Enroll in a university as a correspondence student. Which institutes admit you without exams and the Unified State Exam?

The list of specialties for which you can study by correspondence is becoming shorter and shorter. The Ministry of Education and Science plans to abolish this form of training for engineers, builders, power engineers and other professions that require a lot of practice. It’s better to leave the correspondence course only for advanced training. Do part-time students really get bad knowledge? Is it possible to get a job after studying like this? Let's figure it out.

Students attend the session for about a month, then receive homework in each subject and begin to work independently. At the next session they show what they have learned. This is what it looks like in reality.

The first stage is the installation session

A group of students gathers for an orientation session. Teachers introduce the rules of study at a particular university, the curriculum, talk about the basics of the profession, conduct introductory lectures, give a list of references and assignments for independent work.
Term: 20-25 days.

The second stage - independent work

Students read textbooks at a schedule convenient for themselves, write tests on topics chosen in advance, and prepare for presentations at seminars, exams, and tests. If necessary, do it practical work: conduct surveys, keep observation diaries, etc. To monitor students’ work, teachers set deadlines for submitting work. For example, if the next session is in May, then work on different subjects you need to send it to the teacher’s e-mail, for example in February, March, April. Tests and essays submitted on time serve as admission to the exams.

Term: until the next session.

Third stage - session

The students' task is to show how they have mastered the material. They take exams, participate in seminars, group, laboratory classes, answer test questions. And of course, again lectures, seminars, new educational material.

Term: 20-30 days. Usually there are 2 sessions per year.

These stages (except for the first) alternate throughout 3-6 years of study. Once a year students write coursework and protect her. And at the end of the training, along with passing state exams, they defend a thesis with research, practical part and conclusions.

Often, educational institutions offer sessions for distance learning at the end of November and early December. However, many universities conduct winter exams for part-time students in early January. But the spring session is usually held equally in all institutions in March. Depending on the course, the examination session for correspondence students can last from three to four weeks.

By law, working students can count on paid study leave, the duration of which increases from the first (up to 40 calendar days) to the fifth (up to 50 days) year of study.

How distance learning different from face-to-face?

The length of study depends on the university and specialty. For example, in 2018 at the KSPU named after. V. P. Astafiev any correspondence study lasts 5 years. Moreover, at the same university there are full-time specialties with a duration of study of 4 years.

“I received my secondary education full-time, and my higher education by correspondence. I didn’t really study at college, I skipped classes, and some subjects completely passed me by. But I was able to get a job in my profession. But during the correspondence, I came to my senses. I combined work and study, so much so that in the end I received a diploma with honors. I’m being offered the position of deputy head of a department, and I’m thinking about the second highest..." Irina, 34 years old, technical specialist

How to enroll in a correspondence course at a university

Of course, you need to find out the specific conditions at the chosen educational institution, but we will tell you the main features.

Studying programs

Russia has a two-level education system: bachelor's degree (4 years) + master's degree (2 years) and a separate specialty (5-6 years). These are the types of training programs.

Accordingly, after them you will receive a bachelor’s, specialist’s or master’s qualification. The duration of training and further opportunities depend on the choice of program.


A person who has received a higher education professional education. He studied at the university for 4 years, passed state exams and, if desired, can enroll in a master's program.


A specialist or bachelor who has completed a master's degree and defended a master's thesis. Duration of training - 2 years. After this, he can enter graduate school.


A person who has received higher professional education. He studied at the university for at least 5 years, passed state exams and defended his thesis. If desired, he can enroll in a master's or graduate school.

Bachelor's degree - general professional training, with such a diploma it is quite possible to get a job. A specialist is already at a higher level, employers value him more. Master - well, everything is already clear here, the coolest of the three.

Russian bachelor's and master's diplomas are equivalent to European diplomas, since our country is a member of the Bologna Convention on Education. If you are not planning to work or do an internship abroad, then you can get by with a specialty. Bachelors can enter not only Russian master's degree, but also foreign.

Passing score

This is the total result after passing exams (Unified State Exam), passing university testing (if any) and individual achievements applicant. In the correspondence department, the passing score is often lower than in the full-time department, although not always.

Here are some examples:

Number of applications

Based on data state statistics in 2016, the competition for admission to universities in 2016 was as follows:

  • for full-time education - almost 7 applications per place;
  • for absentee - a little more than 2 applications.

And 57.5% enrolled full-time and 40.1% enrolled part-time. The rest of the applicants chose part-time training.

Entrance exams

How to enter a university without the Unified State Exam in absentia? This can be done by those who already have secondary vocational education. They are enrolled based on the results of the educational institution’s internal entrance exams. And for everyone who has recently completed 11th grade, Unified State Examination results are required.

If you enroll in a correspondence course at a university after secondary education, the duration of study and the conditions for passing entrance exams may be reduced.

For example, in Tyumen industrial university The conditions are as follows: school graduates are admitted based on the results of the Unified State Exam. If the applicant has a secondary specialized or higher education, then admission is carried out based on the results of entrance exams of the university itself. The passing score is lower than in full-time training.

Unified State Examination results are valid for 4 years inclusive. That is, if you passed it in 2018, you can apply until 2022 inclusive.


If the university has budget places for the specialty you have chosen and you have achieved a passing grade, you can study for free.

Age of students

How does distance learning work at a university?

Duration of training is from 3 to 6 years. Depends on curriculum, the applicant’s educational background. If you enroll part-time higher education Having secondary vocational education, the period of study is reduced by 1-2 years. In some universities you can study according to an individual plan and reduce the period of study by an average of six months. For example, at KhSU named after. N. F. Katanova in the direction of “Economics: Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, a bachelor needs to study in absentia for 5 years, and with an individual training plan - 4 years and 7 months.

Not all opportunities available to full-time students will be available to part-time students. For example, you will not be able to complete a foreign internship or participate in grants for studying abroad.

The diploma that part-time students receive differs from the diploma of full-time students only in fewer hours. Indication of the form of study is included in the diploma only in agreement with the graduate.

What else do you need to think about in advance?

Scholarship. Even if a student entered on a budget, he still is not entitled to a scholarship.

Deferment from the army. The young man will be on the list of conscripts along with the others; there is no deferment for absentee studies.

Combining work and study. Usually, a student is entitled to paid study leave during the session, but in fact it depends on the employer. Sometimes students take annual leave from work and study during this time. Not everyone likes it, but the boss gets less annoyed.

Why do applicants choose distance learning?

  • Work right after school. An excellent option for those who provide their own life.
  • Opportunity to live in your hometown. You don't have to live in it all the time big city. You can come for a month from your region, saving money on housing costs.
  • Low cost of training. Sometimes even half as much as full-time tuition.
  • Individual study schedule. Part-time education gives greater freedom of action than full-time education. Sessions take place 2-3 times a year for one month, and the remaining time you can engage in sports, creative activities or care for a child.
  • Beyond age stereotypes. You can study at any age. During distance learning, you are likely to meet people your own age, no matter how old you are.

“In our group there were 22 people studying in the correspondence department. Two girls entered after 11th grade. They lived in the village and came to the city only for sessions. Two more studied full-time at first, then took academic leave to care for their children and transferred to us. The guy recently came out of the army. The rest are women 30-40 years old. They were already working and receiving education in their profession.” Antonina, 28 years old.

Myths about distance learning

Absentee always has a fee. No not always. If an educational institution provides budget places, it is quite possible to get into them. For example, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation them. V. Ya. Kikotya allocated 170 in 2018 budget places for distance learning at passing score 189.

Absentee is worse than full-time. According to the curriculum, full-time and part-time students receive almost the same education. The only difference is that full-time students receive more educational hours in each discipline, but the list of disciplines remains unchanged.

It's easier to learn. Actually, not always. If in a full-time format the amount of knowledge is distributed throughout academic year, then in the correspondence format the volume becomes concentrated. Instead of lectures and consumption of ready-made material, you will have to obtain and study it yourself. Teachers help develop self-discipline: they give a delivery schedule tests. So, before the January session you will need to send all work to email teachers.

The demands of teachers are lower. Not always either. Students don’t just serve hours, they also get coursework, theses defend before the commission. So concessions are usually rare. Some teachers, on the contrary, strive to give as much knowledge as possible, meticulously checking the work.

No practice. As a rule, part-time students already work in their specialty and complete their entire internship at work. If this is not your case, you will have to look for a company yourself. In any case, in the curriculum practical lessons registered. During your studies, you can get an internship at a Russian company - free or paid.

It's harder to find a job. According to the law, companies do not have the right to refuse employment due to correspondence education. But in fact, some employers are reluctant to hire such specialists. The refusal is based on insufficient qualifications. There are other companies that, on the contrary, are more willing to take on part-time students: in this way they “train” a specialist for themselves, gradually increasing the range of his responsibilities. Moreover, having started working in the 1st or 2nd year, you will simultaneously receive theoretical knowledge and apply them in practice. And if something is unclear, you can always ask the teachers during the session.

Sometimes universities also help students find jobs. For example, KhSU (Khakass State University) named after. N. F. Katanova created an automated employment information system. There, students receive information about internships, vacancies, and webinars. NSTU (Novosibirsk State Technical University) Technical University) cooperates with the Regional Center for Employment and Adaptation of Graduates to the Labor Market, as well as with the Center for Professional Career Development.

The Ministry of Education and Science is moving towards leaving distance learning only as a way to improve qualifications for those who receive a second higher education. But until this happens, hundreds of thousands of students in 2018 are applying for part-time studies.

Where to go after 11th grade without the Unified State Exam?

Single State exam heard by all students graduating high school. Every future student and his parents know that without passing the Unified State Exam enroll in higher institution will not work. However, the exam itself seems to many to be a rather difficult, even insurmountable obstacle to further education. Necessity expensive private lessons and many hours of suffering over books is scary for most students, especially if the child not enough time to prepare.

All these difficulties force families to look for a simpler solution to continue their education. It is not surprising that many are beginning to think about whether it is possible to enter a higher education institution without passing the Unified State Exam? It turns out that such options exist.

Who can not take the Unified State Exam and still enroll in a university?

There are several options for enrolling in a university after 11th grade without the Unified State Exam:

  1. The first assistant during admission can be won the Olympics. This rule applies only to those children who have won prizes at national events. International documents confirming your victory will also be relevant. If such papers are available, the applicant can choose any university in Russia and submit documents there without Unified State Exam results.
  2. Some large universities independently arrange events like the Olympics, only among its applicants. The winners of such “brain competitions” can enter without submitting results on a single exam.
  3. Students can try their luck at admission health who cannot allow them to take part in the state examination. For such applicants, the higher education institution specially conducts separate knowledge testing event. Based on the results obtained, a list of applicants will be compiled.
  4. There is no need to pass the exam even if the student does not enter a new university, but simply transferred from one to another. Such issues are usually resolved at management level. In this case, most likely, the student will need to pass additional exam, the so-called academic difference, which should eliminate the discrepancy in the programs of different educational institutions.
  5. Foreign citizens may apply without USE results. However, they need to have in their hands all the documentation requested by the higher education institution about their studies in another country.
  6. Those who have decided to enroll can also apply without USE results. second higher education. IN in this case The university is often limited exclusively own exams, upon passing of which students are recruited.

What to do if there are not enough points in the Unified State Exam?

Even if the applicant couldn't pass the unified exam at a decent level or did not pass it at all, but at the same time he does not fit all of the above categories, then he has two worthy exits out of position.

The first one is college admission. In this case, you will have to study a couple of extra years to receive the appropriate diploma. However, on the basis of documents confirming graduation from a college or academy, it is quite easy to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam.

The second option is only suitable creative people. Many famous institutions have faculties that teach artists, musicians, actors and other people whose talent extends not to knowledge, but to the opportunity to express themselves. If you prove yourself well admissions committee during a creative competition, its scores can significantly outweigh the Unified State Exam and help you enter a university.

Anyway don't despair and give up, enrolling in your dream higher education institution is quite possible, you just need to try! And we must not forget that Unified State Exam results they will still be there decisive factor for everyone who wants to get a higher education. Therefore, it is better to prepare properly for passing the Unified State Exam, for example, on our preparatory courses. Sign up with us at free lesson in any subject!

There are the most controversial rumors about whether it is possible to enter a university without passing the Unified State Exam, and this is not surprising: the issue of obtaining a higher education worries both graduates and their parents. And they are already adults who have decided to go to university in order to expand their specialized knowledge and horizons, as well as obtain a diploma necessary for work. The number of applicants who have certain problems with passing the Unified State Exam does not decrease, but only grows from year to year.

So, who in the new 2015 will be able to enter college without first passing the Unified State Exam?

According to the Federal laws of the Russian Federation, all graduates of schools, colleges, technical schools, and schools who receive complete secondary education in their educational institutions will be able to enter universities and institutes only after first passing the unified state exam and presenting its results to the admissions committee. Universities that have independently decided to conduct their own internal testing without taking into account the points received for the Unified State Exam do not exist today. And this applies to both public and private universities with any form of education, including evening, correspondence, budget, paid and any other.

It is important to understand that to enter a university you definitely need a successful certificate of complete secondary education, and today it can only be obtained by passing the Unified State Exam and gaining at least the minimum required number of points.

Exceptions, as everyone well knows, only confirm the rules.

What are the exceptions?

  1. Citizens with health limitations or disabilities. They have the right to take examinations in the form that their physical abilities and health status, for example in the form of traditional answers to exam papers. Based on the results of these exams, this category of graduates receives a school certificate.
  2. Foreign citizens who have graduated from a secondary educational institution in their country and received the appropriate certificate.
These two categories of graduates can enter institutions on the basis of internal entrance examinations in specialized subjects that will be taught to them at the highest educational institution. Exactly which entrance exams or tests you will have to take can be clarified on the official websites of the selected universities or in the admissions committees.

Who else will be able to enter a university without first passing the Unified State Exam?

  • Anyone who has graduated from a college or technical school at a particular university in this year, can enroll in existing specialist training programs, but only in specialized specialties. These programs provide shortened training periods. It is necessary to pay special attention that this opportunity exists only during the first year after graduating from college or technical school.
  • Without passing the Unified State Exam, students who have a certificate of incomplete higher education enter the institute, who for some reason interrupted their studies, and after some time decided to continue it.
  • Those who already have one higher education and are entering college to get a second are not required to take the Unified State Exam. Upon admission, such applicants present a diploma of first higher education. The same applies to admission to a master's program. Unified State Examination results are not required for admission, but you must have a bachelor's degree or a diploma of first higher education.

There is another category of people who have a successful certificate, but did not take the Unified State Exam because they graduated from school or a vocational school before 2009, that is, before this type of state exam became mandatory. Theoretically, these people have the right to enter universities without presenting USE results, but only for evening and correspondence courses. However, every year the number of universities and specialties providing such an opportunity decreases and practically approaches zero. Increasingly, applicants who have long since graduated from school are asked to first pass the Unified State Exam before applying to their chosen university. Therefore, anyone who has decided to continue their education after 3.4 or more years have passed after graduation is advised to clarify whether the given university accepts certificates without Unified State Examination results or not.

Today, there are no other ways to do without providing USE results. Neither for non-state universities, nor for creative ones.

Just a couple of years ago, institutes and academies that trained specialists in creative professions actually accepted school graduates based on the results of creative competitions, fortunately, the competition for the professions of actors, vocalists, artists and musicians was, and remains, huge. However, today the legislation obliges these higher education institutions to admit future students only with a certificate that indicates the results of the Unified State Exam. Yes, creative competition continues to be much more significant than the number of points received for state exams, but, nevertheless, without these results they are not allowed to participate in the competition.

What can you do if you haven’t passed the Unified State Exam, but you really want to study at a university, and you want it urgently, without spending whole year for a retake?

You can try to enroll in a foreign university. IN different countries There are various requirements for applicants and the documents required for admission. It is quite possible to choose an option that suits your interests. It is necessary to take into account that this option may not always be affordable, and in addition, it will require knowledge of the language in which the teaching will be conducted. There are also a number of recently established so-called international universities, offering mainly distance learning and programs designed specifically for Russians. How acceptable the quality of education in such universities will be, and how much demand a diploma from such an organization will then have, each applicant decides for himself.

Since 2009, all graduates of 11 grades must pass the Unified State Exam, which will not only provide them with a certificate, but also serve as the basis for admission to a university. Preparing for the Unified State Exam takes a lot of effort and time - schoolchildren begin to prepare for the tests several years before graduation.

Without tutors and additional courses, it is almost impossible to score the required number of points, so most graduates experience real stress in the run-up to exams. But is it possible to enter a university without the Unified State Exam? It would seem that this is impossible, but there are a number of cases when it is still possible to avoid taking exams.

Methods of entering a university without Unified State Exam results

According to the law, certain categories of applicants can enter any university without the Unified State Exam:

To a university without the Unified State Exam with a college diploma

If you do not fall into any of the above categories, but still intend to go to college without the Unified State Exam, then you can go a different route. After 9th grade, you have the opportunity to apply to a college or technical school, where admission is based on the OGE (certificate of basic secondary education). After studying for three years at a secondary school, you can then enter a university for an accelerated training program in a specialized specialty.

It is worth considering that college graduates still take entrance exams - internal ones, but they are conducted by the universities themselves.

Applicants admitted to a bachelor's or specialist's degree in a specialized field are enrolled in the first year, but the duration of study can be reduced to three and four years, respectively. To do this, universities re-read subjects already studied in college and compile an individual syllabus. But you need to find out about this possibility in advance. Not all educational institutions single out students as a separate “caste of the elite”, but teach them on an equal basis with everyone else - 4 years in a bachelor’s degree or 5 years in a specialist’s degree.

Additional option

Why are most applicants so afraid of the Unified State Exam? Because he is afraid of not gaining enough points and losing the chance to enter a higher education institution for the desired specialty. If all of the above options do not suit you at all, then in any case you will have to take the Unified State Exam, because this required condition to obtain a school certificate.

Let's say you are well versed in social studies, but dream of entering the faculty foreign languages, where this subject is not counted for enrollment. At the same time, you are afraid that your knowledge of English (or another) language will not give you the opportunity to score a sufficient total number of points.

Then you can do the following: choose a university with the desired faculty, but apply for a completely different specialty that requires disciplines in which you are well versed for admission. In this case, it is best to choose a direction with little competition and the lowest passing score.

Then you enter a university and study for a year in a specialty that is not at all interesting to you, but at the same time you are preparing. Most likely, in order to change your specialty, you will need to pass an exam in a core subject at the faculty itself. Remember, you have a whole year to thoroughly prepare for the test. In addition, if a successful combination of circumstances occurs, you will immediately enroll in the second year.

Such a scheme is possible, since first-year students of different faculties study identical general education subjects, such as history, computer science, Russian language, etc. But, of course, you need to clarify in advance with the dean’s office the conditions for transfer to another faculty, the list necessary documents, inquire about the specifics of the upcoming specialized exam.

All methods of admission without the Unified State Exam require a special status from the applicant or involve a lot of effort and energy. Therefore, think carefully: maybe it would be better to spend all your time on thoroughly preparing for the Unified State Exam?

In order to obtain higher education without the Unified State Exam, you need to know which categories of citizens have this opportunity and under what conditions.

If this question worries an applicant who simply failed the exam, then choosing a university for him is quite difficult.

Among the universities that do not pay enough attention to the number of points scored on the exam are institutions with creative specialties. To enter such an institution, first of all, you must have talent in the relevant field.

Many Russian universities accept applicants without the Unified State Exam who already have vocational education. In this case, it is possible to enroll immediately in the 2nd year.

Who can get a higher education without passing the Unified State Exam?

The possibility of entering an educational institution without USE results depends on the reason for their absence. Let's consider the categories of citizens who have the opportunity to enter the university without passing a unified exam.

There are different reasons why a person may not have USE results. Here are some of them:

  • secondary education was received in a foreign country;
  • disability;
  • more than 1 year has passed since passing the exam;
  • school was completed before the introduction of the Unified State Exam;
  • did not have enough points to pass the minimum exam threshold.

Citizens of other countries who graduated from school in their homeland and wish to receive higher education in the Russian Federation can enroll in Russian university without the Unified State Exam. The Government of the Russian Federation allocates quotas for this category of students. However, foreign applicants will still have to take entrance exams.

Citizens who have not passed the Unified State Exam due to disability or health conditions have the right to take the exam in a form convenient for them.

The last three listed reasons are a more serious obstacle to entering a university. Nevertheless, options for continuing education after school exist for these categories of citizens.

How to get a higher education without the Unified State Exam

Despite the strict requirements educational institutions to the availability of Unified State Examination results, options for admission to a university exist for all applicants.

One of the most common ways to “avoid the Unified State Exam” is to enroll in college on the basis of a 9th grade certificate. After three years of college, you can get a higher education without the Unified State Exam. The disadvantage of this method is the loss of one year: instead of two years in grades 10 and 11, you will need to study for three years in college. At the same time, in some universities it is possible to enroll immediately into the second year of university after college, then there will be no loss of a year.

Important point! Admission to a university without the Unified State Exam after college is possible if this college is located at the university to which admission is planned.

When transferring from one educational institution to another, Unified State Examination results are also not required. Therefore, having entered one university after college, a student has the right to further transfer to any more desirable university without passing a single exam.

Many universities hold various Olympiads and sports competitions. Applicants who have a medal for a prize at such events get a chance to enter a specialized university without passing unified exam.

The possibility of entering a university for those who graduated from school before the introduction of the Unified State Exam exists in some institutions, but only for evening or extramural.

Citizens who already have a diploma of higher education and want to study again at a higher educational institution can enroll without the Unified State Exam.

Don't go to university without the Unified State Exam

It is quite possible to get an education without having USE results. The only thing to remember is that in most cases you will most likely have to pay for training without the results of a single exam. The only exceptions are persons applying outside the competition based on the results of competitions.

We should also not forget that for those who did not pass the exam, there is the possibility of retaking it next year. During this time, you can carefully prepare, and then the probability successful completion exam is quite high.

Where can you go without the Unified State Exam? How to get a higher education without the Unified State Exam updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru