Themes are cool. Topics of meetings for class teachers

Topics for meetings of the MO class teachers for 2013-2014 academic year. Calendar and thematic planning Dates TOPIC OF MEETINGS DISCUSSED SPEECHES QUESTIONS OF MC CLASS TEACHERS September Organizational and orientation meeting of MC class teachers 1. Analysis of the work of MC 1. Deputy class teachers for the principal 2012-2013 academic year. 2. Head of the MO 2. Re-election of the head of the class teachers of the MO class teachers. 3. Planning the work of class teachers’ educational organizations 4. Recommendations for drawing up a plan educational work for the 2013-2014 academic year. November “Regulatory support for the activities of the class teacher” 1. Class management in the national project “Education” 2. Functional responsibilities of the class teacher 1. Deputy director for VR 2. Head of the MO of class teachers 3. Regulations on the class hour. January Round table "Development of students' individuality in the process of their upbringing" 1. Development 1. Deputy of the students' individuality of the director for VR in the process of their upbringing. 2. Head of the MO 2. Nurturing cool individuality in the classroom. leaders 3. Promoting the formation of 3. Cool individuality of children into leaders. class hour. 4. Development of the child’s individuality in the process of extracurricular activities. 5. Self-government activity as an important condition for developing the ability to become oneself. 6. Interaction between a teacher and parents as a factor in promoting the development of children’s individuality. March Business game “Development of the program “Family and School”” 1. The role of the family in education 1. Substitute for the child. Director of HR 2. Practical part group work: 2. Head of the MO of class teachers - Interaction of the school with the family and the community. 3. Class teachers. - Forms of involving parents in the organization 4. Parents of school students. educational and extracurricular activities. -Types of joint activities of parents, teachers, children and social partners. -Parental comprehensive education. -Educational potential of the family. - Scheme of interaction between the school and social partners in supporting families. -Ways to stimulate parental participation in organizing school activities. April Fair of pedagogical ideas “New forms of educational interaction with students.” 1. Generalization of experience 1. Deputy director for VR educational work of some school teachers: 2. Head of the Ministry of Education new forms, techniques, classroom methods of educational work for leaders. 3. Class teachers. June Indicators of the effectiveness of educational work 1. Analysis of activities 1. Deputy class teachers for the director of VR 2013 -2014 academic year 2. Head of the Moscow Region 2. Summing up the results of the class competition “The coolest class teacher.” 3. Long-term planning of educational work for the 2014-2015 academic year Composition of class teachers and topics of self-education. No. Full name class teacher, class Dates of open lessons Theme of self-education 1. Kokareva T.V. (1st grade) January Game as a means of education, learning and personal development 2. Malova N.V. (2nd grade) April Formation of moral qualities of a person on the basis of folk traditions 3. Smirnova I.A. (3rd grade) March Creating conditions for positive communication among students in the classroom, for showing initiative and responsibility 4. Kuplyashova N.A. (3rd grade) April Formation of traditional and cultural values ​​as the basis of education 5. Belyuskina E.V. (4th grade) December Work on uniting the children's team 6. Rozanova N.I. (5th grade) February Development of intellectual and personal qualities of students 7. Moskvitinova E.N. (5th grade) 8. Kuznetsova L.N. (6th grade) 9. Goisa I.M. (7th grade) Raising a cohesive children's team and developing independence April Formation of a physically and morally healthy personality capable of adhering to an active life position March Development of cognitive interests and abilities of students February Development of interpersonal relationships in the student team March Moral education of children Baranova N.G. (9th grade) February Work with children of the KRO class on crime prevention 13. Smirnykh N. K. (10th grade) April Professional guidance for senior schoolchildren 14. Dubrovina A.N. (11th grade) April Organization of joint activities of the teaching staff, parents and students to achieve maximum results 10. Sedykh R.V. (8th grade) 11. Kozar N.G. (9th grade) 12. Main directions of scientific- methodological work with class teachers: 1. Providing methodological assistance to young class teachers. 2. Participation of students and class teachers in various competitions and events. 3. Development teaching materials outside cool events and cool hours. 4. Carrying out extracurricular activities.

Protocol No. 1

Attended: 20 people


1. Approval of the work plan of the MO of class teachers for the 2016-2017 academic year.

3. Information about regulatory documents to help the class teacher.

4. Class teacher's folder.

On the first and second questions, we listened to O.I. Kushnereva, head of the class teachers’ department. She spoke about the content and goals of the planned work of the Moscow Region in the 2016-2017 academic year. Emphasis is placed on the following topics:

Pedagogy of child support: interaction between school, family and society in the prevention of deviant behavior in students. Constructive partnership between school and family.

On the third question, we listened to I. V. Chemezova, Deputy Director for VR. She recommended that class teachers take into account the characteristics of class groups and the wishes of students when planning educational work.

On the fourth question, they listened to O.I. Kushnereva. She brought to the attention of the class teachers information about regulatory documents to help the class teacher and about the contents and work with the class teacher’s folder.

1. Approve the work plan of the class teachers’ organization for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Secretary: Abdulina N.I.

Protocol No. 4

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

from _________________

Present: _________________



We listened to Keris L.A., head of the school prevention council. School mediation is a new approach to resolving and preventing controversial and conflict situations at all levels of the system Russian education.
The word “school” in Russian has a very broad meaning. In the usual interpretation, it means a place to receive basic knowledge. But often we use other meanings of this word. By “school” we often mean an education system, the acquisition of experience, a set of specific ways of studying any branch of knowledge, and a direction (in science, philosophy, art, etc.) that has certain distinctive properties, and, finally, just a group of students, like-minded people, followers. It is thanks to such a broad interpretation of the word “school” that the definition of “School mediation” fully reflects the entire range of possibilities.
School mediation is a collective concept that applies to the whole variety of communication options for children, adolescents and young people in general, both among themselves and with representatives of other age groups. With such wide range communication often has to deal with conflicts of interests. School mediation means that we can reduce the number of such clashes and alleviate their consequences. The skill of peaceful resolution conflict situations and you can learn how to prevent them. And the sooner we start this training, the better.


Secretary: Abdulina N.I..

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Kushnereva

Protocol No. 3

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Present: 18 people


1. Physical development as an indicator of the health of children and adolescents.

2. Physical education and sports activities as a means of developing a healthy lifestyle.

3. The work of class teachers to prevent children's road traffic injuries.

4. Prevention bad habits schoolchildren (from the experience of class teachers).

On the first and second questions, they listened to K. B. Davidenko - teachers physical culture. He spoke about the impact of students' physical development on their health. The teacher also noted the role of physical education and sports activities in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

On the third question, we listened to O.I. Kushnereva, the head of the Moscow Region. The number of road traffic accidents occurring both in cities and in rural areas is growing every year. In many such incidents, the culprits are children who have little or no knowledge of the rules. traffic. Therefore, the role of educational work on traffic rules can hardly be overestimated.

On the fourth question, we listened to N.I. Abdulina, the 11th grade class teacher. She spoke about her experience in preventing bad habits among schoolchildren and expanding students’ knowledge about the rules of a healthy lifestyle. About helping schoolchildren develop a mature, well-founded position regarding smoking, alcoholism and drug use, understanding the depth of this problem and instilling in students the need for a healthy lifestyle.

1. Continue work to promote a healthy lifestyle among students, to involve children in sports sections and participation in physical education and sports events.

2. Form and develop the integrity of the perception of the road environment, cultivate discipline in observing the Traffic Rules and safe behavior on the streets and roads; achieve understanding, awareness and comprehension of knowledge about road signs.

3. Contribute to the formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits and the development of persistent positive interests.

Secretary: Abdulina N.I.

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Kushnereva O.I.

Protocol No. 2

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Present: 18 people


1. Moral extracurricular activities, their technologies, quality and efficiency.

2. The work of the class teacher to form tolerant relationships among schoolchildren (from the experience of the class teachers).

3. Modern educational technologies and the formation of active citizenship.

On the first question, we listened to Keris L.A., the 11th grade class teacher. She spoke about her experience in shaping the morality of students. In the process of educating a person, the formation of his morality is extremely important. The teacher’s task is to encourage the individual to behave in accordance with the moral requirements of society, to improve his behavior, which at the same time means his moral development.

On the second question, we listened to Zharko R.V., class teacher of the 10th grade. In class, we often raise questions about mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, goodwill, restraint, compliance and tolerance. Students are instilled with the idea that they must learn to live by solving problems and tasks on the basis of cooperation and focus not on what distinguishes us, but on what unites us.

On the third question, O.I. Kushnereva, head of the class teachers’ education department, spoke: If we seriously think about the new qualities of modern children, then the conclusion is inevitable: it is necessary to rethink many of the usual postulates of education and move to another system of psychological and pedagogical principles. Encourage students to be active and productive mental activity, to develop their cognitive interest means to create favorable opportunities for the development of independence and activity in schoolchildren. A teacher must be a person who teaches by example. I try to teach my students generosity, nobility, respect for people and the formation of an active citizenship position.

1. Purposefully form the moral consciousness of students, develop moral feelings and develop skills and habits of moral behavior.

2. To form in students the concepts of mutual understanding, mutual respect, responsibility, goodwill, restraint, compliance and tolerance.

3. Use modern educational technology in the formation of an active civic position of students.

Secretary: Abdulina N.I..

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Kushnereva O.I.

Protocol No. 5

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Attended: 22 people


1. Ways for teachers to master the technology of pedagogical support.

2. Identification of dysfunctional families as a means of preventing social orphanhood.

3. The subjective position of parents is an important factor in the formation of the educational space of the school.

4. Forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

On the first question, they listened to E.L. Muzaeva, head of the class teachers’ education department: Currently, scientists and practitioners are faced with a fundamentally new task for Russian education: creating a system of pedagogical support for children. The logic of the development of student-centered education requires the resolution of an important innovation problem: revision of the organization system not only educational process, but also other conditions that can maximally facilitate the child’s advancement in education and in life. So that the child can successfully study, gain knowledge, and develop skills educational activities, master socially significant values ​​and norms, a culture of behavior, so that he can choose his own life path and to realize it, a growing person needs pedagogical support. (Report attached).

On the second question, they listened to M.V. Sarkisyan, class teacher of class 8A: The phenomenon of social orphanhood, which has become actualized in Russia in the last two decades, is the subject of discussion in scientific literature dedicated to the problems of family, childhood, social and demographic policy of the country. The concept of “orphanhood,” which historically meant children whose parents died, has now acquired new forms and dimensions, which forces researchers to look for new approaches to its study. The number of social orphans is a direct indicator of the socio-economic and moral health of the nation. (Report attached).

On the third question, E.L. Muzaeva spoke: The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children. All people are different. And all families are different. And all children are different. It `s naturally. But how often do we tend to forget this and seek help in some general recommendations, using boring and false words: “a child should...”, “a child should...”, etc. This is mistake. The child initially owes nothing and is not entitled to anything. (Report attached).

On the fourth and fifth questions, they listened to I.A. Pivovarova, Deputy Director for Educational Work:

Parents and teachers are two of the most powerful forces in the process of developing the personality of each person, whose role cannot be exaggerated. Both sides have their own advantages, their own merits, their own specifics.
So the main tasks of the class teacher are:
formation of a classroom team as a nurturing environment that ensures the development of each child; organization of all types of group, collective and individual activities of the class team; ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the classroom. (Reports are attached).

1. Provide students with assistance in making independent individual choices - moral, civil, professional self-determination, as well as assistance in overcoming obstacles to self-realization in educational, communicative, labor and creative activity.

2. Create conditions for children’s success and outside support significant people, schools, stability of moral values ​​and motivation for positive changes.

3. Develop from parents positive attitude to school, teaching children, trust in the teacher; strengthen the authority of parents in the family; help parents with guidance academic work children at home; tactfully guide the pedagogical self-education of parents, develop their desire for self-improvement.

4. To form a classroom team as a nurturing environment that ensures the development of each child; organize all types of group, collective and individual activities of the class team; ensure a favorable psychological climate in classroom groups.

Secretary: Radysheva O.A.

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Muzaeva E.L.

Protocol No. 6

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Attended: 21 people


1. VR analysis. Analysis of the activities of class teachers. Implementation of plans for educational work.

2. Self-education report. Generalization of the work experience of 9th grade class teachers Muzaeva E.L. and Yakovleva I.G.

On the first question, we listened to E.L. Muzaeva, the head of the class teachers’ department. She acquainted those present with an analysis of the work over the past academic year.

In the work of the Ministry of Education in the 2014-2015 academic year, emphasis was placed on the following topics:

Formation of sustainable moral ideals through nurturing the need for a healthy lifestyle. Formation systematic approach to solving problems of protecting the health and life of students.

Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren.

Pedagogy of child support: interaction between school, family and society in the prevention of deviant behavior in students. Constructive partnership between school and family. (Report attached)

Speaker: Pivovarova I.A. – Deputy Director for HR. She recommended that class teachers take into account the characteristics of class groups and the wishes of students when planning educational work for the next academic year.

On the second question, we listened to 9th grade class teachers Muzaeva E.L. and Yakovlev I.G. (Reports attached)

1. The work of the class teachers’ school education for the last academic year is considered satisfactory.

2. Coordinate the activities of class teachers in organizing educational work in class groups and educational activities schools.

3. Increase the theoretical, scientific and methodological level of training of class teachers.

4. Class teachers must master modern educational technologies and knowledge modern forms and methods of educational work.

Secretary: Radysheva O.A.

Head of the Ministry of Defense: Muzaeva E.L.

SMO work plan

class teachers

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Head of ShMO

Senchenko Elena Petrovna

Methodological topic school methodological association of class teachers

“Introduction of civic-patriotic education into the work of the class teacher”

The goal of the educational work of the school in 2016-2017:

creating conditions for the active life of students, civic self-determination and self-realization, maximum satisfaction of the needs for intellectual, cultural, physical and moral development.

Objectives of educational activities:

Functions of class teachers' school education

Methodological function

Creating a class teacher's portfolio throughout the year

    diagnostic material

    minutes of parent meetings

    teaching materials

    bank of educational activities

Participation in competitions professional excellence

during a year

Participation in the competition methodological developments

during a year

Monitoring the activities of class teachers and the level of education of students

Once every six months

The MO of class teachers maintains the following documentation:

List of members of the Moscow Region;

Annual work plan of the Ministry of Defense;

Minutes of MO meetings;

Activity programs;

Analytical materials based on the results of the events, thematic administrative control(certificate orders...)

Instructional and methodological documents relating to educational work in class groups and the activities of class teachers;

Materials « Methodical piggy bank» class teachers.

Structure of the school teacher training plan:

1) Brief Analysis socio-pedagogical situation of student development and analysis of the work of the educational organization carried out in the previous year.

2) Pedagogical tasks associations

3) Schedule of work of the Ministry of Defense, which reflects:

MO meeting schedule

Schedule of open class events

Participation of the Moscow Region in public school events

Intersectional and other work

4) Improving the professional skills of class teachers:

Self-education topics for class teachers

Participation in advanced training courses

Preparation creative works, speeches, reports

Work on certification of teachers

5) Study and generalization of the pedagogical experience of class teachers

6) Participation in thematic and personal control over the educational process

Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

In the process of organizing educational work in the classroom, the class teacher performs the following functions:

    studying the personality of students

    analysis of coordination and correction educational process and relationships in the classroom (students among themselves in the classroom and with students in other classes, students and teachers...)

    organization of planning, preparation, conduct and summing up the periods of life of the class team and class events: class hours, minutes of information and communication, KTD, lights, competitions, etc.

    social protection of students (together with a social teacher)

    working with parents of students

    pedagogical support for student government activities in the classroom

    organizing, maintaining a class journal and student diaries carries out its functions, class management.

At the beginning of the school year:

    makes a class list and designs a class magazine

    studies conditions family education

    clarifies or draws up a social portrait of the class and submits it to the social teacher

    collects complete information about the participation of class students in competitions

    carries out work to involve students in a variety of activities (union of UDL, in order to develop their abilities)

    organizes collective planning

    draws up a plan for the educational work of the class, coordinates it with the head of the class teacher’s education department and submits it to the deputy director for VR for approval.


    marks absent students in the class register

  • carries out pedagogical assistance class asset

  • exercises control over appearance students and their availability of replacement shoes

    supervises class duty.


    checks student diaries

    exercises control over the keeping of the class journal by subject teachers

  • conducts Classroom hour


    organizes the class team to participate in school activities

    helps the activists organize summaries of the life activities of class groups

    conducts traffic rules classes and scheduled safety training

    is on duty at school evenings

    controls participation in circles, sections, clubs, and other associations of students in his class that require special pedagogical care.

During the quarter:

    helps the asset in organizing the life of the class (planning, organization of affairs, collective analysis)

    organizes class duty (according to schedule) around the school

    promptly informs social teacher, deputy director for VR or school director about deviant behavior of students, about cases of gross violation of the school charter by students in a class.

    holds a parent meeting

    organizes the work of the class parent committee

    attends class teachers’ education, seminars, meetings on educational work…

At the end of the quarter

    organizes a summation of student learning and class activities in the past quarter

    submits to the deputy director for educational work a report on the progress of the class and a completed class register

During holidays

    participates in the work of the class teachers’ educational organization

    together with student activists and parents, organizes vacation activities for their class

At the end of the school year

    organizes a summation of the class’s activities during the academic year

    conducts a pedagogical analysis of the teaching and educational process in the classroom and submits it to the deputy director for educational work

    organizes classroom renovations

    receives information from students’ parents about their children’s summer vacations

Forms of methodological work:

Thematic teaching councils;



Master classes.

Intersectional work






1. Checking compliance with uniform requirements for keeping diaries.

2. Writing input tests in Russian language and mathematics.

3. Mutual attendance at lessons

4. Implementation of a unified spelling regime when maintaining notebooks in primary grades.

5. Preparation of materials for conducting pedagogical diagnostics of first grade students

6. Schedule planning open lessons, master classes

7. Compliance with uniform requirements for the design of journals, checking students’ personal files.

8. Preparation for All-Russian competitions

9. Monitoring methodological work in offices. Registration and adjustment of the office passport.

Bekresheva N.S.

Teachers of grades 3-11

Fedorenko E.A.

Polyakova G.I.

Members of the ShMO



1. Checking the diaries of students in grades 3-4.

2. Checking workbooks (grades 4): volume great job, homework dosage, error correction system

3. Mutual visits to lessons

4. Conducting pedagogical diagnostics of 1st grades. P stage.

5. Organization of work with capable and gifted children in the context of modernization of education in educational institutions

6. Conducting finals control dictations in Russian language, mathematics for the 2nd quarter.

Fedorenko E.A.

Members of the ShMO

Teachers primary classes

Primary school teachers




1. Summing up the results of the first half of the year.

2. Checking the work of teachers with motivated and low-performing students.

3. Checking workbooks: compliance with assessment standards, organization of differentiated work.

4. Organization of development activities in the GPD

5. Mutual attendance at lessons

7. Preparation for the All-Russian intellectual competitions.

8. Identify the level of students’ learning skills for the 3rd quarter based on level differentiation in learning.

Members of the ShMO

Primary school teachers, members of the ShMO



1.Attending lessons of mid-level teachers as part of continuity

2. Summing up the topics of self-education.

3. Identify the level of assimilation educational material, analyze the quality of knowledge

3. Students’ mastery of reading techniques, analysis of the results obtained.

4. Interview with teachers based on the results of control sections.

5. Analysis of work with motivated and low-performing students.

6. Tracking the levels of development of UUD (1st grade).

Subject teachers

Members of the ShMO

Primary school teachers

Key manager 5-11 grades

Priority directions educational activities:

    Educational and cognitive activities (olympiads, subject weeks, intellectual marathons, games, correspondence excursions)

    Civic-patriotic education Spiritual and moral education (culture, etiquette, dialogue communication, friendship)

    Sports and recreational activities and the formation of a healthy lifestyle (Health Days, public events, competitions, training camps)

    Labor and environmental education (labor and environmental landings, actions)

    Formation interpersonal relationships and tolerance

    Development of student self-government, leader, Student Council, High School Students Council

    Career guidance activities (excursions, meetings with representatives of educational institutions, open days);

    Prevention of crime and child road traffic injuries

    Joint educational work of family and school (holidays, health days, fairs, festivals, conversations, trips)

Subjects of the ShMO meetings

I quarter

The content of the work



ShMO meeting No.1 (Instructional and methodological meeting)

Subject : Organization of work of class teachers for the 2016 -2017 school year. G. Search for effective solutions (round table)

1. The main directions of educational work in the 2016/2017 school year. year.

2. Analysis of the work of class teachers’ school education for the 2015/2016 academic year.

3. Approval of the work plan for the 2016/2017 academic year

4. Objectives of the school, main directions of educational work for the 2016/2017 academic year.

5.Drawing up a schedule of open classes and events.

6. Approval of plans for educational work of class teachers

7. Work of class teachers on the prevention of road traffic injuries

8. The work of class teachers on civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren.




Deputy director according to BPBekresheva N.S. .

hands ShMO class. hands

Deputy Director for VRBekresheva N.S.

class teachers

Class teachers

Head of ShMO

II quarter

1.SMO meeting No. 2(Teaching Experience Workshop)

Subject: system of work of class teachers in the legal education of students.

1. Results of educational work for the 1st quarter (reports from class teachers)

2. The influence of spiritual and moral education on the formation of friendly relations in a team

3. System of work of class teachers for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

4 . The work of class teachers to improve the right education of schoolchildren

5. Self-education in the system of means for improving the teaching skills of the class teacher.

6. Drawing up a social passport of the class.

7. Methodological system of civic-patriotic education


November December

hands ShMO

Key executives

class managers

Members of the ShMO

Members of the ShMO

III quarter

1.SMO meeting No. 3(Seminar – workshop)

Subject: Civic and patriotic education - as one of the main forms of work with students

1. Results of educational work for the 2nd quarter (reports from class teachers)

2. The influence of family on the development of personality. Problems of family education and interaction between family and school.

3. Panorama of open events on civic-patriotic education

4..Exchange of experience of class teachers about conducting classroom hours or other forms of work with the class.

5. Thematic control: “Diagnostics of the success of educational work.”

6Civil-patriotic education of students in the work of children's organizations and associations

9. Sports and patriotic education of schoolchildren

9.The work of class teachers to prevent road traffic injuries





class teachers

Cool hands

Members of the ShMO


Class teachers

Class teachers

IV quarter

1.SMO meeting No. 4(round table)

Subject: “Development of the individuality of students in the process of their upbringing”

1. Results of educational work for the 3rd quarter (reports from class teachers)

2.Analysis of school-wide educational activities

3. Compilation long-term plan work of school teachers for the 2016/2017 school year

4. The work of class teachers on environmental education of schoolchildren

5. The work of class teachers in the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren

6. Information hour is one of the effective forms of civic-patriotic education.

ShMO meeting No. 5 (Photo gallery )

Subject : « So we have become a year older …»

1. Results of the work of the school teacher education department for the 2015/2016 academic year.

2. Organization of summer holidays for students.

3. The work of class teachers to prevent road traffic injuries

4. Presentation of teaching materials for class teachers for the 2015 - 2016 school year. year “Methodological Kaleidoscope”



April May


Class teachers

Deputy Director of VRBekresheva N.S.

Members of the ShMO

Class teachers

Class teachers

Members of the ShMO

Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow class teachers No. 1

from 08/30/15

Topic: Organization of the work of class teachers for the 2016 -2017 school year. G.

Form of conduct - round table.

Present –12 people

Chairman – Senchenko E.P.

Secretary – Fedorenko E.A.


1. Analysis of the work of class teachers for 2015-2016, adjustment and approval of work plans for 2016 - 2017.

2. Approval of the work plan of the Moscow Region, school assets;

3. Miscellaneous:

Maintaining documentation by class teachers;

Organization of school duty;

Conducting Children's Safety Month;

Discussion of the ceremonial lineup 09/01/16. for grades 1-11 and other issues.

Progress of the meeting:

1 .On the first issue the deputy was heard. dir. according to VR Bekresheva N.S. she read out an analysis of educational work for the 2015-2016 school year. g. It sounded positive sides and shortcomings that need to be taken into account in the next academic year. Submitted for consideration a draft plan of educational work for the 2016-2017 school year. G.

2 . On the second issue, the Head of the ShMO Sencheko E.P. spoke. proposed for consideration the work plan of the class teachers’ educational organization for the 2016–2017 academic year.

3 . On the third issue, the head of the ShMO Sencheko E.P. spoke. suggestedadopt a unified form of documentation for class teachers, a plan for conducting open classroom hours and events.

Class teachers proposed a number of events for the ceremonial line-up on 09/01/16. for grades 1 - 11.

A discussion of documents and events took place. Suggestions were made and clarifying questions were asked. The vote was unanimous.


1. Approve educational plan work for the 2016-2017 academic year. year.

3. Approve the work plan of the class teachers’ educational organization for the 2016-2017 school year. g., the main directions of the school.

4. Adopt a unified form of documentation for class teachers, a plan for conducting class hours and a number of proposed activities for the prevention of road traffic injuries

Date: 09/30/16

Minutes of the meeting of the MO of class teachers No. 2

from 28.12. 15

Subject: System of work of class teachers for legal education of students

Form of conduct – Workshop of pedagogical experience

Present –12 people

Chairman – Tsarenko E.V.

Secretary – Belykh N.A.


1. The influence of spiritual and moral education on the formation of friendly relations in a team(from the experience of class teachers)

2. The system of work of class teachers for the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

3. Methodological system of civic-patriotic education

Progress of the meeting:

1 .On the first question, Z.P. Andreeva was heard, she read out the principles and directions of spiritual and moral education, ways to implement friendly relationships in the classroom, in the family and with the teacher.

2 . On the second issue, I.V. Demicheva spoke. and Razumova A.V., offering a booklet for the consideration and application of all terms in pedagogical communication with teenagers. Effective education is possible subject to organizational measures and scientific and methodological training of the teacher to perform the functions of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which is a specific type pedagogical activity.

3 . Belykh N.A. spoke on the third issue. and introduced the directions of the educational process. Told you what was neededinstill in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and veneration for the symbols of Donetsk People's Republic- Coat of Arms, Flag, Anthem, other symbols and historical shrines of the Fatherland; instilling respect for the law, norms of collective life, attracting traditional religious faiths to form among citizens the need to serve the Motherland, its protection as the highest spiritual duty.

Class teachers (Shevchenko G.A., Eremeeva L.N.), proposed a number of ideas for self-education of pedagogical skills


1-2 The study of a student’s personality is carried out using a number of methods: observation, questionnaires, conversations, interviews, generalization of independent characteristics, analysis of actions and activities in various situations and types of activities.

3. Carrying out educational work in new conditions of social development, know the concepts of education and be able to apply them in work.

Date: 12/28/2015.

Chairman's signature: ______________

Secretary's signature:_________________

Methodical association of class teachers

MBOU "Sorskaya secondary school No. 3 with UIOP"

Work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year

Head: Vidyaykina L.Yu.

Explanatory note

The main principle of work: “Development through creativity.”

In the 2016-2017 academic year, it is planned to continue methodological work in 2 directions: work from the meeting of the Moscow Region and the schedule of open events by senior leaders within the framework of the Moscow Region.

This stage is planned as practical.

This stage consists of 4 aspects:

1) increasing pedagogical competence through theoretical and practical classes and their application in educational institution;

2) increasing the creative activity and level of education of teachers through self-realization in educational activities of the school;

3) organization of work with the class at the school and municipal level.


    Increasing pedagogical competence.

    Increasing the creative activity of teachers of an educational institution.

    Creating conditions for teachers to be active through speaking at MO meetings; open educational events.


    Increase the level of pedagogical competence through familiarization with concepts related to modern trends new technologies in the field of education.

    Methodological assistance in organizing work.

    To increase the level of teaching activity of key leaders through the organization of the work of the Ministry of Education.

The training program for class teachers in the 2016-2017 academic year involves 3 main (thematic) meetings and 2 additional (September, May), each of which is an addition to the previous one. In 2016-2017, it is planned to hold all meetings in the form of interactive pedagogical workshops and round tables that will help improve pedagogical competence on practice. In the work of this practical stage, the thematic focus of the meetings will be reviewed again, during which the class teachers will prepare reports, but distinctive feature period of the 2016-2017 academic year is the personal participation of teachers through open educational events within the framework of their own practical experience.

In September 1 organizational meeting is planned, at which the general work plan of the Moscow Region will be presented;

In October Session 2 – theoretical; with an introduction to the topic “ Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team" (Speakers: class teachers working in Federal State Educational Standards classes).

In November an extended meeting (2 hours) will be held on the topic “Continuity of primary, basic and secondary schools as part of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher." The meeting is planned in the form of a “Round Table”, at which teachers will present reports according to their subject professional focus.

Note: the topics of the reports will be presented after the organizational meeting in September.

Scheduled before each meeting preparatory stage which includes creative, research work class teachers with children.

The result of the work is a report from teachers on the formation of the class team for the period worked with the class.

Topics of meetings of the class teacher's organization

in the 2016-2017 academic year.


Opening session : familiarization with the work plan for the year; plan of open events within the Moscow Region in the 2016-2017 academic year.



II meeting: theoretical workshop “Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team"

December : holding open events as part of educational work according to the schedule


III meeting: extended pedagogical workshop on the topic: “Continuity of primary, secondary and secondary schools within the framework of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher".

February :

Additional meeting:


IV meeting on the topic " Organization of extracurricular activities for students. Cooperation between teachers and the class teacher."


Seminar municipal level “Working with children: development through creativity”


6th meeting : Presentation on the topic “Report on the work for the period worked with the class »


work of the first meeting of the Moscow Region

    Topic: “The work of the methodological association in the 2016-2017 academic year. Thematic open events. Directions of work of class teachers."

Date: 09/22/2016

Meeting agenda:

    Introduction to the work plan; participation of teachers in meetings of the Moscow Region: open events.

Speech by the head of the Moscow Region Vidyaykina L.Yu.


work of the second meeting of the IO "Master Class"

Subject: “Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team"

Purpose: to present the forms and methods of work on forming a school team; introduce some types of events;

Form: methodological workshop.

Date: 09.11. 2016

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Speech by the head of the Ministry of Defense on the main topic

    Practical part:

Speech by teachers


work of the third meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: " Continuity of primary, secondary and secondary schools within the framework of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher"

Form: extended pedagogical seminar.

Purpose: review of forms and methods of work in elementary school, 5th grade, high school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of a school team; continuity of primary, secondary and high schools.


Date: 26.01. 2017

Meeting agenda:

    Practical part:

Speech by primary school teachers in high schools in accordance with the topic of the meeting.

    Final discussion;

Note: 11/10-25/01 - preparing messages on parallels


work of the additional meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: “Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of work with the classroom team”

Form of work: psychological and pedagogical seminar.

Date: 02/28/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to characterize the work of socio-psychological support in working with the classroom team.

1. Speech by a school psychologist and social teacher :

A) forms and methods of working with school students;

B) familiarization with monitoring by class.


work of the fourth meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: « Organization of extracurricular activities for students. Cooperation between VND teachers and the class teacher.”

Form of work: scientific and pedagogical seminar.

Date: 03/30/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to consider the basic methods and techniques of class teachers working with children.

1.Speech by school teachers :

A) forms and methods of work;

B) extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard; correlation between the forms of work of classes FSES and 9-11.

2. Final discussion, decision making.


work of the fifth meeting of the Moscow Region

Topic: “The main components of forming a student body. Methodological findings. Active forms in organizing student activities. Interactive. Theory and practice within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Purpose: characterization various forms pedagogical activities that make it possible to interest students in connection with modern trends in team formation.

Form of work: practical seminar municipal level

Date: 04/20/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Characteristics of some types of work on organizing student activities taking into account new educational technologies.

    Practical part:

Group work

Discussion; general conclusions; solutions


work of the sixth meeting of the Moscow Region

Topic: “Activities of class leaders: report on work with the class for the past period.

Form of work: extended reporting and practical seminar.

Goal: to prepare in Multimedia format an analysis of the work of the class teacher, to display methodological findings in the process of work.

Date: 05/16/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to consider a generalization of the work of teachers

1) Speech by school teachers

2. Final discussion of the reports;

3. Overall conclusions (in writing): “Did it help me this year? methodological association?

For the meeting: analysis of the work of the Ministry of Defense for the year.

Minutes of the meeting No. 1 dated 08/30/2017 Topic of the meeting: “Organizational and orientation meeting of the class teachers’ organization, organization of educational work in the 2017-18 academic year” Form of conduct – Methodological workshop. 20 people were present. Agenda: 1. Analysis of the work of the municipal educational institution for the past 2016-2017 academic year 2. Acquaintance with the Regulations on the classroom management of municipal educational institution secondary school No. 13. 3. Discussion of the draft educational work plan for the 2017-2018 academic year and the MO plan, Tasks for the new academic year. Planning the work of the Ministry of Defense: suggestions, comments, changes to the work plan. 4. Organization group work At school. Student employment outside of class hours. 5. Organization individual work

class teachers with students. On the first question, they listened to the Deputy Director for VR Kutuzova Yu.V., who read out an analysis of educational work for 2016-2017 and submitted for consideration a draft plan of educational work for the new academic year. Decided: To approve a new plan of educational work for the 2017-2018 academic year. The deputy director for VR also spoke on the second issue and proposed a work plan for the new academic year for consideration. Decided: The plan of educational work reflects the main content and direction of educational activities, meets pedagogical requirements, and helps to increase the effectiveness of educational work in school. Approve the plan of main affairs for the 2017-2018 academic year.  Competitive project “Student of the Year”, “Class of the Year”  Science Week  Internet Day. Internet safety  Earth Day Festival  Research competition  Decade of Tolerance  Visiting city museums as part of the “Museums Nearby” program  Meetings with veterans of the siege  Holding days of legal knowledge  Competition Competition program “Safety through the eyes of children”  Conducting a month of child safety  Conducting thematic classes  Participation in sporting events of the city and region On the third issue, Yu.V. Kutuzova spoke, who proposed a unified form of drawing up plans. Decided: Class teachers who have begun planning educational activities with the class team need the ability to see the specifics of their class, the ability to justify the goals and objectives of educational work. When drawing up a plan for educational work, take into account 1. Determination of the specifics of the class, justification of the goals and objectives of educational work. 2. Analysis of educational work with the class last year. 3. Justification of the means, forms and methods of educational work with the class. 4. Accounting and analysis individual characteristics children. 5. Determining the specifics of working with parents. 6. Determination of criteria and methods for assessing the implementation of the goals and objectives of educational work. Approve the structure of the educational work plan. Voting results: unanimous. On the fourth question, we listened to social educator D.N. Belykh, who announced a list of normative documents on education issues. IN AND. noted what documents were needed, the features of educational work were announced, and also reminded the class teachers about drawing up a social passport for the new school year. Decided: to update the list of standard documentation of the class teacher on paper and electronic media. On the fifth issue, we listened to the head of the Moscow Region Udalova A.A., who proposed holding a number of open extracurricular activities. Resolved: Draw up a schedule for open class hours and extracurricular activities

events for the exchange of experience between class teachers. Chairman of the school of class teachers Udalova A.A. _____________ Secretary: ______________________________ (signature)

Minutes of the meeting No. 2 dated October 20, 2017 Topic of the meeting: Features of the psychophysical development of children at different stages of development. Prevention of deviant behavior of adolescents Form of implementation – exchange of experience. Present – ​​21 people. Goal: to provide socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance parents; provide assistance to children and adolescents in protecting their rights and interests. Agenda: 1. Features of the psychophysical development of children 1014 years old. 2. Causes and motives of deviant and suicidal behavior in adolescents. 3. The work of the class teacher on the prevention of bad habits and the formation of a “healthy lifestyle” culture. On the first question, we listened to the head of the Moscow Region - Udalova A.A., who spoke about the organization about the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children 1014 years old.. Various periodizations mental development are based on different grounds.

The key points are: 1. The social situation of development is the system of relationships into which the child enters in society, and how he orients himself in it. 2. The main or leading type of activity of the child during this period, which determines the main direction of development at a particular age. 3. Basic psychological neoplasms of development, i.e. that ability that develops in a child during the implementation of a leading type of activity. 4. Crises are turning points that separate one age from another. On the second question, we heard A.I. Bryzgalin, class teacher of class 7A, who spoke about the causes and motives of deviant behavior. On the third question, we listened to A. V. Varyukhina, who spoke about the prevention of bad habits and a healthy lifestyle. It was decided: To develop class hours on these topics. Conduct briefings. Chairman of the school of class teachers Udalova A.A. _____________ Secretary: ______________________________

Minutes of the meeting No. 3 dated January 30, 2018 Meeting topic: Modeling educational system class in connection with the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard. Form of conduct – seminar. There were 18 people present. Goal: increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of the class teacher when organizing work with students’ families Agenda: 1. Social problems career guidance for student youth. Diagnosis of students' professional interests.

2. System of work on career guidance for students 3. Exchange of experience. On the first and second questions, the deputy spoke. according to VR Kutuzova Yu.V., who spoke about the main problems of career guidance for student youth. On this issue, a survey was conducted among students of classes 911 on the topic “Professional interests”, an analysis of these results was carried out and a conclusion was drawn on what needs to be paid attention to. On the third question, class teachers exchanged experiences on this topic. Decided: To pay special attention to class teachers (grades 911) to career guidance for students. Chairman of the School of Class Teachers: Udalova A.A. _____________ Secretary: _____________ Minutes

Methodical Association of Class Teachers for 2017-2018