Posted fitness for the brain. Brain fitness: earlier is better, but never too late

“A well-constructed brain is worth more than a well-filled brain.”

Scientists tend to believe that we do not use the brain at 100% of its capacity, and that it has some backup storage. But don't think that billions nerve cells- this is a lot, and if you have spare cells, then you can relax...

The more developed the brain, the faster we make decisions, react to stress, think critically - and fortunately, today training the brain (intelligence, memory) is a topic almost catching up in popularity with the passion for fitness and healthy lifestyle.

Developing the brain means putting it in atypical and unusual situations. Scientists describe the process of “pumping up” the brain as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker (and more tortuous), the brain substance sprouts new capillaries, axons begin to conduct nerve signals faster, thus, functional connections between individual brain structures are strengthened.

So, 15 practices!

1. Get out of your comfort zone

If the muscles love precision of actions, a given number of repetitions, a clear schedule, then the brain prefers everything exactly the opposite: routine work, lack of impressions, and familiar surroundings are unbearable for it.

The more difficult it is for you to decide to make any changes in your life (even in small things), the more you really need it.

2. Learn to speak

Having heard once again from a friend: “How are you?”, “What’s new?”, come up with new phrases each time - give up stereotypes in communication, as they say, “break the pattern” boring interlocutor. Of course, without forgetting about politeness.

If you approach everything you say creatively, from different angles, you thereby stimulate memory and the speech center in the brain - the left temporal region of Wernicke's and Broca's areas.

Tell stories or start a vlog. Master storytelling. Today we have a lot of technologies at our service, so there is no need to come up with excuses - it’s better to look for opportunities for development. If you don't like the camera, just communicate more and read out loud to each other. Remember that one famous phrase from the movie:

“All is not lost and life is not over as long as you have a friend and a story or two to tell.”

3. Develop your senses

Move around your own apartment or take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to determine by touch the value of the coins in your pocket. Try to master Braille, a reading and writing system for the blind. Although such exercises may sound strange, you will force the new sensory areas of the brain, which are usually little or not used at all, to “heat up” intensely. Finally, arrange sign language communication days with your family.

4. Take up music. Or math

Neuroscientists have found that some departments are activated in response to actions that seem to be completely different in nature. For example, while solving math problems and listening to music, similar activity can be recorded in the medial orbitofrontal cortex.

Today, scientists have every reason to believe that music engages more parts and areas of the brain than any other activity.

5. Take different routes

As recent studies by physiologists show, this develops spatial memory and even helps to increase the size of the hippocampus.

And the Scandinavians have a saying: “When you return along the same road, you gradually turn into a ghost.”

6. Learn languages

Data obtained by scientists indicate that the brain grows when learning languages, and in the most literal sense of the word. Its individual areas of the hippocampus and some areas of the cortex grow cerebral hemispheres. But that’s not all: bilinguals and polyglots’ brains are so well trained to work with new information that they become capable of greater multitasking and can easily solve several different problems in their minds at the same time.

Let’s say more: those who take the time to learn (even at a conversational level) a language other than their native one are entitled to an average of five years of “deferment” from dementia caused by Alzheimer’s syndrome. Today, the preventive effect that learning languages ​​has is much stronger than any medicinal treatment for this disease.

7. Trick your brain

Do usual things in an unexpected way, change your hands, try to brush your teeth, write, draw, type on the keyboard, hold a spoon and hold it with your left hand. If you are left-handed, then vice versa. Aerobatics - a computer mouse.

While you do familiar things in an unusual way, the motor cortex is activated - (“transferred” from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right), which has a beneficial effect on your abilities. There are even techniques such as creating artificial physical discomfort for yourself, for example, walking around the house in a slipper on one foot and a high-heeled shoe on the other, and after a while changing their places.

8. Get into the habit of aerobic exercise

If we talk about very difficult things, then there are pathological processes (many of which are caused by a sedentary lifestyle) that literally kill the functioning cellular structures of the brain. Of course, this does not happen in one day, but arising at a relatively young age, the symptoms of brain decline become noticeable already at a fairly mature age.

Moderate exercise, at least 150 minutes per week (or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity), plus walking at least 500 meters daily. This practice increases the volume of the cerebral cortex in the frontal and parietal areas, which are responsible for memory, attention and switching from one task to another.

Here is a diagram that American scientists compiled based on an analysis of tomography data from adolescents and elderly subjects:

And you must agree: it’s much easier to accustom yourself to physical activity while you are still in full bloom.

9. Do something “impossible” for yourself

Of course, scientists back in 2013 published research results showing that the left and right hemispheres are more dependent on each other than previously thought, and in almost all complex processes they work together. But the stereotype about “techies” and “humanities” is still very strong, and it really often works. You may, considering yourself a 100% logician, a “techie,” think that you will never be able to, for example, dance, draw or take photographs. But in vain.

It is a known fact that brilliant ideas and solutions often arise from people who do not know the rules (and therefore do not follow generally accepted taboos).

10. Develop creativity

This can be useful anywhere - from creative solutions in everyday life to career and business. Steve Jobs said: “Creativity is simply making connections between things.

When creative people they ask how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t actually do anything, they just noticed.” Exercises to develop creativity look strange, but we assure you that the brain really works to its fullest when doing them.

Here is one such exercise. Take a sheet of paper and draw crosses. For starters, 6 in height and 9 in length is enough. You can also print this picture:

Now we tune in to the creative wave, take a pen and begin to turn the crosses into pictures and small sketches. You can't repeat yourself, and prerequisite is the use of this particular element.

The task may look different, for example, like this:

Or like this:

Similar forms for developing creativity can be found on the Internet, in a variety of versions.

11. Keep a diary

Firstly, keeping a diary will help you put things in order, and secondly, you will better understand yourself. Moreover, the more eloquent the description of everything experienced during the day is - describe sounds, smells, tactile sensations - the more benefits will be for the brain. Moreover, it also helps to quickly develop Creative skills.

Back in the 20s of the last century, scientists, having studied in detail the biographies of more than three hundred historical geniuses (such as Sir Isaac Newton, Thomas Jefferson, Johann Sebastian Bach), discovered striking similarities in the habits of these people. Scientists have called one of the signs of genius a tendency to eloquently describe one’s feelings and thoughts in a diary, in poetry, and in letters to friends and family.

12. Develop working memory

In addition to long-term and short-term memory, there is also the so-called working memory, in which information about what we are doing right now is stored and processed. It ensures our efficiency in conditions when we are overwhelmed with a stream of incoming tasks: calculations, communication with clients, answers to letters, calls, and small decisions. And the results latest research indicate that good working memory scores are much more useful on the way up the career ladder than a dry IQ index. Working memory capacity is limited. Typically, only 7-9 elements are stored there at a time.

Here is one of the exercises to develop it. Say the name of the color in which these words are written:

To develop working memory, it is also very useful to solve simple math problems, add or multiply numbers in your head, or remember sequences of words and symbols.

13. Do weird exercises

Some of them are well known to us from childhood, but if you try to do it now, you will understand how exciting it is.

Exercise "Ear-nose". It looks very funny, but it's worth it. With our left hand we take the tip of the nose, and with our right hand we take the opposite ear, i.e. left. At the same time, release your ear and nose, clap your hands, change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.” You will understand that you did better as a child.

Exercise “Mirror drawing”. Put it on the table Blank sheet paper, take a pencil in each hand. Try drawing a vase. Or draw mirror-symmetrical drawings with both hands at the same time or write letters. When performing this exercise, you will feel the relaxation of your eyes and hands, because when both hemispheres work simultaneously, the efficiency of the entire brain improves.

Exercise "Alphabet". Look at the double rows of letters, where under each letter of the alphabet the letters L, P or V are written. Now the fun part. You pronounce the upper letter, and indicate the lower letter with movement. L - the left hand rises to the left, R - the right hand rises to the right, V - both hands rise up. The exercise is performed in sequence from the first letter to the last, then from the last letter to the first.

14. Develop fine motor skills

Scientists have convincingly proven the connection between finger motor skills and speech function. Sometimes, to grow more neurons, it’s enough to invent a hobby related to motor skills: learn to knit, weave beads, embroider, or create origami.

15. And finally, fingering.

Some exercises for the brain and the development of certain areas of it seem strange, but believe me: your brain will be grateful for such exercise. Finger exercise, or finger gymnastics, is an incredibly useful practice. It is often used in pedagogy and rehabilitation. It is also practiced by yogis, in whose community such manipulations are called “mudras”. This video describes four exercises to develop fine motor skills and improve concentration.

Just try to repeat it. If you are a guitarist or play the piano, you will probably be able to do this with ease. To the rest - patience and success!

Even if you've been training for a long time and consider yourself an experienced athlete, you may be making subtle mistakes that are preventing you from becoming slimmer.

Your time is valuable, you find free minutes to work out at the gym, but the results are invisible? Do you feel like you're running in place and can't move forward? Well, even if you have been training for a long time and consider yourself an experienced athlete, perhaps you make seemingly unnoticeable but glaring mistakes when performing exercises.

Fitness wisely: 10 mistakes in the gym

“People, even if they have been training for a long time, can make mistakes during training that significantly affect the quality of the results,” says Konstantin Anenkov, fitness instructor at the Olympus club, and talks about 10 main mistakes that prevent the majority from achieving the desired result.

    Monotone. If you do the same exercises over a long period of time, your muscles adapt to them and stop responding to the load. You reach the so-called “plateau” position. In order to change the situation, it is necessary to periodically alternate the load, add new exercises or modify old ones. Change sets of exercises every 6-8 weeks, introduce 2-3 new exercises for each muscle group, and don’t forget about special equipment. When training at home, these can be dumbbells, jump ropes, balls, etc.

    No warm-up. Don’t be lazy to warm up your muscles before starting exercises, otherwise the risk of injuries and sprains increases sharply. Spend 5–10 minutes warming up.

    The pace is too fast. If you think that the faster you perform this or that exercise, the more calories you burn, you are mistaken. Going fast only increases the risk of injury. Spend an average of 6 seconds on each repetition of the exercise. By slowing down, you will significantly improve your results. The same applies to swimming lessons: swimming fast does not mean swimming correctly. Pay attention to the technique of performing exercises both on land and in water.

Fitness wisely: 10 mistakes in the gym

  1. Too hard and intense. You will not achieve the desired result if the load is chosen incorrectly, you overestimate your strength, exercise too long and intensely and do not have time to recover due to the fact that you exercise every day. On the contrary, you risk minimizing the benefits you get from your classes. In order to keep the body in good shape, you need to devote 20 minutes to cardio exercise and then move on to exercises for individual muscle groups; You can devote 40–60 minutes to these activities. The more intensely you train, the more time your body will spend on recovery. Take a one-day break between classes or alternate classes in the gym with Pilates every other day.

Fitness wisely: 10 mistakes in the gym

    Too comfortable. When warming up on cardio equipment, do not allow your body to constantly remain in a state of comfort. Alternate the load, make your heart beat faster for a short period of time than during normal exercises. For example, when working out on a treadmill, spend 10 minutes warming up your muscles, then for a period of 30 seconds to 1 minute - depending on your preparation - increase the running speed or the incline of the treadmill, then go to an easy or moderate pace for 1-3 minutes and again alternate them for 10–20 minutes.

    . You will not notice any positive changes from strength training if the equipment used is too light or, conversely, too heavy. If you are in the mood for intense training, the equipment (for example, dumbbells) will be correctly selected; you feel tired from exercising after 4–6 repetitions; to check the correct weight of the equipment for medium-intensity exercise, do 8–12 repetitions. Over time, increase their weight by 5–10%.

    Load redistribution. Do not round your back when performing bending exercises and exercises with dumbbells. A rounded back and lack of fixation in the hips when performing the exercise put too much stress on the spine and slow down the training of the back muscles.

Fitness wisely: 10 mistakes in the gym

Make sure that when performing abdominal exercises, the main load does not transfer to the neck muscles.

Fitness wisely: 10 mistakes in the gym

  1. Error in my head. The wrong attitude towards training can minimize the success of even technically ideal exercises. Avoid the four main barriers:

Obsessing over numbers. During exercise, do not constantly count calories burned, do not be nervous because the volume of problem areas has not decreased by 5 cm over the past two days, do not step on the scale every five minutes after performing this or that exercise. Focus on the surge of strength and energy you experience during exercise.– Don't think about injuries: thoughts are translated into reality.

    Impermanence. Training should be regular - this is the key to success. The option where you visit the gym four times in one week, skip the next week, and come once again the next week will not allow you to achieve great success. It is advisable to exercise regularly at least twice a week.

    Rich lunches and dinners. After playing sports, metabolic processes accelerate and the body begins to require more food. Watch yourself. Do not overeat so as not to minimize the results of your training: adhere to the principles of proper nutrition!

By following our simple rules, you can always be in great shape!

How to influence your brain with exercise

When we have health problems, we turn to doctors or run to the pharmacy for pills. By the way, we can often help ourselves - without drugs or doctors. So, in last years There have been studies about the possibility of influencing the brain through exercise. For details, we turned to a neurologist, candidate of medical sciences Victor KOSSU.

American scientists began research in the field of brain fitness back in the 1970s. And it turned out that the possibilities of influencing the brain in this way are very high. Our body plays a unifying role in all intellectual processes, starting with early childhood and into old age. Movement awakens and activates mental abilities. With the help of special exercises, brain function is normalized. And we can recommend some exercises if a person has psychosis, hyperexcitability, and others if the patient’s memory and attention conversion suffer. But in each specific case, of course, a doctor’s consultation is required. In some cases, exercise can replace medications completely, while in others, with the help of training, their dosage can be reduced. The general rule is this: the sooner you start doing brain gymnastics, the less will be your need for various medications in adulthood and old age. You could say, take care of your brain from a young age!

What exercises are we talking about? I would divide them into two groups. Firstly, exercises that improve blood flow to the brain. This is very important, since the effectiveness of its work depends on the abundant blood flow. And the second group of exercises that affect the brain itself. They establish new connections between brain cells, synchronize the work of the hemispheres, and activate various areas of the cerebral cortex.

If we talk about the first group, then these are all kinds of exercises for the neck. Turns the head left, right, tilts the head in different directions. Let's also add the movement of the shoulder blades up and down. Thus, cerebral circulation improves and neck muscles develop. Regular squats also improve blood supply to the brain. In this case, the legs act as muscle pumps, pushing blood to the brain.

There are several yoga poses that improve blood flow to the brain. The best of them, of course, is the headstand. I understand that not everyone is able to accomplish it. But this exercise is easy to replace with another. Spread your legs wide, lower your arms and head between them to the floor. At first, you should stay in this position for no more than a minute, then gradually its duration can be increased to five minutes.

Now about exercises for the brain itself. There are many of them, but here are the most effective and simple ones. You can start with “cross steps”. First, touch your left knee with your right elbow, and then touch your right knee with your left elbow. The elbow and knee move towards each other. And so on for several minutes. Thanks to this, large areas of both hemispheres of the brain are activated simultaneously. By the way, the better the synchronization of the hemispheres, the faster a person thinks and makes decisions, and the easier he reacts to stress.

After this, we move on to the “ear-nose” exercise. Right hand pinches the tip of the nose, and the left one, clasping the head from above, takes hold of the top of the right ear. Then we clap our hands and change hands. This exercise changes the existing stereotypes of movement, activates the reserve areas of the brain, and builds new connections between its cells. This is especially useful for distracted attention in children or after a stroke in adults. And here is another simple exercise from the same series: one hand strokes the stomach, and the other - the head. We clap and change hands.

Now an exercise called “lazy eights”. Imagine a figure eight lying on its side in front of you at eye level. Extend your arm forward, slightly bent at the elbow. Clench your fingers into a fist thumb lift up. Move your hand in the air from the center to the left, up counterclockwise, down in a circle and back to the center. Continue “drawing” to the right, up, returning to the starting point. The movement should be smooth and continuous. Follow the thumb with your eyes, the head remains motionless. Repeat three times with each hand. These exercises will help relieve eye fatigue, neck tension, and back pain after working at the computer or driving a car.

Here's another option. We bring clenched fists with raised thumbs to chest level. And then at the same time, but in different directions (the left one is clockwise, and the right one is counterclockwise) we describe circles. This promotes the development of new reflexes. The exercise can be used for autism and mental retardation in children. And also to improve memory in adults.

By the way, walking is an excellent means of relaxing the psyche, clears the subconscious of bad thoughts and promotes internal relaxation. Well, you can complete the cycle of brain exercises with regular arm swings. First, with one hand we make a circular movement forward, then with the other we make the same movement back. Afterwards, use both hands in different directions. This rotation improves the synchronization of the hemispheres and increases brain tone. And, most importantly, it improves your mood!

Incredible facts

The brain is an amazing machine about which we still know little. Memory is an even greater mystery. Perhaps you're afraid of forgetting time important meeting, but still remember the smell of your grandmother's apple pie or the inner plot twists of your favorite novel. This is because memory is selective. We remember or forget certain things based on a complex set of emotions, interest and meaning for us of this or that thing.

When new information enters the brain it causes a release chemical substances and the arrival of new electrical signals. The more cells are involved in the communication process, the more information will be deposited in the brain. Short-term memory causes temporary responses in the brain, but long-term memory causes anatomical changes in our major organ. These are visible changes: a scan of your brain today and tomorrow will show different pictures because new information enters the brain during the day.

Exist simple ways, by practicing which you can improve the functioning of your brain. Experts believe that we can work on our brain as well as our body. Keep your brain in top shape and your memory, and with it your learning ability, will improve significantly.

10. Reduce stress

Everyone has moments of stress in life. You constantly keep a large number of thoughts in your head; you have a list of things to do, buy, bring, etc. before your eyes. You pack everything you need, walk out the door, and realize you forgot your car keys. When you're stressed and overwhelmed, your brain has a harder time remembering the most basic tasks.

Memory works through repetition. Need to remember a name or phone number? Most likely, you will repeat the information received several times in order to remember it. As a rule, this method works effectively except when a person is under stress. Stress acts as white noise and wave interference that interrupts the normal process that helps you remember certain things. When you're under stress, your thoughts run erratically and your memory becomes selective. The only thing your brain “thinks” about at such moments is how to survive. Forgot your car keys? Maybe your brain is telling you that it's time to rest.

So the next time you feel stressed, take a short break. Spend some time outdoors, walk your dog or have lunch with a friend, or taking a bath with scented candles can be very helpful.

9. Eat better

According to Steven Pratt, author of Superfoods: 14 Foods That Will Change Your Life, certain foods can protect your body and brain from cumulative aging. One such product is blueberries. Blueberries have been shown to protect the brain from oxidative stress and improve learning abilities. Salmon is another important brain food because it contains important omega-3s. fatty acid, through which brain signals are transmitted, and this, in turn, means that the brain becomes healthier.

Nuts and seeds are also good foods for the brain due to their high levels of vitamin E, which is essential for maintaining cognitive function as we age. Avocados, beans, and pomegranate juice will also help you keep your brain in shape by lowering your blood pressure, by maintaining good energy levels, and by loading you up with powerful amounts of antioxidants.

You can end your day with a cup of freshly brewed tea and 1 ounce of dark chocolate to improve your mood and be more focused.

8. Take vitamins and special supplements

There is a lot of controversy regarding the advisability of using herbal and vitamin supplements to improve memory and improve brain performance. The study of the effectiveness of one or another type of herb is independent, that is, carried out by private companies. However, according to many experts, there are two key supplements that can help your brain. One of them is Ginkgo biloba. Although not all studies agree on the herb's properties, ginkgo appears to improve memory in older adults, help treat dementia, improve blood flow to the brain, and improve cognitive function.

The second supplement is folic acid. It is actually used in the treatment of damaged brain and plays an important role in mental health person. Research has shown that people who have low levels of folate experience greater levels of depression. Moreover, about 38 percent of people suffering from depression have low level folic acid in the body.

7. Get enough sleep

If you sleep less, you become... dumber? Like that. Researchers have long known that any test, like any task, is performed more effectively after a person has had a good night's sleep. Experts are now discovering that sleep has much more strong influence on our intelligence than previously thought. Sleep (or lack thereof) can affect three types of memory: procedural (how to do something), declarative (remembering details and key information), and episodic (remembering events in your own life).

Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation not only makes it difficult for you to remember what you already know, but you are also unable to learn new information. So if someone tells you their phone number, you probably won't remember it if you didn't sleep well the night before or, worse, have been suffering from sleep deprivation for a long time. Among other things, in the body of people who are deprived sufficient quantity sleep, contains more high level cortisol (stress hormone).

There is no "magic number" when we're talking about O required quantity hours that need to be devoted to sleep in order to improve brain function. Generally, 7-9 hours of sleep is recommended for adults, but you may need more or less depending on your own rhythm. It's probably worth trying a few options to find exactly what you need. Sleeping too much can make you feel groggy, as can too little sleep, so you have to find your own balance.

6. Do something creative

Painting, clay sculpting or dancing is great exercise for the brain. In fact, many experts emphasize that art has an important impact on a person even in childhood to help the child develop memory and better understand the world and people.

The brain needs constant stimulation to stay active. If you stop giving him new food for thought, or stop doing something new, then he slows down in development and ages faster. To achieve the most effective results, learning should be a difficult task; if it is too easy for you, then there will be very little sense in it. As soon as something becomes easy, the level automatically decreases. Do something new and interesting, but make sure that the activity itself is useful.

5. Exercise your body

Experts would recommend exercising for years. Exercise for weight loss lowers cholesterol and prevents the development of heart disease. But what about exercising and getting smarter at the same time? Or overcome depression, lack of energy and even attention deficit disorder? New research shows that physical exercise can do more than just keep your body in shape. They may also improve brain health. Just 12 minutes of exercise a day can help improve your concentration and focus and increase your sense of well-being.

Exercise increases the production of two hormones: dopamine and serotonin. The effect is so amazing that experts recommend playing sports as one of the most effective ways fight depression. Of course, if you're depressed, you probably feel tired and unmotivated all the time. The last thing you want is to go for a run or Gym. You don't have to do everything the experts say, find something you enjoy and do it regularly. Do you like to hike, play with your dog, or dance? Then go ahead. Any such action will stimulate your work nervous system and will help you relax by letting go of tension, frustration or anger.

4. Exercise your brain

Do you think that physical activity is only for your body? Think again. The brain has the ability to constantly learn while it is alive. The more you stimulate him to work, the faster and better you will be able to remember new information. Brain exercises don't have to be complicated. For example, you are likely to puzzle your brain if you start performing familiar actions with your other hand. If you are right-handed, try, for example, holding a fork with your left hand, etc. Since you are not used to it, your brain will concentrate harder to complete the task.

In 1999, Lawrence Katz, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University, created a system called neurobitics. Neurobics is a set of exercises for the brain that force it to work actively, increasing its “professional suitability.” Any activity that involves all of your five senses is essentially a neurobic for the brain. For example, try getting dressed for work in the morning with your eyes closed. Can you guess what kind of clothing is in front of you, based only on the smell? You can also try to confuse your brain by taking an unusual route on your way back from work. You can do the same by rearranging the furniture in your home.

Not ready to bump into walls while walking with your eyes closed? A study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center found that crosswords and puzzles can also help your brain be stronger, and may even help delay dementia.

3. Avoid hazardous chemicals

Abuse of alcohol, nicotine and drugs significantly affects brain function. According to American national institute health, some substances can trigger a number of changes in areas of the brain responsible for memory, judgment, coordination and sensation. Long-term alcohol and drug abuse can cause brain cells to die. It impairs our memory and can affect sleep, appetite and emotional expression, as well as reduce our ability to learn and remember. new information.

Surprisingly, not only bad habits harm the brain. Heavy metals have similar, if not greater influence on memory and cognitive abilities. A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that lead exposure leads to lower IQ and causes progressive decline in mental abilities. Mercury poisoning in the past was known as "hatmaker's rabies" because hat manufacturers used mercury in their production, which caused side effects in people such as irritability, memory loss and blurred vision.

Exposure to heavy metals is common among people working in mines or incinerators. Nevertheless, heavy metals can be found in unexpected places. For example, fish may contain mercury because the river water in which they live is polluted. Buying farmed fish won't protect your brain from mercury either.

2. Drink coffee

Despite the many negatives that surround coffee, when it comes to your brain, a daily cup of coffee will only benefit you. Experts have long argued that coffee boosts energy levels and improves short-term memory, but new research shows that drinking coffee can also reduce reaction times and improve a person's ability to process information.

During the experiment, experts observed participants who, after drinking a large cup of coffee, were able to better plan and control their activities, were able to concentrate better and remember more information than those who drank a placebo.

Other studies have shown that coffee may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. It also protects the brain from the effects of cholesterol and is a powerful ally in the fight against neurological disorders.

You don't need to drink five cups of coffee a day, just one cup of coffee in the morning will help protect your brain and fill you with energy.

1. Meditate

Research shows that meditation helps slow down some aspects of cognitive aging. In a small study led by experts from University of Technology in Dalian, China, it was discovered that meditation, like no other type of relaxation activity, including deep breathing exercises, causes changes in the participants' brains. These effects are noticeable even after several short sessions in people who have never practiced meditation.

Although the study was small and the findings are preliminary, experts believe meditation may be a useful tool for preventing and treating some types of mental disorders. Another study showed that meditation can help relieve anxiety, improve concentration and free a person from negative thoughts, among other things, meditation is a good stimulator of human immune functions.

It can be formal or informal and can easily be combined with yoga or tai chi to improve your fitness.

The ability to concentrate on small details, navigate information flows, respond instantly to changing situations and quickly make effective decisions are important skills that help businessmen achieve their goals. And in order to develop such business qualities and pump up your mind, you need to regularly do special exercises for the brain, the so-called fitness for the head!

Just as muscles atrophy without physical activity, the human brain weakens without various mental activities. Conversely, the more you train it, the more nerve connections are formed in it, and the higher the activity of the brain, the more oxygen-rich blood enters it. And the intellectual health of a person actually depends on this.

In order for the brain to function effectively, it is important to specifically stimulate the growth of neural connections through new experiences. While studying at school and university, the amount of new information made it possible to consistently train the brain. But for an adult, whose life and work are dominated by routine processes, in order to keep the intellect in good shape, one has to resort to stimulation
with the help of special exercises for brain development. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to solve typical problems using non-standard methods.

Improving memory and brain function: the best exercises

To begin with, it is important to note that in order to properly pump your brain and develop mental flexibility, it is important to pay attention to nutrition, habits and lifestyle in general. Fresh air, healthy sleep, physical activity and healthy food have not yet been canceled. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, you must first pay attention to these important factors.

Effective brain training is exercises that are aimed at developing memory, attentiveness, as well as separately the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

The main specialization of the left hemisphere is logical thinking. It is also responsible for the following important abilities:

  • language and speech;
  • logic, analysis;
  • literal understanding of words;
  • mathematical abilities;
  • sequential information processing.

Also left hemisphere controls the movements of the right half of the body, and the right controls the left side.

In turn, the right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and creativity, and also performs the following functions:

  • processing non-verbal information;
  • orientation in space;
  • musicality;
  • recognition of metaphorical meanings;
  • imagination, artistic abilities;
  • emotions;
  • parallel information processing;
  • face recognition.

So, how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? These exercises will help you enhance your intuition and creativity.

Mirror drawing

Take a large piece of paper and a pencil in each hand. Start drawing the same shapes with your right and left hands at the same time. At first it could be circles, loops, squares. Over time, the task needs to be complicated - to draw full-fledged pictures with both hands.

Restoring reality in the imagination

The key to developing the right hemisphere of the brain is visualization exercises. Here it is important to connect imagination, visual, auditory and olfactory memory. To begin, get rid of extraneous irritants and close your eyes. Remember a person you know well: facial features, hair and eye color. After you create his face in your imagination, try to recall the sound of his voice and the smell of perfume from memory. Work out the image in as much detail as possible.

When you learn to restore images of people, you need to move further, creating a whole parallel reality. This set of exercises greatly develops creativity, creative vision, and imagination.

Random words

The essence of the exercise is to choose several completely random words and connect them with the help of a story. At first it will be difficult for you, and it will take a couple of long sentences to connect these words. But during training, you will be able to connect seemingly unrelated words with just a couple of phrases.

Besides, creative thinking can be developed by drawing a mandala. The intricate pattern of all the colors of the rainbow perfectly calms the nerves, concentrates attention and develops artistic perception.

Speaking about training the left hemisphere of the brain, first of all we mean solving mathematical problems, crosswords, puzzles, and also logic games, such as chess. It is important to note that exactly
the left hemisphere is dominant in most people. Therefore, it makes no sense to develop it separately. In this case, it is better to use complex exercises for the adult brain.


This is a kind of exercise for the brain with exercises that involve all five senses at once. The technique was developed by the American neuroscientist L. Katz. The bottom line is this: all ordinary things need to be done in an unusual way for you. For example:

  • move around the house with your eyes closed;
  • write with your left hand (if you are right-handed);
  • change your usual route;
  • inhale and savor the aroma of food, flowers, perfume;
  • identify things by touch (for example, the denomination of a coin);
  • perform unfamiliar work;
  • answer usual questions in a non-standard way, etc.

Unusual actions, sensations, smells, and surroundings provoke the emergence of new neural connections, which, in turn, helps the development of intellectual abilities.

Color words

Useful brain exercises or mindfulness exercise. It helps increase concentration levels, improves attention, and develops both hemispheres of the brain.

So, your task is to quickly name the color of the words. At first glance, everything is simple, but try to do it as quickly as possible, and the left hemisphere will immediately begin to concentrate on the words, confusing you. You need to synchronize the work of both hemispheres.


This is an exercise to develop thinking, attention and improve performance. In addition, “Alphabet” helps relieve emotional stress and restart the brain.

The work is as follows. Under each letter there is a mark - L, P, V. “L” means that you need to raise left hand, “P” - right, “B” - both hands. You need to simultaneously pronounce the letter of the alphabet and perform the movement marked under the letter.

The first part of the exercise is to go from A to Z. In the second part - from Z to A.

Illogical chain

This is a test exercise to train your brain and memory. Look closely at the list of words for 90 seconds. A little tip: break the words into pairs and try to connect them using visual associations.

Try to reproduce all the words in order. If you can’t, then write on a piece of paper all the words that you remember. Now let's count: from 15 to 20 words - your memory is well developed. 10-14 words is the average result. Less than 10 - you absolutely do not know how to use memory.

Do these simple exercises for the brain, and soon you will notice a qualitative improvement in the functioning of both hemispheres, memory and thinking.

Instead of a conclusion

To train the mind, it is enough to do routine things in unusual ways, perform new actions, read more, play Mind games. A great way to develop flexibility in thinking is to study foreign languages and playing music. This encourages the brain to actively produce new neural connections, and therefore to work actively and efficiently.

To systematize classes to improve intellectual health, you can use special online services that offer dozens of various exercises, tasks, tests for the development of thinking.

Write in the comments what useful exercises for the brain do you know? Share your experience with us!