the satellite of Venus will grow, gradually turning into big planet. Venus will shrink, move away from the new body and will gradually turn into a satellite, or Moon, of the New Venus.

In the same "Letters to E.I.R." there is a statement that our planet, now in its fourth circle, has approached the threshold of its Sixth Race, and that by the end of this race the present dense bodies will be completely replaced by a condensed astral. The new body has already been created, and most of the White Brotherhood employees located in Shambhala reside in it. It is said that experiments with the densified astral are the systematic beginning of the Sixth Race. Each planet has its own characteristics, but there are also general laws for the development of life on planets. The latter also includes the gradual decompression of bodies living on the planet.

Each visible planet is the fourth globe in the sevenfold chain of planets. The sevenfold chain, in addition to the physical globes, consists of two globes on the etheric plane, two on the Kama-rupic plane and two on the Kama-manasic plane. The evolution of the human stream moves along this chain, like a hand on a dial: the manifestation of life on a new planet begins with the appearance of the monads of the first race on the first globe. The stream of monads consists of seven classes. After this stream has passed through seven cycles - seven eras or seven races on the first globe, the monads move to the second globe, the sevenfold rotation on which allows them to gain necessary qualities to move to the third globe. The gradual densification of the astral shells on this plane allows the monads to finally manifest themselves on the physical globe, where, in the first race, they resemble ghosts rather than physical beings. The reproduction of these bodies occurs in a way reminiscent of cell division. The second race is already acquiring the state of a condensed astral, and its reproduction changes: the presence of two principles is revealed in its bodies, in other words, the second race is a race of androgynes. Only in the third race does humanity divide into women and men, and for the first time does the present method of reproduction arise. Let us note that all other forms of life, as well as the elements, evolve along with man. The Earth's crust gradually becomes denser, and plant and animal worlds, corresponding temperature conditions eras that are constantly changing towards cooling.

The description of evolution refers to the manifestation of the Fourth Circle on Earth. We know almost nothing about the evolution of the physical globe during the three previous circles, because it is not possible for present-day humanity to form an idea of ​​the forms of those distant times. One can only, guided by the laws of analogy, imagine that somewhere around the middle of the third circle the earth’s crust reached its current state of hardness. We only know that at the beginning of our Fourth Circle, man was the first species of life to appear on Earth.

In the Fourth Race (Fourth Circle) the shells of the monads reached their greatest hardness or coarsening. The people were of enormous stature and successfully fought with the huge, brute animals of those eras. Gradually, the structure of the bodies became more refined, the growth decreased, until humanity of the fifth, our race, reached the present state.

If already in the FOURTH CIRCLE by the end of the SIXTH RACE people and animals will completely move into the state of the condensed astral plane, then it can be argued that in the seventh race they will completely disappear from the field of view of the physical eye, and cosmonauts similar to our current cosmonauts who arrived on Earth will state "complete absence of life on Earth." But what can be said about the seventh race of the Seventh Circle of the Earth? By then the situation will completely change earth's crust. By that time, our Moon will completely disappear from our sky - it will dissolve in the Earth’s atmosphere, and the physical globe itself will be already prepared for the transition to the state of the Moon of a new planet.

Life on Venus exists; moreover, it is at its zenith. But, in accordance with the laws of evolution, it completely moved to the last globe of Venus. That physical globe, which is now being photographed by earthly devices, has been in a state of deep obscuration for many millions of years, even more than that, it is already completely dead, and there is not and cannot be any life on it. The fact is that when the flow of Monads leaves a globe, say in the second circle, in order to return to it during the third spiral, then this globe plunges into deep sleep or the so-called state of obscuration. But when the globe is abandoned by the monads after they have completed the last circle, it dies forever.

We know that Mars is in a period of obscuration. New life it won't start soon. Mercury begins to emerge from the state of obscuration, it enters its seventh cycle - it no longer has a legitimate Moon - it has long since dissolved in its atmosphere and given its matter to it. Deimos and Phobos are not moons, but satellites captured by the gravity of Mars during a catastrophe - the explosion of a planet located between Mars and Jupiter. During the explosion, these planets were close to the catastrophe and attracted pieces of the planetary body that flew into their zone of attraction. The latest photographs of the satellites of Mars, and especially the latest photograph of Phobos, very clearly confirm that Phobos is a piece of a collapsed planet. It is shapeless, and on part of its surface mountains similar to those of the moon are clearly visible.

While on Earth, you can visit distant worlds in your mental body. It was in the mental body that Urusvati visited the planet Venus and saw life on its seventh globe. To visit the sixth globe, she had to create a conductor for herself from the matter of the sixth globe. In order to penetrate physical Venus, she would have to clothe herself in the matter of the fifth globe and condense it so much that she would finally enter the surface of Venus, now being studied by science.

So, if our scientists discovered the fifth twin of Venus, they would shout to the whole world that there [is] no life there either. If they had discovered the sixth globe, they would have established themselves completely! Of course, as in our subtle worlds, all forms of life and matter have their equivalents and, of course, subtle water and subtle fish are only equivalents of physical water and physical fish, but our consciousness perceives these equivalents in those forms that can reflect these impressions .

Yes! On Venus there is no water, no fish, just as there is no other life, and at the same time on Venus there is life flowing vigorously in amazingly beautiful forms.

We must be careful when comparing life on Earth with life on distant worlds. So it cannot be categorically stated that if at a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius earth water would evaporate on Venus instantly, then perhaps the water of Venus could exist on this planet thanks to special conditions, unknown on Earth. Maybe in her chemical composition there are ingredients that keep it in liquid state, despite 400 degrees Celsius.

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XIII. Humanity on Venus

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Life came to Earth from the morning star

IN last years the attention of inquisitive and intelligent people around the world is focused on Mars due to the fact that crawling on its surface Curiosity rover and transmits from there unique information, fantastically interesting photographs of the surface and a lot of useful and important things. Against this background, interest in other planets of the solar system, for example, Venus, has somehow weakened. And yet, according to some researchers, it is our ancestral home. About two billion years later, there was water on the Morning Star: rivers, oceans, lakes, even swamps and puddles. This guess of scientists about water was confirmed by information from the Venus Express probe.

  • Planet Venus b was inhabited

    This means that life could well have existed on Venus, which then migrated to .

    Some researchers are inclined to believe that life on the planet has survived to this day in the form of extremophile microorganisms (which feel confident in an extremely dangerous and aggressive environment), or is thriving in the dense clouds of Venus, where conditions are quite suitable for protozoa.

    This is interesting

    The non-crateral landforms of Venus are named after mythical, fairy-tale and legendary women: the hills are given the names of goddesses different nations, relief depressions - other characters from various mythologies

    And not only

    Russian scientists made even bolder assumptions, saying that life on Venus flourishes not only in the form.

    In the images obtained from the probe, they saw much larger organisms.

    Although opponents disagree, answering that there is nothing definite in the photographs, only what the researchers would like to see.

    In fact, it’s hard to believe even on a planet named after the goddess of love.

    This is interesting

    The Mayans called Venus - the planet Noh Ek - “Great Star”, or Shush Ek - “Star of the Wasp” and believed that Venus personifies the god Kukulkan

    Gravity on the planet Venus

    There is no place for love on the surface today.

    There, rather, there is hell, as believers imagined it in the Middle Ages.

    For a yellowish-white planet, all the conditions have been created: an acid shower, a steam room (on the surface the temperature goes beyond five hundred degrees).

    Characteristics of the planet Venus

    • Weight: 4.87*1024 kg (0.815 earth)
    • Diameter at the equator: 12102 km
    • Axle tilt: 177.36°
    • Density: 5.24 g/cm3
    • Average surface temperature: +465 °C
    • Period of revolution around the axis (days): 244 days (retrograde)
    • Distance from (average): 0.72 a. e. or 108 million km
    • Orbital period around the Sun (year): 225 days
    • Orbital speed: 35 km/s
    • Orbital eccentricity: e = 0.0068
    • Orbital inclination to the ecliptic: i = 3.86°
    • Gravity acceleration: 8.87m/s2
    • Atmosphere: carbon dioxide (96%), nitrogen (3.4%)
    • Satellites: no

    This is interesting

    In the Soviet film Planet of Storms, Venus is depicted as a world teeming with life. The fauna of Venus resembles the terrestrial fauna in the Mesozoic era

    What is the planet Venus made of?

    Internal structure

    • The structure of the second planet from the Sun is similar to the structure of other planets: crust, mantle, core.
    • The liquid core of Venus contains a lot of iron, and its radius is 3,200 km.
    • The crust is 20 km thick, and the mantle is molten matter.
    • It is strange that with such a core there is practically no magnetic field.
    • The upper layers of the atmosphere are almost one hundred percent hydrogen.
    • There are a lot of them on the planet; today more than one and a half thousand of them have been recorded. Most of them are active.
    • Volcanic activity indicates activity in the interior of Venus, which is walled up under thick layers of basalt shell.

    Features of the planet Venus

    Rotation around its own axis

    This eccentric planet has a complex character. It is also expressed in her self-will.

    The solar system rotates around its axis from west to east. Uranus and Venus are exceptions to this rule.

    They rotate in the opposite direction: from east to west. This kind of rotation is called retrograde.

    The planet makes a full revolution around its axis in 243 days.

    This is interesting

    In many of R. Heinlein's novels, Venus is depicted as a gloomy, swampy world, reminiscent of the Amazon Valley during the rainy season. The planet is inhabited by intelligent inhabitants resembling dragons or seals

    Venus is the brightest of the planets

    Planet Venus in the starry sky

    Finding Venus in the sky is very easy.

    In terms of brightness, this is the third celestial body after the Sun and Moon. In the form of a small white dot in the sky, it can sometimes be seen during the day.

    Many watched the first star light up in the still bright sky at dusk - this is Venus. As the dawn fades, Venus glows brighter.

    And when it envelops the Earth in a dense fabric and a whole host of stars appears in the sky, our star stands out among them. True, it does not shine for long, it sets in an hour or two.

    The second star from the Sun is easy to see with ordinary field binoculars, and people with good eyesight can see the crescent of Venus with the naked eye.

    This happens because sometimes it approaches the Earth at a very close distance. In addition, the morning star is relatively large in size, slightly smaller than the Earth.

    The light of Venus is so bright that when there is no Sun and Moon in the sky, it causes objects to cast shadows.

    This is interesting

    Rock musicians are very fond of the planet Venus. One of the albums of the group Wings (Paul McCartney) is called “Venus and Mars”. The song by Rammstein “Morgenstern” is dedicated to this planet. One of the albums of the group Boney M. is called “Night Flight to Venus”, Lady Gaga’s first promotional single is called “Venus”

    VIDEO: Planet Venus. Amazing facts

    1. Venus is closest to Earth than all other planets in the solar system.
    2. Scientists call the morning star the sister of our Earth.
    3. Earth and Venus are similar in size.
    4. The geophysical position of the two planets is different.
    5. The internal structure of the planet is not fully known.
    6. To date, it is not possible to conduct seismic sounding of the planet's depths.
    7. Scientists are exploring the surface of Venus and the space around it using radio signals.
    8. Venus is much younger than Earth, about 500 million years old.
    9. planet was established by scientists using nuclear methods.
    10. We managed to obtain samples of Venusian soil.
    11. Scientific studies of these samples were carried out in earthly laboratories.
    12. No terrestrial counterparts were found in the samples, despite the similarities between the two planets.
    13. Both the Earth and Venus are each individual in their geological composition.
    14. Venusian diameter is 12,100 km. For comparison, the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km.
    15. The similar diameters of the two planets are due to gravitational laws.
    16. The average density of rocks present on the planet is less than the average density of rocks on Earth.
    17. The planetary mass of Venus is 80% of the mass of the Earth.
    18. A small weight relative to the Earth also reduces the force of gravity.
    19. If you have a desire to fly to Venus, then it is not necessary to lose weight before the trip.
    20. You will weigh less on the neighboring planet.
    21. Planets solar system turn around their axis from west to east. Uranus and Venus are exceptions to this rule. They rotate in the opposite direction: from east to west.
    22. Venusian day is a blue dream of workaholics who are always upset that there are only 24 hours in a day.
    23. AND longer than a year lasts a day. True. A day on the planet lasts longer than its own year.
    24. those praising Venus count a day for a year.
    25. The lyrics are close to the truth. The planet's revolution around its own axis takes 243 Earth days.
    26. Venus completes a voyage around the Sun in 225 Earth days.
    27. Venus gives its dazzling light from solar radiation when reflected from the surface of the planet.
    28. Venus is the brightest star in the night sky.
    29. On close range From Earth, the planet looks like a thin crescent.
    30. At the moments when Venus moves to its maximum distance from our planet, its light dims and becomes less bright.
    31. Far from Earth, Venus no longer looks like a crescent moon, but takes on a round shape.
    32. The highest cosmic powers have established a strict order: each planet must have its own retinue. However, Mercury and Venus are not given this honor.
    33. Venus does not have a single satellite.
    34. Dense vortex clouds cover Venus with a thick layer.
    35. Because of these clouds, huge craters and mountain ranges on the surface of Venus are not visible.
    36. The clouds of the romantic planet consist of poisonous sulfuric acid.
    37. The romantic rains that fall on Venus are of the same substance. An umbrella won't help.
    38. At chemical reactions acids form in the clouds of Venus.
    39. The most dissolved in the planet's atmosphere various substances: lead, zinc and even diamonds.
    40. Therefore, when going there on an excursion, leave your jewelry at home.
    41. Otherwise, the insidious planet will dissolve them in its acids.
    42. It takes four Earth days for clouds to fly around the planet Venus.
    43. The atmosphere of Venus consists almost entirely of carbon dioxide.
    44. Its content reaches 96 percent.
    45. This is what causes the greenhouse effect on the planet.
    46. There are three known plateaus located on the surface of the planet.
    47. Researchers discovered them using radar.
    48. The most mysterious, mysterious and unusual plateau is the “Land of Ishtar”.
    49. By earthly standards, the “Land of Ishtar”, the plateau is simply enormous.
    50. It is larger than the territory of the United States.
    51. The basis of the planet is volcanic lava.
    52. Almost all geological objects of Venus consist of it.
    53. Due to super-high temperatures, lava cools very slowly.
    54. It cools over millions of Earth geological years.
    55. On Venus great amount volcanoes.
    56. It is volcanic processes that are an important component in the formation of the landscape of Venus.
    57. What is impossible on Earth is normal on Venus.
    58. For example, the length of a lava river is thousands of kilometers.
    59. Scientists observe these fire streams using radar.
    60. People are accustomed to thinking that deserts are the kingdom of sand. Not on Venus.
    61. The deserts of Venus are mostly rocks.
    62. For many years, scientists believed that Venus has high humidity.
    63. It was assumed that there were huge areas of occupied land.
    64. That is why they expected to find life there, because swamps are the most suitable place for its origin and prosperity.
    65. The reality was disappointing. After studying the data, only lifeless plateaus were found on the planet.
    66. When planning a business trip to Venus, do not forget that water there is more expensive than gold.
    67. On the surface itself, only rocky, dehydrated deserts can be found.
    68. The climate on Venus is not for romantics or even extreme people.
    69. At a temperature of plus five hundred degrees Celsius, you won’t be able to sunbathe very much.
    70. Scientists believe that there was water here in ancient times.
    71. Today due to high temperature Of course, there was no water left.
    72. Geologists believe that water disappeared on Venus 300 million years ago.
    73. The water evaporated due to increased solar activity.
    74. Such ultra-high temperatures make it impossible to hope that life will be discovered on Venus. At least in the form in which we are accustomed to perceive it.
    75. 85 kilograms per square centimeter is the pressure on the surface of the planet.
    76. The atmosphere on the planet is as thick and dense as water on Earth.
    77. Walking on the surface of Venus will be like walking along a river bottom.
    78. on the planet pose a serious danger to humans.
    79. Even a light breeze on Venus is the same as a storm on Earth.
    80. This breeze will carry you away as light as a feather and throw you onto lifeless rocks.
    81. The Soviet spacecraft Venera 8 was the first to land on Venus.
    82. In 1990, the American Magellan spacecraft was sent to Venus for reconnaissance.
    83. Based on the results of Magellan's work, a topographic map of the surface of the planet Venus was compiled.
    84. What was the first planet that the first astronauts saw through the window? First - Earth, then - Venus.
    85. There is no magnetic field on Venus.
    86. Seismologists put it this way: “You can’t ring Venus.”
    87. The Venusian core is liquid.
    88. It is smaller than the earth's.
    89. Scientists have paid attention to the ideal forms of Venus.
    90. Our planet is flattened at the poles, and the shape of the morning star is a perfect sphere.
    91. Being on the surface of Venus, due to the dense cloud curtain, it is impossible to see either the Earth or even the Sun.
    92. The low rotation speed of Venus leads to its heating.
    93. There are no seasons on Venus.
    94. The information component of the physical fields of Venus has not been detected.
    95. In terms of brightness, Venus is the third celestial body after the Sun and Moon.
    96. The light of Venus is so bright that when there is no Sun in the sky, it causes objects to cast shadows.
    97. There is a theory that life came to Earth from Venus.
    98. Some scientists suggest that life on Venus survived in the form of extremophile microorganisms.
    99. Acceleration of free fall on Venus: 8.87 m/s2.
    100. The distance from Venus to the Sun is 108 million km.
  • It’s not for nothing that Venus received the nickname “Earth’s evil twin”: hot, dehydrated, covered in toxic clouds. But just one or two billion years ago, the two sisters may have been more similar. New computer simulations suggest that early Venus was very similar to our home planet and could even be suitable for life.

    “One of the biggest mysteries of Venus is how it happened that it is so different from Earth. The question gets even more interesting when, from an astrobiological perspective, you consider the possibility that Venus and Earth were very similar during the early days of life on Earth,” says David Grinspoon of the US Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona.

    Grinspoon and his colleagues were not the first to suggest that Venus was once habitable. It is similar to Earth in size and density, and there is no escaping the fact that the two planets formed close to each other, suggesting they are made from similar materials. Venus also has an unusual high attitude deuterium to hydrogen atoms, a sign that it once contained a significant amount of water, which mysteriously disappeared over time.

    Artistic depiction of climate modern Venus. Credit: Deviantart/Tr1umph

    To simulate early Venus, the researchers turned to an environmental model used to study climate change on Earth. They created four scenarios that differed slightly in details, such as the amount of energy received from the Sun or the length of the Venusian day. Where information about Venus's climate was sparse, the team filled in the gaps with educated guesses. They also added a shallow ocean (10% of Earth's ocean volume), covering about 60 percent of the planet's surface.

    Looking at the development of each version over time, the researchers suggested that the planet may have looked like early Earth, and be habitable for a significant period. The most promising of the four scenarios was a model with moderate temperatures, thick clouds and light snowfall.

    Could life have appeared on early Venus? If this did not happen, the culprit is the subsequent boiling of the oceans and volcanoes, which dramatically changed the landscape about 715 million years ago. But still, the team did not exclude the possibility of life developing in ancient times on the second planet in the solar system.

    "Both planets probably enjoyed warm oceans water in combination with rocky shores and organic molecules that underwent chemical evolution in these oceans. As far as we understand, these are the requirements for theories of the origin of life today,” says David Grinspoon.

    To strengthen these findings, future missions to Venus should focus on signs of water-related erosion, which would provide evidence of past oceans. Such signs have already been discovered on Mars. NASA is currently considering two potential projects to explore Venus, although neither has been approved yet.