UFO death. UFO crashes and crashes

UFO crash date: March 1969

Location of the UFO accident: Yekaterinburg, USSR

These are secret KGB UFO files, a 1969 crash in the USSR. This is 100% reality and no one can find fault. This old movie was bought on the black market for 10k USD and some of it was leaked online. I understand why. The video shows the alien ship, a bluish-green body that has been dissected and studied. This is enough to cause panic throughout the planet if this news does spread. Are you asking yourself if they are real? But probably the same questions they ask about us. I can vouch for this evidence, it's real.

This leads to another thing... continuing the Apollo missions... covertly. NASA pretended to end missions after Apollo 17, but they went on for 20 years. Russia was part of this. The NASA symbol has both flags in the collaboration displayed in Apollo 20 videos. Apollo 20 took place around 1974-1975. Just 4-5 years after the UFO crash in the USSR.

I remember talking to Willam Rutledge (Apollo 20 astronaut) on Youtube and he said that on our moon there are two cigar and triangle shaped UFOs in one of the craters. They explored both. I had my doubts, but I was the first person to ever find a ship in a crater and report it to the public. William was very excited and did not expect such a photo to exist, but he liked it when I told him about it. He was about 77 years old when we spoke with him, but ... perhaps he will stop talking to anyone after his Account Youtube will be hacked by the US government.

Scott K. Waring

The report says:

The details of the Russian crash in 1969 are sketchy and somewhat suspicious. This case is described in the so-called "secret KGB files" that were reportedly smuggled out of the former Soviet Union. US$10,000 was reportedly paid for this information. The details of these secret files were first offered to the general public on 09/13/98 as part of a special explosive headline titled "KGB Secret UFO Files". The files featured unusual films and photographs of a UFO recovery, as well as part of an alien autopsy film.

The event itself, according to the materials, took place in the Sverdlovsk region, which used to be Yekaterinburg. The accident history follows a familiar pattern usually associated with this type of reporting. The fiery fall of an unknown object occurred in March 1969. The site was cordoned off by the Russian military, and one dead alien was found in the wreckage. The remains of the ship and the alien were taken to safety, and the alien body was dissected. Photographs and videos were taken of the crash site, the extraction of the ship, and the autopsy of the alien. The autopsy shows only the body and arm. According to the size of the body, it can be concluded that the alien was an extremely small creature.

The video footage at the crash site appears to be genuine, at least on several counts. The truck in the film is a 1950 model ZIS 151 that hadn't been used by the military for a long time, the truck would be hard to come by to stage a hoax. There are no obvious signs of deception in other elements of the film, regarding the movement of the soldiers, the timing of the film, regarding the shadows, and the UFO itself.

There are also several documents shown to verify the event itself, and an eyewitness to the event who swears that the extraction mission actually took place. The autopsy footage from the film shows the staff without caps and robes, which seemed strange to me at first, but after some research, I found that this was common for that era in Russia.

The situation in the ward is acceptable, probably not much has changed in Russia today. Three people in their 20s and 30s perform the procedure and one woman takes notes. The observer, KGB stenographer O. A. Psonicina notes that the torso and arm of the alien lie together on the table when the autopsy is performed, there are documents confirming the autopsy.

Although relations between the US and Russia have improved significantly a few years ago, this is still lacking. Any information received is subject to translation, and there are often problems with interpretation. It is sad that there is no greater cooperation between the two countries. The 1969 extraction and autopsy case is difficult to assess. Until it's revealed Additional Information, it will remain unfounded.


Many mysterious phenomena are associated with the name Roswell: aliens, the image of a crashed UFO, secret government investigations, charred bodies, the wreckage of an interplanetary ship, a weather balloon and much more.

In the entire history of UFO sightings, no case has received such worldwide attention as the events in Roswell in 1947. The alleged crash of a flying saucer was widely reported in the media of those years, and today is one of the most frequently discussed incidents.

So many books and articles have been written about Roswell that it would seem that there is nothing to add, but every ufologist necessarily expresses his point of view on this significant event. The Roswell incident is a sticking point for all UFO researchers. This case includes everything you can imagine: the fall of a certain flying object, numerous testimonies from people who held the wreckage in their hands, the classification of facts by the government and the largest list of witnesses to the incident - more than 500 people.

Oddly enough, interest in the alleged disaster initially faded as quickly as it flared up. Many years later, fans and UFO researchers again raised this issue and the search for truth, disputes, comments resumed.

Most of us know that in the Roswell newspapers and other publications in 1947 there was information about the capture of a flying saucer. A few hours later, the information about the crash of the UFO was replaced by the news about the landing of a weather balloon. At that time, the public's trust in the media, and even more so with reference to official sources, was at such a low level. high level that this rebuttal was taken for granted. The excitement around the incident quickly stopped. But, fortunately, it was revived again in 1976 and continues to this day.

In January 1976, ufologists William Moore and Stanton R. Friedman were working on an article based on interviews with two witnesses to the incident. Friedman met with a man and a woman who were among the main eyewitnesses of the events in Corona, New Mexico in 1947.

A retired Air Force officer, Major Jesse A. Marcel, claimed that he was directly involved in the investigation of the UFO crash by order of the command.

The witness was Lydia Sleppy, who worked at a radio station in Albuquerque. She claimed that the military classified information about the crashed saucer and the bodies of the "little people" that were on board. In addition, according to her, the Air Force staff stopped sending the news message to the air literally in the last minutes. The US Air Force announced to the world that they had captured a flying saucer on a remote ranch in Corona, about four hours later they corrected the story by saying that the find was just a weather balloon with a radar reflector.

There are two interpretations of this incident. Which one is true? Skeptics continue to push for a weather balloon landing, but as long as there are witnesses to challenge that explanation, the investigation must continue.

There is no mention of the Roswell incident in the Bluebook Project archives. The news of the UFO crash was immediately refuted, and therefore it was quickly forgotten. The only one who used and propagated this information in his lectures was the enthusiast Frank Edward (mid-50s). Apparently, from the very beginning, the supporters of the alien version tried to perpetuate this great story.

The secret becomes clear

On June 24, 1947, the name "flying saucer" was coined by pilot Kenneth Arnold. He used the term to describe a UFO flying over Reiner. A few weeks later, the phrase was already being used by the Air Force to describe an object found in Corona, New Mexico.

All evidence from the alleged UFO crash site was collected and taken to Air Force Headquarters Fort Worth, Texas. Somehow, the debris carried by Jesse Marcel, who described the cargo as "material of extraterrestrial origin", turned into fragments of an ordinary weather balloon upon arrival at the air force base. All eyewitness accounts were deleted, and those who continued to insist on the version of the crash of an alien ship were declared inventors. Marcel categorically stated that the wreckage that he saw, held in his hands and showed to his family members, was not at all the one that was presented to the public in photographs called "weather balloon wreckage." What happened to the real physical evidence?

There is a rather controversial document dated November 18, 1952, which can lift the veil of secrecy. Possibly written by Dwight Eisenhower, it stated that on September 24, 1947, President Harry S. Truman ordered the top-secret Operation Majestic 12 to study the remains of the Roswell UFO crash. This typewritten slip arrived in a plain envelope, postmarked Albuquerque, to Los Angeles television producer Jaime Shander in December 1984. Early 1987. another copy of this letter was given to Timothy Goode, a British ufologist. Good made it public in the local press in May.

These documents caused quite a stir, but their authenticity, unfortunately, has not been established. The examination of these documents was not carried out, and many ufologists are inclined to believe that these papers are falsifications. The authenticity of one proof is not so important, because there is great amount other evidence.

Roswell saga

Part 1: Testimony of Mac Brazel

In fact, it all started in Silver City, New Mexico on June 25th. The dentist reported that he had observed a UFO in the shape of a plate and the size of half the moon.

Two days later in New Mexico, W.C. Dobbs reported a white, glowing object flying overhead near the White Sands missile range. On the same day, Captain E. B. Dechmendi reported to his commanding officer that he had seen a white, flaming UFO flying over the rocket launchers. Two days later, on June 29, military engineer K. J. Zon and three of his subordinates were in White Sands and observed a giant silver disk moving north across the wasteland. On July 2, a UFO was seen in three settlements: White Sands, Roswell and Alamogordo. In Roswell, on the same day, the Wilmots saw a flying object. They described it like this: "2 upside-down plates stood on top of each other." A UFO flew over their house at high speed.

Mac Brazel is the owner of the ranch, where the amazing events of Roseull began on either July 2 or July 4 (it is not known for certain).

Mack could not even imagine that day that his name would be forever inscribed in the history of ufology. An ordinary working man, he lived at his Foster Place Ranch in Lincoln County, near Corona, New Mexico. Brazel was a family man, but his wife and children lived in Tularos, near Alamogordo. The reason for the separation of the family was that the schools in Tularos were better than those in Corona. Brazel stayed at the old ranch house where he took care of the sheep and ran the day-to-day business of the farm. He lived simply and was satisfied with his work, family and life in general. Within a short period of time, Mack found himself at the epicenter public attention and later regretted very much that he reported his find.

The night before, a violent thunderstorm broke out. Everything around was illuminated by flashes of lightning, thunder rumbled. summer thunderstorms- a characteristic phenomenon in those places, but that evening the farmer noticed something special ... a sound like an explosion mixed with thunder. Mack was in the house with his children and at first did not attach much importance to strange sounds.

The next day, as soon as it bloomed, Brazel went to look for the sheep, which went beyond the fence during a thunderstorm and got lost. He was hooked up with a neighbor's seven-year-old boy, William D. Proctor. Soon they came to a wasteland a quarter of a mile long and several hundred feet wide, which was littered with debris of various shapes. Each piece was made from a material the farmer had never seen before. Soon he found the sheep and returned home. Mack also brought some strange pieces of debris with him and put them in the barn. Breizel had no idea of ​​the significance of his find.

His daughter Bessie Brazel recalled: “The pieces were like wax paper, only made of aluminum foil. On some fragments there were inscriptions that looked like numbers, but there was not a single word that we could read, on some parts of this foil there were, as it were, woven ribbons and when we brought them to the light, they became like flowers or patterns. They could not be erased or washed away from this material.

“The inscriptions looked like numbers, at least it seemed to me that they were numbers. They were written in a column, as if solving a complex problem. But they didn't look like the numbers we use. Apparently, it seemed to me that these were numbers, due to the fact that they were written precisely in a column.

“No, it was definitely not a weather balloon. We have seen many meteorological devices, both on the ground and in the sky. We even found a few of them, made in Japan. It was a completely different material that we have not met either before or after ... ".

In the afternoon, Mac drove young Dee Proctor home, a neighbor who lived ten miles from the ranch. He took one of the wreckage with him and showed it to the boy's parents, Floyd and Loretta. The farmer wanted to convince the Proctors to come back with him and see the strange find in the wasteland.

Floyd Proctor later recounted their conversation: “He (Mac) said it wasn't paper. He tried to cut the material with a knife, and nothing came of it, it is metal, but such as he had not seen before. It looks like a firework wrapper. It looks like numbers are depicted on it, but they are not written the way we write them.

Loretta Proctor recalled: “The shard that he brought was like brown, even light brown plastic, it was very light, like a cork tree. The item was small, about 4 inches long, slightly larger than a pencil.

“We tried to cut it, then set it on fire, but it did not burn. We realized that this is not wood. The chip was smooth as plastic, there were no roughnesses on it. Color - dark tan. Not grainy - just smooth."

“We had to go there (to see the wreckage), but gasoline and tires were expensive in those days, and it was 20 miles there and back.”

The first suspicions that the wreckage might be from "another world" arose the next evening from Mac's uncle, Hollis Wilson. The farmer told Wilson about his find and he convinced him to contact the authorities. Uncle had already heard reports of "flying saucers" in the area.

Brazel loaded the wreckage into a pickup truck and drove to the office of Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox. The history of the farmer was not very interested in the sheriff, until he saw the mysterious finds.

Wilcox contacted the Air Force and spoke with Major Jesse A. Marcel, who was then the chief intelligence officer. The officer told the sheriff that he would come and talk to Brazel about his find.

Rumors quickly spread among the local population. Soon Mack was talking on the phone about everything he knew to correspondents of radio station KGFL.

Marcel and Brazel met at the sheriff's office. The farmer told the major his story again and showed the wreckage. He in turn reported the results of his trip to Colonel William H. Blanchard. As a result, it was decided to appoint an internal investigation and inspect the scene. Marcel was to go there accompanied by intelligence officer Sheridan Cavitt. It was already too late, so the three of them stayed at Mac's ranch until morning. At dawn, the whole group had breakfast and went to the scene of the accident. Mac escorted Marcel and Cavitt to a vacant lot, then returned to the housework.

Radio station KGFL reporter Frank Joyce was briefing his boss, Walt Whitmore Sr., on recent events. Whitmore immediately went to Brazel's house, where he recorded an interview that would never be made public. Under pressure from the armed forces, the correspondents abandoned the idea of ​​airing the recording. The next day, the farmer was taken to the Roswell military base. For about a week, Mack was a "guest" at the Air Force base. On July 8, Brazel returned and later appeared at a press conference for the Roswell Daily Record where he recounted his story, only it sounded a little different.

Mack said that he and his son discovered the wreckage on June 14, but due to being very busy, did not attach importance to his find. A few weeks later, on July 4, he went to the wasteland with his wife and two children and collected some samples. Among the wreckage were gray strips that looked like foil, only thicker, and small wooden sticks. The farmer went on to claim that he had found weather balloons several times, but these wrecks were completely different from other finds.

"I'm pretty sure my find wasn't a weather balloon," he said.

"If I find anything else, even a bomb, I won't tell anyone."

Accompanied by the military, Mack was taken to the KGFL office. The farmer answered reporters' questions, but when he left the office, according to his friends, he looked confused and looked at the ground. Brazel told Frank Joyce the same story he told at the press conference. Joyce was shocked at the sudden change in the details of the story and interrupted the farmer, asking why he had changed his testimony. Mack replied, "It's all very hard for me."

After this interview, the farmer was again taken to the military base. After the final release, Mac did not want to discuss the finds from the wasteland with anyone. His close people said that he complained about the cruel treatment on the part of the military. He was not allowed to call his wife during his stay at the base. The farmer confessed to his children that he had taken an oath never to discuss the details of the wreckage.

Within a year of everything that happened, Mac moved from the ranch he loved so much to the city of Tularosa, where he opened his own small business. Brazel died in 1963.

Part 2: Testimony of Jesse A. Marcela

Maj. Jesse A. Marcel was an intelligence officer at Roswell Air Force Base, where bomber squadrons were stationed at the time. It should be noted that all base personnel had a high security clearance. Marcel was a veteran who was completely trusted by the command. He was a highly skilled cartographer before World War II and was assigned to the reconnaissance squad due to his excellent service. At one time he even worked as an instructor at the school. His track record included more than 450 hours of combat duty as a pilot during the war. Marseille was awarded five medals for destroying enemy aircraft. After the end of the war, he was seconded to serve in the intelligence department of the 509th bomber regiment of the US Eighth Air Force, where nuclear tests were carried out in 1946.

Marcel was on his lunch break when the phone rang from Sheriff Wilcox. The sheriff informed him that rancher Mac Brazel had found debris from an unidentified object crash at a sheep ranch. The major immediately went to the city and spoke with Brazel, reporting the results of the conversation to Colonel Blanchard. Marcel was ordered to go to the scene with Sheridan Cavitt. Arriving at the ranch too late, the officers spent the night at Brazel's house, and in the morning went to the scene of the accident.

The major later described what he found at the crash site: "When we arrived at the crash site, we were surprised by the scale of the accident."

"... These fragments were scattered over an area about three-quarters of a mile long, I would say, and several hundred feet wide."

"It was definitely not a weather balloon or a tracking device, not an airplane or a rocket."

"I don't know what it was, but certainly not an apparatus we built, and certainly not a weather balloon."

“Small pieces, about three-eighths or one and a half square inches in size, with some kind of hieroglyphs that no one could decipher. They looked like a cork tree and were about the same weight, only it wasn't a tree at all. They were very dense, flexible and did not burn at all. There were many unusual substance, Brown, very tight. Lots of small pieces of metal that look like foil. I was interested in electronics. I was looking for some tools or electronic equipment, but I didn't find anything."

“... Cavitt found a black, metal box several inches in size. He could not open it, it seemed that it was some kind of equipment. We took her away with the rest of the wreckage.”

“They (the wreckage) had small numbers, symbols, perhaps hieroglyphs, I could not understand them. They were pink and purple. It seemed that they were written on the surface. I even took a lighter and tried to burn the material, but it turned out that the parchment did not burn or even smoke.

"...the pieces of metal we brought in were as thin as the foil in a pack of cigarettes."

“…you couldn't tear or cut it. We tried to make a dent in it by hitting it with a sledgehammer, but no dent was left.”

Marcel sent Cavitt back to base, in a jeep full of mystery material. He himself took his Buick and drove home to show his wife and son an amazing find.

Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr. (Marcel's son): “The material was like foil, very thin, strong, but not metal. It was structural - ... rays and so on. There was also dark plastic that seemed organic."

"There were signs of a hieroglyphic type along the edge of some of the debris."

Marseille returned to base and received orders from Colonel Blanchard to load the wreckage onto a B-29, ferry it to Wright Field in Ohio, with a stop at Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth, Texas. The military was completely absorbed in the work in Rosell.

Colonel Walter Hoth was ordered by Colonel Blanchard to write a press release claiming the capture of a "crashed flying saucer".

According to Hoth, the saucer was transported to the 8th Air Force Wing to be handed over to General Raimi.

Hoth fulfilled his duties and wrote a press release, copies of which, by order, were given to two editorial offices of radio stations and newspapers.

So articles appeared in the newspapers entitled: "Flying saucer captured by Air Force forces on a ranch near Roswell."

When Marseille arrived at Carswell, General Roger Raimi took charge of the matter. The wreckage was moved to the general's office and photographed. Photographed by James Bond Johnson. In one of the pictures, Marseille was captured with real wreckage. Raimi took Marcel to another office, but when they returned, completely different fragments were already lying on the floor. The Major had to confirm that the debris was from a weather balloon. Photographs were taken again. Marcel was sent back to Roswell, with a stern warning not to reveal what he had seen in Carswell.

Then a message came that General Raimi had confirmed the origin of the wreckage and that it was nothing more than a meteorological probe.

General Thomas Duboz, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, after many years of silence, said: "It was a cover, we were ordered to give the public the information that it was a weather balloon."

There can be no doubt that the orders to cover up the flying saucer came from the chief executive.

Marcel was stunned upon arriving home and learning that he had become a laughingstock. He seemed to have confused an ordinary weather balloon with "alien matter." However, three months later, Marcel was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and head of the new program.

He was interviewed in 1978, and still maintained that the debris at Foster Ranch was definitely not from a weather balloon. It was material he had never seen before.

Part 3: other evidence

In the first parts, 2 hypotheses about the origin of the mysterious debris in Rosell were considered. To continue the search for facts, we move to a new place of events - San Augustine, near Magdalena, New Mexico.

This story is based on testimonies by Verna and Jean Malthace. The couple stated that in February 1950. their friend engineer Grady L. "Barney" Barnett told them that while working in the areas near Magdalena, July 3, 1947. came across a broken disk-shaped object. Bodies of unearthly creatures were scattered near the flying disc. They were both inside and outside the ship. Jean stated that she kept a diary and wrote down the date of the events described - July 3, 1947. This may not mean anything, perhaps there was a mistake or the date was confused.

After the airing of "Roswell Downfall" on the popular show Unsolved Mysteries in 1990, Gerald Anderson made a fascinating statement. Anderson claimed he was hunting with his family in the San Augustine Plains in early July 1947 when he came across a crashed saucer-shaped craft. There were four dead aliens in the ship. Although Gerald was only six years old, he remembered this incident for the rest of his life. Read More Dr. Buskirk, and five of his students also reported coming across the crash site. There is something strange about Anderson's story. Dr. Buskirk was Anderson's teacher. Reports indicate that the doctor was in Arizona at the time of the alleged UFO crash.

It is possible that the UFO crash near Roswell did happen. The testimonies of Mortican Glenn Dennis and Captain Oliver Wendell Henderson support this assumption. The actions of the armed forces can tell us a lot. Blocking and cordoning off every iota in the wreckage area wouldn't make sense if it was just a weather balloon. Great importance must be given to Marcello's testimony. He states that the wreckage was not fragments of a weather balloon. He also claims that the debris he brought back from the scene was not what was published in the newspaper photographs.

In fairness, it should be noted that many of the testimonies were not first-hand information. These stories may differ greatly from the original. But there are also eyewitness accounts. If their stories are true, then this large group of people has perpetuated one of the best orchestrated conspiracies of the last century. Maybe the truth is out there somewhere. Is there a way to combine the various versions into one authentic sequence of the events of those years in Roswell?


There were many rumors about "little men". Some claim that there were three of them, others that there were four, and there are those who voice the number - five dead. Let's try to figure it out based on the testimony.

Ray Danzer is a locksmith who worked at the Roswell base. He was standing outside the emergency room when he saw alien bodies being carried to the hospital on a stretcher. Ray was stunned, he was brought back to reality by the FSB officers, who asked him to leave and forget everything he had seen.

Steve McKenzie saw four bodies around the crashed UFO. He said another one was out of sight.

Major Edwin Isley, an FSB officer, took part in cordoning off the crash site. He told his family that he promised the President never to talk about what he saw that day.

Herbert Ellis, an employee of the Roswell Air Force Base, reported that he saw an alien "walking" on the Roswell military hospital.

Edwin Isley Mary Bush, who was the administrator of the hospital, told Glenn Dennis that she saw "alien creatures". Help was needed for two doctors in the ward where three "alien" bodies were examined. She suffocated from the smell of decomposing bodies, but she remembered for sure that the aliens had 4 fingers on each hand.

Joseph Montoya, governor of New Mexico, told Pete Anaya that he saw "four little men." One of them was alive. Joseph claimed that they had large heads and large eyes. They had a small mouth, like a slit. "I tell you they are not of this world."

Sgt. Thomas Gonzalez, provided security at the crash site and saw the bodies, which he called "little men."

COINTEL employee, Frank Kaufman, saw: "A strange apparatus that crashed into a cliff." He also claims to have seen the wreckage was placed in boxes, which, under heavy military guard, were sent to Roswell Air Force Base.

A question should be asked. Are all these witnesses lying? Are these stories fictional? The conclusion is obvious. Every little thing can be looked at under a microscope to find fault and find a mistake, but the vast majority of facts indicate that this story is genuine! Too much evidence for its veracity. Many researchers have wasted their time trying to find fault with the report of one of the witnesses. Sometimes there were discrepancies: in dates, names, time of day for an hour or two. Skeptical researchers believe that the ability to discredit one witness casts a shadow on all the others. And the rest of the witnesses, who say essentially the same thing, are lying.

On the contrary, when so many converge on one general concept, even with small errors in detail, are more likely to tell the truth.

There can be no doubt that a flying craft of unknown origin crashed into a wasteland in New Mexico. At least three dead bodies have been found and examined. Perhaps one of the aliens managed to survive. There are many hypotheses about the real location of the remains of aliens and UFO debris. The Roswell saga continues to this day.

Every major country would like to build their own flying saucers to use as weapons in a future war. At the same time, they are also concerned that the enemy would not learn the secret of the propulsion system and other properties of flying saucers first. That is why all important data on UFOs will always be kept in deep secrecy.

Stanton FRIEDMAN, US atomic physicist (1979)

The avalanche of publications on UFOs that hit us in last years, has calmed down a bit today. It's time to calmly figure out: what was it? The result of perestroika and the removal of censorship from this subject, or just a surge in unhealthy fashion? What is really happening? Is it possible to believe in the reality of UFOs? Do not inflate this problem "ufological maniacs"?

The author tried to combine disparate information and present the reader with the most reliable and documented messages. This is only a small part of the truly huge archives accumulated in the world on this issue. But even this dry information, hidden from the public, will give food for thought and our own conclusions...

The article presents data on military UFO research in the USSR and later in the CIS: catastrophes, accidents, explosions and selected UFO landings. All secret military research on UFOs was supervised by a special group "Lotus", created back in the mid-60s under the GRU - the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Ministry of Defense (RF), or "Aquarium".

Incidents (Part 1)

*1908, June 30 - Tunguska Cosmic Body (TKT) - not found, only a few craters remain.

* 1927 - the explosion of a cigar-shaped UFO in the Urals near the city of Karpinsk was observed by local residents (from the archive of the Commission on Meteorites of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the heading DSP), according to Chernobrov V.A.

*1928, November - the fall of a cigar-shaped UFO in Vedlozero (Karelia) near the village of Shuknavolok, after which strange biological creatures (BS) began to be encountered on the shore. Already in the 80s, a military Mi-8 flew in with divers, they tried to find and raise the object, but this failed and the object was not found.

* 1941, June - the fall of a UFO on Zeleny Island on the Don south of Rostov (according to A.K. Priyma): at night, the wreckage was taken out by NKVD trucks through pontoon bridge, the island was closed and cordoned off by the NKVD troops. In the 80s, unhealthy rare anomalous chemical elements(possibly related to this catastrophe). The wreckage was taken to Rostov, and in 1941 (or immediately) - to the training ground in Kapustin Yar (after some time, the wreckage disappeared or was lost). The bodies of biological beings were not found. The object was mistaken for a German spy plane (according to other sources, it was a balloon).

*1944 - object in the form small ball dug up in the north Yaroslavl region v anomalous zone(according to ufologist Kukushkin, Yaroslavl).

*1947, February 12 - Sikhote-Alin meteor shower (Far East). Anomalous inclusions and small artifacts were found in the fragments (the information was immediately classified).

*1947, summer - emergency landing of the Alpha-Centauri disk (crew of 4 humanoids) in the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Kokchetav region of Kazakhstan. The witness is the shepherd Bodnya A.R. (now lives in Simferopol, the author conducted the survey personally) - made contact with the UFO crew (telepathically). A small fragment remained in place after the repair and departure, which Bodnya buried. The reliability of the information is absolute, as is the belonging of the ship to the Alpha Centauri EC.

*1955, December 18 - UFO explosion in Earth orbit, according to astronomer J. Bigby, who discovered its large fragments in near-Earth space, the fall and scattering of some small fragments or microfragments is not excluded (obviously, this object was blown up by unknown intelligent forces).

* 1955 - a special top-secret group (or committee) was created for UFO research in the USSR (in Kapustin Yar), as well as - the Archive of the USSR Ministry of Defense on UFOs - in an underground bunker at the Krasny Kut training ground Saratov region(in an underground bunker near the specialized village of Berezovka-2), according to E. Valmer from Saratov. The creation of the archive was caused by a resonant case of several UFO sightings in 1954 over the objects of the Krasny Kut and Kapustin Yar test sites. The fighters sent to intercept them disappeared.

* 1957 - a fragment of a UFO in the form of a blunt cone was studied in the USSR (Professor V.P. Burdakov from the Moscow Aviation Institute personally saw a report signed by prominent scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on its study, the report concluded that the fragment was supposedly extraterrestrial in origin).

*1957 - the Siberian Branch (SB) of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a laboratory in Novosibirsk were established in the neighborhood of Akademgorodok and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the SB AS. The laboratory also worked space research and AE (UFO) research.

1959, January 21 - the fall of a UFO (a hemispherical body of small dimensions, brightly glowing with an orange-pinkish flame) into the water area of ​​the port of Gdynia (Poland), was observed by a number of witnesses (port workers, casual eyewitnesses, etc.). After 2 days, the border guards found a wounded biological creature (BS) crawling along the beach in a metallized tight-fitting overalls, which was taken to the hospital in Gdansk. There, BS died after a certain bracelet was removed from her arm, the overalls were cut with metal scissors. Autopsy revealed a different structure internal organs and the spiral circulatory system, six-fingered limbs, about 1.5-1.6 meters tall. The body of BS in a freezer container was delivered to railway in a biological research institute in Moscow (USSR), at present the body is stored in an underground bunker-special laboratory of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (IMBP, Moscow, Khoroshevskoye shosse, 76a). The information is absolutely reliable, as it was studied in detail by Polish ufologists and there is confirmation of a Polish Air Force officer in the late 80s, who read a report about the incident and confirmed the UFO crash and the discovery of the BS (according to my old and good friend Bronislaw Rzhepetsky and other Polish ufologists) . Also, divers under a layer of silt found a fragment of a UFO, studied in polytechnic institute Gdansk (then taken to a laboratory in Warsaw, Okhota district). The UFO was a small-diameter hemispherical cabin. Upon impact with the water, the cabin split into two halves. Found only one half.

1958, July (found in August) - on Kola Peninsula(Murmansk region), to the north of Kandalaksha (between Kandalaksha and Afrikanda) they found fragments of a UFO, taken to Moscow, part of it was transferred to Novosibirsk. According to A.E. Semenov (President of the Association Ecology of the Unknown - AEN), Moscow, the fragment had a structure resembling the structure of a living cell, and its chemical composition had the ability to mutate. These data were confirmed by the famous ufologist Gennady Aleksandrovich Korneev, former leader UFO-Center " polar Star”(Severodvinsk), now lives in Odintsovo, as well as the famous ufologist Emil Fedorovich Bachurin from Perm.

* 1959, November 8 - the fall and explosion of a luminous UFO in Afghanistan, the Kandahar region, the Shurad mountains (according to the US DIA). Data on the detection and evacuation of the wreckage is not available. The UFO was mistaken for a test of a Soviet rocket. 100% Reliability (See: Timothy Good. Above Top Secret. N.Y., 1998. PP.308, 318.)

*1959, September 26 - a crashed disk-shaped UFO made of silvery metal with notches on the bottom was discovered from a military aircraft in the Sarybulak region (east of the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan). A military special group sent from Moscow by Il-14 aircraft (13 people, including from air defense and from General Staff) was delivered to the Aktyubinsk airfield by Mi-4 helicopter to the scene of the incident. A fragment of a disc, severely damaged by the explosion and fire, was found (initially, the disc was about 12 meters in diameter; a fragment of about 6 meters across with torn edges and its fragments was found). The BS bodies were not found. From the inside, the object was badly burned out and charred. A noticeable radioactive background was found at the site (20 REM, in some places - up to 30 REM). Among the wreckage of a UFO, the body of one dwarf biological creature about 80 cm tall was found, taken for autopsy to a biological research institute in Moscow (currently stored in an underground bunker-special laboratory of the Institute of Biomedical Problems - IBMP). On the external suspension of the Mi-4 helicopter (transportation was carried out at night), the disk was taken to the site "4A" of the training ground No. 8 of the State Research Institute of the Air Force east of Vladimirovka station, now Akhtubinsk, under the command of military unit 15650, approximately 17-20 km north of east of Akhtubinsk. Geographically, it is part of the State Central Test Site No. 4 "Kapustin Yar". There, the fragment was cut, small fragments and fragments were studied in various research institutes in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Kiev and other cities (some of the fragments of the alloy were sold in 1972 to the Arabs in Syria and Egypt). The disk was cut by 5 people - alas, all of them were irradiated and died. On the site near Kapustin Yar - Akhtubinsk in September 1960, the disk was personally examined by Khrushchev, Brezhnev and other responsible persons. Another inspection was in 1971.

In January 1984 (under Andropov), a fragment of the disk was taken to the Moscow region (Protvino), to the site of an experimental base near the IHEP (Institute for High Energy Physics), where it is still stored in one of the two hangars.

A number of cases of UFO sightings in Kazakhstan are reliably known and Central Asia, including the incident dated 08/17/1960 and from the materials of the Patriarch of Russian Ufology F.Yu. Siegel.

* 1961, April 28 - on Korb Lake (east Leningrad region near Lake Onega) there was a fall and a strong impact of a UFO on the ground, after which obvious traces of the mechanical impact of a UFO on the surface were found, a huge patch of earth was torn out. A group of military men from Leningrad worked, and later a number of scientific expeditions. The reliability is 100%, and is confirmed by a number of scientifically documented studies, but the UFO itself was not found (the object flew away, apparently it was a soil sampling machine). In the West, the case became known as the "UFO disaster" (see Charles Berlitz & William Moore. The Roswell Incident. Granada, 1981. pp. 151-162, chapter "The Russian Connection". The case is known as the "Lake Onega Incident") .

1972 - Kazakhstan, southwest of Lake Tengiz, Karaganda region - a wrecked disk-shaped object of silver-white color with a diameter of 5.8 meters, with a flat top, was discovered. Delivered for study to the same place - to the bunker of the underground airfield Stepnogorsk, Tselinograd region. When the object was barely opened, no biological beings were found inside the bodies.

*1974 - Ukraine, at night a luminous UFO in the form of a ball was observed flying along the Donetsk-Gorlovka line, after which the UFO exploded in the area north of Donetsk, illuminating the area within a radius of several kilometers. Local residents began to find fragments similar to those found on the Vashka River in Komi. Part of the wreckage came to the ufologists of Donetsk, part - to the military. (According to Ph.D. A.E. Burenin, UFO-Center, Moscow). The case is absolutely true. The BS bodies were not found.

* 1975 - Ukraine, near the village of Berezovka, Talalaevsky district, Chernihiv region. During the repair of the road, a small ball of unknown origin was found; Reliability 100%.

1978, February 17, around 10 pm - a disk-shaped silver UFO with a diameter of 6.2 meters, a height of a 2-storey building (about 3.8 meters high, in the form of a disk with a high dome) fell 55-56 kilometers east of Zhigansk, on the right bank of the Lena and the Begidzhyan River (Yakut ASSR). The fall was observed by local residents of the city of Zhigansk (apparently, this UFO was shot down by other UFOs). The radar was not fixed. Approximately six months later (in June-July) it was found in permafrost and taken to Tomsk-7 (Siberian Chemical Plant), where he was hidden in an underground laboratory-bunker. The disk was discovered in the taiga in June 1978, about six months after the crash of the Yak-40 regular aircraft, the Verkhoyansk-Zhigansk flight, the military was called. A group of 14 people arrived twice on two Mi-8 helicopters. Special forces personnel from Moscow and Yakutsk, two Mi-8 helicopters and one Mi-6 helicopter were involved in the evacuation. Through the damaged top of the disk penetrated inside. At the site of the fall of the disc, there is still a crater with a diameter of about 12 meters and a depth of 4-5 meters. On July 11, 1978, a special group flew to Zhigansk, flew around the crash site by helicopter, and on July 15, 1978 they covered it in two layers with a metallized film such as radiation-absorbing foil and a tarpaulin, then they picked it up on the external suspension of the Mi-6 air defense helicopter and took it out along the Zhigansk route -Yakutsk. In Yakutsk, the disk was stored for 10 days, where it was placed in a metal container, and after 10 days it was taken out by the same helicopter (the crew was not changed) along the route Yakutsk - Lensk - Ust-Ilimsk - Krasnoyarsk - Tomsk-7.

In Tomsk-7, the disk was personally examined by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the atomic "luminary" Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov, as well as other scientists (Academician A.A. Logunov from Protvino, etc.).

The disk consisted of three levels on top and a cabin on the bottom, the color of the skin was mirror-reflecting. On board (at the lower level, tied in chairs), the bodies of two BS were found and taken to Moscow, to the Vnukovo laboratory (level 1), where their autopsy was performed. The creatures had six-fingered limbs, about 1.5-1.6 meters tall, large bald heads, large black eyes (similar to a humanoid discovered in Poland in 1959), were dressed in tight-fitting overalls. One had a square on his shoulder, and the other had a circle with a triangle. Along the lower circumference of the entire lower compartment, we found a round remote control with touch points instead of the usual buttons or devices.

07/30/1978 the disc was delivered to Tomsk-7.

In Tomsk-7 (Seversk, former facility No. 816, P/O Box 200), the disc was hidden in an underground bunker in a special box converted from a radioactive waste storage, I was told from three different sources about the underground laboratory in Tomsk-7. There it was studied by a special group of scientists under the direct control of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, assembled in strict secrecy at the Tomsk airport and taken from there to Tomsk-7. In December 1979, the disk was taken back to Protvino, Moscow Region, where it was hidden in a hangar at an experimental base near the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP). There, the disk is still in one of the two ground hangars. In 1988, at the industrial test site in Protvino, after the repair and refurbishment work carried out on the disk, an attempt was made to test the disk in the air, but the device managed to rise only to a height of no more than 5 meters, while holding it on metal cables. Currently, the disk is equipped and modified for further flight research tests, but due to lack of funding, these works in Protvino have been mothballed due to the difficulties and high cost of fueling the disk with a transuranic fuel cell.

In 1999, the UFO crash near Zhigansk was confirmed by Andrei Petrov, a retired KGB captain from Moscow (who lives in the Konkovo ​​area), with whom my acquaintances personally spoke (there is a tape recording of the conversation with him). After serving in the KGB in the 70s, he was transferred to the Ministry of Defense and served as a driver for high-ranking Soviet military men and, in particular, drove them to UFO wreckage sites. Petrov was personally present at the UFO crash site near Zhigansk, however, he stood at a distance and he was not able to examine the appearance of the UFO in detail. In addition, A. Petrov confirmed other UFO crashes in the USSR: in 1979 near Dubna, where he personally saw the wreckage; under Vyatka; near Krasnodar, Tallinn (the case with the object "M"). The UFO catastrophe in Siberia with its study in one of the Siberian cities - scientific centers and the detection of biological creatures on board was indirectly confirmed by the well-known TV journalist A.V. Myagchenkov from Moscow, covering the topic of UFOs.

1976, summer - on the Vashka River in the Komi ASSR, near the village of Yortom, an incomprehensible fragment was found and studied in detail (the case is widely known). But little is known that several more similar and other fragments and fragments were found there. The belonging of the fragment to a UFO is questioned, it is alleged that these are the remains of a stage of a launch vehicle launched from Plesetsk. However, it is premature to draw a final conclusion.

1976, September 22 - Kazakhstan - a narrow object was discovered, the size of a fighter jet (length about 12-15 meters, weight 4.5 tons), the scheme is tailless, similar to the "Black Bird" (it was called the "Black Cat"). The object was badly burned, the cap was torn off by an explosion (self-destruction equipment), inside the cabin burned out. Bodies of the BS were not found, but if there were any, they burned down or were thrown out during the explosion. The strength of the body was striking - neither a drill nor a gas cutter took (it turned out to be a titanium alloy). However, when climbing on an external sling, it began to sway strongly and the suspension had to be unhooked in order to avoid a helicopter crash. In this case, the device received even more damage than during landing. They took out (in a disassembled form) on the external sling of the Mi-6 PSS from Arkalyk to one of the military airfields in Western Kazakhstan, and then to Zhukovsky (Ramenskoye) in the Moscow Region (LII airfield) - to the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Experience", where it was examined by a commission (including personally Alexey Andreevich Tupolev) and where it was stored in the hangar, was studied in detail. During the ascent, the excellent aerodynamic qualities of the device were discovered - it soared up, began to sway strongly and almost rammed the helicopter from below, so the suspension had to be unhooked and the object crashed to the ground, after which it was not possible to pick it up again, as it was badly damaged, so it was disassembled into parts in place. (According to the lieutenant colonel who served in the PSS (space search and rescue service of the Air Force) at the Arkalyk airfield, later the lieutenant colonel transferred to Zaporozhye, to the military transport regiment. The lieutenant colonel was interviewed by the well-known Ukrainian ufologist Yu.A. Novikov from Zaporozhye, vice president of the Zaporozhye Ural Federal District - Center. The surname of the lieutenant colonel is not called at his request). The information is absolutely reliable.

BUT it turned out that it was an unmanned American reconnaissance aircraft D-21 "Lockheed" (launched from SR-71 or B-52). This story has nothing to do with UFO disasters!

1977, in May - UFO explosion on Lake Kemskoye Vologda region, "golden drops" fell out. No debris found. The case is reliable.

According to the well-known American researcher of UFO disasters L. Stringfield, before 1978 there were TWO or THREE UFO crashes in the USSR (see Leonard H. Stringfield. Retrievals of the Third Kind, 1978, p. 37 of the Polish edition). Stringfield's informant Robert Barry received information about this "from a high-ranking source" (CIA?). Probably, the following major "catastrophes" were meant:

  1. 08/18/1959 - an incident near Sarybulak in Kazakhstan (a fragment of the disk was taken to the Kapustin Yar - Akhtubinsk region) or 04/28/1961 - the Onega incident (Korb Lake), without detecting a UFO, only traces were found.
  2. 1972 - in Kazakhstan, on Lake Tengiz (taken to Stepnogorsk - Novosibirsk).

These incidents deserve the most careful study! It should be noted that these are only major incidents, and of course, Stringfield's informants were not aware of smaller cases of discovery of small debris and artifacts.

1978, June 12 - Far East, in a remote mountainous region of the taiga in Amur region(the area between Zeya, Tynda and the Urkan River) - they found a disk-shaped object resembling a mushroom in shape, 5.5-6 meters in diameter, 3 meters high, weighing 720 kg. They took the object to Tynda, from there to Novosibirsk, where they hid it in the area of ​​Akademgorodok, east of the Obskoe More station (this is the only disk now stored in Novosibirsk). The body of one dwarf humanoid was found, delivered for autopsy to the Research Institute in Novosibirsk (also in the area of ​​Akademgorodok). It was found that the humanoid still retains vital functions - for two weeks the humanoid in Novosibirsk spent two weeks in a coma in a special pressure chamber with CO2 on life support equipment, then vital functions ceased. A segmental opening was torn out on the side of the disk (obviously, the other two crew members ejected). The UFO appears to have been shot down by other UFOs.

*1978, August 24 - UFO landing near Khabarovsk, the place was badly burned out, the military worked, the area was closed to access. Soil samples were collected. The information is reliable. Published by A. Rempel (a well-known ufologist from Vladivostok) in the newspaper "Priroda" (1991).

1978, Kazakhstan, Kustanai region, Burli (southwest of Lake Ulken-Borly) - a disk-shaped object was discovered, similar in appearance to the object found in the same Kazakhstan in 1972. Inside the disk, one body of a dwarf biological creature was found, delivered to Semipalatinsk. Currently, the humanoid body is stored in an underground laboratory near the Vnukovo-2 government airport (since 1984 or 1985, they plan to transport it to Novaya Zemlya).

The creature lived in Semipalatinsk for a week thanks to the fact that he was placed in a pressure chamber with carbon dioxide (they breathe CO2, not O2, like people).

The disk was taken to the airfield in Kustanai, where it was kept for some time, from where it was transported to Stepnogorsk, where it was hidden in an underground bunker along with three other UFOs stored there.

1978, the end of the year - at the state central research test site - GosTsNIIP PVO No. 10 Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan), the S-75 air defense system hovering over the UFO test site was shot down, at the command of the famous rocket design engineer Pyotr Dmitrievich Grushin. The wreckage shattered into small pieces at an altitude of 30 km. Since the debris fell on the “combat field” of the test site, where a lot of rocket debris was already lying around, the personnel combed the area for a week, but found only small fragments that fit in a small box. They were studied in several research institutes. The analysis showed that the body of the UFO was made of some kind of silicon-based material, into which molecular level various rare earth elements were interspersed. Data from the study of these UFO fragments and technical ideas were used in spraying special substances on the heads and rudders of new air defense missiles and anti-missiles (anti-missile defense). The information is absolutely reliable, according to reserve major A.V. Bystrova (Kiev) - see "Interesnaya Gazeta", No. 2 (65) of 1999, p.43. Separate fragments are stored in the ICB "Fakel" them. P. Grushina (Khimki).

1979, January 5 - Kazakhstan, Ural region. A UFO was observed in the Uralsk region. On the same day (or 05.10?) in the Chingirlau area on the border with the Orenburg region. - a landing of a disk-shaped UFO with a diameter of 12 to 22 meters was observed, the object crashed and burrowed into the ground. The fall was recorded by the air defense radar and the military flew in on the Mi-8 air defense, as well as from the headquarters of the district (KSAVO) from Alma-Ata, helicopters flew from Burundai and from the Moscow region (Klin). The place was cordoned off, an observation post was organized, but they could not get close to the object, as it emitted strong heat. No radiation detected. People had severe headaches and pressure in the ears (a sound like a power saw). Unable to stand it, they retreated 50 meters. Observation and examination were carried out for several hours (the personnel were in chemical protection suits), while incomprehensible sounds were heard from the side of the object. Then visibility dropped to zero and the weather deteriorated sharply, under cover of which the object disappeared (apparently, flew away or was taken away). There were sketches and materials from the examination of the landing site (in the military laboratory in Magnitogorsk).

* 1970s (1979?) - a clash (shootout) of the special forces (special forces) of the KGB with aliens on the island of Barsakelmes (Lake Aral). Several humanoids were shot (major N. commanded, 10 fighters and 3 officers landed as part of the detachment). See A. Glazunov's article "If you go - you won't return", "Continent", November 1997, No. 48 (360), p. 15.

1979, November - an unknown air target was detected and taken for escort by air defense systems north of Moscow. Then, about 1.5-2 km north of the city of Dubna, Moscow Region (on the northwestern outskirts), a fall of a disk-shaped object with a diameter of about 6 meters was observed after the launch of an air defense anti-aircraft missile from a nearby part of the ZRV (the Blue Ring system of the Moscow air defense ). The damaged object was taken out for study at the NPO Molniya in Moscow (Tushino district, Novoposelkovaya st., 6), where the Buran was once assembled. In 1982, based on the study of UFO wreckage taken out from near Dubna, the NPO Molniya created an anti-gravity aircraft - a hybrid of an airplane and a "saucer", ellipsoidal in shape, tested at the airfield of the LII (Flight Research Institute) named after. MM. Gromov (Zhukovsky) since 1982. I personally spoke with a witness (his name is Viktor, I omit his last name), who then served in Zhukovsky as a guard (a division of the F.E. Dzerzhinsky Internal Troops Division), personally participated in securing the facility delivered to the airfield and observed its flight tests. From the conversation of familiar officers, he also heard about this incident near Dubna with the capture of UFO wreckage, as well as that restoration work was being carried out in order to study and use them. Retired KGB captain Andrey Petrov from Moscow also reported the case.

In 1980, "Guidelines for the Ministry of Defense on collecting information about AE" were published. At the same time, from the beginning of 1980, in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, by special order under the USSR Ministry of Defense, a special rapid response team was created to go to the places of landings and falls of UFOs to capture and take out UFOs, to examine UFO landing sites (similar to the American commands "Alpha" and "Blue teams"), equipped with various equipment, special protective equipment and a Tu-134 laboratory aircraft - Chkalovskaya airfield, based on military unit 67947 in Mytishchi.

The most major disaster UFO in the USSR.
1980, April 15 at 01:50 local time (night) - according to one general from NPO Energia in a private personal conversation with the famous Ukrainian ufologist A.L. Kulsky from Kiev, taken in the spring of 1986, a fighter shot down a UFO in the Urals, “five years ago.” It is impossible that Kulsky invented this conversation, like the general. The fact must have happened. See: Kulsky A.L. "At the crossroads of the Universe" - Donetsk: "Stalker", 1997, pp. 237-238.

The incident took place in the Verkhotursky district of the Sverdlovsk region, the Urals, between settlements Likhanov, Glazunovka, Kosolmanka and Karelino - about 20 km south of the regional center of Verkhoturye. Around 23:50 local time, 04/14/1980, three or four UFOs were spotted by air defense means (4th Air Defense Army). The fourth UFO appeared and then disappeared. The local command hesitated for a long time whether to raise fighters or not. Finally, at about 01:30, a pair of MiG-25PDS fighters from the Bolshoe Savino airfield (Perm), as well as a pair of MiG-23P from Nizhny Tagil, were intercepted (then two more pairs were sent from both airfields). The race for the UFO, using the afterburner, lasted about 45 minutes. As a result, 2 fighters ran out of fuel and returned. One UFO began to work with the MiG. When the UFO went head-on at the fighter, the pilot opened fire to kill and the disk was shot down by several missiles, as the general said (similar cases when it was possible to shoot down a UFO were both in 1978 in Kazakhstan and in the 80s in Caucasus). Searches were organized. On the morning of April 15, 1980, an equipped special group of officers with special equipment (including compressors) of 12 people in protective reflective spacesuits with oxygen cylinders was delivered to the site by a Mi-8 air defense helicopter on the morning of 04/15/1980. Radiation at the scene of the incident was 15-16 roentgens per hour (two of that group later hanged themselves).

The object was a huge discoid, with a crack in the middle, about 26 meters in diameter and 5 meters high, with a sloping dome. According to the general, "fragments of devices" were found - heavy glass-like fragments, inner surface which had, as it were, a micro-grained structure. Without the slightest sign of anything resembling wires, printed circuit boards, fasteners, etc. "Glass" it was almost opaque. There was also a semblance of an ornament or an inscription on some fragments. The bodies of two dwarf biological creatures were found inside, according to the general. The bodies were promptly transported in special containers to the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, Moscow, for autopsy by Mi-8 helicopter, and then by Tu-134 aircraft from the Nizhny Tagil airfield. The disc was taken to Sverdlovsk, where it was hidden at the Aramil military airfield south of Koltsovo airport. There, the disk was studied for 15 days, after which it was taken away on the external sling of a helicopter to the Moscow region - to Protvino.

Local residents observed the fall of the disk and the work at the crash site of a special group of military men, about which they wrote a letter to Yu.A. Smirnov. It also said that the military ordered them not to tell anyone about this (alas, the letter was confiscated by the KGB during a search in 1985, but such a letter was for sure - Yury Alexandrovich Smirnov remembers this well).

1980, August 11 - northwest of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region, an elongated ellipsoid object sitting on the ground was found about 4.5 meters long, about 2 meters wide, about 1.5 meters high, with two protrusions on the sides. He was taken by helicopter to the Syzran airfield, and then by the An-12 military transport aircraft to the Chkalovskaya airfield and hidden in the military unit in Balashikha, Moscow Region. Bodies of the BS were not found (according to V.I. Kratokhvil, Kiev).

1981 - Krasnogorka, Kokchetav region. An object with a diameter of 4.8 meters and a length of 8.5 meters was discovered, in the form of a coil or two truncated cones docked at the base. It was taken to an underground bunker in Stepnogorsk, where it is stored to the present.

1981, September 11, at about 2 p.m. local time - East Kazakhstan, Lake Zaisan, the area of ​​Karasu-Esengul settlements - a UFO fell on the lake with an open cabin measuring 3 by 1.5 meters in the form of a boat of poisonous green color with four dwarf humanoids in the same color overalls. Upon impact, the object shattered, the bodies were damaged. Wreckage found locals, called the police - KGB investigators arrived from Alma-Ata. The wreckage and two biofragments (a humanoid head and a hand) were taken to Moscow and hidden in an underground bunker-laboratory in a special preservative compound (IMBP, Moscow). The rest of the bodies were buried, the case was hushed up, and the locals were told that a foreign plane with spies had crashed and were told to forget everything.

1981, August 17, around 7 am - in Cuba (the area of ​​the village of Casilda south of the town of Trinidad, Las Villas province), a cigar-shaped UFO about 4 meters long and about 1.2 meters in diameter fell on the coast, plowed a trench of 250 meters first along the bay, and then on the beach. Inside were found the bodies of four BS with large heads and 4 fingers, in overalls with balloons and helmets. The object is radioactive. The UFO was taken to a secret scientific space center near Camaguey, stored under a metal sheet. BS are also stored there (the USSR was not transmitted). Fidel Castro was photographed in front of this UFO. Photographs were shown to the Soviet representatives.

Places of frequent sightings of UFOs in Cuba are around the island of Pinos, Ana Maria Bay. Balloons flew almost every year in 1973, 1974, 1975, and in the 80s until 1989. Castro, who was reported, did not believe, and in 1975 he personally went to make sure and saw how a UFO took water on the coast. Castro exchanged photographs and information about UFOs with Brezhnev.

* 1981, October 16 (exactly in October) - the alleged UFO crash in East Germany (GDR), approximately in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdense forests north of Berlin (near Gros Schönebeck - Altenhof-Lake Werbellinsee): a fall of a greenish luminous body was observed by many residents of Berlin and its suburbs. They explained that it was, they say, a meteorite (there was a note in the press). At the crash site, they found a whole UFO or its fragments (the UFO may have been a gray-matte color in the form of a capsule, about 3 meters in size) and the bodies of three or four (or more) humanoids. The object was taken away and hidden in the Berlin area, where it is still stored in a laboratory or a special warehouse (presumably in the area of ​​​​one of the airfields, now allegedly transported to the Tempelhof-Mariendorf area). One of the local residents of Berlin observed how the Stasi agents (secret service of the GDR) took out the bodies of dwarf humanoids from the car, about which he wrote a letter (according to M. Hesemann, Germany). See: Leonard H. Stringfield. UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evudence-Status Report III, 1982, pp. 158-159 (Polish edition) - Hesemann's letter to Stringfield dated 3/20/1982. The whole case was taken under control by the Stasi and the Soviet side was allegedly not informed about this (according to other sources, they reported that the bodies could have been taken to Moscow, but it is unlikely). An autopsy of the bodies was carried out in the Berlin area.

Other parts of the book:

How many unidentified flying objects have found their end in the vast expanses of the earth? Unlike UFO sightings, there are far fewer reports of their crashes. Eyewitness accounts in such cases are extremely contradictory and emotional. But all this gives grounds to assert that, like any other man-made objects, UFOs sometimes suffer disasters, even if they were created using extraterrestrial, cutting-edge technologies.



The first, more or less definite, report of a UFO crash (more precisely, an event that can be considered a probable UFO crash) can be dated April 2, 1716. On this day, a collision of two celestial objects was observed in the St. Petersburg region. If we discard the excessive emotionality of the witnesses and make an adjustment for the fact that the description is given from the standpoint of the then knowledge of man about nature, we can speak with a high degree of confidence about the UFO catastrophe that occurred then.

In the State Archive of the Russian Navy the report of the Dutch envoy at the court of Peter I, Baron de Bie, has been preserved. Here is how the diplomat described the events in the sky over St. Petersburg: “At nine o’clock in the evening, in a completely clear cloudless sky, a strange thick dark “cloud” appeared from the northeast with a pointed top and a wide base, which great speed swept across the sky. At the same time, a second similar dark “cloud” appeared in the north, which moved east, because it flew up to the first “cloud” from the western side. Then both "clouds" collided with terrible force and, as it were, were broken from a strong blow, and at the point of collision an extensive flame appeared, accompanied by smoke, which was pierced by rays of flame in all directions. Along with this, many small "clouds" were observed, moving with extraordinary speed and overthrowing a bright flame. In addition, many bright arrows appeared.”

We will forgive our ancestors that they could not reproduce the picture of what happened in more detail. In those years, there was still no such thing as a "UFO", so everything was described using commonly understood terms, mainly natural character. It is unlikely that anyone in those years tried to find traces of “arrows” on earth's surface. Therefore, I would not be particularly surprised if somewhere in the swamps near St. Petersburg there are still fragments of an alien civilization hidden from our eyes.


Another event that can also be considered as a possible UFO disaster occurred in June 1790 in France. Many people witnessed it. Preserved police protocols drawn up on the testimony of eyewitnesses.

The accident occurred near the city of Alasona. A group of peasants working in the field suddenly saw a large, rotating ball, completely surrounded by fire, flying at high speed. The ball landed on top of a nearby hill. The fire from it spread to grass and bushes, but the peasants managed to put them out. The ball lay on the hill until the evening. A crowd of curious people gathered around him. Suddenly, a hole appeared in the wall of the mysterious object, and a humanoid creature emerged from it. The clothes on it tightly fitted the body and did not at all resemble the dresses worn by the inhabitants of France at the end of the 18th century. Seeing people, the creature rushed to run into the nearby forest. And the object itself silently exploded a few minutes later, leaving behind only dust. The mysterious alien was never found.

Despite the fact that there are many questions about this incident, I consider it to be a probable catastrophe.

Firstly, in those years there were no aircraft other than balloons. And the fact that it was not a balloon is confirmed by eyewitnesses.

Secondly, even if the scientists of that time had tried to examine the microscopic remains of the apparatus, they would not have been able to do this due to imperfect methods of analyzing substances.

Thirdly, the catastrophe is indicated by the fact that a certain creature is mentioned in the police protocol. All of the most credible reports of UFO crashes are not without mention of humanoid beings, either dead or injured during accidents. Of course, this is not an argument, but a comparison of facts gives just such a result.


People are still wondering what really happened on June 30, 1908. A lot has been written about the “Tunguska phenomenon”, and I mean it. I will allow myself to give only a few arguments that, in my opinion, allow us to admit the possibility that it was not a comet or a meteorite that exploded over Siberia.

First, according to the analysis of the forest fell and the testimony of eyewitnesses who were south of the explosion site, the body flew from east to west. According to other witnesses who were east of the explosion, the body flew from south to north. Such a discrepancy between indications is possible only if the body has changed the direction of its movement, that is, it was controlled. This point of view was held, in particular, by the well-known Soviet researcher of the UFO problem F. Yu. Siegel.

Secondly, there is indirect evidence that the body may have made three orbits around the Earth first. During the three days preceding the fall, a professor at the University of Kiel (Germany) Weber documented three strange magnetic disturbances with the same interval between them. It is possible that the disturbances were caused celestial body when it passes the perigee of its orbit. On the fourth orbit, the body entered the atmosphere.

Thirdly, the trajectory along which the body flew, as well as the flight speed, is unusual. According to eyewitnesses, it flew about 800 kilometers along a gentle trajectory with a small angle of inclination, and its final speed did not exceed two kilometers per second, although meteorites rush at a speed of 50-60 kilometers per second.

Quite a few more arguments could be cited both “for” and “against” the artificial origin of the “Tunguska phenomenon”. However, I do not rule out the possibility that this was also an accident of an artificial object.


And finally, the UFO accident in Germany in the late 30s. According to a few reports, in the late 30s (1937 or 1938), an unidentified object fell (according to other reports was shot down) in northern Germany. German scientists managed to penetrate some of the secrets of the structure of the object.

Despite German pedantry, there is no mention of this event in the archives. But confirming the reality of such an event is the fact that during the war years in Germany, aircraft were being developed that were strikingly reminiscent of their own. appearance objects that in the future were called "flying saucers".



With the end of World War II, the number of reports of UFO sightings increased dramatically. One of the reasons is the development of means of communication.

But there is a second reason that may explain the appearance a large number UFO. This is the appearance in orbit around the Earth of a large mother ship, from which research probes were launched, which were observed a large number earthlings. Such a fact is quite probable.

First accident in modern history occurred on July 2, 1947 (the year of the birth of ufology) in the state of New Mexico (USA) and was called the “Roswell Incident”. This disaster seems to be the most indisputable and has the most reliable evidence of the alien origin of UFOs.

A survey of 92 witnesses made it possible to reconstruct the picture of what happened.

On the evening of July 2, 1947, an unknown luminous object northwest of Roswell was caught in a severe thunderstorm, and apparently struck by lightning 110 kilometers from the city.

After the explosion, the damaged device changed its flight direction to the west, flew another 240 kilometers and fell to the ground in the area of ​​​​the San Augustin plateau west of the city of Soccoro, where it was discovered on the morning of July 3, 1947. It was a round metal aircraft with a diameter of about 9 meters, one edge of which was badly damaged, and the navigation equipment and propulsion system were completely destroyed by the explosion.

On July 7, three kilometers east of the wreckage, the bodies of four humanoid creatures were discovered. All were dead, already decomposed and damaged by the teeth of predators, had very large hairless heads with large sunken eyes and holes for the mouth, nose and ears, as well as disproportionately long arms and fingers. Their clothes looked like a one-piece, gray color, and there were no zippers, no belts, no buttons on it.


Less than a year after the “Roswell Incident”, on March 25, 1948, another apparatus fell 19 kilometers northeast of the city of Aztec (New Mexico, USA). The unknown object was initially spotted by three radars, and its fall was immediately reported to the air defense command post. Scientists working under contract with the US military were immediately dispatched to the scene.

According to their descriptions, the fallen object had the shape of a disk with a diameter of about 30 meters with a dome and portholes and was slightly damaged. It was made of an unknown lightweight, very strong metal, not amenable to drilling with diamond drills and withstanding temperatures up to 10,000 degrees.

In a cabin with a diameter of 5.5 meters, located inside the dome, a control panel was placed, which had keys with similarities of hieroglyphs, and screens on which unknown characters were displayed, but there were no switching wires. A document was also found there, made from sheets of material similar to parchment, with unknown hieroglyphs applied to it, vaguely reminiscent of Sanskrit.

14 charred bodies of humanoid beings 120 centimeters tall with dark brown skin, large eyes, long and thin hands with webbed fingers were found in the object. The weight of each of the creatures was only 16 kilograms.


The next disaster took place on December 6, 1950. The pilot of the US Air Force F-94 fighter, who was in the air near the border with Mexico, recorded the crash site of an unknown object in Mexico, 50 kilometers southwest of the city of Del Rio.

Judging by the descriptions, it was a metal disk with a diameter of about 30 meters and a height of 9 meters, which was badly destroyed by an explosion and fire. Inside was found the body of a creature 130-140 centimeters tall with a large hairless head and four fingers, dressed in a suit of metallic fabric.


The United States holds the palm in the number of reported UFO incidents. But there are cases of catastrophes in other countries.

So in 1957, an unidentified flying object exploded over the coast of Ubatubo, near Sao Paulo (Brazil). The fact of this explosion was even listed in the Encyclopædia Britannica, which in itself says a lot. The explosion was described in detail in the Brazilian newspaper Globo.

A group of fishermen on the coast saw that day a brilliant disk flying at high speed. Suddenly, the disk began to fall into the ocean. When a few meters remained to the water surface, it suddenly stopped, rose to a height of about 100 meters, swayed, covered in flames and exploded, falling to pieces. Despite the clear day, the wreckage glowed like fireworks.

Most of the debris fell into the ocean, and some fell onto the beach, and the locals managed to collect them. The material from which they were made turned out to be as light as paper, with a rough surface. Spectral analysis carried out in a number of Brazilian laboratories showed that the fragments consisted of magnesium of a special crystalline structure, which is almost impossible to obtain under terrestrial conditions.


A UFO explosion with unusual consequences occurred in May 1978 in the province of Tarija in Bolivia, where many residents of the mining village of La Mamora observed a flying brightly glowing object in the form of a cylinder 6 meters long and 4 meters in diameter with a cone-shaped front. There were no portholes or hatches to be seen, and bluish flames shot out from the rear. The object flew, emitting a high-pitched whistle.

A few minutes later, the object hit the rocky slope of Mount El Tayre, with an extremely bright flash of light at the moment of impact. The air wave shattered windows within a radius of 70 kilometers, and the tremors from the explosion were felt even in neighboring Argentina. A huge funnel 1.5 kilometers long, 0.5 kilometers wide and 400 meters deep formed on the side of the mountain, photographs of which were published in the Bolivian and Argentinean press.

To imagine the amount of energy released during the explosion, it is enough to say that in order to form a funnel of this size, it is necessary to detonate a thermonuclear bomb with a yield of several tens of megatons.

On the mountainside, a cylindrical object with a deformed body was found, which was transported to the United States. No results of the investigation into this mysterious explosion have been published.


UFO catastrophes and Russian open spaces did not bypass. There is almost no information about these events.

The most fully described case occurred in January 1986 on Far East.

On that day, a luminous ball with a diameter of 2 meters appeared near the village of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai. According to eyewitnesses, the ball moved in jumps, and then fell to a height of 611, followed by two flashes, and a fire started that lasted for an hour, and the brightness of the flame was comparable to electric welding.

The remains of the ball were studied by three academic research centers and, if we omit all purely scientific details, they led to a number of amazing discoveries, the main of which is that such materials could not be made in terrestrial conditions and are not of natural origin.

The UFO crash at altitude 611 caused the magnetization patches of silicon shales to appear in the area. Prior to this, it was believed that silicon, in principle, cannot be magnetized.

And one more interesting detail. After the accident, several other UFOs circled over the crash site. On November 28, 1987, as many as 32 objects explored the area of ​​the accident for a long time.

The list of UFO disasters is not limited to those mentioned here and others. famous cases. Most likely there were much more of them, if only because 70% of the surface the globe occupies the ocean. Therefore, the accidents of vehicles that have found their end in the desert regions of the oceans are simply unknown.

The fact that UFOs have suffered accidents before is evidenced by the discovery in various regions of the Earth of objects that are clearly artificial, but of extraterrestrial origin. And there were also unidentified objects shot down by military aircraft of the United States, the Soviet Union, and other countries.

Still, I want to end on an optimistic note. Despite the catastrophes, UFO flights continue. And the day will come when the mystery of these unidentified objects will be revealed.

Scientists have proven that unidentified flying objects have crashed on our planet a large number of times. However, the governments of the countries where this happened keep it all a secret. More precisely, experts talk about 86 falls. The first of these disasters was recorded in Somalia in the 90s of the nineteenth century. The most notable and famous almost all over the world is the UFO crash near the city of Roswell in the United States of America in 1947. But we will talk about this a little later.

After each of these disasters, physical traces remained at the scene of the accident, but the authorities always had time to hide them before anyone discovered them. It should be noted that space objects quite often appeared in the sky above the Earth and sometimes this appearance ended in disaster. The first more or less definite message about the catastrophe of an alien flying object dates back to April 2, 1716.

Then, in the sky near St. Petersburg, a collision of two objects was observed. If one does not take into account excessive emotionality and is not too critical of the then knowledge of people about nature, it can be argued that we are talking about UFOs. Some information about this incident has been preserved in the state archive. The Dutch envoy at the court of Peter I, Baron de By, said that a dark dense cloud with a wide base and a pointed top appeared in a completely clear sky, which flew across the sky at high speed.

At the same time, another cloud appeared with it. Both clouds collided with terrible force and broke up, at the point of their collision a flame with smoke appeared. In addition, many small clouds appeared in the sky, which moved very quickly and threw out flames, as well as many arrows.

Another event has been preserved in history, which can be considered as a catastrophe of an alien ship. It happened in France in June 1790. A large number of people witnessed the disaster. In addition, police protocols on this event have been preserved. So, not far from the city of Avalon, a group of peasants working in the field saw a ball in the sky, which was engulfed in fire and flew across the sky at great speed. Soon he sank to the top of one of the hills. The fire spread to bushes and grass, but people managed to put out the fire. The ball was on the hill until evening. Curious people surrounded him.

Suddenly, a hole appeared in one of the walls of the object, from which a certain creature appeared, somewhat resembling a person. His clothes were very different from those worn by the peasants of France in the eighteenth century. When this creature noticed people, it rushed to run away into the forest. The balloon exploded after a while. After him, only dust remained, and he himself mysterious alien was never found. Despite the fact that much of this story is in doubt, it can still be classified as a UFO disaster. And there are some explanations for this. First of all, it should be noted that at that time there were no flying machines, except for balloons. No research has been done on the object's remains. In addition, in the police protocols there are references to a certain creature. And in all more or less reliable reports of UFO crashes there is a mention of the same creatures.

Another incident occurred in April 1897 over the US state of Texas, an object flew in the sky over the town of Aurora. It was seen by a large number of witnesses, information about this object appeared in the local newspaper. This object crashed north of the town, as a result of which the mill was almost completely destroyed.

Few people are unaware of what happened at the end of June 1908. We are talking about the Tunguska phenomenon. Of course, most scientists claim that a meteorite or comet fell there, but some say that an alien ship actually exploded over Siberia. And here is the evidence they provide.

First, according to eyewitnesses, the body moved from east to west. However, eyewitnesses who were to the east of the scene say that it was moving from south to north. Thus, it can be assumed that the difference in the testimony of eyewitnesses is possible only if the object has changed the trajectory of movement. Secondly, there is circumstantial evidence that this object probably made three orbits around the planet. For three days before the fall, a professor at a German university, Weber, recorded strange magnetic fluctuations at regular intervals. The scientist suggested that they were caused by the object at the moment of passing the perigee of its own orbit. And then on the fourth orbit, the object entered the atmosphere. As evidence that it was the alien ship that fell, scientists talk about the unusual trajectory along which the object moved and its speed. So, according to witnesses, the object flew about 8 hundred kilometers along an inclined gentle trajectory, and its final speed was no more than two kilometers per second, while meteorites have a speed of about 50-60 kilometers per second.

Another incident related to the UFO accident occurred in Germany in the 30s of the last century. There are few reports of this incident. They talk about the fact that in 1937 or 1938 an unknown object either fell or was shot down in the north of the country. German scientists allegedly penetrated some of the secrets of how this object was arranged.

It is noteworthy that, despite the German pedantry, there is no information about this event in the archives. However, the fact that it really happened is evidenced by the fact that during the war in Germany secret developments of flying objects were carried out, which outwardly very much resembled the so-called "flying saucers". After the end of the war, the number of reports and UFO crashes increased significantly. One of the reasons for this increase was the development of communications. However, a more important reason is the direct appearance of more unidentified objects.

The first, most famous catastrophe of our time, was the accident in early July 1947, which occurred in the US state of New Mexico in the vicinity of the city of Roswell. It is this incident that is recognized as the most indisputable and proven. It, to a much greater extent than other similar accidents, proves the existence of UFOs and their alien origin. During the investigation, more than 90 witnesses were interviewed, which made it possible to reconstruct the picture of what happened in some detail. So, according to eyewitnesses, on the evening of July 2, 1947, near the town of Roswell in the sky, an unknown aircraft fell into a severe thunderstorm, and then it was apparently struck by lightning. There was an explosion, after which the object changed its trajectory, flew another 250 kilometers and fell in the vicinity of the San Augustin plateau, west of Sokkoro. There he was discovered the next morning. The ground around the object was very hot. The aircraft had a round shape, its diameter was approximately 9 meters. One side of the facility was severely damaged, and the propulsion system and navigational equipment were completely destroyed in the explosion.

A few days later, bodies of humanoid creatures were found near the site of the fall of the object. They were dead, partly decomposed and predated. Despite this, it was obvious that they had large bald heads and large eyes, there were holes for the nose, mouth and ears, and fingers and arms were disproportionately long. The clothing was also of great interest: it was gray in color, but there was not a single zipper, no button, no belt on it.

A year after the Roswell incident in March 1948, another similar object fell near the city of Aztec in the same state of New Mexico. He was initially noticed by three radars, so his fall was immediately reported to the air defense command post. Scientists were immediately sent to the site of the fall of the device, who worked under the contract with the military. According to their testimony, the object they saw was disc-shaped and up to 30 meters in diameter.

It also had portholes and a dome. There was no serious damage to the device. The material from which the device was made was very light, but at the same time very durable metal, which did not lend itself to drilling and withstood temperatures up to 10 thousand degrees. Inside the dome there was a cabin with a diameter of 5.5 meters, and in it there was a control panel with keys in the form of hieroglyphs, as well as a large number of screens on which unknown characters were displayed. However, no connecting wires were found. In addition, a document was found in the cockpit, made of a parchment-like material with symbols resembling Sanskrit printed on it. Inside the apparatus, 14 bodies of humanoid creatures were found. All of them were short (about 120 centimeters), had brown skin, large eyes, thin long arms and webbed fingers. Each such creature weighed only 16 kilograms.

Another accident occurred in early December 1950. An American Air Force F-94 fighter was in the sky not far from the border with Mexico, the pilot of which recorded the crash site of an unknown aircraft on Mexican territory. From his descriptions, it was obvious that this object was a metal disk, the diameter of which was approximately 30 meters and a height of 9 meters. The apparatus was badly damaged by the explosion and the ensuing fire.

Inside the object, they found the body of a creature whose height did not exceed 130 centimeters. The head of this creature was bald, on the hands there were only 4 fingers. The creature was dressed in a suit made of metallic fabric. In general, it should be noted that the United States of America holds the palm in terms of the number of accidents of unidentified flying objects. However, similar cases have also been reported in other countries.

So, in particular, in 1957 in Brazil, in the vicinity of Sao Paulo over the coast of Ubatubo, an explosion occurred, the details of which were later entered into the British Encyclopedia, and a detailed story was published in the Globo newspaper. On that day, a group of fishermen who were on the coast saw a large disk that was flying at high speed. Suddenly, it began to fall into the ocean, but when a few meters remained to the surface of the water, the object suddenly stopped, rose about 100 meters up, began to sway, and then covered in flames and exploded, falling apart. Even though the incident happened during the day, the pieces of the object glowed like fireworks.

Most of the debris ended up in the ocean, but some of it landed on the beach and was collected by locals. The material from which these fragments were made was very light and had a rough surface. Spectral analysis was carried out in several laboratories, which showed that this material included magnesium of a special crystal structure, which is simply impossible to obtain under terrestrial conditions.

An equally interesting case with the fall of a UFO occurred in Bolivia in May 1978. In the province of Tarija, residents of the small settlement of La Mamora observed an object in the sky that had a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 4 meters and a length of 6 meters, its front part looked like a cone. The object glowed brightly, there were no hatches or portholes on it, and blue flames burst out from behind. This device flew with a piercing whistle. A few minutes later, the object crashed into a rock, at the moment of the collision a very bright flash appeared. The blast wave was so powerful that all windows were shattered within a radius of 70 kilometers, and even in neighboring Argentina tremors from explosions were felt. A deep funnel formed on the mountain, which was 0.5 kilometers wide and about the same deep. A funnel of this size, by the way, could be formed, for example, from an explosion thermonuclear bomb with a capacity of several tens of megatons. A cylindrical object with a deformed body was found at the site of the explosion on a mountainside. No data regarding the results of the investigation was made public. UFO crashes have also happened in Russia. However, there is practically no information about them.

One of the cases, more or less described in detail, occurred in the Far East in January 1986. In the Primorsky Territory, in the vicinity of the village of Dalnegorsk, a luminous object of a spherical shape appeared, the diameter of which was approximately 2 meters. According to the stories of witnesses of the incident, he moved in jumps, several flashes soon appeared and a fire started. It lasted about an hour, while the brightness of the flame could be compared with electric welding. Studies of the object's remains were carried out by three academic research centers, which concluded that the materials from which this object was made are not of natural origin and could not be produced under Earth conditions. The fall of the object caused the appearance of zones of magnetization of silicon rocks in this area.

By the way, before that it was believed that silicon could not be magnetized. And one more important point: where the UFO crashed, other objects circled for a long time. And in November 1987, 32 unidentified objects immediately explored the area.

Of course, the list of UFO disasters is not limited to those described in this article. There were many more of them, because most of the globe is occupied by the ocean, and the accidents that occurred over it are simply unknown.

In addition, UFOs have crashed before, as evidenced by the numerous sightings of objects that were of unearthly origin. So many UFO-related disasters have forced the US government to take certain measures.

So, in particular, in September 1947, the Majestic-12 group was allegedly created, the main tasks of which were the discovery of materials of alien origin and their removal for scientific research, the discovery of human-like creatures or their remains for the purpose of scientific study, the development and joint with the CIA conducting secret operations to deliver materials of alien origin from the territories of other countries to America.

In addition, all these activities were to be kept in strict secrecy.