The closest dwarf planet to the sun. Mercury - the closest to the sun planet

The science

We all know from childhood that in the center of our Solar system There is a sun around which four closest planets appeal earth Group, including Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. For them go four gaza Planets Giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

After in 2006, Pluto ceased to be considered the planet of the solar system, and switched to the category of dwarf planets, the number of the main planets decreased to 8.

Although many well-known buildings are known, there are many myths and false ideas relating to the solar system.

Here are 10 facts that you may not know about the solar system.

1. The hottest planet is not closest to the sun

Many know that Mercury - the closest to the sun planetwhose distance is almost two times less than the distance from the ground to the sun. It is not surprising that many people believe that Mercury is the most hot planet.

Actually the hottest planet of the solar system is Venus- The second planet is close to the Sun, where the average temperature reaches 475 degrees Celsius. This is enough to melt tin and lead. At the same time, the maximum temperature on Mercury is about 426 degrees Celsius.

But due to the lack of atmosphere, the surface temperature of Mercury may vary for hundreds of degrees, while carbon dioxide on the surface of Venus supports almost a constant temperature at any time of the day and night.

2. The border of the solar system is a thousand times farther from Pluto

We are accustomed to think that the solar system extends to the orbit of Pluto. To date, Pluto is not even considered the main planet, but this representation remains in the minds of many people.

Scientists have opened a lot of objects that appeal around the Sun, which are much further than pluton. These are the so-called transneptunional objects or objects of the bouncy of the bed. Koiper belt extends 50-60 astronomical units (astronomical unit or average distance from Earth to Sun is equal to 149,597,870,700 m).

3. Almost all on the planet Earth is a rare element

Earth mainly consists of iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, sodium and aluminum.

Although all these elements were found in different places throughout the universe, they are only traces of elements that overshadow the abundance of hydrogen and helium. Thus, the Earth for the most part consists of rare elements. It does not speak about some special place of the planet Earth, since the cloud from which the Earth has formed, contained a large amount of hydrogen and helium. But since it is light gases, they were taken into space with solar heat as the land form.

4. Solar system lost, minimum, two planets

Pluto was originally considered the planet, but because of very small sizes (much less than our moon) he was renamed the dwarf planet. Astronomers also once thought that there was a planet volcanowhich is closer to the Sun than Mercury. It was about 150 years ago on its possible existence, to explain some of the features of the orbit of Mercury. However, later observations were excluded the possibility of the existence of a volcano.

In addition, recent studies have shown that it is possible when there was a fifth planet giantSimilar to Jupiter, who rotated around the Sun, but was thrown out of the solar system due to gravitational interaction with other planets.

5. Jupiter is the largest ocean of all planets

Jupiter, who rotates in the cold space, five times later from the Sun than the Planet Earth, was able to keep much more high level hydrogen and helium during the formation than our planet.

You can even say that Jupiter mainly consists of hydrogen and helium. Considering the mass of the planet and chemical composition, as well as the laws of physics, under cold clouds, an increase in pressure should lead to hydrogen transition into a liquid state. That is, on Jupiter should be the deepest ocean of liquid hydrogen.

According to computer models on this planet not only the most big Ocean In the solar system, its depth is approximately 40,000 km, that is, equal to the circumference of the Earth.

6. Even the smallest bodies in the solar system there are satellites

Once it was believed that only such large objects as planets may have natural satellites or moon. The fact of the existence of satellites is sometimes even used to determine what is actually a planet. It seems illogical that small space bodies can have sufficient gravity to hold the satellite. In the end, Mercury and Venus have them, and Mars has only two tiny satellites.

But in 1993 interplanetary station Galileo discovered from the asteroid Ida satellite dactyl with a width of only 1.6 km. Since then, it was found satellites appealing around 200 other small planetsthat significantly complicated the definition of the "planet".

7. We live inside the sun

Usually we imagine the sun, like a huge hot Ball of Light, located at a distance of 149.6 million km from the ground. Actually the external atmosphere of the Sun extends much further visible surface..

Our planet rotates within its sparse atmosphere, and we can see it when the solar wind gusts cause the appearance of polar radiance. In this sense, we live inside the sun. But the solar atmosphere does not end on Earth. Polar radiance can be observed on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and even far Neptune. The most distant area of \u200b\u200bthe solar atmosphere - Heliosphere extends at least 100 astronomical units. It is about 16 billion kilometers. But since the atmosphere has a drop shape due to the movement of the Sun in space, her tail can reach from a dozen to one hundred billion kilometers.

8. Saturn is not the only planet with rings

Although Saturn rings are definitely the most beautiful and easy to watch them, jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings. While the bright rings of Saturn consist of ice particles, very dark rings of Jupiter are mostly dust particles. They may contain minor fragments of broken meteorites and asteroids and, possibly, particles of the volcanic satellite of the IO.

The annular system of uranium is slightly more visible than the Jupiter, and maybe formed after the collision of small satellites. Neptune Rings Weak and Dark, like Jupiter. Dumb Rings of Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune it is impossible to see through small telescopes From EarthBecause Saturn became the most famous for his rings.

Contrary to popular belief in the solar system there is a body with an atmosphere in essence similar to earthly. This is Saturn Saturn - Titan. It is more of our moon and is close to the Mercury planet. Unlike the atmosphere of Venus and Mars, which are much thicker and thinner, respectively, than in the ground, and consist of carbon dioxide, titan's atmosphere mainly consists of nitrogen.

The atmosphere of the Earth is about 78 percent consists of nitrogen. Similarity with the atmosphere of the Earth, and especially the presence of methane and other organic Molecules, assigned scientists to the idea that titanium can be considered analog early landOr there is some kind of biological activity. For this reason, Titan consider the best place In the solar system for search for signs of life.

The planet, named after the Roman God of Trade, is the smallest in the solar system. According to its size, it is inferior to some satellites. Mercury weight is only 5.5% of the earth - 3.3 * 10 23 kg. The planet closest to the sun is significantly inferior to our radius: 2439.7 km versus 6371 km. One turn around the shone it makes 88 days. At the same time, Mercurian sunny day lasts 176 Earth. In orbit, Mercury moves at an average speed of 48 km / s.

Distance from Svetila

The distance from the Sun to Mercury is an average of a little less than 58 million kilometers. The planet's orbit is strongly extended, so the exact value changes significantly during the year. In the perihelial (maximum approximation point) the distance from the Sun to Mercury is 45.9 million km, in Afhelia (maximum deletion point) - 69.7 million km. The difference between these two positions is large enough. Being in the perieghia, Mercury closer to the sun 1.5 times than in Aflia.

The distance divided by the "wilt" planet and land is greatly varied. The range ranges from 82 to 217 million kilometers.

Temperature mode

The features of the Mercury planet are largely associated with its unique position in the solar system. According to scientists, shone from the time of formation of the planet reduced its moment of the amount of movement. This led to a certain synchronization of the rotation of Mercury around the axis and around the sun. Star days here last 58.65 terrestrial, which is two thirds of the year on the planet. The consequence of such a coincidence is the so-called hot longitude - two sections of the surface, alternately rendered to the sun at the time of the passage of the perichelium. The temperature on these meridians is extremely high even by Mercury standards.

For the planet, significant daily differences are characterized: from +350 to -170 ºС. 520º difference is unique to our corner of space. One of the reasons that led to a similar difference is almost one hundred percent absence of an atmosphere. Warming up air during the daytime and very rapid cooling at night also promotes a loose soil that does not transmit heat in the bowels of the planet.

Unusual constancy

The planet closest to the sun differs from the ground and the lack of seasons. Such a feature of Mercury is obliged to the position of its axis: it is perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. As a result, there are places on the planet that are never illuminated by the rays of the sun. They are located near the poles nearby. According to the data astronomical studiesIn these areas there is a layer of ice with a thickness of up to two meters.

Strange Sun Behavior

The rotation of Mercury around the axis and around the Sun is characterized by another feature. Their speed of unequal in time. Around its axis, Mercury rotates, almost always over a certain period of time overcoming the same number of kilometers. Orbit movement occurs with a constantly changing speed. On the cut near the perihelium, it exceeds the angular speed of rotation around the axis. This ratio is preserved for eight days. For a hypothetical observer on Mercury, it is expressed in the "inadequate behavior" of the Sun. At a certain point, it freezes in the sky, and then begins to move in the opposite of the usual direction, from the West to the East. If the observer was at such a moment on the longitude removed from the "hot longitude" by 90º, he was able to see two right or sunrise.


The planet closest to the sun is similar to its relief with the moon. Studies with the help of the Messenger probe opened with scientists numerous crater Mercury. The difference between the planet from the earth's satellite in the uniformity of the surface. Mercury is covered with craters, the moon is characterized by a large difference in the surface relief of the two hemispheres.

Craterics indicate the absence on the planet of significant bark offsets over the past three to four billion years, as well as erosion processes. The latter indicates that the atmosphere on Mercury is absent initially, from the very moment of its formation.

All closer to the sun is Planet Mercury. Light, you can say, protects it from too curious scientists. However, rapid development space Technology Allows you to hope that soon all the astronomer issues associated with Mercury will receive their answers. The launch of a new research station is planned in 2016.

For many millennia ago, people began to think about the stars, their origin, meaning for humanity. Already then it was clear that our planet is not the only object in the universe, and it is surrounded by other cosmic bodies, one way or another they influence it. From year to year, developing technologies helped scientists to open all new secrets of the Galaxy, and today there are many knowledge in the world film piggy bank useful informationallowing, for example, to unmistakably install, what is the most close Planet. To the sun and what it differs from themselves like.

Science Astronomy has long proved that the Earth is part of the Solar System, which has more than eight planets in addition to it, have both differences and similar features. So, absolutely all planets move around the Sun each way - orbit, and also make turns around their axis. However, on the internal structure, direction and time of rotation, all the objects of the solar system are different, the distance to the central shine.

The most closest planet to the sun - Mercury, his name received on behalf of the God of ancient Roman mythology, patronizing trade, profits and thieves. The reason for such a comparison was the foresight with which he rotates around the Sun: only 88 terrestrial days take place.

On Mercury because of its too closely close arrangement to the source of heat and light, unfortunately, there can be no form of life. The surface of the planet is warm up to 840 ° F, which is 450 ° C and is absolutely incompatible with the conditions favorable for the existence of at least small bacteria. At the same time, the Mercury at night is cooled to - 275 ° F, which is - 170 ° C. As a result, the overall temperature difference here is the largest over the entire solar system - about 1010 ° F (600 ° C).

In addition to the fact that Mercury has the closest location to the Sun, he also the smallest planet of our solar system. Its dimensions hardly exceed the dimensions of the moon, but their surface is completely different. There is no atmosphere on Mercury, so any heavenly body hires freely and imposes its changes to the general appearance. Here are thousands of kotlovin and crater, which left behind fallen meteorites and collided with the planet asteroids. One of the asteroids was so powerful that in its strength could be compared with trillion nuclear explosions. This space destroyer formed on Mercury Funnel Basin Caloris with a diameter of 1550 km, able to place on its territory the state of Texas.

Due to the presence of incredibly deep craters on the planet, the existence of ice is possible. Modern astronomical instruments, such as radar, allowed scientists to establish that in the shaded hollows of Mercury are deposits of ice, which appeared there or as a result of water vapor activity, or entered by comets and meteorites.

In terms of density in the solar system, Mercury ranks second, yielding except land. His internal structure It does not differ from the other planets and has a kernel, mantle and bark. However, the ratio of their size is very specific: the diameter of the metal kernel is approximately 3,700 km, which reaches 75% of the diameter of all Mercury, and the length of the cortex is only about 500 km.

A full turn around his planet's axis is doing for 59 terrestrial days, which indicates a very low speed of rotation. But, despite this fact, thanks to the research conducted by the Mariner-10 spacecraft, the astronomers found out that Mercury has a magnetic field. This discovery was truly amazing, because for such a phenomenon it is necessary not only high speed, but also the molten kernel, which on this planet has long been to cool due to its small sizes. According to the latest data, power magnetic field Mercury is only 1% of the force of the Earth, but this is more than enough for its increased activity.

Mercury does not have an atmosphere, but on its surface there is an exosphere, which includes the following chemical substances: oxygen, hydrogen, sodium, potassium, helium, small neon impurities, nitrogen, xenon, argon, crypton and carbon dioxide. The exosphere of the planet is amazingly thin, so it is not able to keep the atoms in it, and they are constantly moving in open space, persecuted by the forces of solar wind, sun rays and small meteorites. Together they create a long tail from microparticles.

Day and night at Mercury replace not at all as on earth. Their duration is almost 88 terrestrial days, which is correlated over time, for which the planet makes the full turn around the Sun, that is, the local year. In different parts of Mercury, this process occurs in its own way. Basically, the luminais goes back in the East, then a very slow paced, overcoming for 12 terrestrial hours of only about 1 °, it moves to the zenith and it comes to the same speed again.

But there are such corners of the planet, where the sun after several hours of sunrise turns into reverse side, it comes in the same place, after 48-72 of the earth's hour, it goes back again and no longer sits down quite a long time. Sunset occurs in a mirror reflection. Scientists this unusual process dubbed the effect of Jasina, a character from the Bible, which was under the power to control the heavenly luminaire. On Mercury there are also such points in which you can observe two or even three right and sunrise per day.

The planet consists of a substance having a high density, while 80% of the mass is concluded in the kernel. The thickness of the shell (on Earth it is mantle plus bark) only 500-600 km. The surface is measured by craters that were formed from incident meteorites and as a result of the movement of a young bark. Some signs indicate the presence in the distant past of the atmosphere, which, however, was 1000 times more sparse, if compared with the earth's air sheath. Due to the lack of atmosphere of the planet, on average, it is raised to + 440 ° C, and at night cool down to minus 110 ° C.

Because of the high speed of rotation and a short orbit, a year on Mercury lasts only 88 terrestrial days, but the Mercurian days stretch at 176 terrestrial. Once it was believed that Mercury, like the moon, all the time turn to the sun with one side, and only in 1965 it turned out that it was not so: the planet performs 1.5 turns around its own axis. The diameter of this celestial body is more lunar 1.5 times and less terrestrial 2.5. If we speak the earthly language, then Mercury is the kingdom of the desert: on the one hand, iceless silence, covered with frozen gases, on the other - a hot stony surface.

Studies of the planet

This small heavenly body is located very close to the sunny disk, which blinds it with his light, so consider Mercury with a simple eye or in binoculars can only be in those days when the planet is at maximum distance from the shone. The telescope clearly shows that the planet is covered with dark stains, like the lunar "seas".

For the first time, information about the surface of the planet appeared after the successful travel of the Mariner-10 spacecraft, which started from Earth 3.11.1973. Initially, it was planned to send the apparatus to Venus, however, in its gravitational field, Mariner got overclocking and flew from the orbit of Venus straight to Mercury.

The device managed to make 3 flights of the planet, during which several pictures were made. They showed an amazing similarity of the relief of Mercury with the surface of the moon, while the depth of the abuse on the most close to the Sun, the celestial body can reach 3 km, and the length is 700 km.

During the first turn (height 705 km), they found a magnetic field and a shock plasma; Also clarified the body radius - 2439 km and mass. The second flight passed at a more significant distance of 48,000 km. This made it possible to establish temperature differences on the surface. The third flight at an altitude of 318 km confirmed the presence of a magnetic field (its tension is 1% of Earth).

Only Western Hemispheres, East and remained unexplored, was examined. Mariner-10 is the only earthly apparatus, hacked Mercury.

Almost no one is the secret that many celestial bodies rotate around the sun, which, except for the planets, also include their satellites, comets, asteroids and other particles. Modern scientist managed not to be observed for them through telescopes and other devices, but even conduct studies of their samples obtained by using probes. All this now allows you to answer many questions about planets close to the sun, their satellites and other celestial bodies.

General Description of the planets of the solar system

In total, the composition of our solar system has nine planets. Each of them is characterized by its astronomical and structural characteristics. Similar to Earth, they all rotate not only around their own axis, but also around the common heavenly shine. The closest planets to the sun is Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are still called "planets of the earth group". The general characteristics are relatively small size, the predominance of solid elements in the structure, lack of rings, as well as a small number of satellites. After them, the planets are coming to whom Jupiter himself, as well as Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are characterized by a rather dense atmosphere, as well as light components surrounding the nuclei. Around each of them there are rings consisting of fragmented substances, and numerous satellites rotate. As for Pluto, he constantly resides in the dark, and some of the scientists do not consider him a planet at all.


Almost every schoolboy knows how the closest planet to the sun. This is Mercury. In terms of all representatives of the system, it is in the eighth place. Interesting fact It is that Jupiter (Titan and Gamornad, respectively) are larger in size. It is 4880 kilometers, and its orbit takes place at a distance, which equals almost 58 million kilometers away, from the Sun. In the whole story, only one ship flew to this planet ("Mariner-10" in 1974-1975), so now there is only information about 45 percent of its surface. According to scientists research, the temperature fluctuations here are in the range from 90 to 700 o C.

The most nearest planet to the Sun resembles the moon. The fact is that there is no in it and on the surface there are a large number of crater and huge abuse. By this parameter, like density, Mercury in the system is in second place after the Earth. The magnetic field in this planet is weak. Its power compared to the Earth is one hundred times less. Mercury has no satellites, and you can even see it with a naked eye.


The second planet, judging as the sun distance, is Venus. In the case when such a criterion is taken as the value, it is in the sixth place. Its diameter is more than 12 thousand kilometers, and the orbit takes 108 million kilometers from the Sun. The first who flew to Venus, became in 1962 "Mariner-2".

Compared to the Earth, Venus rotates very slowly. In connection with the synchronization of its orbit and the period of rotation, only one side of this planet is always rotated to us. Very often, Venus is called the "sister of the Earth", which is associated with their large similarity. True, its diameter is 95% from our planet, and the mass is 80%. Pretty similar are density and chemical composition. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the fact that in many other parameters there are radical differences. There is every reason to assume that once there was a large amount of water on Venus, which over time has thrown out, so now it is completely dry. The planet does not have a magnetic field (due to slow rotation), as well as satellites. You can see it with a naked eye, because in our sky, she is the brightest "star".


The third of the Sun is the Earth. Its diameter is 12,756.3 km, and the orbit takes place at a distance of 149.6 million km from the heavenly shining. Like other planets close to the sun, it has a history of approximately 5.5 billion years. In the system, the land is considered the most dense heavenly body. Water covers 71% of its area. An interesting feature It is that only here it exists in liquid form on the surface. Scientists suggest that the resistance of temperature on our planet is largely connected with this. The only natural is the moon. In addition to her, many artificial bodies were displayed in orbit.


In the fourth place by the degree of distance from the Sun and on the seventh position in the magnitude of Mars. Its orbit is located at a distance of almost 228 million km from the heavenly shining, and the diameter is 6794 km. The first ship who flew to him was "Mariner-4" in 1965. Like the rest of the planet close to the sun, Mars boasts a rather original and interesting terrain. There are many crater, mountain grains, planes and hills. The average is about minus 55 degrees. See him maybe even naked eye. As for satellites, this planet has two of them: which rotate not far from its surface.