Secrets of the USSR. secret objects of the great empire are left to the mercy of fate

Communist Russia was an example of openness and political transparency. This is not a statement that comes up often, at least not outside of North Korea. (Although, if you've read this, chances are you're not there.) Either way, the sarcasm serves as a reminder that the Soviet Union really loved keeping secrets—here are ten secrets you may not have known about.

10. The world's worst nuclear disaster (at that time)
When people hear about major nuclear disasters, most people think of Chernobyl and Fukushima. Few people know about the third nuclear disaster - the Kyshtym accident of 1957, which occurred near the city of Kyshtym in southern Russia. As with the Chernobyl accident, the main cause of the disaster was poor design, namely the construction of a cooling system that was impossible to repair. When coolant started leaking from one of the tanks, workers simply turned it off and left it alone. whole year. Who needs cooling systems in Siberia?

It turns out that the containers in which radioactive waste are stored need cooling. The temperature in the tank rose to 350 degrees Celsius, which eventually led to an explosion that threw the 160-ton concrete lid into the air (which was originally 8 meters underground). Radioactive substances spread over 20,000 square kilometers.

The homes of 11,000 people were destroyed after the surrounding areas were evacuated, and approximately 270,000 people were exposed to radiation. It was only in 1976 that a Soviet emigrant first mentioned the disaster in the Western press. The CIA had known about the disaster since the 60s, but, fearing negative American attitudes toward their own nuclear industry, decided to downplay the severity of the accident. Only in 1989, three years after the Chernobyl accident, the details of the disaster in Kyshtym became known to the public.

9. Manned lunar program

In May 1961, US President John Kennedy announced that he believed the US should put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. By that time Soviet Union led the space race - the first object launched into orbit, the first animal in orbit and the first person in space. However, on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to visit the Moon, thereby defeating the Soviet Union in this race. In a race in which the Soviet Union did not officially take part - until 1990, the USSR denied that they had their own manned lunar program. It was part of the policy that every space program was kept secret until it was successful.

The Soviet Union was forced to partially acknowledge the program's existence in August 1981 when the Soviet satellite Kosmos 434, launched in 1971, entered the atmosphere over Australia. The Australian government, concerned that there might be nuclear material on board, was assured by the Soviet Foreign Minister that the satellite was an experimental lunar lander.

Other details of the program, including test runs, were hidden. Testing of lunar space suits during the docking of spacecraft in 1969 was presented as part of the construction space station– The USSR continued to claim that they had no plans to land on the Moon. As a result, the failed Soviet program to land on the Moon was closed in 1976.

8. Treasure of creativity

In the 1990s, Western journalists and diplomats were invited to a secret museum hidden in the remote city of Nukus, Uzbekistan. The museum housed hundreds of works of art dating back to the beginning of Stalin's regime, when artists were forced to conform to the ideals of the Communist Party. “Decomposing bourgeois creativity” was replaced by paintings from factories, and without the participation of Igor Savitsky (collector), most of the work of artists of that time would have been completely lost.

Savitsky convinced artists and their families to entrust their work to him. He hid them in Nukus, a city surrounded by hundreds of kilometers of desert.

This is a unique item on this list because it tells the story of something that was hidden not so much from the outside world as from an oppressive regime. While the importance of creativity itself remains an open question, the value of the story of how creativity was kept secret for decades is beyond doubt.

7. Death of an astronaut

The Soviet Union “erased” cosmonauts from its history more than once. For example, data about the first astronaut to die during the space race was hidden. Valentin Bondarenko died during training in March 1961. Its existence was not known in the West until 1982, and public recognition followed only in 1986. Those who are faint of heart should refrain from reading the next paragraph.

During an isolation exercise in a pressure chamber, Bondarenko made a fatal mistake. After removing the medical device and cleaning his skin with alcohol, he threw cotton wool onto the hot stove he was using to make his tea, causing it to burst into flames. When he tried to put out the fire with his sleeve, the 100% oxygen atmosphere caused his clothes to catch fire. It took several minutes to open the door. By that time, the astronaut had suffered third-degree burns all over his body, except for his feet - the only place where the doctor could find blood vessels. Bondarenko's skin, hair and eyes were burned. He whispered, "It hurts too much... do something to stop the pain." Sixteen hours later he died.

Denying this incident just to avoid bad news was a very bad decision.

6. Mass famine - one of the worst in history
Many people have heard about the famine (Holodomor) of 1932, but internal and external attempts to hide this fact are worthy of mention. In the early 1930s, the policies of the Soviet Union led (whether intentionally or not) to the death of several million people.

This would seem difficult to hide from the outside world, but fortunately for Stalin and his subordinates, the rest of the world oscillated between willful ignorance and denial of the facts.

The New York Times, like the rest of the American press, hid or downplayed the famine in the USSR. Stalin organized several pre-arranged tours for foreign commissions: the shops were filled with food, but anyone who dared to approach the store was arrested; the streets were washed and all the peasants were replaced by members communist party. H. G. Wells from England and George Bernard Shaw from Ireland said that rumors of famine were unfounded. Moreover, after the French Prime Minister visited Ukraine, he described it as a “blooming garden.”

By the time the results of the 1937 census were classified, the famine had already been overcome. Despite the fact that the number of victims of the Holodomor is comparable to the Holocaust, the assessment of hunger as a crime against humanity was given only in the last ten years.

5. Ekranoplan

In 1966, an American spy satellite captured images of an unfinished Russian seaplane. The plane was larger than any aircraft the United States owned. It was so large that, according to experts, such a wing span would not allow the plane to fly well. What was even stranger was that the plane's engines were much closer to the nose than to the wings. The Americans were puzzled and remained puzzled until the USSR collapsed 25 years later. The Caspian Sea Monster, as it was called then, was an ekranoplan - vehicle looking like a mixture of an airplane and a ship, which flies just a few meters from the water.

Even mentioning the name of the device was prohibited to those who participated in its development, despite the fact that huge sums of money were allocated for the project. In the future, these devices, of course, were very useful. They could transport hundreds of soldiers or even several tanks at speeds of 500 km/h, while remaining undetected by radar. They are even more fuel efficient than the best modern cargo aircraft. The Soviet Union even built one such device, 2.5 times longer than the Boeing 747, equipped with 8 jet engines and six nuclear warheads on the roof (what else can be installed on a jet tank delivery ship?)

4. Worst rocket disaster ever

The disregard for health and safety was not limited to nuclear waste. On October 23, 1960, a new secret missile, the R-16, was being prepared for launch in the Soviet Union. Near the launcher, which housed a rocket using a new type of fuel, there were many specialists. The rocket developed a leak of nitric acid - the only the right decision in this case, the evacuation of everyone nearby was started.

However, instead, project commander Mitrofan Nedelin ordered the leak to be patched. When the explosion occurred, everyone on the launch pad died immediately. The fireball was hot enough to melt the surface of the site, leaving many who tried to escape stranded and burned alive. More than a hundred people died as a result of the incident. It remains the worst missile disaster in history.

Soviet propaganda immediately began its work. It was alleged that Nedelin died in a plane crash. Reports of the explosion were presented as rumors sweeping the USSR. The first confirmation of the incident appeared only in 1989. To date, a monument has been erected dedicated to those who died in that disaster (but not to Nedelin himself). Although he officially remains a hero, those with any connection to the disaster remember him as the man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people entrusted to him.

3. Smallpox Outbreak (and Containment Program)
In 1948, the Soviet Union established a secret biological weapons laboratory on an island in the Aral Sea. The laboratory was engaged in the transformation anthrax and bubonic plague into weapons. They also developed smallpox weapons and even conducted an outdoor test in 1971. In a mysterious turn of events, a weapon designed to cause an outbreak of smallpox, when activated in the open, actually caused an outbreak of smallpox. Ten people fell ill and three died. Hundreds of people were quarantined, and in 2 weeks, 50 thousand people from surrounding areas received smallpox vaccinations.

The incident became widely known only in 2002. The outbreak was effectively prevented, but despite the scale of the incident, Moscow did not acknowledge what had happened. This is unfortunate because there were valuable lessons to be learned from this case about what could happen if biological weapons ever fell into the hands of terrorists.

2. Dozens of cities

In the south of Russia there is a city that was not on any map. There were no bus services that stopped there, and no road signs confirming its existence. The postal addresses in it were listed as Chelyabinsk-65, although Chelyabinsk was almost 100 kilometers from it. Its current name is Ozersk and, despite the fact that tens of thousands of people lived in it, the existence of the city was unknown even in Russia until 1986. The secrecy was caused by the presence of a spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant here. There was an explosion at this plant in 1957, but due to secrecy, the disaster was named after the city, which was located a few kilometers from Ozyorsk. This city was Kyshtym.

Ozersk is one of dozens of secret cities in the USSR. On this moment 42 such cities are known, but it is believed that about 15 more cities are still shrouded in secrecy. The residents of these cities were provided with better food, schools and amenities than the rest of the country. Those who still reside in such cities cling to their isolation - the few outsiders allowed into the cities are usually escorted by guards.

In an increasingly open and global world many are leaving closed cities and there is likely to be some limit to how long these cities can remain closed. However, many of these cities continue to serve their original function - be it plutonium production or supplying the marine fleet.

1. Katyn massacre
As with the 1932 famine, international denial Katyn massacre These murders deserve the top spot on this list. In the 1940s, the NKVD killed more than 22,000 prisoners from Poland and buried them in mass graves. According to the official version, those responsible were fascist troops. The truth was recognized only in 1990. So far, everything is predictable - however, this cover-up of the crime is at the top of the list due to the fact that the execution was hidden not only by the forces of the Soviet Union, but also with the help of the leaders of the USA and Great Britain.

Winston Churchill confirmed in an informal conversation that the execution was most likely carried out by the Bolsheviks, who “could be very cruel.” However, he insisted that the Polish government in exile stop making accusations, censor its press, and Churchill also helped prevent an independent investigation into the incident by the International Committee of the Red Cross. The British Ambassador to Poland described it as "using England's good reputation to cover up what the killers covered up with pine needles." Franklin Roosevelt also did not want the blame for the executions to fall on Stalin.

Evidence that the US government knew about the true culprits of the Katyn massacre was suppressed during parliamentary hearings in 1952. Moreover, the only government that told the truth about those events was the government Nazi Germany. This is another sentence that is read very infrequently.

It is easy to criticize the leaders of countries that left criminals essentially unpunished, but Germany and then Japan were the bigger issues, which meant sometimes very difficult decisions had to be made. The Soviet Union, with its military and industrial superpower, was necessary. “The government blames only the common enemy for these events,” Churchill wrote.

IN Soviet times There was not only no sex, but also no mysticism. But this did not make it any less mystical. And the investigation into such cases, as usual, reached a dead end... While laying a tunnel for the Moscow metro in the area of ​​Herzen Street and Kalininsky Prospekt, workers came across the ruins of the oprichnina palace of Ivan the Terrible, which, as is known, stood outside the walls of the Kremlin.

As the legend says, the territory of the palace was covered with an elbow-thick layer of river sand so that it could absorb the blood of the victims tortured by order of the king...

As the newspapers wrote at the time:

“Metrostroy workers who helped archaeologists in excavations complained that their hands were completely dirty with stinking red mud, which they could not wash off for weeks. And throughout the entire time their hands were red, they practically did not sleep at night.”

“All this time they were in some kind of borderline state; the workers were severely tormented by nightmarish visions. Everywhere they heard the cries of the tortured, who begged for mercy, the cries of terrifying curses. And the unfortunate people, including professional archaeologists, ceased to distinguish nightmares from no less nightmarish reality.

And the matter, in the end, ended with the fact that three builders with a completely upset psyche made a rack out of a simple trolley and tortured two student trainees on it to death. After this, further excavations were stopped.”

The Trinity-Sergius Monastery was founded near St. Petersburg in 1732.

There was a cemetery at the monastery where, as was customary, nobles and priests were buried. The revolution came and the monastery was “safely” closed. And in the 30s, on the site of the monastery, a school was placed in which they trained riflemen for paramilitary guards, headed by a certain comrade Feldman.

And under the pretext of “fighting obscurantism,” he, commanding the cadets, began to diligently destroy tombstones in the cemetery. And soon, in the very premises of the former monastery, something strange began to happen: at night in the corridors they began to hear someone’s steps, incomprehensible voices and groans. Some shadows began to appear, with the smell of decay...

And Comrade Feldman’s depression did not keep him waiting long; he fell into it thoroughly and began to drink heavily, and soon he shot himself, leaving a very strange note that he was being pursued by “two white elders”...
They began to investigate his suicide, and came to the conclusion that it was he who drank himself to delirium tremens... The war passed and a police school was placed in the building, and in the place where the cemetery was, a parade ground was set up for drill training of cadets. And again there was talk about ghosts who began to be seen in the corridors...

But the police school remained in the former monastery until the 1990s. They said that when girls began to be recruited to the school, one cadet once complained that someone, under the cover of darkness, had snuck into the women’s barracks and climbed into her bed... The cadet described the potential rapist as... old, very pale and smelling dampness and decay. And to top it all off, according to her assurances, the voluptuous old man was as cold as ice...

Another creepy story is connected with a secret object called ZKP-Tagansky, or GO-42. It was built during cold war, When soviet government feared the use of nuclear weapons by the Americans. One day, while working at this site, in front of the workers, the foreman of the metro construction workers fell into the elevator shaft. Immediately the workers sank to the bottom of the shaft, and... there was no one there.

Three days later, the foreman’s body was found at the end of one of the farthest tunnels. No one could explain how the corpse could get there. There were no characteristic traumatic injuries on the body: not a single scratch or abrasion. But the corpse was completely drained of blood... Several decades passed and new government it was decided to reconstruct underground city on Taganka.

There were people who said that they met a man in the tunnels with a face as white as a piece of paper. And according to rumors, he looked like that same unfortunate foreman who turned into either a ghost or a vampire...

On March 13, 1954, the security officers were removed from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and a new department was formed: the State Security Committee of the CCCP - KGB.

The new structure was in charge of intelligence, operational search activities and state border protection. In addition, the task of the KGB was to provide the CPSU Central Committee with information affecting state security.

The concept is broad, to be sure: it includes the personal life of dissidents and the study of unidentified flying objects.

Separating truth from fiction and recognizing disinformation intended for “controlled leakage” is now almost impossible. So, to believe or not to believe in the truth of the declassified secrets and mysteries of the KGB archives is everyone’s personal right.

The current security officers who worked in the structure during its heyday, some with a smile, some with irritation, wave it off: none secret developments were not carried out, nothing paranormal was studied. But, like any other closed organization that has influence on people’s destinies, the KGB could not avoid being a hoax.

The activities of the committee are overgrown with rumors and legends, and even partial declassification of the archives cannot dispel them. Moreover, the archives former KGB underwent a major purge in the mid-50s. In addition, the wave of declassification that began in 1991-1992 quickly subsided, and now the release of data is proceeding at an almost imperceptible pace.

Hitler: dead or saved?

Disputes about the circumstances of Hitler's death have not subsided since May 1945. Did he commit suicide or was the body of a double found in the bunker? What happened to the remains of the Fuhrer?

In February 1962, at the TsGAOR USSR (modern State Archives Russian Federation) captured documents of World War II were transferred for storage. And along with them - fragments of a skull and a sofa armrest with traces of blood.

As Vasily Khristoforov, head of the registration and archival collections department of the FSB, told Interfax, the remains were found during an investigation into the circumstances of the disappearance of the former Reich President of Germany in 1946. A forensic examination identified the partially charred remains found as fragments of the parietal bones and occipital bone of an adult. The act dated May 8, 1945 states: the discovered pieces of the skull “may have fallen from the corpse taken from the pit on May 5, 1945.”

“Documentary materials with the results of the repeated investigation were combined into a case with the symbolic name “Myth.” The materials of the said case, as well as the materials of the investigation into the circumstances of the Fuhrer’s death for 1945, stored in the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, were declassified in the 90s of the last century and became available to the general public,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

What remained of the top of the Nazi elite and did not end up in the KGB archives did not immediately find rest: the bones were repeatedly reburied, and on March 13, 1970, Andropov ordered the removal and destruction of the remains of Hitler, Braun and the Goebbels couple. This is how the plan for the secret event “Archive” appeared, carried out by the forces of the operational group of the Special Department of the KGB of the 3rd Army of the GSVG. Two acts were drawn up. The latter states: “The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at the stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schönebeck, 11 kilometers from Magdeburg. The remains were burned out, crushed into ash along with coal, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River.”

It is difficult to say what Andropov was guided by when giving such an order. Most likely, he feared - and not without reason - that even after a while the fascist regime would have followers, and the burial place of the ideologist of the dictatorship would become a place of pilgrimage.

By the way, in 2002, the Americans announced that they had X-rays that were kept by the dentist, SS Oberführer Hugo Blaschke. Reconciliation with fragments available in the archives of the Russian Federation once again confirmed the authenticity of parts of Hitler’s jaw.

But despite the seemingly indisputable evidence, the version that the Fuhrer managed to leave Germany, occupied Soviet troops, does not leave modern researchers alone. They usually look for it in Patagonia. Indeed, Argentina after World War II gave shelter to many Nazis who tried to escape justice. There were even witnesses that Hitler, along with other fugitives, appeared here in 1947. It’s hard to believe: even the official radio of Nazi Germany on that memorable day announced the death of the Fuhrer in the unequal struggle against Bolshevism.

Marshal Georgy Zhukov was the first to question the fact of Hitler's suicide. A month after the victory, he said: “The situation is very mysterious. We did not find Hitler’s identified corpse. I cannot say anything affirmative about Hitler’s fate. At the very last minute he could have flown out of Berlin, since the runways allowed this.” It was June 10th. And the body was found on May 5, the autopsy report was dated May 8... Why did the question of the authenticity of the Fuhrer’s body arise only a month later?

The official version of Soviet historians is as follows: on April 30, 1945, Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide by taking potassium cyanide. At the same time, according to eyewitnesses, the Fuhrer shot himself. By the way, during the autopsy, glass was found in the oral cavity, which speaks in favor of the version with poison.

Unidentified flying objects

Anton Pervushin, in his author’s investigation, cites one illustrative story characterizing the KGB’s attitude to the phenomenon. The writer and assistant to the chairman of the committee, Igor Sinitsyn, who worked for Yuri Andropov from 1973 to 1979, once loved to tell this story.

“Once, while looking through the foreign press, I came across a series of articles about unidentified flying objects - UFOs... I dictated a summary of them to the stenographer in Russian and took them to the chairman along with the magazines.... He quickly leafed through the materials. After thinking a little, he “I suddenly took out a thin folder from my desk drawer. The folder contained a report from one of the officers of the 3rd Directorate, that is, military counterintelligence,” Sinitsyn recalled.

The information conveyed to Andropov could easily become the plot of a science fiction film: the officer, while on a night fishing trip with his friends, watched as one of the stars approached the Earth and took the form of an aircraft. The navigator estimated the size and location of the object by eye: diameter - about 50 meters, height - approximately five hundred meters above sea level.

"He saw two bright rays come out from the center of the UFO. One of the rays stood vertically to the surface of the water and rested on it. The other ray, like a searchlight, searched the expanse of water around the boat. Suddenly it stopped, illuminating the boat. Shining several more on it seconds, the beam went out. Along with it, the second, vertical beam went out,” Sinitsyn quoted the counterintelligence report as saying.

According to his own testimony, these materials later came to Kirilenko and over time seem to have been lost in the archives. This is roughly what skeptics reduce the KGB's probable interest in the UFO problem to: pretending that it is interesting, but in reality burying the materials in the archives as potentially insignificant.

In November 1969, almost 60 years after the fall Tunguska meteorite(which, according to some researchers, was not a fragment celestial body, and the castaways spaceship), there was a message about another fall of an unidentified object on the territory of the Soviet Union. Not far from the village of Berezovsky in the Sverdlovsk region, several luminous balls were seen in the sky, one of which began to lose altitude, fell, and was then followed by a strong explosion. In the late 1990s, a number of media outlets obtained a film that supposedly captured the work of investigators and scientists at the site of an alleged UFO crash in the Urals. The work was supervised by “a man who looked like a KGB officer.”

“Our family lived in Sverdlovsk at that time, and my relatives even worked in the regional party committee. However, even there, almost no one knew the whole truth about the incident. In Berezovsky, where our friends lived, everyone accepted the legend about the exploded granary “Those who saw the UFO preferred not to spread the word, but the disk was taken out, presumably, in the dark, in order to avoid unnecessary witnesses,” contemporaries of the events recalled.

It is noteworthy that even ufologists themselves, people initially inclined to believe in stories about UFOs, criticized these videos: the uniform of Russian soldiers, their manner of holding weapons, cars flashing in the frame - all this did not inspire confidence even among susceptible people. True, the denial of one particular video does not mean that adherents of the belief in UFOs are abandoning their beliefs.

Vladimir Azhazha, a ufologist and acoustic engineer by training, said this: “Does the state hide any information about UFOs from the public, we must assume that yes. On what basis? Based on the list of information that constitutes state and military secrets. Indeed, in In 1993, the State Security Committee of the Russian Federation, at the written request of the then president of the UFO Association of Pilot-Cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, handed over about 1,300 documents related to UFOs to the UFO center headed by me. These were reports from official bodies, commanders of military units, messages from private individuals.

Occult interests

In the 1920-30s, a prominent figure in the Cheka/OGPU/NKVD (predecessor of the KGB) Gleb Bokiy, the same one who created laboratories for the development of drugs to influence the consciousness of those arrested, became interested in studying extrasensory perception and even searched for the legendary Shambhala.

After his execution in 1937, folders with the results of the experiments allegedly ended up in the secret archives of the KGB. After Stalin's death, some of the documents were irretrievably lost, the rest ended up in the committee's basements. Under Khrushchev, work continued: America was worried about rumors periodically coming from overseas about the invention of biogenerators, mechanisms that control thinking.

Separately, it is worth mentioning another object of close attention of the Soviet security forces - the famous mentalist Wolf Messing. Despite the fact that he himself, and later his biographers, willingly shared intriguing stories about the outstanding abilities of the hypnotist, the KGB archives did not preserve any documentary evidence of the “miracles” performed by Messing. In particular, neither Soviet nor German documents contain information that Messing fled Germany after he predicted the fall of fascism, and Hitler placed a bounty on his head. It is also impossible to confirm or deny the data that Messing personally met with Stalin and he tested his outstanding abilities, forcing him to perform certain tasks.

On the other hand, information about Ninel Kulagina, who in 1968 attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies with her extraordinary abilities, has been preserved. This woman’s abilities (or lack thereof?) are still controversial: among lovers of the supernatural she is revered as a pioneer, and among the scientific fraternity her achievements cause at least an ironic grin.

Meanwhile, video chronicles of those years recorded how Kulagina, without the help of her hand or any devices, rotates the compass needle, moves small items, such as a matchbox. During the experiments, the woman complained of back pain, and her pulse was 180 beats per minute. Its secret was supposedly that the energy field of the hands, thanks to the superconcentration of the subject, could move objects falling within its zone of influence.

It is also known that after the end of World War II, a unique device made on Hitler’s personal order came to the Soviet Union as a trophy: it was used for astrological predictions of a military-political nature. The device was faulty, but Soviet engineers restored it, and it was transferred to the astronomical station near Kislovodsk.

Knowledgeable people said that FSB Major General Georgy Rogozin (in 1992-1996 former first deputy chief of the presidential security service and who received the nickname “Nostradamus in uniform” for his studies on astrology and telekinesis) used captured SS archives concerning occult sciences in his research.


26.02.2016 2 672

Soviet academicians rejected the existence of anomalous phenomena in the USSR - especially devilry. However, here is just a small selection of Soviet-era messages located in chronological order. Most of them are published for the first time: they were recorded back in those years “first-hand” or written in their own hands and sent to various institutions, including the USSR Academy of Sciences.


As a child, K. A. Belkina saw a creature, judging by her drawing, similar to the Egyptian god Sebek or Anubis. She herself had no idea about this analogy:

“It was in 1957-1958, I was 6-7 years old at that time, I lived with my parents in the city of Partizanskoye, Primorsky Territory. It was very hot, it was July, we lived in a barracks-type house for four families, our apartment was in the extreme , and so my mother sent me to give the kids water (the barn was about forty meters from the house). I just came running from the street, I really didn’t want to go into the barn, and my friend ran off somewhere to play. I remember that my father was supposed to come, which means. it was about 11.30.

When I walked out the gate with a bucket, still hoping to see my friend, I put the bucket down and began to turn my head, my gaze fell on the entrance door. Near us there was a large pre-war house, the entrance door was closed, and suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the doors opened and some creature ran out.

It did not run fast, the distance between us was about seven meters, the creature made a disgusting sound, wheezing, grunting, sniffling and chewing something.

When it caught up with me, we looked at each other for several seconds, I was very struck by the big brown eyes, when it ran past me, I wasn’t scared at all, I was rather surprised and ran after it. It ran to the narrow-gauge railway and turned back, I rather ran to call my mother, but I ran to the place where the bucket stood and stopped, I wanted to call my mother - I moved my lips, but I couldn’t hear the words, I stood there until it ran past me, We looked at each other again, it ran into the entrance, the doors closed on their own, I seemed to wake up, screamed and ran home.”


UfologistA. S. Kuzovkin recorded this story from the words of a Muscovite who wished to remain anonymous:

"Me, my wife and our sister's friend-

We celebrated the New Year 1961.

We live on the first floor. It all happened in the kitchen. The window and window were tightly closed, and metal bars were installed on the windows. Around 1 o'clock in the morning, all three of us went out into the kitchen and saw the following: through a glass window without cracks or holes, something began to penetrate into the kitchen. It was an object shaped like a woman's cap, about 25 cm in diameter and about 8 cm in height, black in color, covered with thin fibers. They moved synchronously in different directions within individual sections of the object. Along these fibers, black balls with a diameter of about two millimeters rose up from the body of the object, reached the top of the fibers, changed their color to white and disappeared again into the body of the object.

He entered the kitchen and hovered briefly over the kitchen table. Then he moved sharply with acceleration and knocked over a bottle of kefir that was standing on the table. The bottle broke. The object flew up to the wall and began to slowly disappear into it. He disappeared into it completely, and a sound like a crunch began to come from the wall. The sound was heard for a long time, about 20 hours. My wife was very nervous, she was afraid that the object would explode.”


Alexander Ivanovich Sherstobitov from the city of Michurinsk wrote about this case to F. Yu. Siegel:

"I have a special secondary military education. Until 1962 he served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Western Siberia. In 1968, I came to live in Michurinsk with my family, having a wife and four children. In Michurinsk I bought a small house and began working as a farm worker.

While living in the house, I began to notice some strange things: in the evening and at night, almost systematically, there were downright “races” taking place on the ceiling of the house. It seemed as if young goats were frolicking on the boards. Meanwhile, there were no open boards on the ceiling: the attic was insulated with a layer of sawdust and, it would seem, the sound could not reach the rooms during this clattering period, we went up to the attic more than once, but did not find anyone there, and you can only get into the attic through the canopy, which always remained from the yard. closed. It was noticeable that sometimes they frolicked in the attic not alone, but in a group, as if someone were running one after another.

When we went to bed, we often heard someone walking in the kitchen. Then the “invisibility” began to affect me physically. At night, he began to twist my arms backwards, and it hurt so much that sometimes I screamed, and then my arms hurt in the joints. One night he began to twist both my hands so tightly that I groaned, my wife woke up, and I, turning to the invisible, said: “Oh, Lord, what are you doing to me, you broke all my little hands.” After this, the arm-twisting stopped.

There was such a case in the family. My son Valery was making a radio transmitter, and I called him to help me. The son left the transmitter on the table in the kitchen, and about five minutes later it fell from the middle of the table to the floor. We were surprised by this.

There were some oddities with the dishes. For example: the edges or bottoms of the stacks bounced off as smoothly as if they had been cut with a diamond. The coasters of the glasses bounced right up to the stem and edges.

One day, it was in January 1962, I woke up around midnight. It was a bright moonlit night. The room was light. Suddenly, to my right, about three meters from under the floor near the wall, between the table and the sewing machine, the head of some creature appeared. Looking around, this creature crawled out up to the chest, looked around again, then crawled out completely. He sat down under the table, looked around again and slowly walked towards the kitchen. I accompanied him with a turn of my eyes. When it became impossible for me to accompany this creature without moving my field of vision, I slightly moved my head. The creature turned around and quickly disappeared under the floor in the same place from which it emerged. It had the shape of a dog, about 40 cm high, with a sharp muzzle, reddish fur, a patch on its nose, and four paws. I didn't notice the tail. All his movements were careful. I was somewhat scared and surprised how it could get out when there are no holes in the floor.

After a few minutes, I became curious. Having calmed down, I got out of bed and turned on the light, but there were no traces or signs of a manhole.

In addition, the kitchen doors in the entryway systematically opened on their own in the house. One day, while dressing a rabbit skin on the floor in the kitchen and squatting with my back to the door in the hallway, I felt a cold wash over my back. Turning around, I saw that the door was slightly open and from there, at a height of about 50 cm from the threshold, a large furry paw of a reddish color was stuck out. I got scared and ran into the room. When I looked back at the door, the paw was no longer there, and the door, creaking, opened wide.

When the apartment began to cool down, I, overcoming my fear, took the poker and, reaching for the door handle, closed it. Having calmed down, I turned on the light in the hallway and went out there. I examined everything, but found nothing. The outer door was locked with a hook.”


Artist Vladimir Ivanovich Brylev from Kamyshlov, Sverdlovsk region, saw something strange in 1963:

“There were four of us. Three of us rode ahead on bicycles, and I was delayed because of a chain that had fallen off. Suddenly I heard some kind of crying, or a call, it’s hard to explain. I looked back. What struck me! A woman was flying above the ground, above flew straight at me with her voice, telling me to wait for her. The woman was wearing light blue clothes, a robe like Alla Pugacheva’s. She was flying about 500 meters away from the wind at an altitude of 20-30 cm.

I was terrified of this woman. Instantly he threw a chain, flew up to the embankment to his friends, began pointing them in that direction, explaining that he had seen a woman, but there was nothing there anymore.

Of course, the guys laughed at me. But it’s interesting that I forgot this incident, forgot it as if it never happened. I remembered it thanks to the UFO problem."


An eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous described the mysterious incident in detail in a letter to A.S. Kuzovkin. This happened in Krasnodar on October 3, 1963 at 14.00:

“Upon entering the house, I saw strange vibrations in the curtain on the door to the bedroom where L.N. lived with her husband and daughter. In addition to the vibrations, from behind the curtain I could hear the rather loud groaning of a child (as if behind the curtain there was a one-year-old child sitting on pot). The bottom of the curtain was shaking with sharp and quick blows of some pointed bodies. It seemed like someone was sitting behind the curtain on the threshold of the room and doing something very energetically with their hands, and sharp thin elbows (I would say thin) shake the curtain.

The next moment the curtain was pulled slightly to the side (I didn’t see the hand that did this) and it looked at me male face. It appeared as if instantly, when the curtain was pulled back, it was not there, and then instantly appeared, and did not turn around, as it would have done a common person, there was no turning of the neck and associated facial tension. There was no neck itself, just a face towering above something massive, glassy-black, translucent, 50-60 cm from the floor. The face was also black and translucent. I saw the details of the made bed in the background through the face, although it was poorly visible, only denser and more prominent than the lower part of the body.

The face belonged to a man in his 40s. The facial features are similar to those of the inhabitants of the Caucasus. A straight, slightly elongated nose, prominent, clearly defined lips (as if carved), a clean high forehead, thin eyebrows (but not laces), somewhat sunken cheeks, the whole face was elongated, tapering downwards. The chin is not sharp (strong-willed), and the frontal part is widening.

What struck me most was the eyes, gray, very expressive and... sad and tired. In general, the face expressed calmness and some kind of indifference.

If we proceed from the proportions of the human body, then the face belonged to a person of average or slightly above average height, 175-180 cm. The impression was pleasant, even cute. I didn't see any hair or ears. The fact is that the face became more and more transparent towards the edges and was not visible in the area of ​​​​the ears and hair.

There was one more detail in this face that caused surprise - the face was completely smooth, as if really glass, without a single wrinkle, pore, or sign of hair (except for the eyebrows). But at the same time alive! I observed him from a distance of 2.5-3 meters.

The day was sunny, the room was very light, the light from the window fell directly on my face, and I could clearly see every hair on my cheek or beard, but there were none and there was no sign that they had ever been there.

After looking at me this way for no more than 10 seconds, the curtain was lowered and the face disappeared. At that same second, I saw and heard a baby being hastily laid on the floor, completely naked, its head quietly knocking on the threshold, and the next moment the curtains flew apart, as if they had been thrown forcefully to the sides by hands, and something darted at my feet. at high speed, a voluminous, dark “cloud”, a little more than half a meter in diameter. This “cloud” flew over the room with a gain in height and with the noise of cutting air (whew...). As we moved, it became more and more transparent, and at the exit, in the doorway leading to the street, it was already completely invisible, only the curtains that were on this door were scattered in the same way as if they had been thrown aside by hand.

All the doors in the house were wide open, as the weather outside was quite warm.

When this cloud flew past me (I followed it with my eyes along the entire route), something soft and warm poked my left ankle (as if it had been poked by a cat that had previously been lying on the stove), and an air wave from fast moving body.

After all this fuss was over, I turned to the child, as he was making sounds that were ready to turn into crying. Before that, the groaning had stopped, and I don’t remember any expressive sounds coming from behind the curtain. My first desire was to rush to the child and pick him up from the floor, but to my surprise, I felt that I could not do this. I could physically move, maybe go up to him and take it, but some inner force would not let me go to him with all my might.

Running to L.N., I called her, when she ran through the place where I stood, watching her face, I had a great desire not to let her go further, I even grabbed her robe, saying: “Don’t go there” - but she, snatching her robe, asked with tears in her eyes and indignation, “Why not go?”

On this day I was surprised that I did not feel fear; it came to me two weeks later.

Many years later, in a conversation with L.N., I found out that that day at 14.00 she fed her daughter, before that she bathed her and put her to sleep on the couch in the bedroom. When she ran into the room, she found Larisa naked, lying on the threshold, and the bag with a diaper and a vest remained lying on the couch untouched and well tied. It seemed as if the child had been pulled out by the head and carried more than three meters across the room, then laid on the threshold.

Now Larisa is 17 years old, studying in the 9th grade. She studies well, is a capable girl (now a girl), but has no specific hobbies. Throughout all these years, no peculiarities in health, behavior, or judgment were noted.”


Ufologist E. B. Galevsky recorded this story from the words of engineer Alexander Petrovich Romanov in 1982:

“In the summer of 1963 or 1964, I encountered an unusual phenomenon. At that time, as a teenager, I was vacationing in the village of Solnechnoye, Sestroretsk district Leningrad region. One evening (it was the end of July - beginning of August), around 20.00-21.00, I stood alone in a clearing not far from the wooden summer houses, stretched out in a chain towards the bay. The clearing was elongated, 50-60 meters wide, on the opposite edge of which a small, low forest with bushes stood like a wall, forming a slightly curved arc. It was getting dark. The wall of the forest faded and became gray. I stood with my back to the forest. Suddenly it seemed to me that something ran (or flashed) very quickly behind me. I noticed this out of the corner of my eye, in my peripheral vision. I immediately turned around and there was no one around. After 2-3 minutes the same thing happened again, and again I didn’t find anything suspicious.

I decided at all costs to find out the reason for this incomprehensible flickering, turned around to face the forest and began to wait. And then, after about half an hour, I saw how, from left to right, along the edge of the forest, with enormous speed a dark light flashed by. We were able to see the phenomenon from beginning to end. It was as if a black searchlight beam ran along the tree trunks, highlighting a spot of absolutely black color (it was darker than the background of the forest). The spot was narrow, curved and extended upward to 2/3 of the height of the trees, had a clear outline indeterminate form with pointed ends. The lower edge of the spot broke off 0.5-1 m from the ground.

The spot moved rapidly, running an arc about 120 meters long in 2-3 seconds, without changing its configuration, and disappeared. The phenomenon passed completely silently. It also seemed to me that before and after the spot appeared in the sky, short (fractions of a second) flashes were observed. I did not feel any physical effects, but there was a palpable feeling of fear, although before that my mood was normal and I had never suffered from hallucinations. It was completely unclear what caused the stain to appear. There were no aircraft in the sky, nor were there any lights or searchlights on the ground. Since darkness had already fallen, it was pointless to go to the forest and figure out what had happened. The fear passed, but then, when I remembered what I had seen, goosebumps ran through my body. I nevertheless examined the trees, but did not find anything interesting.

The observation was carried out through glasses (the left eye was a simple glass, the right eye was 2.5 diopters). Although I subsequently visited the clearing more than once, the phenomenon did not happen again. I knew nothing about the existence of anomalous phenomena at that time.”


“In the summer of 1966, a small company and I were walking from the pond. I was the eldest of the children, and my grandmother was also with us, who is still experiencing that incomprehensible phenomenon she saw.

When we reached the mill, my attention was attracted by a strange cloud on clear sky. It quickly sank down and soon hovered right above our garden. Before I had time to say: “What is this?”, suddenly small transparent capsules, in which there were little people, flew from this cloud in our direction. The speed of movement of the capsules was low, and they themselves silently floated past us, as if flowing in the air. In some capsules there were no people, but in most there were 2-3 people, sometimes - 1. The people were very small - no more than 20 cm tall. They had everything like people - arms, legs, heads. They were dark in color, eyes. in blue pits, and looked like they were molded from plasticine and moved inside the capsules like deep divers. After a while, they began to dissolve in the air. At first, only the capsules remained visible, and then they disappeared. answered: “Mirage,” while she herself was deep in thought.”


Pyotr Ivanovich Lomakin from Oryol reported to the AE Commission about the observation of a strange “creature” in the room:

“What happened to me once made me think. It was July 6, 1967 at 13.30 in the afternoon, at my workplace, in the red corner in Orel, at the PATO-1 motorcade. I worked as a graphic designer, stood at the table in front of Whatman paper, made calculations for the design of the stand.

With his left hand he leaned on a meter-long wooden ruler, right hand was holding a compass, when suddenly, before my eyes, with a rustle reminiscent of the rustling of the leaves of a book, a Living being with very slow movement (about 0.5 m/sec), that I managed to get a good look at it. Here it is: length up to 20 cm, thickness up to 10 cm, wings up to 6-8 cm. The distance from the wall to the ruler is 1-1.20 meters. It hit the ruler, knocked it out, the compass fell out, and the object disappeared somewhere. I looked at the floor. In front of me, the size of a soccer ball, lay a tangled ball of resin twine. I started swearing, I thought some fool had thrown it out my window. I was alone here. I wanted to grab the ball and throw it away, but in front of me there was a thick cloud of gray smoke, without the smell or influence of others. A second later the smoke disappeared.

The ruler was lying on the floor, the compass was stuck in the floor. I checked the windows, vents, doors, everything was closed. I searched all the furniture, paintings, and couldn’t find anything anywhere. There are no marks on the walls or floor. I told my friends and they laughed that I was sleeping and dreamed about it in my sleep. But I know myself, what state I was in (calm), and I don’t drink vodka, and I don’t believe in God.

The object was gray in color and had fur like a cat, only very sparse. Two eyes with cherry dark brown color. The wings are short, 6-8 cm. But flapping with a bookish rustle.

The next day I wrote to central television to find out what it is? They answered me - contact physicists for clarification. True, I didn’t apply anywhere else...

In 1976, in July, our entire house and the entire street (on the northern side of Orel, in the direction of Moscow) observed black objects in the clear sky for 4 hours, one large one stood still, and small ones were moving near it; the height was impossible to determine. This

it was very far away, binoculars did not provide sharp outlines, the approximate altitude was 30-40 km. We don't know what it was."


In the summer of 1968 or 1969, Tatyana Viktorovna Kotova observed a “vision” and many years later told Gennady Sorokin about it:

“I am a second-year student at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at the Karelian Pedagogical Institute. About ten or eleven years ago (1968-69) I lived in the village of Novaya Rechka, it’s about 20 km from Chalna, forty minutes by train on a narrow-gauge railway. Somehow In the summer, in the afternoon, we went to the forest for honey mushrooms, and then we collected them right outside the gardens. We also collected flowers: daisies, bluebells, and strawberries, too. She graduated from pedagogical school last year. I don’t know where I am now.

We were on the hill. I suddenly saw three people far on the horizon. In fact, they were probably half a kilometer away, but they were so large that they seemed above the horizon. There were three of them, dressed in something bright and red. The one in the middle is shorter, about as tall as the other two’s forearm. One of them seemed to have a skirt, but I don’t remember who exactly. All three of them were coming straight towards us. Their bodies reached straight into the sky. And with their hands forward, they make some incomprehensible gestures, as if they want to take you. Or, as it were, they walk through the water, raking it. The arms are half-bent, but, it seems, only the extreme ones. The middle one is holding on to them, or they were holding on to him. They walk straight, no one comes forward, straight towards me.

We ran back. Then I turned around after 20 meters or less - I wanted to make sure whether they were chasing us - but they were no longer there. We reached the garden.

The distance to them, after all, was not half a kilometer, but one hundred and fifty to two hundred meters... One of them had a basket or something like it in his hands; this hand was also in front. The upper body was bent forward. They were two or three times taller than the trees, but the trees were, in fact, small in that place (birch, aspen, fir trees). The legs up to the knees were not visible; the trees hid them. The sun was on their side, but I don’t remember whether it was to the left or to the right. There was a river between us. On the other bank there was first a cobblestone, then a strip of rose hips, then the forest began. There seemed to be nowhere to hide there. Their height was from 4 to 5 meters. Did it feel like they could see us? Don't know. It was true that they were coming at us. I said to my mother: “There were big people there running at us,” but they were actually walking, not running. There was no talk about this incident afterwards. I was afraid of that place for about a week. And on the day I came running - sat still and went off somewhere again.”

Gennady Vasilyevich found Valya Mayorova, but it turned out that for some reason she did not remember these events.


Member of the Great Patriotic War Grigory Efimovich Maksimov from Vorkuta reported to the Commission on AI about the incident, known to him third-hand:

"In 1969, if you believe the serious stories of that time, a UFO landed for several minutes on one of the squares of Vorkuta. It was about 3-4 o'clock in the morning. One sports coach was returning home from the gym. Having reached the square, he saw that in the middle of it , somewhere thirty meters from it there is a saucer-shaped apparatus standing on high “legs”. A bright light was visible inside the device. He became so possessed strong fear that his arms, legs and whole body seemed numb. He felt with an incomprehensible instinct that someone was watching him from this device. Arriving home, he was shaking all over and could not say anything. And only around the fifth day, with great reluctance, he told his family members about what he had seen.”


“Once I witnessed how an ordinary vacant (empty without residents) house literally shook. This happened when we moved to a new house, and this one was supposed to be scrapped.

There was no one there except me. I was already closing the door and was about to lock it, I remembered that somehow they were calling the brownies to a new apartment, and so quietly, without expecting anything, however, I calmly said: “Well, brownie. Let’s go to the new apartment.” then the house shook or shook, that is, I was 18 years old at that time, but I was very scared (although I managed to grab my bag and close the door) and jumped out of the fence when I ran along the fence past the house and then onto the fence; street past him, he continued to shake.

At home I told my mother about this, she said that a train was passing somewhere. Indeed, the embankment was 200 meters from the house. But we lived in this house for 10 years, and somehow I could tell when a freight train was passing and when a passenger train was passing. Moreover, the embankment was 10-12 meters high, so the vibration from the trains was not very strong.

And here the shaking was quite stronger than from the train. And in general, I’m somehow not afraid of trains. I'm sure it didn't come from the train. I am of the opinion that nothing happens for nothing, especially unusual and non-trivial things.”


In July 1972, Sergei Vladimirovich Kotenkov from Riga lived in the dormitory of the diesel construction plant in Vecmilgravis, on Lašu Street:

“When I came home from training, I took a shower and lay down on my bed. It was about 11 pm, a quiet summer evening. The window was open. The bunk was positioned so that I lay with my feet facing the window and could see the sky. The room was on the fourth floor. About five minutes later, I noticed a bright white “star” above the roof of a neighboring house, which was gradually increasing in size. The first thought was that it was a satellite flying. The size of the star kept increasing and took the form of a female silhouette in a white robe, hiding her arms and legs. Soon this the figure was already in the room, at the head of the bed at a distance of 2-3 meters from my head. The silhouette was slender, but large, the visible size of the head was almost half a meter in diameter. I raised myself up on my elbows to get a better look, making sure that I was not sleeping - I was. not yet completely dry after the shower. The figure seemed to be leaning over the headboard, looking at me from a distance of 1.5-2 m.

If from a distance she seemed to me for some reason a beautiful woman, now I saw a bottomless black hole in place of her mouth, her hair was not visible, it seemed to be covered with something white. There was also a black spot where the nose should have been; somehow it all resembled a large skull. The thought flashed - has my death appeared? I even wanted to hit her, but I immediately felt numb - my mind was working, but I couldn’t move or scream. Now I looked into the eyes of the figure: the eyes were very large, at a distance of about 25 cm from each other. In the middle of each eye there is a completely black area, gradually becoming lighter towards the edges. The eyes seem to have a haze, no small details, cornea, eyelashes, etc. are visible. The complexion is matte. No sounds were heard, but one could clearly feel a touch, a breath of air on the face and chest.

I was very surprised and scared. I can’t say exactly how long this lasted, maybe a few minutes. Then the figure straightened up, without turning, moved to the window, began to change shape from oblong to round and gradually decreased to the size of a distant luminous point. After about five minutes I felt free from the stupor, stood up with difficulty, and went to drink water. The steps were uncertain, I was clearly swaying. I went outside, walked around a bit, calmed down and went to bed.

I told almost no one about this incident, everything was too fantastic - they would only laugh at me. I am firmly convinced that I was not sleeping then, and in those years I did not drink alcohol at all.

To some extent, this case was confirmed four years later. I accidentally met a man who had lived in my room and slept on my bed before me. We talked and he told me what happened to him once amazing case: a figure in a white robe appeared and looked at him, a white ghost, as he said. The behavior of this ghost was very similar to the case with me, and he did not know my story when he talked about his meeting with the “ghost.”


In January 1976, Vladimir Vasilyevich Tkachenko from the city of Saransk, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, was driven directly to his house by car. It was two o'clock in the morning:

"The weather that night was clear, starry, moonlit. I headed towards the entrance and felt the need to look up. As soon as I did this, I literally froze, could not move from my place, or did not want to. There was a complete feeling that my hair was standing up and standing on end A similar effect was produced on me by a body located 100 meters from me and hovering 50 meters above a nearby house, motionless. It was an oval biconvex disk of aluminum color in the light of the Moon, 15 meters in diameter (1/3 of a four-story building). width; a house with three entrances). It seemed that there was something like steam around the disk, but neither the first nor the second one was shining from the inside. On the top of the disk there was a man of average height and he was doing something very actively. in character they resembled as if he was “kneading dough” (down and up) in a bent position for 1-2 minutes. I didn’t have time to see the details of his clothes and figure, as he disappeared somewhere, as he fell into a disk. Through For some time the disk also disappeared. Disappeared instantly, without a gradual increase in speed, leaving a white contrail that quickly melted away. I didn't notice any details of the structure. It seemed like 2-3 minutes had passed, I didn’t look at my watch because of the shock.”


“On July 27, 1976, during the flight Moscow-Novosibirsk, along the route of our plane, thick clouds suddenly appeared, not noted by weather reports. We were somewhere in the Urals region. a plate with a diameter of about 100 m, an object. On its surface there were several rather strange creatures, reminiscent of people, whose heads were crowned with some protrusions resembling horns. When we came closer, it became clear that these were not horns, but the appendages of spacesuits. disappeared, and the clouds covered the apparatus.

To our horror, we discovered that almost all the instruments were out of order. But after a few seconds they started working again.

We saw this device again on the same day when we were returning to Moscow on our return flight. It also hung at about the same height, one human being was sitting on its edge and seemed to be waving its hand to us. This picture was reflected by the setting sun against the background of neighboring clouds. The passengers on the plane also saw all this, which caused them unusual excitement and even a commotion. We did not get close to the device. I turned the plane sharply to the right and walked away from the strange device. A memorandum was immediately written about all this addressed to the head of the Civil Air Fleet department with the attachment of photographs that we took during the return voyage.”

Unfortunately, the photographs were not preserved, and we do not know what happened on them.


Former policeman Avtandil Vladimirovich Bukhrashvili from Tbilisi spoke about this in front of a movie camera during filming documentary film“In Search of Aliens” (1988) - the first Soviet film about UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial civilizations:

"It happened in February 1978. I was standing on the veranda of my house. It was midnight. Suddenly, a huge luminous ball flew from the side of Lake Lisi towards the town of Mamadaveti... Everything that I will tell you next will probably make you skeptical smile, but nevertheless I have to tell you.

In the place where the luminous ball disappeared behind the mountain, two black dots appeared, heading towards me. They gradually turned into flying “birds” and landed vertically in front of me. I was scared because instead of birds I saw humanoid creatures dressed in overalls or diving suits, sort of like armor. But they reassured me in the refined Georgian language, saying that they They will not bring me any harm, they came of their own free will.

Well, I then thought that these were probably spies of some warring country. Then I was an employee of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs with the rank of police captain, I kept a personal weapon at home, and had a telephone. I wanted to sound the alarm and somehow delay them. And under the pretext that I had a heart problem, I said that I would take the medicine. But they didn’t let me in, and they themselves offered me a pill in their open palm. It looked like a dogwood seed. They insisted that I take the pill.

I swallowed. It became easier, the fear disappeared. And at this time they invite me to fly with them. And I still think something is wrong about them and ask: where? They didn’t answer directly, but they hinted that we were not earthly creatures. Then I asked, “Who are you?” They answered: “We are warriors,” - “What kind of warriors are you, you don’t have any weapons.” They looked at each other, looked at each other and answered: the weapons that they have, if we had, would have been destroyed a long time ago. They again insisted that I fly with them, but I again refused. They then said: it would be good if I agreed, but they don’t take anyone by force. Suddenly they received some kind of signal with a metallic ringing. , the lights at the ends of the antennas lit up, and the luminous display began to shimmer in different colors. They took off vertically, without noise, and disappeared.

I remembered all this while in bed. How I ended up in bed, I don’t know. What was it: a dream or did it all happen in reality? Got up. Are there any physical traces left? I came to the kitchen: my robe, in which I went out onto the veranda, was lying in the middle of the room on the floor, my slippers were scattered in different directions, and the door leading onto the veranda was wide open. And it was freezing outside...

This has never happened to me before or after this incident. Due to my official duties and position, I underwent serious medical examinations every year, did not suffer from hallucinations or mental disorders, and everyone in my family is also practically healthy. I see dreams very rarely, and I don’t even remember them. So what was it: a dream, or a dream within a dream, or is it all true?”


Vladimir Safonov recorded the story of an eyewitness who wished to remain anonymous:

“This happened in April 1978, but my memory continues to retain very strong impressions; at that time I had just gotten married and was living with my mother-in-law. We lived in one room, she was in the next room. My mother-in-law is a very simple and unsophisticated woman. She had the habit of entering our room without knocking and taking what you need. I tell this so that it is clear why at the first moment I was not surprised by what happened.

It was getting light, it was about six in the morning. I slept facing the window. My sleep is always very sensitive. Suddenly something blocked my light. I immediately opened my eyes and saw a plump woman in a dark brown dress standing next to our sofa. The small lace collar was pinned with a small brooch. She looked at me with interest for several minutes, and I looked at her, thinking that this was some other relative of my husband who was still unfamiliar with me. She looked to be over sixty. At first she looked at me sternly, then she leaned over and smiled. We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. After that, she nodded her head to me and headed towards the door. I didn't hear any sounds. In the morning I asked my husband who came to visit his mother. He was very surprised and said that no one had come. I described the guest’s appearance as best I could. My mother-in-law and husband said that this is exactly what my grandmother looked like when she died three years ago.

When my husband and I went to the cemetery where my grandmother was buried, on the slab of the monument I saw a ceramic portrait, from which I immediately recognized the one who came to our room at dawn. It was my husband’s grandmother Anna Mikhailovna.”

The apparition was so dense that it blocked the light. Moreover, it was not dressed in a shroud, having appeared according to the “latest squeak” of lifetime fashion.


From April 15 to May 29, 1978, schoolboy Valentin Gubsky rested in the village. Gorki Pukhovitsky district, Ryazan region:

“One evening, I went for a walk with my friends and peers. The weather was very bad, there was light rain, the ground was covered with medium-density fog, the clouds were low and thick. When we started returning home at about 10-11 o’clock, the fog began to thicken quickly. We lit a cigarette.

Suddenly, bright flashes began to appear around us. At first, two red ones are next to us, a little in front and to the side. Then another blue one - behind and to the side, after which another white one - in front of us. The time intervals between the outbreaks were uneven, and it seemed to us that all this happened at the height of a man or slightly higher. Without attaching much importance to what had happened and considering the flashes to be thunderstorms, we continued moving. Immediately after the last flash, a monotonous, quiet sound was heard behind the hill, similar to the sound of a moped engine running. It seemed as if the source of the sound was moving.

One of the comrades fell behind to light a cigarette, and we, turning in his direction, that is, back, suddenly saw on the right at a height of about 20 meters in the fog a shadow, similar in outline to a human. In fear and surprise, we watched as it approached us, after a while it changed its flight direction and passed to our right.

As it approached us, its outlines became sharper, and we saw a “man.” His arms were spread apart, we did not see any engine, flame or exhaust. The sound came from a point in space located above him. The speed with which he moved was approximately 60 km/h. Total duration observations are about 1 minute, but the details of it appearance were clearly visible for only about 15 seconds. Gradually moving away, the “man” and the sound disappeared.

There was something metallic in the appearance of the “man”. The build was proportional, the height of an ordinary adult. His body was covered with a black, tight-fitting overalls. The material of the overalls was similar to fabric covered with metal. On the bend of the elbows, where the shoulder connects to the forearm , as well as on the knees and calves of the legs, in the place where the boots usually end, matte metal rings were visible, between which something was visible that connected them. There were about five rings on the arms, a few more on the legs.

The “man’s” legs were shod in boots of the same dark color, but without heels. Rings were also visible on the wrists, but of smaller sizes. The hands were very flat and narrow and were tightly clenched, but not into a fist; something like thumb. The color of the brushes is the same as that of the entire figure.

The figure of the “man” was surrounded by a belt, on which some instruments were visible hanging on the left. The shape of the instruments was unusual: a triangle with a cut off top or an irregular trapezoid. The color of the belt was the same, but it looked more like metal. The width of the belt was average. On the back of the “man” we noticed something like a backpack, in its outline and size reminiscent of a scuba diver’s cylinders, but the cylinders with sharp corners. On the side surfaces of the backpack one could see something that looked like it had been turned in reverse side air intake "Zaporozhets", however, its holes were located more often.

Gorbachev's silence

Having made an announcement about the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant only two weeks after the tragedy, the then General Secretary of the party caused many rumors: why was he silent? This is now explained by the fact that there simply were no suitable dosimeters capable of measuring such a strong background radiation.

Biological weapons

There is evidence that back in 1942, Stalin used biological weapons against the Germans, infecting them with tularemia using rats (this version has not been confirmed). But it is known for sure that the development of such weapons was very active. Where they are today, what happened to them, the public does not know.

Caribbean crisis

Why did Cuba host nuclear weapon USSR, and what did Nikita Khrushchev say to Fidel and Raul Castro, as well as Che Guevara? The secret protocols of these negotiations, dated 1962, have not been seen to this day.

KGB Operation Flute

When the “traitor to the Motherland” (for Americans, of course) - US scientist Ken Alibek - defected to the USSR and headed the biological weapons program, the main goal of Operation Flute was the development psychotropic substances for special operations and even political assassinations. Only Alibek himself knows how it all ended.

Kremlin fears

They say that in 1981, Yuri Andropov was simply in a panic, expecting a US nuclear attack any day now. The KGB and the GRU had a clear order to monitor any information about this, and most of the intelligence bit by bit collected information about the American exercises - was it not veiled, they say, preparation for war?

Ural bunker

It was rumored that the underground bunker “Grotto” in the Urals was in fact the headquarters of the strategic missile forces, the only one in the country capable of surviving a nuclear attack. Americans are still scratching their heads to this day, why was it built?

Defense budget

The effectiveness of USSR intelligence

Are Russian intelligence officers any good? - their overseas colleagues ask themselves. If guys watched the legendary film “Seventeen Moments of Spring” at least once, the question would disappear by itself, the men’s online magazine M PORT is sure. However, there is a version that the Soviet “spies” reported to the top leadership only what the elderly bosses wanted to hear - and nothing from above.

Well, it will take a long time to guess where the truth is and where the fiction is: Soviet secrets That's why they are Soviet, so that no one will ever recognize them. Apart from the Soviet people themselves, of course, who we all remain in our hearts.

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