Training center necessary documents for training. Opening a training center: how difficult is it and how much does it cost? How to open a training center for hairdressers and manicurists: business idea

detailed instructions will help you plan how to open a school foreign languages, find out what you need to purchase for this and what you will have to spend on, how much money your own teaching business in this area can bring in, and what you will have to take care of when launching your linguistic training center.

Organizational issues of creating such a business

Foreign language teaching can be offered for different purposes and to different categories of clients. You can create a business this direction in the format of advanced training courses, classes with a tutor, foreign language schools, educational center for kids, schoolchildren, students or adults. The organizational and legal form of the organization depends on the choice of specialization and the planned scale of activity.

  1. Registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  2. Creation of a non-state educational institution or an autonomous non-profit organization.

Permits and tax burden

Individual teaching activities are not subject to licensing, but no state-issued documents on completion of training will be issued to clients, nor will they be carried out. final examination. This option is more suitable for teaching adults in courses; for them, it is often not so important to have papers confirming their linguistic qualifications, the main thing is real knowledge of the language.

There will be no problems with hiring other teachers; new legislation in the field of education allows the hiring of individual entrepreneurs for other teachers (in total, no more than 15 employees when working under a patent). There is only one clarification: if an entrepreneur works alone and hires freelancers, then he will not need a license, and when hiring other teachers on a permanent basis, he will need to obtain permission to conduct this activity. As a taxation system for educational activities, you can choose a “simplified” tax system (6% of income or 15% of the difference between income and expenses) or a patent (for self-employed individual entrepreneurs).

If training is planned with the issuance of documents confirming the qualifications of graduates, then you will need to register a legal entity (NOU or ANO) and obtain a license from the local department of the Ministry of Education. With this type of organization, the client, upon completion of training, can receive a certificate or certificate of additional education. But for licensing it will be necessary to prepare a voluminous package of documents, mainly proving the suitability of the premises for conducting classes and the level of material and technical equipment of the institution, professional qualifications teachers and curriculum composition. A package of documents and an application for a license are reviewed in Rayono within 2 months, the validity period of the license is 5 years, and subsequently it is necessary to renew it.

Necessary basis for teaching foreign languages

What does it take to open a foreign language school? In addition to direct knowledge of the language, a penchant for teaching or at least organizational activities, a novice businessman will need other resources to create his own educational center.

People will stand apart from the list of foreign language courses required for any course. The staff may include native speakers, or Russian-speaking teachers and linguists with the necessary qualifications in English, German, French or Chinese. Properly selected teaching staff is the key to the success of an educational institution. People will go to a good teacher based on a recommendation, and this means that a businessman will be able to reduce the cost of attracting clients through word of mouth.

Even if you decide to conduct classes yourself and teach all clients, you will need the services of support staff for the company’s accounting services, IT support, security, cleaning, etc. These non-core services can be outsourced and concluded with specialized companies that provide relevant specialists.

Main expenses when starting a foreign language school

There are other business needs that require startup investments. You need to spend money on the following expense items:

  • Premises (classroom, auditorium, conference room, office with an area of ​​20–50 sq. m. at the rate of approximately 2 sq. m. per person) for the required number of students, taking into account the number of groups, their occupancy and schedule. Licensing requires that such premises receive approval from the sanitary and epidemiological station, the fire service and other supervisory authorities (it is better to rent them in a building that already meets all the necessary standards).
  • Furniture and equipment for classrooms (desks or tables, chairs, blackboards or projectors, computers for teachers and tablets for students, speakers and headphones, language phones).
  • Supporting educational materials (textbooks, additional literature, workbooks, audio recordings and videos, posters and other visual aids), as well as stationery and consumables.

The most important intangible investment is the training program and teaching materials that will help build the language teaching process with maximum effect in relation to the selected audience and client categories.

Financial aspects of language teaching activities

A business plan with recommendations on how to open a foreign language school, includes a list of necessary expenses and possible income from this type of activity. It’s worth starting your financial analysis by determining the amount of starting capital.

How much money will be needed to prepare for the opening of a language training center:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity - 1000-5000 rubles, as well as the cost of opening a current account - another 1000-2000 rubles at a time.
  • The cost of renting and renovating a premises depends on the condition and area of ​​the premises itself and its readiness to accept students, and most importantly on the region, location and appetites of the landlord. You can spend 5-10 thousand rubles for a small class or pay the first month’s rent in the amount of 50-100 thousand rubles for a whole complex of premises, and also spend several tens of thousands of rubles on putting it in order.
  • Purchase of furniture and equipment - a computerized classroom for 5-10 students will cost about 100-150 thousand rubles, but you can get by with a minimum of costs, basic furniture and simple equipment in the amount of 5-10 thousand rubles per classroom.
  • Purchase of methodological educational materials and manuals - a set of educational literature can cost from 500 rubles to several thousand rubles for each student.
  • Consumables – for 1–5 thousand rubles you will have to stock up on stationery, paper, consumables for office equipment and other small items for working with students.

In total, start-up costs can range from 20–40 thousand rubles (for one office and for a total number of 10–50 students) to 300–500 thousand rubles (when opening a full-fledged educational institution with many groups and several individual classes).

Costs of operating a training center

The costs do not end there, because current activities will be accompanied by other fixed and variable costs:

  • payment of rent and utility bills - from 5–10 thousand rubles to 100–150 thousand rubles per month;
  • salaries and deductions for employees (for a self-employed individual entrepreneur - only deductions to funds) can reach 10–70 thousand rubles per teacher, taking into account his study load, group occupancy, average salary in the region and other factors;
  • taxes and accounting services – from 3–5 thousand rubles monthly to 10–20 thousand rubles per month;
  • purchase of new manuals, stationery, consumables – 1–5 thousand rubles and up to 10–15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for support staff services – from 2–3 thousand rubles. up to 10–20 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising and website maintenance – from 1–2 thousand rubles to 5–10 thousand rubles per month.

In total, maintaining the work of a foreign language school per month can cost from 20–30 thousand rubles to 250–400 thousand rubles or more, depending on the scale of work and the number of teachers.

Educational center income: where does the money come from?

Accordingly, the business must bring in more money than is required monthly for its maintenance. The cost of foreign language teaching services is influenced by the average prices in a particular city, the qualifications of teachers and the level of training. On average, tariffs can be as follows:

  • group classes (5–10 people or more) – from 1000 to 5000 rubles per month or more;
  • individual lessons (1–2 people) – from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles monthly.

According to the schedule, there may be one or 2-3 classes per week lasting 1-2 academic hours. The workload per teacher is 10–18 ac. hours weekly, on average he can work with 2-3 groups and the same number of individual students. Based on this, you need to calculate the potentially possible number of groups, which means planning your income.

Working independently with 20–30 students (in groups and individually), an entrepreneur can receive about 30–100 thousand rubles per month. Measures such as attracting hired employees, tightening the schedule and increasing the number of classrooms will increase income by the same amount per each new teacher. If you have 5 teachers and if they are fully loaded, you can receive about half a million rubles in income per month. But then the school needs to work with 100–150 students at a time.

The payback period for such a linguistic center ranges from 3 to 12 months, but it all depends on the amount of initial investment, as well as on the monthly ratio of the amount of income and the amount of expenses.

Whether it is profitable to open a foreign language school depends only on whether the aspiring businessman can recruit the required number of students in order to not only break even, but also make a profit from teaching English, Chinese or other languages. But the main thing is whether he can maintain the quality of training consistently high level so that the flow of clients does not dry out all year round. To do this, you can provide special offers for summer camps, for those who want to prepare for exams or for those who want to “pull up” their knowledge before a tourist trip.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for conducting educational programs. Nowadays this format is popular, when space is rented out for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for holding educational events. In this case, teaching staff is not needed, an administrator or a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also a freelance outsourcer.

How to choose a room?

Most educational institutions are located in central regions, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open The educational center cost-effective? Better choose a central location!

An exception may be residential areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The premises must comply with sanitary standards.

Its size and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

These can be either large rooms or small classrooms. A prerequisite is a bathroom, a room-kitchen, where employees can relax at lunch or students can have a snack during the educational process.

What equipment is needed?

The main equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, and stationery.

Depending on the subject of the training center, you may also need training methodological material, computers, toys for children and carpeting on the floor.

How to make it official?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. A license is not required to conduct educational activities in the course format. Only there must be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of training programs of the center;

Documents for the presence of highly qualified teaching staff;

Documents for premises that meet all sanitary standards;

Documents to provide the learning process with everything necessary;

Information about registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will the costs be?

It’s difficult to say a specific number, because... The cost of rent and employee wages differ significantly from region to region.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let’s summarize what they consist of:

  1. Renting a premises may require additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. Staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Some expenses can be reduced on salaries. For example, pay salaries based on the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on the promotion methods. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to create your own website right away; it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper at the initial stage than investing in a website.

How should you promote your training center?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can refer you to you for retraining. Post advertisements on city forums.

For children's centers it is necessary to place advertisements on forums and magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. He can even go through nearby houses and post an ad at the entrance.

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Opening an educational center from scratch

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Business in education

High competition in the labor market encourages people to look for educational programs that will allow them to remain in demand as specialists and find work on more favorable terms.

IN last years There are a large number of new teaching methods that are just being introduced into practice. IN educational institutions modern methods trainings are extremely rare. Therefore, everyone turns to private schools, training schools and other educational centers. more people, while the percentage of adults who want to learn how to study correctly is increasing.

The following figures speak in favor of the profitability of business in the educational sector:

  • payback within 0.5 – 1 year;
  • profitability up to 30%;
  • minimum starting capital – from $10 thousand.

Parents are ready to invest a lot of money and time in educating their children in preschool and school age with the hope that this will help their children become successful in the future.

On video: Success story in online education business

Courses are no less in demand among adult audiences who want to catch up and simply improve their skills and gain new knowledge to obtain better work and self-development.

Among the most popular educational programs are the following:

The lion's share of the success of the educational center is the teaching staff. Students are attracted by exclusive, innovative methods, the latest educational programs, including highly specialized ones, for example, for marketers, PR specialists or managers from recognized experts in this field.

There are different ways to develop an educational center. You can start by teaching a single original course, for example, speed reading courses with the possibility of individual training.

Courses that teach mnemonics or techniques for effectively memorizing information are popular, because a maximum of 10% of information is stored in long-term memory. In conditions of a huge information flow, which the human brain does not have time to cope with, educational courses teach how to structure and remember the necessary information.

On video: Ways to promote an educational business

Another profitable field for activity is personal growth and development training. To conduct such classes, you need to find a qualified psychologist or coach. The purpose of such classes is to determine the purpose in life, awareness of one’s own capabilities, self-development and search for a way out of a particular life situation.

Another direction for the center is specialization in certain educational disciplines, retraining of personnel in certain area, training courses in the latest specialties. Such educational programs are popular not only among individuals. It makes sense to enter into long-term contracts for training and retraining of personnel of large enterprises and companies, with employment centers.

On video: Child Development Center from scratch

Registration of business in education

From September 1, 2013, educational activities can be carried out not only by non-profit organizations, but also by commercial ones (CJSC, LLC, OJSC) on the basis of a license. Educational activities are subject to licensing in accordance with Art. 21. Federal Law No. 273-F3 of December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on December 19, 2016) “On education in Russian Federation».

To obtain a license you must provide the following package of documents:

  • a statement listing all planned educational programs;
  • information about the premises in which the educational center will be located;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • expected number of listeners;
  • information on the availability of material and technical base, equipment with specialized literature;
  • other information: registration, founders, etc.

The educational center is registered as non-state educational institution or abbreviated NOU . Taxation is 6% of income. After receiving a license, the educational center, like other legal entities, must undergo state registration.

To simplify the registration procedure and reduce costs at the initial stage, it is worth deciding on the focus of the educational center. In the future, this will help to develop your own original concept of an educational center to increase your competitiveness.

Local training courses

The first option that you can use to earn money is local courses on teaching popular specialties and simply interesting views activities. They can be held in rented or own premises. For example, owners of beauty salons can open courses in manicure or hairdressing on the basis of their company.

If you don’t have your own property suitable for classes with a group, then nothing prevents you from taking advantage of the rental option.

However, in the courses themselves, the room does not play the main role, although it is important. For example, in order to understand the question of how to open a handicraft course, you may not need your own office. You can easily cope at home. Especially if you have the appropriate skills.

Training can become popular thanks to reviews from satisfied customers. If, after a set of classes, newly minted specialists master specific skills well enough to get a job or start providing services independently, then the course rating will be high.

Qualified specialists should be found

In order to understand how to open training courses, you need to find professionals. In this regard, one fact becomes clear - the qualifications of the specialists who will train must be high. As a rule, courses are opened by those who are already professionals in some field of activity and are ready to pass on knowledge to others at a decent level. This factor must be indicated when drawing up a business plan.

Courses in English, for example, require a professional approach. And if the necessary skills are not available, it is necessary to attract outside specialists. But in this case, the invited professional will have to pay, which will reduce the profit margin. Although in the case of hired personnel for training, you can go a very profitable route and make courses that will include training different specialties. Such a move will provide a significantly larger flow of people, and therefore a different level of income.

Of course, if you open multidisciplinary courses, you will need to pay more for renting premises, but if you set the price for training correctly, all costs will be easily compensated.

Marketing activities

In order for advertising to reach representatives of the target audience, you need to decide which sources of advertising information in a given region are most effective. And only after that invest in an advertising campaign. However, one “but” still remains: the number of people who can pay for training is limited, at best, by a specific region, and at worst, by a city. And this despite the fact that there is competition in this area.

In order to expand the circle of potential clients, it is worth bringing your training system to the Internet, where people not only from all regions of the country, but also from other countries can purchase it. Such a step could increase the sales market for the training course hundreds of times.

Online training

An information product is a very popular way to sell your knowledge and experience, as well as the skills of other people, to thousands of users from all over the world. This type of activity can be easily combined with local training courses. But if you wish, it is possible to turn online training into the main and stable source of high income. How to open training courses on the Internet?

The essence of creation information product is to record all the lessons on video, design them attractively and start selling them on the Internet.

It has become profitable to open new training centers due to the increasing need of the population to obtain additional certificates in short-term educational courses.

Capital investments in a training center, the area of ​​which will be up to 200 square meters, and which is designed for 100 to 150 students, will amount to from 13,000 to 15,000 conventional units. The training center will pay for itself within 6 to 10 months. The profitability level is about 30%.

Monthly turnover ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 conventional units.

About 200 training centers have been opened in St. Petersburg. These training centers provide short course services. The main competitors of the training center are:

  • Higher educational institution(University);
  • Secondary specialized educational institution (technical school);
  • College;

Also, often all educational institutions create auxiliary academic disciplines on their basis.

In recent years, electives with a duration of 20-60 lessons have been in high demand. One course, lasting 40 teaching hours, costs from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Attracting students can be done by opening and introducing additional original courses and programs. Examples could be exclusive courses on advertising and marketing. The courses are developed by teachers. About the most popular and new training courses, training centers receive information from employers.

The main criterion for successful business is a competent and qualified staff (teachers).

It is possible to organize educational complex on the basis of a certain company, as an additional division. In addition, having opened an educational institution, there is a good opportunity to save money by concluding a rental agreement for premises for a certain period of time, and not for the whole day.

Consequently, by opening a new training center, it is possible to bypass the main costs of rent and equipment for premises. Capital investments in the business will be from 2,000 conventional units.

Stage 1. Concept and registration

The formation and profitability of a company will depend on the idea and concept. First of all, it is necessary that these ideas differ from other training centers.

There are the following ideas and concepts of training centers:

  • Training centers with standard courses: accounting, taxes and taxation, design courses, personal computer courses and others;
  • Automated training centers (office applications; 1C: Configurator, Accounting, Enterprise);
  • Training training center;
  • Training center with individual and specific teaching (female security guard and other original courses);

Registration of a legal entity is carried out as registration of a non-state educational institution. When registering, you must indicate your main activity. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the main activity of a non-state educational institution cannot be the receipt of net income; the profit received must go to the improvement and growth of the educational center.

The assistance of a legal adviser and lawyer will cost the training center 200 conventional units.

When providing services, it is best to choose a simplified tax system. In this case, payments will be 6 percent of profits.

The profitability of a training center depends on the concept.

Stage 2. Personnel and wages

Staffing for the educational institution and their remuneration

The staff consists of 7 to 11 people.

Stage 3. Premises

To organize a training center for training from 100 to 150 students throughout the whole day (4 shift schedule; morning shift, 2 shifts in the afternoon and one shift in the evening), it is necessary to select premises of 200 square meters:

  • Classrooms (2 pieces) of 50 square meters each (training in a room of 50 square meters is allowed for groups of up to 10 students);
  • A training room equipped with computer equipment (60 square meters). Up to 10 students can also undergo training;
  • The remaining 40 square meters are allocated for the reception area and the manager’s office;

Result: rent for 200 square meters, taking into account the cost of one square meter from 30 conventional units - 6,000 conventional units monthly. However, in practice, educational institutions have the opportunity to lease premises from the State Property Management Committee. In this case, the training center has the opportunity to rent premises at a lower price - from 15 conventional units per 1 square meter.

To organize a training center, a room of about 200 square meters is required. The rent will be 6,000 conventional units monthly.

Stage 4. Equipment and facilities

Equipment for the training center and its cost

The result is from 6,500 conventional units.

For purchase complete set equipment and necessary equipment for the training center will require about 6,500 conventional units.

Stage 5. Licensing

To obtain a license to carry out educational activities, you must provide the following set of documents:

  • An application indicating the developed educational programs that will be taught to clients;
  • Information about personnel, the number of personnel and qualifications of employees, as well as information about the expected attendance of the institution;
  • Information about classrooms, classes and accommodations;
  • Information on the provision of courses with the necessary material and technical base and necessary literature (extracts from balance sheets are provided, as well as a list of literature for each curriculum and disciplines);
  • Information about teachers (information is provided on each discipline with a teacher);
  • Additional information (founding information and data, registration certificate, etc.);

The decision to grant a license and review of all documentation lasts about 4 weeks.

To obtain a license, you need to submit a package of documents to the relevant authority and wait for a decision for 1 month.

Stage 6. Students

A profitable class should consist of about 10 students.

Every month the training center must recruit from 10 various classes in various directions.

The main way to attract students is by advertising.

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Part one: legal subtleties

Currently, psychology as a science and as a specialization has become incredibly widespread. The number of practical psychologists today is slightly inferior to the number of managers, economists and lawyers. At the same time, unfortunately, the quality of modern special education is gradually decreasing, as experts note.

It is very difficult for a newly minted psychologist who has just graduated from university to get a job: most companies do not have such vacancies, and there is usually high competition for existing (and not always specialized) vacancies. Therefore, most graduates who want to work in their specialty are thinking about running a private practice. However, even their more experienced colleagues, who have worked for several years in the “psychological field,” sooner or later come to the idea of ​​opening their own private office. If you have sufficient funds and self-confidence (and, ideally, reliable colleagues who can become business partners), a specialist with a psychological education can try to open an entire psychological center where individual consultations, group classes, trainings and seminars will be conducted. Finally, the highest aerobatics in psychological practice is the center additional education in the field of psychology. How does the center for further education differ from other types of similar business, and what organizational issues will its founders have to solve?

Type of the future center: additional or additional vocational education?

First, let's try to understand the terms and specifics of such establishments. There are several subtypes of additional education. In particular, this includes additional education for children and adults and additional vocational education. Additional education for children and adults “aimed at the formation and development creativity children and adults, satisfying their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle, promoting health, as well as organizing their free time"(Chapter X, Article 75, clause 1 of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”), and is carried out within the framework of additional general education programs, which are divided into general developmental and pre-professional. Additional general developmental programs are implemented for both children and adults. Additional pre-professional programs in the arts, physical culture and sports are implemented for children. Anyone can undergo training in various additional general education programs, but it is not formally accompanied by an increase in the level of education with the issuance of a corresponding document. In this case, there are no requirements for the level of education that students already have (although the law contains a clause: “unless otherwise stipulated by the specifics of the educational program being implemented” - Chapter X, Article 75, paragraph 3 of Law No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation").

And here additional professional education addressed to those people who already have a basic secondary or higher vocational education and/or who are in the process of obtaining one, and “aimed at meeting educational and professional needs, Professional Development of a person, ensuring that his qualifications correspond to changing conditions professional activity And social environment. Additional professional education is carried out through the implementation of additional professional programs (programs for advanced training and programs professional retraining(Chapter X, Article 76, paragraphs 1-2 of Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). Additional professional programs are developed taking into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in qualification reference books for relevant positions, professions and specialties, or qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary to perform job duties, which are established in accordance with federal laws and other legal regulations acts of the Russian Federation on public service. Professional retraining programs are based on established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education for the results of mastering educational programs (Chapter X, Article 76, paragraphs 9-10 of Law No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”).

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Additional system vocational education includes the following types of training: additional higher education with the issuance of a diploma “On additional (higher) education”, professional retraining with the issuance of a state diploma “On professional retraining”, advanced training with the issuance of a certificate of short-term advanced training in programs from 72 to 100 academic hours and certificates of advanced training for programs from 100 to 500 academic hours, internships with the issuance of a certificate of short-term advanced training, courses, trainings, seminars and master classes with the issuance of a certificate.

So, to summarize all of the above, we could conclude that additional education in our case refers to professional education. However, if you are not going to open a “real” educational institution that will be engaged in full-fledged professional retraining and training of specialists (this will require very large investments, and there is no need to implement the tasks in this form), then the first option will be the best option - center for further education, having his own specialization. The vast majority of such educational centers indicate “the implementation of additional educational programs (general development)” as the subject of their activities. It would seem like a paradox: they are aimed at people who have a special secondary or higher education, but at the same time do not have the “ professional orientation" Moreover, since such educational organizations Dont Have state accreditation in the areas they teach, then they do not have the right to issue state-issued documents - a certificate of advanced training and (or) a diploma of professional retraining. Accreditation is a process that officially confirms that the quality of services provided meets the established standard. State standards in the field of education is established by the Ministry of Education.

However, students of additional education centers, of course, will not be left without a piece of paper either. According to the law, if an educational institution does not have state accreditation for the educational programs it implements, then, in accordance with the license, it issues documents on the appropriate education and (or) qualifications of the established form to persons who have passed the final certification. The form of such documents is determined by the educational institution itself. As a rule, these are IDs, certificates and certificates. These documents are certified by the seal of the educational institution.

Registration of an educational institution

Whatever continuing education option you choose, the activities you plan to engage in will still be related to learning.

According to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, educational activities have the right to be carried out by:

    educational organizations, which include non-profit organizations that carry out educational activities on the basis of a license as the main activity in accordance with the goals for which such organizations were created;

  • legal entities that, on the basis of a license, along with their main activities, carry out educational activities as additional type activities;
  • individual entrepreneurs, both carrying out individual teaching activities and attracting hired teaching staff.

It should be mentioned here that the earlier version of the law, which was in force until September 1, 2013, excluded commercial organizations from educational process, that is, LLC, CJSC, OJSC and similar legal entities, the purpose of which was to make a profit, were not entitled to conduct educational activities.

Ready ideas for your business

According to Part 3 of Art. 32 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” cannot be admitted to pedagogical activity and individuals specified in Part 2 of Art. 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

    those who do not have an educational qualification, which is determined in the manner prescribed by law;

    deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

  • have or have had a criminal record, are or have been subject to criminal prosecution (except for persons against whom criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitative grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult ), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public safety;
  • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;
  • recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;
  • having diseases included in the list approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of health care.

Registration of a private educational institution

For a small center, the optimal organizational and legal form for carrying out its activities may be an individual entrepreneur. Centers that will offer a large number of different programs and attract additional specialists for work are recommended to register as a private educational institution (PEI), which were previously called non-state educational institutions (NOU).

Note that a private enterprise can only be created as a non-profit organization, i.e. all its activities serve to satisfy the statutory goals, and not to make a profit, such as the activities of an LLC or OJSC. The profit of a private enterprise can be directed to current activities (for example, payment of wages, etc.) and for the purposes provided for by the charter of the private enterprise. A private institution is created by the owner for educational (in our case) purposes. The owner of such an institution has the right to be an individual (citizen), a legal entity (organization), the Russian Federation (state), a subject of the Russian Federation (region, territory, republic), a municipal entity (government, prefecture, administration).

Ready ideas for your business

A private institution can be established by individuals and organizations. Most educational organizations are created in arbitrarily named forms of a private institution, namely: a non-state educational institution of higher vocational education, a non-profit educational institution of additional education (the most suitable option for the form we are interested in), a private educational institution of secondary vocational education and other variations of names.

The registration of private institutions is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tax Service within their competence. The Ministry of Justice carries out an examination of the constituent documents of a private institution, makes a decision to refuse registration or a decision to register a private institution. The tax authority enters information about the creation of a private institution in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Urgent registration of a private institution can be carried out in a shortened time if there are significant circumstances for this. The period provided by law for opening and state registration of a private institution is one and a half months, if, of course, all submitted documents are in order.

The founder of a private institution is the owner of the property of this institution. However, the owner of the property of a private institution is not always its founder. The location of a private institution is determined by its place of state registration. The legal address for a private institution is the location executive body management of a non-profit organization. The actual address of a private institution should not differ from the legal address. The head (director) of this institution must be located at the address of the location of a private institution, and all constituent documents of the NPO must be stored at the specified address. Fortunately, when creating a private institution, it is possible to register at the home address of the founder or head of the NPO.

Let us repeat another very important feature of private enterprises for entrepreneurs: such an institution is not commercial. Although private institutions have the right to engage in income-generating activities (entrepreneurial activities), but only if this is provided for in the constituent documents of the private institution, which is why it is so important to correctly draw up the charter of your organization. A private institution, according to current legislation, cannot have an authorized or share fund, as well as an authorized or share capital. Changes in the composition of founders in a private institution are currently not registered.

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The period for registering a private enterprise is up to one month, and the cost of registration with the help of an intermediary company is from 12 thousand rubles plus 4 thousand rubles fee. After the initial registration of a private institution, the registering authority issues a certificate of state registration of a legal entity and a certificate of registration of a non-profit organization, containing information about the assignment of the OGRN and the registration number of the NPO. Registration of a private institution for tax registration with the assignment of a TIN is carried out in one window mode.

For such activities, OKVED code 80.42 is suitable: Education for adults and other types of education not included in other groups. This class includes: education for adults who are not enrolled in regular education general education or higher professional education. Training can be carried out in daytime or evening classes in schools or in special institutions for adults. Training programs may include both general education and special subjects, for example, computer education for adults; additional education in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state, carried out in educational institutions of additional education, as well as through individual teaching activities; all types of training via radio, television, computer networks, etc.

A private institution also needs to be registered with the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the Fund social insurance(FSS), the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF), as well as statistical authorities. Such an institution must have a seal that complies with the norms of Russian legislation, taking into account the requirements for the use of the name of the institution, its symbols and other means of visual identification of the NPO (emblem, coat of arms, flag, anthem, etc.).

Charter of an educational organization

The basic requirements for the charter of an educational organization are enshrined in Art. 25 of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”. These include an indication in the charter of the type of educational organization; on the founder or founders of the educational organization; listing the types of educational programs being implemented, indicating the level of education and (or) focus; establishing the structure, procedure for formation, term of office and competence of governing bodies of an educational organization, the procedure for making decisions and speaking on behalf of the educational organization. The last provision is also specified in Part 5 of Art. 26.

However, this article does not limit all the rules governing the content of the charters of educational organizations. There are also additional rules that can be divided into three groups:

  • norms establishing mandatory requirements that complement the requirements of Art. 25 and apply to all educational organizations;
  • norms establishing mandatory requirements that apply to certain types or varieties of educational organizations;
  • rules defining areas that can be regulated by statute.

The first group includes the following requirements: establishing rules on branches (if any) (part 4 of article 27); the procedure for adopting local acts (part 1 of article 28 and part 1 of article 30); establishing the rights, duties and responsibilities of employees of educational organizations holding positions of engineering, technical, administrative, economic, production, educational support, medical and other workers performing auxiliary functions (Part 3 of Article 52); determination of the statutory goals of the activity (part 1 of article 101); the procedure for distributing its property during the liquidation of an educational organization after satisfying the creditors’ claims for the purpose of developing education (Part 3 of Article 102).

Separately in this group, it is necessary to highlight the norms that provide for the specification by the charter of the structure, procedure for formation, term of office and competence of the governing bodies of an educational organization, the procedure for their decision-making and speaking on behalf of the educational organization, as well as the participation of certain groups of participants in educational relations in the management of the educational organization.

There are a lot of nuances in establishing a private educational institution and running its activities, so be prepared for additional costs for a lawyer and accountant. Moreover, the latter will have to be hired.

Licensing of educational activities

And there is one more important nuance that needs to be taken into account when registering a training center (or rather, one of the main conditions for running such a business). Educational activities carried out by legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs involving teaching staff, subject to mandatory licensing. This condition means that if you are going to teach at your center as an individual entrepreneur and independently, without involving other teachers, then you can do without a license. However, this option is unlikely to be possible for a full-fledged center for further education in the field of psychology. This option is more suitable for tutors, tutors, teachers who conduct classes privately, etc.

The procedure for licensing educational activities carried out by educational organizations, organizations providing training, as well as individual entrepreneurs (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs carrying out educational activities independently without hiring other teachers) is established by the relevant Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation. According to Resolution No. 966 of October 28, 2013, educational services for the implementation of the following educational programs are subject to compulsory licensing: additional general education programs (additional general developmental programs), additional general education programs (additional pre-professional programs), additional professional advanced training programs, additional professional professional retraining programs (the last two types of programs are relevant for centers of additional professional education).

The implementation of additional general development programs is very strictly regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2013 No. 1008 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional general education programs.”

In the issue of licensing activities in the field of additional education, certain nuances arise in the interpretation of the law. The fact is that, according to previously effective decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, educational activities clearly did not include holding seminars, trainings, lectures, exhibitions, providing consultations, etc., if at the end of such events the students were not issued documents (diplomas, certificates, , certificates, etc.) about the education received or the qualifications assigned. This provision is missing in the new law. And here the freedom to interpret the absence of expressly stated permissions or prohibitions in the law opens up. On the one hand, the conclusion about whether this or that activity is educational, whether or not to obtain a license for its implementation, must be made on the basis of the above list, which is quite broad (Article 91, paragraph 1 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation ") and includes basic educational programs and additional educational programs, including additional professional development programs. But, on the other hand, advanced training programs do not include services for conducting paid lectures, seminars and trainings if the duration of the event is less than 16 hours, the conditions of the event do not provide for the final certification of students, as well as the issuance of a qualification document (clause. clauses 12 and 19 “Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities on additional professional programs", approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 499).

Thus, if you conduct seminars, trainings, lectures, consultations with each “session” lasting less than 16 hours, then theoretically you can not issue a license and still issue certificates to your students. But these “documents” will only confirm the presence of a certain person at a training or lecture (that is, in fact, this is an ordinary certificate of presence, and not of receipt of any additional education or advanced training) and will not have any legal force.

If you still plan to obtain a license for educational activities, then prepare the following list of documents:

    Identification document of the applicant (passport or other identification document) – original;

  • Copy of the charter – a notarized copy of the charter;
  • A copy of the certificate of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register legal entities– a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • Copies of information on the registration of the branch at the actual address, copies of the decision to create the branch and the Regulations on the branch approved in the established manner - a notarized copy or an original for comparison;
  • A copy of the duly approved Regulations on structural unit(for organizations that have an educational unit providing professional training) - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority - a notarized copy or an original for comparison;
  • Documents confirming that the license applicant owns or on another legal basis equipped buildings, structures, structures, premises and territories - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • Certificate of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing - in the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2012 No. 1032 “On approval of application forms for a license to carry out educational activities, for re-issuance of a license to carry out educational activities and certificates of material and technical support for educational activities for educational programs applied for licensing”;
  • A copy of the conclusion of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare on compliance (non-compliance) with sanitary rules of buildings and premises used by educational institutions (organizations) for the implementation of the educational process - a notarized copy or an original for comparison;
  • A copy of the conclusion of the State Fire Service on the suitability of the buildings and premises used for the educational process - a notarized copy or original for comparison;
  • A document confirming payment of the state fee for consideration of an application for a license - a payment order with a note from the bank about its execution;
  • List of documents submitted to obtain a license.

It is already becoming clear that the process of obtaining educational license long and labor-intensive. Moreover, difficulties arise even at the stage of selecting premises and equipping them with the necessary equipment. If you have a building, structure or premises where you are going to open your center, you must have all the title documents for these objects. Please note that it is impossible to obtain licenses for educational activities if you have unfinished and unrepaired facilities, since you first need to obtain a sanitary-epidemiological and fire safety report on the safety of educational activities. In addition, your premises must be equipped with the necessary furniture, equipment, and inventory in strict accordance with the requirements of the law (age standards in our case are not so important, because you plan to train adults). But it will be necessary to provide special conditions for training persons with disabilities disabilities, otherwise you may be denied a license.

Another required condition– the availability of educational programs that must be developed directly in the institution or specifically for it, comply with the current educational standards, be approved by the head of the institution. If educational programs require a certain one, then this requires approval. For example, programs with a medical or psychological focus will need to be agreed upon with the relevant department. The approval is drawn up in the form of a conclusion and attached to the package of documents for obtaining a license.

You will also have to worry in advance about finding teachers who will teach you. They must have specialized education, experience, appropriate qualifications, and they must have no contraindications for work. All this must be confirmed by documents (diplomas, certificates, work books, etc.).

All of the listed documents, together with the application and inventory, are submitted to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising delegated powers in the field of education. Moreover, along with copies, you need to provide original documents for comparison or notarized copies of documents (the latter option if documents are submitted, for example, by mail).

State duty for obtaining a license, in accordance with clause 92 of Art. 333.33 of the “Tax Code of the Russian Federation” is 7,500 rubles. The cost of the license itself, issued by the Regional Service for Supervision and Control in Education, starts from 20,000 rubles. The commission makes a decision to issue or refuse to issue a license no later than sixty days from the date of registration of the submitted application. The license that you receive (if, of course, you receive it) will indicate a list of programs for which you have the right to conduct educational activities. The license is valid for an indefinite period.

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Investments in opening a training center with an area of ​​200 m2, designed to train 100-150 people per month, are about $13-15 thousand, the payback period is 6-10 months. The return on investment is on average 30%. The monthly turnover of the training center is $10-15 thousand.

There are about 200 organizations in St. Petersburg that offer short-term courses. They compete with universities, technical schools, and colleges, which also often organize additional educational courses.

The market is currently dominated by demand for short-term courses - from 20 to 60 training hours. The average cost of a 40-hour course is 2.5-3 thousand rubles.

Educational tips

According to Gennady Smirnov, director of the NOU "Center vocational training"Impulse", students can be attracted by new original educational programs, for example, exclusive courses for advertisers, managers, and marketers, which are developed by the center's teachers - practicing specialists. Employers inform training centers about the most relevant educational areas.

The main factor in the success of a training center is considered to be the correctly selected teaching staff.

You can open a training center at a certain company as an additional division. In addition, when opening a school, you can save money by renting a computer lab and other premises at a university or college for certain class hours, and not for a full day. Thus, according to Gennady Smirnov’s calculations, when opening a new center, the main costs associated with renting and equipping a stationary premises can be avoided. The investment will be about $1 thousand.

We would like to thank for their assistance in preparing the material: NOU "Professional Training Center "Impulse", School of Professional Business Consultants, NOU "Training Center "Eureka", NOU "Training Center "Kvarta", etc.

Step 1. Concept

The organization and income of a training center primarily depend on the concept, which should distinguish it from competitors.

There are various options:

A center with a set of standard professional training courses: accounting and taxation; assistant secretary; design and layout on PC, etc.;

Training educational centers;

Teaching one original course, such as training of female security guards, Feng Shui, etc., as well as individual training a certain course.

A legal entity for a training center is registered as a non-state educational institution (NOU), and its main activity profile is indicated. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the goal of a non-state educational institution is not to generate net profit; the proceeds can only be used for the development of an educational institution. A registration lawyer will cost approximately $200. The most convenient taxation system is a simplified one with the payment of 6% of income.

Step 2. Staff

Staffing table of the educational center:

Three to six teachers (one for each course) - from 200 rubles per hour,

Two or three consultants (determine the professional inclinations of the center’s students) - $300,

Secretary - $200,

Accountant - from $300.

Step 3. Room

To organize a training center designed to train 100-150 people per month in four shifts (morning, two afternoons, evening), you will need a room with a total area of ​​about 200 m2:

Two classrooms with an area of ​​50 m2 (in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities, groups of no more than 10 people can study in them),

One computer class - 60 m2 (10 places equipped for work),

The remaining area (about 40 m2) is allocated for the reception area and the director’s office.

Total: rent of 200 m2 (from $30 per 1 m2) - $6 thousand per month, in some cases, educational organizations can rent premises from KUGI at preferential rates (coefficient 0.1) - about $15 per 1 m2.

Step 4. Equipment

Projector - $1 thousand.

10 computers - about $3-3.5 thousand.

30 tables - $1 thousand.

20 chairs - $500

Wardrobe - $100

Fax - $100

Xerox - $200

Educational literature - $500

Total: about $6.5 thousand.

Step 5. Licensing

Documents that need to be submitted to the Education Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration to obtain a license for educational activities:

A statement indicating the educational programs developed,

Information on staffing levels and the expected number of students,

Information about the premises

Information on the provision of the educational process with educational literature (for each educational program) and material and technical equipment (in the form of an extract from the balance sheet),

Information about teaching staff (for each educational program),

Additional information (certificate of registration, information about founders, etc.).

The period for reviewing documents and making a decision is 1 month.

Step 6. Students

A profitable group consists of 10 people.

At least 10 groups must be formed in the center per month.

The main way to attract students is advertising in print media. The advertising budget is formed by taking into account 10% of turnover, that is, about $1 thousand per month.



In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad Agricultural Institute with a degree in mechanical engineering.

From 1990 to 2000, he worked as deputy head of production at the Central Institute of Fuel Equipment.

From 1994 to 1997, he worked as an insurance director at an insurance company.

In 1997, he organized the Non-Governmental Educational Institution “Vocational Training Center “Impulse”, which still operates today. Over 8 years, the average annual number of students (and the company’s turnover) has increased 3 times.

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Many people dream of starting their own business, because it is much more interesting than being an employee and not realizing their plans for years. Today, starting your own business is much easier than it was decades ago. If you have a great idea, entrepreneurial spirit and a small start-up capital, you can create a truly prosperous enterprise.

What kind of business is better to start? The answer is simple: the one that is closest to you, understandable and interesting. If you are not at all interested in medicine, there is no point in opening a pharmacy.

Certified teachers and university graduates are increasingly faced with the question: “How to open a training center?” Let's try to answer this question step by step.

Step 1. We draw up a business plan for the training center

You won’t go far without a business plan; it’s important to immediately write down everything that concerns your own business. Decide what type of training center you like. For example, you want to open foreign language courses, an applied sciences club, or a children's development center. This will determine whether your business needs a license or not (note: educational activities does not require a license in the form of courses).

You need to understand that business in the field of education is a responsible business. You must have a higher education and experience working as a teacher or tutor if you plan to teach classes yourself. Consider these points at the very beginning of drawing up your business plan.

Step 2. Select a room

The premises should be the next point in the question of how to open a training center. Naturally, it must be large, with a sufficient number of rooms. There must be:

  • reception area for registering for classes and receiving consultations;
  • several classrooms, well lit and ventilated;
  • a room for employees where they can relax and have a snack during lunch;
  • toilet and sanitary room where the cleaning lady will store the sanitary
    oh inventory.

If desired, you can add other rooms: a waiting room for parents (if you are thinking about how to open a training center for children), a dressing room, etc.

The location of the room depends on the direction of your training center. For example, if you want to open courses in applied sciences (programming, web design, etc.), it is better to locate your center next to sports schools, gyms or large companies.

Applied science courses are attended mainly by young people who can easily combine sports and attendance at educational programs.

But it is better to locate children’s centers near bus stops: it will be easier for parents to bring their children to classes. In addition, you should not rent a room above the second floor. If you rent an office in a shopping center, it should be easy to get to.

Step 3. Buy furniture

The choice of furniture depends on the type of training center. But there are still some mandatory points. The purchase should be included in the business plan:

  • tables and chairs;
  • computer (if you organize applied courses, there should be several computers);
  • cabinet for storing educational literature;
  • printer with copier;
  • educational literature;
  • office supplies.

Again, look at your profile: a children's development center will need carpets to allow children to play freely on the floor, toys, including educational ones, and a computer or language center will need a projector and an interactive board.

Naturally, the premises should be redecorated to facilitate a pleasant pastime while studying.

Step 4. We select personnel and draw up a program

What is needed to open a training center, besides all of the above? Of course, find professional teachers. If you know teachers or are a practicing teacher yourself, great. Otherwise, you will have to search a little longer. Don’t forget to draw up a lesson plan and program; you will need this to obtain a license to open a training center.

Pay attention only to those teacher candidates who have the appropriate education and work experience. This is very important in order to create the “face” of your center or courses.

Step 5. Collecting documents for opening

What documents will you need to open a training center? There are quite a lot of them, because this is a serious business. So, the documents folder includes:

  • a list of educational programs of your center;
  • information about the availability of qualified teaching staff;
  • information about the existing premises that meet the standards for conducting educational activities;
  • information about the availability of the necessary educational literature and technical equipment;
  • information about the organizers of the training center and its registration as a non-state educational institution.

A license to open a business of this kind is, of course, needed. Charlatans and simply unqualified individuals will not be allowed to organize an educational institution. But how to open a training center without a license, is there such a way?

We have already mentioned in passing that if you register your activities simply as courses (for example, design courses, programming, language classes), you do not need to obtain a license. But you will need to register as a private entrepreneur.

Step 6. We are looking for clients and advertising our training center

So, you already know how to open a training center. It's time to take care of the clientele issue. To do this, it is worth doing advertising. Start with the Internet: your own page on social networks (preferably in several of the most popular ones), a topic on city forums - this is a prerequisite for running an advertising campaign.

Since nowadays almost everyone and everything has moved to the Internet, advertising there is not only the most appropriate, but also free. Then you can print advertisements, leaflets, prospectuses, but this is not necessary, because such advertising is not so effective now, and sometimes even irritates potential clients.