Dobryukha Nikolai Alekseevich and his family. Nikolay Dobryukha

The official biography of the leader is silent about this woman. The Sensational Document, which came to the "AIF", opens the curtain of the mystery over one of the most mysterious periods of life of Joseph Stalin

This mystery did not give peace for a long time with several generations of historians. Above her broke the head of DM. . She was unable to reveal B. orizarov, and did not manage to find the response to her many-volume works A.. This mystery concerns the personal life of I.V. Stalin.

"I ask him to see"

... Stalin remained to live a little over a day. In the morning, on the radio and in newspapers, it was unexpected and terribly announced his extremely serious condition. And on the same day, on March 4, 1953, "in the Kremlin Comrade Malenkov" was transmitted in compliance with all secret requirements, an urgent and very unusual letter ...

Now we have the right to bring it, with the exception of the address, without any seizures. Moreover, to present a photo of the original letter. Here it is:

I am the daughter of Anna Rubinstein (formerly. Wives t. Stalin).
In view of his illness, please give me the opportunity to see him.
He knows me since childhood.

R. Sveshnikova
(Regina Kostyukovskaya - V. Surname)
My address ... (This data "on the recommendation of the competent authorities" does not lead the editors).

If you can not see him, then I ask you to take me.
I have an urgent matter.

4 / III-53 g.

What in those troubled days was going to say the author of the letter to the dying stall? What urgent business did this woman appeal to the leadership of the country? Now we can only guess ... But we will try to figure out who she is Anna Rubinstein, " ex-wife T. Stalin "?

Between Swanidze and Allyluve

Let's start by age. Anna - about 1890 birth. Accurate maiden surname is not installed. At the same time, documents showed that she married the pottery of Kostukovsky and September 28, 1911 in Romny of the then Poltava province gave birth to regin from him. That the very regin, which later will give its urgent letter to the Kremlin ...

When Anna divorced until it was not known. Presumably before the First World War (1914-1918) she with a young daughter moved to live in Peter. At that time, Stalin has been a widower for many years: Stalin Ekaterina's first official wife died from abdominal typhus in Tiflis on November 22, 1907

Regina writes: t. Stalin "knows me since childhood." This is possible, if I keep in mind that in St. Petersburg, the future leader was from April 10 to April 22, 1912 and then from September 12 of the same year (with great breaks) to February 23, 1913, when he was arrested and sent to Turukhana . However, most likely it could happen after the return of Stalin from the reference in the spring of 1917, when Regina was 5 and a half years. From this age, she could have remembered him. Stalin's marital relations themselves with her mother Anna could begin in 1912

In favor of the fact that the most likely announcements of Stalin Anna's second official wife are precisely 1912-1918, they say numerous bad rumors around Stalin's relations with hope in 1917-1920. It is no coincidence that many wondered: why almost 40-year-old Joseph so long concludes a marriage with the young hope with him? However, who at that time saw the passport of Stalin, to surely consider him a bachelor?

Be that as it may, Stalin's marriage with Allyluve, it is customary to count only since 1919.

Non-easy family

Anna Rubinstein's further fate is curious. I managed to talk with the relatives of her recently deceased grandson V.V. Swashnikova. And that's what it turned out. A. Rubinstein died in the mid-50s in Leningrad. Where she is buried, the relatives of the grandson, unfortunately, do not know. But they remember such a meaningful fact: Vitaly Vladimirovich Sveshnikov's grandson recalled that his grandmother did not live somewhere, but on Vasilyevsky Island, opposite the house in which in 1926-1934. He lived ... Accommodation in such a prestigious place could hardly be random. As it is no coincidence, apparently, the fact that Anna and her closest relatives managed to experience the blockade of the blockade relatively safely.

The daughter of Anna Rubinstein Regina moved with her husband and her son from Leningrad to Moscow on September 22, 1950 and entered one of the new (!) Stalin's houses on Taganka. In these houses now buy apartments only newmaking millionaires.

Judging by the letter to the Kremlin, the highest leadership of the country (in any case, Malenkov and Beria) should have been aware of what "Anna Rubinstein is a former wife since Stalin." However, since Anna was a Jewish, they probably themselves, without instructions, Stalin did not decide to declassify this fact in order not to compromise the leader. After all, at that time, the struggle with "rooted cosmopolitans", allegedly working at the intelligence of the whole world, no one has canceled ...

"Store forever"

And that's what else was able to find out: Regina Zelmovna Kostyukovskaya-Sveshnikova (Padderitsa Stalin) worked in Moscow an engineer in a regime enterprise. It was military service. Her son Vitaly Vladimirovich Sveshnikov and her daughter-in-law of Margarita Nikolaevna Sveshnikov worked in the "mailboxes" on particularly important sites related, let's say, with the development of the latest techniques. These organizations and today are carriers of Gostain. Casual people work there clearly could not ... This, apparently, proves that neither A. Rubinstein herself, nor her daughter were self-spanners, who had contradicted because of some disorder or for considerations of the benefits of "threatening" with the "People's Chief".

... Letter to the Kremlin Malenkov from R. Sveshnikova was performed on April 16, 1953. After that, the chief assistant to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers G. M. Malenkov D. wrote: "To the archive".

If this letter had been the result of the "spring exacerbation" from a random Soviet citizen, it was unlikely to be put on a formidable stamp "to be refunded to the office of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee." And it would hardly be a letter after that in the folder with the inscription "Store forever" ...

Y. Mukhin - no

Thank you, Dobryukha!

Well done, Dobryukha! Or "over-dobryukha"?!

With a cry "Urya-I-I !!" The guy made the discovery that I described five years ago in the book "Killer Stalin and Beria" and then repeated in the book "Stalin's killer." And I believe that he did not read these books, because it seems to read little in general. Dobryukha not reader, Dobryukha writer! And someone made someone to Dobrubukh to the documents, giving him the task: "Wald all on Beria!" Well, Dobrukha and dulled "from the soul", not imagining what he donated?

Writes poor man: "As soon as Beria and His owners of Malenkov and Khrushchev ..." came to the leadership of March 3 of March 1953. Khrushchev, after the death of Stalin, headed the CPSU, and Malenkov - the USSR. And then, according to Dobryuhi, was Beria, whose Khrushchev and Malenkov were "defaults"? Lord God?

Or writes: "Old Chekist Naum Eighton testified that one day" was present in the production of experiments in the Majanovsky laboratory "and watched" injection by four experimental victims of poison Kukarin. The poison acted almost instantly ... ". But the "old Chekist" Eitingon was the deputy even more "old security officer" P. Sudplatova, and the one of the "laboratory X", which was led by Mayranovsky, writes: "All the work of the laboratory, attracting its employees to special services, and access to the laboratory, Strictly limited, even for the leading composition of the NKVD - MGB, was regulated by the Regulations approved by the Government and orders for the NKVD - MGB. Neither I nor my deputy Eitingon had tolerances in the Laboratory and Special Camera. " Moreover, Jeroplats for some reason argue that even Berias could not know about this laboratory before his return to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And somehow it is more believed to judge, because it is unlikely that ZEVAK is invited to the secret laboratory as a football match.

Or, the poor Dobryukha claims that "Beria arrested Majanovsky Grigory Moiseevich", however, not clarifying who Dobrryukh hung on her ears. Although the Jeroplats on the fate of Mayranovsky reports that despite the fact that the investigation of the arrested in 1951 for contacting the Zionists along with the abacum workers of the MGB, including Mayranovsky, was carried out until 1954, but no one during this time was not Judged. But the Majanovsky case was urgently derived by Ignatiev in a separate production, and a special meeting at the Ministry of Internal Affairs chaired by Ignatiev in 1952 quickly appointed Mayranovsky 10 years and sent to the Vladimir prison. So Beria could not arrest him in any way, because Majanovsky was already sitting in the Vladimir prison in March 1953. But once there are letters of Majanovsky from prison to Beria, then Beria demanded to interrogate Mayranovsky in the Vladimir prison, and it follows that Beria himself behaved in the aim of finding out who poisoned Stalin. Interestingly, shipoplats about further fate Majanovsky reports that when Professor Mayranovsky fell out of prison, he asked for a reception to Khrushchev and he accepted him that he was amazing in itself. (After all, the son of Stalin in the same case he refused to accept, although he, not having a job, very much wanted to meet him.) But at the reception, Majanovsky, apparently, said Khrushchev something not something that was necessary. As a result of Mayranovsky, two days later the KGB arrested and he was sent from Moscow to Makhachkala, where he quickly died with a diagnosis, very similar to the one that would follow after applying his own poison.

Dobrubukha all poured on Beria, or not knowing, or not wanting to show that the main violence against witnesses of the murder of Stalin was conducted after the murder of Beria. For example, Author, with reference to the book of the Western historian T. Vitlin, dedicated to Beria, writes: "Most doctors from these two commissions disappeared immediately after the death of Stalin. One of the doctors who participated in the opening of the Body Stalin is Professor Rusakov, "Suddenly" died. The medical and sanitary management of the Kremlin, responsible for the treatment of Stalin, is immediately abolished, and its head of I.I. Kuverin is arrested. Minister of Health of the USSR A.F. Tretyakov, who stood at the head at the head of both commissions, is removed from office, they are arrested and together with Kursa and another two doctors, members of the Commission, are sent to Vorkuta. There he receives the post of head doctor of the camp hospital. Rehabilitation is only a few years later ... ". But if T. Vitlin is not mistaken with respect to the fact of the arrest of these doctors, they were arrested not "immediately after the death of Stalin", and a year later, as A.F. Tretyakov was removed from the post of Minister 01.03.1954. Consequently, the fact that these doctors could talk over time, it was terribly not Beria, but Khrushchev.

Interestingly, Dobrukha is trying to convince us that Professor Lukovsky rewritten after the murder of Beria's conclusion about Stalin's death allegedly in order not to get an accomplice to the "Case of Doctors". But "the case of doctors" - it was about the murder of Zhdanov, and this case was initiated after the commission of the Commission chaired the very Lukomsky, in which Lukomsky proved that Zhdanov died of treatment of doctors. So I was afraid of Lukomsky not Beria, but Khrushchev.

Interestingly, what exactly was given to see the Dobrryukov archive. Before him, the same materials watched another historian - A. Fursenko. But O. appearance these " archive documents"He wrote more Dobryukha:

"When reading the official conclusion of the disease and death of Stalin, a number of issues arise, which suggest that it could be fabricated under the pressure of the nearest environment of Stalin, so that if necessary, to submit this document to the highest party and Soviet elite with one-sole purpose: Nobody occurred to anyone that Stalin killed his comrades to the disjoint.

Printed on 20 pages of typewritten text and the conclusion signed by the entire composition is different from handwritten detailed records of preceding diseases. The document is not dated, but on his draft costs the date - July 1953, i.e. 4 months after the death of Stalin, which in itself makes it doubt in its full reliability. As follows from the text of the conclusion, it was drawn up on the basis of the handwritten medical journal, which was conducted throughout March 2-5. But the magazine is absent in the case of Stalin's disease, and, as the author of these lines reported, competent persons, it is generally no longer in nature. In other words, the medical magazine is apparently destroyed.

True, some "drafts of drugs and duty charts during the disease I. V. Stalin are preserved during the disease of I. V. Stalin on March 2-5, 1953 On separate leaflets, which precedes the cardboard cover-cut from the folder entitled the extent of the ex-case in the history of Stalin's disease. Moreover, of two dozen leaves of such records, judging by their initial numbering, then crossed out, in the case there is not enough first few pages, for which it would be possible to judge when treatment began on what day and hour. There is also no schedule of duty and the conclusion of doctors after each of them. Finally, on the cut-off cover of a cardboard folder entitled "draft records ...", there is a volume of X, which indicates that there were still nine volumes in Stalin's disease. What is their fate - also unclear.

All this is the inadequate questions, allowing you to assume that draft entries and medical journal contained data that did not fit into an official conclusion. Apparently, at some stage, the medical journal and part of the draft records were consciously seized. It is impossible to pass by the fact that the typewritten text of the conclusion was compiled a few days after the arrest of Beria, June 26, 1953. When the investigation began in the case of Beria, it is likely that someone from the Kremlin leadership wanted to destroy the medical magazine to eliminate possible evidence that Stalin was poorly treated and killed. In the June 1957, the Plenum of the Central Committee of Molotov criticized Khrushchev, appointed by the chairman of the commission on the archive of Stalin, for the fact that he had never collected a commission in four years. What speaks for itself. "

First of all, on June 26, 1953, Beria was not arrested, but he was killed, this is already understanding everything except those who are the story of "to the brute". And below.

But if immediately after the murder of Beria Khrushchev destroyed the chronicle of Stalin's disease, it turns out that Beria was killed and so that Khrushchev had the opportunity to destroy it. Is the Dobrubukh?

But Fursenko did not say that it was written in those remnants of documents, and Dobrubuch said! And from Dobryoi's message, it is quite definitely that Stalin was poisoned! All other Dobrukhi Creatures, this, as "Komsomolskaya Pravda" wrote, "Political Maculture".

And the fact that Stalin was poisoned - this is already a fact!

As they say, taking this opportunity, I want to report that my new, but not journalistic, and the artistic documentary book "USSR named after Beria", in which I, based on the most reliable facts, restore the motives of the murder of Stalin and how It happened, and by whom this murder was committed.

From the book Duel 2009_11 (610) Author newspaper duel

Creative evening Yu.I. Mukhin somehow it happened that on March 22 of this year, I will knock for 60 years. But! The publisher and the public require to spend a creative evening. In this regard, on Sunday, on March 22, my creative evening will be held in the cinema "Baku". At first meetings at 13.30

From the book 2008_50 (598) Author newspaper duel

Y. Mukhin is unlikely! Long ago ... The National Assembly adopted a statement on the law "On the court of Russia's people's judgment on the president and members of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation"(Http://, but initiated by Kuria Nationalist Patriots

From the book Duel 2009_13 (612) Author newspaper duel

THANK YOU! Yu.I. Mukhin on March 22 in the cinema "Baku" my anniversary creative evening was held (or rather afternoon, since it was from 13 to 16-30). I will very much about those words that were told me and in the lobby, and from the stage, I will not be imparted to the abundance of flowers and gifts that

From the book 2008_47 (595) Author newspaper duel

Little smeared! Yu.I. Mukhin Andrei Illarionov wrote an article "How Democracy works", I was very surprised by the fact that Saakashvili regime is given as democracy. What is characteristic, I have no complaints about the conclusions of Illarionov, but only if they take "in vitro" - by themselves:

From the book 2008_32 (580) Author newspaper duel

Y. Mukhin - no about respectability and fear of schizophrenia. The subband love to live in the American Empire, therefore he really doesn't like the Natball, who set themselves the goal of creating an empire on the basis of Russian civilization, therefore we do not like those democrats,

From the book Duel 2009_ 15 (614) Author newspaper duel

Mukhin so keep! In the Central Book Store "Moscow", which opposite the Metropolitan City Hall, on the rack, where the most popular books on social and political topics are exhibited, there is a section with a "Mukhin" sign. Books placed there are not fired, and therefore

From the book 2008_36 (584) Author newspaper duel

Y. Mukhin - Yes: Kremlin - yours! The need for National Assemblyvyan in South Ossetia and Georgia makes it possible to show the people of Russia the need for the National Assembly in the current conditions of the absence of an appropriate national representation in the country. But I will begin with

From the book whip of the people Author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Y.Mukhin. Knut people

From the book 2008_38 (586) Author newspaper duel

Yu.I. Mukhin - no. You have not turned out. We have not turned out very differently, Evgeny Vitalyevich, a trifle, and I can not fulfill this request, and not because I am a stubborn khokhol, but completely on other reasons. And you want to believe, you want - no, but it would be easier for me

From the book 2008_40 (588) Author newspaper duel

Yu.I. Mukhin - no whip in hand! It is not harmful to think, but hard. To say what you think is not difficult, but hurt. Think about what I said, it does not hurt, but late. From the Internet, the doctor's chatter of the former comrade on the National Assembly (after its treason, I don't even know even

From the book 2008_4 (553) Author newspaper duel

N. Dobryukha - yes. How Stalin killed "Our correspondent N. Dobrryukha received secret documents that shed light on the death of Generalissimus. Rumors that Stalin poisoned, crawled when he was still alive. But to collect documentary evidence was managed only after 55 years.

From the book Clikout Holodomor Author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Yu.I. Mukhin Clikushi Holodomor Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich (r. 1948) This person never agrees his conclusions with authorities and public opinion - he does not care what others think about him. He is important only truth, and not his own image. After graduation in 1973

From the book of the newspaper Day of Literature # 178 (2011 6) Author Day of literature newspaper

Vitaly Mukhin Hour Metamorphosis *** And the name of this star is wormwood. On Russian glory and the flaper saved blind revelations hit my hour, blind revelations. Do not crows crows behind the Bug, not the river withers in the veins are knocking, but the horror of the transmour.

From the book Section Girl Genetics Author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Yuri Mukhin SalesDextkagenetikova "Publisher Bystrov" 2006 2006.21 m 92mukhin Yu.I.M92 Selling girl genetics. - M.: Publisher Bystrov, 2006. - 416 p. - (Russian truth) .isbn 5-9764-0043-4 A new book Yuri Mukhina - acute,

From the book Russia. Not yet evening Author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Yuri Mukhin This book is a real brainwashing, "Attempt on Mirage": she will make the most well-established opinions and "generally accepted" opinions and start, finally, to think their own head, and not imported TV. A new book Yuri Muhina is acute,

From the book of the author

Yuri Ignatievich Mukhin The author of the book is known for the detective investigation of the secretions - his books "Murder Stalin and Beria", "Katynsky detective" and "Anti-Russian meanness" turned outward ideas about our history. But this book is unusual - Yu. I. Mukhin took to investigate the meaning

Nikolay Nad.

How Stalin killed

The study "How Stalin killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Convincing ... Documents about last disease And Stalin's death is so significant that now, no one can turn away from them. For the first time we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about the death of Stalin, but with the study of genuine documents.

Head soviet intelligence (1974-1988) Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1988-1991) Vladimir Crochekov

There is nothing secret that we would not have been explicit ...

Gospel from Mark (chapter 4, verse 22)

He began as a poet. Real poetry is akin to the revolution. He chose a revolution.

Brief historical reference about political career Stalin

Head of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of RSDLP (b) since 1912

And about. Chairman of the Sovnarkom, from about 23rd to December 28, 1917 (for the time of therapeutic leave of Lenin)

Chairman of the Sovnarkom (since 1946, the Council of Ministers of the USSR) from May 5, 1941 to March 5, 1953

Unfeigned Stalin

I. V. Stalin was a world famous dictator, and could become a poet, an artist and even a singer ...

The key to the fate of Stalin is his poems

That Stalin poisoned, only rumors went. But the moment came when it became possible to submit strict documentary evidence. However, in all respects in all respects to be understood, I will start with the poems that Stalin wrote.

This is my next attempt to translate the poetic experiments of early Stalin. The first gave unexpected results: it was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then ranked on the planet's voice of Innocent Smoktunovsky in the Soviet-American film "Monster". In new translations, it was possible correctly in meaning, and in places literally and in content, and most importantly, almost always exactly rhythmically, that is, musically, transfer the poetic originals belonging to the inspiration of the young Joseph Jugashvili.

Why do you need it? Some of the great things said to understand the uniquely complex personality of Stalin for only Peru of the new Shakespeare. Well, while there is no new Shakespeare, it makes sense to conduct research that could be served by the new Shakespeare of those materials from which historically instructive masterpieces are created. My determination to do this was established after discovering, at first glance, the incredible revelation of Mikhail Bulgakov about Stalin in a purely personal message Veresayev. Here it is: "... at the time of despair ... I called the Secretary General ... Believe it to my taste: he had a conversation strongly, clearly, state and elegant. In the heart of the writer, hope was lit ... "this determination contributed and, it would seem inconceivable digid confession The most famous exposure of the cult of the personality of Stalin N. S. Khrushcheva, who said: "Stalin is really great, I and now I confirm it, he was undoubtedly above all on many heads."

Everything was not as simple as they say now on every corner, or as they spoke on every corner of fifty years ago. It's not by chance that the poet, the Prophet Boris Pasternak has lines: "And the dark forces of the temple / he surrendered to the Soviet to the court, / and with the ferventness, / how they were praised before, Klyanut." Meanwhile, people appeared who began to compare Stalin with Hitler, comparing incomparable from the very beginning. If Hitler is a talented illness, then Stalin ... However, it will be better if instead, Western historians known to their irreconcilable criticism speak.

So - the famous Sir Alan Bullock: "In his youth, Stalin sang in the church choir, where his voice attracted attention. He graduated from the spiritual school with honorary diploma And successfully passed entry exams In the seminary ... It should be noted that Stalin stubbornly was engaged in achieving the necessary knowledge on disciplines, including in addition to the Church Slavonic language and the Law of God Latin and greek, Russian literature and history ... Stalin has developed a phenomenal memory ... "

Gitler's boy, according to the same Sir, "was not stupid, but already with early years Began to exercise persistent rejection and hatred for discipline and regular classes ... The only subject of which Adolf had a positive assessment was drawing ... He dreamed of becoming an artist ... In adolescence, Hitler continued to lean away from any work ... He always considered himself a personality artistic, thereby justifying It is systematically engaged in its inability. " Both of its attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts ended in failure. And further observations are not in favor of Hitler. If Adolf, as he was, remained great to unrecord,, Stalin over the years became more and more educated, even at the current time of his personality, and did not cease to education before last days. Especially awesome (contrary to all rumors!) It looks its role in cybernetics, namely: in Moscow and now there is a 1952 computer, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world ... after the United States. It is fantastic! After all, it was created despite the most devastating of wars, while the United States "participated" in this war ... Linding the hardest time behind the ocean. By the way, the people were expensive attempted by our illiterate managers for almost 40 years after the death of Stalin, volve solutions to cancel market production. Stalin, in 1952, in the work of "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" convincingly proved the disadvantage of such a cancellation for national economy countries.

Amazing and how biographical data about Stalin appear. American Robert Tucker and Englishman Alan Bullock are listed among the most famous researchers of the Russian dictator, because the views of humanity on the identity of Stalin are largely based on their works. Let's start with the taper, and ... it will immediately be that very often he borrowed "facts" from Roy Medvedev and Dmitry Volkonov. However, Medvedev and Volkogonov in turn refer to the tacker. That is, it turns out: Something of them composed or made an assumption, and then they rewrote it from each other and became an assumption no longer an assumption, but "fact" with reference to such that, allegedly, an exceptionally reliable foreign source. As a result, the invented the myth begins to walk around the world as the "most proven fact" ...

In confirmation you can take recognition of any of them, well, at least the same R. Medvedev. He writes: "I did not use any archives, no" specialhran ", no secret materials and not familiar with them. Just ... I was given the opportunity to get acquainted with almost all books about Stalin and Stalinism, published in different countries, accumulate the facts and evidence of the past Stalin prisons and camps, as well as the memories of other eyewitnesses of those years ... "

The study "How Stalin killed" is a strong material. Very strong material. Compeced ... Documents about the last disease and the death of Stalin are so significant that now no one can turn away from them. For the first time we are not dealing with a set of memories, rumors and assumptions about the death of Stalin, but with the study of genuine documents.

Head of Soviet intelligence (1974-1988) Chairman of the KGB of the USSR (1988-1991) Vladimir Crochekov

There is nothing secret that we would not have been explicit ...

Gospel from Mark (chapter 4, verse 22)

He began as a poet. Real poetry is akin to the revolution. He chose a revolution.

Brief historical certificate of political career Stalin

Head of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of RSDLP (b) since 1912

And about. Chairman of the Sovnarkom, from about 23rd to December 28, 1917 (for the time of therapeutic leave of Lenin)

Chairman of the Sovnarkom (since 1946, the Council of Ministers of the USSR) from May 5, 1941 to March 5, 1953

Unfeigned Stalin

I. V. Stalin was a world famous dictator, and could become a poet, an artist and even a singer ...

The key to the fate of Stalin is his poems

That Stalin poisoned, only rumors went. But the moment came when it became possible to submit strict documentary evidence. However, in all respects in all respects to be understood, I will start with the poems that Stalin wrote.

This is my next attempt to translate the poetic experiments of early Stalin. The first gave unexpected results: it was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, and then ranked on the planet's voice of Innocent Smoktunovsky in the Soviet-American film "Monster". In new translations, it was possible correctly in meaning, and in places literally and in content, and most importantly, almost always exactly rhythmically, that is, musically, transfer the poetic originals belonging to the inspiration of the young Joseph Jugashvili.

Why do you need it? Some of the great things said to understand the uniquely complex personality of Stalin for only Peru of the new Shakespeare. Well, while there is no new Shakespeare, it makes sense to conduct research that could be served by the new Shakespeare of those materials from which historically instructive masterpieces are created. My determination to do this was established after discovering, at first glance, the incredible revelation of Mikhail Bulgakov about Stalin in a purely personal message Veresayev. Here it is: "... at the time of despair ... I called the Secretary General ... Believe it to my taste: he had a conversation strongly, clearly, state and elegant. In the heart of the writer, hope was lit ... "this determination contributed and, it would seem inconceivable Digid confession The most famous exposure of the cult of the personality of Stalin N. S. Khrushcheva, who said: "Stalin is really great, I and now I confirm it, he was undoubtedly above all on many heads."

Everything was not as simple as they say now on every corner, or as they spoke on every corner of fifty years ago. It's not by chance that the poet, the Prophet Boris Pasternak has lines: "And the dark forces of the temple / he surrendered to the Soviet to the court, / and with the ferventness, / how they were praised before, Klyanut." Meanwhile, people appeared who began to compare Stalin with Hitler, comparing incomparable from the very beginning. If Hitler is a talented illness, then Stalin ... However, it will be better if instead, Western historians known to their irreconcilable criticism speak.

So - the famous Sir Alan Bullock: "In his youth, Stalin sang in the church choir, where his voice attracted attention. He graduated from a spiritual school with honor and successfully passed the entrance examinations in the seminary ... It should be noted that Stalin stubbornly was engaged in to achieve the necessary knowledge on disciplines that included in addition to the Church Slavonic language and the Law of God's Latin and Greek, Russian literature and history ... Stalin has developed Phenomenal memory ... "

Gitler's boy, according to the same Sir, "was not stupid, but from an early age began to show a persistent rejection and hatred for discipline and regular classes ... the only subject that Adolf had a positive assessment was drawing ... He dreamed of becoming an artist ... in The adolescence of Hitler continued to lean away from any work ... He always considered himself a personality of artistic, thereby justifying his inability to engage in systematically. " Both of its attempts to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts ended in failure. And further observations are not in favor of Hitler. If Adolf, as he was, remained great, inherent, then Stalin has become more and more educated over the years, and did not stop education until recent days. Especially awesome (contrary to all rumors!) It looks its role in cybernetics, namely: in Moscow and now there is a 1952 computer, which was the first in Europe and the second in the world ... after the United States. It is fantastic! After all, it was created despite the most devastating of wars, while the United States "participated" in this war ... Linding the hardest time behind the ocean. By the way, the people were expensive attempted by our illiterate managers for almost 40 years after the death of Stalin, volve solutions to cancel market production. Stalin, in 1952, in the work of "economic problems of socialism in the USSR" convincingly proved the disadvantage of such cancellation for the national economy of the country.

Amazing and how biographical data about Stalin appear. American Robert Tucker and Englishman Alan Bullock are listed among the most famous researchers of the Russian dictator, because the views of humanity on the identity of Stalin are largely based on their works. Let's start with the taper, and ... it will immediately be that very often he borrowed "facts" from Roy Medvedev and Dmitry Volkonov. However, Medvedev and Volkogonov in turn refer to the tacker. That is, it turns out: Something of them composed or made an assumption, and then they rewrote it from each other and became an assumption no longer an assumption, but "fact" with reference to such that, allegedly, an exceptionally reliable foreign source. As a result, the invented the myth begins to walk around the world as the "most proven fact" ...

In confirmation you can take recognition of any of them, well, at least the same R. Medvedev. He writes: "I did not use any archives, no" specialhran ", no secret materials and not familiar with them. Just ... I had the opportunity to get acquainted with almost all books about Stalin and Stalinism, published in different countries, accumulate facts and evidence of the past Stalin's prisons and camps, as well as memories of other eyewitnesses of those years ... "

Now confirmation from the west side, written by the hand of the respected Sir Bullock: "... I would like to highlight those whose works quite enriched my knowledge ... in terms of soviet historywhere I do not call me a specialist, it is ... Robert Tucker ... Roy Medvedev ... Dmitry Volkogonov ... "

But the Volkogonovsky Revelations on Foreign Sources: "Great assistance in working on the book (" Stalin ", - Over.) Help ... The exposure of Isaac Doycher ... Robert Treker ... and other Soviet people."

Let us turn to the links to the sources and the taper itself: it is primarily by the Volkons of D. "Triumph and the Stalin Tragedy", MEDVEDEV R. A. "Zet History Judge: The Original and Conseguees of Stalinism" - New York. - 1989, etc. Well, what to take with them? It is necessary to live, so they write what they pay for.

Need specific facts of biographical myth-making? You are welcome! Inssentual and essential - to choose from!

Recent associates put him in guilt not at all the organization of mass repression, but the conviction of the cult of the personality of Stalin, the intention to unite Germany and the call is not to wear portraits of leaders on demonstrations. And shocked exactly 50 years ago

50 years ago, on December 23, 1953, according to official data, was shot by Lawrence Beria, former minister Internal affairs of the USSR. Izvestia for the first time publish passages from the materials of the Emergency July Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee of the CPSU. He preceded the condemnation of Beria. The leaders of the country have recently presented to the All-Fivy Lavrentia Pavlovich his account.

What did Beria manage to do?

Immediately after the death of Stalin, Lavrenty Beria took the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and headed the reorganized Ministry of the Interior, which included the former Ministry of State Security. Since the head of government was a malleant and intimidated George Malenkov, we can say that four months Beria stood at the head of the country. The most striking events of this period include:

The termination of the "case of pest doctors".

Termination of the "Megrelsky" and "Georgian" affairs.

Preventing the attempts of the resettlement of Jews in the uninhabited regions of the country.

Cancel passport restrictions, including in Moscow and Leningrad.

The proposal to cancel the states of the working people in the budget for 1953.

Offer Write a new, more truthful story of the Great Patriotic War.

The elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy links, which inhibit the introduction of new scientific developments and government decisions.

Nomination of the issue of the separation of the authorities (on party and Soviet). Beria considered it possible to limit the party power, commissioning ideological and propaganda tasks. In other words, he assumed a return to the power of the Soviets arising from February Revolution 1917.

The proposal to deprive the special meetings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the MGB of the right to endure sentences without trial and the investigation of the highest punishment and imprisonment for 25 years.

A wide amnesty of prisoners, and, above all, convicted of minor criminal offenses and government governments from a series of theft of three spikes, skills or systematic deceptions to work.

The liberation and rehabilitation of a number of high representatives of party, Soviet, military, scientific, cultural and public circles. For example, Molotov's wives repressed for participation in the "Jewish case".

Increasing the role of national personnel in the republics so that not Russian gender, and local frames solved everything. This was particularly manifested in the special initiatives of Beria in Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and in Western Ukraine, as well as in suggestions, so that every Republic had its own state awards (medals, orders, etc. with national symbolism).

Decision "Do not decorate" streets with portraits of living leaders and not to wear their images on festive demonstrations.

Internartian condemnation of the cult of the personality of Stalin, on the other day after his funeral and the decision-making, according to which Stalin's name began to disappear from the pages of printing and in radio and television passes, which ultimately was aiming the goal of public debunk in the scale of the whole society.

Raising the question of the return of Japan's controversial islands of Kuril Rud.

An attempt to establish friendly relations with Yugoslavia, which built socialism on a special, free NEPOV sample, i.e. With unlimited time to the assumption of all forms of ownership.

The proposal is not to impose collective farms and generally abandon the construction of socialism in East Germany, allowing the merger of the GDR with Germany on bourgeois-democratic principles; in order to prevent new war To conclude an agreement with the United Germany, eliminating its entry into whatever military blocks.

A sharp reduction in the numerical composition of Soviet intelligence in capitalist countries.

Termination of the publication of the full collection of Stalin's writings.

Of course, these items are not in all respects reflect the measures actually conducted by Beria for the offensive of "thaw" measures, but they fully show the nature of the liberalization of the USSR.

Before the beginning of his report at the XX Congress, KPSS Khrushchev said the gathered: "Comrades! In the reporting report of the Central Committee of the Party, the XX congress, in a number of speeches of the delegates of the Congress, and also earlier at the Plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a lot was mentioned about the cult of the personality and its harmful consequences." Let's see what was said.

"Comrade Stalin wanted to arrest Beria" (from A. Mikoyan's speech)

Comrade Stalin B. lately did not trust Beria. "Megrelskoye" case was created to arrest Beria. In the first days after the death of Comrade Stalin, he spoke against the cult of personality. But, as it turned out, Beria wanted to undermine the cult of the personality of Comrade Stalin and create a cult of his own personality.

"Something imposed to us that we would not want ..." (from Speech K. Voroshilova)

He especially dismissed at the time of the disease and after the death of Comrade Stalin. Stalin was still alive, was unconscious, and Beria began to act. We were until the last sigh near Stalin, and he immediately showed himself, they say, keep in mind - I'm here. They were indicated by the candidacy of Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov, but immediately he began to do any meanness before our eyes. We all recognized Comrade Malenkov as a natural and legitimate candidate. The unity of the leadership of the party and the government we set, saying and without claiming our sacred and mandatory task. Unity is the path that we are specified by the Grand Lenin and Great Stalin. And this type thought he was not noticed. This explains that he argued for three months and imposed something to us, even what we would not want.

"Question about the cult of personality? This is the trii trait!" (From the speech of A. Andreeva)

He had a developed plan to eliminate the Soviet system. After the death of Comrade Stalin, it was clear that he began to force his coming to power, as Comrade Voroshilov said correctly, and even more stumbled. The fact that he did not dare to make a comrade Stalin, he began to spend after his death, began to discredit the name of the Comrade Stalin, to restl the shadow on the greatest man After Lenin. In fact, the appearance of Chekist materials in the protocols of the Presidium for Doctors, where the shadow is thrown in the name of the Comrade Stalin, because it is his case. He did it consciously that the name of the team of Stalin will bury. I have no doubt that under his pressure shortly after the death of Comrade Stalin suddenly disappears in the press, the mention of Comradist Stalin disappears. This is a shame for the party, before the too much learned, in each article, this name was repeated hundreds of times, and then suddenly disappeared. What it is? I believe that this is his hand, his influence. There was from somewhere the question of the cult of personality. What is this question?

This question was resolved a long time ago in Marxist literature, and then somewhere appeared. This is his tricks.

From the Presidium Comrade Voroshilov: "Right".

I believe that not without his influence was made such a decision on the demonstration to carry out without portraits, do not hang portraits. Why? On what basis? The people should know their leaders in portrait, according to speeches. It was the wrong decision.

From the Presidium, Comrade Voroshilov: "Incorrect decision."

"He objected to along with the names of Marx, Engels, Lenin called Stalin" (from Speech I. Tevosyan)

I would like to pay attention to what the comrade Andreev was indicated that after the death of Comrade Stalin began to gradually disappear the name of the Comrade Stalin from the press. With pain in the soul I had to read the sayings of Comrade Stalin without reference to the author. Yesterday, from the speech of Comrade Kaganovich, we learned that this bastard of Beria objected to, along with the names of Marx, Engels, Lenin call the name of the Comrade Stalin.

"To hell, the adventuristic plan of Stalin!" (From the speech N. Baybakov)

In February current year He caused me and gave me an intelligence instruction and organization of oil fields in the northern part of the Caspian Sea, said that this is a matter of great importance and that I am interested in a personally comrade Stalin. However, literally 5-6 days after the death of Comrade Stalin, the call is heard. With a supervision in his voice, he literally stated the following: "To the hell, the adventurous plan of Stalin. Throughout or burn all documents on oil intelligence in the Caspian Sea," and hung up. During the lifetime of Comrade Stalin, Beria's two-hander was afraid of him, he drove, did not enter into a controversy on issues that did not agree.

"Close the shameful business of Beria forced circumstances" (from the speech of N. Bulganin)

I had to hear about the allegedly positive role of Beria in his cases to liberate doctors, the elimination of the Georgian business, to eliminate the so-called case of Shahurin and Novikov, the case of Marshal Yakovlev. It is necessary to debunk it and here. He has no positive role in these matters. On the contrary, all this was done in order to create a popularity of popularity. In yet the life of Comrade Stalin, we, members of the Presidium of the Central Committee, among themselves, there is nothing to hide sin, I will say directly, they said that the case of doctors is Lipa. True, comrades?

We talked about the fact that the Georgian business is Lipa, the blowing matter. The case of Shahurin and Novikova is a shameful case for us. Speak? Spoke. Marshal Yakovlev's case is a shameful business. Speak? Spoke. Beria knew about these conversations. I ask what he had to do after the death of Comrade Stalin, when he took the post of the Minister of the Interior? Of course, he had to end these things. His situation forced him.

"There is nothing to engage in the construction of socialism in East Germany!" (From speech V. Molotova)

When discussing the German issue in the Presidium of the Council of Ministers, it turned out ... that Beria stands on a completely alien to our party positions. He started talking about that there was nothing to deal with the construction of socialism in East Germany, which is enough that Western and Eastern Germany united as a bourgeois peace-loving state.

"Even listening to even listen. But we go" (from speech N. Khrushchev)

He dismissed not just, and he dismissed, and these people came out, and he inspired them that this Beria was returned to them, not the party, not the government, but Beria. Cheap demagogy! He spoke himself: I can make any person that he says that he has a direct connection with the English king. And he did it. Beria demonstrates external friendship, inseparable, inseparable with his friend Malenkov. It is impossible to endure: there is no milk, the meat is not enough. Announced the transition from socialism to communism, and I do not sell flour. And what kind of communism without hot pellets, if we say rude?

No potatoes. It was done to dump blame on others, and then get to power. Some said: how so, Malenkov always walks on hand with Beria, probably, they are together - they tell me, and others probably say that Khrushchev also goes to him. And it is right. Walked and I went. It goes in the middle, it happened, and from the right side of Malenkov goes, and from the left - I. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich somehow said: "You go and discuss something all the time." I say: "Nothing is possible, all sorts of vigility, disgusting even listen, but we go.

Nikolay Dobryukha, Izvestia "(Moscow).