Encyclopedia of the Chelyabinsk region. Bredinsky district

Route from the departure point Bredy village to Orenburg, distance between Bredy village and Orenburg, cheap air tickets Bredy village - Orenburg.

Intermediate points between the village of Bredy and Orenburg

Start of the route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Bredy village, Bredinsky district, Chelyabinsk region, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
10 minutes - 5.2 km
Krasnoyarsky village, Kvarkensky district, Orenburg region, Russia 10 minutes 5.2 km
1 hours, 15 minutes - 64.4 km
Shilda village, Adamovsky district, Orenburg region, Russia 1 hours, 26 minutes 69.7 km
16 minutes - 18 km
village of Novoorsk, Novoorsky district, Orenburg region, Russia 1 hours, 42 minutes 87.6 km
1 hours, 14 minutes - 83.6 km
Udarnik village, 2 hours, 56 minutes 171.3 km
38 minutes - 32.2 km
village of Forstadt, Orsk urban district, Orenburg region, Russia 3 hours, 35 minutes 203.5 km
10 minutes - 6.4 km
village Rabochiy-2, Orsk urban district, Orenburg region, Russia 3 hours, 46 minutes 209.8 km
1 minute – 0.6 km
Orsk, Orsk urban district, Orenburg region, Russia 3 hours, 47 minutes 210.4 km
3 hours, 56 minutes - 261.8 km
Nezhinka village, 7 hours, 43 minutes 472.2 km
Less than 1 minute - 0.1 km
cottage village Yasnaya Polyana, Orenburg district, Orenburg region, Russia 7 hours, 43 minutes 472.3 km
2 minutes - 2.8 km
garden plots Lesovod-1, Orenburg district, Orenburg region, Russia 7 hours, 46 minutes 475 km
21 minutes - 16.9 km
Orenburg, Orenburg urban district, Orenburg region, Russia 8 hours, 8 minutes 492 km

general information

  • Straight line distance: 364.6 km; Distance between centers of cities/towns/villages.
  • Distance by road: 492 km; According to Yandex.Maps.
  • Travel time: 8 hours, 8 minutes; Without taking into account traffic jams and time for rest and food.
  • Fuel consumption: 49.2 l.; With a consumption of 10 liters per 100 km.
  • Travel costs: 1721.95 rub.; At a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter.

Fuel consumption calculator:

Air tickets Bredy - Orenburg

We have selected several air ticket options for this route. The search for air tickets was carried out taking into account price and departure time. If you want to buy an inexpensive air ticket Bredy - Orenburg or on another route, then follow the link.

    (OSW) Orsk → (REN) Orenburg

    (REN) Orenburg → (OSW) Orsk

    (REN) Orenburg → (UFA) Ufa

    (REN) Orenburg → (UFA) Ufa

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

    (CEK) Chelyabinsk → (REN) Orenburg

    Aeroflot Russian Airlines

    Check price / Buy >

  • Ufa, Ufa urban district, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia.

Closest airports to Bredy

  • Magnitogorsk, Magnitogorsk urban district, Chelyabinsk region, Russia.
  • Orsk, Orsk city district, Orenburg region, Russia.
  • Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk urban district, Chelyabinsk region, Russia.
  • Orenburg, Orenburg urban district, Orenburg region, Russia.

Brady- settlement (until 1992 - urban-type settlement), administrative center Bredinsky district, Chelyabinsk region of Russia. Located in the south of the region, 400 km south of Chelyabinsk, on the Syntasty (Sintashty) River (tributary of the Tobol). Railway station on the Chelyabinsk - Orsk line.

Population 10,526 inhabitants (2007), part of Bredinsky rural settlement- 11,241 inhabitants.
Founded by the Cossacks in 1843 as a border fortress. Named after the city of Breda (Netherlands) in honor of the victory of Russian troops here (along with some other villages of the Chelyabinsk region - Leipzig, Chesma, Berlin, Paris, Varna, Ferchampenoise, Arsinsky, Kassel ...) over the French in 1813 (Breda (Netherlands). Breda, MFA: ) is a city and community in the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant with a population of 170,491 inhabitants (2007).

On the territory of the district in the village of Naslednitsky (the Great Silk Road passed through it, an ancient well has been preserved) there is the Alexander Nevsky fortress, founded on May 15, 1835 as a guard fortification of the Orenburg Cossack army. Currently, the fortress has been reorganized into a functioning church with a parish.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the main population were Cossacks, who were engaged in guard service, agriculture, cattle breeding and various crafts. IN different years In the 19th and 20th centuries, anthracite and gold were mined near Bredy.

In 1925 Bredy became a regional center, and in 1940 it received the status of an urban-type workers' settlement. In subsequent years, a stud farm, an alabaster factory, and three power plants operated here.
With the development of virgin lands (1954), the region turned into the region's largest producer of grain, especially durum wheat, milk and meat. For more than 30 years, beef cattle - Hereford - have been bred in the area.
Production began in the 1980-90s building materials, the development of a chromium deposit began, and a creamery was built.

Since 1995, the Amur breeding plant has the status of a state breeding plant, in 2005. The Novokalinino agricultural enterprise received the same status; 2 other farms have the status of breeding breeder for breeding beef cattle (Herefords and Simmentals).
The district allocates 25% of gross milk production and 30% of sales of soft and durum wheat to fulfill the regional order.

The area is rich in explored minerals: gold, dolomites, common minerals.
In 1987, a unique monument of the Bronze Age was discovered on the territory of the region - the archaeological site of Sintashta, where the oldest chariot on earth was found.

The coat of arms of the Bredinsky district was approved by Resolution No. 41 of the Bredinsky District Council of Deputies dated October 18, 2002 and entered into the State Heraldic Register under No. 1039. Authors' group: Nikolay Goryunov, Sergey Kozlov, Vladimir Savochkin (Bredy) - idea of ​​the coat of arms, Konstantin Mochenov (Khimki) - heraldic revision, Galina Tunik (Moscow) - rationale for symbolism, Sergey Isaev (Moscow) - computer design.

“In a green field, under an azure (blue, blue) and silver, jaggedly intersected head, there is a golden ring, chipped at the top in the form of an overturned inscribed point, filled with purple, with an inscribed golden sun (without an image of a face).”

The sun in the ring symbolizes architectural monument Bronze Age "Arkaim", which has the shape of a circle with rays in its layout.

The village has 2 clubs, a recreation center, 4 schools, a shopping center, and a hospital. Population 5.5 thousand (1933), 14.3 thousand (1961), more than 10 thousand people. (1996). The southernmost district of our region includes 38 rural settlements, home to 34,500 people. The region is the largest in area (5076 sq. km), with about 90% of the territory occupied by agricultural land.
Among the attractions: monuments of the “Country of Cities” of the 17th century. BC e., Naslednitskaya fortress, steppe “ribbon” forests.

The geographical location of the region allows us to develop economic relations with the southern regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The area has investment attractiveness for the development of tourism business associated with visiting specialized historical, archaeological and natural landscape sites. reserve "Arkaim". Further strengthening of the Russian border passing through the territory of the region will be important for protecting the national interests of our state.
Agriculture: Of the economic sectors, the largest share in production (about 70 I%) belongs to agriculture. In terms of grain, meat and milk production, the region is among the ten largest agricultural producers in the region. Among the districts of the Chelyabinsk region, the Bredinsky district is a leader in the production of durum wheat. In terms of gross grain harvest, it is among the top seven, and in terms of the presence of cattle, it is in the top three best regions. In the region, two breeding farms and one breeding reproducer are engaged in the breeding of elite cattle. By production volume Agriculture For every thousand of the population, the regional indicator is three times higher than the regional average. 12 large agricultural enterprises are “city-forming” for settlements, in which two-thirds of the region's population lives.

In the Bredinsky region there are proven reserves of gold, dolomite, nickel and other minerals. The region's industry is represented by road construction enterprises, small gold mining, bakery, flour milling, and fat-and-oil enterprises. The production of building materials and consumer goods from local sources of raw materials and the use of reservoirs for fish farming can become cost-effective in the region.

Small business: the number of people employed in small business is 1,400 people, or more than 14% of total number economically active population of the region. The number of people working in this area is growing from year to year. The output of goods and provision of services by small business representatives (excluding the output of individual entrepreneurs and farmers) exceeds 53 million rubles in some years, and the contribution of small businesses to the gross product reaches 10%. Analysis of the socio-economic situation of Bredinsky municipal district allows us to draw the following conclusions about its importance for ensuring the economic independence of the region. Among the historically traditional folk crafts in the region, the skill of down shawls has been preserved - knitting products from goat down, mainly down shawls.

The transport infrastructure consists of railway (JSC Russian Railways) and road complexes. The length of roads is 269 km, including 53% with hard surface. Every year, CJSC Bredinskoe ATP carries out passenger transportation of about 400 thousand people. The freight turnover of all road transport in the region exceeded 19 million t/km, and its number reached 5,740 units. The maintenance and construction of roads of regional significance is carried out using funds from the regional budget by Dorozhnik LLC.

The 1976 Olympic champion in weightlifting Peter Korol, doctor historical sciences Evgeniy Volkov
Administration of Bredinsky district: 457330, Bredinsky district, Bredy village, Gerbanova street, 40

On real estate portal ChelCity You can sell, buy, rent or lease real estate (apartments, cottages, houses, gardens, garages and other residential and commercial real estate) on the streets of the village of Bredy: 1 May St., 2nd Lugovaya St., 8 March St. ... st., Gaidar st., Gerbanova st., Gogol st., Gorky st., Granitnaya st., Dmitrova st., Dorozhnaya st., Yesenin st., Zheleznodorozhny lane, Zavodskaya st., Zapadnaya st., Zarechnaya st. , named after A.M.Novikov St., Karl Liebknecht St., Karl Marx St., Kirova St., Club St., Communes St., Komsomolskaya St., Kopeiskaya St., Krasnoarmeyskaya St., Krupskoy St., Kuibysheva St. ., Levonaberezhnaya st., Lenina st., Leningradskaya st., Lermontov st., Lesnaya st., Lugovaya st., Mayakovskogo st., Militseyskaya st., Mira st., Molodezhnaya st., Molodogvardeyskaya st., Moskovskaya st., Embankment 1st St., Embankment 2nd St., Narechnaya St., Nekrasova St., Neftebazovskaya St., Niskovskogo St., Novaya St., New Building St., Oktyabrskaya St., Ostrovskogo St. Parkovaya st. Pionerskaya st. Pobedy st. Polevaya st. Right Bank st. Pristantsionnaya St., Proletarskaya St., Promkombinatovskaya St., Pugacheva St., Pushkin St., Repeater St., Roses Luxemburg St., Rossiyskaya St., RTS St., Sadovaya St., Svobody 1st St., Svobody 2 -ya st., Svobody-1 st., Svobody-2 st., Severnaya st., Sevostyanova st., Skladskaya st., Sovetskaya st., Solnechnaya st., Sosnovaya st., Spartaka st., Stadionnaya st., Station st., Stepnaya 1st st., Stepnaya 2nd st., Suvorova st., Sukhodolnaya st., Telman st., Torgovaya st., Truda st., Dead End st., Turgeneva st., Uralskaya st., Frunze st., Khromitovskaya st., Tsvetochnaya st., Tselinnaya st., Tselinstroy st., Chapaeva st., Cheryomushki st., Chernyakhovskogo st., Chekhova st., Chkalova st., Shakhta 3 st., Shevchenko st., Shkolnaya st. ., Sholokhova st., Elevatornaya st., Yubileynaya st., Yuzhnaya st..

New buildings:

An urban-type settlement, the center of the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region of the RSFSR. Located in the southern region, on the river. Syntasty (Tobol basin). Railway station on the Chelyabinsk Orsk line. 12.1 thousand inhabitants (1968), production of building materials ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Brady- village mountains type, r y c. Chelyab. region, located on the river. Sintashta, 338 km from Chelyab. Basic by the Cossacks in 1843 as a border fortress. Named after the city of Breda (Netherlands) in honor of the Russian victory here. troops over the French in 1813. Before the beginning. XX century basic... ... Ural Historical Encyclopedia

Bredy 1- 457311, Chelyabinsk, Bredinsky ...

Delirium 2- 457312, Chelyabinsk, Bredinsky ... Settlements and indexes of Russia

Brady- Bredy, an urban-type settlement in the Chelyabinsk region, the center of the Bredinsky district, 338 km southwest of Chelyabinsk. Located on the river. Syntasty (tributary of the Tobol River). Railroad station. Population is about 10 thousand people. Founded in 1843 as a supporting... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

Bredy Railway Station- 457315, Chelyabinsk, Bredinsky ... Settlements and indexes of Russia

Breda RUPS- 457310, Chelyabinsk, r.ts. Bredinsky... Settlements and indexes of Russia

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Coat of arms of Breda

A country Russia
Subject of the federation Chelyabinsk region
Municipal district Bredinsky district
Coordinates Coordinates: 52°25′06″ N. w. 60°20′45″ E. d. / 52.418333° n. w. 60.345833° E. d. (G) (O) (I)52°25′06″ N. w. 60°20′45″ E. d. / 52.418333° n. w. 60.345833° E. d. (G) (O) (I)
Population 10.5 thousand people (2007)
OKATO code 75 212 832 001
Telephone code +7 35141
Timezone UTC+6
Vehicle code 74, 174
Based 1843
Village with 1940

Bredy - a settlement (until 1992 - an urban-type settlement), the administrative center of the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region Russia. Located in the south of the region, 338-340 km south of Chelyabinsk, on the Syntasta River (tributary of the Tobol). Train station on the line Chelyabinsk - Orsk.

Population 10,526 inhabitants (2007), as part of the Bredinsky rural settlement - 11,241 inhabitants.

Notable residents

The 1976 Olympic champion in weightlifting Pyotr Korol and Doctor of Historical Sciences Evgeniy Volkov were born in Bredy


Founded in 1843 as a stronghold (military settlement) of the Orenburg Cossack army under the name Post No. 13 of the Novolineiny District, later named in honor of the victory of Russian troops over the French in 1813 near the city Breda(on South Netherlands).


Monuments: Serb commissar M. L. Gerbanov, killed by Orenburg Cossacks who rebelled against the Bolshevik rule; the first virgin lands.


The geographical location of the region allows us to develop economic relations with the southern regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The area has investment attractiveness for the development of tourism business associated with visiting the specialized historical, archaeological and natural landscape reserve "Arkaim". Further strengthening of the Russian border passing through the territory of the region will be important for protecting the national interests of our state.

Agriculture: Of the economic sectors, the largest share in production (about 70 I%) belongs to agriculture. In terms of grain, meat and milk production, the region is among the ten largest agricultural producers in the region. Among the districts of the Chelyabinsk region, the Bredinsky district is a leader in the production of durum wheat. In terms of gross grain harvest, it is among the top seven, and in terms of the presence of cattle, it is in the top three best regions. In the region, two breeding farms and one breeding reproducer are engaged in the breeding of elite cattle. In terms of agricultural production per thousand of the population, the regional indicator exceeds the regional average by three times. 12 large agricultural enterprises are “city-forming” for the settlements in which two-thirds of the region’s population live.

In the Bredinsky region there are proven reserves of gold, dolomite, nickel and other minerals. The region's industry is represented by road construction enterprises, small gold mining, bakery, flour milling, and fat-and-oil enterprises. The production of building materials and consumer goods from local sources of raw materials and the use of reservoirs for fish farming can become cost-effective in the region.

Small business: the number of people employed in small business is 1,400 people, or more than 14% of the total economically active population of the region. The number of people working in this area is growing from year to year. The output of goods and provision of services by small business representatives (excluding the output of individual entrepreneurs and farmers) exceeds 53 million rubles in some years, and the contribution of small businesses to the gross product reaches 10%. An analysis of the socio-economic situation of the Bredinsky municipal district allows us to draw the following conclusions about its importance for ensuring the economic independence of the region. Among the historically traditional folk crafts in the region, the skill of down shawls has been preserved - knitting products from goat down, mainly down shawls.

The transport infrastructure consists of railway (JSC Russian Railways) and road complexes. The length of roads is 269 km, including 53% with hard surface. Every year, CJSC Bredinskoe ATP carries out passenger transportation of about 400 thousand people. The freight turnover of all road transport in the region exceeded 19 million t/km, and its number reached 5,740 units. The maintenance and construction of roads of regional significance is carried out using funds from the regional budget by Dorozhnik LLC.