Aesthetic feelings Definition. Feelings, their psychological characteristics

The method of treating mental diseases developed by Freud, as well as a complex of hypotheses and theories explaining the role of unconscious in human life and the development of mankind. Despite the fact that many psychoanalysts seek to emphasize the scientific (and in this sense of the Neophilosofsky) status P., Freud's doctrine from the moment of its appearance not only claimed to generalize a philosophical nature, but also included the installation on the creation of a peculiar human philosophy. The formation of P. is associated with an attempt to find an exit of deadlocks, in which philosophy, on the one hand, positivism, focused solely on natural science knowledge, and, on the other hand, irrationalism, appealing to intuitive guessing and intrapersonal comprehension of being. The organizational design of P. began in 1902 with the formation of a small mug of like-minded people, then turned into a Vienna psychoanalytic society and finally ended with the spread of psychoanalytic movement in many countries Western Europe And America. In P., not just the inner world of man is investigated, and the sphere of mental, within which the most significant and significant processes and changes that have an impact on the organization of all human existence occur. Ontological issues shifts into the plane of the psyche. A psychic, which has its own nature and subject to special patterns of development, is recognized as a reality, which always has analogue in the physical world. The study of the mentally real, identification of the patterns of the functioning of the human psyche, the study of internal conflicts and drams that play in the depths of human existence is such a significant moments of psychoanalytic philosophy. P. Rely on the hypothesis about the existence of an unconscious layer of the human psyche, in whose depths of which there is a special life, is not yet sufficiently studied, but nevertheless actually significant and noticeably different from the processes of consciousness. If in some philosophical systems of the past, the recognition of the independent status of the unconscious was limited at best, attempts to consider relationships between conscious and unconscious processes, then in P. not only these relationships are investigated, but also the meaningful characteristics of the most unconscious mental. The unconscious is compared with a big front, where all spiritual impulses are located, and consciousness - with a narrow room adjacent to it, salon. On the threshold between the front and the salon there is a guard, closely looking at every mental movement and the decisive question of whether to miss it from one room to another. If the mental movement is allowed into the salon, it can become conscious when the attention of consciousness will attract attention. The front room is the abode of the unconscious, the interior is a compatibility of the preliminary, and only behind it is a cellary actually conscious. Such is one of the spatial, or topical, representations of P. about human psyche. In the 20s in P. used other comparison. The psyche is understood as consisting of three layers, or instances, - it, I, above-I. The unconscious it is represented as an inherited of the deep layer inherited by the human organization, in the depths of which hidden sweaty mental movements, resembling old demons and expressing the viable desection of a person. Conscious I am an intermediary between it and the outside world, the instance intended to facilitate in the provision of the influences of this world to the unconscious ActivityIvid. Ex-I - the instance that personifies the imperatives and prohibitions of a sociocultural nature. I'm trying to subordinate it. If it fails, then I obeys it, creating only the visibility of your superiority over it. Above-I can also rule over I, speaking as a conscience or unconscious feeling of guilt. As a result, I turn out to be in the vice of diverse contradictions, being "unfortunate", subject to a trolar threat: on the part of the external world, it and the strictness of the forefront. The doctrine of the "unfortunate I" is directed against the secular and religious illusions of a person as an internally consistent being. According to Freud, throughout the history of the development of scientific thought, human self-love has undergone a few tangible blows - "cosmological", applied by Copernicus and crushing the ideas of a person about the Earth as the center of the Universe; "Biological", applied by Darwin, who showed that a person is just a step in the evolution of the animal world. But the most tangible should be, according to Freud, the blow of "psychological", coming from the teachings of the "unfortunate", who is not a lord in his own home. Man's mental life is continuously shaken by conflicts. Their permit is associated with protective mechanisms that allow to adapt to the outside world. A person is guided in life with two principles. The first one is the "principle of pleasure" - inherent inherent in each individual program of functioning mental processes In which the unconscious attachments are automatically sent in the direction of obtaining maximum pleasure. The second is the "principle of reality", adjusting the course of mental processes in accordance with the requirements of the environment and asking landmarks that promote the avoidance of shocks related to the impossibility of direct and momentary satisfaction of the intersections. However, the protective mechanisms of this kind, effective in relation to external reality, do not always contribute to the resolution of deep conflicts caused by mental reality. At best, socially unacceptable impulses and desires in the sphere of unconscious occurred. At the same time, only the visibility of the permission of intra-psychic conflicts is created, because the person displaced in the unconscious desires of a person at any time can break out, cause another drama. The resolution of internal conflicts should be achieved by consciously mastering desires directly satisfying them or sublimation. P. is precisely plotted as an effective means of assisting those who need to translate unconscious into consciousness. Practice P. is aimed at identifying and analyzing the pathogenic material obtained in the process of deciphering "free associations", interpretation of dreams, studying erroneous actions (the description, reservations, etc.) and those "little things", for which, as a rule, not Pay attention. In theoretical terms, it is most closely associated with the psychoanalytic theory of knowledge based on the recognition of the presence of such knowledge about which he himself is not known until the chain of memories will be restored about the real events of the past, who once had a place in the life of a separate Individual or in the history of human development. The cognition of the unconscious is in P. Not other than anything else, the recovery in the memory of a person of the previously existing knowledge. Psychoanalytically interpreted consciousness turns out to be a resurrection of knowledge-memories, displaced into the preinforcedially reluctance or the inability of a person, to recognize the symbolic language of the unconscious of the internal aspirations and desires that are often associated with some hidden demonic forces. P. explains the present, reducing it to the past, by the child's childhood, relying on the postulate, according to which the source of the unconscious is something related to sexual relations in the family between children and their parents. The cognition of the unconscious is completed by the discovery of the EDIPOV complex in it - those initial sexual impulse, under the influence of which all human activity is structured. Both in theoretical and in practical plan Deciphering the "traces" of the unconscious and identifying its meaning did not solve the final question about the possibility of understanding and awareness of the unconscious mental, since the interpretation of unconscious ideas allows arbitrary interpretation and does not exclude a preissual relationship manifested in the process of cognition of the unconscious. In psychoanalytic philosophy, the desire to identify the moral bases of human being. Deciphering the symbolic language of the unconscious, interpretation of dreams, the detection of the symptoms of the painful splitting of the inner world of the individual - all this led to the recognition of the "evil", "bad" began in man. Another aspect is that the deployment of the unconscious mental is accompanied by not only the scaling to the lower, animal start of the human being, but also to the creation of higher spiritual values \u200b\u200bof life, whether artistic, scientific or other types of creativity. In P. finds a reflection of the Kantian idea of \u200b\u200bthe "categorical imperative", considered as a special mental mechanism, a whole predetermining or corrective human activity. This imperative is a conscience that displaces and overwhelming the natural attachments of the individual. Thus, in psychoanalytic philosophy, the duality of human being in the world is recorded, associated with the natural and moral determination of its livelihoods. Focusing on the suppression of the culture of sexual activation of a person and correlating "cultural morality" with an increase in neurotic diseases, Freud expressed the hope that someday the "conscience" of the bourgeois society will ever be wanted, as a result of which the moral norms will occur, contributing to the free development of the person. In psychoanalytic philosophy, a complex of problems and cultural, and social character is considered. The problems of "collective neurosis" and "neurotic culture", as well as topics such as the antisocial behavior of individuals and the psychology of the masses, the "social treatment" and social justice, the "cultural hypocrisy" of society and the regulation of human relations in it, "Corporate Spirit" and labor Activities, etc. However, sociocultural problems is refracted, as a rule, through family-sexual relations, it receives such a interpretation that easily fits into the psychoanalytic interpretation of the life of a person in the world as a continuing struggle between the "instinct of life" (Eros) and the "instinct of death" (Tanatos). Philosophical understanding of P. is characteristic of a number of areas of modern Western philosophy, as evidenced by the development of such concepts as "psychoanalytic philosophical anthropology" (Binswanger), "Existential P." (Frome), "psychoanalytic hermenentics" (A. Lorenzer), as well as a number of "synthetic" philosophical and anthropological exercises, combining individual ideas of P. with the "Spirit Phenomenology" of Hegel (Ricer) or the Gusserly Phenomenology (L. Rauhala). V.M. Lamin P., initially denoted the method of treating neuroses, as the attention of Freud under the study of dreams and erroneous actions becomes the general designation of the technique for analyzing psychological phenomena. Further theoretical development expands the importance of P. It is already understood not only as a technique, but as an independent scientific discipline or a project, consciously deliberately, on the one hand, from metaphysics, on the other - from classical psychology, which is also emphasized by its special designation: "Metapsychology "Or" psychology of the unconscious. " Freud is making repeated attempts to determine the essential features of "meta-psychology", but neither to him himself nor his followers to present metapsychology in the form of a special system, to withdraw the basis of the psychoanalytic method. After the first series of Freud's metapsychological articles (the last of which is dated 1915) and numerous works of the second generation of psychoanalysts (Abraham, Ferenchi, Raikha, Klein, Jones, etc.), in the 50s there is a "revision" of the concept of meta-psychology associated with The name of Lakan. Used in this technique is borrowed from linguistics and public Sciences (R. Jacobson, Levi-Stros), and the formation of concepts relies on the philosophical tradition of Hegel and Husserl. According to Freud, the subject of meta-psychology is a description of the mental process in its topographic, dynamic and economic aspects. The topographic angle of view fixes the difference in conscious and unconscious representations, dynamic - the intensity of the flow of mental processes and the intensity of the pulses, and the economic setting of the mental energy between the structural parts of the psyche and determines the source of the pulse. Structural metapsychology gradually refuses to use the concepts of mental "zones", "forces" and "energy" who came to P. from psychophysics. However, the fact that Freud in due time indicated both "Topic", "Dynamics" and "Economy", in modern: psychoanalytic theory actually express its four central concepts: "unconscious", "attraction", "repetition" and "transfer" . The basic concept of P. is unconscious. The traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe unconscious, which served the metaphysical basis of neurophysiological psychology is accepted by Freud until 1895. The subsequent development of the concept of meaningless leads to its radical reinterpretation. P. postulates the inconsistency of the mental to conscious. In theoretical and methodological terms, the same value has both "manifest" (liquible) content of mental processes and "latent" (implicit) content of mental. Any mental content is "recording". The question is not so much about whether the elements of the record are conscious or pre-conscious, how much about what conditions they can become conscious. The ability of the mental element to become consciously determined not to its belonging to the associative series (the able to consist exclusively from unconscious links), and its significance within specific system relationship, which is the unconscious in the strict sense of the word. The unconscious is not exhausted by its contents. Levi-Srark and Lacan, comparing the structure of the unconscious with the Structure of Speech, speak in this connection about the "symbolic function" or "symbolic order". The structure of the unconscious is mobile, changes in it are constantly occurring, during which the individual elements are "sub-sequential" (replaced by others), combine otherwise or "displaced" (moved to another context). Two types of transformation - "thickening" and "offset" - are the primary processes of the unconscious and are subject to detection using the Free Association method developed by Freud. The latter consists in a free, relaxed proclaiming patient in all, which comes to his head during a psychoanalytic session, followed by the interpretation of this analyst. It is assumed that the identification and awareness of the patient with a hidden connection between parts of the story and displaced, unconscious attractions has a positive therapeutic effect. Structural metapsychology emphasizes an analogy between the mechanisms of thickening and displacement, on the one hand, and such rhetorical figures, as a metaphor and metonimia, on the other. If the process of the mental element in the dynamic model of Freud corresponded to the process of displacement, the structural metapsychology of lacquer and its followers, putting the connection of the element with its symbolic place to the head of the element with its symbolic place (similar links meaning with meant), refuses to accept the duality of the psychological place ( There are supplies of the element of the system of consciousness and the system of unconscious), from which the first topographic model was repelled. Accordingly, the displacement is already interpreted not through the dynamics of two opposing forces, but as a symbolic removal of the displaced. Fundamental theoremapseyoanalysis, formulated by Freud at first in relation to the dream (1900), and then to the symptom (1905), reads: in the form of "execution" of desires and the representation of the impulse, displaced represents the desire. Freud called it "unconscious fantasy"; Lacan is talking about "fantasy" as a "desire carrier". Thus, the connection between the concepts of the unconscious, desire and attraction, the marking transition from the topic-dynamic approach to the "economic" approach, forms the core of the psychoanalytic theory of Lakan. Klaus Hamberger (Vienna) Freud 3. Lectures on psychoanalysis. M., 1989; Lamin V.M. Freud. And modern Western philosophy. M., 1990; Psychoanalysis and Philosophy. N.Y., 1970; Lorenzer A. Archeology of psychoanalysis. M., 1996; M. Miri. Philosophy of psychoanalysis. SIMLA, 1977; J. Lacan. Les Quatre Consepts de la Psychanalyse. P., 1973; Ch. Hanly. Existentialism and psychoanalysis. N.Y., 1979; B. Farrell. The standing of psychoanalysis. Oxford etc., 1981; A. Grunbaum. The Foundation Of Psychoanalysis: A PHILOSOPHICAL CRITIQUE. Berkeley etc., 1984.

Under the term psychoanalysis imply the theory mental life Human, research methods, ways to treat various neurotic disorders, the creator of which is Sigmund Freud. This theory has had a huge impact on the intellectual life of humanity, on its culture.

And this influence It does not stop at present. Psychoanalysis is a way to study mental processes that are otherwise not available. Also implies a technique of neurotic disorders therapy based on this study. Including psychoanalysis is a number of mental concepts that have arisen as a result and in the future of the scientific discipline further.

What is psychoanalysis? As you know, many of the ideas of Freud were revised and changed, however, the main provisions are the same. What is psychoanalysis? This discovery is that the main part of the psyche, although it has a determining effect on a person, still remains hidden for a person.

Psychoanalysis recognizes the widespread of the unconscious conflict, as well as an understanding that communicating with others, a person uses the so-called templates taken from early childhood to transfers these situations into real life.

Psychoanalysis recognizes the central role and sexuality in mental life, and the bookmark of these most important aspects occurs in childhood. Psychoanalysis is used in various contexts, including in art, politics, sociology, literature.

Psychoanalysis in the form of a method of psychological assistance is based on such an opinion, a huge role is assigned to early experiences of love, loss, understanding of death, experiences of sexuality, and so on. All this contributes to the formation of an unconscious representation affecting the psyche.

This factor may be a source of conflicts that blocks development. What does psychoanalysis mean, what opportunities provide a patient? This practice, during which a person is able to realize a number of unconscious manifestations, find them an explanation.

Thanks to psychoanalysis, the patient gets the opportunity to be more deeply understood, the unconscious forces that have formed empty relationships or anxiety in his life are manifested. Psychoanalysis is aimed at the correction of the structure of the psyche, while there is an orientation of not only the awareness of certain symptoms, but also to their thorough erash.

The task of psychoanalyst is not to condemn the patient, diagnose or give advice. First of all, the goal is to help a person understand himself, eliminate social stereotypes, get rid of unreasonable self-criticism, all sorts of delusions. It is important that the patient learned to fully feel life, become internally free.

First of all, psychoanalytic psychotherapy psychoanalysis is necessary for people who feel hopeless due to the constantly emerging psychological problems that create obstacles to the realization of life goals that prevent personal life, friendship.

The decline in mood, braking and anxieties are common signs of internal conflicts. If you leave them without attention, they significantly affect personal elections and professional decisions. Usually, the roots of such problems are located in the unconscious region, and they cannot be resolved without the use of psychotherapeutic methods.

A specialist helps the patient in a new way to understand the unconscious part of the problems. Thanks to a conversation with a psychoanalyst in a relaxed atmosphere, the patient aware of the elements of the inner world, previously unavailable for it. There are in mind his memories, dreams, as well as feelings and thoughts. Thereby, psychic pain is removed, self-consciousness is ensured.

All this gives the patient confidence that his life goals will be achieved. With positive effects of psychoanalysis, further personal growth is actively developing. Moreover, it continues for a long time after psychoanalysis is completed.

What is professional psychoanalysis? Before appealing to the psychotherapist, a person is forced to be with his problem one on one, look for various ways to solve, explore. If all his efforts in this direction Do not give the desired results, do not justify yourself, or even exacerbate the problem, then the decision arises to seek help from a specialist.

Initially, within two or four meetings, the client with a psychoanalyst occurs, there is a primary study of the problem that worries a person. Both sides come to an agreement on the form of work. This may be an analysis or psychoanalytic therapy.

This stage implies that the analyst receives a maximum of information about the patient, learns his history of life. This serves as the basis for making a decision on further actions, as much as possible in each case.

If the work of psychoanalyst starts from free associations, then at the beginning of the analysis, the client visits a specialist to five times a week. The person is located on the couch, and says everything that this time will come to mind. This is his experiences, impressions, as well as the opinion of psychoanalyst. Together with the patient, the specialist interprets unconscious facts that are the basis of behavioral methods, relations and actions of the patient.

Very often the reason for the appeal to psychoanalyst is depression. Realizing what psychoanalysis is, many people realize that this method will help them understand themselves, return to normal life rhythm.

A dreary state, depression and deep disappointment are feelings familiar to everyone. But sometimes depression acquires intensity and extraordinary scope, literally absorbs human. Moreover, contacting psychoanalysis, pain and anxiety can be worked out, increase the ability of a person to experience adversity and difficulties.